Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 01, 1900, Image 1

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American Iroupa have withdrawn
, 11 <
< It
» ' ’
1 1
Epitome of th j Telegraphic
Newt ol the World.
of ||»m« Fra
t*r»< • in 4
I••»••4 F v . m »>
Roosevelt wav met by big crowds In
Hi* agate of New y ■ 'ill.
I h« Im» in.non im, « I the town of
Dumo ant. h.n,,,, wa, ,|w,tn>j id by
A score of criminal I Cane patient.
>rer|»wer their ker-fa-r. aud e.cejie
from a Now York s.yluui.
The Spanish cabinet resigned a* a
protest again.t appointment ot We) lor
10 I* captain general ol Madrid.
bklrim.lics continue
Iretween the
ItussiaiM and tile ( hlnera at various
l-'luts »1 ng th« Maiicliurlan railway.
I II ' i«M It*, at
llleg" I -t
ea hensll, nsM-rts that the Cbltiera bank
of lhe Amur river Will lie offer»-1 to
llQMlen settler«. It Is reported that
lhe ctm.lriH-tl*>ii of • railway between
Blag' ir.lchcii.k and r.llalkar has lieen
j de< l<lo>l |I)»'U.
t'o|>>n«l I'lcipmrt'e .nil for libel
Cholera I. In roe.lug to such an eg- agelust lai Journal of I'aris, arising
tent In J s | mu that .learner, thru-e from the Irreyfne polemioa, was de-
have twn quarantined. Ibero ere a cl'led tu hl. favor. The court com-
number ol death, ala-ald rioellicr. man leal th« manager i>f tbe papnr, M.
Cuming from Nagasaki.
I'ouch, to |«V a flue of S.000 Itanca,
lion Joliu Sherman, representative an<l M. I'aaalden and Galli, tbe writ­
la lbs huura, for a long term a inero- er. ol th« artlclns, were ranU-ui'eri lo six
her of th- M-uate and talc« holding niontlM* and on« tuunlhs* impriaon*
cabinet |«»illoii.. died at hl. residence ineut, re.|an lively. an<l all three were
In Waablughiu, D. U., In the J»th )o»t artiliU 'd to pay 3(1,001) Irauca dam­
ol bls age.
Tbe transport Belgian King, ahirh
broks doen soon alter lee«lug Ma-
nils In «'Iim|«rhre ul all a< cldeiit to
her machinery, has | ul Into IL-ng
Kong lor repairs. Tbe Argyle was el
Nagasaki on hot way In mi Manila to
Tabu with animals. The Ar»<i hue left
Kobo lor Manila with animal.
Thoma, left Nagasaki the soth that,
lor Manila.
lb- Ure.--u.lilr« left
K' •« the
I In.I I. r Msol'e. with a
largo cargo of luml-er and forage
I he
Mourner, Athenian aud I'ak l.lug wore
at Nagasaki the SOth, The Athenian
wa. laigti l h-r Taku with animals, and
the I'ak Ling «a. taking animals Io
Manila. Th. Port Albert I. al Naga-
Roosevelt «|s>ke lu llaltlin ire.
Th.re are vi .«»es o( vrllow levar In
The total registration In (¡restar
New York for luuu I» 6;,6. |&|.
liryan clowd hi. campaign in
ïork witb a -paech In Buffzfo.
The »prend of jMdlow lever In Ile
van» la mi <I lo be due tu Sp.tulah In«'
(¡onerai Weyler,
Of ('ut*, ha. Ira-ii
gallerai ol Madrid.
Mr. Stevenson's fiireca.t o| thè eleo-
ii«n i. ism (or McKiuley, lay for Bry
•a sud 120 doubtful.
Many American aud European
MOMriM in >han Mi prevtucu
Iran mirali by Boxer».
Ths Ihit, I, .rui-er Gelderlaill. ».in
J reali «nt Kruger on lavarvi, has railed
imiu Uurencu Marqiraa
*»• killed in a train wreck
«nth. Northern Pacific near Missoula,
' ol,‘-, »Ud a t>>u of mail eeul into a
< narles Dudley Warner, the autlmr,
•nd <m« of ti„, owner* of the Hartford
ouraut, died suildvuly at Haitiani,
'«un., ego,! J).
Ths \t)W York Herald’s forecast
,h" l’r”"'»»ti«l election Is that
klnlsy will hHV, a(11 H|| j Mry||u
'««"" hl the electorci oollagn.
