KLAMATH VOL. IV. KLAM A I II laiih FALLS, REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, news . < >r<-gun phi-axiiuts urn to bn ‘ 'planted” In Illinois. 1 «"neral Chaffee may I* rent to the I hilippliies to suocee«! General Luwb«n. 1 rayt-r meetings are being held in llollauii for the suuiK-as ol thu Hour army. AFTER 4 4 THE HOLIDAYS. teaata Will Take <«p Financial Hill Jan­ uary 4. I DEC EMBER 2S, 1899 f N /N 4 NO. .37. INVESTIGATING FREIGHT RATES Iut«*rstate Com mission 1« Looking lnt> I'rtipoted Ad v «suers. Washington, Dec. 21.—Discussion Waahingtiin, Dec. 28. — Hearing was in th«- aetmte «if th«* financial measure begnn today by the interstate oom- Both Mouses of Congress merce commission in the matter of the England Interested in Send­ '1raft»*l by the Republican majority of the committee on fluance will begin Have Adjourned. changes in freight classification anti ing Reinforcements. Thursday, January 4, the day after the freight rates by carriers using i-laasiti- holiday re«-«-sa. The announcement was cation. Many complaints have been lie- navy I. in need of more training nade in th«« senate Unlay by Aldrich, filial with the commission, alleging veaaels au«i two first-class uues will FKL1» IN ATTACK ON SAN MATEO >f Rhode Island, chairman of the that ditu-riminating change, in freight LACK OF NEWS FROM THE FRONT *■><>11 la> ask««! for. inane« committee, in vonriection with clasaifb atiori have been agreed upon to Ihree angoli loads of mail will leave Wa. Walking Along the Firing Line lis rejairt'd the senate substitute for To deter­ Aiitl-K.pan.lonl.t. Oeeupled Most •• take effect Jan'iary 1 next. Hillier's lasases at Coleus«, Were Kleves «>n the transfert Grant for the soldiers :he financial bill |>asred yesterday by t.'upr ,,t r «led. When an Knemy *. mine thia question a hearing was held if urial. • 1«. Time Filibustering iu Hun,Irci and Nineteen Men Colonel in the Philippines. the house. llull.l Struck Mini. .......... -—■■■ Aldrich declared his pur­ t«xlay. lit« II«,US0. Flurusr'a Kxpedltlon. |» press the measure to passage as Chairman Gill, of the "official class­ I lie Hanta Fe la now a competitor •non as |Hilo by two luig« Ull American business. LawUm ha. lieen shot and kill«*l st session of the senate belay before th* vances were due to the increase«I coat definite naw. regarding the military eros. A l’uri. di.|iat«'h says that the bunk Han Mateo. He was standing in front The house was in session two hour* holiday recess, Pettigrew of South Da­ of railroad plants and maintenance, operation, in South Africa. Probably Th«« lui»«’ !*»»«■'• fhu currency bill of Russia has ndvan«e«l tho liank of of bis tnxijM, and was shot in thu today. A large num 1 st of fierfunctory kota, in a characteristically incisive and that advances had been applied to thia is tiecause the only cable that is England I'M,muj, udii breast, sud died immediately . Ihnen I k-IIKe | resolutions for printing for committees, by a iute "f I9O i” 1W» -pee« h, demanded to know whether it Lawton start»*! from Manila last leave to sit during sessions, etc., necea- was to be the policy of the representa­ classes of freight that conhl well pay now working ia choked with official rrsts vote«l for It. Two big lawaults have limn insti­ them. He intimated that for some dispatches. The weutlier bureau ut Fort Canhy tute«! In ('hit ago courts lu-tween Mon night with cavalry under Captain miry to get the committees under way, tives of the administration to suppres t reason still further advances probubly General Buller’s casualty list at Co- Ixickett, and buttalioiis ot th«- Tweu- I were a»lopted, , and the several portions facts ami news when called for by s would have