AH r ILL BE »1 Lvu n\v\ HP 1 •<” • rl",,, AXJIJ x x «* Ur. ku|(e. met aud nrm”a overcome oue of these muus’ters The Indlau was living at last aeeouuts. but the bear was dead. I DESTRUCTION OF Ah,H r OCK Mustang Is tbe Indian's name, lie SAN FRANCISCO B* . and another I’iute were out lu a tre- mendously wild region of the HelidG Uetehy valley and when de»^^* Grim, Orar and Pittar««,»« Pious, the bed of a gorge they almo»« “ a terror to ihr Mariner Ita» Berna I ♦-- i..ws of the largest s*'»»1» l,,,> Menace to Navigation liver Hiuce ver seen. and bls companion the Daye of *411. I tired tri'lr rifles at tbe brute, but tbe two sJlota produced no more «fleet In That ordinary treatment Shag rock No. 1 and Shag rock No 2 arresting th«' bear’s charge than would fails to relievepainful iu Sau Francisco baling Uvn il.sposed the throwlug of a pebble against tbe of, contractors are now busily engaged wild stop a cyclone. Mustang was a periods. In work prelliulmiry to llm demolition strp In advance of Ills companion ami They know Lydia E. Pink­ of the still more famous Areb rock lu M-uin reached him flret. knocking 1'1» ham’s Vegetable Com- the same maritime thoroughfare. The ¡gun one way and him the other. Ibe Cnd will and doos and forty-niner eauuot recall the day when - companlou climbed a tree. Mustang 1 plungeil his knife to the handle into tbe , more than any other tills picturesque menace to uavlgathu was uot anathematised by the sailor shaggy monster, slashed It again and medicine. man. Many a time Its destruction has agalu across bls rough hide, ripped and Every woman knows been suggested, and its demohliou j cut uutll blood (Kiured from a dozen U yu aeeoiuplbbed gashes in tbe bereuleau carcase; then about Mrs. Pinkham's would have loug ago but for the sentimental «ppo- he fell under a crushing blow from oue medicine. sltlou of a few veteran Callforu ans of the spiked paws aud lay quivering Every woman knows who hated to see their odd-looking old i on the rocks with the bear tearing some woman Mrs. Pink­ friend disappear forever, lfesldeuts of strips of hide from his back and chew­ Sausalito have always been particular­ tug his arms ami shoulders to a pulp. ham has cured. Meantime Mustang’s friend was vain­ ly averse to its destruction, their cry But nine women out of always living that it was oue of the ly trying to get his rille Into working ten put off getting this re­ sights of the bay. Eventually contiu- order. It had Isen Injured when he liable remedy until their ued agitation by pilots and others In­ climbed tbe tree. From morning till night this condition lasted. The Iwar health Is nearly wrecked terested In shipping bore fruit, and now soon left the mangled remains of Mus­ Arch rock must follow In tbe way of by experiments or neg­ tang and lumbered In red vengeance the two others. lect I over to the tree where perched the In early days of California’s history it ludlan. After trying In vain to Then they write to Mrs. was a favorite amusement for young other climb he limped back to Mustang, but men to waft for an unusually low tide Pinkham and she cures before he could tear the man to pieces them, but of course ft and then pull a boat through the arch. the Indian, who was t>y no means dead So far as Is known the first time this .1—_ «i- »“"l' m«O Ills ellein.v'* takes longer to do so. «vw. was awvu,pilsin-u was lu lSni, Don't uvray getting neip If when Captain Frank Murphy, one of vitals. The bear