KLAMATH VOL. ini r V. K LA M A i’ll fl ’ rl I ATER 1 U NEWS. Buraia won the $16.000 •takes at Rtradvllla, Maaa. FA LUS, REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH THE trotting COUNTY FIGHT AT CATUBIQ. t'arlleulars of the Aasault on th« Samar (Aarrlauu. Manila, August 28. —It ha« been ex- I'h«« Russian «xpedlllon Vi China pts.-ted that some of the 275 garrison« Epitome of th : Telegraphic oonateta of »76,000 trp«. Tornado Burst Over Town tin» United State« maintain iu these Li Hung Chang’s Peace Offer News ol th# World. Wlacoiialn Itemocrata and Populiata of Sheboygan. islands would sy the enemy aud attack««! Eight thousand Boers, with artillery, with such determination aud advan­ are aaaombh-d at Machadodorp. SWEPT AWAY ALL IN ITS PATH tage in point ot uumlmrs aud ground NO that the American soldiers would i>e • aides are reicive-l auuoonoing the poweileae to resist the onslaught. This «afety of missionaries at I'ekili. lias liappeimd at Catubig, ou the Island Waa l-rarada.l liy An Intense Ural Thai • arl Smith, the well-known Ameri- of Hamar, ami the detachment of the N«* On» Warn Kills*«! Hrriua At* . nan sculptor, died at Copenhagen. Forty-third volunteer infantry, the moat m Mirarle. trixqa in question, lost 20 of its 30 I wo |H-raoiia were killed and many men. No one is surprised at thia re­ wounded by a mob at Akron, Ohio. Conni von Waldnraee starteli for Milwaukee, Wis., August 32.—A sult, considering the cricumitauces; Washington, August 23.—The cabinet Alum leans attacked the lui|H-rlal pal ­ China. special from Hhebuygan, Wis., says: ■ but surprint« is manifested that a aimi- session today practically op-ned the ace in 1'i-klii aud captured four «xturls. A t< rrllic wind storm struck the city lar fate lias not overtaken other small consideration of tlie momentous ques­ Rouinacla aud Bulgaria are on th« I lie I ntt«-d tat«« reply, rejecting this afternoon. The storm came very garrisons in isolated towns. The off!- tions grow ing out of the capture of verge of war. the < hlUtno offer, was Belli to Li ilullg suddenly from the north, Kight laig*- < ml report of the • atubig incident in an l'ekiu ami tlie war in China. Until The emperor aud empreua dowager < 'hang. buildings were completely wrecked and i follows: today's se*-ion the absorbing questiou hare lell I’ukill. "In the <'atubig engagement, in has I »ecu the ►afety of Minister Conger Ia>ula «>. Bohinrlch waa nominated 200 small houses were blown flown. Ho’talor Stewart, ol Nevada, will for governor of Wimxmalu by the Dem­ The |is more than $300,000. which the insurgents uuiiilierwl al«>ut and the iegationers in I’ekin. Now. rapport McKinley. At noon it was dark as night ami in­ '¡00 men with 200 rifles and one can­ however, that has given place to prob­ ocrats. tensely hot. A few momenta la-fore I non. our men gave an heroic acoount lems of a moi« intricate and far-reach­ A tornado did great damage In The population ol Philadelphia, ac­ o'clock the storm broke, increasing in of themselves by killing more than 200. ing character, touching tlie existence ersi Wisconsin towns cording to tlie I lilted State« census, is force until a tornado was blowing Our loss was 19 killed and five of the Chinese empire and the part Ks-Seiiah>r John J. Ingalls loft au 1,293.697. Persons were thiown down and fence, wounded. The detachment was at the which the American government is to estate »slued et $260,000. Three ¡a-rsoiis weie burned to death ami signs hurled hundreds of feet. Tile time quartered in the convent. At 5 j take iu the reconstruction of that eguu tiring nails, pieces of ident having with him Secretaries A drunken Kansas ilia Uir klllml three tile assault on I'ukill. to the panic-stricken ja-ople. chain and iron «craps. This sort ol Gage, Hitchcock and Wilson snd Eost- persons, an i was shot dead by a shor- The naif of the largo warehouse of attack continued until the third day, master-'General Smith. Several ques­ United - tales Consul Fee, at Bom­ ill’s sou. bay, India, repmta to the state depart­ the Crocker Company was blown off when a large numle-r of the insurgents tions were awaiting attention. and thrown against the large factory. got into the adjoining church. With ! RCarl Ll'a Offer ICrJert«*rge charge-1 I First of these was the application ot stock of chairs was left without protec­ on the church, killing a large number Li Hung Chang for the appointment of prstuiaster gr-ueral. Ketchikan, Alaska, «hbt and killed tion from the ruin, which lell in tor­ of men. but he could not h
