Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 11, 1900, Image 4

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    lassalers Ar* Yssy Astlsa.
That In addresalnu Mr*. Pinkham
you are communicating with a woman
— a woman whoae eaperience in treat­
ing woman'a ilia ia greater that, that
of any living person male or female
A woman can talk freely to a wo­
men when it is revolting to relate her
private troubles to a man.
Many women auffer in alienee and
drift along front bad to worse. know­
ing full well that they should have
immediate aaabtance. but a natural
modesty impels them to shrink from
exposing them- Ives to the questions
and probable examination of even
their family physician. It is unneecs
sary Witt ul money or price you can
con.lt a woman, whow knowledge
from a> tual experience is unequaled.
Women suffering from any form of
f male weakness are invited to freely
communicate with Mrs. 1’inkhaiu at
Lynn. Mass.
All letter* are received, opened,
read and answered by women only.
This is a positive fact not a mere
statement. It is certified to bv the
mayor and postmaster of Lynn and
others whose letters, all in a little book,
Mrs. Pinkham has just published.
Write for a copy, it is free. Thus
has been established the eternal con­
fidence between Mrs. Pinkham and the
women of America which has never
been broken and has Induced more
than 100.000 sufferer* to write her for
advice during the last few months.
Out of the vast volume ef experience
which she has to draw from, it is
more than possible that she has gained
the very knowledge that will help
your case She asks nothing In re­
turn except your good will, and her
advice has relieved thousands. Her*
are aome ef the cases we refer to:
Mrs» Pinkham Helps
Two Women Through
Change of Ufa ami Our os
Another of Sterility»
Read Their Letters»
Aradalreet H-p-.ri« a Metter Oullooh 1«
the Industrial World.
Bradstreet* says: The mouth of Sep­
tember close« with a rather better out­
look iu the industrial world than was
apparent a we«<k or 10 days ago-
report» as to the probability ol •> »ettie-
merit ol the autbracitu »■oal »trike
which have been currvut for a couple
of day* seam to hate a basis of fact
and there is more than a likelihood
that the most disturbing featuie in the
industrial situation for ami« time, is
in process of elimination.
An encouraging feature in the iron
and steel situation, is the number ami
character of foreign inquiries.
The demand for structural material
continues steady and prices are firm.
The fact that the tin plate scale re­
mains unsettled produces but little
effect. But little of significance is to
be extracted from the movemeut of
Wheat has been some«hat irregular,
and prices shift listlessly, beiug about
where they '»ere this tiuie last week.
Alweuce of foreign deniaud owing prob­
ably to larger Russian shipments,
coupled with higher freights, tended to
the uuaettleinent.
Spot cotton is up on the week, but
the general market had t’uetuateii ner­
vously, intbieuced ou the one hand by
heavy port receipts, anil ou the other
by apparent famine conditions, A sat­
isfactory activity in distributive trade
checked to some extent in certain lo­
calities by unseasonable weather and
in others by a tendency to curtail oper­
ations pending the outcome of the elec­
toral contest is disclosed by telegraphic
Wheat, including flour shipments,
for the week aggregated, 4,242,810
bushels again-t 8,535.857 last week.
From July 1, to date, this season,
wheat exports are 42,762,500 bushels,
against 50,516,015 bushels last season.
Nenttl* Market*.
Ouions, new, 1 ‘«o.
Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate.
Potatoes, uew. fl5.
Beets, per sack, 85c(4$ 1.
Turnips, per sack, 75c.
Beane, wax, 4c.
Carrots, per sack, $1.00
Parsnips, per sack, $1.25.
Cauliflower, native, 75c.
Cucu m bers— 10 (3 20c.
Cabbage, native and
2c per pounds.
Tomatoes—30 (3 50-.
Butter—Creamery, 26c; dairy, 16(3
19c; ranch, 16c pound.
Poultry—12c; dressed, 14c; spring,
18 e 16c.
llay—Puget Sound timothy, $12.00
(4 18.00; choice Eastern Washington
timothy, $19.00.
Corn—Whole", $23.00; cracked, $25;
feed meal, $25.
Barlev—Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flour—Patent, per barrel. $3.50;
blended straight*, $3.25; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra­
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.80(44.00.
