U. S. SENATOR ROACH OTECT SETTLERS. Wind-up Heil Land Claim Not Agaiiial Occupant* Krally Ktractive Burden of Proof on Railroad, Instead of Kettler. Says Peruna, the Catarrh Cure, Gives Strength and Appetite RtVIkW WeEKLY of Old OF Nualnla* TRADE. Holding Hack New Tranaactiuti*. R. G. Dun & Co.’s weekly review «ays: Failures in 1899 were 9,398 in number, with liabilities of $128,132,- 679. i'he last few days of the year added a few to the uuinber, and some millions to the known liabilities of firms aud batiks which (ailed close to the eud, so that commercial defaults reached $90,879,889. Most people in business have been so occupied with their accounts aud the settlements of the ;>ast year that little new business has yet been doue. No new tendeucy in manufactures or in trading appears, and less change than was anticipated iu money markets. There is nothing unsound in the business of the great industries, but an extensive revision of prices may dis­ appoint extreme expectations. Two ways of stimulating business are adopt­ ed. The Iron Age notices "transac­ tions of magnitude in foundry iron, which indicates that some sellers are willing to make concessions to secure the trade of good customers.” But the steel ami wire company has advanced prices of wire uails, barbed and smooth wire 25 cents. Wool is strongly held, though prices of a month ago cannot lie otbaineii. Cotton does not rite further because re­ ceipts from plantations have somewhat increased, and accounts of largo stocks at many small towns have attracted attention. Cotton goods are at the highest quo­ tation of last year, with good demand, though cotton has declined a little. Wheat moved very sluggishly, with small change iu prices. In six months of the crop year about 99,000,000 bush­ els (flour included), have been ex­ ported, against 123,000,000 last year. Atlantic exports have now fallen to only 2,690,926 bushels for the week, against 5,514,240 last year, and Pacific exports were 531,225 against 614,838 last year. H»“ po«*' is’/ •*’ tbU 'lay ” . "You don’t call that N'T hotieat “Yea sir I Thia morning • a jx'stal with this on the back : ’I’"*1’ Sir Iler* I« your poetai- I s*art«l there ar» many more to follow O.INMOT KK r “Nature At}hors a Vacuum •• toothing in the world et^ndi etttt. u you ere well end strong dey bv dey th, lui'plics Its Me of sup,.«. If 4 (fl. the Nood u vv«Oft,/ end tsrries in as. n t’I'HBI» Settlers iu the states of Washington H» hreal »vifllMll»«». •• <•>»» ' 'ea> l' »•'" df.e»wd rullio» uf ike aar I here la un-y on» uid Oregon, and, iu fact, iu all the t.1“ul..L»iuM..»i"l 'bai la by eonattju- •taes through which the Northern Pa­ lienal r»m.d'»» n»»l«»»» la eauM.I I.» In iaui.-l uoaditlon of Ih» nim-oua limits of lh« cific railroad passes, are very much in­ Knalaehlan TuM When Ihta Ini'» s»t» tn terested in the rulings uow l>eiug made rtania l 4 or un|>»r fret hesriu,, *n H '• »nllr»l» el.>»»r1 bv the interior department on the act ,leale««« !•’•« I••"II. »ml ul>l«Mlli» Inrtanun» Kngland** Armored Trel«e* of congress of June 4, 1807, which al­ ,1,.II van (>• l.kan out and Ihta lube ie»l >r»>l I" n. n,u mat iiottAllIoa, l>»»rIn» will b» d«.ir.u».t Nt've^Ois.ippo^ Tli* nmgnitteeiit armored tram» lows the Northern Pacific Railroad , ra> er. nine ce»», oui ol l«n ate cau»»>l !•» Engluiul Tu her >.< lull an Inrtam».! prv’aol her troops iu nlu.ui . coirrjlllenot Ut» tnuaouseurfaeaa lieu of lauds embraced in the various lfi»t Ho.teiicr'a Momie h llitt.ra drt Th« Januaty Century. iva» |I1 si»» ”»>» lluodr»'! I'oilftr» lor »ny forest reserves aud held by them under dvspepsla from the huimin , o»-« ol p»ain»«»ic»u»»,^ o poem by lludvnrd Kipling, “•» tli. squatters’ rights gestion, cointlpatl-m. liver »' I »!'"'