Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 14, 1900, Image 1

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I A I t H Nt WS.
14, 190«»
Iii'lluna Dciiiocrats Indorsed Bryan.
Kobert’s army |« restiug al Pretoria.
Dr mo. nt. ol Missouri Indorsed th»
• nb'Mgo plMtlorm.
Itepiiblle** Viil, Grr < ...I In
N miu «« of SoiriR of the Principal llranda
Mold In thl« Vicinity.
Porthind, Jun»« 7.—-Oregon has gone
Tb« re< ent discussion in the "papers
of tbe effect upon the human system of
food ma<le with alum baking powders Picturesque Scene When the
I ml o( th«« <
and the opinions that have tjeen pub­
House Adjourned.
•«•«•inn U> ba in night.
lor diary und 6si I comm|s«ioiier have
lished from noted scientists to the
carried the state t.y inajoriti«-« exceed­
effect that such |x>wders render the
Wukrrion*« ploralily for auprame
IIIE MAJORITY IM NOT LARGII ing that given for the Hiqublicaii tick­ LOKI) ROBERTS READY TO EIGHT food unwholesome, have caused numer­ ILL ANIMOSITY WAS FORGOTTEN
jtldga u( Oregon
iiidim (hall 10,000.
et two years ago.
for congressman,
ous inquiries for the names of the vari­
\flulrn iii i lilna nn* tfnvlually work*
'longue in th» First di-trict already has
ous alum powders.
ii»K up a < i I nim of thv firnt magnitude.
a plurality of 2,629 vote., while in JH'jH
'lhe following list of Faking powders
his entire plurality was but 2,037. In
Iliu l«’Ui"hitmu oj < Iragon will Im |( m -
containing alum is made up from the
the «""nd district Moody’s plurality
l*iibli« Mii (»ti joint ballot by a majority
reports of state chemists and food com­
ul 21.
nt tlm pr -sent incomplete returns is
missioners, of Minnesota, or other reli­
it, 200, whereas in 189H he won by only
able authority:
< hl-ago (rnopla contribute! f.’>,000
rriti’li .»<■"'• «*»•” •"')">•(
Portland, Juno ft—Returns recelv'l
lx.udon, June 7.—The war office has
Washington, June 9. — In marked
Fowders Containing Sliim;
townrd the n litd of the Indian famiiiu up to 3 o'clock this morning giro very 6.667. from only one county of the received the following from
Ea.lrrn On " i ; ii
Lord K. U................................... Contains Alum contrast w ith the exciting incidents at­
State has the complete unofficial returns
Inti» definite information. They in­ been reported—Benton. J or all others, Roberta:
Aiiotli' t i I. mi I i from |'l*ii"«‘
Jsqties Mt*. Co., Chicago.
tending the bitter struggles of the clos­
A < liriatian Journal in Japan han di' ale, bowev. r, Unit tlm state la nubdy including Multnomah, the figures are
"Pretoria, June 6.—Just before dark Calumet............................ Contains Alum ing hours of the session. Speaker Hen-
currr.l in ‘■.in I '••>•■ ........
yesterday the enemy were beaten l<a< k
('iingrvss h*s *|i|.ro|>riat»il «taiut I* « ii nut|rt’h(|««d for nhowing dinr«*0ptM*t Ib'pii'db an. Tim vote ¡»died fidi .-on- more or !<-.« incomplete.
................................. Contains Alum do-son laid down his gavel at ft o’clock
Bidurable short oi tlm regiatrntion, and
. I’» ih«» ini|M*rial bonne.
from nearly all the positions they had Home
tai» aft-rmsin at the conclusion of one
KüO.lMHI.lHX) (Ills M’.slull.
Bakin* Bonder Co., ran Kranciaeo.
lor Ilio mo,t | art the elm lion ana very
been holding, and Jan Hamilton’s j Washington..................... Contains Alum ' of the most picturesque scenes which
A1« xmi'I«r M liockcry, of Gallatin
Boers arc ui»kin¿ slroniioiis efforts to
quiet. Wol.mton Is re elm ted judge
mounted infantry followed them to
1' k ific Chemical Work«, Tacoma
ba- ever occurred in the hall of repre­
rountt, Minnuuri, ha« lawn nninimitod
cut Rol’crt»' connu mi' »Hull..
tit tlm supnum court, nml 1 alley la re­
within 2,(t(M) yards of Pretoria, thiough Crescent...........................Contains Alum
sentatives. Barty passion ami personal
by th«’ I )t'ino< ratn for governor.
elected dairy ami (<e>l mr.iniissioner.
