Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 29, 1900, Image 3

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    We Have 1009
SHIRTS From 50c Worl
injr ¿flirts to 75C and $i.oo
Dress Shirts to $1.25 and $2
for fancy Silks.
> a
• * - C *
I ’Uli» b I A I » M L X N I» Í »I I If » .
Luk* vi* m , I h* g- i», Mar» It it B mni .
N'line in hvH«by given that lu l'uni«
(tlhin* e v. « 11 » th** pr»*vi-i'»ii m <»l I In» nd t»t
< ‘ongles« of .1 mu* 3, I Mr K, »niitli'l “An
IK't n»r lb * Milt' of limi»* I liiiid* in tlm
bhit»*H id ( .i hf'U ni.t, <Mt*g"h, N.viida,
mid Wiirhiiightii 'i * i i itm i
11»• >lii»t•<
M EU im II "1 l*h'M»nix, < *»Uhty «»I Jiv k-
, bl.tl* <>t if ( >ri*gttn,
lr**g*»ii, Im
ini • * Du« tl.iv hl* «I
III till» Olili I* it |||«l
In» HMfrfll
HMttrn Khif rilii'hl Xo,
pu i »’I iiim »’ i>f lin \L’^ «»f
‘.’251, lor I h»’ pilicliNwe
'» i limi Ao, I, in r<».\h**hip Xu, Ii
)úiiig»< Xo. 7 L und Mill ' ft. i pi ».t to
* I h » n limi th«’ lili, I »'»iitflil I« hi .n* vilii
iil'ii I« »» 11 in I »< i m xi un» I libiti I'.r a i< nil ii
ml t'lii!•«*•>< n . uh I tn «*« hm I»I i ») i I hm i -I mhh
l.ih'l I m J uh * |||i
^|**t«*F itti'i U«
* «li «*r «»t I III 4 < >!|it i* h t !:<>.< , 11 ,x , I h ,, on
Moiidiiy th** I4ih 'l.tv «»I Mm , l'»»E ||c
imiiii'M ti ui U ii *""« *. J.Hii»’-
I "h ii I'M Hill I .in« I ‘A nil.!« • < •. Bi »I inp all <4
Wvllm Of,, -m I J-'l.n \
W i . U oi
.Ln khniivilh*. < h . Anv in.d nil piunmi»
« Liiiiiihtf u h i - i -« l\ tin* ii I niv «« <1* i il». <|
I.ni l* hi « n«pn*H**'l h* hl« thvir «I. îhii -
III I I i I m «»III »• uh u| I «-|u|<* P4|<| l-fttii fl.iv
Muy, B«<).
L X!. I’m a 1 1 ms , lL*gi»>k*r.
* €
It is a know 11 fact that we
Have the largest line <>f lints in the
All shapes and all lalext
New up-to-date good1-.
H i hope to 'dt IOOO hats in the next thirty d.i.x s.
We carry a full line of rcadv made
oi San I ran*
If you
xant a tailor
nade suit give
.. your order.
V. e have the
I »test
in Neck Tics,
coll a r s
a n d
i tiffs : ini Men’s
and Boys’ fine
CI.OI tllXG nice st>
lishRoods, andare re
ceiviiitf new clolhir. tì’V
cvery few days direct
from nianufaUnixr-.
Wc are also a<ent
fur the Illinois Cus
toni I ailorin^ Co.n
of Chicago,
III., and the Mvtrop
alitan l ail >ri;ig Co.
t <I>IIM’AY.
1 tut
i *ll'**f' s"' 11'- "I Vll.iiinmt, iv.t’ilu-
■ •ijhiuhi •»« m t<lWll (1!| Monday.
I sii.-rifT lv ishm r went to I'okege-
■ "uSimd K onoitb-mi lui’IneM.’ ind r<-
^■’•im.’d Tin sd.n.
I ,l- ■*. Misirc »
- In reply t » tIn­ In: ,-iml cry limi
s iiv<rriiti with siiiail-
tintili.’ r.iM»
¡mx. the aiilh-irifi • of lh.it city have
invest Igat ion,
that tlii-re la now m4 a '»nil'll- ease of
Tb- t wo last cases have
It In Ioan.
fully ri’’'iiered ami are out of i|ii.-tr-
no new i.l-eslmve been
nut Im* ami
ti Iw» il eri <1.
H'1-1.'' from hls nmnl
X in I »miI ip.
genl Ionian
ii ho In liM'k Im' a 11 er I le- botltlN fur t III
O. 'I. It. II. eiiiiip.ini. neat up to
lloiv lie
lilaniat It A; ency Inst week.
