rUIMTH REPUBLICAN. ^ h T h 'AV. MA""« *. Ml. (Ml I idi «»I \\ « liuti, • *iugi»ii, «4 J.u k •»••ii ville, ( »i«y i |rt-r«»ill* clrtllIlHlg K'IV< «I»**« t il«' i In in I * un* lliuir « I hiiii * in (l»l* ► ni I I iti» day «4 M kv , E. M. B ma W I II « I » I LOCAI. MAVS. • »I I (AIM Tlw* town < rollìi,'ll hid a IlKwtlllK al Merdiiy. the town hall dolici . M. A. la*»lw) hi» hot»»«* al F»'fl I V < li The niunty ' pnaldlnr. m'lJ » tomar y««trr t •ar t» »'•1 ' I ui ritm 1 , ( «»iinly •Oh, ly fll«d in it No. 23>. of hoctbin limigu wn. »Iioix that I io valtimblo |»»r Hs i for Mgrienhuml lí»li lo* t I m I iii (o Ib gi*»li r and It. I .«k• \ h - m ( ir , ••»» e 11 •I M mv . Hr it i.i |t. E Lall. oí • t I. W right. of Jack- If VI I »I*all ami I red i Or. Anv MIK I till votwidv tile m I mi X »• II reH> i tiling l*a( aitri * J'* .it t April Sth. piprfW. I. 1*7 l< »X liiuh r I IM, ‘ In >• Jeff M il^m f L i .*• I owii tistar and ■ .ill* *1 i i;lUlt<'M. II' ■ 'hl* "lluel Ulano. M It ’’ nh «4 J tlidali-in I ■ 1 ■ ' m . lety in 11„. nmisr on Uic i i. one* of M.treli |2l|i All air ardully III» lied. *• III.Ill MllilN 1 >, »»' ii by tin* m iilur tai! arc on m I c at Fort Klamath and ttoreav! II. T. Oils place. tori A iMggrtf celtiiin r , t tlikill’s,iltirln,: ni -t of Hie paat w.-cj,, The Dirt land 4 >r truth that moni > Klamath cnunti I ill I MUER I N I » N» • I I' I. I < »1C I fo < 'allfotiil.i. Uiiutiiy Treiiauri i \ .in \ .ilkiuilmig tuts l«**n eHiflm 'I I“ Ills reshldn'c I,, A turili will I inveii timi all pr«»|M«r I I I Mimr hcieto < ’»»ni I have never h I attachments, an t i n* ment* I. » the us *|ghi*v of raid |»r. nmpiioioi of au­ I h » • milita lite *l|bj«-Ct it A Ktiisiixrii, k >i ti util ('minty. • >f«'K'»ll. .tint W. T. sf'i- Nnu L. H- V' arrlrnl linin'' lh' werk from fhelr »i lh gixli r, roll I«. I m (I P. K M V fr ■*»m 1 M*rt lami «ai ben* Tu»*I o nd ! went Up «ill WflhwiiUy to the \g« h M-v I* • arn-t two <*r three Indiami »I n» nrr want«*«! it IWtlaad f*»r tr . > I» f. »r«* !h< • U. N. c»»urt. The charge I J fo lir pealing hors a. Jew B. H .ilk» r. »•( u Htfrll v alley. «mat Khnnth I » ** irr rst< rd ay aixl today an baaln«*\ m ’ tn visit 1Ills son. Jay. «hi» la att-ndlr M‘h‘S 1 h r< Mr. V Biker paid u » i i .«nd ii>i*l r«s| hh naii*c ad I d t<» »at !»*l M‘ Option i * < <»figr .* ■ W 4*h M m . k Mi r tn lor It an I « 1»> I * Uai.lft X . s i mi. I 1 *ll«»H tliftt 1 1 ual'l«- («»t H> tinilwr i ■tf'l« tilt tirai l> "l- I hm « la » in t« » -Aid lan.l (**r and lí«-». ... - 1 t! i i«*a . Ort* ■ ui Mond 4»t M * 1 * • > II« mu John B 1 Issi!, id Jattiri» A 1 1 I.!. \ \\ 1 • gl.t .4 J l^»li , 1 r* 4 1 Isall. i >• • t i \ «od all m «I\<-r y i In* «i-i«, Arr t*q . •. • 1 Io tile It, Illi* Ofti........... . ■ or l«*fi>n ■ I .Mat. 1.*'* K. M lilt AU I k I X . lírg I •( IT TI MHLII 1 \ ND. A< r .11 X I J 1*7*. Th« Klamath prspzria? to gh I jMhuf tin« n.