to be ma«le. ha« beco clos<->rk will h«re- tana cattle >om|>anl««. lenso, just published, shows that 146 tb-th and Twenty-seventh Infantry, I if the presidei president's message were distri- | senator. He said he believed an effort after l«< doli« ut Asteria men were kille.1 and 746 wounded. Samuel Gompers has lawn unani­ undur LieuU-nant-f lolonei Hargent, for l>ut*»d in accordance with the usual PRICE OF FISH IS CLIMBING. Two hun«lred and twenty-seven are de­ Tlio v«nlict <>( ih" jury In thè Me- mously rr-elrct«*! president of the the purpose of capturing Han Mateo custom. S|sM'«he« were made by Grow, was ls-ing made to prevent the testi­ mony taken by the war investigating scribed as miming, and of these about ftanlel cure wss matislaughter. with thè American F«r. where Geronimo wax said to have 300 the venerable ex-speaker of the house, committee from being sent to the sen­ May Hra«-h Fifteen Cents—Changes Ks- 40 are known to be prisoners in the estreme |*-nalt.v rooonimeudsd. p«-rl««1 In the Combine. I he Inter.tat«« oonimeiroe commission insurgents. in defens«« of the administrations' ate, and declared his purpose of not hands of the Boers. This makes a total General laiwton left home Monday course in th«« Philippines, and by Bell, submitting to the suppression of infor­ Astoria, Dec. 23.—That fish are in larger than General Buller's original Ilowsrd Tutti«, a former l'ortlatld, will grunt railways more time t»> i*jui|> their car* with suf*-ly appliaui-es. night, huving returmsl from his north ­ the Cidorado Populist, criticising the mation to which the people, in hit demand ia evidenced by the rise in the estimate. <»r , Isiy. «leuies (Rat Re la (Re mali pri'-e of steelheads from 5 cents to 6 l-j ah» jum|»*l i*«*«' Ihe bay urar bau A man clou, quartz dis«-overy 1« n-- ern <>|«eratlona Saturday to lead an ex- president’s utterances u|sm the prosper­ opinion, wen- entitled. Royal letters, signed by the queen, |.>rt«*l from Dawson. The or« assay. laalltioli through Mariqulua valley, ity of th«« country. Scores of the mem­ Francisco. Taking Major-General Br«*>ke’a fare­ cents per pound, and an advance to 8 are t«ing circulated by the archbishop which haa I mm * n the Insurgents' strong- cents for chinook salmon. The demand bers left for their homes this afternoon well proclamation to the people of Cuba Yamhilll county hopgrowera hai« $H(H> t»> Hi« ton, and th« l««lg«< is a mil« to the bishoj« of the various dioceses hob I throughout the war. 1«*ll«t to spewl th«- holidays. as a text Hale of Maine briefly con- is growing every day, and it is <»nfi- authorizing a collection in the churches itecl'leil <■■ k’" luto thè |>s>l an«l Rate wide. gratulated the general upon the work dently expected by those who are in a and throughout England, January 7, reut delegale* t‘> Iho Oregon l|n|>gft>*- Senator ! airlwiika ha. introduced u WORK OF THE JUNTA. he ham|-any. ot l»> th« widow of General Lawtn au-l Conm« II« ut. cabled the war department as follows: amendment to Bacon's resolution guar­ that at the annual meeting of the can­ 1 he National A.reciatlon of lie given an additional £12,000 for the "Manila, Dec. 21. — Information Droggi.t. i. strengthening nery combine, to be held on January 8, The «»«culli« «xmimittra of thè anteeing to the people of Puerto Rico, expenses of the Imperial volunteers, from Hong Kong and Negros shows Hawaii and the Philippines a republi­ h ere will be a number of changes. )tn>thcr)u««l "I Ixiconioliv« Eiiginsers tight th« «-ut rato druggists that the late Negros uprising was the can government, and Hoar of .Massa- Several of the present officials will beside gifts of horses, ambulances ma! hai" decl«l««l l«> Imilil a $300,OlX) build­ thè «-ountry. other paraphernalia. work ot the Hong Kong junta. Three chiiM-tts introduce«! a resolution declar­ drop out, and engage in the cannery ing I» Cleielalld, U. Nestor !