KLAMATH VOL. [V IV. 1 Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. KLAMATH LArtH NtWB. I be pr » v I ihmi i,| i '«yan, Luaon, has »urrend.-r..,! to Captain McCalla. • "iiiiiiaiidi'r Tillay may Is, given 5 FALLS. REPUBLICAN. K LA.MA IH * 1 (OL'N’l’Y, OREGON, OATACRE EXPLAINS. Hrltlah llllMlar at Hlurmb.rg’ Ill.lanre W*. IJnSere.llmale'l. •■'»•' nt tendon, line. 14.—The war office re- *eive«l the following from General Forestier-Walker, dated today: • ape Town, lJec. 14,—Gatacre re- ports hs follows: “The idea to atta»k r“ ' Btormberg seemed to promise certain success, ... but the distance v was underestimated by tnjadfand the local guides. _. Police- iik ii took ns round some miles, and consequently we were marching from 9:30 P. M. until 4 A. M„ and were landed In an impossible position, I do not consider the error intentional. "The Boers commenced firing from the top of an unscalable hill, and wounded a g»xx! many of our men in the oj*n plain. The Second Northum­ berland» tried to turn out the enemy, but failed. The Second Irish fusiliers seized « kopje near and held on, sup­ ported by mounted infantry and Cape |»»li» e. The guns under Jeffreys could not have lxx-n better handled, but I re­ gret bi say that one gun was overturned in n deep mullah, «nd another sank in quicksnnd. Neither could be extri­ cated in time to te available. "Seeing the situation, a dispatch rider whs sent to Molten»» with the new». I collects«! arid withdrew our force from ridge to ridge ateut nine mile«. The Boer guns were remark­ ably well served, They carried accur- ately 6,000 yards, I am holding Bush- man's Hock «nd Cyphergat. I am sending the Irish rifles and I Northum- berlauda to Sterkstrom to recuperate, The wounded proceeded 1 to Queens- town. The missing Northumberland» nuuils-r 366, not 306 as previously re- ported.” 21, DEC EMBER rs 1899. •5 •’EATS NEW NO. 8AMOAN .3« TREATY. full frit of Convention Hljnrd by Cnltrd Htotr«, Germany, Fngland. 11 Á Washington, Dec. 16.—The full text tetween the United States, Germany anil Great Centennial of Death of Wash Britain for the adjustment of the ques­ ington Commemorated. has lle»| It, disguiMi. tions between the three governments in M«i Arthur has <*aptu«xl Mabini, one respect to the Samoan islands was made TEKSK TH KS FROM THE VMRKN "I tin» ablest uf Insurgents, and foumler CAI'SK OF CARBONADO DISASTER MOWED DOWN BY BOER RIFLES public today. The treaty tear» date at Washington, December 2, 1899, and, ' AN ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT of their government. after reciting its purpose to be to ad- I Prominent officials will go to Wash­ just amicably questions between the | ington 6» lobby fur the uilinisslou of three powers in respect to the Samoan Ceremonies Cnnducted by th« M. ioii Sew Mexico to stati hiHMl. and the Red Men A lllatln. group, and to avoid future misunder­ gulfehrd Gathering. ••wing to the British reverses In standings, proceeds textually as fol- lows: Tb« trans|»»rta Hlieriilan ami (»rant Houlh Africa it |a said Russia and (’artenado, Wash., Deo. 14. —Fun­ London, Dec. 13.—The w»rofli»»r»- Irani»» are getting restless. ‘‘Article I—The general act con Washington, Dec. 16.—With solemn are at tealtle. eral servi»'»'* over 2« victims of the cehe l th»' following dispatch from Geu- eluded and signed by the afore«aid pomp and circumstance, with cere­ Ih»> army end navy are i»a»'h urging mine accident were In-id today. Cor­ EiigliKwr« and firemen of th» Union sral Methm-n, dated Tuemlay: powers at Berlin on the 14th day of monies beautiful, impressive and ap­ different routes fur Hie Pacific cable. nier lloeku will Is g!n tho inquest to­ "Our artillery shelle»! a very strong June, A. D. 1899, and all previous Pacific have a»k»«l (or more jmy. propriate, in the presence of a distin­ I'rhsle »■».inani»'« «re also after