* pi» anything Thr eTcnlng'.x • n» rt oor'ade alth th ni'At firvr trer pUycd III ‘Pug mm ! the Ititn .is: 1 •4'1.1 is X(>U D E 1 oli I I I M I * * i» < >rri< K. . Marcii A, pMUt. • given in coiti- • I "V l«|o||S <4 Illi* 41 I of |x.s i-ntitlvl “ In imilrt-r lami* m ih<> ma. Orvg<»n, Nevada. Ii inl -iv.” John A. H ! ,-ln I I • ■ n v ». '» • •un! v of Ju k aofi. b»tat»' of lire-/ |i. ha« this elav lik'd phamu will» the pro* oi n- <4 i ( m.gfus- «4 Jnm* 3, |h7*. « ¡in lid f'»r the «nie of (m»b* r lan»i *1 ¡it« m of < ¡diL •» i »¡I, ’ »«• j n , X» Washington T« n if or v,” Rob» rl n«*il, oí hiKimi’li I m I! s ,< «»iintv nth b(iH««»i r stolli lurid pur|se,-s. and h In. elidili to said land g>-li r ilici Iteci Ivor ol this ■ ¡I a •view, » »re., on Monday, the i/f May, lissi. ||e names ¡¡* . ...... Jleorv Wels-r. of Klamath I i . ' >ri goti ; .lahe I! oliatoli, of Kluilll* Full» (>!«i«'»u; Edward Burn», <4 f >t« gi»n ; G«'o. < ). Vaii X¡ittu, «»i i (>r«*goii. Any und nil jhtmoh ». in/ ndv**r*«*ly tin* ii I mjvu 4«-*< rn*« n»** ri-<|H« G-'l to fllu tliuir < hiiiin» • llnti oh i»F b‘i«»ri* mild 7th M.iy, 1900. M. bratta ! n. < r. Liikcv H'W , < >i« g»»n Mar* h Noti« e i« to-ii by giv« n Iloti pilline** wnh Ilo* pruviHiohM of il Coligli «w ol Jum ì, « inni ad fm ihe sul«' »4 I ìih I m i Imi»!* » i ' limi Washmcl' ti l«i• it»»rvJ. Bi**to| , «4 Willi-n, ( »»nnty <4 .1 Mate o| Xtr. II Xu. 7 E. ami I u ill «4L i PI«H,*f 1*1 el... A Ifittt l I h * land 1 1 * looru viil' •I«* ior 11* t llllb • i or «toiiu than t'>r ¡i/fii ■lltllliil i»iiriH»r|¡ •. fl*ul to «•'slltblil4i ¡»i* u|. lllll f(» sani lam <1 1 *4*»lu II in lh r'ih!« r Mini |{, cciver o| 1 till* offii-u III 1 ..ikcvii-w , < 9., oil Molida v III** Hifi «1lay <*l M.n. I*.. » Hu líame* u*> * Mil |iu*»*»i - 1 i ol W. 1 ami Tlu»» « M. 1 1 4 ill. ol PhiH i.i * . Gr., II. IMmill • 1 ‘11*11, «h -* mid John \ W nglit ol I Any ami all | m 'I»«» ii « II»* 4l«»VC «Il •• fl»M I t<» filo their c I miiiim in K.- l«*!«»ii« »iii'l I4lh d i) «» UMBER l.\N|> I. ALS FOK II» X >L ». I»opart in« nt of f In In- ♦ 4- v ♦> -i*4* 4- • if ELECTRIC CASH STORE. Notke for Publkation. h til of r»-K»»n, H-bruary iv. x'o» «-I. i,.*r< that th* followtn<- fi«ii.»->1 Mw T 40 * . f< II. I W M O /»» ii J|.* namri th«- following w in.•-«I - to prov« tiia «’ontiniiooa r*-ahl**n<*»- •ii-ofi and rtiltlvailon of >ai«t !an! th«* fntrrinr, |jin ' i»rlc. nt Klamath Fall». <>r»ir'»n, <»n M.«r< h 21. .’*•». vU: Lyman •' i . '’'.*- k , >>f • Ip Hi - It I" E . W M Gr«K«'!i He iiam»-« Hu following wj!t»«'-~»-w to i-rove hia contlun- «» - r* .'I' li«' tip«»o an*l <->iltivallon of »aid lamt.vU: Win Bar« «»f Merrill, Oregon; Il I I h » r »,! .'! Ui*/»»t. John Ratliff «»f Klatnalh Fa.b. <>r*-4«oi; J l>. !>-*-r«an. of Mur- fill. Otr<«»n. K M B battaix K**g|»ier I « brua rv I, I non. I*, endorsed •Prop»»- I Building. Klamath addichs »I to the ( om- TIMBERLAND. A'T .II NEI. 1878, NOTH E IDI! PUBLICATION. idian AtT.iifh, Wash- Dry Goods, \< TJf’N E I, i ■. pi I I sI $ I ti Hats, I Notice I or Publication. k p. III. of I NTTI.D STATES LAND OFFICE.) for furniidi- L akkvikw , O kio . iix , February 2, 1UUU.) llverng t Iw liccijisary nta- Notice i» hereby given that in com­ I Xiti i» b* t 11 » m I. » xi» ( h i k i lais»! icijuircd hi the ron- pliance- with the provisions of the act of lutkevh w . Or«-g<»n, March'», P and completion at the Congress of Join- 3, 1*78, entitled "An Notile I« Leirby giv» Il thill III M’hool <>f Olli* frame build- act for the nah* ol timbi-r