*on<-« >1« !u*«n. a I lues I de- The latest notable volnnteers include Junta agents visited Negros in th«- lat ­ business on Puget sound. It is also ing how the people of the island posses­ the two nephews of Lord Roberts, A Nouth l'si-ltl«- naial station svili scciiilant i»t I'otic« ( Florida, I. f Ih« wlth- w ... treasurer of the Cuban junta literature, which th««y cireulated in business next season. iug the war. The admiralty has decided to die- «Irswal <>l ami« ot Ih« siili«, there. No business was transacted at th* Luzon; that insurgent iudejiendence patch another naval brigade of TOO Britiiih Steamer Seised. Ike-re. with a reuse of humor, Di« Geruian naiy may I* us«*l in wouhl lie recognized soon by the Uni- brief session of the house today. Th* Chicago, Dec. 23.—A sjiecial to the men to South Africa. cunjunrtlun » Uh tli««.« <>f i r.m« « and I’adeli-I'owell, at MafekiUg, a Incssagi- t««l Stat.-s, and warned Negros of pun­ time was occupied in a filibuster It is believed that in mobilizing th* K umis lo «zrrt pn aaure t<> preienl re- ill a live pound .hell: "Don't «Iriiik ishment iu store, ami directing an up­ against a motion to adjourn. The Recon! from Victoria, B. C., says: Eighth division the war office will hav* all th« whisky; leave some lor u. inlonciucili* ««««-hing Nouth Africa. rising throughout the island for Decern- Demf th« Browu uni««ra­ it being deemed inadvisable to denude Sandakan on Novemlier 25, with clear ­ the venerable ex-speaker of the house, The cv.nsul from the ( »range Free has several tlm«x< tieen invaded, but few bun-1 re-1 of the ignorant mass»-* and lly ssrerta (hai il 1 nglaml whljia Ih« ance papéis, was seized by the United the home garrisons overmuch of reg­ |ka n 4t wlll brlng <>u a war <>( nailon« State in New York city rv|«>rta that uevef held by th« American*. General robliers, an«l the consequent fright of an opjairiuuity to reply to some state States steamer Castile at Caldera bay, ulars. ments made yesterday by Gaines of th«- better element. < leronimo was sup pom* I bi have there In ahl< h thè Vuit«*l btate* must par- many American* have applhol to him The chancellor of the exchequer, Sir "General Smith has imposed on the Tennessee. Payne, the majority leader, and sent to Manila under a prize for ■■nli.tmi'iit tn the Boer army, lb.- the largest organized force north of ttelpats. Michael Hicks-Beach, has issued a crew. Captain I ’ fort, master of the was defeat««! in two roll-calls. Rich ­ majority of the applicants were add- Manila, and General Otis «idled to towns concern«*! a fine, to be paid iuto formal denial that any differences ex­ In thè steer-tymg contrel al Ik-mcr, the general treasury. He reports the ardson chaffed him on his defeat in a Labuan. reported that permission was garrison Maraquina. sought to proceed to Cota Batu to bring ist in the cabinet regarding war ex­ Ckl., 1-1 ! lai • « ì 1 >1« I<-.»I« || ' 1 K '■ iera who (ought in the fqmnish-Ameri­ gorsl-natuied way. After Grow had guilt of two priests, and says American The night was one of the worst of can war. («aslln, tylng th« .treni III 5 iniuutea made his statement, the bouse a.I- away several families, as they were in penditures. England'» troubles are multiplying. th«« season. A terrific rain had I «-gun clergymen are needed; that Negros According to a dispatch from Cape IV recon«!