sd of the malthouse of As this building ««sin became unten­ ister Wu, to be forwarded to Li Hung ing day. 'Die strike affected 2,066 the Keueid-Schriver Brewing Ixnnpany able. the detachment attempted to es- i Chang. The mewing cause for this 400,900 ami 1,000,000 cases. men, women and girls. was lifted from the building, carried cape to the river aud cross it; and here action is that this government is at A pueortbe employe killed a Kansas Fira in tlie immense elevator of the over 160 yards ami thrown into the occurred it« tirst considerable lotses. preaent very much in the dark as to City woman and wounded her husband American (’«-real < 'oiiquiny at Akron. street. It was carried over the huge All ol the men of the detachment, ex- ; whether there is any existing govern­ si a result of a quarrel over rent. The cept Sergeant Hall, Corporal Carsou ment in China. With the capital in Ohio, damagc-l the plant $75,000. A ventilators of the brewery. Ihe Chinese government asks that hundred and fifty thousand bushels ol American Folding Bod Company's plant and 15 private« attempted to get into tlie hands of the allies, the emperor Conger «r crune other American ire ap­ was demolished and the shells in th> a boat, and in so doing they wen- ■nd empress dowager fugitives in hid­ * grain were ruined. pointed t<> o|>en |a-ace negotiations. 'imball A Sons brickyard were blown killed. Sergeant Hall and hi« men ing, aud the entire governmental fabric King Oscar, of Swralen, has formally down and the debris scattered in evert N-gan intrenching themselves near the paralyzed, there is no evidence of an The Wlllainetle valley bop crop Is agreed to act as arbitrator of the claims river, and there that little band held authority adequate to conduct negotia­ flirection. practically out of danger. The yield lor compensation for losses sustained The storm struck the South Side Lu­ out (under Corporal Carson), two days tions and secure results which will be will la> heavy ami prices, re advancing j by British ami German subjects ami theran church, ami the steeple was longer, iu the face of moat adverse cir­ final and binding. Tim state liosr-l ot agriculture orders American cttiseu* in sam«M. It was stated by members of the cab­ blown >lown on to two residences, cumstances, until rescued. Sergeant I the erection of 150 additional stalls for During the last lew weeks duels smashing in the roofs. The Fourth Hall aud two others were killed, and inet that the Chinese establishment, livestock exhibit al the state lair al have caused a perfwt slaughter in Italy. ward sclnsd bouse, a beautiful build­ two were wounded during that period. instead of Iteing a government, ap- halsm, Or. As many as foul duelist« were killed ing. was completely wrecked, one side irears to be au enormous headless affair, NEW TREATY WITH SPAIN. The reportml of the plague in Manila in une day. During the last year 2,400 anti the front being blown iu, causing without knowledge of what is for its lor the two weeks curling July 17. aa duela have br-«n (ought in Italy, and the roof to (all ami crushing the tloors Irest good, and without power to en­ Af.In W. are on rrlrn.lly Term. With just n-|sirie.