Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 14, 1900, Image 3

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h .
.ir n e
phii dii v
\ dde froin 1 hla, thè re-
pllhllcan III ki t lo l.uke eountv HIM
.. ...............
on conniV
I rensiirer.
w;iH alivi*. ” The rematila im-nilom d
alsive, passeri llit'iligh hi.un.itti Filila
la«t Kmiday, mi tln*lr way lo San
Frani I m o for burlai.
I ioni ih otti, 1,11 return» H iiih far
"....... »jorlly ot ileo
ji ...
II lmi:'H fot congiisHimin In Ibis
•llHirht I h .11
ni« majority 1«
lure h I hiii I dmil.l. wlut it was two year»
8 I! M it II. 1
forme! ly of f li I h
........ . ' "id wlin bis Hlnee III ed III
1 h>'state of W.1 .hlngtoti, was drown-
11 X|
1 lhe Chehall rlvei
Ile w.is ., biolliu Of .tulio Malti, y of
I »< »hi I K <• I
W 11 ' .¡u i nni, of Langell i lib*)
orni Monday.
' *■*'
i. On I Biniti Iteli und
«11» III 1:« hi
ill .nul i lelnlt y I he alfalfa Gordon Milit i cii-iiged with Mleallng
A' '1
ncy, waa In ird
1 to || ' iMHimlllg.
I'H'P •* '♦ah
in til fedi I il court ut Portland I oil
It \ \
I hiii'.d.n i .1 ,U|I|
M.t p)f i trini
Kl.iinilb 1 dl« iisllor yesterday.
■Ium* 25l|i.
Mr s 1,111,, », of Klamath tgeney.
\ I' i' i llii'.i w islirmight lien*
n i.i.-inesH mi Mmidny.
Vilh 1“ 1 «• ♦
tIi** r* .' ii it ion ,i few i|;n«ago by
* ■ I "■ I "I 1« .1 e
, 11 .. i
(hirn* tt 1 -li and '1 E lliltehlMin, I ' "
were III fnWII yesteld.ii.
of M<n
now held lo '
,,f s|p*r||T K
E 1
ncr to aw.i t ibi* I . ,s. Marshall.
lor of H I»’ 1 .mu pi.i‘c, were bere un
i '('-i. limili" I of people were In
Ml lld l.i
, 11 \nderMUi of < »leni*, Kliuiatli lulls on Monday. Komi*
Mr. i
< .inn-to at t'-ml ioni I as wltmsM« or
ni.'ide i bu un, ss lilp to Ibi« pillo- mi jury inen uni . it,. ,
p, tr4,|,. at tp,.
■■lot. or do ml,. I I Usines*:.
W'e Wi ri-
stagi* Kt 'll Inn Ill III'!. to i*. i Lut a f. a of t h(*lr naim ».
Mfalf.i Is th* bino of all crup» In
tlilh « filini i v.
E» ' li 011 I uni w lilcli In
came up
r irrig ile i I -ilf.ilfa ls s.ild to I h * a
a load of MliTr Ma. The vi, 14 Is iiot <pi||e um
V' mh I a» on ti ri iteri land, Imt il I m
11, and d.iiight er lume proti! i ■li tli.ni anv otli< r crop.
\ Em
.lauiath 1 .ili» mi
V l.ited
II. W Ma
\g« i
1 1st (-1 i-llllU’
H* owner of the by Mr. tiro
Hi e Catlfiirnla Ilio. Diluirti. ( al
in ut st.- km
IttlH Iw i-ll MS*
I i I h v(tillable mar,- fornii.
t In- nes»t i alita
A very ile s: r
r tin visited this
rrgii n 1 ti ., it m.' kt. Some 1 blinder
large number <<t and hglilnli
i nil 1 elied Illi- Wene,
r »¡»ai'e t lit» week Imi nncvilm
I I k i aln waa a great
IM-Ill'tlt !<> t
gl .wlug eropa, and
Henry \mlrson and wife and W bell It quit i'.' .trmig I iiu I h that
ini'ii* rain ui l;'ld tn et|M*cte<l to follow
gli "7 'I. 1
Frank \n*l ii"'i an I w
III 1 Ile lie.ir flit
nil. lie’' 1 ' «'• •••• Monday.
Mis« <. i f 1 M.irple 1 -.t.uted for Jack
mi IH. i< tills 11 . tn o,’ to visit friend»
In tbit pl.i ''* for a short time.