Millstuff»—Bran, per ton, $12.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed—Chopped feed. $19.00 j>er ton;
middlings, per ton. $20; oil eake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats—Choice dressed lieef
steers, price 7Sc; cows, 7c; mutton
7‘2; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9e; veal, 9(4
Hams—Large, 13c; small, 18'a;
breakfast bacon. 12c; dry salt sides.
" Da a a M r *. P ixxhsm —I fee) that it
Isowing to Lydia E. Pinkham * Vege­
table Compound that I am alive to­
day. It has taken me out of a sick
bed where I had lain for six weeks
with a good doctor to tend me twice a
day. My trouble was change of life,
had frequent hemorrhages 1 our medi­
cine checked the flow right away. I
am now able to do all my work, and
backache is unknown.
I am forty-
three years of age and enjoying good
health."—M rs . A nxik F ostkx , Cascade
Locks. Oregon.
“ D kab M rs P ixxbam —When I first
wrote to you, I was in a very bad con­
dition. I was passing through the
change of life, and the doctors said I
had bladder and liver trouble. 1 had
suffered for nine year* Doctors failed
to do me any good. Since I have taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­
pound my health has improved very
much. I will gladly recommend your
medicine to others and am sure that it
will prove as great a blessing to them
as it has to me."—M bs . G bo . H. J uki ,
•01 De Kalb Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y.
"D kab M s *. P ixxbam —It was my
ardent desire to have a child. I had
been married three years and could
not become a mother, so wrote to you
to find out the reason. After follow­
ing your kind advice and taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1
Portland Market.
became the mother of a beautiful baby
56 @ 56c;
boy, the joy of our home. He is a fat.
healthy baby, thank* to your medi­
Flour—Best grades, $3.10; graham,
cine.”—M bs .' M utda F lx ’ klx , Ros­
coe, M. Y
Oats—Choice white, 42c; choice
Two More Women
gray, 40c per bushel.
Help Barley—Feed liarley, $15.00(315.60;
$16.00 per ton.
Have Rooelvcd 'rom brewing,
Millstuffs—Bran. $14.50 ton; mid­
dlings, $20; shorts, $16; chop, $15 per
"D bah M rs . P ixxham —The doctor ton.
save I have congestion of the womb,
Hay—Timothy, $12(313; clover,$7@
and cannot help me. There is aching 7.50; Oregon wild hay, $6(37 per ton.
in the right side of abdomen, hip. leg.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 45(3 55c;
and back. If you can do me any good,
please write.’1 — M rs . N ixa < bah , store, 30c.
Egg*—20c per dozen.
Fulton, N, Y., December 20, 1897.
Cheese—Oregon fall cream, 13c;
“D kab M rs P ixxham —I followed
your inatruction*. and now I want Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c
every woman suffering from female per pound.
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $2.50(3
trouble to know how good your advice
and medicine is. The doctor advised 3.50 per doxen; hens, $4.00; springs,
an operation. I could not bear to $2.00<38.00; geese, $6.00(48.00 dox;
think of that, so followed vour advice. ducks, $3.00(35.00 per doxen; turkeys,
I got better right off. 1 took six bottle* live. 14c per pound.
of Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCom-
Potatoes—40(355c per sack; sweets,
Cund and used three package* of
native Wash; also took your Liver lj4c per pounu.
Vegetables—Beets, $1; turnips, $1;
Pills, and am cured."—Ma* N ixa
C hask , Fulton, N. Y., December 12, per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab­
bage, 2c per pound; parsnips, 85c;
“O kar M rs P ixkham —Have been onions, $1; carrots, $1.
suffering for over a year and had three
Hops—New crop, 12}j(314c per
doctors At time of menstiuation I pound.
suffer terrible pains in back and
Wool—Valley, 15(416c per pound;
ovaries. I have headache nearly every
day, and feel tired all the time. The Eastern Oregon, 10@ 13c; mohair, 25
doctor said my womb was out of place. per pound.
Mutton—Gross, best sheep, wethers
Would be so glad if you could help me.”
—M bs . C ari . V oss ', Sac City, Iowa, and ewes, 3V»c; dressed mutton, 6}* <3
August 1, 1892.
7c per pound.
Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, $5.75;
11 Please accept my sincere thanks for
the good your advice and Lydia E.
light ami
feeders, $5.00; dressed,
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has $6.00(36.50 per 100 pounds.
done me I did everything you told
Beef—Gross, top steers, $3.50134.00;
me to do, and used only three bottles,
cows, $3.00(33.50; dressed beef, 6(3
end feel better in every respect.”—
M bs . C arl V oss , Sac City, Iowa, March 7c per pound.
