» I -w K lamath Winter clothing at Daffy’*- ' nick the fruit from Nature'sown otvb- DRS. H A RG US AND STRAW. ALEX DeWitt*» Little Early C ounty ... ard. MARTIN & CO. This remarkably wild huckleberry | Fhj'siciar.s and Surgeons. the lutit liver pill* e'er *••“''''• to take und never gripe. J- 1 patch covers an area of land 20 miles unit X S on ». Keim. Chltwood A Cn.hi Drug HI uïv . pnopniCTons, long and from four to five miles wide, i OFFIVR: Hywlal attention lu üiseamui ot tlu* K\e, Kur, Heavy underwear at l»uffy «• The bushes average from throe to N om 1 aud Vhroat. Gla>*vs ttllvtl. If you have ever Keen a child In '<*•’ --------------------------------------- five feet in height, ami ate literally aputv of croup '•«* can " Will be Presented at loaded with the fruit every year. A p D. REAMES, M. I). giateftil niotheiN.tre for Oj* railuro in the crop has never been Cotigh Cure nlit« h give.» r, llcf «» '•« Physician and Surgeon, known. The "patch" lies a.ong the «1 ndtiiliilKtered. it quickly «uro» COLLECTIONS summit of Huckleberry mountain, a Office room«! 7 amis, Linkvllte Hotel cough«. Colds «lid .»II throat «nd lung S on ®. I peak of the Cascades, at an altitude All cal's answeicd promptly d.ty or trouble*. J. L. P aihinit ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY K cik ». ________ of about 7000 feet. The berries are night. blue-black in color, about the she of Mcnatl» \\oolSuit»■»( I’uff) *• 1 a tame cherry and are of delicious Manv pimple worry Ixv«'»**' they flavor. .................. believe they hnvc heart ill« a»c. The their hearts arc .. all Besides the Indians and whites of clmnce* «re l : that ......................... - right but tlielr stomach»* ‘«re unat»t* Southern Oregon, the inhabitants of to digest fimd. I vh I o I |»ispe|*l.»C*ire BY THE DEGREE OF HONOR LODGE, A. O. U. W. Northern California, ami Western digest »'hut you eat and prvieiit® the Idaho flm-k to this place every year. formation of gas which makes t u The berries are picked and eannevi or .stomach prexx against the heart. I J. F. GOELLF.R, Proprietor. will cure every form of indigestion- dried on tlie ground, ami taken homi- J. L. l‘At».m -N S on ®, Keno. ready to be stored for winter's use. Plans and Specifications Furnished on AH Kinds <>t I In early days the Indians dried them Winter under»»ear at Duffy'«. Buildingsand Contracting and Building exclusively, but now they have learned Proprietor of Freight Wagons. NO RESERVED SEATS. Timber Land. Act June 3. I7SS on the Installment Plan. the white man's ways. Nctice for Publication. During tlie huckleberry seaaon the ... Everything done with Among the intitule variety of material and work lum1«I hh I I iv this mill are. mountain resembles a city. From ... neatness and dispatch . Store Front», Wr««t Carving, Stair liaila. IUIu»ter» ami Nrwvl I'oata. Hrarkrta, A DANCE WILL BE GIVEN AFTER THE ENTER 3000 to 4000 people are camped about S.-toll and Turned Work, Hash, Is«»« and IlhitJa, Corner ami Hare Blocks, l®a««d the place, and the numerous eamptires 1 ami Turned |l»lu»ter>. IN«rr ami Window Frames, I’nl|»»l» anil l'«-w Kmla, Hhittglre, TAINMENT EVERY ONE INVITED. pliance with the ¡irovirions id the act •■! send up their smoke by day and shoot I Congies« of June 3. l.'oX. enlith-d An llitildi ■«' »larilaarr, l*ainle and ttll, Moulding and ses. nnd Io establish hi» THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15. ItW. print, and they are more accurate berries, however, are put up by pri­ j claim to «ani lami before the Register EAST END, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. and Receiver ol thi, oltlee at Likevn-w. — * =•= than they could be under any other vate families