‘ in/
William Hammer l'i|>«r. of Chicago,
on lehalf ol the Zion church ha. rant
telegram, to 1're.ldeut McKinley aud
Govenior Nash, of Ohio, prute.liug
agaln.l th« treatment of tbe repreran-
latites id the di iioiniuation al Mans­
field, (> , aud apis-allug fur their pro­
Mr. lT|>er aa.y these loluls-
t«r. have le t broken a »ingle statute of
III« atat«, slid til • right to pleach the
g".|.*l ol Je.ua i liri.l I. vunebaafnd to
lliem by the laws of Ohio and lite con-
•tltullon ol the Uulted Males.
A New York bauk teller stole »700,-
000 aud «scaped.
liner guerrilla attacks give the Brit­
ish much trouble.
A revolting crime was unnarthnd by
I’atereun, N.J. detectives.
President Mil-hell thinks thia is the
la.t week "( the miners* strike.
T wriitv-five carloads of Oregon fruit
trees «III I* .hlpjicd toother states.
The British steamsiilp Royalist will
etiiir lhe tr«ii«|« rl M-rvlce ol the Unit­
ed Mat«».
The Pacific Coast Compiiny iu three
year» Ims risen from liaukruptcy to
»1,000,000 surplus.
Thlrtc«n-year-olil rahiad girl, Lulu
Jolie., wa» the victim of a inuderuus
asauult at Jefferson, or.
Haren von Ri. htbofen is Count von
Bulow's suci-caaor as minister of for-
elgn affuira lor Germany,
The Kentucky ininera* strike h».
lieen declared off.
Eight hundred
men will return to work at <>ncc.
Th« Rnasian minister of tlnancc, M.
Do Wilt, anthoriri-a dental of the story
that Russia la-gun negotiations iu New
York In the middle ol October for a
»50,000,000 loan.
General Charles M. Serra, of the Co-
lomblan republic’s army, announces
that h1» guvriiiinent hud purchaaod
Ueorgo Gould’s yacht, Atlanta, anil
would use her iu suppressing the rebel­
Near Vlikslmrg,
Barnes, colored, was lynched by a mob
n< his own people. In a diunken fury
Barnes miirdvrcd Ills wife, staldmd and
badly wounded a negro who interfered,
and engngol m * rit’e duel with a
white man who attempted to arrest
him. The murderer was Hint to death.
" i*'*' ,'"nl
« packing
a liiooiiiotlr* and 30 i lux cure,
«"«Hl the death of fir* t,,,,,, by falliug
*»ll" and »«tailed a lorn of
A' ih -.- ìh I ,||, pi „(, h frnm (
Colisi Ititi-
The citizens of Oklahoma and In­
"ow „„„
"nd „ninnili
frightful ninasimre»
- **•'
-, ’’ ...,„
" Armenians
have just
just oocurrud in ih« dian Territory want single »tatohood
"lenhins hai«
for the two territories. The formation
<•! Diarimkir.
...... Tho Mussai- of leagnes to promote this end has cbm-
idllageil, uni
" ssseitid,
’'’••‘'■'L I'uiageii,
euî,/'"’ ..........
Uve dava with- inenceil. The first league was organ­
ised at Wagoner, 1. T. Determined
Eight o
T"'kl-li iroops. efforts in Hit* direction are liehig made
" '• added, worn eutlio-
by the leading people of tho**i territor-
7 iB«tr<1yi.l| Ä1„| burned.
According b
The Russian battleship Relsivan has
^•uuighni Mvr a a correspondent of the
'fury, Bishup Fuutosati, lieen launched nt (’rampa’ shipyard.
•foUhl |>y (’|tj ;i«n, was tortured four No wine was used at the christening,
neu«. Different mciiilHT»
,’'h" i-dy u...„
the Russian ccroinnuy being observed.
were removed singly. Two
ilscM W*r'’ cow"d *1t1> coal oil and The new battleship is the largest ever
built in this country. Iler total cost
thra l"n "
which wore will be »8,000,000. The ship is 876
Fogota wns feet ill length, has n bread th of 72 feet
were fright- 9<v inches, a displacement of 12,700
.‘’"'"red. Jhrie
’’Ha lar'l'ì""i''
llloil'illlll coll- tons, and ii draught of 26 feet. 8he
Ing th.J i'v
priori», in ilufeud-
will have a speed of 18 knots.
« ‘noir church. .. ............
! îî,n‘'r"1"1’' -,'1 . ...«
A German firm lias built a
tive on tile American pattern.
The International peace congress in
for Paris condemned (¡rent Britain'senurse
.'«ar I« ex|HioUid to amount
iu the Transvaal.