Veal—targe, 6S <3 7 Sc; small, 8(3
23, IS»».
8 Sc per pound.
Mrs, .Pinkham has^Wfty
Thousand Suoh Letters as
Above on Filo at Her Of-
floe She Makes no State­
ments She Cannot Prove,
Third and Morrison Street*
C. A. ALISKY Prop.
a M»«-hame«> n..a»«u*"«“
Prof....... . l-anorde, of th* A«»-I’'"‘r
John Barlevvurn Proved Too Much for ■
a Ruud of ll«<nlil* Indiana.
Meuchel h.v. d.»l.*<’ • I“"-
hit restoring persons Iu • "•••• "
pen..... I snlm.tlou t.» life I"
^lingual tr.« lion.” • »’•‘hod
used with m-*« snecm. 1» •••* »'
Au adventure with hostile ludlau*.
seldom siiipns-cd In critical peril and
eveilingsliuatlou. was that of a French
I’auadtaii»ouie year» ago at Fori Pierre
au Calumet. »>11 Lake Athabasca. Otte
da», when tli»‘ chief trader was absent
ou a visit to York factory, and the
other men employed in th«1 station were
playing lacrosse u|»>n tin- lee. till* mall
and an I 'liman luimed McTnggart
were til»- only person* left In the fort
Just then forty Cldpiwwa "braves"
who bad pretended to have furs to sell, j
but who had really lieeu watching mi
opportunity to plunder, came up to the
fori and poured luald** the «tockild«“.
Pli-rre. the l'rem-lumiu. had barely
time lo l>ar the main door when they
rushed against It. sliowlug plainly their
uufriemlly purpo'c A parley with the
chief, through a »mall side-trap, re­
sulted tn Un- withdrawal of the Indians
outside the stockade ami an agreement
to admit th»- chief aloue, with the fur*.
Pierre thus relate* what followed:
I instructed my man. Me Taggart, to
watch when tin- Indian» «er«- well out
of the yard, ami when th«- chief cum«»
tn to make a dash ami fasten tin- outer
gate. 1 then -qx-ned the door. Me-
T'aggart slip|>ed out. but had not made
oue »tcii when the chief struck hltu
with Ids tomahawk, killing him In­
stantly. The savage then diirteil
through th«* half open door. mid. parry­
ing a blow I aimed nt him. lie »elx«-«l
th«* liar which fastened the d«M*r aud
threw It olitsiile.
I bail by this time got hold of one
of niv pistols and ptllhsl It at him an
he came toward me. flourishing In»
bloody tomahawk. Th«- bullet took ef­
fect. for tin- savage, with a frightful
yell, staggered through the doorway,
where hi* crl*-s soon gathered til* baml
about him.
Before 1 coulil fasten the door th»
whole gang had burst Into th«- fort.
I sprang Is-liinil some casks aud lib!
myself there. f«*«*llng. however, »lire
that they would find mid kill me.
There can be no doulit alsiut my fate
if th** savages had not la-en more eager
for plunder and w hisky than they were
for vengeance.
As it was. one of them at once rushed
to a cask of whisky, the head of which
lie stove In with his hatchet, and with
the greatest eagerness the whole
crowd lH-gan to help themselves to th«*
That they wouhl drink themselves
drunk was now my only lio|a- and op­
portunity. mid I quietly kept out of
sight behind the empty barrels to await
1 events.
The Idiotic abandon and general
“cutting up” of tin- savages as they
came under the Influence of the whisky
was very ludicrous; but you may I*1
sure I kept my laughter to myself. In
mi hour all w ere hopelessly Intoxicate«!,
except oil«- big fellow who seemed to
j have a stronger li«-ad than the r«-«t.
I now felt that with my pistol In my
hand 1 could tight at least on e*jual
terms, if a tight was necessary; but the
j rascal precipitated matters by turning
over the cask of whisky while climbing
to ri-m-li some plunder that he wanted
Ion an upper shelf. In doing this a
live coal was jarred out of the stove
j into the liquor on the tbsir mid the
room was immi»liatel.v in flames. The
I ml inn who had cause«! the catastrophe
»prang toward the door, but my pistol
en<le«l his career.