for home consumption. | < »regon, on Saturday, the 24th day of No- The berries here picked and saved an ­ circumstances. Too often speeches Oregon gave McKinley a plurality ' i-ember, ltUX). lie name» as witnesses: I ÎM7£br»V7 Horses boardml by day, week or u. uth. Stage Line ire mere appeals to prejudices. It nually run up into the hundreds of C. F. Johnson, of Klamathon, t'alilor of >4,OU. LiIVCI j » Huy mul (¡ruin ln**iglit and sold. has come to be impossible to review thousands of gallons. ! nia ; Allert I'anknin, ol Klamathon, ' California ; W. T. Coburn, of Ashland, Lake county gave McKinley a plur­ political causes in their whole signifi-1 Visits to the sections are marked I’asscugt-rH convoyed to all parts *4 Southern Oregon Oregon. F. H. Briggs, of (¡rant» I'aaa, ality of about 2*.O. cance. as voters have learned to re­ by both pleasure and profit. Every , Oregon. Any mid all person» claiming aixl Northern California al the very lowest rates. ' adversely the alxive-desc-rihed lands quire them treated, in a single discus­ kind of amusement is carried on. President McKinley will have MS S. L. MCNAUGHTON, Prop. ' are rv,]ue»ted to tile their claim® in thi»' sion or in several. The result is that Music, dances, Sunday sell mis ami ollicv on or liefore said 24th day ol No- votes *»' the electoral college. Bryan public opinion is less sensitive to preaching. Besides berry-picking - vetuber, P**k*. will have 155. E. M. BRATTAIN. Itegi-ler. momentary Influencesand morestead- there are other features of attraction. ■ Although the bear is practically The American people have abund­ fast than ever before.—Oregonian. Felt boots at Duffy ». driven from this, his desirable home, Office: At the’Telegraph ant reason for gratitude on the ap­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. At a cross-roads school house on the ’ a number are still killed every season Office. proaching Thanksgiving day. South Dakota prairies, the following while stealing in to make a meal from Notice is hereby given, that the tin 1,-r- Mr. Bryan has refused aft editor­ question was recently debated with the luscious berries. Deer are plenti-; signed has la-en apj»>inlmi by theCoiirily KLAMATH FALLS. OR. Court of Klamath County. Oregon. »1 ial position with a salary-attachment much fervor and eloquence, each con­ ful and hundreds of them are killed minialratrix of the e«lateof John linn- Successor to A. D. Carrick. of BIO,000 a year, on a Denver after­ testant showing ability and wonder­ annually. Fishing is good in all of; raker, devoured. All persona having noon paper. Me says he will stick to ful depth of thought: Resolved: the lakes ami mountain streams, and I ! elaitns against said estate, »re hereby ' notified to present the »aule with the Nebraska and continue his political “That the human biped who mas­ the place is an ideal spot fur the Daily from Ager to Klamath Hot I proper voiiiicbera to meal the law office querades as a sage »nd giant mind by romantic pleasure-seeker as well as j Springs. K«-no, Klamath Falls, Dairy, ¡of II. W. Keesee m Kl.imath Fall« Ore- Bonanza, Bly und Lakeview. the trick of looking wise and by seem­ families who desire to replenish the : gon, within six months fr, iu the 'lute vr-«lv- ' Ion ing*i)Mnr. E. B. IL EnowgncMF, of Kono, On-gon; A. L- i of Oregon, con»iitul- by the exercise of rigid economy be Aloah Chapter No. (>1 meet® on the Ia?avilt, Klamath Full«, Oregon. and that if gratifying, it would be Department of the Interior, ing thu Slate Ijnitl 2nd and 4lli Tueaday evening« ol each I ean manage to scrape together enough Land Office at Lakeview. Oregon, E. M. HKATTAIN, Hcgi-ler. I Board, i’laiiitifl, Fuit in Equity