Th'- to vn sprinkler ha» ci>mim*m*ml
o> r.'t ■ ,e. ,i*:d will hctu'cfiirth make
<1 lllv t ' Os I hl" .I'll tie' Kt r<*i t *,.
As * ■ n as the Miow mi the mount
Ians wlll |s milt, there will In* a great
■ , 1 . 1
1 I .1
Mr. Il.irslibarger of F'>rt Klamath
was ln«r> mi Tui .In. ind jolmd tb
l<*lg* J A. <». C, W . that evening.
Mr srs N> .1 Slv, .1. II. Whit' ■ mb,
I \\ ■
. and J. W hlteomti, uf
Picard, t .1 f . wi le here on Tiu wl.i).
■|nrti I to In* forging
th'*»'* d.IVs In m*w
J. A. Mei V, J. i III ih Chi
am and Mr. W irh>» >if Fort
• err 'h. h ; I it-.ui*
in Io« ii
pi* Hf.irtisl
mil J.K'k-
■ visit ll.H
Saturday for their old
Th'.y h.lVc mari)*
uh" wish them a safe
" " . i. * it n> ii of t lie <)rdi*r of
Im ' 'ii was linisli. d last evening
fifty charter im-nd«-!«. After
lust iT.ition uf (iflleera and Ihr
ih I Imi uf other business, an en-
lie li.|ll'|'|i-f W.lH given to th * new
it '
E i aun i hotel by A. A.
•r. deputy supreme organizer.
i IT
t! ■ imt Irin,* mid sleeph-HH, ”
i." i I town mi Tin-sd tv mid
to cur man. wmn.tn and child
I k ».iw a n i e .lapam :>'- fail to
■ IT I t w. ittici
(In mie «Ide of
.n. w i i ’ iv plot ore of Jap.t-
llb . m I o‘i tin* other side is*' '( I*
n invìi >1 to **k< * p cihi I,” and
t*1' re . '.¡Ill Iliff) '«.
The criliidv ti e In ih * In lltnfe.
wldi li l'Iosed liereS.ifuid.il m.on, was
larpcly titli-mled and a gralifvliig sin*-
ei'HH, hot w It lisi .imlliig Ibi- iim*x|H-e|cd
aliM'iiec of Prof. B.ir/ee, wlio had
I hi - h eiigaged a» Inatrm-tor Imt wlio
was linable fo lie pri'MUil mi accollili
ut Hll’kliess. The | Wo 1'11 lilng «. saloli,
i-alled togli Iter largì* crowds ami Ibi*
addri-NH bv Rev. Si's’kivi41 on T'htira-
dnv i M hing and thè om* bv Jmige
Ill usoli 00 Filila) ■ v. idiig weie In
i.l im i Ive and mlcri'Hl Ing, es|>. ejallv
mi to thoM* engiiged lo educati.mal
wotk, and wi*n- llsti-md to att otlve
Iv by all. T'tn* ut Ilei featlireg of t)n>
(llfTercnt program« were appropriate
and «mTi ssfiilly i-arrled mit. and II
• an lx- «aid filai llu* inai Itole as a
w buie wa.'. Imi li plcasant uml proti!
Atnong thè <*atwa whh*h bau* r<*-
l'elved or wlll reci'tve ;,t leni imi In thè
ciri-iilt rullit Ibis week are th<* follow
Ing: Sfate ih . < Flirten, dlsmlHs'd;
Stale 1«.
Ed. Mc( 'line, d,sin .*. m d:
F. Ring v«. II. I ( liapmnn, »ult foi
Injum't imi, «et for trial; R. A. Vun-
derkarr vh . Eunlce \ .indi'ik.irr, suit
for dlimcc; M11* *. •-li.n key vi lin*
Sharkey, Hill! fot dlvurce; Ella • hll
11' 1 ■ i ■. W . \ ( i 1 -
vorce, «it for trial next Saturila);
Sarah E. Miller et al i-.. John I . MI!
ler et al. nidi (or divisimi of propri! v;
John Bminrr va. W. F. Aranl., sull t<>
rrri'irrmi |H*r«mial propeily, <■'>!>< ill
urd; II. I*. Mtird<«*h is. T. I . 'I liter.
cont Iniii'd; F'oHler vh . T. F. M titer.
rmitliim-il. Tlils w IIII m * thè
rrgular terni of dlstrl' t colili In Id in
h lanrtl li rmin! y formati) m -. iih .