| to the uterine hoepltal 4so deaths have resulted. Most ol down Into the cellar. The plant of force its wishes. With the leegnized Our Late Katrmy. servire, is seven new cases ami five these coni Hats were l«-twe«i> army th < Ija-ti-nla-rg cld l<> Tien Tiin. intercourse has been signed, provision­ and practically they are the empire of That no one was killed seems almost firemeu, Won the world's champion­ I Tlie flag« of tho bill«*« float from th« a miracle. The wiud wrecked build­ ally, bv the minister of state and him­ China. Under the present remarkable ship cup. The officers receive«! gold self. This practically marks the last ing after building, with the greatest step in the complete restoration of re­ conditions, the United States will act inr-dals, and silver merlala «ml ilia Pekin linporial |«lace. money prize, 600 francs, waa divided Two men went insane iu Dea Moines, rapidity, and there was little warning lations la-tween Spain aud the United with extreme caution in whatever steps it may take toward a solution of of the approach of the storm, The |>eo- Statea among the officers ami men. Th« min­ la., on account of heal. the pending problems pie in every oase were out of their ister of war. Cenerai Andre, prvaeute-l The new treaty modernizes the treaty Five men were amotbere«) in a coal In the meantime there is reason to homes before the storm broke, ami those relations la-tween the two natipns. ' tlie prlsee to Captain Hale, Portugal mine at l«*ai|iiah. Wash. who were struck by tlying debris were Prior to the severance of all cominpni- , believe that the United States and all won the volunteer rhauipionahip. Fitiimmons re fused to tak«< $106,000 only slightly injured. In the factories cation upon the declaration of war the other powers interested will keep American troops sham I in the ae- to lose his tight to sharkay. the employes were in ninny oaaee with Spain, the two governments were their armed forces on the ground, so Mult on Pekin. Forest fir«« caused $10,000,000 dam­ bruited ami ent from wreckage. proceeding under terms of a treaty ne­ that order may be maintained aud at lira in Wellington, Ohio, causerie The 6-vear-o|d son of Mrs. Thomas gotiated in the last century, it was least a semblance of stable government age in Colorado ami Wyoming. loss of $60,966. Atkina lied a remarkable esca|>e The very cumbersome, and in some respects brought out oi the existing chaos. Seven persona were killed in a freight Frenchmen arcus«« England ol dupli­ house wan torn into shreds and scat­ wholly inapplicable to existing condi­ Fr.l«ht Train Cnlllslon. train culhsiou at Keuacio, N. Y. city at Shanghai. tered almut iu the roadway. What tions, one provision, Jor iustance, relat­ New York. August 23—In a freight The new treaty with Spain lias lnera where the build­ hui I Florida as a colony of S|>aiu. Sev­ night. seven persons were killed and The l’nite-1 states government has ing stood. The child waa buried in the eral efforts were made to remedy the others are missing. Kensieo is on the Another attempt waa made to aaaas- rejected Lt lluiig l hang’a |>eece terms. ruins, and when found waa standing in defects, but only one was partially suc­ Harlem division of the New York Cen­ •inate the shah of Persia. the corner, with timla-r piled in front cessful, the adoption of the Cushing tral railroad, alsmt 16 miles from New- Ih-niiH r.itie pii|«-r« demand the with­ Tim Typographical Unirm has tefusrd of him ill such a manner aa to shield protocol. Th<- last attempt was made York. At 8:30 tonight, while a freight drawal of Anu-rtcaii tn«q-s from China. to enter the political fluid. him, and he escaped with only bruises. when Mr. Olney was secretary of state, train was standing at the depot, a sec­ Two persons killed ««« in rati an nvva* acci- I Six men lost tiieir lives by tho cav­ Four box cars in the Chicago A but the strained relations growing out ond freight dashed into the rear end of . — were •• ’•-**• ~«««™« ing iu of a well at Guthrie, Oklahoma. Northwestern yard wen- carried off the of the Cuban affairs caused the effort it. The engine of the second train «lem at the paria exposition. ChiiMM« viceroys ask that no indigni­ track and stoml straight ou end. Some to f.iil. Ths population of Greater New York sii>ash«>‘«'1 milla at Wilmingtou, Dela­ St.Lonis, where tho thermometer regis­ of the buildings auil yet no one waa in­ of course, is thoroughly conversant two others of the train crew are burie-l ware, Shut down, affecting 1,600 mon. tered 1)9 degree«. jured. Other jKirtions of the building with all the conditions of trade likely in the debris. So far as can be learned The transport Sherman left San Fran­ of the Crocker Company were torn to to arise. The Shanghai muddle ia beginning to the