KLAMATH VOL. J V. KLAM A Ili a 4 EM Fl later KLAMATH news . THE Bryan 00. REPUBLICAN is COUNTS LAND5HIDE VOTE !.•!•> Mrturna Prum III« r.«»t«m Show »<> Malarial I ban««. 176,- IN OREGON, 'larallly Agala®t Hryan I® Growing. Btlll Alabama —Tbe Democratic ma Portland, No». 8. — Yesterday's ad­ will lie at least 40,(8*0. dition« to the leturna of the Oregon Sides Are Claiming Arkansas—Enough is known to indi­ election slightly increased the Republi­ Both cate a iduralll) of no,uu0. Complete returns the state, th« reaulta in the other pre­ Brian carried Nevada by a Blindi JLf. from 1,574 precinct« out of 2,190 out cinct« being »«timated. The 560 pre­ majority. Frink for Gorernor of W m W side of Nau Frenoaico give McKinley cincts report vote« as follows: Mc­ Ington Plurality In Or«g«g ' ”i>ii«.’tt<-ut gam McKluley a pural-* 107,992, Biyan 81,248, Tlie same pre- Kinley, 40,527; Bryan, 28,180. Il is esti­ I® Filing (>. fty <>f 23,ouo. ■ incta in 1898 gate McKinley 98,847, mate.! that the unreported precincts Hryan 91,801. The Republicans hav« Mi'Kiulays* plurality lu I'eillisy 1- will add 1888 to the Republican plu­ Two men were killed In a railroad Portland, Or., Nov. elected all »ei«n congressmen. «villa lx '.'(><1,000. Portland, Nov. 9.—Only one doubt­ rality. The precinct« from which no aceldvut it T'ho Dalle«, Or. |a>rt«ra wlio have l.ecti up a, Colorado—llryau's plurality is 35,- return has yet been received ate the ful state remains—Kentucky. The MeK lul«y'« plurality iu th« city of Hue trade with Niberia Order« for five tt«w Russian warship* 000. ■mallei and remoter on««. Probably Democrats claim the state for Bryan Pittsburg 1« 16,000, concerned over lb« r< «III be pl*'«'l it* this country. Florida—This state gives Brysn s th« total vote of the state will not by 7,800; the Republicans also claim mm litulke'i ol iluty on American goo la msjoirty of 28,000. 1 liii-luuail «nd Cleveland gave plur- reach 85,000. In the precincts wbicb the state, but give no Hgure«. It will Tim big Atlantic liner NI. Paul sul »iifcriog Rusaiati territory will Inr cu t allli«« lor McKii-Jey, Georgia—Thia stat« gives Bryans have laeen reporteal there has been little require the official count to determine fared a x-rloii* aecidenl at «sa. McKinley carried bls uwu «late by forced after Jauuary I. Thia matt«H plurality of 40,000, Every Deatooratio attention to giving the votes of the tbe result. Kllclmimr la •*» slop puraitll of Boers Ira» I «cii und r discussion lor several) cougreeainea elveted. ■n lm-i«art«i majority. McKinley carried Nebraska by at three minor parties, and tbe official fig­ sud establsh garrison« among llmiu. New York, Nov. 7.—It became evi­ rears, aud fs-rlodi.al threats of its en- 1 lliuoia— ( ougieasman William fx>- Tbe legislature 1« in ures wiE sorely shr w a material in­ least 2,000. Brian oarrlml Greeter New York by I rr- «inent hav« Ireen heard from time dent at a very early hour this evening Tim klllg of torea sent the allied timer, of th« Second district, conceded crease for them above the totals given doubt, and will not be determined un­ a majority (lf •.'7,881. that the election of McK in lev and to time, but thus tar uo rlectrted action troop« * l«'g" gift of Hour, lice amt bls defeat this morning. The majontv til the official count of Dongle« county this morning. McKinley ie’«lved a plurality 1.1 Ims lan-n tukcu. The prolmbilitle« of against him may reach 1,500. Addi­ Roosevelt was assured. The president clg.rrltra Complete unofficial returns have is in. The Republicans are figuring on •omefhlng Imlug done are greater now tional retruns received at Republican carried the state of New York by 16rt« iu il>« Pacific provinces being • tale i-ontlrm Chairman Rowe in his t«o itu-ti were kllisd aud four wounded, Multnomah, Polk, Wasoo, Washington reported. The electoral vote follows: heur cuuuty, Oregon. •ervrNI to confirm this judgment, but much better suppind with American »tetemeut that ,M Kinley’« plurality 1900. 