•? Matter of On«' (’oinpiiHM, •’ Dr. | Mitch- Hold b» firussiai». in lieu of the lands so relinquished troubla for titty year». Hall’» VSBlly i'tll» ara *b» l*»t- vll’a »lory, ”Tlio Autobiography , the railroad company and others was Naturili g»' *n hamboo in that Issue, |,n| authorised to select from any vacant Painters ami decorators at Ht. lamls Quack,” and« tub 's was utilized iu t bina years sgo­ I Mitchell will lm. lauds o|«n to settlement. wsut 87 S cents, eight hours nml Sat­ another **’ in I by Dr. gin in thn March number. It i* -il||n| la the best The department of the interior has urday half-holiday on and after April rise's Cure for Consumption “Dr North and II lis I Gonds,'• und held "vacant lauds to settlement” to of all coush cure« tieorx« W. hots, 1,1900. ____ _____ __ who bun read thn > manuscript cal), l( Fabueher, La., Auguai 'M Islt»- mean, if necessary, all unsurveyed The I'uitod States turns out annu­ “an npitmiir ol the eeiniirr, eultuman«! lauds. Therefore, settlers or squatters The averiige advance in wages in on uusurveyetl landshave been very un­ Wisconsin for all Classi's in tli« year ally 185,000,000,000 pounds of plug comiiiuu ihhim ot the uineternth t vu. tury. • • ______ tobacco. easy for some time, aud many of them past was 15 per cent. felt that there is little prospect of hold­ I I The S««’ I.lnn has officially an­ r Notldhg fluor in the why of <*tTo« ti I Vf ing their claims. An ingenious Chicago msn is Intro nounced the withdrawal of its ent rate« The laud department ot the railroad duciuit n new footboiird designed for th« of $19 ami $17 between St. Paul and railroad advert ini ng Im* reached th« company, however, asserts that it is use of bmkemen on the freight trsins. New York, which bid lair (or a time to OOAit thin MHiMi number of par­ demoralise the rates of the Western iiued nnw I mmi UI o I of th«» Groat lama fide settler. allel iron |’ti>os, one in h in diameter, Passenger Asaoclation. When the Soo ern *y*tem, entitled “.\vn « Aniorlo*," Thn ÌNMtklrl At the same time the department of and laid iqioiiii framework which rai»e-< made the cut rates high officials of the mavm the Studilo Tillie* the interior eucouiagvs the settlers to them eight laches from the level of r<>«d stated that they would remain in contain* mi Acvurntn n <4* continue their settlement, and within the car roof. The top sides of the effect until the clone ot thn steamship trip from BuîTrtlo to .Seattle amt gives illu*lrat<*d by •hree months after the acceptance of pipes are (urtiinshed with iron spurs, season, and their withdrawal at thia tXHIIpletO iiifornint the official survey of their lauds to as­ placed close together, much in the same tune indicates that thn Soo could not photograph«, <»t nvvry point of iiiti mpt sert their claims thereto. tending over manner as spikes upon a ratling It is w lthstan I the ]aar u|xiu it by »«xoetato lino». the party first initiating the right of timing d«i|Mirtineiit of the Great North» prevent the feet from slipping on such settlement has the prior claim. St. Louis machinery moulders now ein i* being nhowrred with letter* eoui» ice as gathers, while the snow falls be­ Congressman Jones, of Washington, tween the rows of pipes upon the roof. get $2.75 a day; two months ago $2. pliinetilary to the new publication. who has just introduced a relief bill on behalf of settlers, is of the opinion that most settlers would not think of fighting the railroad company, and, therefore, the law as it was enacted does grave injustice to settlers, as a rule. In an interview Mr. Jones said: "It has l>een repeatedly asserted that PACIFIC COAST TRADE. lands upon which there are settlers Meattie Market*. have been filed on by the railroad com­ Onions, new, $1.00 cd 1.25 per sack pany under the present law. To pre­ Potatoes, new, $16020, vent this is one of the objects of the i Hon. W. N. Roach, United S'ate» Senator From North Dakota. Beets, per sack, 75085c. arc packed away in your imides and must be kept dean, Hon. AV. N. Roach, United States Senator from North Dakota, personally en- law. I know that settlers have their Turnips, per sack, 60c. in order and doing business. remedy. That is to fight the claim