Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 04, 1900, Image 4

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| Lydia E. Ptakham's Vtgetabk Co»npoute'*|
Is knows everywhere and
thousands of women have
been oured of serious kid^
nay derangements by It.
Mrs. Pinkham’s meth­
ods have the endorse-
mont of the mayor, the
postmaster and others of
her own otty.
Her medicine has the
endorsement of an un­
numbered multitude of
grateful women whose
totters are constantly
printed In this paper.
Every woman should read
these lettors.
Mrs. Pinkham advises
suffering women free of
oharge. Her address Is
Lynn, Mass.
Daring the year ended May 31 the
home circulation of the Chicago pnblio
library was 1.749,775 volume», which
the Chicago papers say. exceeds the
record anywhere else in the world.
Do Your Feet Ache and Burn?
Shake into vour shoes Allen's Foot Kase
a powder for the feet. It makes tight or
new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to
corns and bunions. It’s the greatest com­
fort discovery of the age. Cures swollen
feet, blisters and callous spots. Alien’s
Foot-Ease is a certain cure for ingrowing
nails, sweating, smarting, hot. aching feet.
We have over 30,000 tesimtonials. It cures
while yon walk. All druggists ami sh«»e
store« ^e i it.
I- al package FREE
by mail. Address, Allen b. Olmsted, Le
Roy, N. Y.__________________
A project recently set on foot in
Hungary to supply electric power in
small quantités to home workshops in
the viciuity of Budapest has received
the «auction of the Hungarian diet.
Bcations, m they cennot reach the
ion of the ear. There is onijr one
nets, and that is by con-titu-
liffs. Deameaa is caused by an in­
Hon of the mu ou» lining of the
Tnbe. When tbit tube gfis in­
flamed ion have a rumbling >onnd or linper
feet hearing, and v. hen it it entirely closed
de&fueaa it tn* remit, and uniet« tne inflamma­
tion can be taken out and tbit lube re**t red to
ita normal condition, hearirg will be destroyed
forever; nine eases out oi ten are canted by
catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed
oondL on oi tne mueout turfacet.
Wewillgivff One Hundred I »oil art for any
in«M (caused by catarrh) that can
by Hall’t Catarrh Cure, bend for
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Ifta. 75c
Pills are the beat.
Missouri district, chiefly
Ln St. Louis, the government draws
far more revenue from tobacco manu-
fectred than it does from any other
quarter in the country.
Moat Wonderful Medicine of the Age.
This it an age of scientific wonder* and Cas-
careta Candy Cathartic are among them, the
modern laxative, perfect, unequaled. Drug­
gists. 10C, 25c, 5ffc.
PH«... However. Still Ha». •" fpwate
Teiiilrur> .
Mnri'in. Wsr« Played wllh Bolllea of
t*hanipaiins 1« Melbourne,
Bru d street's says
The unfavorable
turn given the general iudu.inal situa­
tion by the »inks of authrscits coal
minei. and the possibility of wags dis­
pute tn Ilia iron trade, with rather les.
activity iu the latter iudustry, and
some increase o( weakness in the price,
of cruder forms, have given an appear­
ance of iiregularity to thegeueral trade
and iiu.iueaa silnaliou. Ou the other
hand, ibe oourse of staple price» ha»
l«eu very generally upward this week,
fall distribution of dry goods, clothing,
hats aud millinery have been of large
volume at nearly aII markets; there la
a decidedly better tone noted tn the
boot and »hoe and kindred trades, and
the strength of cotton goods, though
apparently in excess of that aliown by
the raw material, has been regarded as
indicative of confidence on the j>art oi
The premature ripening due to the
hot dry weather is res|ainsibie for pari
of the heavy movements of cotton to
market, but back of this, of course, is
the desire to protli by the exceedingly
gtwxl price, ruling. The rush of re­
ceipts has l>een too much lor the bull
movement, however, aud the prices
are materially lower on the week.
Report* of damage of grain in »hock
in the Northwest and reiuforced by
Northwestern buying
tarnished the key to the advance of
uearly 2 ceuts in wheat this weak.
