■Ateo. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. 1-KOFK88ION Al. OAUS JOHN S. ORR, Published everv ThiirwUyby W. HUSE & SON, E ditor » akd P koi - riktohs . ■I MTWIITION KATKM: One year (tn advance) .............. 01 x months .................................... Three months Mingle copies Advertising at reasonable rates. Attorney-at-Law. R i amati ! F ai i 8. • O keoom . yjlRAM F. MURDOCH, Attorney-at-La*. Office near Pcmtoffice. Ki. amato F ai 1.8. - (» recon . THURSDAY. AUGUST DRS. HARGUS AND STRAW. Physicians and Surgeons. NATIONAL TICKET For President— william M ckinley . For Vice-President— THEODORE ROOSEVELT. of Klamath. Slate of Oregon, has this day filisi m this office Ins sworn sta.e- incut Xo. 203, lor the purchase ot the SW quarter of Section no . 8. ill Town­ ship no . 38 S.. Range no . 6 E„ and will offer primi to »how that the land »ought is more valuable fot its timls-r or »toue tlian tor agricultural purpose«, ami to establish his claim to said land la-fore the Register ami Rva-eiver of thia office at Lakeview . Oregon, on Saturday, the 2t»lh dav ol tk-tola-r, IIHXI. Ilenanu-s as witm-sM-s; .1.11. Whitcomb, <4 Picard, California ; C. J • Sly, of Picard, Cali­ fornia; H. P. tialarm-au, ot Klamath Falls. Oregon; Henrietta Galurneau, -I Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any ami all la-rsiiiis claiming adversely the above dcset ilx-d lands are iequest«-d to tile their claims in Ibi» ottico on or lie- fore sai I 20( h dav ot Oi-tolx-r, ItHMl. E. M. BRAITAIN. Register. OFFICE: Chitwood à Co.’« Drug Store. Special attention to dieeaaes of the Ey- Ear, Timber Land. Act June 3. 1878 N om .* Mini Throat. Glasses fitted. Notice for Publication. j. n. moore , K lamath C ounty . ALEX MARTIN &. CO. B A N K •* COLLECTIONS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY t*“' • V« \*.»’ "W BERING MOWERS iIAVE Adjustable Drag-Bar. Spring-Steel (.’lips. Horizontal Crank Shaft. PROPRIETORS Steel Wearin.’-Pbites. Serrated Guard Plates. Roller and Ball Bearings. accounts solicited A. D CARRICK, UNITED ,'TATES 1 \ND OFFICE. ) L vkevikw . O regon . June 6, l’.»00. > Notice is hetebv given that, in com­ pliance with the provisions of the act of G EN EKA I. EK EIGHT ER. Cougtess of June 3. 1878. entitled "An ARE LIGHTEST DRAFT AND MOS I FUTURE OF KLAMATH COUNTY act tor the sale of timber lands in the DEERINGS states of California, t »regoti, Nevada ami DURABLE MACHINE MAIM gj^PPrompt and careful attention W.-isbington Territory,” Jooeph W. The assessed valuation of Klamath to all orders......................... Lxlras for all kinds of Machines and a Good Dow ning, of Hornbrook. Conntx of Sis­ county is about $1,600,000. Then- kiyou, State of California, has this day tiled in this office liissworn statcnu i.t No. Stock to select from. are not to exceed 4,000 inhabitants. 246. tor the purchase of the Sl . of S»._, This would give $400 to every man. ol Secti >ti No. 17. 111 Township No.32 s., Woman and child. We will compare Range No. 7»v F... ami will otter proof to Proprietor of Freight Wagons. / show that the lam) sought is more valu­ this with one of the best counties in able for its timber orstone than lor agri­ Nebraska, via. Dixon county. The cultural purj'-ses, ami to establish his . Everything done with. assessed valuation of Dixon county a claim to said land la-fore the Register neatness and dispatch. ... and Receiver 01 this office at Lakeview, year ago. was but little over $1.600. | Oregon, on E’riday. the 24th day of Au­ BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS USED ON ALL 000. Really the two counties are Furnishing goods way below cost gust. 1IW. lie names as witnesses: I H. Horn, of Hornbrook. Calii.; A. C. Shoesand suits about the same In wealth, but while at the Gold Front. DEERING REAPERS AND MOW ERS. Davis, of K’. imatlion, Calif.; R. Mc­ equal in that respect, they differ at lower prices than ever. Kinnon, of Pokegaina. Oregon; S. J. greatly in number of population. ! Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— Meeker, of Henley, Calif. Any ami all Id persons claiming adversely the alum- Dixon county has not less than 12.000 Notice for Publication. described lands are requested to tile people, and with out doubt the new J. F. GOELLER. Proprietor tlieir claims in this office on or before UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE.) said census will shew it to have as many 24th dav of August. UKH». L akeview , O regon , July 28, 1900. ) E. M. BRATTAIN. Register. / y U Plans and Specifications Furnished on AH Kinds ot as 15,000. This rate would average Notice is hereby given that, in com­ mm I 1 1 i ! 1/u about 1110 to each inhabitant, Of pliance with tiie provisions of the act of Buildings and Contracting and Building ♦outlie there are property owners in Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878— act for the sale of timber lands in the * * -8 _-\l on the Installment Plan. •ar 2 each county who are not residents, states of California. Oregon, Nevada and Notice for Publication. »Vajniiigmu Territory ' iii-ij’,” as extended to but this would not change the result Washington STEEL RAKE, HAND AND DEERING A tnong th»» inibì ito VnHct y <»f ihii I im htl mid w«»rk funi tel h M hr fFif< rt»111 itrr, all the 1‘ublie Land States bv act of UNITED 'TATES LAND OFFICE.) very much. Dixon is fully equal to August 4. 1892. Newti n S. Putnam of ses. and to establish Ins of California, has this day tiled in ; county. claim to said land before the Register this office her sworn statement. No. 241. ; 4 In brief, while Klamath county has and Receiver of Section i of this office at Lakeview, for the purchase of the NE As vve ear lend all wagons anti machinery direct from 3400 to the inhabitent, IMxon county Oregon, on Saturday, the 6th day of No. 34, in Township No. 32 S., Range ---- VW No. 7l._, E.. and will offer proof to show ■ the Factory, we are in position to give our customer' the has but #110. Hence it is folly for October, 1900. He names as witnesses: that the land sought is more valuable L. LaFlambov, of Ashland, Wiscon­ benefit of low prices. eastern people to suppose that because sin; E. W. Russell, of Ashland, Wiscon­ for its timber or stone than for agricul- | ! tural purposes, and to establish his1 this county is remote front markets, sin ; Thomas S. Ness.of Washburn, Wis­ claim to said land before the Register I consin ; Jacob Isler, of Klamath Falls, its people are poverty stricken. As a \V. W. IIAZI-N. Proprietor, Oregon. Any anil all persons claim­ and Receiver of this office at Lakeview, matter of fact all are prosperous and ing adversely the above-de«cril>ed lands Oregon, on Friday, the 24th day of Au­ «J*The Hardware Dealer, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 1990. She names as- witnerses: EAST END, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. a large share are rich. In a county are requested to tile their claims in this gust, (>. C. A. Hansen, of Hornbrook. Calif.; office on or before said 6th day of ■ao favored and with such opportuni­ October, 1900. Henry Gisbreclit, of Klarnathon, Calif.; Jacob Isler, of Klarnathon. Cain.; J. I . ifornia; Hardman Horn, of Hornbrook, A'hlan-L Wisconsin; Jar-b Isler, of Ï ■VP'f'V ties and prospects for the future, Hordes l»i»nr.7. 4663, 4’H1,4<>I3, states of Californm, Oregon, X, va«l.i. ¡and growth will soon sweep over this ¡n this office his sworn statement and Washington Territory," Henry 4594 , 4417 , 4587 , 4664, 44 3. 4645, 4643, aibl Washington Territory,” «a vatend part of Oregon. The thousands of No. 262, for the purchase of the W. half Gisbreclit, of Klarnathon, Countv of Sis­ 4667, 4603, 4152, 4640, 4614, 4i-5S, 4'-23, ed t<> all tl>e Public I.an-1 States bv net and Winter 4286,4662.4800,41173, 46'3.4771, 4773, snnare miles miles of - 21 - in E#> Town- square or forests forests in in which wnicn each eacn r i of ghj W- ,,alf 32 of s iiet:,ion KangR Xo xo> ;i„ an(j kiyou, State of California, has this day 4747, 4676, 4672, 4268, -1766, 1588, 4700, of August 4. 