I Common Sonso I Talk with Women i Vse of Liquor CRANBERRY CROP ad First Actual Return» for the l«n«u» Give the Statistic* of the Fruit Produced. The first actual return» or statistic lor the twelfth cen.ue are now comiu^ in. They relate to cranberry cultui> and give the acreage, tenure, quantity of fruit pn>du.ed, co«t of labor and fer tilizers. area of new plantings, value of crop and loesea from disease, insects and other natural causes for each bog or plantation. Iu January, 1900, preliminary sched­ ules relatiug to the cranberry yield of 1899 were sent out to all the growers whose names and addresses could be obtained. The number of commercial growers in the United States is over 2,000. They are fonnd mainly in the states of Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maine. Connecticut, Michigan and Wisconsin, but Minnesota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington and New York reported bogs. The number in Michigan and Wisconsin is on the in­ crease despite a temporary set-back by forest tires. The growers are well organized, the national association having its head­ quarters at Trenton. New Jersey, and local organizations existing in Massa­ chusetts and possibly elsewhere. a: of id a, - . -*y markets East aud West, the presence of buyers being encouraged by special juissenger rates. A softening of prices of speculatively dealing staples is to be noted, but the reactions are of narrow extant. Foreign demand for wheat remains small, American stocks are large, aud farmers are reported holding supplies back, and crop-damage scares are dis­ counted by mild weather. The strength of corn has been a feature, for­ eign deuiaud being of good proportions, and this has furuished a supporting elemeut in the wheat market. There is a larger volume of business in pig iron at some markets, but less at others, and prices oi that product are quite steady. Structural iron continues active, in­ dicating heavy building operations the coming spring aud summer. Foreign iron markets retain all their old strength, and lower ocean freight would, it is argued, bring about a great enlargement of our export trade. Copper is quieter, but steady in price aud tin notes a further advance in sym- pithy with foreign speculation. Hard­ ware is improving iu distribution at the West. Business failures for the week num­ ber 163, as compared with 199 a week ago, and 220 in 1899. The strength of staple values is a feature of Canadian trade. Retailers will carry over some stocks of winter clothing. Industrial activity is very marked, Canadian factories running to their fullest capacity. Bussiness fail­ i ures for the week number 28. against i 85 last week, aud 89 in this week a year ago. “Experience is the ^Best Teacher” The experience of millions has demonstrated that Hood 's Sarsaparilla is the perfect remedy for all troubles of the blood, stomach, nerves, bowels, liver and kidneys, and that it imparts strength. vigor and vitality. Every testimonial is the vote, of experience to you. Dyspepsia — " cA complication of troubles, dyspepsia. chronic catarrh and inflammation of the stomach, rheumatism, etc., made me miserable. Had no appe­ tite until I took Hood"s Sarsaparilla. 1 am thoroughly cured." N. B. Seeley. 1S74 West 14th Avenue. cDemver. Col. If a person is ill and needs a medi­ cine is it not wise to get one that has stood the test of time and haa hun­ dreds of thousands of cures to it« credit ? A great many women who are ill try evervthing they hear of in the way of medicine, and this experimenting with unknown drugs Is a constant menac« to their already impaired health. This seems to us very unwise, for there are remedies which are no ex­ Neve' Disappoints periments and have been known years and years to be doing only good. Hood's nil, curs llssr III, . ths non Irritating ai>4 Take for instance Lydia E. Pink­ only cathartic to tabs with 11,-od * Mruiwuil». ham's Vegetable Compound; for thirty years its record has been one un- 1 broken chain of success No medicin. Walking Warily. for female ills the world has «ver A man who walk« circumspectly ha» known has such a record for cures. hi» eye» open ami hia wit» about him. It seems strange that some people If you ask him where he is going he wiU take medicines about which they can tell