M ôMiJI « KLAMATH REPUBLICAN *•** 1 1 KLAMATH FA LLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 8, 19OÜ. ARREST British Iriaips la Alrica ordnind to Chili«. have been OF ALVORD. HELD Tk. N.w V„rk l*.r.«l(«r I aught In ■ I .«(Ing ItoMaa In Ba.tew. A UP A PAY WAGON. !>»•• fwrat» A Hark Mafia Italian Mlaai, by F«»ar Boston, Nov. 1.—Cornelia. L. Ai­ Mount Pleasant, Pa,, Nov. 3.— Four rol d, Jr., the absconding note teller ol Italian miners attempted to rob Pay China the First National Bank ot New York Have | Clerk William Hostler, of the Soo In- Government Claims A census «hows that the City el city, who is charged with stealing Be west Connellarille Coke Company, Checked Uprising. M vx I ki , M«xluo, has a population ol >700,001) from the bank, was arrested while be waa making hia trip today lx- uvvr 4Ot>,i*oii, here tills afternoon by Chief Inspector tween thia city aud Aiverton with the 4 I ight distinct earthquake shocks A William B. Watts, ol this city, and pay roll ol the Aiverton A Tarr Works, THE COMMISSION IS ABANDONED THE MOVEMENT WAS PREMATURE were felt in J«, ksouvIHs, Fla., but uo lietective Armstorng, of New York, in ■moanting to >4,000. Mr. Hostler is damage wa« dons. sn ordinary lodging bouse at tbe corner dead, his companion. Harry Burge««, • I Im \ enesuelan government has de­ Tarmai*. K-lel,llshi,i""l tk. «<-••• • ■ ■il West Norton street and Burlington messenger of the company, is wounded, Th. Clergy Implicated In the AiTalr, avenue. Wheu arrested, Alvord, who lb« IHsustur M«n, cree.I the re.umpion of payment of In- two of the Italian« are dead, a third Which Was Hi reagtheaed by the knew lA-tective Armstrong, stated that Wer» M lilt'd. t.,e«t on «)| dvbta aud iuaus from Nov- fataily wounded and the fourth is in Crisis In Catalaala. he was glad the suspense was ended, amber. jail. and was willing to go ba< k to New Hostler and Burge«« left this city at Alvord, th« slwcotidcr, was art set ml I Many propio were killed aud injured New York, Oct. 81. — A« the mult York without papers. A hack was Washington. No». 1.—Order« hav« Madrid, Nov. 8.—The latest new« of In tencsuela |,y sn earthquake, aud ol a small tire, «everal eiploalons of called, and lie was driven to police beeu sent to Pekin detaching General 1 o’clock thia afternoon with tbe «af« |U IV B'oll containing tbe money. When they tbe Carlist movement 1» mure favorable Ja|M>n wbhee to hold (lie balani e of I railr «■; and telephonic communication I'lo-uilial« occnrred in Tarrant At Co. '« beadquarters, and alter lx I ng measured James K Wilson from duty as chief ol ■ eached tbe summit of th« long hill to the government. It 1» awerted that ta lliterrut t«d. drug store, at Warren aud Greenwich aud phoUigraphed under the Bertlllon staff under General Chaffee, and direct­ puwrr m Hi" ' 'riciit. just below which lie« Aiverton, a large the chief of the Berga band baa offered •trei-ta today, aud blew down a dozen system, be waa taken to New York on ing film to return to the Unted States. coke town, without a «ecowi's warn­ to surrender, if he is pardoned, out is there have been serious tax riots in Thu clgarmnkcr» of Tampa, Florida, It had been the purpose of the govern­ ing four Italians fired a volley from is added that tbe government has de­ the Horst district ot Roumanla. Two building« aud badly damaged a score the 5 o’clock train. srs -ml on « •trike. Inspector Watts, in an interview, ment to make General Wilaon a mem- their hi«ling place, and sprang forward, cided to act vigorously and pariton n > wore killed, and the of other«. The loaa of lite is not known," lliu (dill tubi* I« Fall fishing <j«e-teKl American comtuis- firing as they advanced. Mr. Hostler one. The Basque provinces remain «lami al an • n 1 Un til wore ro.