Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 29, 1900, Image 8

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EveryI hh I v is busy
plowing and
Call For Klamath County Republican sow Ing grain.
Convention and Primaries.
Stages are getting here in fair time I
A republican conv«iiti*'n for the now. the roads Is-lng in g>ssl condi­
county of Klamath is hereby called
to meet at Klamath Falls on Satur­
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Horton were
day. March 31. 1900. at the hour of
in town Sunday: also Miss Lillie Cal­
10 a. tn.. for the purpose of nominat­
lahan. They were the guests of Mrs.
ing a county ticket and to elect lour
delegates to the republican state and .1 <». Ilamaker. Master Louis Hor­
congressional district conventions, ton is attending school here.
Harry Nichols has gone to Bly to
and transact such other business as
for John Wells.
may properly come tiefore said eon-
Eva Nichols went to the Bly hotel
vention. The convention will con-
sist of 41 delegates, apport lotted to work for Mrs. E. E. Fitch.
among the several precincts of the
Out town looks as tine as a fiddle
county as follows:
since Harry Webber decorated it.
2 ! I think L. .1. Bauman must con­
Hairy................. .4 Poe Valley
Klamath Lake 1 Sprague River 2 i
5 template changing his bachelor life
,ii Tuie Lake
Langell Valley .3 Wood River
. 4j for something Isdter. as Mr. Webber
1 I put the house in line shape.
3 Snow
Lost River
This is
! a move in the right direction.
Plevna . ..
The same lieh’g one delegate for
Levi and Alex McDonald were
the new precinct of Snow and one at
down from Langell \ alley Sunday.
large for each of the other precincts
The fair sex are a great attraction.
of tlie county and one delegate for
Martieil. at Bonanza, last Wednes­
each 15 votesand fraction over one-
the 21st. the saloons of \. M.
half thereof, east for lion. T. 'I'.
Geer for governor at the state elec­ Zevely and Alex Bradburn. Bonanza
tion of ls'ix.
Primaries will be held now has but one firm dealing in wet
at the voting places in the several g< hs I s .
At the republican primary last
precincts on Saturday. March 24.
1900. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. Saturday. Messrs. Jo». Nichols. I.. D.
Burk and II. L. Clopton were elected
of said day.
instructed to nominate
R ufus S. M oohe . Chair man.
II. T. C hitwood . Secretary'
good, sound men for comity officer»
and avoid centralization.
For years 1 have been afflicted with
.1. (>. Ilamaker. as 1'. S. coininis-
muscular rheumatism: my tillgel S
sinner. informs us that lie is now pro­
were swollen and drawn still, I have
pared to do all kinds of l:iti<l ottico
tried every remedy without lienetit.
but can < heerfiiily say that utter a
A. M. Zevely has a couple of tine
three months course witli Dr. Vance.
W ish ! fillies In training for the
1 am entirely cured from rheumatism
and kidney troubles, although I am spring races. Alex is always inside
«3 years old; can give thanks to Hr. the money <>n a horse race.
We regret to announce the death
Vance, of London, anil spend my re­
Miss Bertha Moore, and to the !«■-
maining years in comfort,
Call on
me or write to me.
George Wash- leaved family would extend our sym­
ington Morningstar, Little Shasta. pathy. • He that giveth life, taketh
February 20th, 1900.
Dr. Vance & | it away.”
Co. will be in Picard, April 3. 4 and
Rev. Craig preached to our people
5. and Klamath Falls. Apr il s and 9. ’ Sunday evening.
We all want to hear the iron horse
The following program will be blow its whistle in Klamath county.
given at the ¡«und concert Fridav Please don't stop it for political pur-
evening, the 30 inst.. at Houston’s I [loses.
M om
opera house. Proceeds to be Used for
the purchase of uniforms tor memtiers
Why lias Hr. Vance made so many
of the l and.
remarkable cures of deafness.' Be­
cause the Doctor treats by the latest,
Recital ion
..................C. L. Parrish most improved method, aa practiced
Instrumental Quartette.
in St. Thomas Hospital. London.
Mobile Duck I »ance. ...
England. Ask your own friendsand
by Shuffling Rufus
neighbors what we have done for
M usie .
....................... Band them.
We make monthly visits.
Huett .
Agic and Louise Lee
Dr. Vance X Co. will l>e in Picard.
April 3. I and 5. and Klamath Falls.
To com lud ■ a h* a laughable farce April » and 9.
entitled. PPG AND THE BABY."
|x>iiiids of llrst das»
25 cents,
15 cent». Seed Oats for sal<- bythe undersigned
Reserved seats
cents. at Ins place at Plne Flat, 3J indes
ast of Olene.
A. I L. llrtiKiNs.
For News of the World
P. O.. oiene, Or.
Read the San Francisc > Bulletin.
Fifty cent» per month, including
Footing, insertion, lace an>l linen
large 23-page Sunday edit on. Send lawn for handkerchief», at E E
for sample copy to The Bulletin, 233, 11 use's millinery.
Kearney St.. San Francisco.
Keep your eye on ’’ iffy.
Read the announcement of hr.
Dents’ linen handkerchiefs at E.
H use’s Millinery.
Add Your Name
Fine Job Printing
Neatness and Dispatch