Tlir*» liietl Were kIlimi «S a result of
which they retreated hastily. l)e Lisle
rain'or, which have brought the houa«
l ire at SiiMiinvilli’, (’al., iloMtroyed Misrd v Is ' alo lor < inigrersinau In th»
, feml at Hull AllU<l"ttll". lex
then sent an officer with a (lag of truce
to the brink of actual riotH at time«
ihr«M’ hh < k of «torn«, containing forty ■ < < ond <11 itrlet ami prol al ly longue iu
into the town, demanding its surrender Bex -Ilive......................... Contains Alum during the last 48 hours, gave way in
Twetiir-llve slin."l tli.iiiifi'iits .nr
buililingH, vulailtng a large I omm .
tlm lirst, with slightly reduced plural­
in my name.
Wethington Mfg Co., Han Francisco
the closing half hour to good fellow-
ruU’lerc'l at • »1ère, l.lulul <>f I'aliav
"Shortly before midnight . was Bon Bon.............................Contains Alum -hip, which ended in a patriotic out-
I«ond«»n pM|N’rn think that the llrlt- ity. dim Icgislatuiu will ter Ke ¡nil'II-
Charles Farrell. "I AB.aiiv, tir . ir 11
awakened by two officials of tbe South
i»h «M|tiH«hoii i« r«’< ognixi’d mm inferior to ail, but probably less heavily so than
: burst that stirred the crowded galleries
from an exeiir.l"U trail! slid was lu-
CiMis and Curry—T. M. Dimmi'k, African republic, Sandberg, minister to Defiance............................ Contains Alum
tlm last oli ’. i u-lonists were auree***
th« ICii«Mian mm well mm the JapMin^v.
to the highest pitch of enthusiasm.
Borland Coffee A Hplce Co.. Port and.
staullr killed.
lui hi < let tili:- part of thuiouuty uUl­ Rep.
Commandant Botha, and a general offi­ Portland............................ Contains Alum
During a brief recess, taken within
< Inn««»«’ mddiern attacked the lloxern
cer • III selciai counties.
Crook, Klamath, Lake aud Wasco cer of the Boer army, who brought me
Wlrle.s lele/rspli» will I»’ e.t*l>-
Beno A Ballis, Portland.
! 80 minutes ot the time fixed for the
near 1« kill;*, mid hi the engagement
—J. N. Williamson, Rep.
Il.he.1 III ‘■all I raUOisiMT, I'uclt i III«» which f’>ll«>\$u(| many wore kHlv«l on
a letter from Botha proposing an
In addition to these, it is learned final adjournment to give the president
Douglas—D C. Marsters, Rep.
xll'l (lie I'lllllpplnc"
armistice for the purpose of settling that many grocers are selling what an opportunity to affix his signature to
Imth nidrn.
iM'Ux'las, Line and Josephine—R. A. the term« of surrender.
they call their own private or special the bills that were being rushed to him
Itoxer. Iisve <le.tr"V im I I,lllll) tiil-alotl
Bradlry Martin and William Wal­
Booth, Rep.
"1 replied that 1 would gladly meet brand«. These powders are put up for j for approval, a group of members, led
huuM-a througboiil * Ilin»
I irM dorf \"t« r .*m R«*eklng through th««
Multnomah—F. I‘. Mays, (.'it.; R. the commanlaut-geueral
the next the grocer and his name put upon the ’> by Mercer (Rep. Neb.), Ball (Dem.
Atn.rlcaiis ar« inlaaluM troni one luis
• ourt« to G’ relieved of taxoa placed
D. Inman, ( it ; A.
Smith.; J. E. morning, but that 1 was not prepared lal<els by manufacturers of alum pow­ ¡Tex.), Fitzgerald (Dem. Mas«.), and
upon their pro|Mfr(y in .Now York city.
