Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 18, 1900, Image 3

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generally a very desirable class of ell- »lx horses. People who assert that
not afford to avoid Klamath Fall» un­
tarns, «ml they on their port are it railroad train would have little
less Inducements to do so are very
foitunatr lu selecting an excellent a freight lo haul to this place, would
great. In view of such possible un-
tbbrhdav . OCTOBER IM. 1000. country us this locum« to.
Ho well lo consider the enormous certainty »« to the outcome, th« peo­
lien Warner, a wealthy l.ake ft>un amount that 1« now brought here, ple of tbta place and vicinity
Photographer Chas. Baech­
ty resident, of n .. w pii ,„ C r (M, ki tth <| some to be unloaded here and thebal-
readily see the propriety of l«|ng ler will be here only a short
l>f. Guide of Medford arrived Nutt -1 aged about 72 yeiirs, fell from a araf ance to In* taken to other town» lie- friendly and generous. When a road
High class work at
folding on ||I(. mt, |„ h | m receiving yontl. Tliere la freight enough that strikes a country, It isn't a question time.
Located near
Injuries that < aiMv<i hi» death a few com«/ here every day to load several of whether we want the line
und II«
Win. Moyers of Montana arrived days later.
I railroad freight cuts. If there are benefits or be left as we are. A ruad Electric Cagh Store.
brre Tuesday.
doubter«, let them figure It up for won't leave a town as It Is. When a
jix>. K. Alexander of Kun June, cat. | Mrs. Kiernan ivcompanled by her
Blnuk.-t-liurd clothing »I Duffv's.
■on t'harlrs, went to Yreka la«l work tbsmaelvea.
railroad ltpproacli<*s a town, ft must
wM here Hunday.
Notice for Publication.
Ui visit relatives. MlsaGenrlvr Klrr-I It ia aurprlalng that any man should secure It or go t*i smash. In the evo-
IkHMirf merit of the Interior.
I,* w. Wall "< Medford Nundnyrd nan Im* ju»t commenced her second Iwllttle or B|»e.ik III of the resource« lutIons of development, It must go
Laud Oflice at l»akevl«w. Ortrfon,
ptrmixer 10. J$W.
In Ktatnalb Fall*.
1 year's study m thoHtatcni Academy | stiff sdvuntagt s of bta own town or up or down, rise or fall, grow and ex­ Notlf i I« hereby Klr**n M« that
the following
of bla intention
H W. Marple left <»n a business , Mt Itrd Bluff, cal.
¡county. Tint Imptilne which lead* pand or shrivel and peter out.
make fti/wl proof in sii|.|x>rt of his claim,
• nd II »st said proof will m made tx-forr Jas.
trip to *'iB'f ToetMlsy.
Ilev. Father ¡tonnelly writes Major to IbedlMroiiragemcnt of heW settler«
II Hrlwuoli f'ourifjf C1«*rk, al Klamath Falla,
t».»>er /n P jud .
: a M Thomas.
W. T. Htive *uf Furl Klamath waa | Worden Uiut Ills offer of a site here mid new enterprise«, Is lin'd of short-
Il F Mo IW7. for the W*w M MW* and m K' a ol
m a result of an Injury received In eW'vK.c 4. and
oi MW»*, Kec. », Tp V,
at the Foils «'it Tuesday.
K , W, M , Or«* He name« the fol
the accident which befell hliiion Mon­ >• . ' H Lt. si
'. iii «^» to prove hla continuous
j F. Hlavln <>f this place moved ' church lias been favorably considered mid not only hinder» growth, but In-
tif/on and rtiit• vation •>! «aid land,
day. October I, John Hunsaker died v.z Owtrert
IrA in«*, f«f Merrill, Orrfon ! Mark
over to Granl'a I'«*-«, last Weak.
Irvine, of Merrill. Oregon j |„ a While, /,!