staggered off a few yards and then, overcome by the fear you are sick. the best known pilots of his day. rowed of death which comes Instinctively to a small boat through. For a few years She has helped a million all animals, staggered down tbe gorge, the daYIng trip was occasionally made women. Why not you ? but fell for good lu a few minutes. As­ or attempted, but eventually a couple sistance soon reached Mustang, who of young fellows. In trying to do the Comfort in the Old Ptalin«. was cared for by cunnlug medicine T1 e l’salms are the spiritual center trick, were dashed agalust the arch by men of his own race. the heavy swell. The boat was smash ­ of the Old Testament. They overflow with the richness of heart experience ed and the young men lost their lives. Do«*a Not Come with Age. characteristics not of one age but of Since that time rowboats have given A medical man has discovered that universal mankind. IVe find in them Arch rock a wide berth. neither In youth nor old age is a inau today as great comfort as did the saints Frank Boyd, a noted pilot of the Cali­ likely to make the biggest fool of him- of Old Tasument times. fornia coast, voiced tbe opinion of all self. Extreme youth usually lx consid­ men in his profession when he called ered not to have arrived at the dignity DON'T OFT FOOTSOKE. GET FOOT Arch rock a dangerous spot, anti said of years of discretion, yet a homely BASK. A powder. At this season your feet fee: It should have been blown up long ago. proverb would have us believe that swollen, nerrviis ami uncomfortable. Il "When they come to survey that spot,” “there Is no fool like an old fool.” This you have smart nig feet or tight shoe«, try he said, "they will find every Inch of medical observer has broached the Allen's F/. Sold by all dniggisls and sh**e stores for '25c. Trial package F kkk . Address, Allen 8. Olm- atad. Le Roy, N. Y. Women Know It is said that the population of world increases 10 per cent every years. INVENTION OF LAMPS, llauatl) Attrlbated to t,i|>tl»ii»-l*lv IniK Flame« I *»»ut*l iu lomb«. Tin* lineutlou of lamps lx ascribed to tbe Egypilaus. lu the Brltsh Museum are two colored giansl tiles which wen* tixed lu tbe center of the celling, each has a large knob pierced through th«* base to receive a cord for suspending a lamp; around the bas« of each Is an in aerlptiou stutlug that It formed part of the decoration of the Temple ot Kam murl ut L’alsb Nlmroil In the time ot Aasuru Abla. 885 It. C. What the lamp* were made of cannot now In* ssivi'tslu i*d. but theie Is plenty of eontcmporiim' oux glass which lia» been discovered lu the neighborhood. Tin* sacred lamps iu Greek temple*, whose undyiug ll.imes were |H'rp«'tu ally watclii'd by vesta*, were probably of uietal, and the w lek formed of i-- aabestos. In the public baths at I'ompell two lamps were used, each to light t » o Tin si* lamps rooms. ’_________ _ wen* protected by circular convex glasses, fraguieuta ot which were fouml on tin* apot. The marvelous accounts by medieval authors of per|stunlly burning lamps found In ancient tombs seem too nuiuer on* and well texted to be altogether fabulous. When the tomb of I'allaa. sou of Kvaudor, who lx m<‘iitloned by \ lr- gil. was dlxcovere«t about the twelfth ceulury by a countrymau digging mar Home. It lx wild a lighted lamp was still burning over his head, which must have beeu lighted more than 2.000 years, anti might lx* called ««tenuti. Baptista Porta, lu his tremisi* on