J*1’111 4iid Purl hind.
llp"7 J n-kson,
■ I lie rich' st I lull,in I» priigre.s..lng In the raising of the
W’11 HR' h'seri,)!i,,,,.
I miiiiim we have nut heard, l>
" is in town Sim
<lnd VJondai, ¡ accompanied tn |)|s Minie that the muli priH’eetl:
W. hope mi . i’ertainly
I"w"lr-V :""1 "|f',i "f Khm- futi.re depend
greatly on hlx ellm-lH.
r'on Monduy from
Blii't" i 11
K) t > i "' i ' '" " 1
linnicdliiti-li and completed
If In- I n Niieci-bNful In
<h I ay. und willi It will
Er,?,'.' /r11"111 ll,‘l" "f
the aid
aski-d for. the load will lie contili.’ne« d
come n
wave of pu 'pet By.
The prit, ny emu li, fur the elec­
■"If great","? V"brl"«-
K|. i. '
I,|4< i II i |< h nf new guilds to tion uf <b h-gates to lite republican
................. .
.. .................. ......... count i coinciil Ion. liai held at th.'
court Imti.si Sat utility al t et noon, mid
I ll;l,f ¡i» Im I,
t’f Know (‘(»Vl'l’rd till*
l:l)' nitriti, though it ills-
K'êm"" I,S 'l"l,klv i,H 11
K, fruit 'f^'1
,l""c “
was attended by a lmg<’ crowd of the
lepnlilii an i leeliilN of III»’ place mill
.linlp.e I.. F. Unlit-’ "ns elected cliair-
inan and
In Imnor of the NOH, A. Tuilier,
Bdlrojid, hut wan iiit'if-
■ a riuirg,.
"f'l.' ll-llillte IIred off I <1
■ 11 I
The elect Ion of delegale.’ resllllcil In
................ .. 11
like- favor or lite following minted gentle­
4 PPP'l-HlZI’ll <'¡111111111,
With men:
XV . \. VX right. E. S. I’hilllpN.
......... J|4»l town. II. L. Boggs, ' ’
Lewis, E. N. Col-
Hr lh|
Bhst an,|
The im i'llmt was called Io
iii'dei In II. S. Moore, and on million,
E. Marlin
l’cl'IItlgM, B. S.
Baldwin, Jno.
The* ni-
Grigsby and John Shepard.
ruck IH’lll Multi most harmony prevailed Ihrotighoiit,
miti the men elected as delégales are
....... 'll. rprislng cupi. anmii!,' I lie best m- n ami republicans
Tin........... tv conven­
,,r ’’"fvlllc, I In tin....... ....
tion will be held al the '''-ttrl house
" I*- III to».,) on p;.|(|tn,
ii ■'<f *af lo'dnv.
L.lkfS icvx
I* Sr mi m l.vxii < » 11« K.
No. ME um| w illuflsr pr<H,f to sliuw that
Ihe land souglit I - more valuable for its
limls-r or stoni than foragli, ulturiil pur-
I»'«1 ». and I" »-tnhli«h In , I'laiin lu su. |
land l»4i re tin- Regi«|,*r and lfe<-i- .♦•r ot
tills lltllce nt I ..I ke’. lew. Oregon, , nn
Moml.iy, tie 7thday ol May, 1
11»- mum » as w II In ->>-«:
.labe Hoiistou, of Klainatli lall»,
g"ii ; Kni.» Il. Bm nell, of Klamath I
• Ir»/on ; lane - Bailey, ol A'Llaml,
gon; ........
Van Natta, of j
Imid, Oregon.
Any and nil
sons I l.iiming advi-tsely tin- alsiv»- de
S'-rila-d lands are ri*ipierle<| lo lilo their
I'laims oi this ollii-e on or iH-hiro »aid
7th duv of XI.tv I'"’.
E. M IL; A I TAIN Ib-gi-li-r.
ireasurer's Nolic«.
