Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 08, 1900, Image 8

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    Ai fll>.
showing receipts and disbursements
for the year lst*!». outstanding war­
rants. and cash in hands of treasurer
api^eable to payment of the same,
January I. li'ixi:
■tan. 1. 1*99. cash in treasury? 267 32
Receiptduring I*'.»«:
Liquor licenses
1200 00
Itogandshow licenses
til oo
Fines .
' 00
.s second t his moni h.
Parents are always welcome at
school. Tim school library now imm-
liers 40 volumes. 35 of which were do­
nated by the pup.Is themselves.
E. E. WvsumiiN, Principal.
Miss Kerb: M ight . Intermediate.
Miss. 11. F. 'll kish it. Primary.
The Hous» commit tee on public
lauds toil ly favorably r<|x>rted Rep-
res, illative Tongue's billereating the
Crater Lake National I’ark. The
Total ...................................... 2421 4o' bill was reported V» ithoilt amendment,
the provision excluding pros|>eetors.
which was stricken out in the last
Redeemed warrants:
| 188# 87 Congress. living allowed to remain.
oo 53 The Secretary of the Interior said
Jan. 1. 1000.casti m treasury
403 09 that in the < as>> of Rainier Park in
2421 49 j Washington, prospectIng was allowed,
and as a result tires und other depre­
dations were committed and could
J;in. I. H!»y. outstanding un­
paid warrants
$ 1227 80 not be t< sttaim’d. As the 24« acres
Warrants drawn in 1899:
embraced in the park are not known
For salary of treasurer . .
.‘>0 no to tie mineral, this restriction should
For salary and fees of mar­
341» 75 work no hardship. Mr. Tongue ex­
plained the bill to the eiUnmittee,
For salary and fees < f re­
154 .'>5 ami i report is to be made by Repre-
For interest on light and
s ntative Moody. S|>eakel Reed was
water bonds. .................
2400 oo the principal opponent to the bill in
For street light rentals
575 •»!»
the last Congress, and with him out
For streets, walks, bridges
ami sewers ..................
460 34 of the way. Mr. Tongue hopes to
For hose................................
310 on have the bill passed at an early date.
For printing and stationery
18 75 —<Iregonian. 'larch 4.
For printing brief and ab­
stract. town vs. Sachs
lio oo
Unpublished anei-dotes of Henry
For court fe>'s and ■■■sts
6* io Ward Beecher are rare, and the two
For counsel's fees . ..
150 oo
pages of the March Ladies’ Home
For drafting contract for
devoted to them are worthily
5 oo
For judges of election....
U oo tilled. ’ College Girls' Larks and
Pranks." too, are sparkling with fun.
*> msh us |
revealing the American Girl's love of
a practical Joke Edward link’s edi­
Warrants redeem I during
18^8 87 torial w Hi command vv id> spread atten­
tion. It shows i>y accurate statistics
Jan. 1. ltioo. warrants out
that women have been tried and
standing, unpaid, face ... 4000 11 found wanting in business, and are
Cash in hands of treasurer
last being barred from competing
applicable to payment if
with men in commercial pursuits.
463 09
Molly Donahue is presented by the
Indebtedness, warrants.... 3537 92 author of •• Mr. D inley" as a literary
Estimated interest on same
So oo light, and ’ The Autobiography of a
Taxes unpaid........$350 oo.
Girl" and “The Theatre and its Peo­
I, C. L. Parrish, recorder in and ple’’ are continued. "Iler Boston Ex­
for the town of Klamath Falls, coun­ periences" and "Edith and I in Paris"
ty of Klamath. state of Oregon, do are concluded. Easter is anticipated
hereby certify that the within and by a solo and an anthem. The latest
foregoing reports are true and cor­ styles are shown in hats, gowns and
rect to tlie best of my knowledge and women's attire generally. Howard
Chandler Christy's tlrawing. - rhe
Witness iny hand this 13th day of American Girl at Church" and A. B.
January, 1900.
Frost‘s pictme, "The Country Store
C. L. P vrrish . Recorder.
as a S<x'ia! Centre, ” are notable art
KLAMATH FALLS PUBLIC SCHOOL. hi lures. Scarcely less interesting
are the pictures of "In California
Following is tit- report for the
” admirably rcpnxluced.
month of February, 1900:
The practical, helpful features of the
Number of days taught, it*.
March Journal are numerous and
Number of holidays. 1.
Hays of attrndim ■ -bays 1201.5: possessed of exceptional interest
every one of its forty-eight pages offer­
girls. 1225,5; total. 2427.
Days of absence lioys. 57; girls. ing soim’tRing worth while. By The
Curtis Publishing Company. Phila­
60: total, 117.
delphia. fine dollar a year: ten
Cis -s of tardin—,s Iny-,. 1; girls. cents a copy.
10; total. 11.
Number enroll’ I on register—Itoys,
All persi ns Indebted to the under­
70: girls. 73: total. 143.
signed will please settle their ac­
Average daily attendance, 128.
counts at Klamath County Bank and
Percent, of attendance. 95.
Number of visitors. 32.
Feb. 1, 1900?
We wish again to call attention to
C S. & IL S. M oore .
the decrease in tile number of tardy
marks. The principal’s rc< m has the
Heavy cotton nose for spring wear
least number of tardy mi ks for the at E E. Hose's Millinery.
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Fine Job Printing
Neatness and Dispatch