Hunt, < it.
to discuss any terms, aa the surrender ders. 'JJie manufacturers, it is said, Tawney (Rep. Minn.), congregated in
Mrs tlseln* I'llrsoo« “-tev.’ll., one il,
Folk—If. F. Mulkey, Kep.
of the town must l»e unconditional. I find their effort" to market their goods the area to the left of the speaker's ros­
\ «ii‘-|»at< li fr- m Cui'uta, dcpiirtiiiciit
the |.< »t kll’ "V II ......... (Il
Union and Wallowa—Justus Wade, asked for a reply by daybreak, as 1 had in this way greatly aided by the ambi­ trum and liegan simgng patriotic air«.
of .Hmit-tii «1, \ « io/ui’bi, nity that alter
|U ('lll’HX". 'Ued sillldcllly st III.- Hull
ordered the tn sips to march on the tion of the grocer,
to sell
a The galleries were banked to the doors.
13 i I ak of fighting, the Colombian
hot! M<.
Wasco—T. II. Johnston, Rep.
town as - imju as it was light.
[xiwler with is own name upon "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean,”
11*\* >1111 if iin«i have routed the govern*
Waeirington, Multimuiah and Colum­
Robbers attempted t<> hold up ■ iiicnt l'«r< • « near Burn« amanga, captur*
’Tn b.s reply, Bohta told me he had the lalx-1, especially when the grocer ‘ Auld Lang Syne,” ‘‘The Red, White
bia— Alex Sweek, (it.
train <>" Hilles In in M lamia, Imt the ing n numla r <d prinourrn, im hiding
decided not to defend Pretoria, and he can make au abnormal profit upon it. and Blue” successively rang out. A«
Washington—W. II. Wehrung. Fus. trusted the women, children and prop­ Manv grocers, doubt less, do not know the singing proceeded, members joined
pit" kv light ol th« ciprea« riie«".m.er inUural I'rtiaMrlan.
Wheeler, Gilliam, Grant, Shermau erty would l>e protected.
aud Iwtfliatf« lli*"tcr prevented (licit
that the powders they are thus pushing the group, until, without regard to age
Secretary Ix>ng han inen<Ml an order
ami Wasco—W. W. Meiwer, Rep.
work In in Is-lllg .in > e.nfiil
are alum powders which would be act­ or party, the entire memebrship of the
I i mii <<i | h riiiii tii of the utmost im*
Yamhill, Tillam<s>k aud Lincoln— inarch, I was met by three of the prin­ ually contrabraud in niauy sections if house joined in the choruses.
III«» piii|H>M» m to nee how
Dr. Kelts, tire |to«r atate secretar)', |«>rtMiic<«
W. Tyle Smith, Kep.
cipal officials with a flag of truce, stat­ sold without disguise.
spectators in the galleries applauded
sa)« that I uitlaiid will r<' i U Ire a | h ’< iii - much lima would be occuph’d in put*
ing their wish to surrender the towu.
It is quite impossible to give the each song until the strains of "Dixie**
suent ,arrt«"ii <d
I'l • I Iler* In tlm ling into condition for active naval
Ks-prrarn t Hl I « r«.
It was arranged that Pretoria should ba names of all the alum baking powders tilled the hall. Then their unloundec
Iransvnal. and tlial tlm n l<«lli”ii iii.*y M r%|( «- a part • I th«- Culted Staten fleet
Baker—W. E. Grace, Dem.
Zaken |«>ssession of by her majesty’s in the market.
They are constantly enthusiasm broke cut in w ild cheers.
ta- ei|H’<‘ted to,'minine |.<r ccuturlca. to meet mii emergency.
Benton—R. J. Nichols, Rep.
tr< o]is nt 2 o’clock this afternoon.
appearing in all sorts of disguises,
But the enthusiasm "Dixie” evoked
II« tH-lleve. that tiialiv lloer« will tick
Judge M->rr»»w, of the United State»«
Clackamas—J. L. Kruse, Rep.; John
“Mrs. Botha and Mrs. Kruger are under all kiuds of cognomens, aud at was not to lie compared with the re­
tol.ermsn *M'Utll (trica.
Ircuit court at San I rancmco, on com*
Talla’rt, R»-p.; Charles W. Toole, Rep. Is'th in Pretoria. Some of the British all kinds of prices, even as low as five markable <lemonst>ation which fol­
(.Tat-op—John Hahn, Fus., and one prisoner« have been taken away, but aud 10 cents a pound.