$ 5 Rcward
l*iirom* dark lirown miri*, brui.l -d
T**-P "li l'-ll hip had "Il tliiee -h"'"
wlirii IJ»t scrii, a tew grev hans in fori*-
head, weiglit alsiut llHK) poui.'l-
lutile • ». K. Slnivmg l'arlor, Klamitli
I all«, Oregon, and leicivo thè ulsivi- re
w uni.
Timber Lind, Ait June J, 187K
Notlic for I’ublkation.
L akkvikw , (titroos, Jum-fl, 1'0).t
Notice is In ii-tiy given that, in com-
pllulice with tin- proi i-imin .1 tlie act (it
Cmigrcns ol June 3 |M7M, eiititled "An
act (or tin- sail* of timls-r Linds hi ll,**
stnte« of California On-gon. Nevada
and Washington Tert dory," Henry
( d«l <ri-t bt, of K In mat bun. Count v of m «-
klvon, Stale of I alilurina. Ims tliia day
tili-<I in till« office I..« sworn statement.
No. 218, for tl.e |*iiri-|iase <«( th.* NW *4
of Section N". 31. in I ■ w : -lilp '•■». .''2 8..
Range No. 7L, I-'.., un i will . tt -rprisd to
show tliat the land sought 1« mote valu­
able l,.r its tmil«*r or stone than f >r ag
ri, ullmal piiri-i-e«. and to ■-»tablisli In-
claim to said land la-f ire the Register
slid Ri i l iver of tIns mil.•'• at l.aki'VK-w
tircgmi, on Friday, the 24th day of
August, I'sHI
He imines as witnesses:
Muri < law son. "I 11enley. Calilorma;
Joe Clawson, "f Hetilrv, California;
.lacoli l»l**r. ot KI nii.itbou. California;
t>. C. A. II> iii «'- ii . "I Klaiiiatbon. Califm
nia. Any and all |»*r»on» claiming ad­
versely thi* al* *ve descrils*d lands ure re-
quested to tih* tlu-ir cluiiim ill tliisotlice
mi or Is-torc said 2ltli day <4 Atigust,
F. M. Illi ATTAIN, Regi-ter,
term of «listriet court
limber land. Ait June J. 1878
tin* court hmiH" on
Notile for Publication.
.lini •'• It' iismi presid­
iti ■ no biis.n* m » I« fore
1 NI ! Idi STATES I. \N! m 11 ¡ Il 1 ,
Sherni .1
['iu|* a few equity
I.iKi■. i « . i • i‘■ N lune <
adj' ¡ •. I 1
was iliM'liargisl. The
Notice 1« licrvliv glieli that, in i oni-
I ■
iw lh.it this I« a law plialiee with tile |>rt>VÌ«i"ll» of tile act of
a ,'"l Ji V,
i and iM'tng mi . It Is Congrí*«« gì .Ium 3, 1*7« entitled "Ali
act lor tin* sale of titulier lands in the
I pregressi ve.
Tn-1 \d.itns has re *eti!lv l»*i tt bulbi
«tales of Cal i for 111.1, Oregon. Nevada and
i a <m Main
B il.Iw in .'leeonipanled Washington Territorv," Alice R l.a-
■ L I h d i. « 4 gissi job nm| iHie
i Win. Nall and wife, I le.li, of K lain it li. ui. I . un! y • ( Si-k i on.
It will list.
iv to make a visit to state of California, has this day tile I in
M r. and M th . J um*» tin- office hi« «worn statement. No. 21*.
(or tin* I' lri l, i- uf tin* * A . '4 vf Sei
h n<* i. uni y, and will
turn No. 27. in Township N 1. ..2 *.,
Range No. 7\. 17., and will offer pried to
! Sr., who lives In the show that the land sought I« more valli*
iw i.siting Idin, whom he alile for its limber or stone than for ag­
s.-en before tn aixty-on» ri. u!turiti puriHises. and to catubliah Ins
•m l I i ink Ward went up Ii
claim to said land Indore the Register
"iv .*'1'1 vicinity, mi a cam
mid liecciver of this office at Lakeview.
fishing i-xjH'dlt ion.