*. Gisidlu claimed th« journed until 12 o’clock January 3, danger of being killed by the Moros, I would be easily controlled if left to it­ Abyssinia now threatens to turn ii|*>u and 1. still continuing. Town there is a good deal of distress in but that permission was refuse«!, and «urld's ebanipl<-nulil|> Accom|Mni«d by his staff anil troop self, but for fears of Tagal vengeance 1900. the British Emja-ror Menelik can pu| the commander of the Castile ordered the Orange Free State, owing to a scar­ It I* prolsilil« that th« dl*tre«s«»l *.*<>0,000 men In the field and ia said to I. Fourth cavalry, General Iaiwtou set wheu Agninaldo fully ««stablishe* him­ city of grain. the British vessels to lie seized. THE COUNTRY PRESS. lark tufairtsdaahors u«ar l'olnt Botillla have l.-eu prejmring tor war over the out at 9 o’clock tn a«lvan<«e of the main self by driving the Americans out of the Daily Mail says: "We under­ A prize crew was then put on Ima rd un NeicmU-r IM, la th» long mlaslug question of territorial rights His for«-«, consisting of the Eleventh cav­ Luzno. The most improbable state­ Manley, of Philadelphia, Would Shut and the steamer was then sent back stand that news has arrived from Gen­ Coltiaa, whlch *all«*l from Honolulu un 1 armament ia In sxcelleut condition. alry an«l one Hutu 11 ion each of the ments are lielieve«l by the ignorant Thrni Out at National Conventions. Manila. The seizure was at once eral White to the effect that Lady­ (M-tolvr v lor I M|Ulmaull. Twentieth ami T*«-nty-seventh infan­ 1 natives. ” Philadelphia, Dec. 21.—The auditor­ protested by the master of the steamer. smith is well supplied with food and 'Die »«-Hat«- will take up the currency try, which staritsl from Iu* Ixuna at l«*l lleuteiiant lo Adjniral Ikxwny durine Chicago, Dec. 21.—A special to the cent national exposition is pronounced longer that has been estimated. London, Dec. 23.—The war office has The Fisb-ratiun of lail.-r hae declare«! the way through an almost |«athl«-s* i Record from Frankfort, Kv., says: It hv Chairman Joseph H. Manley and th. Manila campalgn, who ha* la««n country, a distance of 15 miles over received the following from General Buller's Guns Turned Against Him. that slavery exl«ta iu Hawaii. ili wlth ty|>hoid feinrfiir re>«rul wneks, is aunounetMl by the Goebel manager» H. C. Payne, of the subcommittee of New York, Dec. 23.—A dispatch to «Usti al (larlield hoa|>ital, Washington, The Negro, uprising was cause«! by hill, an-l through canebrak« and deep that the service of notice enumerating the national Repiublican convention, Forestier-Walker, British commander: tnuciipl» aro 000. pared, and will tie served on Governor room. For the accommodation of news- dos-l’al-Gell, saying this officer is re­ been true .General Buller must have Man Mateu Attacked. jubllant mer Bullcr'a dcleat. garde«! as a spy. General Cronje also referred to it. Sir Redvers* artillery Fire in San Mateo was attackixl at N o'clock, Taylor and Lieutenant-Governor Mar­ ]>aper men, it is promised to erect a states he will hold no further commun­ cannot now muster much more than 30 'lajor-i «eiieral W On December 18, the British wa- ons have no doubt been mounted in troop««, th«« issue ot tissue liallote, force the level of the stage. This will give The «-ontroller of the treasury find, American aide, ajiart from the death ■ Agitatore are alarmlng th» ]e used, since the newspaj«er men every opportunity office receive«! the following, date that Admiral .