During the last year 2,400 duels
have been funghi in Italy and 80 deaths
baie resulted.
Cabbage crops In Europe are gener­
U"l<’ fr'"" ,’'"r ’I"’ "re
ally poor Ibis year and thia country is
^""’I’tfon of .„iMug m tfouth being culled upon to inane up the de­
*”'14 a’fa1*?"!1
propose* to
"•‘«twoii1.^“ W|llcn”« ‘''«Allan.
Anglo German Compact Sat­
isfactory to United State«.
Ih* I lilted Hist*« is holding back
K» Hiiavvci u, ilio Anglo-Ilerman agree-
Natural ga. has breu dl.eoii-red near
1 homes Walsh, the Colorado
liou.iire, forme g partnership iu
g|»ikam>, Wash.
Ani.rl- a approve* of tbe Anglo-Ger­
uf Belglunt.
man agreement.
Great nnea.inees wni irnaied in ¡ad-
Ths miners’ strike will t* called . ff
«c» circi«», saya ili» <'oustalitiliople
when all tbe companies |»>.l notice.
. rr«.|.,ii |, nt o( ih« l»>n<lon Daily Mail,
|iii|»-rl.l Irte-ps have suffered re
by a reprt limi «n America« a<|uadron
v.ne. iu .cutheru pro< !*<•«. ol China
we» a;*|it' «chlng ami III» c«UM>r wa.
Kobbeis attempt tu blow o|M>u a sale Ilislrii, l, <| |i, prelilblt tho presa Iroin
of the Hr.t Nstiounl bauk at Union, uientioniug Mie «utoject.
Aiioth' r foiid Ima bruite« out In Clay
The anti-lmperlallsta Issue an ad
ctiutily, Kentucky, Iwlweeii thè Plill-
lire« t<> lb« lude|«uid«ul voter, to sup |» ts and Itavldsous
Iteieutly Dav rd
puit Rryaa.
Dai lauti, fallii r <d Felix Davidson,
f . .............
Four firemen were killed and prop­ Ih« di-puly Wbo was fallirai liy a l'bil-
erty ««bled al flail,DUO destroyed Iu a )»•! a lew «ne.k ago, wa» killed und
raveral other» «ouioleil In a fight. Oh
Hi. Paul nr«
1 11 pot was
Euroi-een |»i|M>r« Indulge In mil'll ili» otln-r »|d«, David 1’ li
critical dlM-uwlou ul Um Auglo l-vr- hlllonl an I two others Imdly wounded.
Aguliialilo la .aid tu hate erlili-n a
letter <lir< llug rs-.aatluU of pdlll al
alleiiipt. for par I fl cat Um.
A Thrltlng Metropolitan Town In Fine«
of Mining FMIagw.
< han*.
Bryan says, If riectad, he will Im-
mediately withdraw the army troni
the Philippines.
man agreement.
Fropooal hr I'rlweo « hlng and I I II um <
from I'ukin.
New York, Oct. 2« —A dispatch to
th» lieraid from Pekin tava:
A preliminary conn-litum between
' hiua ami th* oombim-il power» ha.
I—n proposed by Prince Ching aud Li
Hung ('hang. J: is a. follow«:
• “Article I. Laying siege to tbo lega­
tions of foreign ministers is a high of-
•ns* against on* of the important prin­
ciple* of international law. No coun­
try can possibly tolerate such a thing.
China acknowledges her great fault in
thl. respect ami promise* that it will
uev er occur again.
“Article IL China admit« h«r lia­
bility to pay an indemnity for the var­
ious loe*e* sustained on thia occasion,
and the powers will each np|»>iut offi­
cials to examine and present all claims
lot a final consultation aud settiemeut.
“Article 111. As to future trade
and general international relations,
each [Mj.or should designate bow these
matters are to be dealt with, whether
tbe old treaties should continue or new
conventions should l»e made, slightly
adding to th* old treaties* or canceling
the old treaties aud ueogtiatlug new
ouee. Any of these plana may be
adopted aud when China has appioved
them, further special regulations can
bo made in each case as required.
“Article IV. Thia convention will
be made by China with the combined
powers to cover the geueral principle,
which apply alike to all. This set­
tled, the foreign inini.teis will remove
the seals they caused to be placed in
various parts of the Taung li Yamun,
and the Yamun ministers may go to
the Yainun and attend to bnsineaa a.
usual. And further, each power should
arrange its own special i flairs with
China, so that sefiarate treaties may la-
settled in due older. When the vari
oua Items of indemnity are all arranged
properly, or an umler.t.aiding bas been
reached about them, the powers will
successively withdraw their troops.