it. morrow. position held by the enemy on a lone treaties, conventions and agreements Th»’l’a< ifie Ezprvaa offic* at < bn a ha guished assemblage and in the full llcvcloprio-nt during the day proved liigh kopje, from 4 until dusk Sunday. Al»«ka is after tetter government. IU nil.tel «( from $5,000 I«» $10,000. relating to Samoa, are anulled. splendor of ideal autumn webther, the It rained hard last night. The High­ Iler s|s« lai envoy Is In Washington t«> that «>1»! man Ben Ee»Uer‘s t»»teo»- pl|x» «ml a ts»g contuiiitng ateut been selected as the acene of the exer­ two hub »'»'« of tobuci-o early this morn­ Highlandi-rs’ right and r»u»r. Cavalry of longitude 171 degrees west of Green­ Kmlauii la r»'» iy for war with the lion. cises was peculiarly fitting. There it ing, my»r w here Ids corjiso was discov­ and mounted infantry, with a howitzer wich. Great Britain in like manner was that the happiest Incidents of wlwl« world. General Methueu attack,xl 12,000 er»-«! the evening previous by Ikireinan artillery battery, attacked the enemy id Bis-rs on the MisIder river, but found renounc«« in favor of the United State Washington’s life occurred. In other A iWk'C' »•» allot at on the left, and the guards on the of America all her rights and claim Lewis' Isxly scar'-hing jatrty. From mug parts be endured his trials, on other fte I'Ulb-l llatt» n»«l oil their |s,sttion l»s» strong for him. lit all apjiearanoea the oli! man ha»l just right, supported by field artill»»ry and over and in respect to the lslan 1 oi fields he won his triumphs; but there, be wax cumparativvly uninjured. re;s»rt» great 1< h » so «. howitzer artillery. They shelled the Tutuila and all other islands of the Sa­ fillril hie plj»’. pn-pnring for a smoke, surrounded bv those whom best he Waalilngt<»n »»ffi i lls are anziouaover position from »laybeak and at 1:15 I moan group east of longitude 171 de­ ■Major General Andrew G. Waacho|Mi and had -n»*l his sab-tv lamp to get loved, were spent the restful, quiet, th»' poxalbb' fat»' »»I the Amer lean pria was klll««l in action at M»sl»l»-r riv,T. » light. He uever ku»-w wtet hupja-m«l sent th»- Gordons to the entren»'hments grees west of Greenwich. Reciprocally studious hours of his life. There it ourn» In tlw hands of Agulnald»». until dusk, the position extending, in­ the Unite»! States renounces in favor of lie was « veteran of tho Ashant««, ami afterward. was, too, that he sickened and died, cluding th«- kopje, for a distance of six Germany all its rights and claims over ' Riis Jones* «'Hiatus Wi-re also dis- Th«' liaittell tenia of the University Egyptian cain|Mlgns. and there all that waa mortal was laid miles to Mixider river. T«>«iay I am and in respect to the islands of Upoln < x > vi -« m ! early this morning by Cox's ol Callbirula will play the Carlisle lu A rei'xit decision of th»' customs de- holding my position an»l entrenching and Savali, and all other islands of the to eternal rest in a mausoleum over­ dlan* <>n < hrlstmax day, In Hau Frau- pertinent in raganl b» the shipment of gang. A right leg Is missing, having looking a broad sweep of the pictures­ myself. I had to face at liuist 12,000 Samoan group west of longitude 171 ctooo. g-ssis In ton I works a groat injury to bM-n blown to atoms, un»l »me side of que Potomac. men. Our loss was great.” hie fax' and heail was (rightfully shat­ degree« west of Greenwich. The ceremonies were elaborately Gvniinainler E. P. W«x»d, U. H. N„ Pacific coast interests. General Forestier-Walker, telegraph­ tered . "Article III—It is understood and Il dead of typhoid fever at Waablngloti. Necn-tary • »ago d<« lares he has no ing from Cape Town at 3:80 P. M., agreed that each of the signatory pow­ planned and successfully carried to State Miu« Iwqa'ctor Owens said to­ fruition. They were conducted by the 11« eotnn>an»l«l the I'otrol