nut- iir*»l tna|(i«>, »* lit it « m mat about 1550 a marble sepucher of I he Bollimi period was discovered lu an Island near Na­ ples, and on opening the tomb was found a vial containing a burning lamp. This lamp became extinct on breaking the vial aud exposing the flame to the open air. It Is aupi>osed that this lamp i had been concealed before the Chris tiau era. and those who saw It re|H>rted I that tile lamp emitted a splendid tlame. In 1550 a remarkable lamp was found near ¿testes. Padua, by a rustic digger, who unearthed a terra-cotta urn con­ taining another urn in which wax a lamp placed between two cylindrical vessels, each of which was full of a very pure liquid, by whose virtue the lamp had l>e«*u kept xhlulng upward of 1,5(M> year*. This curloualamp was not meant to scare away evil spirits from a tomb, but was an attempt to perpeuate th«* profound knowh'dgi* of Maximus Olyblus. who effected tills wonder by his extraordinary skill in chemical srt. St. Augustine says a lamp was found In the temple of Venus, exposed always to the <>|H«n weather, and which «xittld never be extinguished. Ludovlcns Fives mentions another lamp, which was fouml a little before bls time, that bail continued burning l,05«> year*.— World of Progress. Photographs on the Hkln. A scientific discovery Is Isiund to I m ilcturesque ni.d Interesting, and musi Laxative Brome=Quinine Tablets Ibe remedy that care. ■ eoM 1« •«• <*•/ ittraet universal attention. A Hou nanian chemist named I link cresco A project is on foot to connect the Recovered a means of combining tilt railways of Greece with those of Tar­ «ubatancea which are used In senaltix key, so as to connect Athena with Eu­ ng paper for photographic purpose« rope by rail. «o that they can Is* applied to the hu man cuticle without Injuring It. anc Lighten the Illa of Humanity. By preventing disease, killing and expelling the skin thus la* made a sensitive plat« Ila germa ('ascareta Candy Cathartic relieve for the printing of photography. Din ARCH ROCK, SAN FRANCISCO BAY life’* mi'erie*. t’ae them regularly! Drug- glsta, lhe, 25c, 5uc. kereseo's remarkable discovery lx n So useful are toads in gardens that hundred have come within an ace of, careful examination be made of the combination of photogrnph and th« they are sold in France by the dozens going on the rock and bad to slip preventable disasters of the last twenty «tcblng process, and tImt to some extent for stock gardens to free them from in­ their anchors in order to get clear. The years and of the ages of those wbc the Image Is "bitten” into tin* cuticle. At any rate, the impression Is per first vessel that I remember being were held responsible by the verdict of jurious insects. wrecked on Arch rock,” continued Cap­ mankind for such lamentable Issues inanent, the Image Is clear ami distinct TO CtRZ A COLD IN <1!ÍZ DAT tain Boyd, "was the pllot-boat Sea there will be found a strange coinci­ and th«* sklu Is not made a negative Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab­ Witch. That was In 1835. All the dence In the rage of their ages.” but really a sort of sensitized patter lets. All druggists refund the money pilots had 'boarded off' and the schoon- | Here lx an Interesting and practically The impression does not wear awaj if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig­ er was coming in In charge of the boat­ inexhaustible field for Investigation. with the change of the tissues ami