I<-re„t In it community. Citizen«, In. at hla home In Klamath Falta nt about Il«*) stun, Or» Kon ; Gro. bavl», of Kovston, Ore­
y. W. Dumui «nd wife of Bonanza
| On Tuesday G. T. Baldwin, II. F tere«te<| In the development of tin« 1 o'clock Friday morning. Funeral
K M BBA rr aim . HtgiaUr.
war« al Klamath Falta Saturday.
town mid county, merely u»k for a
M lluitaml "< •*"• Angwlee, t'al.. \ an llrlinmi-r und J, F. Adama went portrayal of tbelt rcrourres, udvant- residence Friday afternoon by Bev. Timber I.and, Act June 3. 1878—
Nutice for Publication.
arrlvedal Klamath islla yealrrday.
J. W. Craig and were attended by a
tract of land iH-longlng to the Miller ag«*« und |«m» ibllltli*» in accordance large conciunw* of sympathizing
Our «wtrettird friend, J.C. Frrguaon
with the facta. They need not bs
estate, I hey were ix comp inlrd by
L akkvikw , O hk <. om , Kept. 10, HMMJ.j
WiB in town from Ills ranch, on Hat
••xaggenitcff. The unvarnished truth
...Ml. r I«
in hereby
nrreiry given
»iven that,
ill««, in com-
W. T. Butcher surveyor.
It will be remembered that Mr. phare e with the provmions of the act of
1» «Iirtlclent to prove the desirability
It la repurtasl tb.it thirty tons of of this county. All we want 1« an Humuiker*« right arm was badly t'oiiirre»» of June 3, 1 »78, entitled "An
Ge*wge Ubaae of Cbaae'a Ntatlon
pr>wd*-r have hern Imxlrd nt Klamath- Ixiixht mid unbiased review of what wounded from the accidental dta- act for the aale of timlier land« in the
states <>f Calilornia, Oregon, Nevada and
Sixta-e »'tall V" Klamath Fall« ua
011 for him * in building th« grade for
( harge of a Winchester rifle while be Washington Territory,” as extended
lh« Oregon Midland railroad. Thia Is
waa driving Into the country on Octo- to all the Public I .and States by
Attorney K****<• went to Bonanza merely a rep/,it und we cannot at that the county will witness a slesdy
act of August 4, 1892, Charles »'.John­
inflowing st ream of people and capital. l»er 1. The bail an ' shift t**re<f' the son of Klauinthon, county of Siskiyou,
gatuMst to try a lawsuit, returning Ibis time aubstantlate It.
Both we need, mid in order to secure bones and mangled the flesh that am­ State of California, has this day tiled
in this office bi» sworn stati-ment. No.
Examiner: Mitchell them we iiiiisi offer encouragement putation of the arm wait necessary, 272.
for the purchase of the W
of E
T. J. Ankeny of ('ataiutna. t'al., ar­ Br*«. of Klmnnlli have purchased
and feds, mid not meet them wltti and the operation was preformed on <it Section No. 37, In Township No. 82,
rived al Klamath Falla flout that , about 700 head of *l*a*k rat tie In G« muh *
Range No. 7*4, E.. and will offer
dyspeptic hints «nd unwarranted the following day. At find It was be­ S.,
proof to show that the land Bought
pl»,« auialay.
I latke valley during the past two utterances of apprehension, which, In lieved that in« naturally strong con­ is more valuable for its timber or
M m 'I iurla Wllllla of Ashland la j week». Till» valley on th« « «ith 1» truth, Imvc no real foundation.
stitution would overcome the great stone than for agricultural pur-
bcre visiting th* family uf her uncle, fairly well c!,-nncd up of cattle now.'
shock, loss of blood and disadvantage isiaes, and toeslablish his claim to Mid j-.
The heavily exaggerated tale almut of advanced age, but as time wore on land before the Register and Receiver of *
jurtgr w inn«.
this office al Jjikevlew. Oregon, on -f-
Win. Itartrow who lives four miles Klamath county snuke« appearing,
he became weaker, and finally, as it Saturday, the 24th day of Novemlier,
John Ilonix*/ 1« talking of going in on the r<*ad to Kmo, who b.u, been
with pictorial representations, In
BUM). He names as witnesses: Fred
« few day* t« Ian Angeles, L’al., tu very sick with heart trouble, waa Sunday‘«Hun Francl«co Examiner, does was seen he was steadily sinking, II. Briggs, of Grants Pass, Oregon; Al-
l»-rt Panknin, of Klsrnatlion, California; -L.
|MM the winter.
i taken Ibis week by bl* friends across till* ««clton much Injustice and prob­ hope of Ills recovery vanished.