--iim|»aiu was allow«*! t>s> General lawton, but the attack Wa by injunction, etc. natine of thè isluml of N«-gro*. December 17. from Foreetier-Walker: the ammunition wagons seem to liava to hear and see. At the same time the contests art much |aiy. difficult liecauao ol th«« natural defends Thrre Mexicana were kill«*| aa a re- "Methuen reports that Lieutenant been lost with them. Mr. Manley, in speaking of the ar­ til«Mi the "address to the people,” au­ The remalna of the late I«ieutenant of the town. sull of a tight m-ar Florence, Aria. Chandos-Pal-Gell was taken prisoner rangements for the representatives ol General lawton was walking slung thorized by the state Democratic aim- Moved Back Five Mlle. New York ia working har-l tu recure Brumby were sent to Atlanta, Gu., fur the drug line, within 8(K) yards of a mittee in the resolutions nspiesting the the press, said: "There are too many last Thursday evening, while meeting London. Dec. 23.—A dispatch to the interment. a flag of truce. He waved a handker ­ th« iu-it ustionai ih-m<>. ratio conven­ small ahar|iah«*it«-r*’ trench, conspicu­ contest, will l«e promulgate. The newspaper men at St. Louis. Every tion. Eight livM were loat in th«« burning ous in the big whit«« helmet he always address will call on all Democrats to country newspaper for 800 miles chief in response, and was unarmed.” Herald from Chiveley camp, dated De­ cember 17, says: General Baller’s around had its representatives in the The Broadaay National Bank, of llon- of two big tenement housea in New wore and a light yellow rain «roat. He assist in the efforts to seat Goebel. A Klondike Romance. army moved back five miles today, tho York . it« hall. Personally, I want to say that *”“• f»»h*l, wlth llalillitica ol $3,- Chicago, Dec. 23.—Dr. Luella Day, march beginning at 1 o'clock this was also easily distinguish«*«! Iiecsuso Rival of the Rngar Trust. 000,ODO. 1 am going to oppose giving the privi­ who, two years ago, left here, for the morning, two brigades going to Frere Goeliel ia making pn-jMirationa for hie of his nimsnding stature. The sharp- Dover, Del., Dec. 21.—The Colonial lege of the convention floor to any but Klondike, and whose death in a snow­ William II. Cai|«-nt«-r, |*><-t «n-l «" usuai largii number of llritish Puebla have r<-a«-he«l Manila with two attention to th«« danger he was ill, but capital, $100,(100. with the privilege of Klondiker, as his wife. Mrs. McCon­ he only laughed with his usual con­ Manila, Dec. 22. — Major-General " 'rn w,'r« killcd in th» engagement regiments of infantry. increasing it to $100,000,000. The Short ot Alnuiuitlllou. nell struck it rich near Dawson, and •t Tugela. tempt for bullets. Law ton's body was brought from San company is chartered to eugage in the All ag«sl employe* of th«« I'ennsyl- London, Dec. 23.—The chief cause her husband, who had already been Suddenly he exclaim«*!: “ I am Mateo to Manila this afternoon, hit Agtilnaldo haa r«trciit«*l tata» th« vania railroad will lie retired atul pen- production of sugar in Culm, Hawaii years in the Alaskan gold fields, owns of uneasiness which brings back the shot,” clindied his hands in a desjs-r- stuff and a squadron of cavalry acting •nonnuinsaml Major Murali haagheu atoned January IV, 1000. ami Puerto Rico. The refining is to be shadow to English faces is a suspicion ate effort to stand erect, and fell iuto done by special process on the planta­ as escort. It was found necessary tc several rich claims. «l> thè chase. Mrs. McConnell declared that after a that the Ladysmith garrison is short of Englan«! haa ut last «hx-ided to senil the arms of a staff officer. bridge the river. tions. a gn-at <|uantlty more cavalry to South Africa, Thia in < »rderliea rushed senna the field for The funeral will take place from his couple of years which she and her hus­ ammunition and incapable of a pro­ titlsh supplica and ummunition at according to Buller’s wishes. Sympathy for Horn. «urgeon«, who dasheil up imm d ately, late residence here, a mansion formerly band intend to spend in traveling, she longe« i defense. The war office does Magerafuiitein. The Denver, Dec. 21.