REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH VOL* V. K LA M A 1’11 LATfcH NkWS. FA I.LN, K LA.MA I’ll HOME COUNTY', OREGON, FOR BURIAL. SEPTEM BEK 27, 19O<» Japan's A trit »id« To».,» China. The racial differences that exist be­ Th« .tat« of Oregon has ctmti United Memaln. >>r Moiai«». and Ballers Will tween Japan and China have probably «ore than f .i(wu (l, (,M|,„t»m re- nt» nroii||ii From ih* Orient. ed some observers to believe that the llel liiuil, Washington, Hept. >2.—Colonel two peoples are naturally antipathetic. I he war of 1894 has been cited as proof Bell» \r< h«r, the actress, diisl at the Coal Miners Out in the An­ M illiam H. Patten, of the quartermas­ Epitome* of ths Telegraphic ter ¿«pertinent, on duty at th« war de- Chinese Responsible for Out- -if Ibis, aud in the prerent crisis in tbe Pei Taug and Lu Tai Fort« Euiergenoy iaaipitat at Warren, I’a., ol New» of the World. thracite Region. S|K>pl«xy, pertinent, has completed arrangement» Far East it appear» to l>e taken for rages Must Be Given Up. Taken With Great Losses. for th« free transportation to the United granted by many that the Japam-re I hr.-« oo n robbed the First National States of the lemsins of soldiers and people will regard China’s misfortune bank at Wlnnemucia, Nevada, and se­ 1F.RHE IH KS F IH * »I .'HE WlltEH cured alsuii $5,090. MITCHELL NAYS 112,000 QUIT sailors and civilians who lost their CIRCI LAR NOI E TO THE POWERS aa th»ir opportunity. That there is lives anil were buried in the island pos­ no valid reason for thinking that this 'LEAKING COUNTRY OF BOXERS '•«iicral John A. MoUlernand died as sessions ot the United States and is Japan’s attitude, and that those who < hiua. According to th« present plan» sre moat prominent in guiding Japan's Iwlrrr») Ing t'olltarlion *»f !!•••»■ From 4 rw,,*lt of old age at his home in it« Hprlugllnlil, HL, aged MH years. of the department a burial corps will V.irr»n.l«rlng <»f Guilty Official. »■ lo public [Hi I icy sincerely desire to estab­ Garget force of Troop* Forming In th* • li«. I wo lltaoilaphrr«»* l*r** • »U 4 tl.pvn.abl* Prsllmlnery to H«- Mrighborhood of Tsfcu-Aiiiari- lish and foster ’riendly feelings with take passage on the transport lianooik, hi • <'«•* I«’»»«*«1 In sn engagement with Filipinos gluulug Negoklatlou.. can Postal Arrangement*. scheduled to leave Han Francisco on China, is ably shown by Durham near Nolonau, near th« «lol of Lagtllla Octo Iter I for the Philippines. White Stevens, Esq., counsellor of the Galvustou'fl Ii»* ot dead uumlaws de Hay, the Ameri-ans lost 13 killed 1 Hazleton, Pa., Rapt. 19.—The gr»-a‘ At the request of the secretary ol th» Berlin, Sept. 20.—The foreign office Japanese legation, in bis article, "Ja­ ano 28 wounded. Berlin, Sept. 22.—The Lokal An- 1,07k. struglge betwi-en Hi« anthracite coal navy the same burial corps will under­ lias sent a cu-ruhir not« to all th« pow­ pan’s Attitude Toward China,’’ which teiger's Shanghai corree]>ondent cable« At Iona, 1. | , Postmaster Dlsmuke ) miners of I'eiinsylvaiiia and their em- Hix )s*rsoiis perished In a Cincinnati, take to perform similar service with ers announcing that the German gov­ appears in the current issue of Collier's lhat tbe aliie« today captured the Pei wa. shot aud instantly killed by bam i ployer» was begun today. Each side respect to officers and enlisted men o' □bio, tire- • ernment considers that an indiejiensa- Weekly. ______________ fang and Lu Tai forte, with great Ashton, h well-to-do stockman, I Ha­ is confident of winning, and neither the navy and marine corps buried it ble preliminary to the beginning of Bryan's letter ot acoeplanoe was ftar* Philippine» Jewnl*. loaaea. muke’s »on rushed to hia lather's an- of the contending forces shows any dis- China and the islands of the Pacfiic. (»■ai-e negotiations with