r CHINESE BOY AT HOME FALLACIOUS PnCi ITS. Rich Blood THE DEWEY HOMESTEAD. vitation coast of ( hiiiouh omen — orli know» of the wonder- The above picture shows the house whore George Dewev was Imrn Deeeiu- ta'r 2(1, IH87. It was occupied by the Dewey family until after the desili u( the admiral'» father. It liieu came luto the poaaorelrin of Captain Edward Dewey. who sold It to its present owner aud ooeupant, T. II. Gurdon, Esq , in the sninmer of IHNg. Mr. Gordon moved it tolta präsent site in the follow, Mr. ami Mrs Ing Fcbruaiv 1890. and has oc coupled it until Hi« present time. unfalliug (>< or,Ion ----- - - are -------------- _ in their courtesy to the tbuuands who visit this slirlus. the birthplace of tdmiral Dewey. A recent letter from T. R. Gorilou to the I'eruna Drug M'f'g Co., Colum­ bus, • reads as follows! “It la with great satisfaction that I find myself able, after an extended trial to write you in this e uphatio mauner of the good your i'eruna haa done my wile. hjire is no mors pusxling thing than t wlomen will suffer great pain ntk after month when every woman •WS of’sorne ernman whom Mrs. khain has helped, as the letters ■^jgiatcful women »re Constan tly igty.ulnft.hed nt flieir own request, Maaine derangements which make or irregular periods with i^Backachcs and headaches, and fllhg down sensations, presently into those serious Tuflamma- >sd come to look upon it as incurable, and from the mauy lemodtus used in valu, we had reasou to. "Ilcarc thankful and happy to say that your ‘Perunn' has been of great benefit to her, and I confidently look for a complete and High praise is uot too much to treslow upon your cemedy." T. It. Gordon. Address The I’eruna Medicine Co., Columbus, (> , for free book ou catairb. enliic cure. EXPOSITION AWARDS Ihs Mt Curmlrli Cempaay Faverad Taris Kspualtlua, HOW CHINESE ARE ARMED. Carter's Little Liver Pills RECENT INVENTIONS Ry a new opera glass attachment the focusing of the glass la tuade easier, the spindle being rotated by a rack bar. which is pivoted on the frame and has a serrated knob projecting over the top. to be reciprocated by the Unger and open or close the glass. Buttons are easily cleaned without removnl from the garment by a new machine, which has a slotted base, In which a slide is arranged to open and receive the button, with a brush sus­ pended above the opening to be re­ volved by a crank and scrub the button. Liquids will not spill over In tilling bottles If au Improved funnel Is used, the tube being inserted in a rubber stopper to fit tightly in the neck of the bottle, with a small tube inside to ex­ haust the air and an internal stopper which cuts off the flow when the bottle ia Cult Housekeepers will appreciate a new griddle-greasing device, which has a hollow handle to contain the liquid with an opening leading into a flat pocket at one end. the face of the pock et having a felt pad to distribute tin grease and being covered by a metal cap when not in use. A Frenchman libs designed a neat disinfecting device for purifying rooms, comprising a cup to lie sinqreiid.-d over the top of a lamp chimney or gas Jet, In which the liquid is placed for evap­ oration, with a borlzontaj fan above the cup to be revolved by the heated air and spread the disinfectant. An Iowa man baa patented a storm front for buggies, having a steel frame extending upward at the rear of the dashboard, provided with a spring con­ trolled window, which can be raised above the dasher, the remainder of the frame being covered with a water­ proof curtain extending to the buggy top. Sea Fac-Slmili Wrapper Balow. Terr »mall and as aaay to take a* «agar. irÄöfrtfF™"1 uAnltno for di SpITTLE F0"’! CURE SICK HEADACHE at rari». August IS.