accident waa caused by the engineer Although the general provisions are «if th«« second train running past a ••s.un« a aerimi« aspect, international cisco for Nagasaki with 1,600 othcors pieces. There is scarcely a whide pane and men for China. of glass left in the tornado district. not known iu detail at this stHge, it is block signal that had been .et against troops being landed. , Telephone, electric light and trolley understood that the instrument pro­ him. Queen Wilhelmina, of Holland, b 1‘uget sound salmon pack lor this ol wires and poles are torn down, and a vides the usual facilities for intercom­ "'•«ui a shout 1911,000 caaes, compared engaged <" Prince Frederick Adolf, Minnraota Butcher ('aught. street car has not run in the city since munication, and pmliablv contains pro­ Mocklinburg-Schweriti. W|!h «.8,000 for 1899. st. Paul, August 23.—An Arlnig- the storm struck. Sidewalks and trees visions which carry out those relations St. Paul’s population, according to were carried away like chaff. *'Mllp Koenigberger, a New York growing out of the territorial condi­ ton, Minn., special to the Dispatch says: Wallert, who yesterday butch- deah-r. cut hia throat in a bar- tho United States census, is 163,632; The principal sufferer is the Crocker tions resulting from the war. that of Minneapolis, 202,718. ered his wife and four step-children w «hop in san Francisco. Chair Company, whose loss is $250,- A Nurse Browned. and seriously wounded another 16-year- t>li.'nLb y"7"r" WM" ‘•<>nvt«*t«Ml Ofcom- I Several lives were lost and touch 000. New York, August 23.—The body of oid step-son, was captured thia morn­ Three llwthera Drowned. sent " i 1,1 ,*1" murder aud pioimrty destroyed by terrific electrical Mias Bertha M. Hunt, the nurse who ing iu a barn ou the place of hia sister, »«'«Ml to life iiiiprisoiinleiit. i wind and ruin storms in Marylaud. Cape May, N. J., August 22. — Ellen so strangely disappeared from the city Mrs. Steinlairn, aiatut two miles from Colonel Marchand, of French Fashcoa Young. Salina Newliouser and Albert hospital ou Blackwell’s Island, where the scene of the crime. He was hid­ fame, has been appointed to tlie general J. Schwab, all of Philadelphia, were she was enipolyed, on Thursday night, den uuder a manger. Wallert made a '«"■l-r in-chmf of the British army, staff ol tho China expeditionary force. drowned In the surf at C h | mi May point was found yesterday. .Miss Huntcauie somewhat incoherent confession, but today. They were bathing mid got be­ from Chatham, N. Y. She lived with became more confused under question* a lrr*r '''(JJ1'11* C*°*e*’ °lo«ing of Ono fireman dead, (cor injured aud yond their depth. Schwab made a other nurses in the training school. ing. When Wallert, in custody of offi­ h ÍT ooo 1 Me., throw. $30,600 worth of property destroyed is noble effort to save his companions, On Thursday one of the patients, uuder • hmidi out of vtiiploymenfc. I the work of a firebug iti two Urea nt holding their unconscious laidies above her eate diml of epilepsy. This made cers, passed through where the bodies of the murdered family lay, a hastily otwi.p.h^,n‘L,,',lu,,...... Peoria, III. the water lot some time. Just as a a stroug impression ou the nurse's organise,I crowd attempted to lynch •mount * " "r "nd*1 Operations have boon resumed nt nil boat, which went to their rescue, mind, and when she returned to her him, but he was taken away iu safety ■ “Pproximately, to $7,600,000. the factories of tho National Glass reached his side, he loosened his grasp loom she was in quite a nervous state. by the officers. The resump­ ou the women and sank out of sight. She told her roommate that she would »° h*»’ I Company nt I’ittsluiig. Woman Killed by a Burglar, The women were taken ashore and, go down to th« river to get a pitcher­ '■ro-idsnt m '. l “""•«"inetw tion gives employment to 4,000 men. l’ittefleld, Mass., August 23.