China is the tlvnu to the public. It is rumored on trustworthy author­ Th* rarest corah in the world are to be alstaiice, aud «as also »hot. ptnition to yield. Tim contest thus Ur The corps will lie in charge of D. 11. delivering up of those who were respon­ Th« |M«w«r» have accept«! Li Hung found in the Philippine*). As precious aa ity in Shanghai, aaya a dispatch to the bus laieii devoid of any violence. thirty thousand dollar» was Rhodes, inspector of national cemeter ­ sible lor the outrages. The text of the _ for- Uhang «» • negotiator. The exact number of men who »truck ies, who was rent to the Philippine» it telegraphic note, aa the North German thi* jewel i*. there is still a rarer one. and l-okal Anzeiger. that Germany will in­ wardml to ths governor of Texas by the ( that is health. It may be ponseEMMl by sist upon the destruction of the Chinese Plans srn Iming drawn lor harlair Im- rlllseiia |Me told. Reports November, 1899, on a similar errand Gazette gives it. is aa follows: any one who will use Hostetter's Stomach coast defenses and the Yangtre forte aa received by th« United Mineworkers ’ pnomiu’iit» iu Manila. When the transport stops at Honolulc of l’hiladel|ihla, I’a , making th« grand “The government of tbe emperor Bitters for indigestion, dynpep^ia, belching, i condition of her entrance upon peace Americana are building a permanent total ol ■■«■h forwardml to date by this officials from the entire anthracite re­ to coal, the bodies buried there will b< bolds as preliminary to eut ring upon heartburn or sleeplessness. Try it. negotiations. gion were to them most satisfactory. taken up and made part of her cargo diplomatic relation» with the Chinese oomniltte« $55,090. telegraph llue t" I’ekin. In tills territory, known as district No. Nurrrnder of Fort* Demanded. Southern Moonihlneri, Similar action will be taken at th» government that those persons must At « mretlng at laiballotl. Pa., of 7, there are 1*1.000 men erriplorhU in laird Roberta will leave Kouth Africa London, Sept. 22.—The Tien Tain Islam) of Guam and in the Philippine» l»e delivered up who have been proved The great majority of moonshiners alajiit thr«<-qusiters of th« 1.200 man ami about the mines. Ol this number, fur Fug la u«I al»>ul October 8. Colonel Patten says that the prevail to I* the original and real instigators sre to l>e found in the mountain fast­ -orreapondent of the Daily Mail, re­ Colored» Republicans nominated ataploind by th« American Iron & it ia causersv lively estimate I that ing conditions in China will scarcely of the outing«» against inter national ness of Georgia, Alabama and Tennes­ ferring to the attack on the Pei Tang M im -I < oiii | ihiiv , who struck August I alsnit 50 per eent ottered the order of Frank C. Gowly l»>r governor. render practicable any disinterment» law which have occurred at Pekin. see, ami here they live in conditions »nd Li Tai fort«, already captured by agaiost a Hkluctiou of wages from $1 I'resldent Mitchell to quit work. Five ii that country eailier than next The numlier of those who were merely of civilization as crude as their ances­ tbe allies after heavy lone», according Great Brltaiu 1» preparing to have lo $.1 a ton for |iud go back to work at the rate offered, lleriea which did not work at all, and to l>e given honorable burial in thi rages is too great. Wholesale execu­ fives from justice who reached this “The surrender of the forte wan de­ China. $3 a ton. the remaining 8,ooo to mines which United States at places selected by tions would be contrary to tbe civilised country more than a century ago. In­ manded at 2 o’clock on Tuesday, with Trv»q»s of various nationalities are short-handed. Tha district next of kin. in all cases where noi conscience and the circumstances ot deed, in many respects these descend­ the threat of