A man I
Ore,, on Friday, the 24th day of August,
> wIni live*
IIHKI. lie 11:11111'« a« witnesses:
M . V| 11 tTord of ( l.ik ! md,
w 'll I here
J. I . Miner, of Kliinixthon. Califor­
on X
In town i. t< rd ii mi Ills way Io I ike
nia; John T. Miner, of Klamathon. Cal-
pl.K'i for I,
(■ 'inti i I'l.n h.iM* sh -i-p, of W Inch lie
tint d s sii'it < ti ") goml health in the ifninia ; l».ivid J. ltla< Umore, of Klam-
Imp s tu m t in.iHio head.
W'-t and fo * 1 I - ill!) when* lie ro­ itlioii. California; Win. R. Par.-hall,
1s t !' : suit I'll.
' 'i i'i l I idln.'s: Butler Walker
...... .. ...
"1 Bly. KI inculi i-"iintv. Is In flu* v il- W i* h ive no t-.g.
Ml 1» joy ami aun- vcrsely the nls>ve-ileseril«-d land« lt re
le t s ,ir„ of Medford, left for shlm* o xi e|itlii;’ In |«ilitles.) and good requested to file their el.iiiiis in thin
kt.unii h Hot Sprinpt S.tt iiîilav.
health prevails imanimoUHly.
office on <>r Indore «m l 21th day of Au-
tii-i, 1900.
,'*"-(1 ■ ' I I' .'H at the M. E. I hun h
A iming man named W inslow who
E. M. BRATTAIN, Register.
Jkmtb Sunday it II. a. m. Will Jmn hall« from 8 dem and w ho claims to
11 Hic union î *-111 j ><r. 11K *(•
hi lw* a piano timer, was arrested mi the TIMBER I.\ND, ACT JCNE.I. 1'7*
Hi ■ evening nt Houston'» Hall.
charge of having stolen 11 revolver
A p irt v of four. nm. ich nut lent lied, from tie ............. S. I li II i « k X D.igget t.
I'NiTi.n S tate » L aw O itice .
of th;s pl.iee mi Saturday. Sheriff
'»o, Calif., are camping near
latkeview, Or.. June 6, 1900.
y are hunting mid Halting K'*rslin r found him mi Sunday at
Notice is hereby given that in com­
Dairy and <1 s .in li revealed that be
aii'i hiving a r < mk | t line generally.
pliance with tlie provisions of the act el
h.id the 1 inlier with him. Before
Muii.l.i\. Mr,. Klei nan and daughter the Colilt n sterdav lie plead guilty to Congress o* June 3. 1*7*, entitled "Au
net tor the sale of timber land» 111 the
*nit bv th., «m of Uhland tn Yre- |s*t It larceny, and w is sentenced' to Stale« of Culitoinii, Oregon, Nevada,
l- 1 •'■■ I i make a two week»' v I h II pay a line of *150. or 75 days in jail.
and Washington Territory,” I'avii J.
" r'ill Ives and friends in that city,
Blackmore, ot Ishiinntbon, county of si«,
Mr. E. W. Gowen who returned mi kiyoit, State of California. lias tin« day
We hive
reci'lved an Interest Ing Tmsd.iv from a trip to Ager, Cal., filed III this office his SW or 11 -I at. me lit No
¡»'•(•otliit "f Hu* procvrdlnga of I lie tell us tb it the crops here are a long
1111 r. .1
250,for the purchase of the NE'4 of
instimi,., but ar...... impelled way ahead ol anything of the kind Section No. 28. in Township No. 32 S.
'> defer ||s publication lJllt|| lieXf tluit lie saw Is-tween lieri* and there. Range No. 71 j E, mid w ill offer prisif to
Tin* dlfTi'ienc" in the condltlmisof the show that the laud sought is more valu­
'*!"• fusimi p; |-t, whleh wlll lake th Ids of alfalfa were especially marked. able for its timlier or stone than tor
agricultural purposes, mid to establish
1 ••!' ii uf must all thè cmmlv of- Here it Is luxuriant ami abundant, his (uiini to said land Indore the Regis­
while III the lis'.'llltles be noticed the
ter and Receiver of this office nt Luke-
• ""l'i" "f weel «. wiii bave
' lihi" In giMHl order ami tip tu growth was feeble and unhealthy. | view , Or., on Saturday, the 25th day of
August. IthlO.
lie name« as witnesses:
in all r. »¡« etti.
mond In I he rough, but ere long Ils J. I'. Miner, of Klmnathon, California;
. Il"‘
litlmi nf thè Iiew Mi'tltol- trm* agrieult ural value will be known
IT. Miner, of Klanuithmi, California:
*' (Tinnii Ise. ■empieteli anil the clllirch
i Win. II. I'mshall, of Klaiimtlion, Cali-
ami appreciated.