F. Kappler,
of K lama thou, Call- j
.Mr. Hunsaker was born in Muhlin- • has. r.
Attorney Murduch returned O<1 the mountains to a lower altitude, ably imine Injury In view of the many
(‘■rnia; W. T. Coburn, of Ashland.
Any and sll persona claim­
Monday from Bonanza where hr hoping that he would lie helped by so who contemplate finding homes here
the alxive-described
aged 7« years, I month and 12 days ing adversely
I doing.
bad been on legal bualneaa.
In the near future. It is true there at the time of ills d««t'h. When <1 lands are requested to file their claims
in this office on or betöre said 24th day
Ashland Tiding*: ('. Cunningham, Is n considerable number of tiarmh-a*
C. K. IVorduu add« to our Vegetable
years old he moved to Edgar county, <»I November. 1H00.
eollerltou aoui« big. healthy pot at* MW th» Fort Klamath «t<s-k num. nr lived snakes along the river, and there are
E. M. Bit ATTA IN, Register.
Illinois, where he grew up to manhood
raiard on the take front below town. in Ashland l.ut week, and after a visit a few more along th.' Irrigation ditches
and commenced his work among men
TbiS 1» Hist claaa weather for l*ulld- here left on his return home accom­ than one would sec on the streets of as a nelghlair and citizen. In 1845 ■ TIMBERLAND, A«.TJUNE3, 1«78,
Iny mllroada, stxi lictiie we auun hope panied by Mrs. Cunningham. who bus Kan Francisco, unless, by frequent lie was happily married to Miss Zlp-
lusec the <’ M. It. lake advantage been visiting In tills city for a few niul excessive draughla of liquid ciialn- para Wheeler. In 184« be removed to
ilghtning, tie had wrought himself Mlsmurl, ar.d from thence. In 18«3,
uf It.
I.AKKVISW, ORKGtiN, AllgUSt U, 1900.|
The first oflhewrek D. Cronemiller
he crowd the broad plains to the
Ashland Rerord: Mrs. (*. IL Wat-
Notice is hereby given that in com­
osi la vlalting relatives In Klamath *ent us a giant bead of cabimge and attained l>y the Examiner reporter. state of California. Three yean. later pliance w 11 li the provisions of the act ol
<>l J111,. 3. IKS, entitled “An
Hut tli« Klamath snakes are not be came to Oregon and located In
Falla, where she will remain several t wo huge t utni|>* which were raised on
act (or the sale of timber lands in the
his ranch at Fort Klamath. These
Marion county near Salem. From »fates of California, Oregon, Nevada,
• eeki.
samples Indicate that the Wood river panions of the youthful |«>pul*tlon. there he moved to Myrtle creek. and Washington Territory," as ex­
II. L I'arrlMi and wife have re­
to all the Public Land States
countn Is not behind other sections as that paper would lead it« readers Douglas county, and in 1«78 became tended
by act of August 4, 18V2, John W.
turned to their home at Ashland, ac-
to conclude. Unlike the San Fran*
In the hukitx-M <>f horticulture.
to Klamath county. After living on Brandenburg, of Klamath Falta, County
cumpanied by Mrs. 1‘urtiab's mother, !
cisco variety, a sample of which had a farm near Pine Grove for a number of Klamath, State of t/rvgon. ha» Ulla
Mr*. IliitiMker.
day filed in this office his sworn state­
coming and going over the Ashland- apparently overpowered the Examin­ of years, he heated in ^lamath Falls, ment No. 2V3. for the purchase of the
J. Kororl returned from a btudneaa
Klamath Falls stage road In larger er writer, ttie Kinmath snakes keep where he spent his remaining days, SW quarter of Section so. 8, in Town­
ship so. 38 8., Range so. 6 E., and will
trip to Boruuza on Tuesday, lie ha«
numbers than for years. The stage within their allotted spheres, stick to and where, as well as at all other offer prool to show that the land sought
a randi hi that ix-lghUorlx««l and
places of hfs residence, fie ha* always 1» more valuable for its tinilier or stone
tinea's |taM>rnger business has le-cn
furiuerly Uvrd there.