th« nature is on each box. 25c. keeper. There was a dense fog and Politicians who are ’’ag’ln’ the govern­ renewal of the surface of the skin Is* the boatkeeper mistook Arch rock for ment” may trace the blunders of an cause the sulwtiRi«-«-* or changes which A New Treatment. have been produced by the process of Another mode of treating the drink a sloop under sail and getting bls administration to the sinister lnfluen<-e photography are renewed according tn habit is said to De in successful opera­ course accordingly made the mistake of some boss who was passing through tion in Paris where three physicians— of his life. All bands were saved, but the fatal period at the time, and ••re­ the modifications produced by the "bit grettable Incidents” of all kinds. In Ing" process. Just ax those of a tattooed Dm. Rapelier, Thebanet and Broca— the Sea Witch was a total loes. "The next wreck was that of the war or peace, may be traced to their »utlln«* are. Ami whatever the median announce that they have discovered a In time, no doubt, we cal meanx employed, the results are new serum. Of 67 cases treated, 32 clipper ship Flying Dragon In the win- I true origin. ter of 18*11-02. She made the fastest ! shall appreciate the necessity of requlr remarkable, By this means every hu were cured and 15 were improved, only 10 failing to show impwvement. The run on record from Newcastle, N. S. i Ing all public men. on entering the fatal man Iwing Irecomea n sort of photo- ar ruin is obtained from hoi see that W., thirty-live days, and anchored off period, to take a five years' holiday and graph album. The likenesses of hl« have been dosed with alcohol until Melggs wharf. Captain Watson, the to resume work only when they have friends, landscape views associated their systems are drenched with the well-known marine surveyor, was In passed the age of aberration.—New with hlx cblldliooil or with significant events In hlx life, portraits of the great poison. When administered to pa­ command of the vessel, but the pilot York Press. men and heroes whom he admires ami tients the serum revives natural repug­ was still in charge w hen the accident Dissipated Hailstorms. many other things may lie reproduced nance to alcohol, which continued use happened. A sudden change of wind "An efTort Is being made In France to lM*autifully and permanently on hlc and a fierce squall drove the Flying has broken down. Dragon down on the rock and she be­ dissipate hailstorms by firing cannon at turf ace. How strange it is that a severe mas­ came a total loss. the clouds,” writes Consul Covert to the Juxt a Hint. ter has more faithful servants than a "The next vessel lost on the rock was State Department from I.yons. "Flfty- "Father,” said Tommy the other day lenient one. the bark Autocrat In 18ze out and set the skin steamer Sternberg. Ax It was the Cey­ 5 and fl. The storm was very severe. ;hance myself!” on fire. Salves, washes nor other exter­ lon lost all her sheathing. It would The artilleries, from forty to fifty Mr. Tompkins gazed in blank nmnze- nal application* do any real good, for a* take a page to give the number of ves­ Slowly the »Igniti- long a* the poison remains in the blood sels that have Just escaped going on strong, fired their guns and stopped the nient at Tommy. it will keep the skin irritated. Arch rock by slipping their cables, and thunder and lightning. In the neigh­ rance of the hint dawned upon him. boring communes the people saw col­ producing the silver coin, hi* said: when the contractors come to bor'.ag RAO FORM OF TETTER. umns of flame rise three hundred feet "Take It, Thomas. When you reallly I’ll guarantee they will find more chain “For three years I above the cannon when the shots were (lo become a father, I hope it won't had T e 11 a r aa my and anchors than rock ” band*, which cauaed fired." !