K LAMA Fii REPU B! ..» I I O| I oil. of I'lH i ■ Illis w ee k, Hand by ■> ui I r|. il ilici I. colini v ass- our di ut of laingdl \ alley i< rd i v visir of hiisliii ss and pleitsure lo his niinieroiis old friends ni Ashland. Mi. Houston eordlaliy favori» Un- building of ile i-onleiiiplali d rad­ io.id mio ibis t oli. and righi fidly feels Olili .siasi II' over file prospel'ts and dcvelopnieiit of ilio i-ouniy in case Ile riunì is l.iillt. • i: w.-ll Hi......... < . nt ral Point t his vv . I [ia» I . d tl . I.alate • >1 tin Ir ap pies |oi shipti 1 nt to Portland, aiii'iiiit it».' to till»' »Hl.ads This enterprising firm have ship;»» <1 a arge I aiititv . t sup»'rl».r apples to dlffer- ent parts of th» I idled States durlng the (vast s»'asoti, and will do a bigger business than ever during the c uing vear. J.'u I .oiiv •!!»• Times. PI - »kit I«HI. IO If O' illic» lait • < HergV Hess .11 >1111 I agi-nei« s n .• nur permanency mi re la I anil limy \ r Asli. ah-r ili fi ult I ni-s. Medford, arrivili Il n iiiiilll s. vci.il h char the < i ri-gon asv him at was handeiitfi-d mil his ■ •ti i. ;. I ; '. I It Hit d ■ssibl • to liiauaigi- him. as he was ,• and st¡1111 . 1 »n reach- I rain i I i * w ipuirt "r-ineli : nv% «.IS usisi to fast, n him to the it as "asily as a bill lie I of < iu I. .1 id v as t lien - cur 1 ’■< pl. ••lind I av lei ru|»e. Vi ka J ornai. I i.i,.rs u|s IH,slake. e ,p I from flu“ Ash­ article in w hieb t hat ' I old Ti< out raet for building i papar su atrrlv I .oil 11. II. had l'eco thè < Ire to nee of 73 miles to Ills '-.Mer, let far ousin. a prmnl- asylum lor Mesoni. »•oust ruetors of I neiit il ri Chicago. < in liuiuiry vve find that tll ili pubiishliig su-'h artici:' thè Tldings . h l . > . nueh 1(1*1 ab n. Tll»' Cl »!!• Itiac' for building thè ruad or aiiv liUsill* »*> largely 1 ¡tari of |t. luis ;mt Ire >n lei. File es- I |b S' . S »II. ' a a es ani reputi of thè stliveyors Propilei Illi l.s amumnees that tile llave not vet been compì 'ted aildwill . .rione pei imi. vvhu ll i sirs tally ai­ ' u. t I h - I h 'I i n thè IJtli of Aprii. Ini- .(sth middle east vv ill In e,; III tile ioedi.it ly afte, that tini ', if sii.'he.s- Hi . p it <>f Apiil 'Hid continue ■ ' tima!es and rep I ineet ivith thè ap­ througli lay. provai of thè ( Idi a fimi, imi if thè ss-rvii sat Die usual hours at t lie etforts for II Iscilis are slICi'essflll. file Prestivi i ..ni climi II Il’Xt .Sunday. eont i et vv ili be 1 't aliti thè wol k • •Tlic re­ . omnieiiei d. .sermon u.ips'ts will lie: umi "The llgliiu:. cry of humanity,” Prople r iise p.'.i'h 's Iu re, not as < ' line and !>• wcl- natili» "I fadll. exletisiv.'ly as t bey do ili Vshland. ixihlt*. l.ut Klamath Kah.s peitelr s tire just bere is of them, is is gì mi. vvh.it t there Iillslll» SS Hut our thuse ..[”*11 al \siil.md. K lumai h citlzetis devo de i.iniv Iim ' to st oek inondi. gr >vs in;; tliati tu peach s. i Ine fat I h - .1 1 nil steer va III pay for all th peaches a lai illy w. nts I r a Vear. and il is less steer Ilian the trotible to r.iise neglect f i nil growing, although this country reasonably well adapted to It. V ar< told that Mr. Goellcr’s ; h -. u Iree have Imrne fruits every year f> the past six years. Mr. Marple peach trees have done t lie same Al till* is the experience of all who <1 vote He- necessary lin e to it. As 1 raising tipples, pears, apricots, prune ami all kinds of lierri'-s. then' tire fe countries In this latitude that exc Riamai h count v. VII A c'»MUDA I !.. 1 notine that my rullile is I m - ìii nierit ioned by some of thè paperi« ■ l bis disi ri< t as a candidat»- for tl' oHIcc <>f disirii f attorney, and I <1 sire tosiy in reganl tl -reto, that ani noi. nor do 1 interni tu I h - ..n I.dat. ». i siili • Ile. . .1. S. < »ICH. I'ubyard Kipling's nr* illilll story. •■'rite Elephant's < bild.” is fi al tire of the Apri) I .tidies' Hou Journal. It is first of a series ••.lust So” stories, and describe ■villi Kipling’s inimitable droller how the depliant got his trim' ¡¡.a. < v rus Townsend Brady liegit in interest ing s' Ties of art ides on h • •vji.'iienees as "A missionary in tl Great West.” and Julian Half writes of "Til Choir BoVs of En ’and." The now almost forgott» ••M'.steii s of the Century." whh held the centre f tile vv< rlil's sfa' in their day, arc graphically recall* and "Singing 'the Messiah' on tl Plains" gives ¡1 dose view of the life ■>f a music loving Swedish community in the West. Edward Bok, in decry ing "The Eav With Which V Mam.” suggests some rest riet ill uniform !•••.• »slat i- n. and speaks piai !.. on divorce. la i M.vdaren pa his respects to "The Genteel Tram in mir ( hurdu s." and •• \n Anieric Mothei" writes ot "The Atneric. Woman in the Market-Place Th ¡oligli Pietnr -'|.ie V'l’eriea" begun in the April J< irmi», t' pages I. ing devoted to views of 1 natural lieautn s of our country. x 1 England” ani "Mdiesley »iris the Play” are among tue otb noi.bde pictorial features. To evi . ... silins. bran., branch of activity vvhuh concerns t* lioinemak. r the April Journal brings and hm ns lor i.vy work. Is. 1». Hrs»:. Millinery helpful suggestions or advice. By III, Curtis Publishing Company, 040 acres of meadow hay land for Philadelphia. One dollar a year; ten sale- A snap. Apply to C. L. Parrish. cents a copy. I has been deaf for yearn, and 1 SEE» OA1S can cheerfully say that 1 have been • no to Ili.VOO pounds ' f first class entirely etna d. and can hear as «ell S. Ml Oats fol sale ill the undersigned as ever, which is entirely due to the at I: s plt-.ee al Pirn l-’l it. :H unies treatment administered by Dr . ast of i llene. A. L. Hl I'htxs, S tephen (T uran . Vance. P. (».. ( H ue. Or. Ager. Dec. D'th. \\ it Hess. M its. A ger . and linen K im .ting. insertion, lace Dr. Vance will be at Hotel Link- lawn kt hanrikerehieis ville. Klamath Falls. April »and 9. 11 Use 's millinery. -..'Sn- .«fc