“Article V. The troops sent to
China by the powers are for the protec­
tion of the ministers, aud no other pur-
p*e, so when tbe negotiations begin
for treaties ol peace each power should
first declare an armt.tice.”
Washington, Oct. 24. —It was au-
thurltatively staled tonight that Iba
United Males government views with
distinct favor the priucl pins of the
Anglo lieruian agreement relating to
<'bina and that a formal re*|»iuee bi
that effect will lie made at an early
day to th« Invitation extended this
government to accept th« principles ol
I lie agreement. The «.eruian charge
t'affaires, I ouut de Quadt, had a con-
ferenou with Secretary Hay this after-
main, preeentiug officially th« text ul
the Anglo-German agreement, includ­
ing the Imitation to the Culled States
to accept the pttuclp|i-s therein record­
ed. Mr. Hay expressed bls »all.faction
at what had been doue, saytltg be felt
it to lai In complete harmony with the
policy thia government had i-ur.ued,
l.ilh as to lhe maintenance of unob­
structed cotnmeroe in China and the
territorial entity of the empire, and
addlug that a formal reply would Ire
given In a day ur two. Count de
Quad! was gr.itllled at these assurances
and left with the belief that there was
such a harmonious und-r.laudltig on
tire general principlee Involved that the
.'oOcurreuce ol the |»iwers was near at
Mr. Hay lies l-een fully advlaed of
the agreement and bad gone over It
with great care with the president
yesterday end today. This was the
more ne< esaarv owing to tbe president's
departure fur t'aiitoii tonight. The re-
■ult of these delil-eratIons Is summed
up in the atslemeut that the go»em­
inent views the Anglo ! lerman agree­
ment with favor. It is also protaible
that some attention bas lieen glvi-n Io
lhe draft of the American reply. It is
likely to lie more iu lhe lorui of a note
al approval retbi-r than any formal ad- Aeeldvel lo « Oreat Morlh.ru Train
N*«r Bailard.
liereu- e to the alliance, but this is said
to l-e merely a matter of detail.
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 28.—One of the
Al.iut the only serious question most disastrous accidents that has oc­
which lias arisen as to the American curred in thia vicinity happened about
reply was in clause Hire« of tbe Anglo- three miles north of Ballard, on th.
German agreement. Thia states that Great Northern railroad, last night, at
in cbm - of anol her power making use of II o'clock, when train No. 16, with 31
the complication* In China in order to freight cars, eaallsiund, while running
obtain territorial advantages, Germany at a good rate of speed, ran into a land­
slid Great Biltain rerane the right tu slide. Two men were killed and three
reach a preliminary understanding of badly injured. Ten cars were burued
tbe eventual step to lie takeu for tbe up aud the locomotive demoli-hed.
Tbe killed are: A. J. Cieepar, engi­
protection of their interests. This is
open tu the construction of being a neer; Roy Archer, a passenger. The
threat. It la probable that the Ameri­ injured are: Albert Michaelson, ear
can reply will not go beyond accepting torn off, hand burued and probably in­
the principle that Germany ami Great ternally injured. He is a brakeman.
A. T. Brindley, supply man, face
Britain have a right to agree between
thnmralves as to their eventual course. and shoulders burned until scarcely
But there is not likely to lie an? thing recognizable; may die.
D. J. Allman, flreuMiu, alightl?' in­
which will commit thia government to
accept tilts eientuai agreement. In jured.
The train struck the landslide almost
short, the third clause is interpreted tu
apply only to Germany and Great Brit­ without warning, and the engiue aud
ain, there being no Invitatiou extended a nuinlier of cars were piled in a heap
to other powers to join them iu a pre­ without the engineer having a chance
liminary understanding regarding tbe to jump. The wreck took tire almost
tin mediately.
sveutual steps to lie taken.
On«* Wniiikn Killrtl, Another Faintly
Itijiirrtl mid a Thlril Badly Brulard.
Washington, Oct. 24.—lion. John
Eibernian. representative In t e house;
for a long term a member of the sen­
ate ami twice bolding cabiuet posi­
tions, diet! at Ills residence in tins a lly
at 6:45 o’cliH-k this morning tn the
"Mb year of his age. Ilia iteatli had
l<e«u exjieotcd for some days and lov­
ing friends gave him their unremitting
care au I attention to the end. The
immediate cause of death was described
as brain exhaustion, incident to ex­
treme weakuera, due to old ago and
several attacks of sickness from which
he had suffered for the past year AUll A
biuce Saturday afternoon, Mr. sh«r
man had N mmi most of the time uueon-
scious, rallying partially at intervals
when slight nourishment was given
him. Yestsrdnv afternoon, evidences
of the approaching end were manifest
and he failed to regain consciousness
after 8 o'clock, passing away peace­
fully just after dawn broke. Alaiut I
o’clock this morniug he rallied some­
what from the stupor aud turned him­
self over iu bed, but after that he grad­
ually sank until the emi came.