land, Act
»\otkc for
I MIE!» sîATEs l.tSJHd | l< E <
L mífvikw , < hit <*<>•., Irbruarv 2 5, llMMi.f
is ln-ri-by given tlia*. in cum-
pli.-im-i- w ii h t In- pr»»V'i'ions »»I the act of
Congress of Jum- 3, 18,K, i-i. hi l,-<|
Hi t lor th- sale of timls r l.imls in the
-'alls ol California, < )r«-go . N» .ada
iiial Washington Territory,”
Johnson, of Jaikevii'W. I'oui,'y of Lak*-
Mute of iin-gon, lui* tins day lib- I m
this ofliei" In,, sworn stali'im nt, N . 218
for tli»' pun ba-e of the 8 *.z <»f NW. 1 . ami
»3 sW
"1-ecti'.ii No. 3'i, m J ,.» n
sliip Nn. 4» i . Ringe N<>. H E., urn I will
offer | risif to show tfiat the land s»»i|ght
i“ mon- vnliiabli* for its tirnls-r or »tone
than lor agricultural piirioses, and t ,
i-stalili'h Ins claim t<, said land la-fore
lb»- Ib-ci-li-i and I:«-» l iver id this ofli«-»-
at I nk* v 1» w . < iii-goii. on Momlay, the
7th »lav of May, P.<*). He names as
w itm-sw's:
Ge<? <i. VarNutta. of A•hhind, fIre-1
gon ; I*,.
. Burn», of ^idiland, Oregon;
I . II. Crow «on, of \blihihd, < >n-g<in ;
G««i. 1 . Limh-imilk, of Lakeview, < )n*-
IT* >11. / Anv an i all |a*rHonb <*laiining ad
Vi-r««dy tin» »• Mb«ive d«‘H*rilM*d laixl- are
I» qllested Io file their clainiM in thin
on or btdorc raid 7th «lay of
May, limo
E. M BRATTAIN. Register.
l ’tiitn S tati . s L imi Orm i:.
I.aki-i ie» , Oii'guli, Man li ó, 1900.
Notile i« lierebv glieli tliat 111 colli-
l'Iiiineii »oli thè provmiona of thè aet ni
Coligli-'-« of .Ioni'3. 1'78, i ntitle-1 ' V ii
act (or thè snlt’td timber landa iti thè
► tute- ot Ciiliforiiin. Oregon, Nevndn,
ami W.i-liingb'ii Territori," N un y I,
Iballop of Wellen. Corniti' ol Jai k-ojl,
Stille of Oiegon, lui« ibi« dav lile l in
Ibi« otliee In-r sworn stateinent No. 227,
lor tlu- piireha«e of thè SFJ4 of .«'eetion
No. 2 ». in Towiiship No. 40 ,*.. Rango
No. 7 E. aliti lidi offer proof lo show
limi lliehind «ungili 1« more vidmible
(or ita timlieror 'lune tluin lm ngiieullu-
rid pm piise«. nini to establish ber claini
tosaid lami before ilio Ib-uister and Ile-
eeiler of Ibis olii.-e al Lakel iew , Or. on
.Mondai' tlm I4th day of Mai-, paio.
'In- II.ime« a-i H II ne -i
VViight of .1 lek-oin die, Or., I.illie M.
Ed«all and l'ie.l W. E l-.ill ol Plna-inx.
Or., and Mellon C. bhook of l'aiiy, Or.
Ani mi I all pei«ons etaimmg ndvei>ely
Ilio al su e ile-i t ila-d landa are reqneated
to file tlieir elidili« in Ibis otliee un or
l eioie sai I I llh dav ut Miti . IIHIil
E. M. ila virus, Register.
Timber Land. Act June 3. 1878
Notice for Publication.
I. aki : vikvv , O hhion , Febrnary 23, HMO. I
Noti»-»* i" liereby ginn tlmt, in coni
pi ialine wiili thè pruvi-ions of thè act of
< ‘oligress ol .1 ime 3. 1878, entllled " Ali
aet (»ir thè siile of tiinber landa in thè
stah's of California. < Iregoii, Nevai la ami
Wa-hingloii Teirnorv,” Edward W.
A-hlaml. Coiinty
■ la» k-on. State of Oregon, has thisday
tiled in Ihi» office his sworn statement,
N I. 217, fot thè liniehase of thè NE.
of S'Ction No. 13, in Tow nship No. 40
S.. Rango N i. 7 E., .imi vi ili olter proci
to show lliat thè Im i aought i* mure
valuaMe fot its liinlier or stone tinnì lor
ngrieiiltiiral pnrposes. ami lo estalilish
hls » lailii tosaid lami belore thè Ri'gister
ami Reeeiver <>t lliis otli»-e ut I .iki'view,
Oregon, mi Mondai . 111.’ 7lh day of
May. IIMM). (le nanies as witnesses:
John II. Will, ut Talent, Oregon;
Geotge W. Cro»-on. of A-hlaml, Ora-
gol'; Geo. ti. Van.Nattii, of Ashland,
Oregon; Jacob M. Caselieer, of Ash­
land, Oregon.