— Min although the usual methods for resusci­ ful of salt water, with which to bathe •* N«w Yiirk 11 Mre UUl'er ■rrM* Sol BliHitu, a music publisher of Chi­ tating drowniug pimple were resorted her head. She was not agaiu seen May Fosburg. the 24 year-old daughter cago, has brought suit for $25,000 to, they could not be brought back to alive. of R. L. Foslmrg, a contractor of Buf­ falo, N. Y., was shot and killed early And""’** wh° damages against the Union restaurant life. Chicago Plumbers* Strike, '"»Muel,, ... " th." Pr«»*'l«noy ol and hotel for refusing to «e»vo him Her Chicago, August 28.—The Journey­ thia morning by a burglar. Cattleman AssMSsiiiMted, brother, E. F. Fosburg, was badly c'«ro th. by Cipriano while ho was dad in a shirt waist aud men Plumbers' Union has order ml a A ' h Proeent incumbent, 1« dead. minus a «'oat. The manager of th«» res- Wichita, Kan, August 22— Mr. general strike to take effect nt once. beaten by one of the men, whom he ^yotnliw'V "'T l‘"Mr Rno«n>P'«"nt, taurant when questioned regarding Huff, cattleman aud farmer, was shot The action was taken at a protracted tried to capture. There were three of *“ h’" homo in Custer county, "l«ht by l’Ohnrt, "T °V"r * *”rr“°rr the rufuaal, said that patrons wearing' meeting, when it was determined to the burglars and all escaped. Mr. IhrsatenJ „ •xtnu‘ «“'I now ahirt waists would only bo served at Oklahoma, Fiiday night by someone, put an end to the dilatory methods now I Foyburg is living in this city while en­ who " “>■' -1...I«» gaged on some work for an electrical 'htep «nil l"wu"- Two thousand The hold there is said to be the cause taring used and begin an aggressive company. »•mes. "I““ ‘•VB pwiebed in tho No person would bo pormittixl to enten I of the crime and more trouble is feared. tight on the contractors. tho dining room unless wearing a coat. Welcome Rains Ln I nd In. Trninnirit Killed In m Wreck. Loudon, August 22.—The vicoioy ot foot« u/’i?00 l(o,,II'anian Jews are cn Mrs. Samuel Swartwood. wife of i, H«r«esnt ■■lluek** Taylor. Tazewell, Va., August 23. — A wreck India, laird Curzon of Keddleston, l*«nil«è The "'«Jority are railroad engineer living in Wilkesharie, Washington, August 22.—.Sergeant at Maxwell, six niilea from here on telegraphs that the heavy general rain­ I Pa., has just given birth to bur 26th "Buck” Taylor, 42. years old, known the Clinch Valley division of the Nor­ ''"Ruga'"111 '*,lRl,,l<'y and the king of baby, 20 of whom are living. ns "King of the Cowlsiys,” a dashing folk Ar Western, orcurred yesterday, re­ fall has continued in most of the af­ fected tracts. The crops promise well Lewis Wilkins, a farmer near SI. cavalryman, and one of the best-known sulting iu tlie dentil of two traiumeu in the central provinces and Berar. '"’"•«os ove. .J*"“'"’ «»igratulatory Paul, thinks he's tho tallest man oq of the Rough Riders, died at Provi­ and the wounding of seven others. A Sowing is active elsewhere, and the R N r th‘’ 'row direct «able. I In th ''o, W1’1" washed out the lint earth. Ho was six foot when 10 years dence hospital today of consumption, light engine was running west at 40 necessity tor free kitchens will shortly the result of illnesa contracted during niilea an hour when it metiu-acuta old, nnd is now 8 feet 11 *v inches. disappear. l’rieea, however, are still F-" •»«•»• the Cuban campaign. Taylor’s correct freight drawn by two euginea going 30 Chauncey Depew in London denied stati,t< Kt Uustef City 8. D. very high everywhere. Cholera is pre­ name is said to have been Berry F. niilea an hour. The crash waa terrific. valent throughout Hyderabad and in A«'-bow thn I’ekin, and for that reason Pretoria, August 24.—The trial o the Washington officials feel assured Lieutenant Cordua, formerly of th« that hostile demonstrations in the Chi­ Transvaal artillery, on charge of beint nese capital haveceasl-fl. The dispatch concerned in the plot to kidnap Gen-' related largely to transportation condi­ eral Lord Roberts, was concluded to­ tions. and stated that the railroad be­ day. tween Taku and Pekin could not be The prisoner was found guilty of all used at the present time, as portions of the counts in the indictment against it had been destroyed by the Chinese. him, but sentence was deferred unti General Chaffee will co-operate with the findings of the court shall bave the other commanders in China in been confirmed by Lord Roberts. reconstructing