----------------------- 1,1 ■' - ■■■ '■ ,■ m a. a »lay» bet ween malls and people did BONANZA. U ' not venture far from home, but wall­ , ------ L. A Obcticbain went to Sprague ii? ed patiently or Impatiently for tin* rlv. r on buslm sx luxt. Monday. ¡4*. thawing warmth of spring to lift the * ’ blockade. *1 I k * lock-up commenced 1 h<* UnlU-d Stales marshal was here Novcmk r 1 andcontinued until April Saturday to serve subpoenas on the *1* I. But the hard<*st winter within following persons to appear in Port- 4* *• . the memory of the oldest Inhabitant land at this term of U. K. Court on WM that of 1876-1880. No y»-ar th'- K<*»- m - i > i -. uu -: Hugh (.lopton, equaled It In hardship« and I»*» of (»liver llumaker, Alexander Bradburn live stock. Another severe winter ■mi Walker, Jack Lowderlnugh and i • ♦ wax I hut of 1874. At no other time» Kip Van lllper. They all left last have cominunlciitlon and dealings Monday for that city. ¿J with th»- outside world been seriously ('lopton'» store arid I. O. O. F. hall Interrupted. I »ually snow disappears are m arly llnlslicd, and Mr. Clopton aa quickly aa It comes and, compared will move Into it noon. Ax soon as he ' to most countrleo, th»* weather 1» very vacati-x his present place, Bud Oben-1 4* mild. Aside from the three seaMon» chain will open a saloon In It. mentioned, there have I m *<* u what are A “Shingle S's-fal" will lie given •;* called o | m n winters during the past by the Sunday school next Friday ' thirty years, and there is no llkelih'xsl night. A k » i that the rxfM-riencj* of eleven years Dm Drl »»JI and ( lauric Chastain ago will ever lie repeated or approach- •ir - attending Mr.Clopton’s store dur- 'iil In »wVtrlty. / urn i" i’ 'Hund. »z D.n inza Lodge, I. O. O. F. will Slk»*s Worden, who has lieen In this county thirty years, tells us that there tiaveelection of new officers a week were two Indians, *ft f<>r Ashland on many warm friend» here. * will remove lien* wltldn a few weeks than Pedro, while the latter surpassed said tobe a charming young woman i In the ability of an observer—that Is, of many accomplishments. The Ex­ Tuesday evening’» stage. to reside permanently. Judge Jlcnwii ami daughter depart­ ' to hunt out and locate the retreats of aminer wishes the happy couple much J. It C Tsvlorof Klamath Agency ed on Tuesday < venlng's stage for ('. S. Bunting of Bly wax a Klamath big game. They were not only well- ___________ vm here last ThurwUy. Ashland. Tin- Judge w ill v(sit Grant» Fall» visitor Thursday last and paid known as hunters, but bore high rep­ M'* A am »a» l»itn to Mr. and Mrs. II. Pa»», Roacburg ar t Portland before tills office a friendly call. Mr. Bunt­ Blanket-lined clothing at Duffy's. utations for friendship to the whites *> L H"gv-» last TI hihm I. iv . returning. Ml»» Gall will remain in ing Is a large dealer In live stock, and freipiently acted ax guldra for the DROWNED. luivIng recently sold a herd for 17,300. Circuit oMirt adjourned Tuesday to Kaleui where six- will attend school. latter, and their services were parti­ [Ashland Tidings, Nov. 8.J meet again on the 30th Inst. Tim ls,kkeeper of the tical grounds t hat I k * felt matured of this M-aaoti w III amount to ♦teO.om) doing business In town on Monday. were stationed at Fort Klamath. I Pokegama Sugar Pit»* Lumbering Co., * I tietter timet for Ills bu»ln<*M with a Neither of the two hunters took part K. H. Gardner uf Fort Klamath wa»J and tigurc» sleep sales at • 150,000. continuance of republicanism. Evi­ In the Modoc war, each refusing to was drowned Tuesday afternoon in tpkaasiit caller st lIds offi< .*TI iuim U v . It approiim.it' s the sale of mule» mid dently. Inats of others had come to break ills friendly ties with the whites. the Klamath river, through falling Ous Melbas, "f Fort Klamath favor horse» for the year I non nt •23.000. into the stream from the logs and be­ 'he mime »lee conclusion. Wilson was a Klamath Indian and III ••• Four years ago the four muntlea of sd this ufficr with a call last Friday. ing drawn beneath them by the rapid Klamath county rmlestate Is grow ­ lived on Williamson river wh»*rc he the First judicial d:»trlct of Oregon, Ret. I. G. Knott» departed on ing In demmid and advancing In value. died about three years ago at the age current. She, together wlthberolder f i io* Monday morning s»t.,gi* for laikrvlcw. k-lng lake, Jackson, J< -seplilnc, mid As a matter of fact, every piece of sister and Iwu friends, was