|.ted by the |«asaute, 1« gathered that there are perha|>a fo! med that Alvord was In this city s’ou to treat wi’U the Chinese govern­ fell dead at the first volley. Young quiet. The following statement has « I.Iteil by a groat the bodlea of 80 peraoiw In the ruiiw, last Wednesday morning, when Henty ment fur a settlement, but the aban­ VriK*f will I who killed eight ol them, Burgess, the wounded man, was able to been issued by tbe Spanish minister of though, bacause ol the hot debris and 15 perxons. donment of that plan iu favor of direct return the robbers’ fire with effect, and tbe interior: llm Husqurhanna Coal Company, at the slow tiara ol the moving ot it, no Alexander, of lienver, Colo., tele­ phoned that he bad seen Alvord in th« negotiations throogh Minister Congei one of the number at the horse«' heads Damage by Uno«) I i. reporfeil from lav I \5||||« iii Ponn, Pa., granted the de- “The revolutionary movement ia on l»ody had Iraen removed up to mid­ Hotel Touraine. He stated that hr made It unnecessary to retain General fell dead. A few seconds later be fired the dei liue. It ia now limited to the t'ro.Mi, B is , aii-l Wlnottn, Minu. iiiauds of lira mineworkers In that col- night. Chief Cioker, of the fire de­ knew him well, had done buainesi Wilsou in China. hie revolver in tbe face of another, and band in the mountains near Berga, |*rulesMir Mat 'IiiIler, the famous i lliery and will resume operations partment, said tonight that the loss la with b*m in New York, and described Tbe reported decision of tbe minis­ as tbe thief fell bis two remaining com­ which is fleeing lie fore several columns I Ills Is one of the largest oolllerle« In plul'd'>gi«t. di1"1 I" lamduu. agral 77. fully >1,500,DUO. The buildings de­ him perfectly. This information wat ters at Pekin to add two more Cbine«- panions. tiecame terrified, aud, leaving of government troops. The rest uf the I ih« I'ountry, 700 tuou bring employed. stroyed were: Tli.ru •»< a getterai r«. those who shall be executed, tbe dead one, set out with the wounded penainula is calm. The troops have By the rs plosion of a alcohol vat at He ven -«lory brick and atone atme- wrk Iu Ibv |’i nnsylvatiia coal r«>gl»u. York, who immediately sent Detectivs Prince Yi aud Yang Nie, appears tc one over tbe bill to the south. returned to lgualada. They encoun­ the llomr.teail «tnel works, at Pitta- lure, occupied by Tarrant A Co., Sergeant Tinker here to identify him. be tbe first indication that tbe mini« Ihe new gold strike Iu the Baker Burges« managed to drive on to Ai­ tered no revolutionaries.” burg. tlir<* workmen, Andrew Dliklv, a ho less In druggists; the F. T. Witte In the meantime Chief Watte and teis themselves do not accept as suffi verton with the body of Mr. Hostler C ty, Ur., wuiiliy, I. vxlvn.tve aud The Movement Wa« Framattfr«. Michael Ikmdrr and John Harriett, Hardware Compauy aud Brvi teuliaih Detectives Douglass anil Morrissey went cent the edict of tbe Chinese emperor and the safe, where be gave the alarm. rii h. Paris, Nov. 3.—The Temps this were terribly burned. Dulikiv and A Co., manufacturer« of patent medl- to the hotel, but could not And the that be will punish the individuals a> Mount Pleasant and vicinity, with tbe A Dem" ratio leader predict, that Doudor. It 1« thought, will dis. Tira 1 clues. man. Inquiry of the hotel peopls they were specifically named by China clerical force of the coke company, evening publishes a dispatch from Ma­ drid, which says the military authori­ Idaho will givo Bryan n majority uf • «plosion was caused by alcohol uum- Heven-story brick building, o«vcu- brought out tbe fact that a man an­ as among those to ire punished. turned out, and soon corralled the two, &.MHI. pied by FppeuB, Smith A Weinman swering the description had reig-tered Ing Iu contact with natural gas. Prince Yi is one of the first prince« wbu had concealad themselves in a field ties of Barcelona are censoring all the «• Bryan Sterling, and had been as­ of China. In the edict of Septembei on tbe