The whisky was soon consumed, as
there was but little left, anil the fire
was put out without doing largi* dam­
age. but many of the drunken savages
on the floor were fatally burned. When
file men came bark from the lake mid
found so many dead Indians mid saw
the general ruin they were amazed,
and stip|>ose<! 1 deserved all the credit
of the capture of the assailants, etc.,
when It was merely an accident that
bad accomplished It.
Many a woman, si-k mul
weary of life, dia.;ge»l dinvn bv
weakening drains, p.iiiitiil ir-
re L-il-u ities, depremiou, ami the
luuelrol aud one ailments
which affect women only, has
found ill Pi--ru-iia a bright star
of hone, which has chanc.e-l
her misery to joy, her suffer­
ing to health.
No woman need suffer front
the «Ic'.ingi-meuts peculiar to
llcr« \. it she will give l‘e-ru-
iu a fair trial.
The majority of weaknesses
which make woman's lite a
burden, spring from a simple
can -e The i nicou . membrane
winch lines the pelvic organs
becomes weakened anil in-
flarae-l owing to strain, cold,
overwork, etc.
This <-aus»s
catarrhal con-estiou, intlam-
tnation, painful irregularities,
depression of spirit* irritabil­
ity, w aluie- s und suffering. It
shows in the haggatd lines of
the face, the dull eyes, the sallow
complexu u and angular form.
For the prompt cur o ot sm h *11-
mentstryPe ru-n*. ll«lrives»w»v
"the b:ue»,"»-ie»isth*comp e»u n,
brightens the e» es, change» ilun-
ne»s toplumpnes».*nd cur«» twin»,
» In-» and «train»,becau«e it fmnir-
fliatel. »trike« at ttl* root of *u»h
ttoubl** aud r*uiov*a th* came.
would fail.
Tb.r.t.wor« C.lsrrti in tin.
country ih»n sit olhsr «li-«»»- I
t |d-
•nduntil lbs l»*l I'" '■'• ■ “
incurable lor • sir»« ni»n»■»• - ' lh. ,
niHinee*l II a 1-»» •’ ,li»*’»-e. »''■
r. -nm-U«, and l-y evu-i.-dv I.
< "
With I-»-»I im.l-nml, l-r.-i'-'-l' »
The tri-ulda w i ll the mr castle girl«
build is ihm they are all parlor mi l
music room, with no kilclieu* al-
KfTrrlK«* MffithmU.
It I. s.srrtsd thai tha futur* will »sa t*<-
,-snals Irnidm* tha Atlantic «>• th*
.„•an Ths value of am-h coiiiis.lion <•>•
,mt Iw e»llmal»<l l‘ *»«•• bH“« prospsrll»
tn lit* uall-m. •• »urrl.v •• HoaWMar's
f.1,,,,,», h Hillers bring* lieallli to Ilia djra
. „pin- I'rv II for lm|ig»»ll«m, <’«msll|»a
II.-n dyspepsia -u biliousness
A hl cent matt «’au work
s. lieiua on soul* |H«ipi*.
pimple* ai),j
other culttneou* eruption* proceed ftm
humor*, either Inherited, or a> quire j
through defective
digestion and a.
To treat these eruption* with di, :n>
medicines It djngeroui.
The thing to do la to h»lp the *y*.
tent dltchtirge the
humor», am
»trengthen it against their return
H« mm | b Namparlll* p»rtuani>tilly < tirr>| j
<1 lllnr«, kraiiha. Ill , «•( »« m* f»..».» »tH1 h
•»»Ut* Hint Bini ||ue
t »ilea's luk Is the
best Ink that tan l>* made II costs von Alvin» Waller* Ho* 113 Al«>*n» VVi*
n . mm* than |s>»>r sluff not lit lo write plr* uti her face mnl back au4 <‘liefi>«| «kut -.«i
h»r hotly, by wbh'h »he hid been <rr<Uf
Thwre «re m«»re te*tih>.n *1« kt)
It iloesiiT 1-ay to be I m MMHI If honssty tr«»uble«l
fevtir "f thle <rvwt ntcdlciu« Ihau , sl, i,e
> . ■ - -
I do not l-elleta I’ls-a'» Cure for <’»m
■ unipllou I'«» *" equal for i.-ugli» «ml Hood's
.....I, t.-ii« I-' Itors», Trimly bpring« Promise* to cure and keep» the
Fall, ta. 1900.