immediate attack by the General Viljoen, who aneCMdMl work huslllug (or »into! quarters al Tivn Is'Ul» Botha tn the su|ir«iie command south ol this place, known as th« otherwise ordered, interment will la ■uch a group of leaders cannot be com­ ants have retorgraded rather than ad­ German» and Russians in the event of Tain. id the iruli.vuul hiriwa, Is nqsirted to South Hide, was tied up’ completely made in the national cemeteries, with pletely ascertained, but a few whose vanced. Had tbev l>een surrounded refusal.” Portugal has autboriaed tha dc|atrl- l>e moving northward lu the direction with th« exception of Coleraine, Iteaver preference for the cemetery at th» ruilt is notorious should be delivered up for a century by a Chinese wall they Preparation* for the Attack. are >>f I'realtleul Kruger from laiursmo d llector»|irull, with 3.000 lueu and Meadow und Carson’s Washeiies. In Presidio at San Francisco and Arling «ml punished. The representatives of could not have been more destitute or Tien Tsin, Sept. 22.—Two thousand this territory the United Mineworkers 30 gun». Ile I» known aw "tbe tlre- ton, near Washington. the powers at Pekin are in a position ignorant of the modern conveniences «ix hundred tiermans left Tien Tain Marquee. braud. nini w ill endeavor to protract are very strong. • *n the north rule. The approximate number of the re to give or bring forward convincing today to join a force form ing in tbe Co 1st had au orderly eleetlon, ami ALUM BAKING POWDERS. the Upper 1.» Itigli, Mim*»vllle, Elternle main» to be exhumed i» 1,331, distri- evidence, as less importance attaches the war. neighborhood of Taku, already com­ closer relallous with the t'uli»l Nlal«» and Drifton No, 1 collieries, employ- buted in the following places: to tbe number punished than their Confren I* Artlng to Mupprr** Theli posed of 4,000 Russians, 1,500 Ger­ lu the North t’hltia Daily News, l.i are desired. ing alstut 1.50O, ur« shutdown. "I ho Honolulu, :1W enlisted men of tht characters as instruments or leaders. lluug t hang I» nqsirted as lisviiig said Bal*. mans and other foreign troop«, the in­ All Alaska is infected with small­ Hint a» l lilna c»»uld not (»irelbly |mv mines at Lattimer and Pond (’reek, army and one marine. Guam, eight The government !>eliev<-s it can count tention being to attack the Pei Tang The report of the senate committee pox and slrl< t quarantine regulations imiemiiitv which will ls> demandali employing 1,200, are wroking full, hut men of the navy. China, two officer! on the unanimity of all.the cabinets in on manufactures upon the subject ol forte tomorrow at daybreak. are prescrlbml. every other num- in that big territory of the army, 58 enlisted men of th» regard to this jsiint, inasmuch as in­ from h«r, th«re will l»e no alternative The American postal arrangements food adulterations and food frauda ha» Govern meat Is building raiiload but to gl»« ii-rritoty instead of money, 1« working with badly <-rip|>le lunch contention, enlisted men of the army and 28 met ence to a repetition ot a crime. The awakened great interest throughout to Cblumbla river jetty. King, Russia w>>uld be given Nhin ent points where tbe United States the country. worked all day with aohut 05 per cent of the navy. government projioses, therefore, that troops are stationed, and the service Li Hung Chang sends memorial to > hiaug, aliil llillxt would go to Eng- If there could be published a list of of the men. On the West Side every the cabinet» concerned should instruct the throne, advising the lm|>«ariimciit I laud. the names of all Articles of food found will be carried aa soon as possible to colliery started up today minus its their representatives at I'ekin to indi ­ OPPOSED TO ARBITRATION. of seveial antl-forelgn advlaete. by tbe committee'to be adulterated or Pekin. State» union men, except at the liszle mines, *l.h>»l the port«, demanding the re Hazleton to-lay presented un ani- VOX BULOW.’’ Philadel| hia, Sept. 22. — "Every­ cluded. Tbe recommendations of the commit­ Into Marauding Banti*. leaw »»I »n Armenian, who, it i» claim­ install aiqa-uraiice, strikers from all the thing quiet ami orderly,’’ is tbe report »aeen sent to tbe Ger­ ed, I. n naturalized Alnerlcau citizen, surrounding mining towns coming in that comes from tbe strike region. A man embassies at Washington, Lon- tee that the sale of alum baking ¡>ove­ London, Sept. 22.—Lord Roberts Th« «tiMMnrr City of Grand Itapid«, rier s l>e prohibited by law, will make cables froth Nelapruitt, on tha Pre- Rome, built ! th«* water** «Hlgo II! the \Vr*t Seattle names of baking powders which cbeui from Komatipoort, the frontier station, tionary >■• niiiiltlee. All investigation cussing the situation. It was a most The temper of the mineownere on barhir, <**u»ing a iowi ot 118.000 MEN ARE IDLE. ists have found to contain alum: lias I hm ’ ii ordered »nd if the prisoner is orderly crowd. Around »trike head­ the question of arbitration, as indicated under date of Wednesday, September An iiith ul urne<| the town of Liang tbe West last night, was kept busy all Fillips came from the Hazleton district ol tbe strike says that at the end of the Manf by ('alunurt Baking Powder Co., Chicago Keptember II. Chtn«**e r«'gular tr«*opB flong K<>tig. day and evening, receiving re|»>rta tonight aud is with Archbishop Ryan teoon-i day 118,000 of the 141,000 HOME. .......................... Contains Alum entered Portuguese territory; others occupying the pla<*o had prmiuutly The yellow fever situation in Ha­ from every rectum of the region. Mee- in consultation on the sulject very neat niinewoikers iu the anthracite fields Manf. by Hom* Baking Powder Co.. San Francisco have deserted in various directions, fl«*d. The «terinan l«Mh waa oua man vana 1» ( Komnti)s><>rt. cupying spurs of the Lombobo moun­ larly. any other honorable means. 1‘rvte-tant their side of the matter, but individual Manf. by Crescent Mfk Co., Seattle. Klanford Vuhrr«lty, I'alo Alh». Cal., tains, south of the railway. A general Mr. WHITE LILY ................ Contains Alum Mitchell decided an im|»ntant mineowners dispute the strikers ’ fig ­ clergymen in Hazleton have also taken Tu« work of clearing away the Manf. by D. Ferrera 4k Co . Txtima h«* returned from a three month*' trip tumult seems to have occurred when ures, saying there are more point Imlay in the matter of arbitra- men at up the matter and will eudeavor tc wreckage ill Galv«*»toti progr**s»e». BEE-HIVE.................... Contains Alum they recognized the hopelessness of through Japan, a here lie *uc<*«M»ded in lion, 1-URt week Ilio minera employed bring the opiaising «lenient» togethei work than the union lea fen will ad- Manf by \\ athmgton Mfg. Co.. Kan Francisco. Herman I'eternlorf. a isruier living by G. II. Markle A Co. decided not to amicably. The coal scarcity is more uiit. •Bearing the large nt and m«»»t couiplrto BON BON........................ Contains Alum their cause. Their Long Toms and collection of .1*pane m * fi*hni aver uh* near Jum tiou «Tty, Or., murdered his strike until the timi had panned upon keenly felt today, and, although the field guns have been destroyed and Manf by Grant Chemical Co.. Chicago. The first advance in the prie® of tallied by aclrntiata. Collection* or wife. a »oi of their own grievances, which R -ndmg Company is mining and ship­ coal, as a result of the strike, was DEFIANCE................... Contains Alum nothing is left of the Boer army but a .Manf. by Portland CofTre A Kpice Co.. Portland dfMrripthina were made of all but I ft few marauding bands. Kelly-Kenny I’rvsldent Mitchell, of tile United differ somewhat from those of the Unit­ ping its usual quota of anthracite, deal­ made by the Philadelphia A- Reading ...................Contains Alum known *) m * c )«**, beaidiMi 12ft apeciea uu* Mineworker», »av» 118,(100 men are on ed Mineworkers. The firm has an ers are tiuding it hard to get aa much Coal Company today, 25 cents per ton PORTLAND is dealing with one of these, which oc­ Manf. by Beno A Balli*, Portland. known to wcienca, cupies a position at Dimrnberg.’’ added. Thia advance was agreement with its men that if any as they need. The tonnage of the oth­ being strike. It is unfortunate that many mann The war office has issued a long re­ promptly met by the local dealers, who difference» fail of adjustment, then the er great coal-carrying companies ii Boier* are again active at I'ekin* .acturere of alum baking powders stat Germsny deinamle that the < 'hinew increased the price to consumers 50 that their powders do not contaii port from Lord Roberts on the subject A gradual reduction of the iCuaainn r«a|»>naible lor the outrage, be deliv- grievances shall lie arbitrated. John gradually diminishing, however, and, of the Johannesburg plot to overpower Markle, of the firm, yesterday agreed in the natural order of things, unlesi cents a ton. alum. It is only right that consumer, for»®* tu Pekin ha* begun. erevl up. A Cloud appears on the otherwise should have correct information as tc the garrison aud murder the British to have Archbishop Ryan, of l'hiladel the strike is settled, will soon cease al­ N«venty-two new coal mines have phia, arbitrate the difference», if the together from some districts. Other town* tu Tessa l»raidre GaL peaceful horizon in the shape of a re­ the character of every article of food officers and the deportation of foreign­ ers. After reiterating the known facts been opened in I'russia this year, iu- mediators already decided upon by the veaton In nerd of a**Utauce. Somewhat vague reports are com­ port from Harrisburg that a bitter feel­ offered to them. of the plot, the British commander-in- General French haa occupied Barber* erensing the output for 1900 by 2,500,- firm anil the men cannot come to a ing in of preparation on the part of tht ing is developing l>etw<*eu the union ehief in South Africa says: Super*! It ion In Ynratan. too, rapturing IlM) lh»era and some roll­ 000 tons. satisfactory agreement. President sheriffs and coal companies for a ¡svs- and nonunion men in tbe Lykens die- "The consuls of America, France "Apropos of the wonderful ancient ing stock. The trail-port Thomna Milled from Mitchel), however, stated today that Bible clash with the reckless element trict, located in the up|>er end of Dau­ phin county, aud involving about 2,500 ruins in Yucatau,** saida New Orleans and Sweden, subjects of which nations he should a»k the men employed by Nan I raiiel»i*»> for Manila with 1,048 among the strikers. Nearly everybody The tlr»t thimbles w«*n* made in college profe»‘sor, "there is one very were arrested, met and fully discussed lend. They were brutight to Euglautl rlillsled men. R*7 cabiu passenger» Markle to cease work. The men might lailieves that trouble must come, yet mineworkers. A concession was voluntarily grant­ fortunate circumstance which has pro­ the case with tbe British officials. aud $1,200.000 in treasure. gaiu concea»lona through arbltn-tion. there has been no sign of an outbreak, ia im. ed the 5.000 employes of the Lehigh tectea them almost entirely fruui spoli­ The interview was most satisfactory. The postoffice depiirtment has given he aaid, but it was now a care oi secur­ and the men appear to be well handled It is currently The consuls concurred entirely in the At Tacoma. Wash., the North T««»- Coal an a Three DeaperMtloe* Held t’p m Wlnne- There men were unorganized, and had away anvbody who attempts to molest ordered the deportation of all foreigners ateamei for Europe. These men ex ­ rtirtland, Or., who Imgan hiisiue»» 31 next. inucra Inatltullon. them. This superstition has been en­ arrested in connection with the plot not presented any grievances. pect a long strike, and, rather than re­ (hers iu 1850, is deml. aged 74. Emperor William ha» pardoned a True to its declaration made liefore couraged by explorers, and is a better for 'in-« uehav Reno, Nev., Sept. 22.