lands in the ph a lira* willi I In* |»r»»v n-1 »» ii * of (I m * ; i •p:tal. ill Mrlet .iccord.ince stall*, of California, Oregon, Nevada, Congress of Jum* 3. | m 7 h , i ntuivi and Washington Territory." John W. >!.iii siM*citlcat muh ainl in- Brandenburg, <4 Klamath Fall", County art fur tin* « il«* of timlH-r hind* n t • bidder* w inch may be of Klamath, State of • »regon, ha. this *!at«*s of Califoriiia, Oregon, Ne imi W'iisliii.gioii T»-i ri’»»r \ J »li ■ I day tiled in Ihi- office hi. sworn state­ Falsali »»I Wi llen, County « I J.i« Xo. 23Ô. JohtiKon St.. i ment No. 2»»3, lor the purcliam- of the Male <»( Oregon, ha« llil» day fia Ik.. the Builder*’ A Trad- SW quarter of e<*etion xo. M. in Town­ thl* »»ff.> •• hl* *w»»rn stah-mert N », ripe Omaha. S’eb., the of- ship io. 38 S., Range .xo. ft Li., and w ill f«»r the purrtiaM* »4 the >W « f b» K r. \ m \ t rt Hrrrniji i s. of offer prm I to show thet the land sought No. I. In Tow nal ip No. di 8 b if ■ is more valuable for it. timlier or stone I • • * 7 E amt will pr»*d t<» »how than for agricultural pur|«>sen, and to (In* kimlso'ighi in inore v.»luabl»* Io establish Ins claim to said land before tiinlsr or stone thin lor »grimi the Register and Receiver of this office purpoM* ami to i*««tal»n*!i hi* clair nt Lakeview, Oregon, on Friday, the -.nd lami t»«-f<»n* the Rrgi-»«*r mi l 13th *lay ol April, PK». He names a» cclVi r <»l this » »flirr at I. ik» v ¡< w , < »n witnesses; J. H. hitcomb, <4 1’*!, oí» Molida) (be 14th day <>f M mv , t'.iliforma ; J. Slv. of 1'ieard, Cali­ IL* iiatm-s m »» w itm*»*»** : Jame fornia;!!. I*. Galarnean, <>t Klamath Bish* i» at I W .» »■»•<». Bi»li<»p I Fall«, Oregon; Henrietta tialarneau, leu, Or.. Jolin v W’right <»f J.u l.•- ri Any and Timber land. Ait June ,t. 1878- of Klamath Lulls, Oregon. (b an * I ■ i • ' i ■i I *■ - ■ all |«r»iiiis claiming adversely the Not .c for I’ubtkatijn. kny imi • I |**r* in* claiming ulve alsive descrils-d lands are requester! to ihr ils»ve d<--< riG »I Lin i« an* r»*i|U< tile their claims in lids office on or be­ I NITED8TATE' L\XD<»FFICEJ to tile (I m I» < Iaim* III ibi* ottici* o « »r L vu » view , (>!(><,• »X, I « hr nary 23. P.»00.| fore sai I 13tli dav of April, E<«». l>< foie said 14th «l»v »»I May. H« m >. E. M. BRATTA!N, Register. Nolic*- i« In ruby given that, in com­ I M. B kati vi X lo*gi*t< pliance With tin* provision* *»f the act of TIMBER LAND. ACT .It NEI. 1*7«. C«»n,’r*'*" of June 3. 1878, entitled “An NOTICE Foil I I 1!L1< AT1O.X. nd f«»r li e sale of timlx r lands in the ►tntus « Í r«*gon. Nevada ami Washington Territory.”«- A. Hous­ EMTED STATES LAND OFFICE J ton, of KLimati» I al'*, Coimtv of KLim- L akkvikw , Ogxitox, February 1. lWO.i Mth, htnti* of < >i«-M*im, I isn tl.i« lay til«*»l in Notice in hereby given that in com­ tLi* «»tî'u c hi* sw • rn statement, No. 21 th pliance with the provisions of the act of the pu me of t t HI k of NW ! 4 Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An and NW ‘4 «4 NE >4 ami 8 of NE « I- act f >r the sale of timlier land* in the No. 19 inTnwn.hip *~ No. I»» 8., Range No. 8 E., «nd will offer states of California. Or.xgon. Nevada, proof t.