Wheat, iududiug flour shipment*,
for the week aggregate 3,685,857 bush­
els, against 4,655,982 bushel» last
Busiuess failures for the week in the
United states number 183 as against
187 last week.
Canadian failures number 21, as
agaiust 24 last week.
Gold thrvateuvxl to become as eoiu-
uiou a. silver lu the days of Bolouiuu.
in oue year £12,000,000. lu eight year*
<U5.000.iKtO. were won. Smile meu at
Goldeu Point made as much a* lAoil
each a day. Another en < ptioually
lucky party uneai tiled thirty four
pouuda ot gold In one day. No womler
that such "pockets” were termed "Jew­
elers' shop*.' Occasionally a nugget
worth tlit.OOO wa» unearthed. Tlie re
suit of tills sudden Influx of wealth
almost without labor, aud with risks
vvh.eh aie Infinitesimal
to Klondike, was the tempormy demur-
»Illation ot the population. Melbourne.
In the height of the gold fever, has
tieeu described by «'lie w lio knew It
well as "a feverevl. druuken. delirious
IMiudenioulum.*' The lucky ones ami
there were thousauda of them squau-
dered their riches lu the most rookies,
fasbiou. Some of their fantastic tricks
would scarcely be credit«*«! were they
not attested by witnesses still living.
The game of nluepina. we are told, was
playevi with bottles ot champagne, for
which he who broke least had to pay;
doaens of the same costly wine were
emptied Into tubs, and druuk from tlu
pauulkins. spirits and Iveer being added
to give "body" to th«« beverage; one
mao, lu Imitation of Caligula. sho«l his
horse with gold; sandwiches made ot
banknotes wen« devoureti; silver wrap-
p««d up lu Ivauknotes was thrown to
popular actresses Insteavl of flowers;
In fact, money was so plentiful that the
reckless diggers coul«i not "kuot'k It
down” fast enough. They thought they
only had to dig a few feet In the earth
to get plenty more, nml for a time It
almost seemed as If this were so. Such
were some of the characteristics ot
Victoria’s hot youth. Pali Mall Maga
ulty •/ n leading mwlkal
college here. He told me
to eontinu. his prwerip-
lions and I would get well. After haring I* filled
tsrelra times withost reclring the «lighten
beseAt, I declined toeoniinu. bi» treatment say
longer. Haring beard ot S. S S tawt/t'aSpecidej
■noomm.oded tor Rheum. tt»m. I decided. • I ante
Isowerer, to gire th. mediciss s trial,
And lateen • few bottle. I was able tc
on cmfohea. aad rery non there
use for them at all. 6. R- 8 having
Ind and «rail. All th. dtetrete.j
rft ma,
my spptele haa returned,
’ 1
* tn aga*Q restored to perfea
the great vegetabls
purifier and tonic, is
the ideal remedy in all
(rheumatic troubles.
__ There are no opiates ot
minerals in it to disturb ths digestion and
lead to ruinous habits.
We have prepared a special book on
Rheumatism which everv sufferer from
this painful disease should read. It is the
most complete and interesting book of
the kind in existence. It will be sent free
to any one desiring it. Write our physi­
cians fully and freely about votir case. Wa
make n > charge for medical ndvice.
place; bui Ih» word "righi" or "righi,
•oii.iie.." oooura wlth esnsading |la.
qusilcy. Trus, no man sv,>r <||,| H
miiuhasJs.ua lo »«cure ilio ilghi.
svoiy molti ber of Ih» human rare
Wiunau's righi», clilldreiis righi., p,,
righi» of servente and ma.ters, ih.
righi» ut thè piair ami lite wsak >u*|
thè Iguorsul, all hnvw fouiid an lucro...
Ingiy i-lsar loeoguitiou and raspaci
wlth thè sproail ot Dia go.p.1
Ibis bea conio almut by ili. per.i.isni
iUCllli ailoll of Ilio prlm Iple
and thè rqually pursl.tenl ro.tr.iniu.
ut ih» »pirli whlcb demanda **m>
righi.. ' '
Hot-breads, hot biscuits, cakes,
muffins, puddings and crusts made with Royal Baking
Pou der are wholesome, delicious, quickly made, always
light, never sour, and most economical.