They can be lowed. when, in a clear and ringing
|jt>ui« Klop* h, of New Y«»rk, pub­ plaint made l»v Jew llo, I imm granted
lisher uf the Chri»t inn Itcrabl, wh<» 1« an «Tier tcm|N>ranly rentraining the
the majorly are still at Waterval. I avoided, however, by the housekeeper tenor, Fitzgerald (Dem. Mass.) started
at lloinbay, write* <»( th«1 fmuim** l«»ard <>f health »«ml utile! of police
Columbia—Norman Merrill, Rep.
Over 10(1 of the officers are in Pretoria. I who will bear in miud that all .baking the national anthem with the inspir­
('isis—A. H. Black, Rep.
•tricken district« hi India in th«» fol­ from pt liii iltng the nurgCMinn employed
*lhu few 1 have seen are looking well.” powders sol 1 at 25 cents or lese per ing words, “Through the Dawns’ Early
Curry and ('(sis—I: D. Hume, Rep.
lowing term-
I vorjwherr I im t the I \ th«1 < 'him -«• to care for their dead,
pound are liable to contain alum, as Light.” In an instant all the men,
liouglus—(.'. Ross King, Kep.; A. K.
pure cream of tartar baking powders women and children in the galleries
ni"tl nh«»rking and revolting «> <-nev. «■nt< ring the «piMiMiitHn* hue
Mattoon. Rep.
cannot t>e produced at anything like were on their feet joining in the sing­
The faiiiin«» uaitipM hate I • II nae| t H
b't« pM have laa»n taken to < rgantxe a
Admiral Kcmpff lieport« That Fighting
«'holrra and MtnaH|M>i
Fugitiiea, »cat­ national Negro party in Bhiladelphia. i
this price.
Gilliam, Graut, Sherman, Wasco
ing. The mighty chorus fiom thousands
llit« Commenced.
taring in all «llr«’- tloii" ami «drlckrii hi Prominent n«-groon—binh«*)*, ininiaterw, |
and Wheeler—George Miller, Rep.; G.
BURIAL OF SPANISH- RULERS. of throats reverberated through the
Washington, June 7.—The secretary
Hight, were found 'hilig Hl til«» field« edit« r» and law'cm—at a meeting de- .
II. Cattanach, Rep.; George A. Bar­
hall, making the pulses leap and the
of the navy received the following
•ni ma-ltide dit«'h««M
l he number- al elded t«» plate a presidential ti<*kvt in ,
rett, Rep.
It was a magnificent
Custom Prescribed blood tingle.
cablegram from Admiral Kernpff, com­ Weird Ceremonial
for Itoyal Obsequies.
one relief «tatloii aero Hi« reaving at the the field with negro «•amiPlaten. The
Harney and Malheur—W. T. Baker,
and soul-inspiring spectacle.
manding the Newark, lying at Taku
rate of lo.DOo per «lay."
ladies kept time to the rythm of the
plan I" to organli«’ the ¡»arty in everr '
forts at the mouth of the l’ei Ho river,
Jackson—W. A. Carter, Rep., M.
monial which accompanies the burial music with their handkerchiefs and
The Kuffilaii minister of marine bn• »late of the Union, ami nominate ran* |
dated Taku, June 7:
Stewart. Rep.
The pantheon, or the men beat the measure with their
taken inea-urr« t<> lu tea««» th«* «’ll den
"Engagement has commenced. Have of Spanish kings.
Jackson and Douglas—E. D. Briggs,
royal tomb, is at the palace of Escuriai, han<ls. The «peaker, pausing as he en­
<y of the Baltic, Black «■«■*, M« «II!« r* uflicvM,
landed a force of 50 seamen more
situated 3,000 feet above the level of tered the hall, raised his voice also.
ran«’«n and Aaiatlo tlerla.
Under the
. . . battalion of marines.
Colombian rela-ls threaten Panama.
Josephine—George W. Colvig, Rep.
the sea ami some distance from the
The excitement produced by the
InRtructlon« giten. three I Mttl«-»hip*,
Maryland iKmoerata hate declared
Klamath, Lake, Crook and Wasco—
capital. Only kings, queens and moth­ scene overcame a white-haired old man
(or Bryan.
R. A. Emmett, Rep.; A. D. Roberts,
iiul the Imperial yacht are to I «’ heln
gram is caused by an illegible group of ers of kings are buried there, the coffins in one of the public galleries, and when
Rep.; II. McGreer, Rep.