standing of 63. Pedro whose partial blind­ ^■—w—■■ Klamath, ca* *i gave a plurality lor on the legs when the joint broke, lUlward Frvur and wit of p<»* val­ llryun. At the late election each re­ land sold at advanced figures add» to ness compelled hhu to abandon hunt­ throwing them In the water. The ley new Klamath Falls vhdlota Mun- the value of every other piece. It 1» ing some years ago, lives In comfort­ versed tlx- record, nil giving large day. a further fact, that the man who buy» able circumstances on his ranch at sister got out of the water and gave pluralities for McKinley. now at prices greatly In cxcees of what nt Coucowkam and is alwuit 60 years the alarm and the two friends, daugh- Mr» Klrrnan and Isiby went laat Th'- cbx of the st ite is. Jack Har­ week to Yreka, Cal., to visit her par­ bin, w ho A charged w i! h unlawful sale they were sis months or a year ago, old. He is one of the survivors of !■ rs of P. Linn, aged respectively 12 asta. 1» wry likely to make on his Invest­ the Molla liand and became blended and 14 were rescued by Mr. Kerwin, of liquor, was given two trials before who plunged into the wnterand found Cksriea Kiernan went to <».varile, the circuit court here during the past ment double what was made by the with the Klamnths by marriage as a the two girls holding each other whosoldtuhlm. 'Till* value of land sequel to periodic visits to tbut tribe Cal. last week to attend M*h<»>l at week, tile jury III eai II trial Iwlug un­ one across a log, submerged to their necks Islxiund to continue going up. I In his youth. that place. able to agree on a verdict. A» a coti- in the water. The ho ly of Genevieve Ashland Record: It Is believed .Mackintoshes at Duffy’s. F. 8. L» slrv of Fort Klamath »us M'qilcnec the r;i*e was continued over Brown has not been disco voted though that tin* California A Northwestern In Klamath Falls Monday and ealhd the term. diligent search has been made for her. liAMi- LAW •t till» sanctum. As the gangof logs is a very large one One stranger who recently lauded nillriNid, with terminus In Humboldt The Ashland Record of last week It is doubtful If the body will be re- Rolwrt Garr. lt, proprietor of the at this place, I. »■ well pleased with county, 1» prewiring to reach South­ Ashluid Klam.itli Calls stag»* line, this climate mid country lint lie ern Oregon. Very important land gives Hie following In reference to covered soon. liete Mondav. wishes lie had mmehere sooner. Ha sales along Klanrith Biver have re­ the game law: Call early for your photos, Titne cently lieen made In the Interest of ••l-ast Thursday the killing of deer Horn to Mr. and Mm. Wat Peln»»n pnq»«< a to mii'iiur ami send for Ills of our stay Is limited. this company. Among the purchasers and the catching of trout ofallspecies •d but iciirr, on Thursday of last neighbors to participate with him III ceased. It was the opening day of the Mu. and Mus. O. B abcbuer . are U. C. Smith of Minneapolis, l».m>o the enjoyin'ills of life here. •wk. a daughter. close season, and those who pcisist in Mens »10 Wool Suitsat Duffy's. acres, the Vance Mill A Lumber Co., continuing the sport may figure on J im * Moon* who was so nearly killed The One weather lately, and eopccl- Successors to ALEX MARTIN & CO. (A. B. Hammond oft*. A N. W.) 7000 the penalty of tlu* law In the event PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES. by bring kicked by n kmeu few weeks •Uy this w,,-k. , | Mol acres, and Mr. Stone of Arcata 3,0001 they an* caught. No more deer can better In t'allfonda. ago that bis life was despaired of, Ims be killed In Oregon until the 15th of 10 a. m., Sabbath School. ocrea. next July, and trout of all species are Minning t,shy the Ashland stage so far recovered from Ids tough exper- 11 a m., Preaching. pnitectcd until the first of next April. In the partition suit of hefrN of ln»e»herr »• i t day at 3 p. m. lush .id lence, Hint he Is up mid around, mid 6:43 p. in.. Endeavor. This kin extends to salmon trout as will noon tic nil right i fain, llianum- W in. I*. Miller against tile grantee of well as to all other specie*. Sports­ #f 11>. ni. a» heretofore. 7:30 p. m., Union temperance Gen. John I*'. Miller, Involving nearly man, however, still have various kinds to hear It. Evangelistic .service. A wit wherein Daisy WllllaitM asks crons friends rejoh <• Several pr< inlnent capitalists from 10,000 seres In this county, decree of game to fall back upon. Quail can A < • »r ial invitation to ail services. wadlvorrr from Marvin WHIluma i was entered Monday, comtlrmlng the I m * shot until the 15th of this month, •a» Died hi th.