Royal Baking Powder is specially refined, ami
equally valuable for the preparation of the finest t, most .
delicate cookery, and substantial, everyday food In the
easy, expeditious and economical preparation of whole
some and appetizing food it is indispensable.
S.aUI. Marh.U.
Onions, new, 1 ’»c.
Letiuo«. hot house, (1 per crate.
Potatoes, new. (15.
Beets, per sack, 85e«(l.
Turnip«, per sack, 75c.
Benn», wax, 4c.
Carrots, per sack, f 1.00
Parsnips, per sack, (1.25.
Cauliflower, uativs. 75c.
Cucumber»—10® 20c.
Cabbage, native and
2c per pounds.
Tomatoes— 30 « 50-,
Butter—Creamery, 35c; Eastern 22c;
dairy, 16® 19c; ranch, 16c pound.
Cheese— 12c.
Poultry—12c; dressed, 14c; spring,
18® 15c.
Hay—Puget Found timothy, (11.00
«12.00; choice Eastern Washington
timothy, (19.00.
Corn—Whole, (23.00; cracked, (26;
feed tneal. (25.
Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton,
Floor—Patent, per barrel, (8.50;
blended straights. (3.35; California.
(3.35; buckwheat flour, (6.00; gra­
ham, per l*arrel, (8.00; whole wheat
flour, (8.25; rye flour, |3.80®4.00.
Millstuffs—Bran, per ton, (12.00;
shorts, per ton, (14.00.
Feed—Chopped feed, (19.00 per ton;
middling», per ton. (20; oil cake meal,
per ton, (80.00.
Fresh Meats—Choice dressed iveef
steers, price 7 Sc; cows, 7c; mutton
714; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9®
Hams—Large, 18c; small, 1814;
breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides.
8 '«c.
A young girl in Missouri was taken
Portland Mark«».
to an insane asylum the other day suf­
fering from the remarkable delusion
M heat—Walla Walla. 56>£«57c;
that she is compelled to sit on a red Valley, 61c; Blueetem, 60c per bushel.
hot stove and peel potatoes. She haa
Flour—Beat grades, (8.10; graham,
been working in a bote) kitchen.
date—ChoioR white, 42c; choice
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth­ gray, 40c per bushel.
ing Syrup tbs best remedy to use for tbete
Barley— Feed barley. (15.00« 16.50;
Shiidreu during the teething period.
brewing, (16.00 per ton.
Mills tuffs—Bran, (13.00 ton; mid­
Good roads will be appreciated in
the winter. At thia season all may dlings. (20; shorts, (16; chop, (15 per
be well, but when the roads are mud­ ton.
Hay—Timothy, (12« 18; clover,(7«
dy the time lost in hauling but a few
loads will be much greater in value 7.50; Oregon wild hay, (6«7 per ton.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 45«55c;
than the amount of taxes necessary to
make good roads. This fact becomes store, 80c.
painfully apjiarent when the farmer
Eggs—25c per dosen.
must use four horses to draw only half
Cheese—Oregon fall cream, 18c;
a ton over roads that could be put in Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c
such condition as to permit of a heavy per pound.
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, (8.50«
wagon and a ton load to be drawn by
two horses.
4.00 per dozen; hens. (4.50; springs,
(2.00«8.50; geese, (6.<X)«8.0O <toa;
docks, (3.00«5.00 [>er dozen; turkeys,
live. 18c per pound.
Potatoes—40«50c per sack; sweets.
2 «2 ’£c per pouno.
Rheumatic pains are the cries of protest
Vegetables—Beets, (I; turnip*, (1;
and distress from tortured muscles, aching per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab­
joints and excited nerves. The blood has bage, 2c per pound; parsnips,
been poisoned by the accumulation of
waste matter in the system, and can no ouious, 1 He per (■ouu l; carrots, (1.