<itix ha* landed Hi San I ram in<xi and
in revert» in the Baltic, the la»ttlc-
Regarded iu one light, it of the kings lying on one side, and those the song ceased he jumped upon his
lame—L. T. Hams, Rep.; James
would seem that the Newark has laud­ of the queens on the other. After lying seat aud shouted: "That is the song of
■hip«, thre«« torp»«lo guiilxiata, on» lw «>n hie uma to WanhingUm.
Hemeuvvay, Rep.; Ivan Me<jueeu. Rep.
He was
tnimport, one third-« laiM cruiM-r an I
ed 50 sailors to reinforoe the marines in state for several days in the throne­ the angels in Heaven.”
Bather than nuppreaa the Boxem,
Linu—C. B. Montagne. Fus.; W. 11.
already ashore, au<l iu another respect room in Madrid, says the San Francisco plainly a crank, but as he showed a
oue training «hip in th«» Bl«« k vea. ami China meaiiM to fight all Europe.
Ingram, Fus.; Mark Peery, fus.
the gap might be read to state that 50 Argonaut, an enormous procession is disposition to harraugue the house, he
in tile Mediteirahean, the B umm I nu
I he Kcpubh« aim were generally huc -
Lincoln and l’olk—W. L. Wells,
sailors had lieeu landed with another formed accomiKiny ing the body to the was quiclky ejected.
■«juadnin will compriM' on«« battltadiip, ci’Ksful in the elr- tion in Oregon.
After Speaker Henderson had mari»
thr««e gunlMialM aii«l one torp«»d«» gun*
battalion of marines. However that Escurial. A halt is made on the way
Marion—Henry Keene, Kep.; J. M.
< o « rg«’ Murphy, a Brooklyn brblge
may be, the admiral’s news is regarded aud the corpse rests there for one night. a graceful farewell siieech, thanking
builder, xa» IroAiird m ar Eugene, Or.
the members for their courtesy, and
as of the utmost gravity.
Tlir phgne «ituatnni at San I mnriMco
J. N. Smith, Rep. L. L. Pearce, llep.
Long has cabled him to send his mes­ lain stands at the side of the coffin and had declared the house adjourned, the
The wife of ex•«•euretnry of ntnti
!■ unchaiige.|.
Multnomah—John Driscoll, fit ; F.
sages hereafter iu plain English, in says in loud tones: "Is your majesty meniliera testified to his popularity by
John >hcrman, <hc l at Maimth*Id, Ohio.
A. Heitkemper, ('it.; George W. Hol­ order to avoid further mi.uuderstaud- pleased to proceed on your journey?’
W H-hingtoti diphiimitM «ay I ngl.tii-I
singing "For He’s a Jolly Good Fel­
comb, Cit.; C. W. Nottingham. Cit.;
Cuban frauds are now* known to in
After a short silence the procession low,” and the newspaper correspond­
1» the can«« <>( the Chlurm« trouble.
ings aud delays iu transmitting the
Otto Schuman, Cit.; J. J. Shipley,
moves on aud winds up to the grand ents in the press gallery celebrated their
H. II. (.'lark, formeily receiver «d th« vidve an amount noimdliiiig like >500,-
L'lt.i 11. A. Smith, Ult.; M K. Thump-
I nion Pacific railway, ia dea«i at -I. 000.
The state department has received a portal of the palace. These doors are •mancipation from the burdens of con­
•«.«ttvi n-ikMr- '-it;«.
Louis, aged (H,
Uouger, at never opened except to admit a royal gress by singing the "Doxology.”
Boxers are said to Is. SppiXMlching
Ftory, R«p.,
personage, dead or alive.
When the
uil ;
• L. —
Hie constitutional amendment etn* lien Tsili, int' iiding to attack the
The principal feature of the closing
is at last
powering congrwaa to regulate trusts city.
day in the house was the reversal of its
waa voted down in the house.
Dreseer, Rep.
¿own, calls action last night in turning down the
I he house has agreed to the $6,000,-
that the lloxers
Eight men wer«» kilh»«l and set oral
conferees on the naval bill for yielding
Polk—George L. Hawkfns, Rep.
(HKi appropriation to the St. ixiuis ex­
very close to th<
Ute item relating to ocean surveys.
•everely woun«h«d by an explosion of
Tillamook aud Yamhill—B. L. Eddy,
the cabinet meeting today, Secretary Penor F’ Aft*
Aitro-g|vcerine at Marietta, Ohio.