—By a vote of nine occupied by a Spanish general. The will return to Chicago and erect a not admit that Ladysmith is in serious Senator McBride, of Oregon, ha* in- but their efforts wet? rsek-^- Th« Forti cighth United Stat«', in- tnsluce«! a bill to increase the jsiy of Isidy was takeu io ■> Clump of liushea to five th«- board of aidermen of Denver ls»dy has been plac««««n re)eaa*Ml from ipiarau- letter-carriers in Large cities. and laid on a stretcher, the familiar adopted a joint resolution expressing vault in El l’aco cemetery, where many crippled children. alarming reports to reach England. •*'»" et Angel ialaml. white helmet covering the face of th«« sympathy for the Transvaal republic of the American soldiers have been in­ (’an»l Bill I a Doomed to Walt. Senator Shoup and party will visit New York, Dec. 23.—A special t The censor, it is apparent, sometime» Buller'a cuaualtl«« in th«- Iwittlo nt Arizona and New Mexico to report on dead general. Almost at this moment in its tight with Great Britain and hop terred, and a guan! of honor will be th«« ch«s-rs of the American troops rush- for th«« suecesa of th«« Boer arms. Th« maintained. When Mrs. Lawton and the Herald from Washington says: falls asleep, or is drugged by too can­ *“.**,*• ri'"r, in killed, Wound»«! mu! their application for statch«s>d. iug iuto Sun Mateo were mingled with resolution was introduced by Aiderman her four children shall have completed Legislation providing for the construc­ did and too inquisitive friends. missing, inimi,,, | |OU Kelly and was supported by every Dem­ their arrangements for returning to the tion of a traus-isthniian canal is not General I«awton was killed while in th«« rifle volleys. Th" Am..ri«an Federation of Lalor Welcome Offer of Mediation. After th«« fight-six stalwart cavalry­ ocrat but on«« on the Istard. United States the remains will be probable under the present session of " "gii«t«-r.-d an emphatic «liiuipproial front of his trisips at San Mateo, Lu­ New York, Dec. 23.—A dispatch to men forded the river to th«« town, carry ­ taken ou a transport, with an escort of xon. He was shot iu the breast ami congress. Both the Nicaraguan canal w «“'»rument subsidies. the World from Brussels says: Herr Colorailo Museum. ing the litter on their shoulders, the officers for final interment, as it «xvmmittee in the senate, presided over i«i>|l|l*r",l| appointed to died immediately. llolbern, in charge of the Transvaal Denver, Dec. 21. — The Colorado staff precisling with the colors and a thought probable here, in Arlington by Senator Morgan, and the house i-om- agency here, asked today what truth Chairman Joseph H. Manley, of Museum of Natural History has been ,.i ' J'"»<«ral Buller In command cavalry escort following. cemetery. in it tee ou interstate and foreign com­ there is in the report that President o' ^Houth African force«. Philatlelphia, believes that only metro­ The troojis tiled bareheaded through organized, and will be incorporated. merce, preside«! overby Mr. Hepburn, l*rrl«hrd on the Yukon. Kruger is ready to sign a treaty of in yiiT "'««re burned to death politan m-wspa|H-rs should lie repre- the building, where tin« Isidy was laid, John F. Champion, J. A. Thatcher and Vancouver, II. C„ Dec. 22.