1896. and Yamhill. One precinct is lacking 1 hr tot« tri th« city of (Titoago was gc«n used in ties, bridges, Y»t«rt foi governor l>etwu« u 70,<100 uud like condition. The Rt-pulhican plu­ .«Hing oA 01 «r |«»6, 82,000 to tbe Repiilliican national railroads «U-I l.ertuau capitalist, are would go Democratic by about 600. In state of Washington will be le-tween big market among the thousand« of rb" ticket, ami nine, ami perhaps 10, of the Indiana, Michigan, the two Dakotas, J«« lue«. lu Adlal I. Sleieiiarui'a home pre­ Jackson county, with two precinct« Utah and Wyoming, as well as Nebras­ 11,000 and 12,000, and John R. Kog­ raar'« subjects who train swarmed into Hchurmati rapile* P> Bitta rln<-l lu lllrarmloglaru. III., the vote th« )«>rt« ol Vladhostre k aud Port congreramen. and the choice ol a legis­ ka, seem to indicate steady Republi­ still missing,tbe Republicans have a er«. Democrat, (or governor, will have lature, *liat will have a Republican few votes the beat of it. Four years ixipes, iu which he «huw« It 1« for lha was: MoKtuley BUS, llryau 118. ■omething like l,3()0 over Frink, hia Arthur and the surrounding country, majority of 40 on joint ballot. • The cs n gams over 1896. Delaware, Mary­ ago Jackson county gave Bryan nearly highest s«« d ol Filipino« lor American« Al iTxmulx, Aria., a woman with a which is laillig trip)a«l try the great land xml M eat Virginia', have given de­ Republican opponent. The average 4th congressional district is still in 1,000 plurality, and Linn gave him to su. ceed. shotgun killed a Mexican ruul-er who Iran«-Siberian railroad. cided Republican pluralities. majority of the two Repblioan candi­ doubt. In-liana elects all Republican nearly 700. The count in several of the far West­ dates for congress, Jones and Cushman, Tl>« levying <>l this duty is a matter congressmen except iu the 2d, 3d and The Sull ol the stat« of Texas age trial • as tn lug to steal a calf. ern states was naturally so delayed as VOTE IN WASHINGTON. will 1« 9,000 ot more, anil the legisla­ th« Waters-Pierce Oil Company tur I lr« tiroke out In a candy factory at if t dix-ues tbe 25,000 for the national ticket aud 20.- m unc. d that Mr. Bryan bad gone to rality approaching 10,000, and it may Western Washington has lieeti heard three, James Ilari, ol Charter <>sk, I'rim i- u tie a «cure of tt to 6, ou Co­ possibly exceed that figure. Tbe task from and the only t«ro counties in East* matter ««ry freely yet, and hope that tmo lor the stat« ticket and the «lec­ bed and was sound asleep. la., -limi from the effects ol hl* Injur lumbia Held. The whole story was easily and of obtaining accurate returns from the ern Washington about which there is the 1X01« will tar agaiu |x»t|srneaeen possible to obtain only state­ ■tiow that the only question is to the M'lsslruff, ut Ashland, Or., may re- of the East and Middle West the plu­ ment« of majorities, actual or estimat­ size of the Democratic pluralities. * e l by Um Democrats. posed to be lu very close touch with ballot. rover. ralities of 1896 had been greatly re­ ed. The Western Washington coun­ Later returns are more likely to in«-, I lie American Rlc« Grower«* Ole- Hr« ruling |xwenr at Vladivoatock and Louisiana—The entire six «inoren- Adjntanl General <‘»rt>ln has re­ tnbutmn < »mpeny, ha« tmeu Incorpor­ Port Arthur, would indicate that sioual districts in Druisiana are strong­ duced. Ma»M-huiH-tts had fallen from ties, except KiDg, hate as a rule given crease than decrease Rogers' plurality. ». McKinley has carried 26 comities’ called from Judge Tall, president of ated under lire lews ol th" slat«- ol there la more than usual cause for ly Democratic. Bryan ■ majority in 174,000 W 50,000 New York, 268,000 unprecedented Republican pluralities. to 150,OtJ®, and Illinois from 14 2,000 Clark gives 600, Lewis 500, Cowlitz ■ nd Bryan 10; Frink 18 counties and' Um I'hlll) pine comuiiMiitin, a dispatch le-ul-teus. With a capital of 215,000,- alarm al tbe present tune. Russia th« stat« will be in excese of 30,000. 