No longer put off treat-
If you would be aumebody In the
a bottle of Hood » lu lay
worhl begin by l-etug yourself.
Dr--p«r treated fr** bv Dr II II tlreeu's !
S.'ii» --( tllanla, «1» Th» grv»lr«l dri«p«y '
The judge ol the iicen»* courts > q
-i,. ia .-1« m ihr *i-rl«l ltea«l their a«lt»r I * h 11 iU h* 11 »1»I«» hrt'c 0“tn»« (•» the «u|>|n r|
nirnt in aimlhar column of llila t-aper
of public Ui<>ml» mid «!«»»eiirv I r d»*
The ileslr* for lam* h*a betrayed vlttrlllK their t»p|*»*lll«»ll to • u I' miih I ijiv .
manv an ambitious iiiau tutu summit- Iiitf »hie olilrnt• «»• eiol r«euii« upntairv
ting india»-reli«m* that forever rutued fur I bo mccouiek I »th'ii <♦( wuim’ii
his reputation.
()<*| »lt»ne knuw» how much
Mvtrlc Njrtlffim In l<««e«ln*
whvu 4 Young mell lek«« hit hr»|
It is pr -bable that the metric avatein
will 1« llitnslu.-ml 1-etore loug lu lius- drink.
Ho External
ì or a ire- j co; y ot
G.orge lor Crete, about ■ year ago,
•' Mv wife nae-l aev-
th- re «a» a painful seen« al the palac*. arai tsitllrs of S b S
I he king, not» lllistamllng the efforts •a a I-I« ms ! purlfier *ml
h<- Iliad* to lild* hl* «mutton, ixiulil not to ione ua a «teak ami
v llhlmld Ins tear», aud whan It Is eon rtna>. kateff avatem «ith
threw htinself Into hl* arm*, asking If very niaikad rifeci by
he had atty orders to give hint, king wav oi impruvemenl
11 We r e g a r <1 it a
Must Boar Signatura of
<,.orga replied in a v-vilce full of affer- great Ionie an I blood
Hon: ”1 have tm onlrr* to give you, tmrifier ’’ J I'. Duv»,
my child
l‘rovbla-nee will guide you. rriucaton, Mo.
Go. aud rely ou th* grace of God.*’
ia tha greatest of al)
I lgrsan fl» al
tonica, and you »,U
An old tar on a selling ve*el eaya
fin-t th* appai.te ins
that sailor» on ship* tn the regular line
neovea al »tu«, strsrgtR
lelwa-a-n ) ttnqie amt New York are al-
wava sure of plg«M>n pie the day after return*, an«! iinmuinraa vanishes as nea
the carrier pigeon aervice leave* this rich pure tdoo«! ones mute emulates
p- rt. He adaleal that pigeons flying *1 through all porta of tha aysfeut.
■■ii - on get 11 real, ami seltl* on the
8. 8. 8. ia tha only purely atgetabl*
first «-rail that com«« in their way. blom! purifier k nown II cuotsln* no mus­
lh* impression la gaming that plgrsma er al • whatever bend for our free l»«-b
are tn I •<> useful for loug ocean flight on blood ami akin diseases and writs o«a
•a has beeu Iwlleved.
phyaiviana for any information m a-!etc*
' for thecomplexior
No chary* for molli al advic«.
Sin- a- the decision nt the t’niteal Wanted
Furwly ▼eff?ta»l».zv4t«~^'
states «upreme «mart that the Illinois
»rtcinc co. »rient», « a
■ 1
clgaretta« law is valid, they wilt see
that it is strictly enforced. The boar.1 enn yi«a you lb* lost r«vavt»xn.
of education anal the anti-cigarette h R'liiiirrr,
t« > a
Croquet «Mill r«»|*til«r.
It was gi-m-rally aoppr-u-d that cro le.igu* will a-o-operale tn the prueecu- •»r«d f X I* w liidiittll, »«»hl by h
quel had gone altogether out of fash­ tiou ol »ii violator*.
ion, but on many lawns of country
homes w here formerly tennis net* were
Kretcheil cioquet wicln ts and botqui
are once more nw-u.
It has been
foun that teunis is too violent a game
for the tiiaj- nty of women and golf
make* a gr--ater demand on the time
and pmiem e of women th in most of
them >:*u afford. < 'rrspiet I* found to
art open to two cUisea of peranna. (I Those who write well, »re »ccursfe
be a more suitable aud cuuieieut re­
in fieurea. understand bookkeeping, etc.