Secretary Sherinau'a death occurred
in tlm handsome home on K street
which ho had erected eight years ago.
Some weeka ego t«e secretary deeded
this valuable property to Mrs. MoCal-
him. Tbe secretary was a large holilei
of reel estate in thia city. Conserva­
tive estimates of his wealth place it at
around »1,000,000.
Seattle, Oct. 2(1.—As a result of a
runaway accident here this evening,
one woman was killed, another fatally
injured and a third badlv cut about
lhe head and body. The runawa?' oc­
curred at (I o'clock, at a time when the
stri-ete were unusually crowded, owing
to the nuuilicr waiting to go home ou
the car. to dinner.
The team was hitched to a delivery
wagon standing in fruut of a grocery
store on Second avenue, while the
driver went inside to deliver some
goods, The driver says that ha put the
brake on the wheels aud tied the horses
with a weight. A lew moments later
they took fright at something and
dashed down Seconii avenue.
street is a down grade, and they at­
tained fearful velocity by the time they
reached James street, where the wo­
men stood.
They were waiting to
catch a oar.
Mrs. C. Jacobson, aged 70, was
struck by the horses and knocked dowu
and run over by the wagon, two
wheels ]»asaing over her head. She
died almost intsantly. A Mrs. Arm­
stead was knocked down and the horses
stepped ou her chest, inflicting serious
injuries. She is not expected to live
until morning.
The third woman, |
Mrs. Albert* Jacobson, was severely
cut about the bead and bodv, but is
not in danger. She is a daughter-in-
law of the dead womau.
Taaard Awajr at III« Wa«hIngtun
% r tmlajr.
I iii II hii « Armed«
Fire lit it Mliinruota Town.
Wabasha, Minn., Oct. 96.—The eu-
tire business part of Minneiska WHS
burned today, including the postotlice.
The farmers' eleavtor and several load­
ed cars were also burned. Loss, »75,-
Denison, Texas, Oct. 23.—The (’reek
(ull-blia>d council has been joined by
Choctaws, Chioknaaws, Chetokess mid
Seminole«, nil armed with Winches
A Virginia z%««H««hiatInn.
ters. They declare they will stand by
the trenty of 1800 and will not take
Bristol, Tenn., Oct.
allottiuent of lauds. Colonel Sheen- Cheser, a leading lumber dealer, was
foie, agent of the five civilized tribes, assassinated at Norton, Va., lust night
in oontldeiil Hint lie enn bmidlo the sit­ I while going out of a hotel. The assas­
sin has not been arrested.
Force* Ketiirttliig From Chino«
Nrirooi Lynched.
Manila, Oct. 24.—Mr. Wildman,
Oct. 26. —It was
United States consul at Hong Kong, learned here today that two negroes,
who is now in Manila, snys tbe expec­ James Grier aud Jamos Colloway,
tation of a general anti-foreign out­ wore lynched by white farmers near
break in Southern China, notnbiy iu Liberty Hill, in Pike county. While
Canton, is growing daily, mid that out hunting they shot recklessly into a
cablegrams received by him last week farmers* house, frightening a young
record an increasing uneitsinera in white womau.
Wort! reaches here
llong Kong.
A troop of the Sixth from Wellston, in Huston county, that
United States cavalry ami a oontiugsnt a negro was lynched by a mob of his
of marines from the United States bat­ pwn race for assaulting a colored girl,
tleship Indiana have arrived here from ^uother negro was lynched near there
for a similar crime last week.
Defalcation of a New York
Bank’s Note Teller.
AMOUNTED TO »700,000
I harte. I.. Alvord, ortho First National,
1- the
<Mp«d Io Mou h A uvric»«
New York, Oct. 25.—Charles L. Al­
vord, not« teller of the First National
Bank, of this city, is a fugitive and a
defaulter hi the extent of »700.000.
The announcement of the defalcation,
which wa. made this aftermsm. cre­
sted the utmost excitemeut in financial
circles in this city, but the wail-known
liability of the First National and a
ktatenivut issued by the hauJc had a
quieting effect. Tbe statement was as
"The note teller, who had lieen in
the employ of tbe First National Bank
tor many years, is a defaulter to a large
»mount. His operations have contin­
ued for a considerable period, and have
been skillfully concealed through a
manipulation of hie balance books.