Durstine farm, a mile from this local papers, that all information re­ Chlcaro I- • tulfi< e cli-rk. hare affili­ Official confit mation has tHwn re- Company, ooffee-roastlug hou«». specting the Carlist« is prohibited, and Five-story brick building, occupied signed to a room, bnt that be had not 25 it waa ordered that be be stripjied ol ateli w Illi lb" tuierlvau 4 «eli rat lull uf mite.I «t Vienna from Mostar, in Her- town. A summons to surrender was On tbe arrival of Detectivs his rank and office. Yang Nie ia pres auswered by a volley, in which one of that nothing is allowed to be tele­ Lal««. sogovine, ol the report« of a oolliaton by l-ockrt A Conklin, produce dealers; used it graphed or telephoned except official Douglas Ac Co., cheese, Kahn, bakers' Tinker, a search of all the hotels in th« ident of the Imard of censors, aud it the posse received a slight wound in bulletins. Tbe correspondent of the Th" Bo< r» nro asld to have I3,ootl growing Olli of « l.iundary diapute be- •upplies, and Hopping Ac Cauipfieid, this um« edict he was haudeii over tc tty waa made, without sm-ceae. From the chest. Tbe outlaws from their arinrd non hi ll <-field In orange River twreii an Au.lro-IIuugary military pa­ information brought to Chief Watt« the clan court, which waa ordered U. fortified position made a fierce stand Temps a«ae succeeded in getting in their Iwcanra Im was Ignored on Important spice Company; Flake A- Co., and Ac- Bay district. They went op to a back Tbe Japanese legation received a dis rear. He shot one th lough tbe bead, stated. Tbe two bands number 800 A lie I. ted dl.jiat- h front Pretoria sutlua A Cuneo, fruitdealers. •Ma* ions. room on the first floor and found tbe patch today announcing the death ol killing him. The other surrendered. men each, and tbe movement is well tells of the tailor» of British negotia­ Five-story brick, used as a hotel. ioor locked. On gaining admittancs Wang Wen Hliao, imperial treasurer ol In the meantime, another division of organised, but premature. The Liber­ L'hln«-e b • ter« etnie 'Ism ini Ihron» tion« with General Botha for the «ur- al and Republican press declare the Five-story brick, occupied by the ss gas inepei-pirs, Armstrong identified China, in addition to those high offi­ and robe-al archaeological objeela ol the posse overhauled tbe third robber, vitality of Carlism is due to tbe free­ render of the ll-iera. Botha recelvwl Morris Jackson Flag Com|«tny aud cial» whose deaths have already beer Alvord, who Mwmed greatly relieved great value. who bad received a ghastly wound. General Paget'« flag of truce courteous­ Hart A Uo., butter aud cheese. that Armstrong bad arrested him, and announced. Wang Wen Shao was on« The ball, entering his mouth, pene­ dom allowed the religious orders The Meters al 1'ao Ting Fu decl.ro th« ly and admitted hi. defeat, but said it ot the most loyal adherents of tbe im- trated his bead, aud came out at the lower clergy aie implicated in the up­ Five-st<>ry brick, occupied by Hhieve- -aid so. provincial Irva.uivr urdafwd them to w«« lm|.i..|b|e to treat for surrender as ley, priuter»' materials; O'Keefe A rising, which is strengthened by the in­ During bis stay at police beadquar- ¡«rial family, and when they took kill lurvignvt«. long as «uv I’urgbers wl.bed to cumin- 'hievely, printers; Mom-Jackson Flag ers, Alvord told Chief Watts that h' flight from Pekin, he insisted upon fol back uf his neck. He is not expected lustrial crisis in Catalonia.” to recuver. age 1‘riui-e Yl ami Ying Nlen are add»l us th« war. I'rv.ld«ul bleyn was more ”oni|Ntny and Ifia-rne, butter and egg>. iad not seen his wife fur two week«, lowing, despite his advance, I Carliat« «nd Catalonians. Io th. Ila* of Ilio.« who«« execution Im-con liable, lie refused to even «er Four-story brick, unoccupied. titbough prior to that he bad told het His death came from natural causes, OPPOSED TO ANNEXATION. New York, Nov. 3.