>«• your misfortune to have a son who them to swell to twice their natural tire. Part lx smarter than yourself.’’—New York FOUGHT A FIERCE GRIZZLY. of the time the diaeaea Beyond Him. Success. waa tn the form uf ma- Matthew Arnold, next to Whistler, I’iuts In-Dan Killel the Huge Brute alng aorea eerv pain­ ful. and canal»* me with On'j a Knife. wax perhaps the must colossal egotist Hops Grow Wil«l In English «‘«unties. Utiieh diacomfort Four It Is a somewhat remarkable fact that The California grizzly bear baa been of bls time. dortor* a.'-« *he Trttrr bad nro*reased tvj lar one of the most powerful and uncon­ After bls return to London from his the hop, although only cultivated In n lo be cured, and they querable beasts ever known to the first lecturing tour In America, he vis­ few districts In a few English coun­ eould d > nW ..in* for C*. I * »ok only three Western pioneer. A meeting with him ited old Mrs. Proctor, widow of the ties, yet grows freely In a wlhi condi­ dttea of 8 S S. end era, completely cured. Ims usually brought death to th«* Imrdy po«.*t “Barry Cornwall,” and mother of tion In very many places. It Is a per­ Thia waa fifteen years adventurer who dared enter the en­ Adelaide Proctor. Mrs. Proctor, who ennial, flowering In July and August, ago. and I hare nerer Since seen auy el*n of my old trouble.’’ —Maa. counter. or even stand In his way when was then 80 years old, in giving Mr. ami to b<* found In h«*dg«*s nisi thickets. L- B JSessoa, 1414 McGee at, KanaaaCtty, Mo. The plant Is only cultivated, for In­ brulu <-nme cr.ixhlng through the un- Arnold a cup of tea, asked him. 8. 8. S. neutralizes thia acid poison, derbruxb Other tx-arx are met with “And what did they say about you stance. In the northeastern portions of cools the blood and restores it to a healthy, Hampshire, and about Pctersfleld, and ' confldi n< e and dlxpatche«! with n steady In America?” natural state, and the rough, unhealthy iiln. but when a grizzly comes thunder “Well,” said the literary autocrat, even there It docx not cover .’1,000 acr«*s skin becomes soft, smooth and clear. telb «ft cure* Tetter, Ery- I ng down the bowlders, tearing off trees "they said I was conceited, and they In all. It grows and flourishes, how­ ever, In a wild state all over the coun tipelaa, Psoriasis, Salt i u bls superbly uudeviatlng course, said my clothes did not fit me." Rnettm and all akin ' linking the mountain side with hlx half “Well, now,” said the old lady, “I ty, Including the Isle of Wight.—Lon­ disease* due to a noia- ion of savage bulk, the nerves of man think they were mistaken as to the don Express. MP MM oned condition of the have to lx* strong lnd«*ed to withstand clothes.’’