• sh*'« that the land sought mid W '.ednngtoti Territory,” Melissa is more valuable f *r its tindwr Bra Ivnbiirg. of Klamath Falla. County <>r * tone I r ngrieulturid pur­ • •f Klamath, State of Oregon , has this day tili-l in thia office her sworn state­ l»»»«es, iiik I to establish hit claim to ment xo. BW, for the purchase of the *4*1*1 land I fere the Register and lie- >W «pirnlcr of S«*ciion xo. 34. in T >wn- riviver of tiiii otliee at Iaikeview, < >ie- tdiip xo. 3S S., Range xo. ft FL. and w ill gon. on Momlay, the • 7th day of May, offer proof to aliow that the land sought |*Mx». Il«» mime/» ii* U it !>*•»«*«•>• * i* more valuable for its timlier or atone IMw.ird Barns, of i A-ldnml, . Oregon; „ than for agricultural purj»oaes. ami to <" • (» \.iii\:i!li. 'I V» land. < »leg'll ; e*ta*her claim to said land before II ^ . . . : K imatli F*:ills, Orr- the Register him ! Receiver of tin* office egish-r and IL»- g<»n ; R*»!»ert II I’. in nell oí Klamath at Utkcview. Oregon, on Friday, the kex leu < »i. «»o Full*, (»regon. Any and all |M*r- ■ \ 1 • • • *«ma claiming adversely the n’t»o ce­ 13th day of April, 1U00. She names as witm--*’*: II. P. i lalarncau. «»f Klmn- L\NDoFFîCi:j 22.' I*»r I I k - i Mili«»- <»f the X \\ * j <»| < *ngrc-s of J line >1, lS7s. entitled “ An to the P-va'iit.-r».»» r’’ S im '' i »» i X 2*» hi I »w ii»liip No. t'l 8. I I K I \ J I W . I hi» • »N . I - Í»! 1 l \ 23 ’ 1 ' » I'xtTKi» S tates L ax » Omca i act f«»i the sale of timtn*r land- in the . »Uy Morning. Th- s Notice is hereby given that, hi i m -tat» * of C.ilihiruia. Oreg- n. N. v.ida and L akkvikw , O kmiox , February 2, ItMMI.i I* R ing. No. 7 i .Mf» l will « ffi-r proof Io pli.itK'e with the provi- ion* of the act of ■flow flit- lami -"light I« lume v.ilu- trying arm» >n by t Washington Ternlorv,” E.dwmd W. Notice is hereby given that in com­ Call Ani See US, al»lr for It* limici or stone than for Cr.. on M‘»mlav die 14th day <»l iegon, ha* till* «lav tiled Hi till- S., Range N ». 7 E., and will otfer ¡»r »of of Klamath Falls, County of Klnniwth, w« fret. The pu otliee hi* sworn statement. N • 2IÓ lor to show (hat the Ian i sought is more State of < Iregon, has this day tiled in • I h iin it.d («i nt- J.titiu- \ Bi“lm*» »4 W ellen, Or , Id i the |»i|i« |in«e of the W of ,*»W’| and valuable for its timlier or stone than for tins otliee hi« sworn statement so. 2l»2. t«id. M Hl»h >p »t W. Hen, Or., IL»-. M I \ I \\ ‘ I n d >W J 81 1 t ■•! "» • I ln»i|l «»I pii «-nix ’h . John IL E ball, agricultural puri«»*»-«. and to establish for the purchase of the xk quarter id WbenlbeO. M IL I lion No, 18. lu L»w !i*hip N.» 4”S.. i’.inge hi* claim t«»am m i I hind Indori* tfic lirgiider Section so. ill. in Township so. 38 S., I t. la compie« of Wulluii, Or. Anv ami all |»cfsons «*1 to Kliiiiintli l- .il claiming a«lvct m «I v the nt».»vv-elescrila’d No. 8 E., und w ill offer proot to show ( hat ami Receiver of thia ofli«*e Mt Uikevivw. Range s .. ti F... and will offer proof to — nsuaathi . it may re.i«im the lami sought is more valuable for its ' »regon. on Mondiiv. ilu "th day oí show that the land sought is more val­ »'»lyleevpii Hie st - k'neti of laii'l* hi »' r«-«|i » «h d I»» tile their < iaim« ttptrled tli«* Kt • in tin« »»Iti» u oil <*r I m 'I.'I i * tin' said 14th tiitibvror stone than for agnciiltural pur- Mav. PAM. Hu tiaim m h * uitm**>vs: uable for its timlxT or stone than for Ukeriiuiilv will «. nd their rattle to :»<’ses, ami to csial»li*h his claim to said Jilin II. Will, of Taluni, Oregon; agricultural purposes, and to establish day ol M.iv . paat. lumi I m i»»:e the Register anil Rcciuicr ol George W. frown. of Addanti. Ore- hia claim to said land I« foie the Regis­ •rslilpperf from Ibis point. Il 111*»' E. M. I’xitriix, Register. this office nt Lakeview, Oregon, on gon* Ge«», o. VmiXitta. oí Ashland, ter and Receiver of this otliee at latke- *'•*» I* UMerted willi truth that th»' Momhiv, the 7th < of May, P.KM). «»regon; Jnu«»b M. Ca*el»eer, of A m I i - view. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 17th day TI MIIEI! LAND. \< I l I N El. 1*7*. Ilv names a* witnesses: Wl«»l pn«luci*<| m that county annual- land, (»regon. Any and all |“T *4 April, l!»tM. He names us w itnesses : |n*r- Nu l lt T. I ' »II 1*1 ATK »N. Jills* Houston, of Klamath 1 ’.ills. Orc- s «» iis i laimii’g a.lversidv the above dr- L. »». Miils. of Keno. On-gon; F. 11. ’l ami to not |,..H nlin |..',ou.imo g »n ; Ruht. II. Bunnell, of Kl hihi th I all*, >ci11»<*d lands arc n*«|Ut*ste I to tile their Mills, of Klamath Falls. Oregon; E. B. P"»initaper year will be shlppi'il •’» I nii 1 11 ? 1 x 11 m I. wi» < >rni X, Oregon ; .lame* B idet, oí Ashlmul, » h e- claim»* in this otliee on or Iniore said Henry, of Klamath Falls, (»regon; U. I akeVh’U . < hi g 'ti, Man li 5. HMM). gon ; ( »co. Cl. Van.Xatta, of Ash- 7th dav ol Mav, P*»». **Krt by way of this hkii I. It will E. Reisler, of Keno, Oregon. Any and No. 1072. for the >E»4, See. 2. !. Tp. 41, than for agricultural purposes, , and to Notine* ir* lirrelu given iti com­ land. Oregon, Any and all | ht - E. M. BRATTAIX, Register. 1 h' the hear... * • gintge road all |ierson« claiming adversely the S., 11. 12 E., W. M. Oregon. He naine» i-stablish his ciaim to ____ said land latx before ____________ nsarext staivlai'l pilarne unii ih«* |«i• • \i-1<•»i m «»t (he nel oi sons claiming adwisvly the nlHivmdc- abovi-descrilH* I lands are requested to the following witnesses to prove hi» con­ the Register and Receiver of tbis office i ongroMM of J iiiio . : i 83s. vnlitlad “A h suribvd lands me requested to ti!<• their therefor«' the c.isic tile their claims in this office on or lie- tinuous resilience ny«-n and cultivation at Lakeview, Oregon, on Friday, the Hence It will Is* patronized, to not reai It. nel l«»r Ih * •ille <»f (linhel l.ilidw in (he claims in thia otliee mi or before said foie said 17th dav of April, 1!MX). >>f »aid land, viz: Jame» Dixon, of Tule >3th day of April, 19(M). He names aa Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878— E. M. B hattaix -, Register. Lake, Oregon ; A. D. Haye», of Tule witnesse: John W. Brandenburg, of ita a M ite* of <'. i I i I mi ma, Oregon, Xevndii, 7th day ol Miiv PhMi. AUter of Mcntim'*ni luit aa im i W H*liihgi<*ii l'eiiitoix ,” i h min* E. M. BKA ¡TAIN. Register. Lake Oregon ; Geo. L. Schwart«, of Tule Klamath Falb*, Oregon; C. J. 8ly, of