—It is learned tbe hearer of a flag ol truoe. Frani-« has demandali.. Fuur-story brick, occupied by Behr- jf ha tinanciial cirvumatancea ano proliably from old age and the fatigue« from Biarritx, says a Paris dispatch to St. Croix People Want to Remain Undei the Times, that the Spani-h Carlist» Th« young man who for raverel year« nan, pneluoe. and Kornaheetu, storage «eked her if he should kill himself ot of tbe flight. M- r« than f ,'>t,uiH>,80,000. lie waa again pul uuland un Ixiard factory; Llfsiteb, cigars; Roaen- eral meals there; that he had taken pl*>.l<>n l»erg. saloon. the lodgings where he waa found on Ting Fu, reports Americans murdered New York, October 26, in which Mr. was directed by tbe government's fear his third riait waa arrested. The work uf the firemen saved the tbe following day, and that be had not there, namely: Mr. Pitkins Mr. and Blackwood was quoted as saving tbe of trouble in Catalonia. France mav send a large torce to A .peclal from Victor, Colo., says buildings fronting on Chambers street been out of tbe place since. When Mrs. Simcux and three children, G. -entiment of the people of the Danish tbr * im miners who walked uni uf tira Canton. MATTERS IN COLOMBIA. from total destruction and the fire was asked wbat be bad done with th« Y. Tavlor, Mias Morrell, Mis» Gould, West Indies is strongly in favor of an­ Ixdrpeni'rm " mill« 40,- lialt««! after it had eaten alrnot IDO feet money, he said: Dr. and Mrs. Hodge and one lady nexation. Tbe vice-chairman said tbe The Liberal« Startr«! a Brcond ord.r to «rari'li them »lien they cams 000,000. southward Into the block Iralow War­ “Well, >700,000 is a lot of money, name as yet unknown. Reports K «negations made were opposed to the Ke vulution. >ff duty hate I rru ili.<-lisrg< d, Every facta in tbe case, and that Mr. Black ­ Americans at Ching Ting Fu. eight ren. Thirty-five perrons weie re|>orted but it goes easy. ” I 1 Pr«.|deul Cleveland standi lot New York, Nov. 8.—C. B. Halt, thing I. quirt almul the mine. missing, aud 11)0 men, women and In referring to horserace«, he said adults and two children. Five Eng­ wood spoke without the council’s au­ United States mini.-tetr to Colombia, sound money. thority. A resolution was adopted to lish, five French, safe, protected bv lo ­ bll ¡run are on th« list of the injured. lie had fuicked horse«, but never oc At Spoakne, Wash., Mrs. Edith South America, who has arrived here, Prv.ld.tit Kruger will travel incog­ tiituatioc cable King Christian, of Denmark, Ftrubri. wile of all ruglueer ou tl>e racetracks, and had owned fast botnet cal mandarin, returned. nito in the capitals of Europe. UNION POSTOFFICE CLERKS, himself, lie «aid he bad lived hb quiet.” submissively expressing “tbe wish of and is on bis way to his home m Urtai Northern, kllleil herself by blow­ Wheeling, W. Va.. said in an inter­ The official atinuuueemeut of the to­ Another dispatch received from Gen­ the inhabitants to Continos under the life aud had taken life to its full at tb< ing out her I rain« with a revolver. view that matters in Colombia are Chicago Kmpt.«ye. Affiliate With the Danish crown, ” awl expressing the be ­ tal population of the Uuited States for eral Chaffee says: rate of >50,000 a year or more. He Sh. wa« .'V year» l"t to •••amln ,1. I'realdeut Lot ___ the killed and wounded have number­ clerk« have atliliated th.inaelvea wth He said be knew he would lie unable Americans who were supposed to be lo­ passage of tbe resolutions, but tbe vice- ed 30,000. bet, id I rauco, has tawu discovered. Geiu ral D. M. Frost, for 50 years the Autercan Federaton of latbor, and chairman overruled them. There was to secure bail, and that be had nothing cated at that place.” "While the Liberals have met with (isorge W. shaver, a pioneer steam- one of the l-e.I known residents of St. the new orgauzaton will l-e known