—Tbs McCormick llsrie-ting Machin« t’ompanr, of Chi­ cago, has been awsrileil the grami prise on harvesting msclilues nt th« Parts ex* ¡»sltiou. This is th« highest award. Thu McCormick Company also rn- eeivisl the highest award, a gold meli­ si, on binder twins, fur for the su|H>rlor quality of its pro-luct. Special twine “jr- machinery from the celelirat«*! MoCoi niiek twiue mitt was exhibited to the jury sml awarded a mndal. The McCormick» have raccived the lar»e«t number of award», a» well NH the highest awards made in any Amer­ ican exhibitor. Ill addition to the grand prise on machine« and gold mel­ ai oil twine they have received two niellai, in the dejwrtniellt of metallurgy fur superiority in forming metals into s|an-ial |-artv (or niai hlm s. in the de­ partment of ma< hlnery a merlai (<>r fac­ tory machinery, and also silver and brolixe merlala In other claasea, six meilala in all, beside, the grand prise. The international Juries of the expo­ sition buie recognised the girai revolu­ tion wrought by MctJormlck machines ami this large nnnitrer of awards is a great triumph for America. In additlou to w inning these awards, the gold merlai and '.’00 franca, the single highest sward for binders was won ea.ilv by the McCoimick Illuder at the field trial at Coulommlers on July 19, against all corners, t hia is the greatest and most important trial bel I In France during the exposition year. The nioal vuri<>ua Street | wuiiiim | m thè wolrd ia thal whlrh haa rturntly tarli put due n in l.vunn, I-rance li ia uf gluH*, thè block* taing h I m > u I elght t neh va aquari*, va eh inaile up uf 16 ainallvr block*. The già»* Murk* ara tu tlghtly Atteri tugrthrr limi water canno! pass tatween thatn» Alt |una- turni glaaa ia aald tu bare g rita tor rw aiatauve than alone. Kxl»*«ritiirnta mar Joly •huw lliat quer1z at Ihn t«*tn)Mui«lure of and al 1600 degr”«* I« * thh'k tlmd Thie •uheuhqt |M»lnl la riiti«*h thever tban haa t ouiuniv l«<’U nupp« <*'<1, and tht (Ita'ovrry jfivrtf rtii'utirHg^tuen! U» the ho|»e ol a whla uao (uff «¡uarta lu eci«n* title apparatua. An odd excuae for burglary waa giv rti by a onu-lrggrd boy, aged 14. II broke into a hardware atom in Kanaa* City, Mo., and waa raptured. He pleaded br wanted to final aoruo toola which would enable him to make a wooden leg for hitnaelf. CANOV CATHARTIC British Guiana haa a cannon ball tree that gruwa to a iwight of 100 feet, ita atruiuht, unbrnncTiing stem being only 1H inchea thick. When the can­ non balls are ready tu drop the tree ia avoided hh a lottery might ta that waa about to engage in a boml»ardtiieut. TRADÌ HAR« »8a<»r»NSU E. C. ATKINS & COMPANY ( ihc .) PORTLAND, OREGON. Chisel Bit Solid Tooth Band -ÈEÜ233 bMD suffering Trian falling womb for mauy yaara'wifhotit SAWS AXeCetabk: PrepamtionforAs , similating theFoodaiulRegula ling (he Stoiouchs and Bowels of I manis /( hh repaired jj SAWS SAWS SAWS Shingle Cross Cut Hand SAWS SAWS SAWS All Kinds of SAWS _ __________ Portland Branch, 6Q First street. WOMEN sono dren llisy mint grin »nd l>«.r ihi-lr i ii mis eiillg htrtifil age there Is uo ibelr com plain la Hud a cure In Promotes DifJeation.ChpcrruI ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. N ot N ahc otic . u floore’s Revealed Remedy Il doesn't disappoint |1 at ynr FINE OLD WHISKY mkh pension Gin, Brandy, Rum .FUSli. WasMagtea, 0. C.. they will re 4julck replica. B. Mb N H. vol.. bis# pr- PrMeeutln* elsftn« «Ince W7». nothing better made Here's a Proposition lin’t It reuenable to iuppone that a firm ol K yean aapeaUuue could laUguu the beat way tn get good value for your money? If you are maktarluaMovemeiila lu yotu bouse, or build Ing a new Won««. no matter how «mall or large tba »«■ retw^ab.letpen* in eleetrical or gee »vtiiti«, fireplace», jn«nte! furniture, etc., you will nve Me a»« be well wiled it v»u con- ■»It tHIJOHN HAKKK1T CO , 91 First m •oe You can’t make a mlttaks 11 yon gat a A perfect Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness ami L ohs of S leep . ••Mitchell.. Mitchell, hemis & Staven Co. PORTLAND, ORECON. » W.8yM FOR PILES Tins f.,rm, •• w ÍÍ¿U|» h ’J* .,lurR Bn« causa lu-hl»» Itching •’Ups »re riip.d i.Jnl ■n. OAI.IFI'H’'1*' dropsy 10 OMii'TRL*!««’ F"‘l; Hsvo.sil. loatl«iit»«lPv‘“»17t 'Vo,4.rffl EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. g| Bl pn^TT^^inaaPi t'euib »rru». Tasies U' hx L C m M tlwe. Pei» br Sruntma. <*•" Rive you°theKta lP?rrLA,umps, •‘«I X I Ir,1'”‘"’"l». The n.w •uuaUsi * »old by hlm, I» uu- ai. »S-»»**. advertisers P'»** per.