of iorses Peruna, the great catarrh cure and tonic. In a recent letter to the I’e- Carrots, per sack, 50c. It's a long way, with many turns and pitfalls to catch runa Medicine Company, at Columbus, Ohio, written from Washington, D. C., the company and establish their prior Parsnips, per sack, 75085c. rights. This is expensive. The set­ Senator Roach says: Cauliflower, 75c®$l per dozen. the refuse and clog the channel if not most carefully tlers are not wealthy. The prospect of Cabbage, native aud California, x ersuaded by A irtend 1 have used Peruna as a tonic, and I am gflad I delay is discouraging, and many prefer cleaned out every day. ** «*-»•• -*•» 090c per 100 pounds. to testify that it has greatly helped me in strength, vigor and appetite. abandon their settlements rather When this long canal is blockaded, look out foe Peaches, 65080c. I have been advised by friends that it is remarkably efficacious as a cure the expeU8e and delay “ j Apples, $1.2501.50 per lox. trouble—furred tongue, bad breath, belching of gases, Pears, $1.0001.25 per box. for the almost universal complaint of catarrh*” "The railroad cannot complain at yellow spots, pimples and boils, headaches, spitting up uf Prunes, 60c per lx>x. Senator Roach’s home address is Larimore, North Dakota. these provisions. If its claim to a tract food after eating,— an all-around disgusting nuisance. Watermelons, $1.50. Peruna is not a guess, nor an experimmt; it is an absolute, scientific cer- of land is just it will prevail. Delay Nutmegs, 500 75c. talnty. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. Peruna has no substitutes—no and expense cannot hurt it as they do Violent pill poisons or griping setts ere denser- Butter—Creamery, 32c per pound; rivals. Insist upon having Peruna. Let no one persuade you that some other the settler. All it has to do is to in­ ous to use for cleening out the bowels. They dairy, 17022c; ranch, 22c per pound. remedy will do nearly as well. There is no other systemic remedy for catarrh spect the land. If it finds a settler force out the obstruction by ceasing •violent Figgs—Firm, 25(3 26c. but Peruna. Address the Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio, for a and does not think lie is there bona fide spesms of the bowels, but they lee-ve the Intes­ Cheese—Native. 16c. free book on catarrh, written by Dr. Hartman. it can contest his claim as any other Poultry—9(310c; dressed, 13014c. tines week end even less eblé to keep up reguter —| contestant, but it should bear the bnr-1 Hay—Puget Sound timothy, $12.00; movements then before, enJ meke e lerger dose Victim of Hla Own Meillelne. den of such contest. These bills are The bill to protect child labor has choice Eastern Washington timothy, necessery next time. A physician of Eastbourne, re- introduced without any hostility to the passed the Georgia senate. The bill $17.00(318.00 cently made up a draught for a patient, railroad, but out of a desire to do jus- «eeks to prevent children under the age Corn—Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23; Then you have the pill habit, which kills more people putting in by mistake strychnine In- | tice to the settler. I believe the gov-1 of 12 years from working in the factor­ feel meal, $23. than the morphine and whiskey habits combined. ies unless widowed mothers or invalid stead of chloroform, and wheu she com­ ernment should be quite lenient with Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton, plained that it made her sick, got angry men who are striving to reclaim the fathers need their labor. The only safe, gentle but certain bowel cleansers are $21; whole, $22. and to prove that the medicine was all public domain, especially nowjwhen Flour—Patent, per barrel, $3.25; TO CUKC A COLD IN ONE DAT eweet, fragrant CASCARETS, because they don’t force right swallowed balf the con cuts of the choice land is taken up. If we Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. tbe bottle himself. He Immediately rec­ had more owners of small tracts of blended straights, $3.00; California, out the foecal matter with violence, but act as a tonic on $8.