Tl>e discovery was made by one of tbe
bank's employes a few days after the
completion of the examination of the
bank by the United States examiners.
During tbe continuance of his pecula­
tions periodical examinations have
Leen made by several distinct corps of
examiners, representing the controller’s
department, all expert accountants,
and the Lank has also had frequent in­
dependent examinations, none of which
has developed any irregularities.
Tbe aggregate of tbe false entries,
amounting to »700,000, has l>een
charged off ou the books of tbe bank
out of the reserve fund without dimin­
ishing the surplus and profits of the
bank, as reported in the hut published
Alvord lias been with the lank for
20 years, and was one <•( the most
trusted men in tbe institution, ilia
stealings extend over a long period,
but no suspicion of the truth was
known until 10 days ago, when be rant
word that be was ill at his home. Af­
ter he had lieen away for a day or two
the bank put ex;>erta at work and come
irregularities were found. As tbe ex­
perts delve.I deeper and deeper into
Alvord's books, the extent of the rob-
bery began to dawn on the officers tin-
til they were overwhelmed to find that
it reached tbe enormous figure of »700,-
There was a rumor that Alvord took
a steamer for South America.
Want Large Appropriation* for Govern«
meat Irrigation Surve«y«.
Denver, Oct. 25.—Colorado busi­
ness men recognizee the lienefit that
attaches to their state through the
work of the government along the lines
of irrigation investigation and surveys
for reservoir sites. The Denver cham­
ber of commerce and board of trade
last month adopted rigorous resolutions
calling attention to the great develop­
ment possible in Colorado, through ir­
rigation. and to the generally accepted
opiniou that onlv by the storage of
flood waters can the future problem
affectiug successful farming in tbe arid
region be solved, and pledging support
to the United States geological survey
in securing large congressional appro­
priations for carrying on their work for
surveys of reservoir sites, aud other
preliminary irrigation work.
Waste nt the Forest«.
Many sections of the West are be­
ginning to reap the bitter fruits of
forest destruction. A few years ago
the snow would drift, and pile up iu
the mountain gulches, thickly studded
with pine and other trees, forming an
almost impenetrable (forest protection,
and these gradually melt away, supply­
ing water for the streams until late in
the season. This, now? bas too often
changed. The timber has gradually,
but surely, been cut and burnt away,
until now some of the tiuest forests of
the mountains have dsappeared. and
where the snow banks would remaiu
until late in the season, they now dis­
appear months earlier, and iustead of
melting gradually, the tlood-waters
come with a rush, and then cease when
most needed. There is scarcely any­
thing more important than forest pro­
tection aud preservation, which mean,
a guarding of the water supply; and
every state an I every section should
rouse to active local organisation aud
national co-oi>eration.
The 1‘hiladelhpia Public Lodger, an
old and conservative Eastern journal,
speaking of the arid public lands, ar­
gues forcibly, that in order that they
may lie redeemed the nation should
assume tbe task of irrigation.
Washington, Oct. 27.—An interest­
ing report iipoa th* conditions in flaw-
son City and the Yukon district oi
Alaska ha* l>eet> furnished to the state
department by United Mates Consul
“Dawson today,” he says, “presents
a marked contrast to the Dawson ol
D»98. Thru no one, except possibly ths
judges on the bench, wore a white
shirt. Ths town was thronged with
miners, pack on back, prospecting fot
gold. The streets were ventable mud­
Now people dress rnu'h mi
they do in the cities of the United I
States. A man with a pack on his i
back is an unusual sight, and one can i
walk the town over with polufaed .hoes I
and not have them soiled.”
Dae son City does not appear like a I
mining town, states Consul McCook, ,
but rather a tbiiving commercial cen­ -
ter. It is crowded just now, for more i
come in than go out. Electric rail­ ■
ways are promised by 1901, and public :
schools have been opened and are well I
Tbe government at Ottawa, it is re-
forted, will offer for sale at public
auction in Dawson every claim that
has reverted U> it by lapse or other­
wise. and 80 days after the time of
sale all claims not sold will be declared
open for location.
Tbe output of gold has loan increas­
ing, says the consul, in spite of the fact
that the average values of the gravels
worked have been steadily declining, I
the richest mines having been worked
lint. But meantime the cost of work­
ing lias decreased, and enables proper­
ties to be profitably worked now that
would not have yielded gains two years
ago. There should tie a continued out­
put of from fl5.U0O.0OU to f JO.OOO.OOU
worth of gold annually for many years
to come, according to Consul McCook,
if tbe expenses ol working are further
Valuable placer claims are reported
to have loen located in the hteaart
river mining district, about 100 mile*
from Dawson, and a stampede has fol­
lowed to tbe scene of tbe finds.