1892, l.afaji-tte Lal I nn tiled in this office tris sworn statement. I I m >v, of Ashland, (’onnlr of A bl.in I. 4SM. tree is a prince among princes; the « ¡u offer proof to show that the land No. 248, for the purchase of the NW of W i« «>n-in, ha- this dav tiied in Slock Dated at Klamath Falls, Oiegon, thi Slate vast tracts of alfalfa land together »ought is more valuable for its tim- of Section No. 34, in Township N >. 32 S.. this olii«-«« Ins sworn statement No, 265, , l*?r or stone than for agricultural Range No. 71.. E., and will offer proof to 5th day of July, J900. for the purchase of the 'E ‘ .| ol .'e«-tion with the Immense harvests and myr-1 purpiWefli BI1(1 to establish his claim show that the land sought is more valu- j 11. H. V an V alkknbi HO, Countv Tiea'iirer. Xo. 8, in Tow ii-hip N«>. 32 ' Rang,- Xo, Are Sellino 'lads of cattle and sheep, all proclaim to said land liefore the Register and able for its timber or stone than for ag­ « E. aicl will offer prisif to show that J Receiver ot of tins this omee office at Laueview Lakeview, ricultural purposes, ami to establish liis the dawn of a great future. the lami sought i' more vain.ibi«, for its „ . ; Oregon, on Saturday, the 6th day of I claim to said lan-l before the Register SEALEI» BIDS. limlier or stone Ilian for agricultural And when the whistle of the first October, 1900. He names as witnesses: nnd Receiver of this office at Lakeview, Call An J See US. purposes, and to e-ia'-li-h hi- , lami locomotive is heard in Klamath Coun- Newton S. Putnam of Klarnathon,.Uni­ Oregon, on Friday, the 24tli day of Sealed bids will be received until to sai«l Inn,I b,-fore the R« gi- 1« r nn«l Re ­ ifornia; L. La Flamboy of Ashland Wis- August, 1900. He names as witnesses: ty J the wise man will know that the | . ' consin . ; , Thomas July 31st. 1900. to furnish Linkvillc ceiver ot this office at Lak, vi.-w. Or. on <, S. Ness of Washburn, Mary Clawson, of Henley, California; theflih «lay of O,-t<.h, r. 1900 time has come to shoe his feet with Wisconsin; ________ ; Jacob Isler of Klamath Joe Clawson, of Henley, California; school district No. 1, with 30 tiers of Siitiinhiy, He names as witnesses; Newton 8. " " . Oregon. " _ . Any and all persons Jacob Isler, of Klarnathon, California; 24-inch and 1.7 tiers of 16-incli | Putnam, of Klainathon, California ; 1. wings, and stand not on the order of Falls, d , claiming adversely the above-descri­ O. C. A. Hansen, of K'lamatlmn, Califor­ thoroughly seasoned pine or juniper V« . Russell, of Asldiiii«l. Wi« ,n«in; A his coming. P bed lands are requested to tile their nia. Any and ail persons claiming ad­ wood, to Is' delivered and corded in Timmas .'. N, ss, of ashborn. W i-.-on 4 claims in this office on or before said versely the above-described lands are re­ shed on or before September 1st. P sin ; Jacob Isler, of Klamath lulls, « ire There are some who say cattle will | 6th day of Octolier, 1999, quested to file tlieir elaims in this office d' R. W. M akci . e , clerk. gon. .Any an«l all js-rsoria clainritig ,i'|. P -decline from their present value with­ E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. j on or liefore said 24th dav of August, d v-rsely the alMive-«h-s«*rilxs| lan,l- are P 1900. in the next three years but facts do i r«M|Ui*st«'n itle session tll(. M«ess- act for the sale of timber lands in the Washington Territory,” Oh-C. A. Han­ fdiam-e with the provisions of the a, t of 4 p •counties. To supply the deficiency of ment roll of the year 1900, and correct states of California, Oregon, Nevada, sen, of Hornbrook, County of hiskiyou, Congress of June 3, 