—A dis- of Iowa, pro|>oae to take the matter up peace if Great Britain will ask no fur­ sented at national conventions. other Denver capitalists are promoters tliri,,.,'111" *'T” * result of a child and many a tear (ell from the eyes of jmteh from Dawson, dated Decembei without waiting for the report of the ther privileges for the uitlanders, and U,^*‘ng powder in « fire. Dr. Andrew«, superintendent of the men who had long followed the in­ of the organisation, and they have 14. recounts a terrible tragedy which Walker commission. It is extremely will pay what the war has cost the alreadv acourtsl the famous io!lection will A '"' 'r1“ "r,l,’r ,,f IlilM'rnians Chricago public scbisds, may lose Ins trepid Lawton. The entire command t«sik place near Ogilvie. Mrs. J. Rum­ improltable, however, that they will Boers, has answered: in «>. *'-(»00,(100 to aid the Boers j«d> through public advocacy of Great was stricken with grief, as though of Rocky mountain animals and birds ball. Mrs. Dmnbottom, Henry Kelly lav able to get a bill through either “No such proposals have been form­ hght against the EngHsh. Britain's side in the South African war. each man had suffered a js'rsoiiul loss of Professor Carter, of Breckenridge, and two McNamara brothers, who had house of congress before that re|K«rt is ulate«! yet. A contingency invitiug Col., who will be curator of the mu- available. lv n'' k’ov. rnment has formal- been passengers on th«« wrecked steamer proposals of peace would I»« welcome The supreme ««ourt of Ohio haa ren­ seu tn. Senator Martin Rr-KI ret rd. deMont**' ' -‘’•troasjiresl- Stratton, hailing from Minneapolis, (lias.workers' Wages Kalseil. under certain conditions. If any gov­ dered its decision iu the bribery case Richmond, Va., Doc. 21.—United “•‘of th« . ................. Venezn.1» Minister. In Ganger. were caught in an ice-jam. Their Pittsburg, Dec. 23.—D. C. Ripley, ernment desires to mediate, the South of Attorney-General Monnett against States Senator Thomas Martin was to­ London, Dec. 20.—The Mail pub- boat, being small, whs crushed, and president of the United States Glass African republic will treat.” K«^andrTlL,'H,"l'",t the Standard Oil Company. The at­ day re-elected for tiro term beginning Company, announced today that the Aiiieric ' I* 111(1 1,10 torney-general furuishe«! information to March, llhll, by Isith houses of the liahes the following dispatch from Aut- all perished. Andrew» May L oro HI* P on I tlon. Another tragedy is reported from wages of blowers and gatherers in their $2,0()o Hn *"*‘’'‘**■**»‘1' Maine, realized the effect that he was approached by assembly, acting se|iarately. Tomor­ werp: "The British and American Chicago, Dec. 21.—Public advocacy where three men, employ wouhl lie advanced 5 per cent Charles Squires, of New York, with a row th«« houses will meet in joint ses­ ministers at The Hague have asko«l White Horse, brilie of $ 1110,000 if he would permit sion to eiinavsH the vote and declare the permission to retire to Antwerp, with named T. Smith, Fred Batty an«l John January 1. The increase affects 1,200 of Great Britain’s side in the South bulidh'"'^ •’"’•‘"’J"*1 th" a view of avoiding j*«rsoniil unpleasant­ McIntosh, were engage«l in salvaging employes. African war by Dr. E. Benjamin An­ ••Jinn,, , im." SL '’‘<’h«el* orphan til«« cases |Hinding against the Stain lard result. ness during the anti-English attitude the cargo of the steam scow Linde- drews, superintendent of the publio of In,ooo * »•. »‘th « Io» Oil Company to go bv default. It was Mabini, formerly a member of the schools of Chicago, was the cause of of the Dutch. Then« is no foundation manu. Being unexpectedly struck by Department Ntnrr I.aw Invalid. claimed that Mr. S«|uiros was the repre­ Springfield, Dec. 2!.