545, and Pierce rolls up more than Rogers 17. with one (Mason) a tie. to 100,00® or levs. lurw«rdlug « tneMSge from Manor linen- 000 \i K \anderldll Is president ha« recently established a steamship Maine— McKluley*« majority in The 57lb congress seems to be Re­ 2,000. Walla Walla, on the east side, camini'. I»rmerly et-c.riary of foreign liue between Odessa and Vladivoatock Maine will vary but a few hundred I. atlll Piling 17«. < >ne ( tbe luoidcnt« of election day affairs in Aguinaldo'« cabinet. The «ml Port Arthur, and if the doty is en­ from 28,500, a loss of 16 ;>er cent alm e publican by a substantial working ma­ gives 650, and Spokane 350. Tbe con­ Portland, Or., Nov. 10.— McKiuley’« wa« the xulclde of 1 rod Jallecks, ol gressional ticket runs well along with nmMwge was telegraphed tn tbe prest- forced, it will probably be with a view 1896 and a Brvan gain of 21 per cent. jority. purality in Oregon is still piling up. < hit eg" Upon reaching the |«dls he tbe presidential, and both Cushman Bryan carried all the Southern drnt It Is understood that Menor Bu- to shutting American lurnlier and flour Maryland—With scattering precincts Owing to an error in a former looting, rucaiiiltei, tmaldre unreeetvedly accept­ retuarted that he wee about to cast his -ut <>l th« Siberian |xrts in order that to hear from, Maryland's plurality for states, as usual, along with Colorado, aud Jones are elected by large majori­ his lead thia morning is made bi ap­ flrst l-allot. Thia he did. theu pur* ties, at least 8,000. Cushman's borne Idaho, Montana and one doubtful state, ing American roveirlgtity, an bin tie a the sat-m commodities from the Black McKluley aud |{«evelt in yesterday's pear 500 less than yesterday, whereas county. Pierce, gave him 2,758. Kentucky, by a small plurality. pro|s>eltl<>u to organise a force of Fill- chased a t-dlle of ear lai lie acid, and •ca will be given the preference. election ««« 14,146. A solid Repub­ sui- Frink has tieen slashed in every it should be about 100 more. Reports Doubtful states which went for Mc­ pln>>. to make war iq.m the sup|«>rlmmiit«tlle. and Indiana, all by small pluralities. Pierce and Spokane counties, and bis strongholds have either gone for Mc­ Massacliusetta—The complete vote of UI*M F••«»«! anti Tobacco t«» Ihr Allied Ilansrd defeated Peiiuerl«anta In a McKinley's purality in Ohio is 75,- pluralities come only from the smaller Kinley or greatly decreased tbe Nebras­ Tim minister« al Pekin have agrrx-d Forte® WiluatloN In China. this state is: McKinley, 239,495; football game by a «cora of 17 Io 5. counties. Some of the southwestern kan's majority in 1896. For example, 000, in Michigan 80,000. on llm liens of negotiations. T'ligku, Chinn, Nov. fl. — A gift of Bryan. 156,507. Nebraska. Brvan's home state, went counties have given him very hand­ five-precincts in Malheur county that A sevioua strike of etrael railway Michigan — McKinley's plurality, In Inicstlgatlon ol Berlin’« corrupt » large quantity of Hour, rice and to­ some pluralities, and it looked for a gave Bryan a plurality of 196 iu 1896, Ke) uSIican by a small plurality. flmploies Is op In Jamaica. pdlie force has leen ordered, ba eco from the king of Corea to the al­ 90.5* h . Tbe euitre congressional dele The New Englawl states and Penn­ time last night as if he might overcome this year gave him but 44. Malheur I letter written try a i>rli«te in a gatiou is Republican. Kruger is making a alow trip to lievi forces hat arrived here and been sylvania are, as usual, iu the Republi­ the Rogers lead, but at midnight re­ county, which has all along been con­ .Manila hospital st.itro that Agulualdo Eun )•> <>n account rd illueas. .Mnaeniri—The Democrats have elect- forwarded to Tien Tain for distribu­ turns from Eastern Washington aud ceded to the Democrats, is now can column. is deail. tion. The present was accompanied ed congressmen in 12 Missouri dis­ from his own county of King seemed to thought to have gone Republican by a