you instantly. He ha» a rule Annual "Pom Pom.” really know nothing, some of which of conduct, and a distinct object in might be, and are, really harmful ; The Indians residing along the vi ver while on the other hand it is easily near Toppenish, a short distance from view, and carries with him a certain proved that over one million women North Yakima, Wash., are having their sense of danger that some one or some­ nave been restored to health by Lydia thing will interfere with the object he annual “pom pom” dance. Numerous E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. has in view. Such a man w ill be more We hare published in the news­ tepees are used for this oecason, aud likely to accomplish his purpose than a papers of the United States mor« the inmates spend the time iu singing, mere wanderer. If it is worth while genuine testimonial letters than hare dancing, feasting and making merry. to walk circumspectly, for the sake of ever been published in the interest of They began last week, while the snow any other medicine. success in business and the accomplish­ was on the ground, to give a Chinook All thia should, and does, produce a dance, as their ponies were getting ment of our earthly schemes, how much spirit of confidence in the nearta of poor, and the indications were winter more is it worth while, for the sake of women which is difficult to dislodge, our spiritual welfare and growth in and when they are asked to take some­ ! had set in. but a sudden change in the grace?—United Presbyterian. thing else they say, “ No, we want tem|>erature made also a change in Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Com­ the dance programme, and the “pom Railway rutlillng. pound, which haa been tried, and pom” or “grass dance" was instituted. Cream together with two ounces of PACIFIC COAST TRADE. never fonnd wanting, whoae reliability This peculiar dance is observed in the fresh butter and a cup of white granu­ la established far beyond the experi­ same manner as Chinese new year, and Seattle Market». lated sugar; add to this the well beaten mental stage.” lasts a week or ten days. The Indians We have thousands of letters like the Onions, new, $2.25©2.50 per sack. yolk of one egg and a cup of milk. following addressed to Mrs. Pinkham, array themselves in gorgeous costumes Lettuce, hot house, 40e per dos. Work well together and flavor with and congregate at different tepees, showing that any essence desired. Mix a large tea- Potatoes, new, $18© 20. where a general feast is prepared. it ipoon of baking powder with two cups Monthly Suf faring io Ai~ is the season for milking new friends, Beets, per sack, 75©85c. Turnip«, per sack, 60c. of flour and gradually add to the mixt­ wnyo Cured by Lydia E. and old animosities are buried. The Carrots, per sack, 50c. ure. Bake in an oblong tin. When as a whole has ceased to observe Pinkham's Vegetable tribe Parsnip«, per sack, 75©85c. cooked, divide in two, spread one-half this sacred annual festival, the educat­ with jam and press the other lightly Oompound, also Back­ ed members thinking it beneath their Cauliflower, 75c©$l per dozen. Cabbage, native and California, on it. Some of this mixture might be ache and Bearing-down notice, but the isolated members con­ $1.00© 1.25 per 100 pounds. baked in small patty pan» for tea cakes. tinue to dance every spring when the pains, Apple«, $1.25© 1.50 per box. —Boston Globe. winter is over and grass begins to show Prunes, 60c per box. "I suffered untold agony every on the range. CATARRH CANNOT BE CCBED Butter—Creamery, 81c per pound; month and could get no relief until I Chehalis Sawmill. tried your medicine; your letter of ad­ dairy, 17 ©22c; ranch, 20e per pound. With local application», m they cannot reach vice and a few bottles of Lydia E. The Doernbecher Manufacturing the geat »4 the diseaae. Catarrh 1» a blood or Eggs—20c. constitutional disrate, avd m order to cure It Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have Company, of Chehalis, Wash., which Cheese—Native, 16c. you must take internal remadiet. Hail'» Ca­ made me the happiest woman alive. I is preparing to move the furniture man­ Poultry—13© He; dressed, 14© 15c. tarrh Cure is taken internally, and acta directly shall bless you as long as I live.”