Hops—5«7c per found.
longer supply the pure and health sustain­
Wool—Valley, 15« 16c per pound;
ing food they require. The whole system
feels the effect of this acid poison ; and Eastern Oregon, 15« 16c; mohair, 25
not until the biood has been purified and per pound.
brought back to a healthy condition will
Mutton—Gross, best aheap, wethen
the aches and pains cease.
and ewes, 8,Sc; dressed mutton, 6 >4®
Mrs. tames Kell, of 70? Ninth streeL N. K,
Vrs.’-lugua, r C.
ttr» as follows: ‘‘A few 7c per pound.
month, igo I h.<* an aiiack of Sdalic Khevuna
Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, (5.75;
Ham iu it» worst form Th.
light aud
feeden, (5.00; dressed,
l*, rraa » intcuaa that I
Sam. <x>mp1«»ly »rr»-
(6.00® 6.50 per 100 pounds.
traled Th» attack was aa
Beef—Gross, top steers, (8.60®4.00;
■ouaually smr. on«, .nd
my condition was regard
cows. (3.00® 3.50; dreesed beef, 6®
being very daoger-
7c per pound.
•ua. I was attended by
one or the moat able doc­
Veal—Large, «.'¿«TJtc; email, 8®
tor. in Washington, who is
8*40 per pound.
• la« a memter of th. fac­
The golden mi.» la ii**l • ■•b||| 0(
ilglils," Itathor do.» Il ropiwaal l(>e
will to do righi
In all |hs Istohlog
ot Clirlsl thè word "tight»'* linda n*
DURINO the gold fever .
Yuan* Woman Save.1
for a Wedding Tour.
A promising young lawyer who has
au office In the Girard Building has
Just made the d«*llghtful discovery Unit
his fiaueee is also a financier. The
young man's sweetheart resides lu Ger­
mantown. aud for several mouths past
lie has called U|>on her regularly thrice
a week. When be first met the girl,
two years ago. he was, of course, ex­
tremely anxious to make a good i in­
pression. aud he lavished ni« uy pres
cuts upon her. The girl's parent, are
quite well to do, but she disapproves
of auy sort of display or prodigality.
and when, la the natural course ot
eveuts, the young man proposal aud
was ac«*epted. »be felt it to tie her privi­
lege and her duty to read him a little
lecture on "Economy.” She called bls
attention to the fact that every time
be called be had b«*en In the habit of
hrluging flowers and candy to the value
o a dollar or two. She suggested that
in the future be should discontinue the
preseuts, haudlug over a silver dollar
Instead whenever he came to see her.
tie laughed, for be thought she was
Joking, but she speedily assured him
that she was much lu earnest, So he
paid bls dollar regularly, aud flually
came to the conclusion rtiat the money
was being devoted to charity. The
wedding day was set for next month,
and an exteuded tour was contemplat­
ed. Unfortunately, the young lawyer
recently took a "flyer” in stocks. and
dropped so much money that be had to
notify bls fiancee that their wedding
trip must be dispensed with. The dear
girl laughed at him, and, leaving the
room for a moment, presently returned
with a satchel containing 25«; silver
lollars. Their planswill not be changed.
-Philadelphia Record.
Sowing »eed iu dry wvather may re­
sult lu but few of ths »e«*d» geruiltial
ing. If the ground is rosy dry it will
take moisture from th« seeds, l*ut it
the soil 1» damp the reed, draw iiiol.l-
lire from the »oil. The lack of moisture
is the cause of •e'-l being »low germi­
nating unle». when covered loo deep,
which can»«*» ihe M'« h I t" I»* longer lu
The silk worm was originally found
pushing through the ground.
in China, aud fabrics of tins material
Foor times as much can be grown
were made in that country a lout 2,700
IL C. About 900 yards of silk are ou au acre of land by the u»e of wheel
produced by a single worm, ami there hoes and hand wwd drills than when
are nearlv 13 pounds of waste silk, the laud is cultivated by horse ;»>wer,
designated as "thrown silk," for every us loth the rows and the plant» can Im
closer together.
Whether the hand
pouud of good silk.
system will pay ilepeu'ls up>u the kind
The average annual total of wat«*r of crops grown aud ths locat.ou of the
which fall, as rain or .now in the fartu to uiaikets.