—The Illinois for the report on the Continent that a heavy swell, their boat filled and Filipino cabinet, says that the future resolutions being introduced in the city *nger tr'?11'' AUolnmtms pus- sentative of the Standard Oil Com­ the diplomatic relation« lietween Great sunk. The men were not seen aftei peace of the Philippines depends en­ council last night calling for his resig­ •^■»«n.wr '(.r,1,i",,,1' Whh pany. Th«' decision dismisses the cases supreme court has held the antl-de|iart- Britain an,I the Netherlands are the Ismt disappeared, and it is sup]x>M*l tirely upon the form of government the nation or removal by the board of edu­ ment store law, passed by the last leg ­ Kl‘»M«r 1,""1'l,»'L killing tho en* «m the grouiKl that this fact was not Americans establish. cation. strained. ” _____ _ they were carried under the ice. islature, to be unconstitutional. fireman ami «inductor. established. sit nut I on at Al |»i a. N«t t'hniige «it P«>ll«iy. Ilegradatlon or Kart 1.1. Making a Stand at Storm berg. An Oriental Commission. Il ' .......... Apia, Samoa, via Auckland, N. Z., New York, Dec. 21.—A dispatch to Governor Stone, of Pennsylvania, ex­ Peking, Dec. 23.—Li Hung Chan, Mded Northwestern nmd Lon«ion, Dec. 22.—The Daily News llepburn has introduced a bill in the Dee, 2|, — The German flag was hoisted mis been appointed acting viceroy of iKiig, " oiilvM to itH lines during presses the opinion that every husluind the Herald from Berlin says: A dis­ should deed to his wife the homestead. patch to the Berlin Tageblatt from Zu­ over the courthouse today as an official house authorizing the appointment bi Canton. It is tielieved thia ia prepar­ has the following dispatch from Cape rich says that Herr llg, Menelik’« chief notification of the annexation of the the president of a commission to visit atory to his degradation in compliance Town, dated Saturday, December 16: Senator Depew has lensed the Cor­ "The Boers inteml to mae a big stand adviser, will arrive then« in January. island«, by agreement, to Germany. China and Japan and rejairt upon the with French demands. coran mansion at Washington for his This proves that the tiegus does not in­ The German consul, on Isiard the Cor­ commercial and industrial conditions at Stormberg, and are massing a great A’hniniHtr.. 10 dutieN of his full senatorial term of six years nt an force at the abandoned British camp. K t i",MW‘lli ,,nvo1'” hU tend to make any startling chauge in morant, was interviewed by the Samoan of these conntriea. It provides for the Sheep to Return to Grailng. One commando of 2,000 consists chiefly aggregate rental of If60,000. •ntwi Mrs. Babcock. his jsilicy. Otherwise he would not chiefs. They infomred the consul that appointment of five members—one Heppner, Or., Dec. 23.—Sheepmen of rebel Dutch.” A monument, a grunito shaft 70 feet have allowed Her llg to leave Abys­ Matnafa would lav selected. Having each from the Eastern, Middle, South­ •Mo lhln'V""; /""‘er. a niece of Buf- had commenced to feed, but this morn­ ern, Western ami l ’ aeiflo states. The declared their government established, lir"«s ngi-i,." HH 1 M*0 only female high, la to bo erected on an eminence sinia. Menelik’« visit to the Paris the Matiuifaites are driving the Malie- commission is to spend at least one ing the light snow which fell Friday Bandits held up a passenger train exhibition, which has been announce«! I lit Erie, Pa., overlooking the lake, in “’»"Pais.r l"". ,h" rom’- H1|e left ‘>»« year in China and Japan, and $7.5,000 night began melting, an«l the warm near Kansas City and secure«! five gold toans out of the villages. Trouble ap ­ in the European press, is fur from cer ­ I memory of the late Captain V. P. Grid- M'l. 1 r l,,1M‘•••’"M to go into this now Wind will soon rvetore grazing. 1 watches and $100 in money. ia provided for expenses. pears imminent. tain. i' ley, of the Olympia. Epitome of the Tclegniphli New* of the Work!. General Lawton a Victim of u Filipino Sharpshooter. |