—New World. blood. Send for our book and write ua 'lie spectacle. There Is death In the Water Htreet. about your caae. Our physician* have «•d Jaws, ripping and tearing in the Papa Wan Wearing the Laundry. Th«* bund Is th«* mime given in almost made these diseases a life study, and can The little girl was Incline«] to answer all Eastern seaports to the street front­ help you by their advice; we make no | owerful claws, strength to dash a Charge for this »ervice. All correspondence mill's head from Ida body at a blow the door 1*11 about as awn as It sound­ ing on the water. This street is usually b conducted in strictest confidence. rom e there that were likely to affect trad«* or polltlcnl condi­ .iiiii'd loose He Is usually more than curious. One day the man who collects tions fly thick and fact nlxmt It. As Kiitnl can fn«*e; only the preternatur- the packages of laundry was at the most of these rumors ar«> unfounded, It l.v brave and reckless court death and door and naked If the laundry wits Is th«* linblt In the Orient to call a story ■fy the fates by daring to stand and ready. "No," t ie replied; ‘‘papa bar whose authenticity Is doubted "bund­ !■ time. Sold br druga-irte. El 4IH when be comes. Yet a few days got It oa.” er.” Tbia atgnatur« ia oo every bos ot the genuine ECZEMA’S Scrofula a Qa»»« Or*.». I "Ths tumtiee* thing I met during the war " mW th* colousl, •’happ»ii»«l fwnc.. round oum . and "«’«’"A ‘¡i" lnmvreglm.nl One of lhe eapteln. alica from the top •>» ' „./-.ip had b..n a railroad conductor before H» «HsoipHnar- the inaid» o' each. ‘ ; the war Chop thia pn'P * ub|,. tan and bet'» >“• n”“ W,U .juxmiul of mol«*' b#"'r’ * “ (ul davh. had a .| h '’ « 'V*“*’- o( tlnolv rolled bread f ltar>* |.re.ei>«<"l b» ° hrakest* lie "«• "«»• ‘he be.l sol­ biles have a grval f»»eiiialloi' for dier», ju.t the same, and le«i hi. men t.,rv men. larg» sum. have been «■ ( | tuto mauy a hoi tight.'' forth» b»«l nuuouolule l > •« ■ avervihin*. u |“O. I*'"« ''‘'„' h Th» B».l l*r»«vl»llea fa. Malaria Chill* ami Fever la a bottle of Grove'e ^rm’ ........ la»tele»e Chill Tonic. Il ia simply iud .ly.pep.ia, and prrvr.it. mal*«^ Iron aud quinlae lu a testoleea form. In the African elephant both «■*»«'• No Cure. No Pay. I*»iv* b»»M. have ivory tuak* while in « "• ' ' Skagway printers have (orm*l a un­ they an. generally isaWioNd to th* ion with 17 members, Ute tlr.l in wale. Alaska. ■•*** Tu»**«**e- Ta bak* tomato**, waah Stone tbe Oouehami Works Oil tbo Oolth Lixxtive Browo Quto"'« Tablet* cure . cold in oue day. N® >«*•»• Price 25 cents. Two million raslJenw of Boston ivaihid themselves of lhe publio baths during the last auiuiner. MANY SUFFERERS WHAT A LARGE NUMBER Oh PEOPLE ARE ENDURING. Thia root of many evil* Glandular tumor*, ahsceuev pimple* and other cutaneous eruption*. *or( eara. Inflamed eyol|da, rkketa. dyipep. ala. catarrh, readlne-.* Io cat h cold and Inability to get rid of II easily, p4|,. nets. nervousnesa and other ailments including the consumptive tendency-. Can be completely and permanently removed, no matter how young or old the sufferer. Ilnotfa Sarsaparilla was tflveu the 4atifhte| of Nila« Vern*M»r, Wawarelng. N V . win* brvhvn out wGh ••’raifula • •tee all uv«r fa* e aitii brail. Th« Aral laoillo l>e||MM| hr| and when «he bail iahrn all lhe auree were ell hr al ml and her hwNI wae «lunuth 11« write« that ehe hae newer ibuwu any aigu •erufula returning Hoodfb Sarsaparilla ••• .