Unit, d States is 1,40? cubic mile«.
lu selecting seed oiru iu the fleld
This amount of rain would more than
twice fill Lake Ontario. To raise this the vigor aud growth of the »talk»
water to the clouds from which it tell ahold lie ubaerved a» well a» the ears.
would require the work ol 500,000.000 II a »talk produces two or Hires good
10 hours a day ear» mark It. By astug se«d from the
most prolific »talk» the teudeuey will
throughout the year.
be to produce more ears every year,
until as many a» four aud fiva ear» per
»talk will be the result.
Prisoner Tries Hie Voice and Is Ilia-
charged From Co.tody.
H.Tu.e I« He Vistile«..
China is often alluded to as a be­
nighted reglón, bul liiere I. one lulle
kingdom, ths Hennit klngiluiu of
Corea. that Is eulUled to Ibe palm u(
darkness a. far a. civilisai! n and
modern progress goee.
The trouble
with China 1. that lbs |ieople will noi
adopt systems ut U m > foreign««, while
Corea, II seems, cenimi
■ nd others have leen rndeaioring to
Instruct the Corean, in the use of
American baile, bul, with all the labor
Involrod, they prefer Io du the work ••
their lore!.liters did.
Handles of forks and knives are
utilis d (or the storage of salt anil pep­
per uuder a new patent, each handle
being forme.I of a tube, which bus
spring cli|w to hold it on the shauk.
with au luterual reservoir for the salt
and pepper, which is shaken through
the ends.
Ptoaaant. Palatab.e. i'oiant. Taita Good. f*
Good, Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe, lüc îùc. 44>c
|>*««tlopett hy ('«sill vallon,
All garden vagntablaa aro ni.roly
tyj»s Improved by long cultivation of
wild species. The wild cablwgw I*
rouiinou euougli In pia, re l>y thè Rea.
bui i. of u<> u.s (or haal in Ite wild
•tate. Indeed. Il wlll late a botanlst
lo Irli tliAt It wa. a cal.bega .1 all.
Ncollaud owaa thè cabbege to Croni-
well's eddler». The caulltlower I. bui
a cultiv.tml improveinml <>n thè cab-
l>age. Il was brouglil lo parfection in
t'yprus and wai vsry little kuowu un­
ti! at»at a cmtury ago. Ilio pnr.nlp
la auotb.r native of lille country. You
uiay timi it alotig alinoci any bodge-
row, but il la email and luteuaaly bit­
ter in ita wild stale.
Bed cellar is a desirable Ires, bat the
seed «wiiii to fail in geruiillation. Tba
fact is that it requires two »eaaon» lu
which to grow, tieeds sown al auy
time will not grow for about 12
Dairying i. a business, and some
nionths. Bow them iu a bed aud leave
it undisturbed, except to occasionally (Armera will succeed where others fall
because they have more energy and in­
water it, for a season.
telligence, adhering strictly to bu.t-
The bardock 1» a weed that is Slier- ueaa priuciplea.
The dairyman who
minuted with difficulty, as the plaut give. particular attention to the care
produces a great many seeill and they ‘•I hl. stock «ill always be repaid lor
remain iu the soil for years, rea*ly to hi. Islor with larger yield, aud greater
grow as sixin as conditions are favor­ profits.
able. If the plant is cut off below the
ground aud a handful of salt thrown
A catalogue of the national observa­
on the root the plant will soon die, as tory at Athens shows Ihal 3.187 earth-
the root is soft and the sail rots It.
quake, were leit in Greece In the year.
1898-1898, and of the.. 2,018 were re­
France ii pounding iron and uteel
corded in Zante alone. Tba shocks
into cruis< n with such a big ha nun er
were more numerous in April and May
that England is tempted to put cotton
than in other months.
in her eara.
Fr.nrk ••»!* «• Sla'«l»a »■'..« Mar...
In »u Amtrlesu arptutiug r... ih»
starter onl.r» His mutters on th.it
marks, I hall tall. th*m I" "g< I ready,'*
then calls »ut " mi " aud a «»upla of
••"Hida later tils, tba pl.t"!