Notice for Publication. n matter M I | ili of Ph < ni\ < eel|M|i \«» I. Ili FoUllsIiip X ». il S., Notice For Publication. Notice is hereby given that, in com abovr-described lands are requested to ’’««iteal region oulhlde »•»•Uilty, tin- eiul'ity* I' niti - d S tate « I.ixn O jhi 'BJ hut flange \<» 7 E. alni will offer proof to ph.nice uitli tlm prm inions of the act of file their claims in this office on or be­ Department of the Interior, I’NITED STA FEs I. \ND Ol'l h’EJ «'dmpeeiaiiy to tli * north and e.iM. show (lini ihe l imi Hoiighl i* more valli­ Cmu.*ress of June 3, 1S78, entitled “An l.AKKViKn-, O hi : g <>\, FebruHry 2, l!»00.t Iaind Otliee at Lakeview, Oregon, fore said 13th dav of April, 1900. li Idi» for (nube! or stono than fortigni n» e*»liil»li-li hi* ulaim Notice is hereby given that, in com­ states i i ( alifoi ma. Oregon. Nevada and pliauee uilh the provision« of the act of Notice is hereby given that the fol­ «•thudnfgi'iting pi market, (a li»'l,l to siihl I uik I botole ilio Kegister and lìe- pliance u il h I he pro\ i ions of the act of Washington Territorv,” George 'V. eongre«« of June 3, 1878, entitled “An lowing-named settler ha. tiled notice of IhiM olili <* al l.akoview, ( h'., mi (’ongics.s of June 3, IS,S, entitled “An (*rou soil, of Ashland,<’minty ol Jackson, act for the «ale of timber land« in the Ilia intention to make final proof in sup- infuri embracing ¡is many square eeivorot Mondny thè I Itti d.iy of May, IIM0. Ilo act for the sale of timber hinds hi the State of Oregon, has this dav tiled in «tatew of Ualitornia, ,»regon. Nevada, pott of hi.« claim, and that »aid proof TIMBER LAND, ACTJUNE3,1878, ’'"b-»¡unimii' of ih** eastern states) li.ino * a u it NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. m ; Jiime* \ . Bishop, Territory,” E. B. w ill be made before C. 11. Withrow at <»t California. Oregon, Nevada this otliee his sworn statement. No. «nd Washington "WV fii*|Klf,. i„.||, f that the Iolin I I - all an»i W aliaci' G . Ihshop all of States of Henry, ol Klamath Fall«, County of nimiimii ran», vrregon, on aiarcn ir, mid Washington Territory,” Chris. 213, for ’lie purchase of the N W’. Klamath Fall», (»regon, on March 17, 'tiffl'-uf ib,. ruul will Is- nn No. 1.1, in Township ■. No. Klamath. 40 S., State of Oregon, ha« thi« day ltHlt). viz: AIN-rt : D. Albert Wellen, Or . ami John \. W tight of Johnson, of Lakeview, County of Lake, Section . Have«, D. H. Haves, E. No. IL E. No. UNITED STATES l.ANDOFTICE.1 .In» k -mivillc, Or. Anv and all per*ons Range No. 7 I ., and «ill offer |iroof to tiled in this otliee his sworn statement 1671. for the N’._. of NE ». and N1.. of Nlllllll State of Oregon, has tin* day tiled hi Il will p.u from lh* *'— • 4 S. - • I. Tp. — 41. s.. - •• ’ •* — ’w’ilL L akkvikw , O kkoox , February 1, HMM».) R. l2 E., ■''''I w Ibe culmi « Ini reas'-s in Nt art, ulniininu lidiIx Ilio alwive deserilied this otth’c Iii4 Mworn atatcmmit. No. 2IM, slur» that the I ind sought is more vain- xo. 2t»l, for the purchase of theSE quar- NW' Notice is hereby given that in com­ ‘ “ of Section xo. 2«>, in Township X'o M., Oregon. He names the following '""n, manufacturing and Impil­ lami* m