’•self Wlll s.„,
' (m-nia; Alice R. I.al lesli, of Klmnathon.
■''“Hi be under construction.
B I h tu slumi
Judge Smith will have an Auction . C lif'irnui.
and all
... I ••••
oil i the
opposite I
iiv ♦ I'orner
at Ins ranch at Altamont, mi Monday claiming adversely the above described
*'NI Ut thè town hall.
Junc25.nl 10 o'clock A. M., for the lands are requested to file their claims
ni'i;"'k, G"’l's'
HvlH ut Rim sale of about 30 head of horses, some in I hie office on or before the said 25th
I ,, 'sl'1* mlles cast uf Klatiialli in.ires, i oils and young iiiu I cn . Also day of August. I'.tiMt.
E. M. B hattain , Register.
I ik fI"'n’ '•’»" Ml'ty lo llleet nioweis, takes, truck wagons, dise-
1 11 oid slsters wlio are mi their harrows. several set« of harness, two
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878
......... ...
sewing inaehliics, and other articles
Notice for Publication.
too numerous to mention. Terms: I
0'>w dolngiin itn-
All hills under ♦30, cash mi day of sile.
Rrcn\ "I!'""'SN' U h reglster h I iows ♦30 and over, 12 mmith.s credit with
L akxvikw , O hkiion , June it, llMKI. I
ur i h,
M'rs"r FU. sfs frmn all pnrtH approved Hutes bearing interest at
Notice is hereby given Hint, ill Colli-
' »Hfomia and Wuahln j rate of 7 per cent per annum,
pliniice with the piovisimis m tlie act of
’ 'ls «( Il as rrmu thè cast.
provided fur bidders at 12:3t» o'clock. Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
hiin’ ri' Ti,,i"F*:
L <1. Wlglil. of
The Lakeview
Examiner of List net tor tl.e mile of timber land» in the
K "natii eountv, principiti of week «late« that "the remain»of the states of Cali torn al, < hegmi. Niva. In and
Wnnliington Territory,” Julius I'. Miner
"'as i'n"i" i'!' I, |' ,"n. Yaiiihillcount)', s-oldii'i.s buried forover 30 years in the of K liiiniil lion, County of Siskiyou, 8tnte
Kl ii,,ni 1'""l S;,l'iKla.v, co natte io militari cemetery tit Fort Warner are of California, Ims this day tiled in
'*os|H'ml thè sunimer vaca- now being exhumed, under the super- , this oilice Ins sworn Htiiteineiit, No.
il'lemlelicy of Government Inspector '251, for tlie purchase oftheSE.
Mls V n i»
Swartz. It is iiiidei'stisid that the Section No. *28, in Township No. 32 8.,
r'Tilrued r '■
Klain.illi Fall» remains will be shipped to tin* Presi­ i Range No. 7‘tf F... mid w ill offer proof to
1,111 '"ri land Fridav........-
W ’t,. '|l,,vl"'r,’"1ghtcr. Mrs. F. dio al Salt Francisco. They were in show that tlm land sought is more valu­
able for its timber or stum* than for ag­
HU, ' "ll":'8 and left Ashlaml via a splendid state of preservation, the ricultural purtsises, mid to establish bis
bones all Intact, :ind the uniforms of
claim to said bind lieforo the Regi-ter
Siimi,r'' r,",te f"r Klamath Filila,
the dead lieroes looked as m*iv ns when mid Receiver of this office nt Lakeview .
they were lotrled with them. Tlie (Iregon, on Saturday, the'25th day of
e, '1' • ’al*.. d'.imsTatic enmlldale fot*
hair of one soldier wits emiibcd ns August, I1NXI. He minus as witnesses:
’■ '"’l'il Lake cmihly by 20 smoothly a*, whin the bravo fellow ‘
Win. R. 1'arshall, ol Klaniathon, 1
4 .it
i-n- is
• .lid. , D I l;la. k more, of Klaniathon.
• ullt. , .1. I. Xliiier, of KlmiiHlhon,
• alii.; All"- It. lati i - h I i , of Klmua
thon, Calif.
and m H per­
soli« I I.mull.g Iidveisely the above-de-
seids-d land« an- reqiii-nli-d to file their
i Imins in Uns office on or la-fora raid
2-ith day of August. IUM».