iu lit* tettl» pn-oa iit intention of further action to night: sends th»» following dixpab h from Lord ers shall continue to enjoy, in respect Masonic bodies and by the Red Men of ol Manila tey. relicts ths miin»-y stringency, but if Methuen, dat»xl Mtxldei river Tuesday to their commero! and commercial ves­ "Th»' Indications are that the open the United States. The movement for Hurtle From I.atl ynmlth. T»> InervaM' Admiral Dewey'a tho situation gets wars' ho may act. at 7:30 P. M.: lamp of Beu Zvdler, sr., cauatxl the ex- sels in all the islands of the Samoan the day’s observance originated in 1828 London, Dec. 14.—The war office tloiiblN Mtnn»'«t<>a ¡««»pie will present plosion. ” “ As the Boers occupied Germany him in»|uirort»Ml from Burnett to "Dia;>atch from General White, in security. I have gather»*! from to the commerce of either of them. The nipreni« «»art of < fregon ha« Ilk. to have them, but Ibis Would not Mine lns|s-<-tor Little this forenoon by dated yesterday, says: William D. Wright, grand master of some of the prisoners and from our men finally j«aM'd u|s»u the caae of U m suit t'u. Io h.im. “Article IV—The present convention Colorado, who was present to witness ” ‘ Ixjst night Colonel Metcalf and s me»M-uger from Superintendent <’. II. state V». Magers, the potltioU for u ra­ Two imorlcans were kill«!, ap|mr- Burnett. John Kr»s>k, n miner there, 600 of the Second rifle brigade, sortied with th»- ambulances, who talked with shall te ratified as scon as possible, the carrying into effect of his long- bearing Is'tng denied. etitly without proiucation. In han tri»'»! to open a 25-pound k» g with a to capture a Boer howitzer on a hill. th»! Boers, that the enemy's losses were and shall come into force immediately cherished idea. terrible, some corps teing completely The charge of the ceremonies inci­ (ongreauunn Hall»y will pr't«wt P»>dro, Spanish Honduras. The kill­ pick, and th»- powder explod»«!, burn­ They re«»'he»l the crest without being wiped out. The Boers have been most after the exchange of ratifications, I d faith whereof, etc., dent to the commemoration wax placed ing. as riq> rt«-l, was of a ¡girticularly dis»x>ver»«l, drove off the enemy and ing him an»l a conijMUiiin. John Mon- against the outranc* of General J» ms kind to my wounded.” “JOHN HAY, in the hands of the Masons of Virginia, Wheeler Into <«mgreaa <>n hu return aggravating typo. ther almost fatally. This »scurred then destroy«»! the howitzer with gun­ "HOLLEBEN, it being in the Old Dominion that cotton. When returning, Metcalf foun»i tern tho I'hlllpplnea. some time »luring th»' night in one of Major General Edward Fetrero is FIVE THOUSAND PERISH. "PAUNCEFOTE.” Washington was obligated as a master his retn-at ter««l by the Boers, but he "(»»verm-r of Cute” will te tho »»ffi« dead «1 New York. In 1H61 ho raise»I the tunnels. Mason, and there that he participated forced his way through, using the bay­ Another G mv Ksploalon. CLEARED OF REBELS. rial designation of Ihe office to which the '»leper I Rifles,” of which he was I’artleular» of the «l.aaler That Over­ enthusiastically in Masonic work and onet freely. The Boer losses were con ­ took the Island of Ceram. Major-General Lnma«! Wixni will te made i«il"ueL llo took tho first fortl- Victoria, B. Dec. 14.—A gas ex­ observance«. The officers of the grand siderable. The British looses were as fl. il rvdoul l »aptunxl in the war assign»«! early in tb» new y«Mtr, plosion »x-cuiTcd at one of the Cuniter- Ran Francisco, Dec. 14.—The Bulle­ Lawton Drive« the Insurgent« out oi lodge of Virginia and the membership follows: Lieutenant Ferguson and 11 Bulacan Province. tin says: lam! coal mln»-» last night, killing Another gigantic corjs>ration is now Colonel James < »rahani and William men killed; Captain Paley, Second Washington, Dec. 16.