Anv and all
-ons ilaiining adveisely thè a I io ve ile-
scribed lamia are requested I" lile tlieir
Owing to tIn* :iilv:ini-e in "oolens. elainis in ibis ollice on or belore said
7th dav of Mav, l!8)0.
on April 1st we will have to advance
E. M. BRA l'TAIN, Register.
price on wool suits, from io to 20 per
I. A. Dcrsv.
land, Act .hint*
Notice for Publication.
initedstates i . vnd office .(
L aki vikw .O hkiion , Febriinry 23. 1990 i
Notice is lierebv given timt, in i-iim-
plium-e »illi tli»’ piovisions oi Ilie m l oi
Coiign-.«« of June 3, 1878, enlitled " An
m l fortlie sale of tinilier liiml» in Ilie
States ul < Tililorniu, < Iregon, Nevada und
Washington Territory.'* Henn Weber,
ul Kliiiniilli l-nlls, County uf Klainuth,
Mute ui < Iregon, Ims Illis dar tlleil in thi«
ollh-e bis swoi n statement. No 2I‘> für
Ilie pur» liu«e ul Ilie VV *„ ui >*VV T >md
f*E*. uf .SW ’i and SW1. ul SEI, ol 8ee-
li u» No, I ’ in Ton m-iiii
>. |fi v
Notice ia hereby given that there are
funds in the county treasury for the re­
demption of the fiillowing county war-
r.nils, protested on and prior t«i Aug. Ill,
IH'.tl. Interest on same will i-i-asi- iruin
t his date : Illi, 4391, 4132, 4333, 4415.
I3'it. II5Ó. 1227, lt'»l 1393, i',|., 11M
134 4379, I3M>, 4 !K,, 1311
f3U8, 4403,
l.'O, 1341, 4312, 1370, 1 ;49, 1.3-53, 13.58
1423, 41199, 4131, 4317, 4431 , IIMI, IIIMi,
4' i ’ i O. r>|9, 4512, 1511. Clio, 4539, 4511.
I>at«*d at Klamath Fallü, <>r»*gon, thí»
15th day of Fehrnarv, p.MX),
il. 11. V an V Ai.K v Mirrai,
< 'ounty Tre«»iirer.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878—
Notice for Publication.
I NI l'EI> RTATEH LAN 1« Ol i ICE. )
I. vu vikw . O ki ih ”, Februnry 23. UHM). »
Notii-e la lieieby glieli tlmt, in emù
plinti»-»' witli tIn» pr»ivi“i»uis ol llie aet of
Coligli »s ol .lune 3, IS78. entllled "Ali
act tor fi.e sale of tiinber lami» in thè
stai» - of Calili»! nla, < hegi'ii. Ni vada and
Territorv,” George ’V.
Cnnvsun, of Ashland,Countyol Jiu kson,
Siali» of Oregon, ha» Ibis »lav lileil in
ibis ollice In» swiun statement, No.
213. tur thè piirclnise oftheNW.
Sedioli No. 13, in Township No. -IO 8.,'
Rant»' No 7
tnd »ili -•‘»-r nroof to
N(/ri( E FOR
L akevikw , Oiiu.nv February 1. l!>0y).|
Notice is hereby given that in com­
pliance with the provisions of tlie ad of
Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled “An
act f >r thi-«ale of liiiils-r lands in tin*
-:a;»-.« of California. Oregon, Nevada,
and Wa«hington Territory.” Melissa
Brandenburg, of Klamath Falls, County
of Klamath. State of Oregon , has this
day tilml in thi« otfice her sworn state­
ment no . P>.’. for the purchase of the
*W quarter of Section so. 34. in T iwn-
ship no . 38 S., Range no . 6 E.. and will
offer proof to show that the land sought
1« more valuable for its timla-r or stone
than fur agricultural pttr|M>ses. and to
establish her claim to said land In-fore
the Register and Reeeiver of this office
at Likeview. Oregon, on Friday, the
13th day of April, 1I8M). She names as
witnesses: II. P. Galarneau, of Klam­
ath Falls. Oregon; HenriettaGalarneau.
<4 Klamath Falla, Oregon ; C. J. Sly. of
Pli'ard, California ; Eugene S|ieneer, of
Kern', Oregon. Anv and all |«Tsons
claiming adversely the above-descrili««i,
lands are requestfl to file their claims
in this oitiee on or before the sai I 13th
»lav of April. 11)00.
E. M. BRATTAIN. Register.
T1MBER I.ANIi. MT ii’NE.i. 1«7*.
TIMBER I.ANIi. VCT .1 I’M K II, 1878.
C xitkii iSTiTits L ino O eeii e .)