McKinleys plnralitv in Iowa is 100,- Ifusaia has m> luteutlou of building l>y a biter from Ilia majesty expressing tricts, and the Republicans in two, The close of the campaign in New make it clear that 1 e had lost the elec­ majority of 50 to 100. This leaves but i H>, Kansas 30,000, Minnesota 30,- airotlmr railroad a< roaa Asia. bla fiiviidslilp and good will to the with still two—tbe 13th and tbe 14th DUO. York city w«. marked by a parade of tion. it is still |>ossible that tbe final three counties in the state which navv Nome steamer Roanoke, reported allies, aud tvegging them tai accept the — to tie heard from. These are claimed *7,000 ItepnblloatH. returns may so reduce the Kogers plu­ given pluralities for Bryan and theii THE COAST. lost, lias ri-ached Port Townsend. «uppliea. There weie in all 3,llfl by theDemocrwta. ralities as to count him in, but it does combined vote is only 265. The u«val Increa»« programme Io» Montan:!—Bryan’s plurality 18.000. Fifty-six precincts reported vester- sacks of flour, 9 Ml sacks of rice and California, Oregon and Washington not aeeui at all likely that it can be Wcdburu. <>r , has granted 80- year lirol involve» th« ooneiractton of 12 Mississippi—Bryan's plurality 40,- all went for McKinley day, making a total of 596 oat of 769. 2.1HIO boxes of cigarettes, which have done. No returns aie available as to fraui ’ lils« for light aud water aysleiii. i.wls ol 151,dm) tona displacement. McKinley's vote to date is 42,195; Ix-a-n ap|nvrtioiieeaking Washington goes for McKinley by a a few hours’ rest. An army of mes­ cigar-makers in Tam|ia, Fla., have brought out at a criminal trial at Ber­ ol Missleslppi. nqsirt one case of yel­ fact that the letter from the Corean 18,000. sengers poured in this morning, bring ­ New Jersey — McKinley's plurality small plurality, probably 5.000, but Illi show ed tbe ctirrupluees uf the po- low leier at Nalcbes. The |Mttent is ruler expressly rea|ne-ta-al that the sup­ started a strike against American Hi« «11« of a local Baptist minister. plies bo equally niatrihuted among the 52,92'1. Six out of eight congressmen tbe state ticket ia much in d uld, with ing congratulatory telegrams, and workmen, ami official reports received lice force. the probability that Rogers. Dt uiocrat, friends and neighbors gathered to ex­ at headquarters of the International Ihts naturally Includes the Republican. I ax «ii Hull Adams, a grandson of fauces. A German force ha-l a hard tight New York—McKinley's plurality is elected governor. The legislature tern! their congratulations. The pres­ anion in this city today indicate that President John Adams, and a nephew Jii|>aiieauk at Jacksun Center, O., gation from thia state will contain l>l®a®troM® t«» Sheep and Goat®. nents. African loulingeul returned to Toronto ber 2, says: from the thousands received, They seven Democrats ajs, a gain of two Democrats. animal which eats it. • I® from Num« with 888 imsMingors slid \\ Inchester Repeating Arms Company, for such iuhummiitv. ” in a message expressing their satisfac­ A surgeon of the marine hospital serv­ 1'einisylvattia — Complete return« Will Be Hanged December 31. tion. All the dispatch* brea'hed a ice is now in Natchez endeavoring to »600,000 tn treasure, she encounter­ at New llaieu. t'onu. The walls of give McGinley 287,783 plurality. «<-iipatlnn. the building being blown out and the Spokaue, Wash., Nov. 7. — Edward spirit of personal devotion to the pres­ trace the source of infection. ed a succession of violent gains. Rhode Island — Official returns give laiudon, Nov. fi. — "Advices from windows 111 the aujacut buiMings shat­ The St. Mleha«! Ke«r r vxt Ion. 83.821 Biyan. 19,947. Rice, convicted of the murder of Matt ident and a patriotic sense of the re­ Dm population of Vertn mt, as an­ tered. No olio waa iu the building at Tien Tain," says the Shanghai corre­ McKinley, Mailer, at Wardner, Idaho, was today sult. Both cougresamen Republican. Washington, Nov 10.