—Mis« the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall'a Ca­ ufacturing business to Portland, Or., Hay—Puget Sound timothy, »12.00; on tarrh Cure is not a auack medicine. It was J oie S aul , Dover, Mich. prescribed by one of tne best physicians in this “ Four years ago I had almost given in the early spring, yesterday sold the choice Eastern Washington timothy, Country fur years, and is a regular prep*ription up hope of ever being well again. I Chehalis buildings of the company to $18.00© 19.00 It is Composed of the best tonics known, com­ was afflicted with those dreadful head­ the West brothers, of Chehalis, who Corn—Whole, »23.00; cracked, »23; bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di­ rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect ache spells which would sometimes are going to put a saw mill into the feed meal, »23. combination of the two ingredients is what pro­ last three or four days. Also had bnildings. The sale included all of duces such wonderful results In curing catarrh, Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton, backache, bearing-down pains, leucor- the bnildings and the three dry kilns, bend for testimonials, free. »21; whole, »22. F J. CHENEY A CO., Proprt., Toledo, O. rhuea, dizziness, and terrible pains at Sold by druggists, price 75c. Flour—Patent, per barrel, »3.25; monthly periods, confining me to my with the fans, etc., as well as the toil­ Halls Family Pills are the beat bed. After reading so many testi­ ers of the main engine. The mill will blended straights, »3.00; California, A Ju*t God. monials for your medicine, I concluded be put in just as quick as the furni­ »3 .25; buckwheat flour, »6.00; gra­ to try it. I began to pick up after ture factory people move out, and the ham, per barrel, »3.00; whole wheat It is as hard as ever to reconcile the taking the first bottle, and have con­ mill engine will be used to furnish flour, »3.00; rye flour, $3.80@4.00. wrongs which men suffer at each other’s tinued to gain rapidly, and now feel power to run the city electric light Millstuffs—Bran, per ton, »14.00; hands with the great truth that there like a different woman. I can reeom- plant, Harry West being the city light shorts, per ton, »16.00. is over all a just, holy and gracious mend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Feed—Chopped feed, »20.00 per ton; God. Our own personal life is full of Compound in the highest terms to all contractor. middlings, per ton, »20; oil cake meal, unsolved mysteries, and lays u|>on us sick women."—Mies R osa H eldm , Sale of Timber Land. heavy hands. There must l>e some 126 W. Cleveland Ave., Canton, O. The Charles K. Spaulding Lumber per ton, »30.00. Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef great facts of which we can lay hold to of Newberg, Or., has closed Two Letters which Provo Company, a deal with the Southern Pacific Com­ steeis, 7?v@8c; cows, 7c; muttor. 8c; steady ourselves amidst the Hood of that Lydia E. Pinkham's pany for 5,000 acres of valuable timber jiork, T.Sic; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8,la© doubt which otherwise might engulf us. —Rev. Ed. Coe. Vegetable Oompound Will land on the headwaters of the Luckia- 10c. Hams—Large, 13c; small, 13*4; river, in the coast range. This is TKY ALLKN’S FOOT EASE, Remove Tumor and Ouro mute about the last large body of timber I breakfast bacon, 12>#c; dry salt sides, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. Other Female Weakness, tributary 8c. to the Willamette river not Al this season your feet teel swolfen, ner­ " Two years ago I was a great previously bought up by corporations, vous and uncomfortable. If you have Portland Market. sufferer from womb trouble and pro­ and this company is considered fortu­ smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Wheat — Walla Walla. 