* circuit court Tm-mlay. ubroad are livre with i the view of In- report of referees J. F. Adams, It. F. and grouse and prairie chickens un­ Rubbers at Duffy's. Mxreus Daly, the Montana mllllim- vesting In hind or other business. Van Brimmer and Geo, T. Baldwin, til December 1. Jacksnipe can tic li?..1"*.1 i*'ll,h*11 “iitagonlst of W. A. Among them are: <' ' N. Armstrong setting aside to plnntltfs the Wisid shot until Febiuary Land duck, geese and swan until the 15th of next of Sail Antonio, Texas ; S. P. Simp­ <1IM ....... In N< 3 "rk on Monday. son of Nan Diego, Cal. and Messrs. II. lllver ranch and 2,000 acres off the Man’ll.” I’blrict Att<,rncy Heatncx who was west of the ranch below town. An It lx cheering to note that the law E. amt F. E. Ankeny, mid II. E. Can­ •‘«aiding circuit court nt this unusual compliment was paid the guards all sorts, sixes and denomina­ ••*rl«»t week, returned to Jack»» >n- trail of Jacksonville, Or. gentlemen cuuqsidng the commission tions of trout against lieing eaught. Lakevclw Examiner: Almost the i to divide the land, since neither side ,llle on Monday. We have felt especially danger ous to entire bund of uoo line Merino bucks, opposed their report. J"hn Janus,.,! ,,f (J trout and an* glad that the strong near Heppner, were poisoned by lick­ A good Stock ol Hardware. Good goods fmtn town, brought us on Frl- Bev. Father Donnelly of Ashland, arm of the law would reach out and ing n certain mini ralaulistsince which snatch us before a vindictive tribunal . •» f» « big »|H <*liiienxof thepai.snlps at very reasonable prices. Not blacksmith­ who frequent visits to Klainuth “*'»raising, * appears on the rucks throughout the county have made him very popular lit the event we wetR .tishiug and Heppner country, when the sun comes ing stipplies alone, but Everything generally caught something bealdes It cold and ’•«»ry Villard, who did much to out just lifter n heavy rain. This with people here, has lieen given a Pmin.it.* railway liuprovemcnts In aulaitiincr Is very polsottousand makes now charge, according to the follow­ the disposition to dls»*h rgv volleys of kept in a Hardware Store, such as Shovels, wrath at the lit ’ le bundk* of In ­ died at his home In New quick woik of Its victims. ing paragraph taken from Monday's Forks, Hoes, Spades, Mops, Brooms, York Nund:i- nocence and virtue gliding playfully TIM BEU LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1 878, evening last. Fred Adams returned last Thurs­ Tidings: Rev. Edward Donnelly re­ along under four or ten feet of water, Tinware, Sheetiron ware, Carpenters* notice for publication . *• A. Verrlll. K w ,,, ........ *• ^’l'ilio Verrlll anil day from Merrill, mar which place he turned from Portland, Saturday, and it is delightfully insplri'i'j to I«* kept and Hechanics’ Tools, Powder Shot, U nited S tates L and Ornca, "Mher*rTl'1,f !',,rnl‘r””k' Cal” *r' had just tlnlsbed the construction of preached his farewell sermon to his from doing what one has never lieen parishioners at thechurehof the Holy Lakeview, Oregon, Sept. 10, 1900. from r ■ " l,l”,r w,,.v home n big barn for Mike Hartley. The Shells and Wads. able to do. In regard to our partlcu- [ Notice 1» hereby given that in com­ «dDh‘Ì»kC'l'’W bail lltilsh- barn measures ukiut loo feet square Rosary, Sunday, at High Mass, Tlx* pliance with I he provisions of the act of lar case, reviewing our experiences, it | reverend gentleman, who Is n great Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled “An their timlier claims. mid Is one of the biggest and beat would seem unnecessary to throw the act Kir tlie saleof timlier Inmls in the favorite with his people In Ashland, •he hl,1111'k gr""111 ,,f »round buildings of the kind In the county. .