a. with which to make restitution. « torchligbt procession Monday night the Chicago 1 'os to flice Clsika* Union. t.iuia, Is dead at that oity, age<1 77. bust man, id I'ortland, Or , is dead, ■tyled “The People's Protest.” A very much success, it is mv lielief that tha A BAD TRAIN WRECK. On lieing searched at police head- long aud orderly crowd, headed by a government will l>e eventually succms - Major Henry J. Hearsy, editor ol It is claimed that practically all uf the luartora, only a few dollar« were found llooeryelt concluded his tour Iu New 1,4aloro the Rua- Twenty-fifth Infantrv and three officers islation that will At absolutely the rate prisoners, in an attempt to escape from seven injured, one perhaps fatally, is were arrested, and two wagon loads ol enti and Senor Marroquin were elected tian OMtipattou. ■Vilen propertv, value.I at thousands ol president and vice-president respect­ and 100 men uf the marine ourpe. jf wage, for letter-carrier« and uther the prison attached to the Seventh dis­ the record ot a wreck ou the Northern Near Frederick »tad. the Boera under trict court, in West Fifty-fourth street, Pacific railway at about 11 o’clock dollars, was recovered. Vina McNur- ively. San Clementi, ou account ot The United Slates transport Mead poatolflce employee, taking the matter DeWet, »ere m attered in nil diteclious Ley, an alleged shoplifter, is said to the state of his health, could not live arrived at SaR Franciaeo, 28 days from completely out of the hand« of the today, killtMt Keeper Hugh McGovern, last night, at Dehart Siding, 27 mile« by a British force. have maintained the resort. It is be­ in Bogota, and went to Villeta. In his from Livingston. 51 years old, aud prolariily fatally in ­ Manila. Ihe Mead brought 354 sick “Promotion Board” and other «luiilar The train was the Northern Pacific lieved that the gang has associates in alveence, Marroquin staited a reliellmn Wilaon, 59 years, s A Republican parade lasting six soldiers, 5 insane aud |H dead. Eight agruoica. It 1« to be a lalrnr union jured George many other large cities, and the build­ and assumed the presidency, securing hours was lira I'ulmiuatlou ot lira cam- privates died un tbe voyage. pure and einipla, and will direct it« ef­ "trusty,” who had evidently tried tv passenger No. 4 eastbound. It was te'xu in Chicago. aid McGovern. One of the prisoners, nearly three hours late, and was mak­ ing raided was the headquarters fox the recognition of all the foreign fort« solely to the problem of (lettering Smallpox has broken out on a num- thieves who are working systematically powers except the papal see. Both .«-an *n>" evacuation of Cuba will not ba tier of Indian tesvrvatlons In the West the lot of the rank aud tile of the post- Arthur Flanagan, esaped, the other, ing up lost time wheu it passed th« iu all parte of tbe United States. switch at Dehart Siding. Tbe engin« Clementi and Marroquin, however, are Frank Emerson, fell iuto the yard ad ­ ordered till thn character ot the UuW aud it is feared that when the cold otlice opinloyes. joining the priaou and waa instantly and two coacbe« passed over the Young Nrgro Fiend L*nehvd. drawiug their salaries of 88,000 ih - hos iovurnmeiit is tested. weather seta iu the epidemic will be­ A«lntInn of <>bln»««. switch in safety, but in some unac­ killed. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 3.—At per annum. This is pavable in silver, Edward Dewey, brother of Admiral come mure widespread and mure malig­ Washington, Oct. 2V.—The Mae- The prisoners were together in a cell countable way the rod connecting th< Duke, 16 miles north of Anniston, an but the currency of Colombia is so np- l*wey, ,||e.