the road for the use of Colonel Godfrey, the judge, in sum- the allied forces. General Chaffee tiling up, caused a sensation by declar also reported that the telegraph line ing that a violation of parole was pun which was constructed by the signal ishable with death. His speech, which .corps from Tien Tain to Pekin is fre­ dilated on the weakness and vaguenea quently interrupted, being cut, proba­ of the prisoners' defense, was listenec bly, by hostile Chinese. to with profound interest by the audi ence, which was mostly composed by American Iron in England. men of Dutch birth. A period of 4i London, August 24.—At a meeting of minutes was occupied in considering the Bar Iron Association in Birining- the verdict. Imin yesterday Sir Benjamin Hinkley, the well-known colliery proprietor and Motorman Kenponaible. St. Louis, August 24.—In a verdict ironmaster, who presided, attributed reudere-l today the coroner's jury. I the high price of iron to the action of which has been hearing au inquest ovei the owners. He ridiculed the idea the remains of Blanche E. Skeele, wh« that the Americans, “who are sending was l>eheaded in au accident on th« a few tons of iron, iu reality steel, to Transit line Sunday, finds Motorniat this country," were going to command W. H. Gilberto guilty of criminal car the trade of the world. Ebenezer lessuess. Gilberto was locked up by Parks, member of parliament for Cen­ the police. A crowd of South sideri tral Birmingham, said English values who saw the accident made an attemp- would be brought down in consequence to lynch the uioturnian Sunday, but h< of the importation of American irou at present pi ices. The meeting adopted a escaped. resolution declaring that American Ei portal lone From Cuba. competition was not .serious euough to Washington, August 24.—According justify a reduction of current prices, to a statement made today by the di and deciding that these must be main­ vision of customs and insular affairs of tained until raw material is cheaper. the war department, the total exporta tious from Cuba through the port o Mascots Intercepted. Havana for the seven months ending San Francisco, August 25.—Three July 31, 1900, was $16.698,603, ai against $16,796,971 for the same period young boys from Utah, who were on last year, a decrease of $98,366. Th« their way to China as mascota of tho total exports from Havana for th« Second infantry, were reclaimed by the month of July alone were $2,287. police today. The youths will be re­ turned to their relatvos. The boya are 864. Lewis Edgar, aged 13 years; Conrad Holland, aged 12, and Lawrence Lew- Dakota Crop« Damaged. St. Paul, Minn., August 22.—Spe alian, aged 12 years, of Salt Lake City. rials to the Dispatch tell ol heavy dain Holland, who ia the spokeaman for the age to property anti crops in North Da trio, made the follwing statement: kota by severe electric storms. Af "The soldiers of the Second infantry Nicho son. Towel anti other placet stowed us away on their train as maa- many buildings were wrecked and can cots, ami we were to go to China. The lifted from the track by the tier«-« plart was to stow us away on the trans- wiud. The rainfall was over twe |a>rt, too, but the police reached us tra> soon. We want to go on to China. ” inches. I Boiler Explosion. Victima of New York Blot. Glenford, O., August 83.— Mauna Helsford'e sawmill loiler exploded to­ day, killing Laviga Dupler, Else« AVinegartner and a man named Mc­ Laughlin. The bodies were horribly mutilated and blown a great distance The owner of the mill was seriously injured. The cause o( the accident ii unknown. The transport Strathgyle left San Franclsoo for China with 703 horse for the use of the army in the Orient. New York, August 24.—The British consul in thia city state-1 today that he liaa received 16 complaints from ool- ored men claiming to be British sub­ jects who statu they were injured in the recent race riot in New York. These men claim to be natives of Brit­ ish possessions in the West Indies. Rudyard Kipling expresses the opin­ ion that, though short stories may be made succesiful in youth, the beat novel« must be written in maturity.