than h>r agricultural purposes, and to
largely Inerraard and the number of 1 disturb tli.' busy prvrlncta of the home the reputation of a worthy and establish
his claim to said land before
Attorney Berkman of l*urt)aixl freight and emigrant wagi.ns on the town. This 1« so much «0 that a honored citizen, holding the re­ the Register
am] Receiver of this office
paord thnnv.'li t*>«n Tueaday, on til*' read la very brary.
spect, friendship and ctmildcnce of at I-akvview, Oregon, on S'aturday, the
lie shown the stretches of the river everybody .".cqualnted with him. The 2*)ih day of Oc toiler. 1900. Henames as
way lanne from l-akevicw where be j
The Lakeview Examiner announces
«itnesaes : J. it. Whitcomb, of Picard.
bail been attending <»>urt.
I mii L* frequented by snakca iiv. order large crowd of friends who gathered California; C. J. Slv. of Picard, Cali­
that It has completed preparations to
Th*! prevalence of in *aalrs among apfacar In cnlaiged form this week. to see any, without doing Which he to witness the last sad rites, was a de­ fornia; II. P. Galarneau, ol Klamath
Falla, Oregon; Henrietta Galarneau,
therhlMr not this pine* baa conald Fora few months II has been com­ might l<«-atesnd live here lixb'finltcly served testimonial of the high esteem of Klamath Falla, Oregon. Any and
alt persona claiming adversely the
ersMy reduced the attendance at pelled to Issue three-column pages on
in which he was held here.
a>>ove-<leecril>ed lamia are requested to
that they keep their place, are
a/**,l during the past few weeks.
Of his family surviving him are his tile their claims in thia office on or be­
account <>f having the bulk of Ila
perfectly harmlcM under all circum­ wife, Mrs. H. L. Parrish or Ashland fore saxl 20lli dav ol Ovtola-r, 11*00.
tin Mtsulay Rev. J. W. Craig ac- material d<-»lroyed by the big fire,
stances and are useful in exterminat­ and Ilobtert Hunsaker of this place,
E. M. liRATTAIN, Register.
companied his wife to the Rogue The office Is now rc <-qulpp<sl through-
ing rattlesnake.*, rats, mice and in- mid a numler of other grown < liild-
lUier tall. y, where she g*«n* In the put.
sects, makes them desirable, rather ren who were absent. In their be­
Notice For Publication.
interest uf Uie Degree of Honor l<«lge,
We umbri»! 41 h I t luit thr Link v Hie t than a nulKarice. The snake reporter
Dcpiirtmcnc o( the Interior,
Land Office at l»akeview. Oregon,
Esgrur Downing and wife uf Furt Hotel has been transferred by l-and- of the Examiner, arhoolrd In the reavement they have the sympathy of
September 3D, *fcO.
Junes arrh.d 1>. t.- Saturday. Mr. ¡lord K kni.iu ' ' I* Willsonof till* veracity of that renowned calamity all.
Notice !• Jicrcby given that the following- ’
named «cttler ha» tiled n»»ticeof hi* Intention
Buwnlng 1» 11 pliolograpbcr and 1» place an.I that Mr. John Hanks ha* paper, protaibly worked himself up to
Mens »10 Wool Suitsat Duffy's.
to Bink» tinal pr<H»f tn MMBtt ol hu claim,
A > I t.
f will be mR»!e before J. H. ,
brre to gather views for a magazine. , been placed In charge. Mr. Hanks la the st at u» <>f Hcelng myriad* of tangled,
Trimmed Hats at Chastain & May brKctdl, t'oun.y C lerk, ac Klamath Fall».
Oregon, on October
29. lfOO. vii: Ftnile
Nr. Janie* L Gordon and Mias Em- fully acquainted with the buainc««. squirming and «napping reptiles, and tone's.
Egcrt II F Xw 1717. for the W^oftfk'^, NE»
i f >E*.