53 @ 54c; Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes fuse flowing each month, and tumors nate in being able to secure it. Valley, 53c; Bluestem, 56c per bushel. walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating would form in the womb. I had four Flour—Best grades, »3.00; graham, feet, blisters and callous s|>ots. Relieves Northwest Note«. tumors in two years. I went through corns and bunions of all pam anil is a cer­ treatment with doctors, but they did Ellensburg, Wash., is soon to have a »2.50; superfine, »2.10 per barrel. tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or Oats—Choice white, 35@86c; choice frosted feet. We have over thirty thousand me no good, and I thought 1 would telephone exchange. have to resort to morphine. gray, 34c per bushel. testimonials. Try it today. Sold bv all George W. Hopp, of Tumwater, “ The doctor said that all that cftuld Barley—Feed barley, »14 © 15.00; druggists and shoe stores for 26c. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Oliti­ help me was to have an operation and Wash., has been appointed (lostmaster brewing, »17.00© 18.00 per ton. «ted, Lt Roy. N. Y. hare the womb removed, but I had at Cape York, Alaska. Millstuffs — Bran, »13 per ton; mid ­ heard of Mr«. Pinkham's medicine and Work. Aberdeen, Wash., has declared war dlings, »19; shorts, »15; chop, »14 per decided to try it, and wrote for her Man is not exceptional in the fact advice, and after taking her Vegetable on hobos, and given them the alterna­ ton. Hay—Timothy, »10© 11; clover,»7© that he is and has to be a worker, All Compound the tumors were expelled tive of going to work, going on the road and I began to get stronger right or going to jail. 7.50; Oregon wild hay, »6 ©7 per ton. nature is a scene of incessant action. along, and am aa well aa ever before. Butter—Fancy creamery, 50©55c; Everything from atoms to stars and sys­ The Spokane Sunday School Associa­ Can truly say that I would never had leconds, 42 b, ©45c; dairy, 80©87/«c; tems of suns are constantly in motion. gotten well had it not been for Lydia tion is about to make a census of the store, 25)4©32)ic. — Rev. Dr. Thomas, People’s Church. E. Pinkham's Compound.”—M ast A. city, to ascertain the numlier of chil­ Eggs—12>4@18Xc per dozen. dren who do not attend Sunday school. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAT B tahl , Watsontown, Pa. Cheese—Oregon full cream, 13c; ** After following the directions T. J. Tjoesen & Son, whose flouring Young America, 14c; new cheese 10« Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. given in your kind letter for the treat­ mill recently burned near Ellensburg, All druggists refund the money if it ment of leucorrhea, I can say that I per pound. fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature hare been entirely cured by the use Wash., entailing a loss of $17,000, will Poultry—Chickens, mixed, »8.50© of Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies, and rebuild, and expect to have the new 4.50 per dozen; hens, »5.00; springs, is on each box. 25c. will gladly recommend them to my mill in operation in June. A Model lluaband. $2.50©8.50; geese, $6.50©7.50 for old; friends.”—A. B. D avids , Binghamton, Wife—I saw the loveliest lace John G. McMillan, a prominent citi­ $4.50©6.50; ducks, $5.00©5.50 per N. Y. zen of Hoquiam, Wash., and well dozen; turkeys, live, 10 @ 11c pex spreads today, only two dollars and a half, and I wanted them awfully, but I Another Oaso of Womb, known throughout the state, accidental­ pound. you wished to economize, and so Kidney and Bladder ly shot himself at Spokane, while show­ Potatoes—50© 80c per Back; sweetfl, knew I didn’t get them. ing a revolver to a friend. He died 2©2Jic per pound. Trouble Oured by Lydia shortly after the accident. Husband—That’s too bad, my dear, Vegetables—Beets, »1; turnips, 90c; E, Pinkham's Vegetable Stack river farmers blew up a log per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab­ you should have got them. Anything which add« to your happiness aud Oompound, jam that had dammed the stream near bage, ISo per pound; parsnips, »1; brings gladness to your eyes, anything ” D ear F riend —Two years ago I had its junction with White river, and the onions, $l.50©2.50; carrots, »1. which lightens your domestic cares and Hops—3©8c per jiound ehild-bed fever and womb trouble in water in the Stuck was lowered a foot its worst form. For eight months after At the same time White river farmers Wool—Valley, 12©13o per pound; gilds the lowering clouds, anything birth of babe I was not able to sit up. were tiying more completely to ob­ Eastern Oregon, 8© 14c; mohair, 27© which borders with sweet flowers the thorny paths of duty and appeals pleas­ Doctors treated