1878, entith- l •■ -,„ P p ■range cattle will take several years, all errors in valuation, description, or and Washington Territony,” Andrew < . State of California, lias this day aet for the sale of timber land» ill the d qualities of lands, lots or other property. I »avis, of Klarnathon, ('ounty of ,'i-kiyou, filed in this office his sworn statement. states <,f California, Oregon, Nevada P And In the meantime the demand for Anil it shall lie the duty of all persons State of California, has this day filed in All work timi ra nt ceti satpTaetory, Try oiict* ami p No. 247, for the purchase of the SE. 14 and Washington Territory," |>a-.|. i beef is running ahead of the number interested to ap|x*ar at the time and this office his sworn statement No. 243. of Section No. 34, in Township No 32. Earhart, of Hornbrook, County of bi»ki P be cony ¡aceti. 4 place appointed. « for —•« ' -« .«._ _« v-i. p the purchase of the o. S'2 of N} g of S., Range No. 7}2 E., and will offer proof raised. The fact alone insures to the Section No. 20. in Township No. 32 S., to show that the land sought is more yon, State of < aiifornia, ha this day P p W m . S. H oagland , tiled tn this office hi« sworn statement EAST [¡ND MAIN STREET, KLAMATH FALLS. cattle raiser of the future higher Range No. 71.. E.,atid will offer proof to valuable foaits timber or stone than for I» County Assessor. p ' show that the land sought is more val- agricultural purposes, and to establish No. 258, for the | uri-ji.i-t- of tin-S |,a|| By C. L. P arrish , Deputy. prices than has prevailed in the past - -—- liable for its timber or stone than for ag- his claim to said land before the Regis­ of SW quarter of m - c . 18, and N hull o| X w (.muter, of Section Xo. 19, in To«,, few years. ^Exchange. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF FI- ricultural purpose', and to esk, California ; J . Isler, ollìrt» on <»r lwi(»r<» Hjrid 22n«l | tiiiilnir Irtlids ili tj"’ ing done, at very reasonable prices, and state,’lias been fixed as the time and I \ITi:i) STATES LA.XDOHTCE, ) stale' of Calimriiia, Oiegon, Nevadiu Andi assure you I will save you j place for the hearing of objections to UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE l Notice is hereby given that in com­ I. IKI.VIl IV, I IRMIIIN, July 9, listo. ) LAKEVIEW, OBXGOM, Juli«' «;. 1000.) nnd \\ in-hinuloii Tei t itmy," Susini H- I said final account and tiie settlement pliance with the provisions of the act of TIMBERLAND, ACTJU.NE.t |K7 m money on everything. N'ifice is hereby given that, in com­ Itoliert", of lloriibrmik, Coillity ol SIS- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' thereof. Notice is hereby given that, in com- Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An EMIL PEIL. pilan.,. with II,«. provisioned >| h - am of kiyou. Mule of Cnlii,iriiia, lina (bis dnV Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this pliance with tin- provisions of the act of act for the sale of tiuils-r lands in the '«tigress of J,,,),. 1M;Hi ..lltjt•■ A|| llled in Ibis olin e ber awolll atnteineiit, 1900. j Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An states of California. Oregon, Nevada, U nited S tate » L and (ii-rn r. Plenty of goods yet at the Gold 31st day of July, »■' I'» the -ale of timber í . hh I h ft, the no . 260, for thè pilii-jiHM- of Ibi- X 1 ■ ALSTOKCHKI S H u I i KIXS, act for the sale of timber lands in the and Washington Territory," as ex ­ Lakeview, Oregon, July 9, 1900, Front, Miner's old stand, that are As Executor of the Estate ot Jacob states of California, Oregon, Nevada anil tender! to all the Public Land States < "Iriornia, Gregon, Nevada in,I S'.., of Si-etioli No. 19, in Township Notice is hereby given thin in coin- ;: ■till being closed out at less than Hau i Budkins, Iteceased. Washington Territory,” Roderick Mc­ by act of August 4, 1892, Thomas pliance with the