ME’4 of XE\«*I Sec li Tp 37 K . K
si«L Worlow hothof Fort Klamath, and bls manageiucut will without merely let himself i<M«k> in the spirit
ltlaEw M, Oregon. He name« the following
witueaee« Improve hi» vontiniiou* residence
»ere united In marriage at Mr*. doubt prove satisfactory to the travel­ ■ if rolling out a huge chunk of soul-
upon and cultivation of «Mid land, via: Fred
E Ktahlman. ol R y. Oregon; A. Vaatel. of
Beilin » hotel by Jutlge Willits ycatcr- ing public.
htlrring wit, oblivious of the fact
hiamatli Fall«, Oregon;
Conrad Stoeger
and John H. ( ulahan. both of l»afry, Oregon.
Ashland Record: Rev. C. F. Clapp that til» slop-over In exaggeration
E M. B mattain . Register.
Mr. and Mr*. A. M. Tlnkyr, In the of Forest Grove, superintendent of might deter Immigration totliecuuu-
»■nploymcnt of tbc government, Home Mission of the Congreg.itlonal try of which he wrote.
•»re here on Tueaday on their way to churcL for Otego»», arrived here Tues­
A large and enthusiastic meet Ing of
Five hitherto well catablisheff South
Wsshingion 1/. u. fn>IM Klamath day and waa met In the af!criu«>n by
McKinley Club was held in the
Dakota towns Selby, Bloomington,
Supt. Ilarrlaon of Alameda, wlio holds
room Satuniav evening. Judge
Edgeton, Castalia and Old Platte,—
A. J. Jobnann of Astoria, who Is a a like piwltlon in California, W. W. have iwen torn from their foundations i L. F. Willits presiding. C. L. Par­
Fwemment botanist, «Oip|>«d here Hcudder of San Francisco, and E. 8. and moved ncr<»* the prairies to now rish, secretary of the club, having re­
Hnnday <m hta way home from a five Williams of Saratoga, Cal. The gen­ towns which were created by railroad moved to Portland, his aucceaaor was
•»■mth»' trip in Idaho and eastern tlemen were in (onference with Rev.
extensions. The new towns arc Ged­ choften In the penton of A. L. Leavitt.
G. W. Nelson »nd left yesterday for
The object of the meeting waa
des. New I'latte and Evarts, each of
Klamath Falta.
0. C. ami R li, î/>w
_____ of _ Olrnr were
which is growing rapidly, while the stated by the president to lie fbr the
An Important enterprise 1« mu»n to old site« are deserted and useful only purpose of making arrttligemciits for
dl,h>R buslncM In town on Tuesday.
Mr. <. (. |/(w talking of M«>n nx>v- be launched at Wo»»l river by Messrs. for grazing or agriculture. Tills the reception and entertainment of
J. L. L»*wley and E. Ilarshlmtger.
"K to this place, to remain during On that stre.im they are preparing to wholesale blighting of old and bl<m- Hon. Thon. H. Tongue who has
•It« winter, • •
somlng of new towns was done by the promtaed to give an address at Klam­
start a beaver ranch. They will build
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul road, ; ath Falta on the political Issues of the
J, w. ('raiu W||| pH-ari, nelt an enclosure with woven wlrei
day on October 30.
h“n«Uy at Klamath Fall, at It,, m. and rapture and stock It with Iteavera. it I m one of the many instances show­
A committee was appointed on
ing the effectual Influence of railroad
«rove at 3 p. m., which These iinlmata will lx* doincstlcntcd, building In destroying and building finance consisting of C. D. Willson;
* . ....... rial »«.rvlce for tin late and big profit» will I m * derived Ini towns. It Is safe to say that ninety- Ky Taylor and C. II. Withrow. A
««»• John Himsaker.
Shearing them and selling the fur nt |
nine times out of a hundred. It Is more committee was also appointed oil ar-
per pound. There 1» a
Mrs. Gee. Nulley from 87 to
protltiible for railroad contractors to rrngementa, con.statlnrof A. Ik Car-'
'<■< bore Tuiwffay from Heat tie law In till« slntz' prohibiting the miss old towns und build up new ones. rick, J. S. Orr mid Win. A. Wright.