L akeview , O kkuon , February 2. 1U00.I
Notice is hereby given that in com­
pliance with the provisions of the act of
congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An
aet fur the sale of timber lands in the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada,
mid Washington
Territory," E. B.
Henry, of Klamath Falla, County of
Klamath, state of Brecon has this d»v
Dry Goods,
Clothing and Groceries
The Best Assortment We
Have Ever Shown
Spring Stock Now Arriving.
L. F. WILLITS, Proprietor
■il s
In Order To
Make R im un
For Our Fall
and Winter
Stock, we
Are Selling
Goods Cheap.
f fen.r.1
Call And See US.
filed in thi« office his sworn statement
no . 201, for the purchase of tlieSE quar­
ter of Section no . 20. in Township no
38 S., Range no . t>E.. and will offer
proof to show that tlie land Sought is
more valuable for its timlier or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
the Register ami Receiver of this office
at Lakeview. Oregon, on Tuesday, the
17th day of April. PD0. He names as
witnesses: I. 1*. lav. of Klamath Falls,
Oregon:!.. O. Mills, of Keno. Oregon:
F II Mills, of Klamath Falls, Oregon;
I'. E. Reeder, of Keno, Oregon. Any
ami nil persons claiming advereefv the
above.deserilK'd land, are nspiested to
hie their elaipis m this office on or lv-
lore raid 17th »lav of Aprii. llMX).
E. M. B kitt . iin ', Register.
L ikfi inr, Ow.ox, February 2, 1900. t
Notice is hereby given that in com­
pliance with tlie provision» of the act of
CongreM cf June 3, IS/S, entitled "An
act for trie «.lie of timber lands in thd
states of California, Oregon, Nevada,
an I Washington Territory,” Harry I*.
< »ahirm-au, of Klamath Falls. County of
Klamath, Matt- of Oregoh, has this day
tiled in this office his sworn statement
No. 204, for tlie purchase of the NW
quarter of Section No. 8, in Township
So. 38 •*., Rang»» No. it E , and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable (or its tinilier or storm
than for agricultural purp iioees, ami to
vMa'.lish his '.-ialffl to said i land before
Hie Register ami Receiver of this office
at Lakeview, Oregon, on Friday, the
13th day of April, 1900. He names as
witnefse: John W. Brandenburg, of
Klamath Falls, Oregon; C.J. Rly,' of
Heard. California; Melissa Branden­
burg, of Klamath Falls, Oregon> Eu­
gene S|mncer, of Reno, Or»'gon. Any
ami all persons claiming adversely tlie
¡itiove-described lands are reque-ted to
tile their claims in thia office on or be­
fore said 13tli dav of April, P.MlO.
E< M. BRATTAIN, Register.
I.Hkevicxx, Or., -Inn., IK. 1900. »
Noticw is hereby gixen that in complianee
xx itIi the provision* of the act of (’onRress of
June a, lb7s, en:nlc<l • \n art for the *ale *’i
timlriT lan«U in tin State* of» aliiorni», Oregon
Ncxatlaand ^ashingion lerritory," Carrie A.
Hemlrieks, of Ashland. County of Jackson,
State of Oregon, has this dav tiled in tliis
oitiee her sxxorn >tateinent No. U<>. for the
purchase of the NW1, of Section No. S. in
1'oxx nship No. 40 s. Range No 7 E. and xxill
offer proof it» >ho\x that the land sought i*
more valnrible for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purpose*, and I«» establish her
claim to said land before the Register and TIMBER I. A NT). ACT.ICNE.t. ISTrf,
Reeeiver of this othce al l.akeviexx. or. on
Saturday the >lsi day of March, ’M*1. She
name* a* xx h nc**e* : b E. McIntire and M Me-
Intireof \shland.or . M Sonnit h.*en. oi K« no.
Or . and Win I'errill. of h lamat h Fall*. Oregon.
\nv ami al1 persons claiming advvr.*ely the
above-describotl land* are requested |6 file L. ikeview , O regon . February !, RMMI.f
their claims in this office on or before »aid 31st
Notice is hereby given tliat in com '
dax of Mai eh, 1IM0.
plianee with the provision» of the n t of
E M HR \ F! A’N Register.