| ll(, h(1111(t |u nant. tary of the treasury, acting on the de­ ou the first tier, on a level with the rails at the switch snapped, and these 18-yearold negro boy named Abernathy set that it ia difficult to place a value •Isr. \t.. agml 71 years. Ona man was killed and six other» cision of the solicitor of the treasury, fourth floor of the prison. They sawed three coaches jumped the rails, rod« attempted a criminal assault on th« upon it. An Everett, Wash., saw mill has re- Injured, one perhaps fatally, In a col­ has hold that the wife of a Chinese na­ two bars in the lower part of the cell the ties a short way and then toppled 14-year-old adopted daughter of W. N. “There is a demand there for Renito telvinl «mi order f(l| J.ooo.ooo fM| o( lision on the Chicago A Altou railroad tive-born citizen of the United Htates r and got iuto the corridor. They over on rhe »ide and were dragged 200 Thompson, a section foreman on th« Seamala, who is here in New York. near Mitchell. 111. Ths pasevugers re­ Is entitled to admirsiun into the Uuited weut to the nearest window, about six feet before the train was stopiied. lumlier from South America. Louisville & Nashville road. Tbe ne He was formerly United States vice- called a .baking up, but none was ser­ States, regard loss of the provisions of feet from the floor, and sawed one bai The force with which the cars fell gro was captured three hours later, consul at Bogota. The Manoqiiin gov­ A man who had barn airested at iously hurt. section 18H4, revised statutes. Such at the bottom, shoving it out aud get­ on their sides threw several of the pas­ identified and lynched. ernment chargee him with conspiracy p.mgle. Mash., fur being drunk and Lu his annual report to tha governor right to land does not depend on the ting through. In doing this, it is sup­ sengers through the windows, and anti he is practically an exile.” MurH.re.l and Threw« Tracks. Ison rrly, cnnimitted suicide by hang- of Georgia. Adjntant-General Byrd ■ talus of her husband as a merchant, posed they encountered McGovern aud crushed aud ground them to jelly lie- The Alvord Can«« tog hlnisolf in ja||. J Noblesville, Ind., Nov. 2. — An un ­ recommends that the negro troops ol even if It ia held that the ex id us ion Wilsou, killing oue aud wounding th« tween the heavy coaches and the track New York. Nov. 3.—The case of Cor­ The two uukuwn women were lifted, known man was found dead near thia Tha 150-u,n m-hooMr Fischer Bro»., the state lie distiaiidrvd and mustered laws apply to a Chine.« merchant who other. city on the Lake Erie A Western rail­ nelius L. Alvord, the defaulliitg note The escaping prisoners used theii quivering, shapeles« masses of bleed­ ’ rattle, Is riqsirted to have been out of scrvii’e, because he believes they ia native born, but rather on her higher road tracks. The body was naked and teller of the First National bank, who right not to Iw aeparatevl from her hus ­ wreeked 690,1100 band who is legally entitled to live in wiudow. *"« Btiirm m.ar i.orl clarence. Flanagan succeeded in one of the dead were instantly killed. from a milltarv standpoint. No one foot amputated and his arm worth of the bank's funds, was uot the country of hia birth. Assistance was summoned as soon at Ilvss were |<>«t, swinging to the roof of a ear stable ad ­ The govrrnmeni of Russia for ths broken. It is believed ho was mur­ tiansferred to the United States court possible (rom Livingston, but the phy- joining, but Emerson did not make it, second tlmu within two months hat Nulrltl« of » Butt« Woman. W. H. Ilobani,' (1|)() o) |))e niOij dered and his body thrown on the today, as had lieen expected. Al­ ex- |mi»>»ed a special tax for tbs benefit of and felt headlong to a pile of rails, ecians bad little to do upon their ar­ Butte, Mont., Oct. 81. — Mrs. Marian vord’« counsel objected to the transfer, .............. of ,,, Tex««, texae, ha« the Red Cross Hociety. Ths first was rival. A ooroner'i jury at Big Timbei tracks. Adams took laudanum at a lute hour i-rushiug bis skull. and the case wax postpone I until to­ 'red statistius from the llrasos and sbeolved the railroad from all blame. Grain Elevator Burned. « tax uf from 5 to 10 rubles upon li­ last night, and died thia motniug. Drowned nt Nome. morrow. 