—The secre­ nouncod l,y ||t„ emu« bnreeu, te i. 84», < spondent of the Times, ‘‘show that • the time. Thr Election in Porto llieo. South Carolina—It is not considered sen tern ed at Wallace to te hanged on tary of war, under an order of the presi­ «G. against 833,422 in 1800—an i in- confusion, diswrgiiniratimt mid absence the last day of the century, December Vice-Admiral Alexleff has addressed San Juan de Porto Rico, Nov. 8.—It dent, has directed that all lands lying of security are the chief characteristics proliable that Biyau's majority will 31. His wile was g’anted a divorce iu cress« of 11.219. or 3.3 pet cant. a communication to Li Hung Chang iall short of 80,000 in the state. Every is estimated that *5,000 Republicans tieyond a radius of 10 miles from the of the allied occupation.” Sotlkaue today on the ground of cruelty. askiiig • bin«’« intentions regarding Twelve minera were killed bv an ex Democratic congressman was elected. voted at the election yesterday for a flagstaff at St. Michael, Alaska, be plosion in a mimi nt ___ llerrvalairg, Mrw (¡rrinitil l.nArte Tennessee—Bryan's plurality 80,000. _______ W. Manchuria and invitiug her to resume commissouer to congress and members turned over to the secretary of the In­ lnno Secure® Flouring Mill. \ a. Ili« exploslon ■ ■ Utah—McKinley'« majority 4,500. wes thè resoli of the government of that territory under Berlin, Nov. 7. — It is ascertained Hepner, Or., Nov. 7.— At a pnbli- of the house of delegates. Not more terior. M'lieu this reseivation was Ruslaiali protection, which, he says, from a source apparently reliable that su accidi’iital discharge of dynamite. Vermont—McKinley's plurality 80,- meeting at lone Satuiday evening thr than 200 Federal« voted. The election first created it bad a radius of 100 will I’o of "mutual advantage hi Chins another mid even larger im|«iiial loan 000. ispital stock of the uew flouring miV was exceediulgy orderly. There are miles. I oinniander Booth-Tucker aud se»- mid ItiiMia." is forthcoming. Leading financiers of Virginia—A recapitulation for Vir­ and elevator was all aubscrilied. The uo re|«>rts of disturbances. Communi­ Franco- American Commercial Treaty» •fai other officers of llm Salvatimi The queen of Portugunl, at Uascala, Berlin mid Frankfort coroborate thia ginia indicates a Democratic plurality enterprise is to be located in a most cation with the interior is slow. Paris, Nov. 10.—The customs com­ Afinv, bave punihaiied homo« tu Mount mittee of the chamber of deputies met BIlBiard in Minnesota. ternun. in whlch city it la sald lite a fashionable resort, made a thrilling rtatemout. The coat of the Chiua ex­ ou the presidential ticket of over 80,- excellent farming region. Ainsri. afi headqmirters of thè arui» rescue. She has been stay tug at the pedition. which la much more consid­ 000, ami the election of th« Democrats Minneapolis, Nov. 8.—A blizzard is today. The opinion prevails that the Kleh Dl®covery in Curry County. Palm'« Pascals, and was on the beach erable than Inis hitherto been admitted, iu every cougesaioual district. Will he located. tvearing down upon this section. The re-election of McKinley will lead to a Gold Beach, Or., Nov. 7.—George retching Catalo Urooin, her boatman, luvst lie covered by such a loan. Franco-American commercial conven­ West Virginia—In a statement is­ Bailey, who has been prospecting on weather has turned cold and heavy tion lieing shortly submitted to the Iheuavy rtepartment lina dlroeted bringing his boat into shore. Nurldeli- sued at midnight,Secretary J. K. Hall, snow storms are reported from various the headwaters of Jvhusou creek for A'hnlral Iferney, «t Cavito to oonvene ly a huge wave overturned the boat. Trmi«*i»Ml Kihlbll **hut I’p. is of the Republican state committee, places. New Richomud, reports live Washington senate, whose vote • court of faquiry to iuqulre luto th» (Timin'« arm was broken and he was N«w York, Nov. 7.