Congress of June 3,1878, entitled "Ail
act for the saie of timla-r lands in tbit
TIMBER LAND. Al l' JFNE. 3. 1878. stati-s ot California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory.” Henrietta
Galarneau. of Klamath Falls. County of
Klamath, Stale of Oregon.has thia da ’
I.AKt vim . I ik ,1 is 1'- IM) 1
X.illee is hereby given tliat in «-omnllftnce tiled in this office her sworn ►tnteim-i.t,
with tlie provision'nt the act of Congii--.« of No. 197, for the purchase of the S half
■lune 3. Is;«'. ,-nmi»',t ■■ in net for the -ate ol of NW quarter and SW quarter of NE
tlmln-r taint« in lhe Slates of I’allfornia. Oreg­ quarter mid NW qu3rterof SEhnarfer if
on. Nevada amt IVn-hingmn Territory " Jons
E II1 snnu'K«. of A-hlainl Conniy of'Jackaon. Secliofi No. 34, in Townahifi No. 38 8.,
Slate of Oregon has thia day tiled in this oitiee Range No. tl E., ami will offer prnrif Pi
hI-«worn statement No. »so. tor the imrcha-e show that tlie land sought is mote vain
of t he S’, of X E’ , amt S',, of NW’, of Section
No. 24. in Townsnip No. Vo s. Range No. 7 E able for its timber or atone than for ag­
and will offer proof to -how that ihe land ricultural purposes, nnd to i-staldisli h«-r
-ought la more valuable for it» limber or slime claim to said l.-tml fitfore the R.-gisti-r
Ihan for agrtenllnralj'iirpo-e,. and tov-tabll-h and Receiver of this office at Lakeview,
hl-claim m -sld land bchire llie Register amt
Reeelver of this office at lakeview. or., on Oregon, on Friday, the l.tlli day of
Saturday the 3t-l d«v of March. 1WW. lie April. 1 DUO. She names as witnesses:
names a- wiines«e«: K R. McIntire and C. I',
bea'. ot I.bland.Or. Tlios. I line, of I'glent. Melissa Hrandenbiiig. of Klamath Falls/
Or . ami M Nonnich.-en. of Keno, Or, Any ’ tregon : C. J. Sly, of Picard. California:
and al! per-on- claiming aili'i-rsidy the above J. II. Whitcomb, of Picard, California ;
ilesi rit'e.l lands are requested to til»» their
i lanns in fins . .......... or before -aid sial dav J. VV . Brandenburg, of Klamath Falls
Oregon. Any and all persons claiming
of March. ItHfl.
E. If HRAI'I Afi. Hegister.
adversely the above-descrila'd lands are
requested to tile their claims in thia of­
TIMBER LAM». ACTJL.NE.t. 1*7«. fice on or before said 1 Jth day of April/
I'siTKti S tvtks LvxnOrrii K I
I. vkkvikvv . O kkoon , February 2, llkKt.t
Notice is hereby given that in com­
pliance with the provisions of tlie act of
congress of June 3, 1X78, entitled "An
act for the sale of timl»er lands in the
stales of California. Oregon. Nevada,
ami Washington Territi.iv," J. I’. Lee.
<>f Klamath Falls. County of Klamath.
State of Oregon, has this day tiled in
tins ottice his sworn statement no . 202,
(or tin1 purchase of the nk quarter of
Section no . 20. in Tow nship so. 38 S.,
Range n . <» E.. ami w ill offer proof to
show that the land sought is more val­
uable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purjsises. ami rw establish
his claim to saio land liefore the Regis­
ter ami Receiver ■>( this office at Like-
view. Oregon, on Tuestlay, the 17lh »lay
of April, IIKM
lie names as witnesses
L. O. Mills, of Keno. Oregon: F. II.
Mills, of Klamath Falls. Oregon; E. B.
Ilenrv, of Klamath Falls, Oregon; I'.
E. Reeder, of Keno. Oregon. Any ami
all persons
claiming adversely the
above di’serila’d lands are requestcil to
tile their claims in this office on or be-
ton’ said 17th dav of April. IIV.).
E. Al. B k . vtt . vis , Register.
I siirn S tatkk L ud Omer.
Liki-vu-w, Or., March 5, BUM).
Notice i- hereby given that in com­
pliant »■ with the provi-i'-ns of the act of
' "iigress o* June 3, 1878, entitled "An
n t for the sale of timber lamls in the
Mat» - <4 California, Ori-gon, Nevada,
.»' -I W.i'liiiigton Territory,” John A.
right, of Jacksonvill»«, county of Jack-
-»»II, State of Oregon, haa this »lay tiled
in tbi-olii» »■ his sworn statement No.
222, for tin- purcba-e of the NW1«' of
' -lion No 2Ó. in Township No. 40 S.