provisions of the net of W.islimglon leiritory,” Dora A. Horn, ■ lólllge MI. 7 M ned « di off” Francisco cost. Kinnon, of Pokegama, county of Klam­ S. Ness, of Washburn, County of Bay­ Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An •«I Hornbrook. Countv of Siskivon, proni lo show thut Ine land aoiigld '■* TIMBERLAND, ACTJUNE.I. 1878, ath, State of Oregon, has this day filed field, State of Wisconsin, bus this net for til • sale of timls-r Iniffix i„ n„. ■ tale of California, bus this «lay filed more mlniilde for ita timla-r or st"»11' NOTICE in this office his sworn statement, No. day filed in this office his sworn state­ States <>J Cnliforiiiii, Oregon. Xev id i in Hus olii«.-Ii,.r HM,,rn slateimmt, No. Ihnn for agi ii iillunii piu po“es, and l<* NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 242, for the purchase of the N of S ment no . 204, for the purchase of the ¡and i stiiblinh ber l’hiiin tu sili,! tnnd l,t ‘"fl» Washington Territory,” Anna -’.hr ll,e pun-hnsc of the 8'.. of SL1 of Section No. 20, in Township No. 32, NW quarter of Section no . 8, in T,un­ I’epple, of Hornbnsik, County of Si-lii v ".L' K lamath F alls . O b ., July 19, 1900. '»> Md, ol ration llie l.’egister nnd Rei i-ivcr ot tfó" on'1'1' UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE,) All parties who have not been tui- j L akeview , O regon , August 6,1900.) 8., Range No, 7'.., E., and will offer ship no . 32 8., Range no . 7f>i E.,und will vou state ,,f Cnlifornln, has this dnv 5o. oh, in Lniuehip .Xo. ; ij ¡8., Range ni Lnkeview, On-g'iH, oli SatnrdnV, O"* proof to show that tiie land sought offer proof to show that the land sought ,i" 1 i’ i,!»l w dl olf.-r proof to show 22 dnv of Si-plemher, 1900. Sh»i««n" * •eMed for the year 1900 will plea»- Notice is hereby given tiiat in com­ is more valuable for its timber or is more valuable for its timber or stone , filed III this office her sworn stnti-nient bai Ilo- hind sought, is mon- valuable . ia witlK-sses: Dora II. I.lmn, of Ih»11' ! V’;-2.5'; J'T ,l1'' the b half ■end In llRtH of their property at once, pliance with the provisions of the act of stone than for agricultural pur­ than tor agricultural purposes, and to of .X half, of Seelion ,X„. |||tlll Township, "> i s limber or stone than for ngiicitl- briHik, Californln; Alimi IVppI1»'- " bh the roll must be completed August CongresH of June 3, 1878, entith-d "An poses, and to establish his claim to said E|||1(| uj|| 'iinil purp«,-i.M, ani| to i-stnldish her lloriibriaik, (‘nlil'U iiìii ; D. <’. I'.nll|,,, -, establish bis claim to said land before Xo. 3.’ S. hang.- _y,. 26. Very Respectfully, ■ net for the sale of timber lands in the land la-fore the Register and Receiver of the Register Hnrl Receiver of this office 1 |!""J I" 111'1 lumi before the Regisli-i W.M. S. hoAGLAND. I states of California, Oregon, Nevada, this office at Lakeview, Oregon, on at Lak«-view. Oregon, on Saturday, the olfer proof to show ll,4t Ihg jpnd sought in,I Rei-eiv.-r of this office at Lnkeview, ol I lornliinoi:. Cnlifm iifil ; -I- Irh r- Kliiimilhon, Cnlifin iiìh . Anv *•»'• *.’ f ....... .. ■ ,,, County Assessor. and Washington Terril« ry,” ns ex- Friday, the 24th day of August, 1900. 6th day of October, 1990. He names hr for agricultural I >re ou Snltinlav, th,- 22ml dav of Set<- |>ersoiiH pu i-hiiiiiing ivlverai-ly I tended to all the Public Land States b-uris-r. I<»|,(. H„. nnm.-sasuifn.-sH,.«: .-il, >\ e.desei ihed landa me reqlirete'l ' He names as witnesses: witnesses: L. Lal-lamboy, of Ashland, lisli her claim to By C. L. P abkisii , Deputy. 1 by’ net of August 4, 1892, John W. Anna * "pi'le, of Hornbrook, ('alifornia; lile tln-ir i-hiiins in tliia office oli or 11 A.C. Davis, of Klarnathon, Califor­ Wisconsin ; New ton S. Putnam, of K him - Register and Re i Brandenburg, of Klamath Falls, County ■ '»»an 11 |!,,b«ii-, of Homi,rook, Cali- (ore rnid 22n