Those who are »killed tn
shoethand and tvpeweiltng. Peeaoni wbosre pe-4icient in both line» see bet
An Kaaluslvn «tratet.
ter off still. They are always riven tlw preference. Xr teach »II H wm
branches, and tnany more. Investigate our work. It will pay. Call, wane.
’’The most ancia ut aud most noble
Order of the Thiatle,” which ha» juat
beeu conferm i upon tho Earl of ll-q-e-
Park ana Washington Bia
town, is the smallest of the thra-,- graaat
J, A. Veaco, Penman and Secretary
orders of kiiiglitbaaul tu point of num­ ---------
■ -
— ■ — —
----------------- --
bers and the longest in point of title.
It consists of tha- soia-reigu aud British
princes and 16 knights.
Adt're»' T>r.l i.nrtman, IhredJ-nt «•(Uw ii trt
r.vvt S?n t ri ipi, O gup I U , < >!»!«».
Russia expect* to sjiend $IU0,imo.-
1810, tn a-ldition to the $4i>.(HiD,U<>0
alr<-a-ly paid out, to compiei«« mnl
«s|iiip the iraus-sil-erian road, ami M.
Boutfsky, a vice-minister, who is at
pre-ent tn San Fr»nci*co, is HUthority
for the »Intement that a considerable
part of this immemw sum will come to
this country, it Is-iug the Ru»«ian gov-
eminent*’ intention to patronize Amer­
ican manufacturer» very largely.
Il,, Your Kent Irh, »nd Hum*
Shake into vour shoe» Allen’» Foot Rase
* |H>w,ler for the feet. It make« tignt or
new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to
corns and bunions. Il's itie grealrst <-om-
f«,rt dl-eoverv of the age. I'lires swoilt-o
feet, blisters and callous sjhii »
Ai.r> *
Fiait-Ease 1« a certain «-lire tor inr:
nails, »«eating, smarting. Ii-*t. a< lung f«---'
e ha»e over .'io Ono test nnonia «. I < cur««
«bile mil walk. All druggi*«» ami «<> >-
stores -ell it. 25c. Trial packa.-e FREE
nv mail. Address. Aden ¿. Olm»te«i, la-
i;-v. N. Y
After a fong. nn-l at times discourag­
ing, campaign, the good people of He­
ber, Ark , have »ucmi-ded in w-curing
the prohibition of saloons. Au u| | eal
was taken front the decision of tho
county court to the circuit court with
the abuie result
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth-
ng Srrup the best remedy to u-<- for th- -r
ihildren during the teething period.
After all, we know but little alaiut
this world of ours.
Sven Anders
Hedin, the famous Scandinavian geo­
grapher, who has beeu making exh-n­
aive explotations in Thibet, has found
the ruins of an an, ient citv of grent
size. There are gre-it broad road- in-
tersei ting tha ruins—roads snt h as
China cannot «how today—amt Hedin
■ays that everything iu the city «us
built upon a grand Seale.
The letter P, like ttie selfish friend,
is first in pity and last in help.
Little Liver Pills.
: «
LsMgl I
An order came to a wholesale bard ;
ware bouse one day last week.
That Is, It was presumably an order,
for It was written under a business
heading and had all the general appear­
The employe who opened the letter
studied It ami said It beat anything he
had seen up to date.
He »ent It to a meinlM-r of the firm,
who read It and threw up both hands.
Since then be has b«»-n showing It to |
Ills friends. It was written by a rural j
A»n Franciico Market.
dealer, and Is as follows;
Wool—Spring—Nevada, 11 (313c per
"Gentlemen Please send me nt once
pound; Eastern Oregon, 10(314c; Val­ two long hamlled shovels, one dozen
ley, 16(318c; Northern, 9(3 10c.
slxteen-lnch hinges ami two kegs of
Hops—Crop, 1900, 12 <314c.
twopenny nails. Yours truly,
"P. S.—M.v son tells me we have plen­
do seconds, 26(3 27Sc; fancy dairy,
ty of above, so you need not send. J. R.”
25c; do seconds, 23c per pound.
-Chicago Tribune.