Al I),*
l'aria ratea the .tarter <■» rid tli.m.n
on their marke, «'ailed out *'.ittruii,,|l '
aud flteil tba plat'd so »«Min rtleiwarfi
that the Aiuerteatis tsiuld U"t *.l into
a crouching proilion. Alter ih. 8r,|
heal or two Ihu A mai lean, w.rr always
•el by the limo altsutlon wa. ialite
•nd .laried al Ihe word lualead ul pl«
lol. thus gallili« a yard or two.
A MurhM.l.l..« I eal.H.rlee tu,«
In the village of Bodra a lurk ramte
Ismail, aged 120 years, i. Ili »urli g<.4
health that he frwqueully well, lo Iter-
Un, eia hours diatene«, l» wll eggs, lor
ho Is a poultry dealer 11« ha. i>«.| ||
wlvos, the leal of whom lie luetrled
only a few days ago. The bride I. fio
years his Junior, sud the marriage wa*
celebrated with much wdomiilly |<. th.
round of drum, su l fll«. and .d rollers
from flreiuartiis. The whole village
wa. et> telo. The wedding pb c.uua
lliclmtol all the male progeny <d the
t»trlar<h bridegroom, conal-dug <>l 1 *<y
tone, graudron. end great giamli ns
I he number of hie temale pi g.uy I*
noi alatoli.
ll*«»..l.llaM “1 M-n-f
I ii 1*73 • sllr.r dui la r Wa. w.,nh un» 4u|.
lar ami .il trulli. In gold, sud m leslturly.
In. «aula Molte» Ina» ilepr-. >.i. bel
thrrv 1« otte ilamlar.l medi' o.r * i . i . m
imi eliaugevl li* bali a tri.tur, ami Ihai is
||i»lel!'-r'. blumaeh lllitrr.
li « *ays
ha. Iwte't Ih. ""• r*u.r,l» tur li''bgr.ima,
<iy »('»pala or hl'lne y iroubiv.
The sai Itesi aulbentlcated «ra tight
la SBld 1'1 Ita ve I kh - u lltal brlw'-rti ibe
I '«trlulhlau. and Ih« < <,.'•»reati., la
wiilch thè lurittet cvmqu.rml tìtl II C.
Wllhln the la.l 20 years th* nmutw
of American and English temale phy­
sicians In Asiatic couutrle. ha. la-
creaseli from 20 to 320.
The alorag" and keeping of apple. I*
a matter ot groat liup-rlaue* w I mps
Ibero laa larga crop, Ihe ui.ln p ini
I* Io keep thorn cool. Il I. warmth,
not end, that Injures litem
<>U. who ha. trted It sl.lo. Ihal sppim
can I» kept In water at • lew .i.gews
abure Ilio I ree Slug toinporature
majority of growers )«. k them In her-
rola auds store llieui lu • ■- -•! .list,
fir*I picklug out «vary iiuperlsct specl-
What are Humors?
Th*jr arv t H k I h I t»r tuurbhl
luff Ih« * I*!»• mh «I afVrrtiiiff
• il «re
Tli*y »r» rt»iHHt««i»ly tin*
tl«»H bill
l|«iW tl«i Ihfft it » «i 111 fr i»l IlifftH „I, »
In niffiiy foriti» itf « uiaiir«»' "» erupili«,
■all rheum of (•»»»*. pimpl* • • "<! ten«,
•n«l III »vitkiie»!, languor • ml grinrsl
II n are they e||.. « !
Hood’a Sarsaparills
Whlcli aleo buthla up It*, .y.t.m II*.t
•uttrrd troni lli.m,
Il la lb. bril of all li'S'llclite. for .3
fart. Ill
A few years ago a young man dressed •toHte« Mewed y (.mpaay, < bieege. ■«wlrMl.