Qmktbt the •«ntimeut of the house
Hay read the cablegram from Minister
A mndical diploma "factory” huh
Ifussia hna 11.000 tHMips nt Taku and
ITiuttilla aud
Conger. The minister will be given Then it is true the king i
day th« n.vaftl* Ij.a Iz
1^.000 at Port Arthur, ready to take raided in Chicago and its officers are
Thompson, Rep.
wide discretion iu dealing with these then locks the coffin, gives the key
in jail
l*ri in tlm disintegration <>( China.
Umatilla—L. B. Reeder, Rep. ; T. J.
the prior (the palace of the Escurial jority to •Mep'noiflmAft .ON
uevv conditions.
Josephine—One-third of the total Kirk, Rep.
"nt, vrhieh «MB ,BBMk
Lord liotierts has entered Pretoria.
contains also a large nionastry aud the h
A general «trike by all the building
vote in Grunt'a Paas al ows a Reputili-
Uniou—D. A. McAlister, Dem.
church) aud, takiug bis staff of office, than the compromise wtrtMl
trade« m Kansas City lias laten ordered Ills first order after reaching tbe city
cun majority of 2ft on state ollicur*.
was for the release of prisoners.
Wallowa aud Union—Gilbert Reavis,
breaks it iu pieces aud tliugs them at ferees offered last night. The new erm-'
and 6ooo W’.rkmrii mil lie involved.
Representative* alaiut even.
the casket. Tbe booming of gnus and ferees, led by Cannon, who bad brought
.Malcolm A. Moody was re-el acted i'
<»n* man was kiliml ami several
Warmed ly Menibrri.
the tolling of bells announce to the iu a compromise which they considered
■everoly injur«» I by an explosion In the congress from the Second district of
Washington, June 7.—The house nation that the kiug has gone to hi« more satisfactory, were iguominiously
A. W. Vincent, Fus.; O. E. Edsou,
Mstiimn Kodak works in lUx hester. Oregon, Tongue from First district.
pushed aside. It was a distinct vic­
■ntered the throes of dissolution today, final resting place.
pluralities for Tongue 171, Wolverton Fus.
ft. Y.
tory for the old conferees—Foss (Rep.,
'1 lie attorney for tne Chinese Six IHft, Hailey 60
Yamhill—E. F. Larnson, Rep.; Clar­
It is conceded that
Saving <>ne«elf by Service.
111.), Dayton (Rep., W. Va.), and
Holders blew up the wafeofthe Bank I'oini'iinivs in San Francisco, tiled with the entire Republican county ticket is ence Butts, Rep.
j leries were crowded. The picturesque
A man was traveling over an Alpine
®l Nieldahl. at Dr« Moimm, loan. »<«. the clerk of tluv United States circuit elected with the exception of aherifT.
The fiolitical division of the legisla­ incidents were few. Partisan passion pass. He went over the glaciers, sink­ Cummings (Dem. N. Y.). The other
features of the closing day was the
ciir«»d fl.tlOdaml «»M4H|M«d, after holdiug court an application for an injiinetioii
ture is, including 18 hold-over Repub­ running high iu the face of the impend­
Renton—Five ptecineta complete out lican and three hold-over Fusion senat­ ing presidential campaign broke out ing in the snow step by step, upward, course of Lentz (Dem., O.) in hlocking
00 citizens at bay witii rilles.
coiii|H'lliiig th« board of health of this
High on the unanimous consent legislation.
several times during the afternoon, nntil he was aweary.
Jo™ p.
M||O B)lot 1||tn n gr(»,|r citv to abandon the quarantine which of 16 give Dalv 278, Tongue 857. ors:
to sleep three (lavs he had objected to bills be­
ami hot wordii were bandied across the
oiainall children ami kill<«| Patiiric it inis imposed upon the Chinatown
overcame him. He could hardly put cause the majority would not allow
or Cit. political aisle. Hull (Rep. Ia.) and one foot before another.
haniioii at Albn«|uer«|im, N. M , May district.
Just as he the testimony iu the Coeur d’Alene in­
.. . 20
1MI)M. was hanged at that place.
Klnmnth—Contest ia close and re­ Senato.........
was almost sinking down into the sleep vestigation to be printed, aud he main­
Gisngo C. I'erry, of Dubuque, Iowa,
House......... ................. .. .88
which would have proved the sleep of
at vr el'*Jn,,,^c
black earn er prexials has been api'ointoi United States mar­ sults uncertain.