—A special tc main idle hero, they preferred to go to lh«ext»lua from Galveston grows in Germnn-Ameriian pained Schuh, in coll»«,-. «-.'11111 not the Gazette from Winnemucca, Nev., the strike was ordered, the Philadel­ safeguard than a picket of soldiers.” tlieir former homes. nuinl«er as the facilitina for getting Riel. After 20 tears’ absence, Nehuli few toreignem phia & Readiug Company today President Mitchell tonight gave out says: l>. Your F««t Aeh« and Ran»? »way from the city are Increased. had vi»ited Ins ndatives and been reli- cept employ ea of tt« ***M****MP»- The First National bank wa» robbed brought its mules to the surface in the th« following statement: Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot Ease road, who refused to work wort Lr Le At Eau Claire, Wis., seven men were tenced to six mi nth»’ imprisonment for “Information received up to tonight at noon today l>y three men, who en­ two mines iu Shamokin that had l>eeu a [»owiler for the feet. It makes tight or contravening th« army regulations. iwh aud actively participated iu the ittwii«i| by tm, overturning of it laial shows that 112,000 mineworkers aie tered the front door and made all pres­ closed by the strike, aud announced new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to wliile trying to cniaa the river at that Major Edward E. Drain, commis­ on strike in the anthracite region. Of ent throw up their hands. There were that they will be permanently alian­ corns and bunions. Il's the greatest com­ war. place. sary of subsistence, who Ims just ar­ this numtH-r, 72,000 are in district No. th e people in the bank, Cashier Nixon, do ned. Thia action makes it necessary fort di-eovery of the age. Cures swollen Colorado Mining D«al. blisters and callous sped». Allen’s Book­ for the miners who have been working fret, M«xiean thieves entered a »aloou at rived at Sall I ranclsco from the I’liil- I; »0,000 in district No. 3, mid 10,000 Assistant Cashier McBride, Denver, Sept. 20.—The News an­ Pool-Ease is a certain cure for ingrowing ■at.irle, Arizona, (or the prupose of ippilies, has b» oil ordered to New York ill district No. 7. Reports received keeper Hill, Stenographer Ualhonu, in these collieries to seek work else­ I'ails, »«eating, smarting, hot, aching fret. nounces this morning that Thomas F, We have over .30.000 testimonials. Itcures Walsh will receive $13,000.000 for his robbery »ml were com pel led to kill for assignment to duty hr chief com- are to the effect that a large number of auil a horse buyer named Johnson. One where. The action of the 400 or 500 em­ while you vvalk. All druggists and shoe Camp Byrd mine at Ouray, Colo., from misMiry of the department of the East, those who went to the mines today w ill robber made Cashier Nixon o|ert, By local applications, as they cannot reach th. Tgine to scrap iron. Misplaced sig- addition to the 48 locomotives and from China were »torii-sof the nrrest of kept covered with guus until the des­ every etlort to induce them to strike. dl«ea-e«l portion of the ear. There i»on:y on. arrived at Ouray today to make a final “”1" was the cauae. 1 n<*urrretIon In Sulvndor. a.y tocure dv-alnesH. .nd that la by constitu­ examination of the mine on behalf ol other rolling »lock which lie took when Chinese with the heHil» of foreign sol­ peradoes mounted their horses and ee- tional remedies. Dealneaa la cauaed by an In­ Ihe tlivision of custom» and insular ho occupied BarlsTton, September III. diers in sacks: it seems that head caped. An alarm was quickly giveu San Diego, Sept. 19.