in tattered clothes w as locked up at the
Desplalnes street police station charged
with disorderly conduct. Though bls
clothes were torn and bls balr unkempt
made his appearance look like that of
a tramp, be w as not In the eyes of the
(rollceman who arrested him for doing
nothing be looked like an ordinary beg
Are mini*roti« an»1 «ub«tanllal
! ara* «rhr®»l rnnm«. prrf«-« t
i ” rnf *’*’
M* t« a* ber», ( ofiip'.ria « ««ur»« • of ■tij<|*, rnabl«’ ti« i<> «l<* wtii-r r >*r * •
* ,
•»•» «» •• ’h
' He was taken to the police station re­
< or r r«|oti*!«nrr, ('offline re tal iaw,
boc|»; Off. Dank.l»r Htsoi
gardless of bls pleadings and put In a
We can name a Stock which pays about 20 per cent per annum now and will
Hualnre* |*ra*ilr««, Mioriban*1, 1 yt>*wrli.mr. I®*ii» r «opting 'la ¡I om 'M*
MImff..«raphin r . legai Forme, < <»wrt Papera, oth* • Kork, F
”■ '
dingy cell, where he spent nearly two Day a>H>ut 40 per cent i>eiore the end of thia year if bought now. This stock is
Mtmlrnt« may entrr at any tini« our <atai**gu* riplalu»
lays, and had It not been for the police steadily advancing and will go much higher.
fuiljr. « all or «*n<l for a < <>py
II will ¡*ay
-aptaln he might have stayed there
Another Stock we can tell about that will be a Dividend payer and 1» now
aelling as a prospect.
, longer.
It was while the other prisoners were
We wiH be glad to advise you about these stocks and any of the others on tbs
Park anti Washington Slreoit
lielng tried In court and the police cap­ Mining Exchange. Write us.
tain was sitting In bls private office
h. P. Armstrong, LL. IL, Principal.
J. A. Wssco, Penman and Secretary
looking over reports that a sweet tenor
voice was heard singlug "My Old Ken­
Homa Grown 8se<)« to 8 w Tlii’ F» ■
tucky Home.” The moment the sweet
Two M thff ffrfffflr»l Graaff •*•!•
notes, which were coming from the
I (« mm | pr«M|n> rr<« th* world
rv' r ,rl^ 1(-|
cellroom, struck the ears of the police
II Ko Ml •» I N ff II U I
lb • ’
**'*• 1 ' ’
i captain lie listened a moment and drop­
n- or fio ¡»«r um
. ,
ped the reports he was reading on bls
III Mil hl M’r I T r. I'W |R r fM>r I I*
REFERENCES: Exchange National Bank. Colorado Springs, Colo.•
« OH hl iff II mat . I i - I*r n.
desk until the song suug was flulsbed. chants’ National Bank, Portland, Ore., and mauy others.
F«»r further ihii tlcular«,
When the song was finished the cap­
Mllir.l l>M A <’•».. M ...*•••»» I •«’•»••• * '•’re
bik I Irnportemall kind* of Krn** *
tain ordered the prisoner to be brought
( The Famous German Wood Preserver)
liefore him. When the singer, who was
the shabby-dressed young man, appear­
Thlnl ■*«> Mwrrlsww »**••'•
ed liefore the police official, the latter
.. ....................................................................... .
asked the young man to repeat the
song, which he did.
•"Pormanontly Dostroys
C. A. ALI8KY Prop.
When be had finished the officer look­
Do not fall to tlill
ed at him a moment and said, “Young
man, you have a good voice.” When
the captain asked him where he lived
Yoa can't make » mlstaks II you get s
One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. If
and what he did he bowed his bead as
JOHN I'OOLK. I* o « ti « si >. <’«*’"^|
enn viva you tlm t>**«t Imrgiiln" I"
I if in sorrow and refused to answer.
liiai'Iiinary, «nglite», bolter». t**llk' J’“",',,,
When the police official learned under following: distributing agents: Perfection Pile Preserving Co., Seattle,
Ian Pr.neise. Markit.
plow.. hells and windmill» 1
strel f X L windmill, sol-1 by Im**. >•
Wool—Spring—Nevada, 11O 18c pet what charge be was being held a pris­ Wash.: Either, Thorsen ¿c Co., Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn &
pouud; Eastern Oregon, 10<«$ 14c; Val­ oner he ordere«! his release. The sing­ Co., San Francisco, Cal.
er, after thanking the captain, strolled
ley, 16(318c; Northern, 9% 10c.
tn» 0E*n|Q|ON
^ cmMASt»
slowly out of the police station Into the
Hops—Crop, 1900, 12(314c.