«H*ew« Will» ItheMioalKrlallra. W«u»«lgia •* Ua«baall«. ••E WHI llalla»« All r*ln « h 4 i Y«u. , rm» are lb. boM. Inhaling th. tuni.s ut burulug camphor will oftan curs a oo.d in th. bssd. The retuorre ot a guilty .fi'mach is what « veiy large majority of the peo­ ple of this uutiou «re suffering with to­ day, It is » well kuowii fact ih.t 4H h , and after using four txixe. I was cured. I have none of those dintreening symptom, now and am completely restored to health, and can do as much work as any of the laborers on my farm. I owe my renter- atiu to health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and galdly give my testimonial, hoping it may prove l>eneflcial to Mime perrons similarly affected,” if By restoring to the Dior»] the requis­ ite constituent» of life, f;r Williams’ Pink Pill, for Pale People renew the nerve force and enable tho atoms Ji to promptly and properly assimilate tho food, thus spee.lily and )>ermanently curing the dyspeptic. Th«*ne pH|n Rru a specific for all dineanen having their origin in impoverish«! blool or disor­ dered nerves. They contain every ele­ ment requisite to general nutrition, to restore strength to tho weak, gcxxl health to the ailing. Physician* pre­ scribe them, druggiets recommend them and everywheie the people uno them. I He—If I should try to kinsyou, MI m Mamie, would you call for heip? She—No; you’d have to help your­ self.—Smart Set. Troth Is very oom pact, bul • Ila must have plruly ol room or II «ill smother. DU avow WHAT roil AHBTABIMa When you t»k. Grovs's Tbstslsss Chili Toulc becauw th. formula is plainly printed 1>U ev.ry brittle allow lug that it 1. simply Iron and Qululne in a Ual.- leas lortn. No Cur., No Pay. Wo. An oil Identical with that of bill.« aliuoDila ia eitrsctsd from . KA N. ticket ag«ut* or by addressing W II HURLBURT, General 1'aN.ng.r Agent, Portland. Oregon. Mothers «III nud Mrs. Wln.lo«'. Kew.ih- Inr Bynip Ito best ren.sdy to use for lb*(r abilureu during ibe teething period. awAMBOW M ••• i»itt»rw i. p*aillv* Il prwvrnt« •»>«! •I.a. luti , I tura ili» •A*C It bilia bb • gali! • li •* <• alili mariai» oua effet I oit tbe al. miai |». |H*r and bl luria- |>n»lfl«A III« l»ha**l. alte ligi hetia ihaitrtv. dar*«a Ih« etiti»« »Val«in ili a heallln « . luliti.^ I u iba «i • •! an4 1 « *1 , a.itld •■»«Il ». e Iti» Il II I. f , « A g r»|ppla H I f A ttqr ri K toi»4 V II glira |ti.t«. . ,r 1U| relief and I« »1**1 ulei» the uni» •rrtalh < a fu» It II KT M Ariate in all II» I. r.. h , • la*» *aae«| »tilt unfailing «ff<*i In naiaiira, K*rbAt'be, NeurAlgi«, Ntarvunauea* al e»e|*lea«Meaa, NuVVaatta «nd fceufalgit Il e«dar h ea, Narguata l*yA|*e|*aia( iiertaua «tl e e| Imi a set «*«ty drar » Ipil..«, Aathma **•/ F«ve», < a«ar»l*. t ruma, Itfasur*tIlla, IleArl llaahneta, totslbaebe, Kara*«», la miei»». Malaria, i KuMabwea«, and bl»««Ira«I *tla«a«ea WOUtap NOI ' ’ • wl'h Io liti w volli« lu t*ha!f yo«f • •Ä Ibliora.” th» only mesi!, lue th«l K m tl»m ni* au» relief f»«*m tn» 4r«a*lt»i IH F t te < Í I« te I ha«* « << I • bulli«, and bava bad nul ni*« --------------- aitarli ---------- ai» < V I ru» ----- — tareti _ • « vai •iiffetcr frisi Nirtira«) HI h«v» ’ l itri MATIBM '----------------------- >g •«• . » «Mf wiiil«r Ai d «prlng I would thlhb l «vu *| U I a « i Thaub* tu >.« m and yt*u» ••• llliop«** f*>r ih* g*«*! li ______ iiAa doue nu __ ___ — »•<» b« can um Gite •• fu« |** o « m , without IL You Y ____ _ them ______ io ~ tue •end 1IHMIIH T K««44lrh, K l»fBl«t:il <*•.* ••IT HA« RAVKP MY I.IFF. '* 4« »ut bn«*w h»« lo ho« bil I thitib >uur ••• • i» leoiui* Ir »10« loleuwly «lth bklMllUIL. IhouglH lof • monili ih»< I «O«tl4 b««r t* 41«. OM • l«4y r«ll»d lo m« «t>4 b • li ••)v•»tlwniehi ol’v-nt H mmuawm '« •> liKni'B •• | rv«o|««4 «••ri t • 1 «r •• teliti« | b««« noi li«*! «n aitarb ut »offi r .« •love | |uufe Gì« tl»«l do®« l !