me, but with no help. 80c per pound. I had bearing-down pains, burning in I struct the channel of the Stuck so as to Mutton—Gross, best sheep, wethers antly to your aesthetic nature, making get relief from flood on their own lands. stomach, kidney and bladder trouble and ewes, 4Jic; dressed mutton, 7© life more worth living, home a para­ and my back was stiff aDd sore, the Ground has been purchased and laid 7 %c per pound; larnite, 7 %c per pound. dise, you are welcome, doubly welcome right ovary was badly affected and out by a floriculturist at Cle Elum, Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, »5.00; to, my dear angel, if it doesn’t cost everything I ate distressed me, and Wash., and hothouses will soon be light and feeders, »4.50; dressed, more than two dollars and a half.—N. there was a bad discharge. Y. Weekly. ‘‘I was confined to my bed when I erected. The industry is to be carried »5.50®6.00 per 100 pounds. wrote to you for advice and followed . on at Cle Elum as Puget Sound cannot Mad« HI in Homaaick. Beef—Gross, top steers, $4.00©4.50; ▼our directions faithfully, taking l furnish enough sunshine to supply the cows, $3.50©4.00; dressed lieef, 6)4© A tramp went along a dusty road Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ demand made by the florists, for with- 7%c per pound. ■nd sat down on the steps of a house pound, Liver Pills and using the Wash, ' out sunshine the flowers lack fragrance Veal—Large, 7@8c; small, 8)4© in a quiet village street. Through the and am now able to do the most of my and rich coloring. 9)4c per pound. window« the voice« of a man and housework. I believe I should have woman in violent altercation were died if it had not been for your Com­ I The rural delivery along the Elgin Ban Francisco Market» heard, and the tramp listened intently. pound. J Lope this letter may be ths branch shows a gain of over 59 per cent result of benefiting some other suffer­ ¡ over the first few months of its exist­ Wool—Spring—Nevada, 12© 15c per Angry words, and occasionally the ing woman. I recommend your Com­ ence, handling last month nearly 4,090 pound; Eastern Oregon, 12© 16c; Val­ sound of something thrown, reached pound to every one.”—M rs . M art pieces of mail. his ears, he could hardly sit «till. ley, 20@22c; Northern, 10© 12c. VAU«EN, Trimble, Pulaski Co., Ky. Hops—1899 crop, 11 © 13o per At last, evidently, the wife had O. C. Applegate, the Indian agent at pound. taken a broom, and the blows fell fast Thought She Had Scored. ; the Klamath reservation, is consider­ Butter—Fancy creamery 22©22)£c; and furious. “I aaw him kiss you just before h« ing the building of a portable saw mil) do seconds, 21@21 )4c; fancy dairy, 19 The tramp could stand it no longer, was leaving,’’ said the sour visaged for work on the reservation. There is ©20c; do seconds, 17© 18c per pound. bat, rushing to the side door, he darted aunt, and she said it in a regular dull- considerable demand for lumber out Eggs—Store, 12© 14c; fancy ranch, in, and, stepping between the pair, he thud tone. (there, and the magnificent forests of 17c. i j •vied, with a husky voice: “Yes, auntie.’’ . sugar and bull pine furnish an unlimit- “Give us a clip or two with the Millstuffs — Middlings, »17.50 • “ Well, I can realize that it would ed source of raw material to work up. 20.00; bran, »12.00© 13.00. broom, old woman; it seems just like b« the last thing he would think of,”| a saw mill with 150,000 feet daily Hay—Wheat »6.50©9.50; wheat a»3 Mmes I”—Collier’s Weekly. and she nailed out as though «he had capacjty jN to !>e built at Cole« station, Clvlo and Military Power», oat »6.50© 9.00; best barley »5.000- sooted every possible point. Detroit on tjje Oregon-California state line. 7.00; alfalfa, »6.00©7.50 per tt>S4 A Boer field cornet is usually the Free Press.________________ Henry Loretz delivered to Milliorn straw, 80©45c per bale. magistrate of the neighlxiring country Small Books. Potatoes—Early Rose, 80©85c; Ore­ wherein he resides, and is invested with The largest library of »mall liooks in Bros., of Junction City, Or., the other ib. i»i»»i. «« • Ar »■i--»"'1;»' i«»»- Farmer« gon Burbanks, 75c© 1.10; river Bur- th« power to commandeer all able- —— -•*"I- —— - - wh. Ku... .b.. b. p-ek 7«k «< M. L''.«,'“.