23c; fancy ranch,
The Only One.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
" -a*
ÄM’ßdable Preparation fr As
similfitin^ II« Food and Recula -
tinft the StoinacÌK and Bowels of
Bears tho
Made of the Best Materials, thoroughly waaoned. by competent workmen. It 4»*W
without an equal. Call on our Agent, or address
320 333 East Morrison Street, Portland. Oregon-
Promotes DiSeslioiLChwritil
ness and Rest Contains neilher
Oraiaim Mnmhiiip nor Mineral
Gin, Brandy, Rum
U full quart. *« o<> |-er esllon, 12 M.
am .
ivo* <'* tas sw
S^.^ VP ■
Ml« FltANt'iaro,
OAMroitNI A.
You can’t make » mlAl»ke It y(’u gH a
»’in orps
t'rosecuiing claim» »Inca 1*7».
W. H. SMITH I CO., hffali, I.Y.hop’i.
Fac Su-'ilc Siijnntiire of
KAtAbllfhed 80 Year».
Or'"»'» for 42 . oo and spward rtelleared tree to
"a»' ' 1 ,I'"'S'I <« Sleamar lauding Ilians
Dry. moist, »caly letter all f- rm* uf
acienia or tall rheum
The .Krniv rvinpvrMUi’t*
indorsvH hiv I hel|* to hum U uii ‘ it’tiipvr« sla; the bill which lias lieeu prepared
«nee room»” »mou^ Hritith »‘’tin r?«. to till« effect by the mlnl»ter ol fittam e
The greatet gvueraU of l.iitflati I advo­ ha» recelveii the approlMtllotl of the
cate them and «ay they »re the I e*l aui.i council, with the understandlug
weapone foi fighting the ennui whi h that the university and the various
contribute» »o largely to immoderati* sctentlfio soctetlee will give their
Soldier» can I ave a u- ■ 1 *««i>tance
the verification of
Tlia bltxta! may be In tx-l Conditio^
time in them without recuur«*’to vithrr the weight* amt moaauiae lleceaaary (or
the outside saloon or an army cauteeii. commercial use.
The details have yet with no eiteiual signs, ho *kis
been nearly all deicdtHl on, and will l>e eruption or tore* to Indicate |t. Th*
submlltixl b> th» «xiumll tn the near symptom* tn such case* Iwiug a vsriaMs
future. Since |H96 the me trio aystem appetite, poor «ligesli.m. an luffe*. «fila
h.is 1-eeti uaed by the madtual service weaknea* and nvrvoutne»*. lists <4 (letk
of the army in the compounding of •ml a general run-duwu c-mditm i ■ 4 lbs
formulas, this having laeeu uia.la obit- System —clearly showing th* tdmxt hu
foot it* nutritiv« qualities, ha* become tin*
Ming •• • Fathffif*
and watery. Il ia in ju*t such « aera that
King < ;>-■ rge, of Greece, as the fath­ H S S ha* «ion* aome <4 ita qui, ke.l and
er of .« family, may serve *• a model.
moat 'effective work by building tip ths
I he first tiling he thinks of is the »In­
bloo-l ami supplying the elements lacking
th» time of the departure of i’rlncu to make U strung ami vigorous
“ Health and Beauty”
An Original O.der.
Miss Wellwoisl Yes, I belong to the
Daughters of the Revolution, ami pride
.rpuffot =■ -
Hay—Wheat $8 S @ 12Sl wheat and myself u|s>n being the most dlstln-
oat $8.00(310.10; best barley $9.00 gllisll«sl meinlH-r of the society.
Mr. Hargreaves Indeed! I su|»ix?se i
alfalfa, $6.50(37-60 per ton; straw,
you trace your lineage back to aome 1
25(337Sc per bale.
inmi who was a lion in his day, eh?
building or remodeling lheir liomes that we
Potatoes—Early Rose, 30(375c; Sa­
r»r I a lull Hue of Mantels, Tiling »nd He-
Miss WellwotMl No. my great-great-
places, Electric, Use »nd CoBbliistlnn Chan-
grandfather was only a private, but
defiers »nd vnpidle», Hsiteries, Call Bell», etc. banks, 30(465c; new. 76c(3$1.26.
frot.i all that I can lem-ti be seems to
Cstsiogues ou application.
Citrus Fruit—Oranges,
Valencia, have la-eti tin- only one lu the whole
Successor to Frank Holcomb A Co.,
$2.76(33.25; Mexican limes, $4.00(3 army. —C'leveland Leader.