12n" r T *' *,' " ,, '“''"y11 nnd l>„n" “b'l declares that the ths censes to travel abroad, according to Iler husband, John Adami, instituteil Henderson, Ky., Nov. 2.—The grain Salem, Or., Nov. 1.—News was re- Wm.h*!*i ,IH" >«.000,000 Washington, Nov. 8.—General Mac- Resisted Arrest and Wa. Hhqt. the length of the time for which th« ■nit Saturilay for >38,000 damages teived in Salem today that A. A. elevator and plant of Maron Wilier A °Hn of this year's crop. Arthur, at Manila, notified the war de­ llcetixa was granted, and now railway ■gainst Di. Jonathan Tobli fur allenat- Basher, formerly of this city, was Company waa destroyed today, entail ­ Seattle, Nov. 1.— William Murphy, part ment today that Major John Dacia, A sheriff’s |>o.MI iu puranu ,,f (|ve tickets are taxed 5 kopecks wheu the iug hia wife's affections. drowned at Nome City recently. It ap­ p laborer, wa« brought here tonight ing a loss of >130,000; insurance, >78,- United State« volunteers, died at Ma­ ri.'"";? ......... Mn|ied from the Doni- lure Is 'J rubles or upwards. It is esti­ irear« that he waa knocked overlarard ■'rom Wellington, on the Great North­ 000. nila this morning of chronic Bright'« Conanl-General McNally, at Gaute- from a «mall schooner, l>enig struck by ern railway, with a bullet wound in ... ',. ",’*' iH,'> overtook the men mated that the ticket tax will yield Bise of the Cotton Crop. disease. Major Davis was a native of in wl Ark., nnd a battle ensued >125,000 yearly and that un license« inala, writes to the state department i flying boom. Basher waa about 45 the neck. Me wa« «hot thi« afternoon New Orleans, Nov. 2.-—Final reporta Illinois and a veteran of the war of the ' h two members of the posse >100,000. It 1» understood that the that the Gautemalan government has jears of age, and leaves a wife and by Deputy Sherff Dan Grafton, whili of the Times-Democrst's corraspundents rebellion. At the time of his death he issued a decree permiting the exporta ­ the . ' wounded. Three of czarina, whose interest in the Red three children in this city. He was in resisting arrest for assault aud battery. place the cotton crop for 1900 a* •70.- was chief surgeon of the Third district turBdU,,eoa, as they tach bunch of bananas exported. I the various roads entering La Crosse, oial envoy of the Sultan of Turkey, pre­ court haa laid an enibaigo upon bar Jo«.,,,i w""'*<’ one can sur- __ _ sou ______ Washington, Nov. 1.— Secretary Hay Federal Court Will t Ifl-year-oid ol a ______ willow, _____ was ______ found for gold withheld hy the Transvaal the untruth of a hundred years is it ®ntdtw1»ni|ii wo,,,leriul |»ceni'« of hf«'home7ast night, lying ou a bed this afternoon returned the answer of rusai ha« chartered the Gothenburg New York, Nov. 3, — Di government during tbe war. The I called a legend. whaler Capella to proceed to Frana brilli.^» *I'"'nted in full sunshitie, (U a |«ool of blood, hia head hacked to tha United States government to the !n pool nioott, ms neao nncseo ............. ...» ney Gardiner announced Hamburgische Boersen Hale, how­ The average man would rather lose pieces with a hatchet, which was lying British-German agreement regarding Josef Land in «earoli of the three miss-, noon that Alvord would be to th« Ll,t everywhere, dazsllng ever, dentoa a rumor that the gold war ing Arctic exploration expedition«. I ^i«*. h""vy lyinr >;> on a hors* race than a nickel near hr. to the United States autiio shipped by Mr. Kruger. • "G light cannot penetrate. I through a holo in hi« nnnkat Epitome of H i Telegraphie New» ot th» World. Ilia sernnu di.ir coinblne has been forced p, illraolvs, Caused Terrible Explosion in Heart of the City. I •I Negotiations With Through Conger. to to the -vil