‘."f, '”‘"g banks, 50©75c; Salinas Burbanks, hrvHo.l 80c© 1.10 per sack. I pocket editions in a single portman­ in a load that amounts to over $2. Citrus Fruit—Oranges, Valencia, The Dalles, Or., business men have teau. ________________ | guaranteed a loan of »20,000 to be »2.75©3.25; Mexican limes, »4.00© V The affection of old age is one of th« made to J. M. Russel for two years at I 5.00; California lemons 75c©|1.50; < greatest consolations of humaBity. I « 8 per cent, in consideration of which do choice |1.75©2.00 per box. have often thought what a melancholy Tropical Fruits—Bananas, »1.50© be is to establish a wool scouring mill t world this would be without children, there, putting In »5,000 cash himself 2.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom- and what an inhuman world withou/ to start the building. j inal; Fenian date«, 0®6)4o par _____________ , pound. «*• . The Evangelical allUnc« nati listeued to two addresses »u perano«.“ K«v. F. M Wells. 1»^« chaplain of the First limnewec n»i ment at Manila, spoke of " among the soldier. He ‘ ‘ vvere 800 traveling liquor saldi"u u the Philippine» and that liquor i< on many transports. ». well a- on the battleship Indiana 11« cited naim officer« whom he said lie hsd »•< drunk, and reíd 90 per cent of the I » D«M auioug the lUo‘u liquor. Hew», followed by < Hu« N Howard, the tem|>eranee orator reformer, who outlined his wo* Rochester. NICE OLD QUAKER LADY Cared of Catarrh By Peruna Heard HI» Name- The following story is *>!'« 1,1 1 life of the late Archbishop Bcn- n ' his son about the archbishop'» l»”'rl •' dog. Watch: "My father was oadiug the lesson, which was the thiitein > chapter of St. Mark, in which the word The 'watch* occurs several time»........... ■•' bi»hop en.led with the wool»: 'What 1 say unto you, I »ay unto all. watch in a very im|>eriou« voice, there " lowed a great »entiling and scratching, and Watch emerged hastily from h's place and proceeded to the diair of my father’s «tall.”—Troy Time». Fur Wirrleae Hteerlng. An invention for -leering snv . rsfl niennsofAii ether »»ve on ih* "\r |," televmpli principili In.» been perle, n .l ■ invai »aril l< ex|»tipallon. imligevlioii, Uy.pep**«. iuusnvs« and malaria. »rfretly Absurd. Chappie—She called me a conceited idiot. Dolly—The ideal Why. an I'"'1’ has nothing to I'« conceited about. Town Topics. MRS. POLLY EVANS, A LIFE LONG FRIEND OF PERI X \. •• ♦fy wife (Polly J. Evan*), m . v * she fed* entirely cured of temic catarrh of twenty year*' standing. She took nearly s/t bottles of thy excellent medicine. Peruna. as directed, and we feel scry This world is full of fools, and he thankful to thee for thy kindness and adske. She did not eipcst to w ho would wish not to see one must not only shut himself up alone, but also be so well as she Is now. Twelve years ago It cured her of la grippe. I nanf to tell thee there has been a great deal of Pcrun.i used here break his looking gla»».—Boileau. last winter. Peruna does not need praising. It tells for Pself. He No More Soar Stomachs. isn and do recommend It to anyone that Is affile tc ’ w ith catarrh." When yon'r comtlpate.l. und©nli <1 toed rots In your .tornarh like itarliag.- in a ».ill lattei As ever, thy friend, John Evans, South W abash, Ind. I shall recommend I’iso’s I'ure for < on- sumption far uml wide Mrs Mull©»”. 1’lunistead, Kent, England, Nov. «. l*w>. t lean it out »Sih i'awarvla Candy t alberili*I hie, toe. When catarrh hits reached the chronic stage, of course It has gone tieyond the This timely suggestion comes from reach of all local remedies. Nothing the Chicago Redini: Why not make but a systematic remedy can reach it. every microlie wear a fender aud carry Peruna i« the only remedy yet devised a headlight? to meet such cases. Peruua eradicate» catarrh from the system. It does its SALT LAKE CITY. work quietly, but surely. It cleanses Ought to Includa an Alarm Hell. An Important Factor In Transconll- nental Travel. No one crossing the continent can afford to cut Salt Lake City from his route. The attractions of the place, including the Mormon Temple, Talar- lutcle and Church institutions, the Great Salt Iaike—deader and denser than the Dead sea in the Holy faiud— the picturesque environment and the warm sulphur aud hot springs, are greater to the square yard