TIMBER LAND, A< TJl Nil -1. I**’*» utterly harmless to exalt and worship month. J kvxie E. K kaxks , W. M. | Octobnr 5, liaw. to eat and wear and thus avoid great such an insensate clump of animate v». ti» lor re I • »V M NOTICE bolt PUBLICATION« L avra W ileitx , Sec. Rubber Iwsits at Duffy ’ s. Notice is hereby given that the follow­ Abraliatn Turner, Mirrigli |(r. personal distress. I. O. O. F. matter. The affirmative likened the ing-named settler lias filed notice of his | as adminixtrntor of Vxrrsn S tat »» L ard Orrt< r Klamath Lodge No. 137 meet» every i Timber fjvnd, Act June 3 1S78— (lie estate <»t Crow intention to make final prisd in sup- I iheview Orsgm, Hepi •" t'««». Nebraska has given McKinley a negative's favored biped to a heavily I port of his claim, and that said proof Saturday evening in I.*». (». F, hall. Notice for Publication. ! -on Smith, tlrei-MesI, Notice in hereby Riven that In com« plurality of 7,500. Four years ago stocked frog pond in the propensity of will be made before James H. Driscoll, Viaiting brother» cordially invited. , irovl»li>tia <»l lite art of UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE » /.»K. Smith. Walter the state gave Bryan a plurality of. breeding distress and despair, and County Clerk, at Klamath Falls, Ore­ W m . T krrili ., S ec . J. B. C ampbki . l , N. G. t'oiigr«-»» of June 5, IK’S, rutilivi "An L akkvikw , Oarxavx, hept. Ill, Its»)., gon, on November 1A, 11*00. v>x: Jams» I T. Smith, Frank A. ar t lor lhv»;ite o| timber lamia tn Ilia about 14,000. The late election shows maintained that he could not win at­ Briscoe, H. E. No. 172S, for the WVj P rosperity R f . hkkah L odgx N o . 104, Notice it hereby given that, 111 com Smith, anti Edith «talea of California, Orepne, Nevada, a majority opposing Bryan in his own tention and approval outside ot a of XE*4 and NW4 of SE’i and NEJ-4 I. O. (>. F., rm-et, first and third Thurs­ pliance with the provisions of the act of ' Stnith, liia wifi-, )•»- uni Washington Territory," »• ex- I of SWJ^ of Sec. 11», Tp. 40, 8., R. 10, E., Congress of June 3, 1H7K, entitled "An precinct, bis own town and his own feebleminded institute. On the other W. M., Oregon. Fie names tlie fol­ day «vening« ol each month in I. O.O. act for the -,'ie ..I timber landa m the Itina Smith ami Mar­ tended to ull lite Public lattei males I'V F. hall. A lice G oei . lkh , N. G. guerite Smith, a min- . mt of A>i»ivt 4, lA'tJ, Allant l'»»k- 1 states ot California, Oregon, Nevada and '•r. State. Nebraska also elects republi­ hand, the negative held, in brief, that lowing witnesses to prove his con­ K ate C' loptox , S ec . Ih I, ii-ianlu. j uin of Klamathon, County ol ri»kivi, - Washington Territory," as extend«! can state officers and a republican it was best for a biped to perpetuate tinuous residence npoti and cultivation I To Eliza K. Smith. Frank A. Smith, A. O. U. W. Stale of California, lias thia tlay flh-l ••• to all the Public taind Mates bv ot said land, viz: Andrew Ryan, of I F.'litli Smith, Salnna Smith ami Mar- a reflection of the inside of his head. ' legislature, which latter obstructs the I.inkville Lrxlge No. lit) meet, in A. act of August 4, 181*2, Charles F John- lltla office hia sworn alalcment No. 27«, Klamath Falls, Oregon; Charles Galar- Smith, tlefemianta starve l<>r lite purcliaae of the bl 'a • •4 Hcrtwn Senatorial aspirations of Bryan or his regardless of how little there may be neau, of Klamath Falls, Oregon ; John (>. L'. W. hall every Tuexilay evening. son of Klamathon, county of Siskiyou, X'lerit« named : You and each ol you are here No. 35, tn To« n»hl|> No. 3S8., Range No. Visiting brothers welcome. State of California, has this