e 1 eqiiesled to file tlieìr cimili* for the purclia*«'of the S’., of X \V. ’ t and able for its limber or stone than for ng- ter in I liis olliuo oli or l »idoli* sani llth day X •y of SW 11 ol Section X in I'.»un­ ricultural purposes, and to establish his 38 S., Range xo. ft K., mid will offer witnesses to prove his continuous resi­ pliance with the 'provisions of the act of fprlm», thi* road will lici'oim- ili Iler of May, P mmi . ..111*1 beline the " Register proof to show that tin- land sought is dence upon and cultivation of said land, Congress of June 3,1878, «»titled “An ship No. I(i s., I binge No. S E., and will claim to sal I In I '. M . Ila vi r il», L’egister. in busin -ss .is any load ¡IN offer proet to show that (lie land * »light mid Kei'eivi’t ot this otliee at Lakeview, mote valuable for its timlier or atone viz: Geo. L. Kchuarti, of Tide Lake, act for the sale of timlier lands in tho i* more valuable for its timber or stone Oregon, on Monda.' , the 7th day of than for agricultural yiuriKtses, and to Oregon ; A. IL Gostick, of Tide Lake, states ol California, Oregon, Nevmla, He nanies names ns witne-ses: establish his claim to raid land before Oregon: James Hixon, of Tide Lake, mid Washington Territory,” Henrietta than for agricultural purposes, and to Mai It«*». lie 1"l"Elt|,\s|,. \r| \E3. I**«* Frank 11, t row son. of Ashland, Ore-1 IM» Register and Receiver of this office Oregon ; John Dixon, of Tide I-ake, Ore­ (inlarneau, of Klamath Falls, County of establish his claim to said land befure gon; »ieo. b. Van Natta, of Asldamt'? itUkeview. t »regon, on Tuesday, the Klamath, State of Oregon, ha« thi» day the Registei ami Receiver of this oilice gon. _ _ ________ FOR I'lTd.l» A ri‘»N* day of April. HKM). Ho names as tiled in this office Iter sworn Malena nt al I ukcview , (>regon, mi Mondai . the i >iegoti ; I- .1" ar*l W. Burns, of \sldahil, [ K. M. BRATTA IN, Regiskw. U Xi ri n Si i ri'.** I «Mi » »I I ti-K, Oregon; Jacob M. ('¡isebeer, of AstrO AstnJ Witness! No. ll»7, for tlnr pn rebase of the H half I. 1'. Lee, of Klamath Falls, '’ittrn Hrni'« l.»xn On n c. Lakeview, »»legón, Mnrcli 5, IIKM). "tli day of May, IV00. lie names as land, Oregon. Any and 1 " ~ of NW quarter and HW »quarter of NFJ u;L. O. Mills, of Keno. Oregon ; wit nvsses : Noliie is hereby given in com v ( hi , Xl.ii cl» •», I’.HH). Mills, of jxlamnth Fulls. Oregon; TIMBER LAND, ACT .11 NE 3. 1878, quarter and NW quarter of SE quarter of <»vo. o. XanNatta, of \sldand, Ore­ »011« claiming adversely the nbove-de- i»hi.° IBvun that in mtH* pillim i* w itIi the provi-mtis of tin1 net of _ R ieder, of Kono, Oregon. Any Section Ne. 34, in Township No. 38 II., (»m"** |a!»vi*h»iiH <»l the act <*i Congress ol June 3 187.8, entitled "An gon; E. W . Burns, of kshland, Oregon; sei ibi d lands are requested to tile their __ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Range No. »! E., and will offer proof fir , ?"'” »l .Imo. 3, |h(K, !