*•1111011 of California, Oregon, Nevada, has been transferred by Archbishop cloak of legal pmtection around the ami Washington Territory,’1 as extend­ J|lh! bCl"W ’<’w,‘ wére Mr“«’ Mr. Adams fully merits Ills reputa­ 1 trout variety, yet we are glad it is so, Uhristle to C imis and Curry Counties, ed to all the Public kind States by I'lunnnV in “"Cl 'h'‘ h’aPlnK tion ns a first class workman. with headquarters at Marshfield, and and welcome the requirement as joy- act of August 4, 1892, J. C. Weiss, Fort Klamath, County of Klamath, «n* l"w" ,lh' hw’hnt- It Is reported that the Bogue river left for the scene of bls new Inlmrs fullyly and shall obey It as easily as of State of Oregon, has this day tiled in ®He» Hllrr"unding country for valley dms not supply Its homo de­ this evening. BeV. J. M. Hickey, of though it were an edict rest raining us this office his sworn statement No. 277, mand for potatoes, but depends on St. Ann's church, at Grant’s Pass, ! from llshlng or swimming In the fortlie purchase of the XW4 of Section No. 27, in Township No. 32 S., Runge A- ”•w- importations from the Willamette has been appointed by the archbishop 'cannls (or irrigating ditches) of Mars. No. 7ls E. and will offer proof to show* that the land sought is more valuable ‘l"1 » 111,. I ' ll"e 1 ,le "P*ra *'"•*■*» country. The Hogue river sect Ion has to succeed Rev. Edward Donnelly In HacKintoshes at Duffy’s. for its tlmberor stone Ilian for agricultu- _________________________ ______ Unkvi7 ' "P -upper al the the soil and could doubtless procure the pastorale of tile Holy Rosary and OFFICIAL COUNT. nil purposes, mid to establish his claim the seed ami hence there Is no ap­ will move to Ashland at an early date. to said land txdore the Register ami Re- Want eggs of unquestionable char-' Both makers and circulators of of Ibis office ut Lakeview*, Or., on i ’’enihg, ln< e 11,1 enjoyable parently good reason why It should counterfeits commit fraud. Honest We are told that for over thirty I Following are the totals taken from iieiver acter at Duffy’s. Saturday, the 24th day of November, men will not deceive you into buying not raise potatoes and other suks'im- years there have been only three ex­ the official count of Klamath county's ¡1900, He names as witnesses: W. T. ^rJnL'u1’’ G- M' ’r,"'U'l't>r, T. worthless counterfeits of DeWltt'a DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will vote at the recent election, there be ­ tlal and profitable crops. Coburn, of Ashland, Oregon; Chas. ceptions to the ruleof “open winters” Witch Hazel Salve. The original Is quickly heal the worst burns and scalds Johnson, of Klamuthon, California} F. Grille arn‘ a l,“r'"',,"rK <>» J» k- O, P. Gatos of Hillsboro, Or., Is 111 In this country, Eleven years ago ing four electors for each presidential II. Briggs, n( Grants Puss, Oregon ; Chas. and not leave a scar. It can I k * ap­ Infallible for curing piles, injuries, *‘M«rge town for the purpose of putting In took place I he last severe wntter, when candidate: McKinley electors 127,- Kappler, of Klainathon, California. I plied to cut anil raw surfaces with eczema and skin diseases. J. L. P adw Any «ini all |H*rsons claiming adversely prompt and smithing effect. Use It gktt A S oks , Keno. lr*ll. ti . ' " f u - K* now lights for tile Light mid Water travel was made next to Impossible , 128,428.424; Bryan electors 318,324- the above-described lands are requested piles and skin diseases. Beware of ^Tuiiyhft "n th0lr re,Ur" Co. The six an' lights will lie ex- by mountains of snow, and when, ¡323,318; Woolley electors 8,10,9,3; to tile their claims in this office on or for worthiest» counterfeits, J. L. P ad - When you want prompt acting little Barker electors 7,8,7,0,} Debs elec ­ Indore said 21th day of Novemberi 1900. from lack of due preparation, great changed for fid IncamleaCent lights, Hob 11 iiktt A Suits, Kctio, nilla that never gripe use I»eWltt’» E, M. ilHATT.MN. Register. tors 3,4,3,2. 4 trilli*1'''r Urr*v, d ”” Tuesday each of 21 candle power. New cedar numbers of cattle, horses and other I _ _ ____________ Little Early Risers. J.L. P adomtt * Overcoats at Duffy's, Rubbers at Duffy’s, S uns , Kvtio, poles will be ¡'ill in and th.* new lights stuck perished. Tlicro were thirty Blanket-line^ drilling at Duffy’s. i OUR SPECIAL SALE I Of Hen’s Wool Suits for $10 is a Great Success. Lots of people are taking advantage of this Great Reduction on good Winter Clothing. ",These suits are worth $12, $14 and $15; going at ten dollars for this month only. Very Respectfully, I. A. DUFFY. ELECTRIC CASH STORE Q t t Dry Goods, Clothing and Groceries. The Best Assortment We Have Ever Shown HAMATH REPUBLICAN. i I Fall Stock Now Arriving. 1 L. F. WILLITS, Proprietor. % m UB. 4<*»:4^*4*;* <4*'4*'<4¿*4-; “THE BRICK STORE Klamath Falls, Oregon We carry a full line, of BOOTS, SHOES and RUB­ Shoes fitted BER goods REAMES & JENNINGS, 9 9- Klamath Falls, Or s- ? Air Tight Heaters, Stove Pipe and Cooking Utensils. A. D. CARRICK WfW WWW 'WWW WW