Range No. 7 E, and will offer proof to
► how that the land sought is more valu­
able for it- timla-r or stone than for
agricultural pur|s»ses, and to establish
Reg «
ter and Ri-eeiver ol this office at latke-
Timber Lami. Act June 3. 1878— view, Or., on Monday the 14tli day of
May, l’.'Si.
lie names as witnesses:
Notice for Publication.
l ime- ,\. Bi-lcip. of Wellen, Or., Ida
M. Bi-hop, of Mellen, Or., Tlios. M.
I NI ILI) STATES LXNHiiFFJCE I 1. I «li. <4 I’lus-nix. < >r., John B. Ed-all.
ol Wellen, Or. Any and all persons
Lisi vii --. tim», »s, | et «ruar y 23, I’.'» *
claiming adver-ely the alsive descrila-d
Not i» i- i- hereby given that, in com­ Ian I- are requestei! to tile their claims
pii a m-e w uh the proi i-ions of ih<* a»-t of in ibi- dii« e on or la-fore the sai l 14th
» .1
, I .1 on. -3. 1-7', el.t n led "All Jay <A .May. I
act I <r the -ale <d tinilier lauds in th»-
E. .XI. B kattiis , Register
-t.iie- of Califiiriiia, tiiegon, .Ni-vadanml
M .»sbmgt i, T» rritoi iRot - rl 11. linn-
"I Klamath 1 alls,Corniti <>f Klam­
N< H 1‘ E I < )R PUBLK ATloN.
ath Stateci Oregon, has this dav libel
in this • thi-*- bi- sworn statement. No.
211.1' r th»» p-.ircl...... .. . tlie M
ofsXX > ,
und SE'4 of SW1., of Section I t ami L imi vn-», <> i < e <. on , February 2, l'JUO.)
XL’ 4 ot N \\ 1J <4 Section
No. 30,
Notici- i- hereby given 11.at in com­
4o S., Range pliance with the provisions of the act of
Xo. N E hi .»I will off»T proof to show
Congreo* of June 3. 1878, entitled “An
t i*M ’ till* lill'l HOllgllt is more valnahh’
act l»»r thesa'e ol liruls-r lands in the
i«>r .tw tiinlri r <»r rtuiit* than i«»r »grimi- state« of California, Oregon, Nevada,
h’.»;»l pi.r|»*'M •*. hfi <I to t*Ntal»li»h lii»
ami Washington Territory.” John VV.
<1 nn I"
lai *1 l*4 Í >rv tin* Krjnwtvr Brnedenl'Urg, of Klamath Falls, County
¡iii-l 15 • iv'-r "Í thin ufü« ** ¡it Lakcvi«*\i,
of Klamath, Mate of < iregon, has tins
iir«* 'n XI« ti*la\ , tin* 7th «lay <4 May. »lav tihsl in this office his sworn state­
1'.’’. I!»* r.aii»«*» ¡i» m it nt**».'*«** :
ment No. 2" J. for the purchase of the
H« nry Welirr. o( Klamath !• all». Ore- SW quarter ■ f Motion so. 8. in Town­
.’• ii ; J.ilri» I«»( Klamath E.ill*. ship no . 38 *., Range no . •'» E., and will
th« gun ; IMwani Burna, <4 .Vlilami.
■ ’fl»-r |>n»»l to show that the lami sought
< »r«*g«m ; t »«•<», < ». Van Natta. <»f \*hlai.«l, is more valuable for its tinilier or stone
\nx ami all triTHoiiK claim*
than for agricultural pur|swes, and to
inu* ivlv«’rm ly tin* « i I m » v <* «I«* m < ril»v*l lami» establi-h his claim to -aid lami la-fore
ate i«<|Uvf»tr«| t«» tile their • lami* in thi- th«’ Register ami Receiver of this office
• lime *«n < r ln*l<»tc nail 7th «lay <4 at Lakeview. Oregon, on Friday, the
May, IH»».
13th dav of April, listò. H»’ names as
E. M. B.B ATTAfX. B« ¿i-ter.
w itnesses; .1. II. Whltcoiuli, of Picard.
<'.littorio 1 ; C. J. Sly, of Picard. Cali
loiiiia; II. 1*. Galarm-au, ol Klamath
limber iind, Act June J, 1878— Falls. Oregon; Henrietta tialarm-au.
Notice for I'ubti.stiin.
»»I Klamath Falla. Oregon.
Any and
all isTsons claiming
adversely the
aluivealescril’ed lands ar«- r»apie-te«l to
tile tlo-ir claim- in this office on or be­
I. iKi ilew, ( iioi.os, February 23. lot) l.i
Notti e i« In ii-liy given that, in com- fore -.11 I 1 iili .iav »1 April, IWO.