—A dispatch gives tabulated retains from every years, recently found au old bed of inches, with the snow still falling and awaited before the measure will be j’oiphry that carries free gold and ha a '"wardicH agaiust Captata nvercoine by the uudertow, which car- ' from Paris to the Herald says that the county in the state, showing McKluley brought before the French chamber. sold out to a California company (or the wind blowing a gale. * • ’ ititeli States marine«, preferred tied him beneath the waves. T'ho exposition authorities have closed th« has nearly 30,000 majority. Rmallpoi Among Indiano. Out'!>rmand on Morrocco. $40 000. y Mlniater Conger at l*«kin. queen la mt expert swimmer. Hoeing Transvual pavilion because Mr. Pier­ Wisconsin—The Republicans will Washington, Nov. 10.—The ludían Tangier, Nov. 8—United States son. the T ransvaal commissary-general, Hint her lioatman wna drowning, she Heppner Drf«-atr«l Baker. 1 *’• Juint cotnniiMion apiaiiuted to have a plurality of at least 112,126 in Consul Gunner is understood to have bureau has received a telegram from Heppner, Or , Nov. 7.—A match mvextigato thè desirability of m pumi* «prang tut" the water before any of her refus-id to remove the inscriptions iu- Wisconsin. All the Republican con­ altemlmits could provont her. With suiting to England, with which the gressmen are elected. The legislature game of football hero Saturday resulted made further strong representations to *Be Shoshone agency in Wyoming an- miti, tuli« System for thè Chicago mali the government officials, nrging the nouncing that amall|iox has broken out in the lleppuer team beating the is overwhelmingly Republican. ' n wlll mnko a favolatile reoom* rapid strokes she swam to the boat­ walls are covered. pavmeut of the American claims. It at Lander, near the Italian reservation. man'* side and hold him up until |ier- '"•in ution to thè postmaater-general. Wyoming—Returns from 174 pre- Baker City team, 15 to 0. A largs is also again re)x>rted that an American Vaccine virus for 1,700 persona, which The government ia experimenting muis put out in bouts and rescued both crowd witnessed the game aud th« 1 " uiprovement la expected to hring cruiser is to be sent to euforce the de­ the agent asked to have dispatched to with a compact emergency ration for ciucia out ol 800 in Wyoming giva a weather was perfect. ti««“ * '•*uluMcn lu iuossl inali facili- th« iineen mid her boatman. Croom troops in active service. him immediately, has been forwarder!. majority o( 8,000 for McKinley. mauds. was taken to the Royal Palace. Epitome of th Tylcgrnphlc News of th» World. " Vomlng give« McKluley 4,000 ma- 1 jorlly. Rustia Contemplates a Duty on American Products. Sweeping Republican Victory. NEXT CONGRESS REPUBLICAN Otr for New Tork With Mather. Two K lll«( Imliaua, ns officially announced away of one of tho large supporting tended to its western lines. Unlay by llm census b ireau, is 9,618,- lioama. Alamt 50 men weie working Ramon Reyes, a Filipino, asked the lu the mine at the time, but all except privilege of registering at Omaha with 462, as against 2,192,404 in l890.au the three killed escaped uuinjured. increase ol 234,058, or 14.7 per cent. the »is* »f voting for president. Seattle, Nov. 7.—Charles E. Mather, who was arrested iu this city two weeks ago ou a charge of having pawn­ ed $45,000 worth of jewels, the prop­ erty of New York merchants, was to day taken into custody by Deteetiv* Nugent upon a governor’s warrant o; extradition. Nugent left with his pris ouer tonight for New York. Appriived by Von Wnlderi®«. Pekin, Nov. 8.—Count von Walder- see approved the sentence of death passed upon the five leading officials at Pao Tung Fu, whom a commission of inquiry fouud responsible for the mur­ der of American and English mission- aries. General Yen, who has arrived here, will act as an adviser of the Chi- uese ministers. Senor Silvela, the premier, has mad« Health anthoritlei estimate the emphatieal declaration that SpaiK per eeut of the men who go must have a powerful navv again. Nome never oome back alive. De in a ii