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra­ All druggists refund the money if it ognized tbe symptoms of strychnine land we would be better off.” TW* AI.lWKVTAltY CANAL. 1 t*~rr * the whole 30 feet of bowel wall, strengthen the muscles ham, per barrel, $3.80; whole wheat »»u;.a«ri- '«.»:4V» »ni.l>«w>«»;,t .Tu<-i n - u>. ,ar.»i fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature poisoning, used a stomach putup a.id Senator Foster and Representative ckrduu-and >f 4»(M<-a l j-, -T ..d 4 flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80 0 4.00. < l>u.^.»yn V A «Il a ( « Si»»:: la-«» and restore healthy, natural action. Buy and try them! is on each box. 25c. other means to destroy tbe effects, but Cushman have each given much atten­ ••"t" 1 ■ »-nnir.rm «.«...U, | Millstuffs—Bran, per ton, $15.00; w T'SM’a’“ o-‘‘»a. Il Mj.wulfna u ain a..- tion to the claims of settlers and their You will find that in an entirely natural way your bowels V»i 11 K«ilur. 1« «uu, fa. d,«d.-,iu l.««au.«««. «iut After April 1 carpenters will demand died soon after. ‘ | shorts, per ton, $17.00. Ua «y.«il Tl>a latwun. «n-.UM |a|. U m rights, and in all cases there is an un­ an advance of 40 cents per day and a Is-nlnMOK-.er >-«lo« «I u. ik. , „;k«w will be promptly and permanently Woman’s Right» In Turkey. Feed—Chopped feed, $19.50 per ton; ................. - <•*» U qualified sentiment favorable to the prolonged fight is looked for. The Turkish woman Is marriageable middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, pioneer and home-building squattei per ton, $30.00. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth­ at the age of 9 years and by Turkish and settler. ing Syrup the best remedy to use for thriv law at that age. If married, she !• com­ Portland Market. children during th» teething period. petent to manage her property aud dis­ Government Hospital at Vancouver. I Wheat — Walla Walla, 51@52c; pose of one-third of her fortune. Tbe President Beebe, of the Portland Valley, 52c; Bluestem, 54c per bushel, A pioneer sheep feeder of Fort Col­ Flour—Best grades, $3.00; graham, lins, Col., is feeding 25,000—the larg­ law allow» her to abondun her hus­ chamlier of commerce, at its last meet- est number ever fed by one individual. band*» house for just cause and will pro­ ing, called attention to the bill locating $2.50; superfine, $2.15 per barrel, tect her tn so doing. Sho caunot be com­ a permanent general hospital at Van- Oats—Choice white, 84® 35c; choice VITALITY low, debilitated or exhausted cured bv pelled to labor for the support of b»t couver, Wash., which has been intro- gray, 34c per bushel. Dr. Elina's Invigorating Tonic. FREE *1. Trial husband- __________________ Bottle containing 2 Weeks* treatment. Dr. Kline's duced in congress by Representatives Barley—Feed barley, $15(3 13.00; Institute, W1 Arch St., Philadelphia. Founded 1871. The first recorded strike in the Uni­ Jones, of Washington. George Taylor, | brewing, $18.000 18.50 per ton. London holds 63 per cent of its po- ted States is that of the journeymen jr., said that the hospital was of great Millstuffs—Bran, $17 per ton; mid­ licemen for night duty. im[s>rtance to Portland. ‘‘Vancouver’s filings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $10 per bakers of New York in 1541. healthful location is well known,” said ton. Health from an ji Open Fireplace. . . I mr. lajxug. dviuic luug, aa «* j — --- Timothy, amiiuhuj , $9.50(311; «pa.uv (_uf 11, clover. VlUVCr, Mr. Taylor. "Before long, iiiuuy many wi sol- - i Hay A recently patented freight seal han byalclans aie discovering that th» dierg wjh |,e returning from the Phil- $7®8; Oregon wild hay, $6®7 per ton. made its appearance on the market, •Id-tlm» open fir» had much to do with 1 - 1 - -- ippines. and Vancouver is the place