I',. M. BICAITAIN. Ilegiafer.
IT MIIER LAND. A< T 11 N E I. 187«,
I hi tn.ii 81 at «.« 1,1 in Ori ii v.
larki-view , Oregon, June fl, IWM).
Noth e is lu iel.y given that in coin-
iiliam i- with the provision» of the oct of
< otigra m ot J .me 8, 1878, eutitiad
act for tin-salt* of timlier lauds in the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada,
■ nd Wa-lnngton Territory.” John T
M inerof K la mill lion, County of «ink iy on,
Mate of California, has tins day filed in
this office his sworn statement No. 252,
fur tin* purchase of the NE^of hi-ction
No. 2tt, in Tuw n«l>ip No. 328 . Range No.
71.. E., and will offer pr<«d to show that
tin- land nought in more valuable fur it«
timlier or stole- than lor agi ii ultural
|iur|nini-H, and to i*staliii»h In« claim to
nd land I ••hire till* Regi-ter and Re­
ceiver of this office at Imki i n-w , < In gon,
on hat Hi■ lay t In- 251 h day ol August, I'SSi.
He naim-M as witnesse,;
Julius I'.
Miner, of K lainalhon, Calif,; |>. J
lilai'kiiiore, ol Klamathon, Calif.; Alice
1!. I.al-1'-Ii, of Klamatlion, • alif. ; W in. '
It. I'ai-liull, oi Klaniathon, Calif
Inv and all |s-r«otiH i lairnitig adversely
tin- ulmvi-di-M-rihed lands are requi-nte'l
to file tln-ir claims in this office on or
l«*iore said 25th day of A'lgunt, 11MN).
F M. ItHATTaiN, Register.
Timber Land. Act June 3, 1878—
Notice fur Publication.
pi ih lire w it 1, thè pror i -sin« of I he aet ol
<'migli--« of Jurie 3, 1878, ( i titi, ) "Ali
M('t for thè sale of tirili«.r land» in thè
*'*('••• of < iiliforiiiH, Oregon, Noia.1« and
W ii-linigtmi lerritorv,” »» extcnded t"
all thè Publii- latini Stale» bv ». t ol
Augu.t J. |-*.o Norman I'.tm|>L(*ll, of
l'ok. g.-m.a,
Htateof Oregon. Ima Ibis day fllad in
Ibis olfu e bis «woru «tati meni. No. 237,
for thè par(*ba>e of thè SW. '4 ut Sec
timi No. XI, in Township No. .39 S„
Bangi- N'o. 1; E., and Wlll offer |ir<x>f to
show that thè land sought in more vaio-
alile for it- tiirils-r or storie than for ag
ric'iitiiral jairpo«..«, at.d t»e«tabli«h hi«
elidili to «ani land 1« fori* thè Ib-gi ter
and Itecciver (,f thia office a* latki-view .
• »regoli, mi 1I,ur-dav, thè l'Jllii'ay ol
•July, 1900. Ile liarnea tu wittiesse»
N. A. Carn|>la4l of Pokegama. Or.'
Ed. < arii|>l«'ll. of Pokegama, ‘ir. Win,
Barimi, of l'iikcgama, Or.; I». Black
more, of Pokegama. Or.
ing adveraely th(* a!«,V(*-de«' rd«*d land
are mpiested tu file their elaim» ip thi
office 011 r.r l»*fore «aid 12lli day
July, )1««i?
E.’.M. BRATTAIN, Register.
NOTH E < >F SA LE. I N C( il’NTY
in the matter of tin* estate of James
Edward McLaughlin, decea-.-d.
By virtue of an order of sale made
by said Honorable Court and dated
May J Ith, luoo, I. tin* tindersi/m d
administrator of tin* estate of Jam<*s
I-JIward Mi*f.aiighlin. d<*‘ •• >ed, will
on and after tin* _
1000. proceed to sell all the r<*a
(•state In-miging to »aid estate a
private Hale for (-anli, the re d e«tat(
¡«•Ing briefly dcM rilH-d as follows:
The e.aht j of NE|, the SW|
NEl and tlie SE i (if wrtlmi
township 39, «out Ii. range (■,. < 1 ,t
w M.; *lao NW | of NW |, the S
Of NW |, N 1 of SW |. SW I (,f NEl
NW|ofsE|. and government lots
1. 2. 3. 4 and 5, in section 31. town­
ship 3!i, south, range 7. east of W.