1 •yesterday f,,r Klamath coun- slaughter of heaven», but there Is Of the very few exceptions to this I IL S. Mtsire, ini?mbcr of the state
f'*th,''r J,,h'» ^xmley nothing to binder taming them and rule, figuring on the location In refer­ central committee, mid 11. F. Mur­
,h,""n feeble health.
appropriating their fur.
ence to natural advantages, we be­ doch, chalrnlan of the county central
In order to make 11 town grow nnd lieve Klamath Falls Is one. Were we I committee, weieappointed a reception
*•' ll' wl‘" recently arrived
hl».'1 r*
l"w ‘«'"kht Buck prosper, the experiences of everylsiily not liH'alcd near a thirty-five mile committee.
II. F. Murdoch was Instructed t<>;
«’Piwr Klamath lake and show that it ta almolutely necessary lake, tributary to which are vast for­
for I lie people to be united and liar- ests and a desirable stock and dairy­ Invite Hon. IL B. Beekman to ad­
•< extensively to
monloiis. To make their town grow, ing country, —were the fall« not here dress the citizens here on his return
and fruit raising.
the citizens must forget their differ- to give power and prevent Intercourse from Lakeview at a date to be subse­
nJdip1RiW,''f' W1‘" formerly practiced
cnees and bury out of sight such between the
upper mid
lower I quently announced.
ni Uonansa, but who has bickerings, Jealousies mid disagree­
water», in fact, were we not the
Mens 810 W(x»l Suitsat Huffy 's.
month ' "" ln A*h,l,n<* for ncvcmi I ments us lire apt to afflict every town,
only feasible gateway to a multiplici­
H runt'
,hr,,"Kh •'«r« Sunday and work together limnioniously. ty of vuhinblc resources, none of which
l*«te ' * •'■‘"•‘o lew where lie will With such united action mid with nil
can well I m * avoided, we could quickly
W« (lenire to thank otir friends
shoulders to the wheel and working
•i bl«?'!'n!'kcr r',,ur»w> l«"t week us one man, encouraging Instead of conclude that the Introduction of a and neighbors who so klhdly assist cd
railroad would mean tile death of this us during the affliction and death of
••«»if, 5 ,P t0
»"d Salem. pulling backwards, any town can be town mid the birth of a new one. Our
our beloved parent and husl>and, and
th« state made to advance in population, J locution, favored aa It Is by nature, Is will ever cherish It as a precious
^’^««uaand also spent two growth and business.
1 a powerful Inducement for a railroad
memory. May God help you one and
''wl»'rf and enjoyed the
The number of heavily loaded and the Incentive that would lead a all.
Mit«. ZtrrABA Ilt'NSAKMIt.
freight wagons which arrive mid de­ company to miss and wreck us would
M il IlollKI-T II unhakkh .
P^’Plr Wh» All*'^ntln”<’ erery dav "f part from this town every day Is an have to I«'strong, Indeed. Were we
M um . M innie P akhisii .
astonishing evidence of the business otherwise h«'ated, It would mid >ubt-1
19 ’ftew <’< locating. of this county. Generally there are edly be money In the railroad coin-1
A line line of Pumps and Wind
at least a dozen trains, each of three pamy’s ¡«ickcts to leave iih In solomii
•G. p
w**»n"hi and Mlnne- great wagons attached and currying solltudea few miles tonne side. Thus, Mills Just received by (’. II. Withrow I
P'' L 'in those stntes arc fron 8<ww lo 10,000 p 'tiii'ls drawn by •ve believe the Oregon Midland can- the "Aermotor Man."
J 'I *
Dry Goods,
f Clothing and Groceries
The Best Assortment We
Have Ever Shown
Fall Stock Now Arriving.
L. F. WILLITS, Proprietor
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
We carry a full line of
BER goods. Shoes fitted
to the feet.
McKinley Club Arranges For His
Speech Here.
Successors to ALEX MARTIN & CO.
We have Hen’s and Boys’ Mackintoshes
$2.50 to $8.00; Men’s and Boys’ Over
coats $5.00 to $15.00.
. 'W ’■