Official Settlement of Trouble
by Union Officials.
Hazleton, Ps., Oct. 28.—The follow-
ing statement was given out for puhli-
cation tonight by President Mitchell,
of the United Mioeworkers:
“Temporary Heaqduarters. United
Mineworkers of America, Hazleton,
Pa., Octolier 27, 1900.—To the miners
and mineworker, of the anthracite rer
ion: Gentlemen—After carefully q*n-
vs «ring the entire strike situation, we,
your officers, district and national,
have concluded that your victory la so
nearly complete that no good end can
lie served hr continuing the strike
longer. Tbe contest has been in pro­
gress for 89 days, and the companies
employing yon have, with few excep­
tions, signified their willingness to pay
the scale of wages formulated by the
Scranton convention uf October 12 and
“We are aware that some disappoint­
ment and diaeatisfaetton
bas been
cause,I by tbe failure of the operator»
in district» 1 and 7 to separate tbe re­
duction in tbe price of powder from
the advance in wages, but after careful
inquiry we are satisfied that each min*-
employe will actually receive an ad­
vance of 10 percent on tbe wages form­
erly paid. In tbe Schuylkill and Le­
igh regions the largest companies bavs
agreed that tbe eliding scale shoo Id
be suspended and that wages should
remain stationary at 10 per cent until
April I. 1991, thus removing one of
the iniquities of which you have com­
plained for many years.
“While it is true that yon have not
secure-1 re-1 ress for all your wr<>n<a;
while it is true that the increase in
EXPLOSION AT INDIAN HEAD your earnings will not fully compensate
you for the arduous labor you are com­
Bad Accident Believed to Have Oc­ pelled to perform, you have established
curred at Provini Gmuuflt
a perfect organization, which, if main­
Washington, Oct 27.—An explosion tained und conducted on business prin­
occurred at the Indian Head proving ciples, will enable you to regulate
grounds about 11 o'clock tonight. A many of your local grievances and mak*
Hash of light, visible some distance, your employment less hazardous and
accompanied the explosion which was mote profitable than lie fore the strike
followed by a tire. The explosion began.
shook the windows of bouses in Alex­
"The companies agree us itair notices
andria, 19 t*iles from Indian Head. to take up with |A
There is no direct communication with all grievances o'
tbe proving grounds by which details would, therefore,
can be had touight. The grounds are work is resumed *
25 miles down tbe Tob-mac river from ed by the mine enf
Washington, and many of the big guns wait upon the superintendents of the
and much of the armor fur tbe lattle- companies and present their griev­
shipe are tested there.
ances in an orderly, business-like man­
It is believed the powder m«Us and ner, and ask that they l>e corrected.
other mills were destroyed. The first
"Your attention is
shock was felt over a radius of 20 called to tbe fact that the laws of the
miles. A number of other explosions state of Pennsylvania provide that
followed at intervals, illuminating the miners should be ¡»aid semi-monthly
surrvuuding country and the opposite upon demand. We should, therefore,
bank of the river, At Quantico, 11 advise that each mine employe serv*
miles below Indian Head, one explo- notice on the com panics that he expects
sion after another was beard, and to be paid his wage« twice each month,
bricks were shaken from chimney». as provided by law.
Forts Hull and Washington, 11 miles
“The practical benefits to the miners
north of Indian Head, were shaken by which accrue from thorough organisa­
the explosion.
Tbe tug Iriton left tion have been so clearly demonstrated
tbe uavv yard soon after tbe explosion during this strike that it should b*
for tbe proving grounds. There ar­ needless for us to urge upon you the
se vera I officers and a nuuil-er of enlist­ necessity of maintaining your union in­
ed men and workmen at the place.
tact. We tiust, however, that those
who are now members of the union
The Pattrnkon Marder.
be unceasing iu their efforts to in­
Patterson, N. J., Oct. 28.—Scul-
thorpe, the man who drove the cab iu duce all mineworkers to ally them­
which Jennie Borachieter. the young selves with tbe United M tneworkaas *4
■ilk mill employe, died last Thursday America at once, as it will
night, said today that a womau whose ble for you to secure your
name he does not know was in the sa­ future or even maintain
loon at the time the girl's dtink was rate ol wages unless you •
drugged. This woman, he sava, help­ to offer a united resistance
ed Kerr, McAllister, Campbell and tempt is made to reduce your earnings
Death to put the girl into the cab, and upon tbe ex) iratiun of the present
stood by until the vehicle started away. offer.”