—The steamer flamed condition ot the mucous hnlua ot th. the syndicate and it is expected the and several shots were tired at the Enstacbl.n Tube. Wb.n thia tube |eta in­ deal will be closed within 10 days. Herodt brings a story of the suppres ­ money of 50 taels is juiid for each head. The department of the interior is W,ir d”Partlll)*llt IlMH giVBD von have a rumbling sound or Iroptr- desperadoes as they aped through town, sion of an incipient insurrection at Sal- flame«! feel bearing, and »ben It la entirely cloiwd a statement of the taking steps to prevent the further suf­ This fact was brought to light l>y the but without effect. The robbers re ­ deafness ia III» r.tnlt, and unlee» lh. Inflamma­ Killed His Friend. avdor. Minister of War Castro was [''J'1" 1,1 ,,,M Havana custom house fering among the I'ima ludiHiis on the discovery of tl.e private pa|>en of Vice­ tion can 1«. taken out aud t It I. tube restored lo Of th« month of August. 11*00, show- Sactoll reservation, Arizona, caused liy roy Yu Lu, of Tien T-iu. In his day turned the »hots, but no one was hit. the instigator of a plot to remove the its normal condition, bearing wlllbedeiiroywl Salt Lake, Utah, Sept. 22.—Warren iuoi.»i,h° t"‘Hl rt’«”*ipt" lor »hr a scarcity of irrigation water. Col­ In ink there ia an entry which reads: The officers and armed citisens have present president, Thoma» Regalado, forever; nln. cases out ot I«-» ar. caused by F. Harrison, foreman of the Kooky catarrh, which la nothing but an luflam«) started in pursuit and a [sisse has also and have himself proclaimed president condition ""'“th were $1*91,920. Mountain Bell Telephone Company, ot th. mucous surfaces. onel E. H- Graves, of that department, "Taels, 100, paid for the heads of two We mil give On. Hundred Poller, for any was shot and instantly killed at Brig­ The Brutherhood of Locomotive Fire who i» at I’lioeiiix mak tig an examin­ American marines killed in the ad­ started from Goloonda to head them of tbe republic. In his plans to bring ease of PeaineMtcanred by catarrh) that cau off. The amount secured by the rob­ about tbe insurrection, Castro deemed not be cured by Hall » Catarrh Cun. »aud fo« ham City, Utah, last night, by lames I ' ftt De« M o I hm siliplcd ation ol the conditions oti I bo reserva­ vance for the relief of l ien Tsin. Taels, bers is in the neighlMirhood of *15.000. it necessary to remote the colonel of circulars. Ire«. Burke, one of his linemen. Harrison 50, for the two guns captured on thy i " /,|IB ,,w«v«7? M**hpl»ce, was de- The largest portion of the 1».—All health. Bloomsberg, !’•„ Sept, Better make of every Borrow a atep- there being no fire department or appa­ mander at Taku cables that a fatigue •w«ytM by lightning. Whitewood. N. W . T., was demolished effort to settle the difference lietweeu ping atone to higher, nobler thought ratus. party engaged in de»troyiug gunpowder Mor.« In Gln.gow. the Reading Iron Company, of Dan­ *,yt«'ri»|l)r' 8* M°('abe, a Pree- by a tornado. and deed than to hang it againat your Glasgow, Sept. 22.—Two additional at Tung Chow lias been blown up. Paris, Sept. 22.—Tbe Galveston fund ville, and its employes having failed, Exports from the United States dur ­ throuoi? Ac. '•O'""1'1 well knowu Sixteen were killed aud 22 injured by heart to weigh you down into the being raised here lias reached 100,000 cases of bubonio plague have been re ­ the 000 men employed at the plant re ­ ing the past fiscal year increased to slough of deapondenoy. ia Ton«'i"lti,,e w"Ht> «lied at Ills hum» the explosion. ported. francs. fused to work this morning. every section of the globe. •” », K rums , aged 77 years, 4 1 I