— 1 (Dem. Tenn.) had a lively encounter. death to him, he struck his foot against tained his positiou to the end.
* cst Ih,rby| V| t |hrpv (|eM|||M h(v shal for Alaska, lie was several times
Coos—It is concede I that the legis­
31 I Throughout the day at every op|avrtu- an obstacle which proved to be the
wg occurred within aw«»««k. AlmuthC chairman of » congressional commit­ lative and district Republican ticket, ia
Canadian Army Food Scandal.
Republican majority. .*.«••• .............27 liitv there was a play for |s>litical ad- body of a traveler who had preceded
O’ hison have been quarantined, schools tee. It is also stated that George ('ran, Successful.
The county ticket will bo Doubtful. . .
Out., June 9.—The opposi­
.............. ............ 1
01‘ hmm I, and everything |«o«N|b)e is be- of that citv, Senator Allison's former mixed.
bandied back and forth. But all this him. lie bent down, found that the tion iu the house of commons endeavor­
•ng «Iona t«i prment a further spreiul of law partner, and twice |H>Htiiiast«r of
was merely incidental to the work of heart had not ceased to beat and began ed to nmke a scandal out of the emer­
I'I m I iii « AgiHn<*t Mexico.
Curry—Five precinct« in thia county
•he plague.
Dubuque, will be foderai judge of
through the big supply bills Ht once to rub the frozen limbs and to gency foo<l supplied to the Canadian
New York. June 4. — A special to the
give Daly 77, Tongue 120.
N,, wm has r««achv<l
San I i.incise.» Alaska.
the right of way.
During do his best to reanimate the body. In soldiers now iu South Africa,and which
lieraid from Washington says: Con­
his effort he was successful. He saved
^•l Ujaix that Colonel liafaol Garcia
was supplied by the Canadian govern­
Special dispatches received from
sideration is being given by the state
man’s life; and, in the effort, he
»FH U z? k’,,u’ri|,,r oi th«« of the Miutli- Algiers |H>rtmy a serious situation. 48G for the Republicans and 420 for department to the extent of the liabili­ of conference reports, members clam­ banished his own desire to sleep and so ment. F. D. Mouk charged that a
I ’ ’’"VJ J
*x,W|,r <’alifomia, will Thousands of Moors are massing at th« 1 usioiiists.
ty of the United States for f24(),flK3, ored like mailmen in the wheat pit on saved his own life in saving another.— spurious article was seut instead of the
<?am7 * by ,,'^hl”0t lhaz on ar. Fugig and in the nelghlrorhood, pre­
genuine. Dr. Borden, minister of mili­
the amount of the award against Mex­ a panic day for recognition of private lieraid aud Presbyter.
N chi 'I ii * Tien Tsin.
tia, stated that the emergency food was
bv h 1° °”1,i|plaints mnde Hgainat him paring for a determined attaok u|H>nthe
ico disbursed to L’Abra Silver Milling bills, upin which their political sal­
Already Tamed.
Tien Twin, Juno 6.—The Boxers ar* Company. As a result of the <leci-iiui vation might depend.
purchased under contract front Dr. E.
ci H i'rt 1 * ,‘rl>!'‘,’y< Hii|>(‘iiiiii’ii.iiiit ml valici’ jsists of the French.
' ‘"’Iri'info sllv.’z
;|ft mH« French columns have joined hands at reported four miles off, and an attack of the United States supreme court that
•‘I have decided,” said the girl in Devlin, of Montreal, and was tested
At the night session the galleries
Lap*., Th„ '|’rl(„ir„ is tll„ t|
Zoulda, but the mon suffer terribly is expoctod. Everything is ready, and i the award was obtained by fraud and were thronged with gaily arrayed blue, ‘‘that when I marry 1 shall months before it was bought from the
.,ru in.
contractor. Another test was made of
. .. ln Ix-w.., ’ (!„h
■ ».i, f ......
I Im from beat and thirst, and hundred« of tlm resident« are confident. Thirty- setting it aside, Heeretary Day lias re­ women, and the floor was a veritable marry a widower.”