M.. In Klamath county, <»regmi. con­
taining fl03 acrca of land.
Said r>-;U
estate will I m * Hold entire in one lot ■ r
In parcel«; the sale or sales to I«* stile
ject to confirmation by
the said
Dated, May 11th, idoo.
Ahliland, Oregon.
Shoe sf
i lais
Dry Goor
Clothing and Groceries
I. aki . v ir.w, On i '. iii , Juiie (I, 1900. |
Notice i- hereby given that, in com
pliance wot. the provisions of the act of
<' "tigress of June 3, l«7X, entitled “An
a"' fur ......... di* of litnts-r lands in the
stat' - ol California. Oregon, Nevada mid
W i«liing!"ii Territory,” William it.
I'.ii-li.iil, of K la.na’hon. County of 81s-
kivu. Mate of California, Ii»» tin« day
tiled in tlii« "tlice In« sworn statement.
No _ ■; |<>r the purchaae of the NW. *4
of ««riioii No. 2«, m Township No. 3J
,«., Range No. 7‘, E.,anii w ill offer primt
to show that the land sought is more
valuable lor its liml«*i or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
In« claim losai'l hind la-fore the Register
mid Receiver of tin« office nt l^keview*.
(tn gon, on Saturday, the 25th day of
August, l'ssi. He names aa witnesses:
J. I'. Miner, of Klaniathon, Califor-
in«: 1». J. Blackmore, <d Klaniathon,
Notice For Publication.
California; .«. J. Meeker, of Henley,
California; It. McKinnon, of Poke­
gama, Oiegon,
Any and all
Department of the Interior.
sons claiming adversely the atmve-de-
I-md Office at Lakeview . • iregon,
«.-tilled lands are requested to tile their
June 7, 1900.
( laims m this office on or before said
Notice is hereby given that the foi-
2 ith «lav of August, 190).
i*.w 11.g ii.ifii.-i
1 baa filed notiseof
E. M. BRATTAIN', Register.
hi» intention to make final proof in sup­
port of hi» claim, and that said proof
TIMBER I. \ Ml. At T.ICNE3. 1878, will la* made tiefore the County Clerk
it Klsmalb Falla. Oregon, on July 14
N< >l l< i I ■ )R PI BL1CATION.
mot), vi«: 8.8. Halstead, H. E. No
2121. for the c1.,. <•( ,«W '4 of Sec. 33
I NITEI) «TATES LAND OFFICE, I Tp. 32, 8., R. 7k> E.. and Iota 3 and 4 of
i.iKivirw, Oaroos, June ti, P.M>>. f Sec. 4, Tp. 33,
R. 7l á,
E„ W M.,
the follow-
Notice i« hereby given that in com­ Oregon.
pliance with the provision« id the act of ing witness«*« to prove his coutinu-
I ohgre«s >d June 3. 1X7«, entitled “An oils residence u|«.n an.I cultiv.ition of
C. T. Nicholson, of
a-t for the sale id tiniln r lands in the »aid land, viz:
-late« of Cnhforina. Oregon. Nevada, Fort Klamath. Oregon; L. W'. Cope-
.m l Wa-hirigton Territory,” Martin W land, of Fort Klam.-itli, On-gin; A.
C.i-kev of ll.-w n-k, County of Siskiyou. Barnum, of F*>rt Klamath. Oregon;
Slate <d California, han this day tiled in L. Gorden, of Fort Klamath, Oregon.
E. M. BRATI AIN. Register.
tin- office In« «worn statement No. 254,
1 >r tlie I'lireliase of the «W quarter of
«• ■ lion No 3.i. in Township No. 32 S.,
Range No. 7'._. E.,and will offer proof to
show that the land nought in more valu­
able for its tmiln-r or stone than for ag­
ricultural pur|ni«en, and to ratal linli Ids
cl mu to said land Indore the Register
and Receiver of this office at Lakeview ,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 2'tli day of
\11gust. I'KIO. He names as w itm-ssea:
Ja. .1I1 Isler, of Klaniathon, California;
Melvin Navlor, id Klaniathon. Califor­
nia; Hardman Horn, of Hornbrook,
California; Oavil J. Blackmore, of
Klaniathon, California. Anv and all per­
rons clainimg adversely tlie alsivesie
«crils-d hui'la are requesti«! to till* their
claims in this office on or before auid
25th Jav of August. P»a>.