•milled " An net fur the sale of timlier hinds in the I'. II. Crowsmi, of Ashland, Oregon; claims in tin» otliee on or lielore »Al aiMl'all ]«*rsons claiming adversely the ■ iibed lands are rcipiested to show that the land sought is more valu­ »Ui2 11 Imilo-r lands In II"' «lates of (' ni i, t »regon, Nevada, (ieo. I'. Loudermilk, of Lakeview, Ore 7th day of May. HMM». E. M BliA I I AI N. Register.: ■»•tlieir claims in this otliee on or be- UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. I able for its timber or stone than fur ag­ ' l'Iil"r,iia. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Fred W. gon. Anv ami all |M»r*oii* claiming ad ftwweaul 17th day of April, IIMW. L akkvikw , O uki . on . February 2, HMM), i ricultural purposes, and to establish her Udi.'I'«,»ilorv.” Lillie M Edsnll, ol I'honii v. Count v of Jiii-kson, Vcrsvlv the abnve-desciibed lands are Notice is hereby given that in com­ claim to said land before the Register E. M. B hattaix , Register. ha«,. I ’’'»’"'»»'x. Enmity <>( .lio kson. 8ln|e of Oregon, hm this day tiled hi iei|iiested to tile their claims i*i this pliance w ith the provisions of the act of and Receiver of thie office at Lakeview, luj.’’V'ltoii, has this day lllel >'» Illis nllico hi* HWnlll st.ilemeiit No. 224, olli *e mi or before said Till day ol Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An (iregon, on Friday, the 13th day of hiij' 'V •didement No. 2*28, for the piirelinse of the NW1, ol,Section May, IIKMt. Notice For Publication. net for the side of timber lands in the April. 1900. She imines as witm-wm-s: E. M BRATT \IN, L’egisler. No. I, in Township No. Il S. Knnge No, Department of the Interior, stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, Melissa Bramtenburw, of Klamath Falls, W?"?'!’''»' r-m»>«hip No. Ill •»., 7 E.g"l w ill offer proof to show that Land Office at Lakeview. Oregon, and Washington Territory,” Hurry I*, Oregon ; C. J. 81», of Preard, California ; the lumi sought is mule valuable for its January 29, 1900. »inlarneau. ot Klamath Falls. County of J. If. Whitcomb, <4 Picard, California ■, "’"'«»'I proof •I'lr I,,?, ' '*""1 sought "ft"r is more vain to timls-r or stone than fur agriciilttiral Timber Land. Act June 3. 1878— Notice is hereby given that the fol­ Klamath, State of Oregon, has thia day J. W. Brandenburg, of Klamath Falls, I »thenh,, , '»»»»'«'r or stum) than (or purposi*«, and 1*1 esla»*li*h his claim low ing-named settler has filed notice of tiled in this office his sworn statement Oregon Notice for Publication. Any and ail perrons claiming r*'l"lyi*'svs, and tn estnlilish to said laud lieliire the Register mid Re­ Ilia intention to make filial prisd in uup- No. 204. for the purchase of the NW adversely the nbeve-de»eril«»d lands arw -------- I X»n*l ii liefore tin* ceiver ul I his oilice at Lakeview, Or. on ..port of Ins vlaini, and that said proof quarter of Section No. 8, in Township I requested to Ale their claims in this of- UNITED SPATES LANDOFFICE, | «« (.,**’"■■'•• "I this otliee nt ... ' ' Mondny the I ItI« day of May, HKHI. lie ' ---------------- • willla* made beloiy C. H. Withrow At - .. ¡K_~- I'...- ■ V_. c. * I. \ K i V 11 a , OnK .< i \ , Eel u nary 23, 1900, t . mimes ns n itnesses : James A. Bishop, I r (.ratunrlt week limber I and. Act Bin • j. Notke for Publi ât ion. Merchandise. Sutton’s Snap Shot. The Best Liniment For Sale By CHITWOOD & CO. a" 1**42 f