* •»€ il hM ••vvd •»*> IH« Thl» •l•l•tt»•nt 1« p.* tivfly t»Ur ! «hall «iway« tabn | raau <- lu »• nirn.lhif «..ut hlllir» ■ lo» tb« cu»w «| NKIK I. R Nvtlth. FI IH.»**!.. •|>rlnr». V». • W4Ka<)N*B ••• l»Ht»l*w ■ • • 1 l - te and «gante In • ■ni» a • In 4« • •/• our •«•>>1« Il tb« r«>n»r4i te noi <>!>u nell,« la • • « • ler «.f «1 f r , • la.* ’.e, ■UU Ì ak », |l UH, arili |*»eitel*l b» •»¡•ma ut »•H. v» h»r th« lieti IO 'l»'i •••14« all tabu ar* • . * ’ 4 r**l bave «ti Ippa tltii.lty • -V • a Di -at W>.n4«-rfi| ut all retti* I <4 «e alii '*t> 1 tftAMPL» FRI» ’«• «-« ! < '<. !.. I I a 4 » 4»’ • «•••a *«‘»1*4 In n«« t*»rtu>ry Unte beo. »•AlHll INtUBAfiC CURI CO im i«b« • r««i. (bi K smlsv , Vaubur.u, bid . 1 »b. 10. IVUU. Prom th. Mounl.liuwr. Walhalla. 8 I’.toia k«*r|si YOU NttD NOT SUF F I H 1» .1 ,,.nlr e"n,iHoilon»l run on (h* malt41. li i, i.lra iniwaaHr 1» •’«••*« •»«•>« iodr..iwu> » l. ...»-ntul II arl. dliwlly UB th. blood *, I aw»M lurfM*» ut the .vvl.m. Tbrv ..«or oi.* hundred dollar» fur aaf «»•» it tell, la r .r» nriol lor rlrva».«« »nd loollmonlala Ad- drew r l.«llt«r A co.. Tetedo, 0. x.-lA hf l>r>.«.i»i». ta­ .1.... cure be .». «.I ll*l..*Tdl»»ae». ,nj|rr«rrlb.J I.•«••I tenre iiM. and l*F «va.ianilr ».Ilina io .ere ,nh l.sal lre.ln.rni. |w*.noun<-e4 II Ineurablr. x.-ien.'* h«» »«>•»»* <**iarrh Io bo a.-on»lllu. < u.I.li.e««». and lh.r»lor. roquirr. m*n»lllu- t ..«I ireaimrul. IlnlV. « *re«rh « «ro. m.n- ‘ ¿*ure.lbrF J <'h....r* Co.T.*l»d...Ohl.S li. Ask your druggi-.t for I •>**'» m. »r.i 1. re« ' i I itali FINE OLD WHISKY... A* oo *II o I*» m . No more pre.umptuou. philosophy wo ever pulmed off ou unllilukiug insù than the philosophy of agnosticism. Mo phil.eophy ever su Insultad Iba re- llglou of Jesus Christ. No oue ever faI> OOOl»« Or«*ere for |.- oo and tipica»'! 4«!iv*r*4 h*e le ttr«re*l Hellfctkl wr • Uè ut e» LauUlitg H aul I «ara atta K«-ga LOUI8 CAHEN & SON Ketabllehed *> Year« FU A N< ■ •<’<». <*• l.l FORMI A. Sudden and Severe Neuralgia NOTHING BETTER MADE Yes saa'I si*»« * ■l»Uks It I»u |«ll St Jacobs ..Mitchel!.. IWitchell, becuis & Staven Co. PORTLAND. ORECON. penetrata« promptly •nd deeply, •oothea and atren gt hen« the nerve« • nd bring« • aurt cur«. •••••••••••• •••••••••••••• Good Advice to the Man Who Drinks,., CUTLER’SCARBOLITEof I01IÍ fl r — rantr* ! Ctirr te» <’•tarrb •*» ( <»n«umpiloti II.(M). Iibd'k !<••• ( I V. R. SMITH I OR., hílalo. I.V/'HH Take the Keeley DROPS IAH' ïkîaiml .'. t UH- Cure* tirnnkenn,,» and .'I Drug Habits. B«ud tor printed metl.r that t*ll* all about II to tiik kkklbv »14 siilh nie*«t, inxtitvtk , rORTMNII. on. JOHN I'Ool.E, poxTi.tsn, On.oos ' f ve Dm tost bargain. In grncral .•J‘i|i*ry cngiii**, boiler., tanks, pumps, I i**1.1' M"<1 windmill.. Th. nrw Sqiiall» .V* lion with which l «.g »muted r«,r ViòrV?; C. H. Kurz, 1411 _L_||_ Joo,, 810ul Cl|f u CANDY CATHARTIC — ....Permanently Deatroye..^ -CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN One application ia all that ia required. It fait» for y«*»* i your dealer cannot tupply you, write for circular* and informatio11 t° ] following distributing agentxt Perfection Pile Preaerving Co., Seatl Wa»h.; Fixher, Thorien & Co., Portland, Oregon.) Whittier, Cobu«1! Co., San Francisco, Cal. J DOU YOU WANT YOUR SON EDUCATED FOR A BUSINESS LlFI „^••■•nt. Palatable Potent, Taste Grwwi iw. 8oo'•»«•• F“‘ t until lh* I».' <’■ and Promises promise. »•‘MMILI. ANO ILkVINTH BTHBBT4, PORTI.dl Write ua. sea