E. M BRATTAIN. Register.
Phe Best Assort
Have Ever 5
Spring Stock Nc
TIMBER I.ANH. ACT ii NEI». 1878.
I’ xitkii S tatts L and OrrtcK )
L akkv ikw , O hbqo N, June 6, 1900.1
Notice is hereby given that in com­
pliance with the provisions of the act of
c*«igre-s of June 3, 1«78, entitled "An
net for the sale of titular lands ill the
states of California, Oregon. Nevada,
mid Washington reriitoiy,” John II.
Ilessig, of Beswiek, County of Siskiyou,
Mate of California, has tins day tiled in
this otliee his sworn statement no . 250,
for the ¡lurclmse of the sa quarter of
Section no . 18. in Township no . 82 8.,
Rang** n . 71-» E., mid will offer proof to I
show that the land sought is more val- ■
liable lor its timlier or stone than for ■
agricultural purpo»e». and to establish
bis claim to said land l»*fore the Regis-'
ter ami Receiver of this office at Like
view . Oregon, on Saturday, the 25th day
ot August, HKM He names as w itnesses :
Martin W. Caskev, of Beswiek, Cali­
fornia; Cordelia G, t’askev, of Beswiek,
California; Jacob Isler, of Klaniatlion,
California: Melvin Navlor, of Klama-
thon, California.
Any and all per­
sons claiming adversely the above­
described lands
are requested to (
tile their claims in this office on or l»i-
fore said 27>tli dav of August, 1900.
E. >1. B hvttain . Register.
VNiren S tatks L.txn OvncK.
Lakeview, Oregon, June fl, 1900.,
Notice is hereby given that in emu-,
pliance with the provisions oi the act of
Congress oi June 3. 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of tinil»*r lands in the |
states of California. Oregon, Nevada, ;
mid Washington Territory," Cordelia G. |
Caskey, of Ik swiek. County of Siskiyou,
State of California. Im* this day tileu in
this office her sworn statement No. 255,
for the purchase of the N W1.1 of Section ■
No. 35, in Tow nship No, *•’ * rr.......
No. 7'.', E. mid wil.
ll offer proof
, ----- to Rhow
• lit
t >a m.ira
«11 11 ii 111 tv
that the land sought
is more valuable
for its tiinberor stone than for agricultu­
ral purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land liefore the Register and Re-1
reiver of this office at Lakeview, Or. on
Saturday the 25th day of August, IMO.
Mu* imines ns witnesses: Jacob Isler,
of Klmnathon, California ; Melvin Nay­ Í
lor, of Klmnathon, California ; llardnmn
Horn, of Hornbrook. California ; David
J. Blackmore, of Klaniatlion, California.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely
the’ Hbove-desi-ribml lands are requested
to tile their claims in this office on or
before said 25th dav of August, 1900.
E. M. B hattain , Register.
Timber Land, Act June J, 1878—
Notice for Publication.
Nobby Clothing.
Hats oi All kinds
Give us your trade on Clothe^, Shoes,
Hats, Men’s Furnishing Goods < ;öd iots of
other things. if you want a iiJ’or-made
suit for the 4th of Juiy, please piace your
order now. We have over 1,000 samples
to select from. Prices are right.
Largest and best selected line of Men s goods in
Klamath County, consisting of Clothing, Shoes, Hats,
Underwear, Fine Neck-wear, Fancy i ’ ts, Gloves,
$5.00 to
Hosiery, and everything else. Men’s
Our quality and prices wiil l . \ rise you.
Mail orders solicited.
Treasurer’« Notice
Notice is hereby given that there are
fund» in th« county tr usury for the
L akkvikw , O regon , Muy 4. 1IMM).1
redemption of the fnluwii'g county
Notice i» hereby given that, in coni ¡warrant», protested in an I prior to
September 28, 1801.
Interest on »•me 4441, 4530, 4527, 4521».
w ill cease from this date:
D.101I •' K' u'.iath Fall», Oregon, thia
4528, 4503, 4578. 4517. 4o28.
441!>, 7tli day of May, 1900.
t.'Sii, 4551.4348, 4<H0. 4401.4474, 4tHN,
II. If VANVAt-Kutavao,
4400, 4 »(>5, 4592, 44H2, 4373. 4t¡47, 4191',
County Trcasuier.
■1420. 4i M, 1500, 41-2, 4512,4409, 450b,