Wrl» ta
b* E. I»'-’1 J”, «
street and wandered away. Ills Iden­
36 He;
fine old
tity Is still a mystery. Chicago Chron­
RICRfoR". WaiSInftan. » <• ',
. -of
do seconds. 24H4f26Hc; fancy dairy,
< »•!»(. 'I'lick te|.|l<*». I' «••* s 1
24c; do seconds, 22c per pound.
'Juili Corps* PriweutlfiM claim» »">** ‘ ’
A Singular Monstrosity,
Eggs—Store, 23!»c; fancy ranch,
A writer In Science describes a curl­
83 He.
OUS monstrosity which has come under
A gnArnntr«*«! <’iirff J *‘“r
Millstutr* — Middlings, (17.00 0
observation. This Is a cock with
DriivK'"’". •’ ""
U full 4»»'f fun Par sallon.
20.00; bran, (12.50« 18.50.
W. H. 1MITH * CO., tuffilo. rr.H’M
no signs of spurs upon the tarsi, but
rom ANO MliakKY. il.M*.
Hay—Wheat |8«12; wheat and with a couple of well-developed spurs
ai i . aooo uoodr
oat *8.00« 10.50; (test barley (8.50« upon the head, on either side of the
' 7° •"'*
(l.llversd Ires to
alfalfa, (0.00«7.50 per ton; straw, comb, giving the creature the appear­
' ■«* .nd g,'£ °r
'-•■•>»'*«• Hl.nU liiillfllnir <»r remodel hue tlo’lr I''”''* 1(, fire
2 o «87!4 c per bale.
ance of being horned. These mock
< nn ye full litio ot Melitela. HB''*. " ch«r
plnt cM, Klrctrlc, Geu eii'l 1
’'n Hells.
Potatoes—Early Rose, 30« 76c; Ba­ »purs are not attached to the skull,
dellera and BUppll«*«, Haftffrlff*«1 »'•
linas Burbank«, 7Oc«(I.O6; river Bur­ whatever they may originally have
< ataloguea on epplb atlo"
Katabllahsd ¡0 Years
been, but are loose. Instaacea are
banks, 80«66c; new. 76c«(1.4O.
M. X
RurrrMor to Frank llol“”" (>rrgoe*
on record of spurs being grafted on
1 94» Wiohh.ffloo Ml». I■orllwod.
Citrus Fruit—Oranges,
to combs, but, so fur, no similar ease I*
(3.76«8.25; Mexican iimee, (4.00«
known to have occurred In nature.
■»■■■ MWiRia wbsv»*-
5.00; California lemons 76c«(1.50;
ON« FOR A DOSI. C'i»*Rlr»n*««'i»¡'l,’,7¡!ir»
do choice (l.75«2.00 per box.
An Atchison man wiio baa twelve
I rapala. Ii inn » I'linpiM.I'urltr tt'* 1 '
i, km* I*
|) H.v. mtde firopiy and Itarom- tl"n. I r**« mi Uli* *uan**«a. I»'*t*m*/'■** 9^.*
Mad« of th« B«st Mitina!», thoroughly Masontd, by comp«t«nl worltmrn. It Kind»
Tropical Fruits—Bananas, (1.50« children recently starved to death
»ilc.lKii.a . l pnolkl » for tw.nl» cnn»Inm y>-*l,l»lll hi .1 aamp »W»|t" ' uruSS11—
8.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom­ while at the dinner table; before he without an equal. Cail on our Agent, or addrru
y*ar» wbh tlii oio.t wond.rfol IOIANkOCO"nM>Ma.r*. •*
■noon»». li*v»onr.dn*uy tkoaa-
Persian dates,
6««M« »•» had served them all death catne to his
a... «• lM*
H. F. N. U.
• « lUM.
20 to 40 Per Cent
, , ,
fflieOrti antogt)
That’s Good Interest Isn’t It
of Commerce,
Mitchell, heuiis & Staver Co.
>20-338 Eaal Morrison Str««t, Portland, Oregon.
Cl. 1.1.911X3'100X1,
B*s ■(
Adula, Ua
welling 1« ■«lv•«tte•,• *'*
■u.ullon thl.