—General Otii of Fredericksburg lodge, in which Zu»-ci an I l H-orgi- M. Jones am! tedly “The disaster that overtook the island r. (■unn.« ii. prominent pullticiana of organising to op|s»«o tho sugar trust in Lieutenant Davenport, Second Lieu­ has cabled the war department that Washington was admitted to member­ burning I'. Fairbairn, Harry Thomp­ of Ceram, Novemter 2, cost the |>eople Hl. Marya, Kail., drank from a dlalu- the islands. A former inemter of the tenant Bond un»l 41 men wounded; six Lieutenant Batson, who organized and ship, anil of Washington-Alexandria son, Johu Guthrie, sr., John Guthrie, of that district immense loss in lives men captured, who had remained be- fectanl Ixittla whli h they auppwod to sugar trust is telleved to te one of the jr., Fro»! lau-son and a Chinaman. commanded the Macabebe scouts, has lodge, over which he presided as wor­ «nd property. The steamship America shipful master, had the chief part in o»«ilain whiskey, and ale no* ezpecte»! lea Bug spirits. Tho capital will te hind in charge of the wounded.” Maru, which arrived yesterday, reports been seriously wounded in the foot. the duty of seeing that the observances $ 11 hi , (SHI,is hi and may te known as the FILIPINOS' HORRIBLE DEVICE. Iu live. Amputation is probable. General Otis ’ that 5,000 people were destroyed on GIVES TIME TO ALL ('»»l.itilal Sugar Refining <*oni]»an.v. were appropriate. That the duty waa Th« president will e»mn aem! a epee- that island alone when the dreadful dispatch follows: well performed was evidenced by the Pitfall« With Wharpettfd llnnihoo Pules, A Washington »li-|«it» h 6» the Cleve ­ "Manila, Dee. 16.—Lieutenant Bat­ lai meaage to »- ngrew «'gaoling re­ House Provide« for Night Hranlon« to earthquakes of Novemter shocked the fur liti|'Mllng the I nwnrj, solemnity and beauty of the ceremonies son, Fourth cavalry, organized foul Hear Financial Hperrhea. wards fer utlli-airs and men from I lie At­ land lomder M.va that McKinley and Ja;>an coast and agitate»! the lands ad­ New York, Dee. 14.—A spacial to large companies of Macabebe scouts, and by the immense concourse present. lantic aquation who diatinguiah*»! Root will hen»l th» Republican ticket. Washington, Deo. 14.—There is such jacent to the empire. the Tribune from Washington says: in Isa llng Republi»-.ms fav»»r their nomi ­ and bad the advance of Lawton’ i Thousands were in attendance from all theiii«elv»w »luring th»' war with Spain, "The night of November 2 the people groat pressure for time on the part of parte of the country, and almost every the hospital reports which reached nation by acclamation. Tuesday, Jun», and whoae gallantry tea not yet teen the members of Ixith sides who desire of Ceram were awakened by « terrific troops and attended Young’s cavalry in 12, Is auggested as tin, inoat likely date the war de|*rtincut from Manila is to ;>«rtici;>ate in the »-urrency detete in shock of earthquake that seemed to Northwestern Luzon, Batson leading jurisdiction in the United States and a NmgnUed. few foreign countries were represented chronicled the first casualty due to for lb»' convention. work from north to south. They tied with conspicuous gallantry in several by some of their grand officers and The controller of the currency has falling into a Ta gal pitfall which con- the house that three night sessions were hard-fought engagement». November An antl-Britiali meeting was hold in from their houses and took up places in •Irelared th« fifth dividend of 10 |sr members. tallied the horrible device of temlxsi or»le«*u th» claims proved, for his dixaxter. Father of His Country. Sevearl mem- lading the unwary. The American forward in the sha[«> of a huge tidal some staff corps as reward for efficient tiers of the cabinet were also present, the speeches. amounting to $26,318.20, Otis has lain instruct»Ml to opnn troopa have