The uddress is signed by the national
The police are searching for this wo­
man aud also for the drug clerk who and district officers of the United Mine­
sold chloral to McAllister, lie has worker» of America.
Dodson A- Co., operating the Beaver
disappeared, but it is thought he has
not left Paterson. Seuthrope says he Brook colliery, posted a notice today
lielieves the unknown woman was a complving with tbe demand» of th*
Scranton convention.
The company
stranger iu Paterson.
also operates the Moren and William
Philippine Transport Service.
colleriea, iu Schuylkill county.
Washington, Oct. 28.—Order» have
Hermits for 1’hlHppiiir*.
lieen issued for the completion and re­
New York, Oct. 28.—Colonel Kim-
pair of the transports Wright and In­ balll, assistant quartermaster of the
galls, at New York, in order to utilize United States army, announced today
them in the 1’hiHppiue service. They that 2.000 recruits will leave for th*
ware purchased during the Spanish Philippines in the next three weeka.
war. and were used lor the transporta­ The first 1,000 will leave on the trans,
tion of troop« and freight between the port Buford, November 5. The second
United States and the Weal Indies. transport carrying the other l.OOO.will
Lately their service« have beeu cou- be the Kilpatrick, which will leav*
tiued to cruiaiug the waters of Tampa November 10. The recruits on the Bu­
and Porto Rico. They are too small ford will t>e uuder the command of
for use as regular troopships between Colonel Jacob Kline.of the Tweuty-tirst
the United States and the Philippines, infantry, and those on the Kilpatrick ,
but are well adapted for cruising in under Colonel Tully McCrue.
the Philippines.
Stale lloiin<li«ry
Routh Carolina Exposition.
Charleston, 8. 0., Oct. 25.—The di­
rectors of the South Carolina Inter­
state and West Indian expostion have
received the designs and drawings for
buildings aud grounds. The plans in­
clude about 15 important buildings, the
largest to be the cotton palace, which
will have an area of 50,000 square
For the government building it
is proposed to have a replica of tbe
White House.
Furentry In Fhillpplnea.
Ithaoa, N. Y., Oct. 25. — President
Schurman, of Cornell University, today
announced that the New York College
of Forestry had been asked to furnish
competent assistants to the forestry
bureau at Manila, P. I.
Ahern, in charge of that bureau, pur­
poses to reorganise the bureau, which
under Spanish rule employed over 180
officiais, to supervise the exploration
of 20,OcO,OOC acras or more of public
foiest domain, (urnshing now a revenue
ul »101,000 uunually.
Bank Trealtlent Sentenced.
I.Ins Wrong,
Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 28.—Secre­
tary of State McDavid has taken the
first step toward annexing West Fiori-
Ja to Alabama. In his annual report
to the government the secretary of stnta
says Alabama runs a mile farther south
rm the eastern boundary than the tract
books have hitherto shown, and that
’ the state is possessed of a wedge of land
whiJh'h’fo’.fflc^ records faifod V.how
Chicago, Oct. 26.—William A. Paul­
son. convicted of receiving a deposit
in the Central Truvt * Savings Bank,
of which he was president, while
knowing the bauk to be insolvent, to­
day was sentenced to serve an indefi­
nite sentence iu prison. A stay ol exe­
cution of 80 days was allowed to ena-
Ide the defense to I’*’!*" “
ceptions for presentation to the su­ It owned running 190 miles along th*
preme court.
southern end oi the stut*.
New York, Oct. 28.—The New York
Yacht Club met tonight, and Commo­
dore Ledyard assured the members that
a new cup defender will be built tq
meet Thomas Lipton’s Shamrock 11,
and he «aid they could rest on bis as­
surance. The new boat will be built
and bandied by a syndicate.
Chippewa Falls, Wia., Oct. 28.—
Joseph Mandelot, president of the
French Lnmberiug Company, died to­
day. 11« leave» an estate worth »500,-
St. Thomas, D. W. !., Oct. 97.—In­
tense adverse fee bug has been excited
here by the renewal of the report that
Denmark intends to sail th* Danish
Antilles to the United States. A meet­
ing of the colonial council has been
convoked at St. Croix for the purpos*
af making a formal protest. Tbe news­
papers discuss the question, ilsclaring
iu bold type: “We do not wish to b*
told." there is no desire, much lea*
! ■nthuslasin, among the pop Ration t*
! belong to the United States.