for Butter—Fancy creamery, 50® 55c; and several lines are now considering th« health of our grandmother» and them.” The trustees voted to request seconds, 42>4®45c; dairy, 87H®40c; its adoption. The new seal is said to that steam heat and furnace beat ar» the Oregn congressional delegation tc store, 25@35c. possess many advantages over the com­ responsible for mauy ailments. Steam co-operate with the Washington dele- Eggs—20c per dozen, To any iwtdy mortal, who can t afford to buy. w« will mall a box frw. Addrus Sterling Rtmady Company. Chicago or Naw York, sis mon lead seal now in use. It consists heat especially has a way of gradually gation in behalf of the Vancouver hog- Cheese—Oregon full cream, 13c; of a tablet of terra cotta, on which the Increasing so that anyone who Is used pital. Statistics showing that Van- Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c initials of the road are stamped, and to a »team-heated room becomes an couver is a healthier place than the per pound. JSC. SAMPLE BO ' TLE toe. FOR NEXT 30 DAYS. perforated by a square hole, through easy victim to colds and all th» long Presidio will lie sent to Washington tc Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $2.50® which the fastening device is passed. string of ailments to which a cold Is the help the bill along. 3.50 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs, It is impossible when applied to car Introduction. An open fir» Is a sort of --------------- $2.50(3 3.50; geese, $7.00®9.00 forold; doors, to open them without first break­ Inspiration In Itself, and since It draw» Northwest Notes. I $1.50536.50 for young; ducks, $4.50 ing the seal. When broken no amount In tbe out-of-door oxygen through all Steelhead salmon are reported very ■ I P*r dozen; turkeys, live, 12},® 13c of ingenuity could serve to prevent the MACHINERY, ai . i . kinds Science, the cracks and crannies It help» to puri­ numerous in Coos bay. P®r P°nn,l. knowledge it had been tampered with. Yet fy tbe air In the room while It beats It ...TATUM A BOWEN... I Potatoes—55® 75c per sack; sweets, The Dalles has authorized a contract 2®2>ic per pound. ï» I» IS Slew tlr»»t PORIISSO OS. Great Britain's Locomotives. •“» Vegetables__ Beets, $1; turnip*, 90c There are 19,914 locomotives at work for an electric fire alarm system for 1C I per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cauli* 18 on the railways of the United Kingdom, yearg- Fish Commissioner _____ Little ___ has _ ar- d°wer> 15c per dozen; pa th ni pw, $1 UfmULn M the U» Wfc and each of these on an average runs ____ ________________ tneiU^nal/le ralue h«- k'.",'/, "¿‘I w",l'le,fi|l bROPlt.” s <>f 19,096 miles in a year, and earns fot I ranged to plant a carload of Kantern I l,eaM- 6@6c per pound; celery, 70(3 jnercr of which h»C. »1 »«y. d.f * ?,>. 'if '"""•nlG 1» no l<,n»»r »111.» Address till \ KW k IKK, Mountain Home. Ids. I”’1* dozen, cucumbers, 50c jier hRoftr rti-fli. U..M JI-. .,..1 hM robt'" (i Im i . " "" 'I!' thli £4,578, so that each mile the loco* lobsters in l'uget sound waters as an I y»t ln»,nt«1 bv man for th«q« IH iu ,,i I'.iJi! / ,h*lr'»rror Tbla la truly a (list slveii motive runs Its gross receipts ar» about I exjierirnent. box; peas, 8®4c per pound; tomatoes, comln» sensratfona aa th» meal womtarfu i roJuni, , 'f,»''I liaiirtct down i<. 75o per box; green corn, 12 % ® C'»nturr Thia r.-rnedy I, |..,,(ih, . "J ,J-I- ■lurlnt ft..- Nine,,., ,u, 4s. 9d. Lika tbe human factor In all blncd We ohallen,. the e»Z-e?f Hh. ’ »!' remedlw e.„n ONE FOR A DOSE. Cur* Mieli ||rad*ch* A horse, loade-I with United Stated ]jc per dozen. Aathm., 1.» lirtpp*, ¿"<1 kl„.1r.'*» ing mor» than that of ten years ago, mail, was recently killed near the falls »«•lltvcly cur»d In «abort time m«nv who w..r, b'a o ft ,7 Wl“1 tl‘l, '’"■'"'t' '‘"l not ( (ripe t>r M|* br the u»f of Cftitehe«, «nd ,!||| ,,thRr, uh . 