than any lo­ cality on the American continent. The Rio Grande Western Hallway, connecting on the East with the Den­ ver & Rio Grande and Colorado Mid­ land Railways and on the West with the Southern Pacific (Central Route > aud Oregon Short Line, is the only transcontini-tnal line jwssing directly through Salt Lake City. The route through Salt Iaike City via the Rio Grande Western Railway is famous aLl the year round, tin account of the equable climate of Utah and Colorado it is just as popular in winter as in summer. Send 2c to J. I). Mansfield, 253 Washington Street, Portland, or George W. Heintz, General Passenger Agent, Salt Like City, for a copy of “Salt Lake City—the City of the Saints.” Aa soon as a man get« so old he has no more trouble with heart affairs, his liver begins to make him grief.—Atch- inson Globe. Mothers will tied Mrs. Winslow's Sooth­ ing Syrup the best remedy to use f..r Ib-w children during the teething period. Willamette Iron and Steel Works JAME8 LOTAH, Manager, POlTLAMD. ORECON MINING AND SAWMILL MACHINERY AND LOGGING ENGINES IRONFOUNDEWS, MACHINISTS. BOB ER MAKERS AND STEAMBOAT BUILDERS llrilfiirrs anti flulldar« of Marin« Fmlnat, Mining anil Dredging M «« hlnery anti Griieral Mill anti Iron Work, Fira Hydrant«, I’ullrye, Hhafilog, air. <«»»<•• •pundenr» feollrltrd. A. on. HAMV’t.i: BOTTU! iron in«. DOCTORS INSIST that their patients use “5 DROPS” for RHEUMATISM. KIDNEY DISEASE etc. Read the follow» Ing letters: SwkKlor Rerr-MATic Cc.R Co : When 1 wn«e t«.r ■ sample l-AII. <4 “5 l.uot's mg wife wa. suffering terribly khe.iin.likiii.nl «>' very ,!>•<..«,. I, at I !».. 1 triad e.rry- tring ibe Uuk-ture pr.acrllwd, even aen.llu« her to Hi* hb«l*l springe, eie. My <1-. i.»r i. . ... . •tnprinr«) •! the pfogrr«« niy wife la tiinking, ati«1 »hr U m > w HI that refused to keep her and 1« now tltrtng her own arwitig lh« ductor» Inaiat on her taking "8 Drop« ” end ••aura her th«l It m i < only • matter of a few day» anti »h* will rntiiely cured, a't>1 •• very writ known be re, the * 5 DMOlTV it irtrlviug iu»»i<1rt at > .»u > lion and praise. F. E. PRICK, Jerary City, N. J. »»• I could not find anything that would give tna the »lightest rr i f i II tried thia remedy, and 1 recommend 11 to evrrytMwIy a permanent wn Free from opletaean l |«erf* Ur l a ' ___________ |tal«sre»ltn<.«l i ns ia »>«»»••• vwllrf at. 1 1« a |...ritire<-.i'«f’" |<),r om Belallea, 8l«-Wral«1a, Dye»»ai»ela. Haehaetee. Aatbaaa. liar 4 alarrte. I.a (roug, Mleeplraaaeee. Nerewaeaeee. Nrrrww« and NearalSle Headaebee. Fararbr, arhe. Heart Waakaaae, Draper, Malaria, tree pl a« Bambneee, ete.. ete. Qea to enable sufferer» t<» air» ”1 at least a trial, we will b * ih ! a SAr aant|>la OU U/KTd prvtaLl by mall. f«r 10 eta. A »afii|.le b<,uie will convince y>u A.—Tjf1~ B e.-AS Hohl by ue and arn. tank», punii»*, H"t ■>.. bows . .Torr liar, rou're «lek. or will boson opon. and l,n «ell korc« In ilmlh^.L. I rlolenl pbr.lo or pill polaon. la "’J drug, purely vegetable. St-«»» I”” bottl* KLONDIKE BOOT AND SHOE BLACKING * VcucouU ^^^TWAO« MM« I M Ht«t A the drug stores. candy W tra «It* i xind on !»rry svrry yn«r and liFVt f RiifYrr (1lfiA|>iN>lntinriit, ChtMii Hits »» bring Litte, not |>H/ln4 It pay« to puy « llllln rn«r« I mhiiy ' r H kmm ___ ... lì i© <-«»nUi |H*r p»i*r »•varywhwrr, «nd nlwity» worth IL tl»M« I ha Ileal. I«>ll« -I Ann.i«"’"- A woiwlrrfnl itlacovsry. Will ’’’,l'('5.r.,iu.if tlillll-.l Kiel iikh t tH.roUN Iralln-r ' ’.iv.r • ml »’bls to 11« durability. Hrml ■ ml ri'. elvi' by return mall. I"”t I"’1 ..tli,.nl. 1” Isat you iwo y<-»r« Hatl«f»’,ll"" Thompson & era©, tin Srd Hl.,3»'1 |,,a <1*1. —- Muenweo^^^ THÍ CURE YOURSELF] tfse Ulf « f',r < i nr» »»“Pl«. *’>'1 book©! „J KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN OR.QUNN’S^SPILLS ” m I». iPñ * *?.?•■• C'1”l*l',*n.«4»rh««ndl>y. Ihr. Fr..;, ni i.n. t'urltr ll.o lllood, Aid Illg.,» C<>nvlmnv.?« J b.>noiOrlp..,rKhX«0. To BOS AM K orn ~ " ,n"’ ” s» I H .141,y llruggl.la OUSAMKOCO., rMMMsSto, DROPSY in I i.. I «>>■ Giiaraniaed Irrll.llo"« •" “J, '.nW. (’•Infra.. .iuln (-nt or p.iU..»""*- IMOIHMATI,». II. ». A. ■oi« hy nrril"* t Í rant hl IrcuUr mo I «" Successfully AdUrvM DM. NUUKIKK. Mountain Hoaa, ida> N. P. N. U. "Í*1”® __ N». » HEN writing to ndv.rtl»»r» P1** W m.atloa this paper.