"Coward I” returned the l¡irl in the sample« on haud, and the testa
li,' l
D II'1« iniid" pili»- camels died. The French are prepar­ live German missionaries arrived her« turned to Mexico $ 103,000 which had bedlam. Hour after hour the con­
■ h"‘ It ia aaserted flint tlio operai lori ing entrenchments and are confident of this evening. Three Belgian engineers not been disbursed, A bill has Is'eii ferees struggled on with their reports, <ray, scornfully.
were satisfactory. The charge of the
Truly, it would seem that a woman opposition is that Dr. Devlin did not
bv ri"
lln WHM 1,1 "”"1"
li ini|’('it’d their ability to riqa’l nn attack and have arrived. Tlm French consul says introduced in the senate appropriating the speaker, tirm and resolute, steering
*E,’”'r,,l,r< ""'l f'illlpluiut vvns even lo lake the offensive agaiust Fugig II are missing, but thore are hopes of nud authorizing the return of $.40,083 the house through the turmoil and con­ ihould be willing to tame her own supply the class of goods that he agreed
fusion. Toward midnight the galleries busbaud.—Chicago Post.
«0 l’resident I)l„g.
saving them.
to do.
if necessary
to the Mexican government.
thinned out, but the tired legislators,
I'lagiie In Hawaii.
Chicago, Juue 9.—A special to the
(hnnt'i In Havana.
Literary Ornaments.
with the prospects of an all night ses­
Record from Victoria, B. C., says:
Honolulu, May 21). via San Fran­
An American water hyacinth which
Havana, .lune 6.—General Maximo
......... .
Of iha
"What is a library, pa?”
sion ahead, remained in their places,
"""•IgHinated Association
lie cisco, June 7.—There havo been rumors getting what comfort they could from
"A library, Jimmy, is what a man News was brought from the East by th«
I ill js not infrequently nil olietnitiou to na­ Gomez, arrived here this morning,
in southern rivera Ima Itemi was met by representative« of the var­ ' of the reappearance of the plague, the know ledge that tomorrow the end ins when he gets together an awful lot steamer Empress of Japan that a seri­
........... pi . tn ted » «trike nt the vigation
Western Tinplate
Works, .lol let, tmccessfully killed on the Meljioiiieiie ious political so< ielle« and an enthua- which are denied by the health authori­ would come.
>f books that he never has time to ous uprising against the British has
again broken out iu North Borueo.
Wsu" '"' l,lr”wi"K r <>Ui
out iiiiii
lion mu
men. The ciiliitl,
'...... ’■ New Orleans, by a Chemical insti» crowd. On reaching the palace ties. Alexander Uhrishold, a native of
read.”—Chicago Record.
Many refugees who arrived in Labuan
*« question in Ilot involved.
Gomez, stood up in his cairiage and sa­ Nova Scotia, died on May 8ft, lifter
The United States Shoo Machinery
' »pray.
«ay that the cause of the outbreak was
luti <1 General Wood, who was on the suffering for six days from what was Company shut down its McKay factory
Ret a Patrlotle Kxaniple.
n^lnV»r,mn,"l^",, ‘"Junctions were filed
A license to noil intoxieanta wan baleonv.
the general dissatisfaction against th«
said to be malaria.
An autopsy re- at AA inchester, Mass., owing to labor
The glory we remember we are to
Unon,./,/’rH M,,<* Ld»or leioh rM in tlm given to a luiin in Hentoll, Ky., with
I vealed swollen glauds, and hi« funeral troubles. Alsjut GOO employes are af­
rule of the chartered company. Iu the
ltaden Weiler, Haden, June (1.—Ste­ was interrupted by the health officers,
Ogion" H "" ^‘"OT h H'I, coal mining tlm proviso that no one should lai al­
lighting several British were killed and
pmrration ucedM the oxample of fath** I
fog w,'.? Diem from intcrier- lotted to "trout” in Ills barroom, and phen Grane, tlm American author and who cremated the body.
seven wounded. Twenty-flve Chine*«
Two more
Coquille City, Or., will celebrate itr as well as forcdatheiH.—Boston Con- were killed, and the environ* of th*
Wurk ' l"'ll,rH "‘b’ desiri'l to tosuiiie that every patron must pay for his own war correspondent, died here today, quarantine stations will bo established
(legation* I ini
aged 30 yuura.
citv were totally destroyed
I July 4.
atililo aud Kahului
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
Republicans Win li e General Bspublican by
AA lth repirt* yet iu<omplete, Wolver­ Boers
ton for supreme court judge »nd Bailey
labor troublua
Give Up Without a