2-' l'1"" G’ >‘ «r«. other« who could only UUV, unlike uiumv . tbe ue uumau Wool—Valley, 12® 13c per but, human lacior, factor, engines engines | '>elow I5rewHt«r valley by missing its 12018c per pound; poun< I ; dt^TL. I. no «..„.ration W. bsv. th. evid.^ in'” ¡•"'I’1« "ffutl l".a f-.r M. Dll HO«ANKU •<•»., Pl.llu.ln, Ptu.D, ft.,ld |,7 |>ru„l.i.. are now earning less; the 15,924 locotno- | a Pr^il’ite °r | Eastern Oregon, 8® 14c; mohair, 27® below. The mail I 80c per ponrid. tivea then on tbe railway each ran 19,- I the ' " rocks, 150 feet U '" •y4TbLrA\^>>F«,l’K,'!i,,A' u!^'rll‘'i,,l'>v'7ri,V,.,i’ ** NRVRALOI A. Mutton—Gross, best sheep, wethers NSPi.’’5KVO’dKAKT waAKvAa^TooVy^ «LICKPl.ltaw 035 mllee, and earned £4.929 par annum. was recovered. .. tan ML' a I h NKHS. BRUNI Mins, I li “riind JJnJi’v**, V’a ■ABAVHIt, CKKKI'- If, therefore, we take the coat of an The Christian denomination of Al- an»p« •>< Excellent Combination. eoet In »«ven months; but the profits are pastor announces that the size of the '^ht and feeders, $4.50; dressed, each Noone can «pprtmlate thia »„nd,,,, re mid» atm quite another matter. building is to be determined by thr T5-5006.0° per iOO pounds, The pleasant method and beneficial iso-l«* ft. Lak» Ntr««t, < hloaftv, III. amount of money raised, as the congre Beef Gross, top steers, $3.5004.00: effect» of th» well known remedy, It* Glory Don*. gation intends to build only such j I <’OWH- $3 0 8.50; dressed l>eef, 6^53 S tkv F or Flos, manufactured by the In one of the flneat citie* of onrweat, C alivohxia Fie S trop Co., illustrate there lives a certain man who has been structure as may be dedicated free from I**1 pound, ■ »row paying crop* I mm - uiin « tliry'm H the value of obtaining the liquid laxa­ PORTLAND DIRECTORY. debt. Veal—Large, 6>i@7>£c; small, 8@ ■ frnah and always th« •»•*<. For ■ tive principles of planta known to be prominent all hla life in the work of ■ *al* nv«*rywliern. llrfiiM« Hutr* ■ . 8>ic per pound. anil Wir«* W«MUv medioinally laxative and presenting building and managing theater). He The common coun< il of The Dlillea „ _-------------- ■ Htlfk lo Ferry*« Herd* nml proRper ■ them in the form most refreshing to the has been too busy at thin to have much haB passed an ordinance to refund $20,- w u ’ . TT *71. ''‘’’ i “»'.’J? ’5C **' "S’11!'*!1** * *ll°^ WOKK8; WllfK ", I 1900 Hoed Annual froe. Writ« for H taste and aooeptabl» to the system. It time for reading. When his pile was 000 Lf 6 per cent lx,nds at 4 per cen . >H1 Iron lonclnv: ortie» railing, «io. SM A liter I 0. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit. Mich. I is the on» perfect strengthening laxa­ made he started for Europe and visited “’" pound; Eastern Oregon, 12®16c; Vai- I At the December meeting of the I ley, 20(322c; Northern, 10012c. tive, cleansing the system effectually, the various countries. Among other Ma«i|i|ller, ati«| Auppiua. dispelling oolds, headaches and fever» board of Thurston county commission- Hops—1899 crop, ll®12o JMlF gently yet promptly »nd enabling one cities he took in Rome. It chanced ers the quesiton of calling $20,000 pound, ' Uuner’,N.'’‘: KNGINKR’ MA- to qvarcome habitual constipation per­ that h» drove out in the country and «hin«),, tupplir, tnu, virstm., Poril»n4,ür. Onions—Yellow, 75(885c per sack. manently. It» perfect freedom from was shown the Coliseum. The guide worth of the Olympia & Chehalis rail­ Thu a. wall aa Bl»»rtl»<»r fr->tr*"li.S Butter—Fancy creamery every objectionable ’quality and sub- told him it was a theater. The old road funding bonds of 1889 was consid­ 26c; Ä2voÄKb. Ostmof.. PUaa aratura I l.jOr. ■oennko’, >11» Wemedr atan»e, and it» acting on the kidneys, man was surprised. When he came ered, and the call decided upon. Ol -lo seconds, 24 ~~ 5325c; fancy dairy, 21 Btopa llrhln, an.l bl...Tu., A ¡.