• «• WaahliiB'eu st,, l-orllnml, Urogen.
6.00; California lemons 76c(3$1.60;
Curious I’roft-aslon In < hlna.
do choice $1.75(32.00 per box.
Ill China the detection of false coins ;
Tropical Fruits—Bananas, $1.60(3
CURB WH í B í All list JAIS.
2.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom­ is a skillful, prosperous profession,
Baal Cough âjrup 1
NíH>d- ü—
nown as "shroffing," and Is taught iv
inal; Persian dates,
6@6Sc per
tn tuna. fruid by
r i
■Iteclal school*
K.- i A t'jr I ruf«l«U. < -
Hair« Family HU« ar«» th® »*•»•
Millstuffs — Middlings, $18.00 (3
27.00; bran, $16.60@ 16.50.
Do not fall to visit
s. -lmm has pr-om •■•■•oil I" '• •
i ■ •
i n *| t real i ill Ha • ' » -
i: » tuo I I « I I ' hr' ” A
1 .
i» i ho «-uly <- -n-i'imo>n»l
It .uk< - h larna -
• i »«i.oonful. Il a- is -Ii" dr • » <'
sii.l „„..ou« •ur(».v..( i'-»»'
. I i.n.u,
vim hundred doll.i. -r .io '
< auals Uluatleg
A Peter the Gr.-at ••Boom."
We are about to witness the outbreak
of a boom ou I’eter the Great similar to
that which has raged for some year»
1 round the |H-r*<>n of Napoleon. Kir
Henry Irving, with all the world open
to him. has chosen a play on Peter the
Great, written by bls son. Prof. Oscar
Browning Is aliout to publish a life of
the Inevitable Peter: and J. M. Gra
ham's historical novel. “The ffcin of the
Czar,” lias already attracted consider
able attention, aud will certainly be
widely read. «* It gives a powerful pres­
entation of Russian life at the most
I critical ejMich of Muscovite history.
There Is something significant In this
renaissance of Peter the Great. The
smaller states of Euro|x- are vanishing,
oue by one. mid everything point* to
eventual collision lietween the Teuton
and the Slav. In the meantime every-
thing that Holy Russia and the anoint­
ed person of the Kaiser can do to mag­
nify their res|M-etlve missions will cer­
accomplished.— Harper's
dmwnlug, lightuing shok«, « •
•hock and sut! m at ion
‘‘ ‘"j"
drawn out rythnneally. •>' »• •" 1 "
lat* the breathing organa, »nd
melhod ha. been efleetne «» >••••
given up a. hopel.«.», but o»ly * let •
very luug applicntion
sometime* tie «1*
three Imur. l-elor* i.-.uilimiti.-u. ......
a. th* uew inaehiu* I* «• rk.-.l I'
electric motor amt quite »utonmtic.
savea niai-li lalmrtons exerlio«. »•> '
save hie where Um u.ual m«'lbo»l*
Thar* la uuusual aultvtty among in-
yeut.ita al piasaui to proaiuc* rnacbln*.
I„r matheinallwal p«irp«»a*a, »nil the
largssl nuinbar of *pplk»lluM r*«>*tv*d
.1 tha patant ofll»»* for any on* lina ol
Imsiiilon ar* for patMta for improv*-
umuta on adding maahtua*.
Mitchell, heiuis & Staver Co.
H ut « mad* Dropijf and iti nom-
lioaliotii a i peci *i i y for twaoiy
"AFtwiiï tn$ mnit wondorfnl
uor-riR, UüVd oared m adj thoaa-
fiB. B.B. OlllM’l IOWO,
Boi I,
ÁU m H i Gt
1T<-Ifix7i I pii-»
nr.-Jure mol-iur.
, l-r i'"'?? .
1*1 lee produce
Thl» form, ». well as Hlliitl. Ill-»'¡I Í',A .,m«<lf*
PH»» ar* < »railhr Or.Hnaanko’" P',"’,’' ,
- •
- »f*
Hi-.ps Itrhloe »n4bi»»dtng
./«r Al ilriigRlwU or eutil l y i”nH, 11 •"
nie uboot y nor < »»e. ÍMl. BortASK1'
N. P. N. l>.
Wil KN
i<d* ,'B’
iti I »00«
writing tu ««lv•r’•••,• •'1*
maullwu Itala yapar.