E. M. BRAT1AIN. Register.
pbame with the pruvirion» uf ’lie act of
of June 3. 1878, elititlisl "An
X«»tn e I«* licicbv giv« ii that hi «•«.in­ act for the - de of timlier lamia in tiie
pl t ance with I In- pr«»k Himiri <4 the act *4 • I.ite- ol C.ilifiiriiia. Oregon. Nei ad i ami
Í **»li^ l«**H «»í J Hile 51, Iri’S, <*)JÌti«'i “All Washington Teriitorv,” .1 ils" A. Iluua-
.let f*»r th« Mai«* *4 limlo r I.in i« in the I - i, of Klmnaili Fall». County oi Kiain-
- i «•»« «4 < .i.H"ini.«. Oí\g"fi, \¿va«la. at Ii, Male o| i heg,m, lias tliiiiday tiled in
.«ml \\ i-liiiik.*t «ti
• Ln
'ibi- »Uli' e I i- «»orn H i 'iin-nt. No. 21tt,
II .4 Weil« ii
*7 L .1 .l,i. k
: 11"- >I ’ , ..f N IX ' ,
sta’e «»( Orejí* ,
..»y t»iv«l
amt NW ■1 ol NE >4 ami s >. of NE '4.
• •*»„ «»thee I h « en
,it< ir nt
• Sei-lion No. PJ, in Town-tiip No. U>
• >V. •
* i Sec
Range N<>. 8 17., and »dl offer
«». O
( l’if t i dio» that the hind might
Mil to •’ 1 1 .it
mor - iaht d-le
.»r it« or ► oiie than tur ngr ici 111uraI pur-
♦ M »1 • m , and to establish I ’ claim to
- iiH land Indi re the ló’gi^ter and Ku-
eviwr ol ibi’« office ut Isiikevivw. Oiv-
» i-m-r o| ibi» olii. *■ ul Lakvvn-w . <(regoli, gon. <»n Motnltiv, thè 7th day ot .May.
»ui Monday the I liti dit <>i Mav. limo, l’.MH). Ile iintiirs hm uittieFree:
il»- 11.ime** ii. 11 line..»-.;
Janie« A.
b.dwatd Burnì*, of A»liland, Oregon;
B ik I ioii und Wallace < ■. Bi'hop ut W » l < •«•«». O. \ anXatta. of Ashland. Oregon ;
I» li, • >r., John A. Wright ut Jaeksonville. llrin> Wrlwr. ol Klamatli lai li*. Ore­
Or., limi Mi’itoii C. Mi»*» l>, »»I Hairy, Or. gon ; Kolri’it 11
Bunnell, of Kl.iniatli
Vny ami all |a-r«on« il.timing adver«c'i Falla, Oregon.
Any »ml
all |»«r-
1 li»* ai-ole dc»c» i I hm I lands are requestc'l hoiih rlaiinuig adversely th»* above-
tu lite their claim" in this »»Ilice un or «h-crilririi land* aie rtri|iivstvd lo file
la-lore said I Iti» dal ut Mav, P.lOO.
Ihvir rlainia in tliia ottico on or befurv
E. M. BaArrtiN. Register.
bai»! 7lli dav <»l Mav, BKX).
E. M. l’.KA ri’AlN, Regiftvr.
I IMBERL AND. ACT .11 MT 1*78,
‘•lr>A tlmt !>.»• I him I »ought i* rnorv vnlu-
at!** for ifa t-iinlx r or uloii»1 tliHO for Hg-
ri< ultorjil piir|>f*w«>N, t«h(| io pF'abliMh hi»
ri.lini to rih
J talli
litn«’ tudorr *th«‘ K«*gi-t<*r
and liii
,-iver of fhl*
'•« i*ivt*r
thia otfi»-»- «
t IjikevivWi
Xlomlay, H
1». on
*»ii Monday,
im 7th day of
Ma ÌV00,
mi n.<
BMM). Ila
f f •• naropw
an witneaNow:
I rank II. ' r»iws«,n, f»t Ashland, <
gon ; < «eo. O. 1 VanXattn,
of ArlJand,
• >r» gnu ; F.d» ir»l W. Biirna, <>f A»hlan<l,
l'regoti ; Jacofi M. < a-elau-r, nt A«h-
Any an»l
h II
“ons » laiming Klveraely thè al#ove-«Je*
llts-d lami, are reqi|i-Htl*«l
to filo thvir
chiim in tliiM oifi< <• ihi t,r before »aid
7lh day of .May. l'ssi.
E. .XI III; A ITA IN. Register.
E. M. BRATTAIN, Register/