«..J-, f »mura • ina- hlner» L 1 ? in gem mi upremely Jar al «lrulrs a NKU, I’hilada , I’a. plow. tJi ’ ,2 '* Di«», boilars, tanks, pumps, or irritating them, make it the ideal Eggs—Store, 28® 81c; fancy "ranch, mentioned Rome. Naturally he was to run the call was conditional on the t XI J"? Th. new reat laxativa DR. MARTEL* flOOK. w ’■'luallerL wl,"',,ll|l. sold by him, Is Illi- disposition of the holders to release 39c. asked if he had seen the Coliseum. He In the prooeas of manufacturing figs them. onic Millstuffs — Middlings, $16.00 ® are used, »» they are pleasant to the had. He didn’t think much of it. To —Rent A*«*. In plain, noalml "f1* taste, but the medicinal qualities of the quote his own words: "It was a day for thi» Hook coiifstliiinjt A Pomeroy man has been fined $20 19.00; bran, $13® 14.00. '¿VUU iara and .................. ot bit ÎAKTIL1J» remedy are obtained from senna and blamed good house once, but it’s in Hay—Wheat $6.50® 9; wheat and for allowing his son to remain on the other aroinatio plants, by a method ruins now.”—Detroit Free Press. i/ii'.oTi’V';;'* r* m'“*'« ol,,t *p-' ‘ streets after 7:30 o’clock in the even­ oat $7.50539.00; best barley $5.00(3 known to the CALironitiA Fie S tbup I Mfle II .. Pralaod by tbo!)Mn<1n of MtUflnd ladloaa* N() (’AML bniln l»T * ‘'Urt *r,<1 id *- «very ing, in violation of a curfew ordinance. 7.00; alfalfa, $5.00®7.50 per ton; Co. only. In order to get its beneficial •afo. al wayn r«tl iab I «and without an Escape of the Newly Wedded. no ~ bold by nil drugtflRf«In ni» fai boi, Freiicn straw, 355345c per bale. effects and to avoid imitations, please from IU liZ wll i ,ow Haaul four onUrn In nitie, Whltm andTfod. fabn no «»»bar. A newly married couple In New The oldest letter-carrier in Seattle prawnt* -trio, L*!J'f1 1 »■ •banl ltoly aal —j.---- ’ j- ”'F welfc, )r»noh Drug Cu„l»l A usu HmrlBU, F»w YwS <->*/■ remember the full name of the Company Potatoes—Early Rose, fl .00; Ore- nienc» and dxt*»ntl<>nnr « taian • without without Inrun* incon vs» VIN bv ft rrHaM A ' fr'’,n »»•••!»»**«•. PRlcOni PRICE M kor F printed on the front of every package. Brunswick. N. J., circumvented thel;- is Everett A. Hartley, whose term of gon Burbanks, 65c53 1.10; river Bur- mischievous friends by starting on service dates from August 6, 1888. He » •»rappel, r,„t ,lf |re I (•repaid hy ntprera. Ice, by CURE YOURSELF I CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. their wedding journey by way ot the will, therefore, wear two black stars. banks, 45® 75c; Salinas Burbanks, H AL (JU., Chicago, I". If«« 111* <4 for unn*|ur*l VVUi •AM rBAMCISCO, OAI a $1.00® 1.25 per sack. dl*«Ti*rg**,lnfl*mn»*fl‘’r»*) roof. Th» friends, well-supplied Trltb LOX7I9TTLLM. KT. VBW TuBK. V. T. Irrltail'»*« or ulo*r*W""* The private banking firm at Burns 5h»A Citrus Fruit —Oranges, Valencia, For Ml« tor all Dm«1ata.—Price 50c. per bottle. rice and old slippers, stood at the foot of m ii c o u a membrane. net to •tflfttnra. has been dissolved, and in its stead a $2.75(33.25; Mexican limes, $4.0053 Tvf of I'aHihM, and not aatrin* _ PreTERU Ceti tagion of th» stairs. Th» pair ascended to th» bank has been incoi pirated by citizens • •iTHlhAwlOHIMlflM gont or pobionoua- •ol4 by Dr«c*t"<»» roof, walked to the sdjotalng bousj, With a paid-up capital of $25,000. J. 5.00; California lemons 75c®$1.60; IMOINNATI.O. do choice $1.75(32.00 per box. or *ant In plain wZPPP!'r; People then down end through th» rear doof W. Biggs is president. The News saya Tropical Fruita—Bananas, $1.6053 to a back street, where they entered a CAroAlar *«nt on rM'i«» the stockholders are prominent citizens 2.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom­ ting carriage and were driven to of Harney county. Moore’s Revealed Remedy inal; Persian dates, 6® 6 Ho per mUway statloa., j No, »-l»<»n. P. K. Ü. pound. k Grow up wlih H. LVABf* writing tn adr«rti»«r» pl»«»» 30 FT. OF BOWELS 13 Made CLEAN and STRONG by CANDY CATHARTIC JOc. 25c. 50c. DRUGGISTS drops ! A MARVELOUS DISCOVERY Medical Astonishing, True. Wonderful, CURES RHEUMATISM, MEURALGIA IND SCIATICA. PAUPCD Curable i OR. GUNN'S“" «"“PILLS An rSEEDS-4 VIN MARIANI Q S G T » ÊfldorsM byftw r