frequently found such service? ” The features of the debate todayw»'re wave, and fon-ed the water into the bay trap* on tho lino of march, and es|«c- Spain will builil a now navy. General Otis today also cabled the arriving with the president on a spec­ jairta in th»» Philippines. the speeches of Grosven»ir of Ohio for entrance. It came' up 50 feet over ial train. tally in frout of insurgent trenches. war department as follows: Inglishtnan ar» dcpree**luny of 80 Michigan people will < Ir.linarily the traps have laa'ii simply the bill, and of Cochran of Missouri the lowlands. At l’auholy and Samas- "Manila, Dec. le. — General Lawton BY A DECISIVE VOTE. Mtion in Africa. oerao. on the bay, the waves swept settle near Fairhaven, Wash. deep holes in the jungle covered with and Newland» cf Nevada against it. reports Bulacan province freed of insur­ over the tops of trees 30 feet high. Out The other »|s'akers were: Parker of Ari» na will apply for atatehoml to Five stori's wi re burned nut on Sixth long gruss, and although soldiers have gents yesterday. Troops of the Fourth Senate Tabled Pettigrew’s Resolution ot um » pr*»M*nt onngn*Mi. street, near Alder, Portland, Or.; 1>» hh , frmc. anee in chasing a small tend of Tagalx generals' n-putatiolia. "MacArthur’s troops occupied Iba, a table the Pettigrew resolution of Ln- trees and portions of houses were bur­ Tho British terk Indian Etn prie, from some trenches, Private I’eter Karl A g*w **xpl >«|on kllhxl many coal Whether Admiral Dewey, acting for ied in the ooze. Every few rods were town on the southwestern coast of Lu­ quirv as to whether or not the United laden with <*<>al, was burned to the plunged into such a pit with its sharp­ the United States government, formally g«'at lumps of stones and boulders that zon, with slight opposition and a few States forces had recognised the Fili­ ■»inns at t 'arteuado, Waah. ened baniliooa, and h«d his fix't and or informally recognised the Philippine had been washed up from the sea, light casualties. pino Insurgents’ flag, and had turned 71l" J''',,,l"’ky el»« tion commlmloa water’s edge near Lima, Peru. leg severely lacerated, which put him republic at Manila, is a question w hich changing the entire topography of the “The 8th inst. Bates reported from over Spanish soldiers to the insurgents. Our iron <>«■ supply is short, It will »>'»« Taylor's plurality «s 2,388. out of service. Fortunately ho did Zamteanga that he has garrisoned It agTeed to the house Christmas re­ Th» | ni|.|h,„» treasury wax captured take 200 vessels to hamlle the cargo«»» not tumble headlong into the trap, for Pettigrew of South Ihvkota desires the contry. The exact number of killed Bastian; is sending troops to Cotto ba to cess resolution, and agree! to meet to­ navy department to answer. He in­ along the coast will never be known, as of iron engage»! for imjxirtation. ’ Americana at Mangatarem. if he had, in the opinion of tho sur­ troduced a resolution in the senate to­ the Ixxiiex are buried in many cases and Davao, and that the condition of morrow to receive reports on the com­ Two prominent Portland physicians geons, his wounds must certainly have position of its committees for this con­ The gv,v, niment'a he«! of raindeer in day directing the secretary of the navy yanis under the new gnmnd. At Ha- affairs is satisfactory.” have teen sne»l by a lady who claims been fatal. gress. ________ “ >» rapidly iiii'reaaing and now to supply the senate with information t. out of 500 people, 100 we«> XVIII Fight With Boers. iK'gligence iu diagnosing her case. »»mler, 2,fioo. on the subject, but Chandler of New killed and 40 wounded. The rest es- REPORTS FROM OTIS. The debate on the currency bill In Cleveland, Dec. 15.—The Plain­ A nq»ort oomea from Astoria, Or., Hampshire objected to its immediate caped to the hills when the shock of dealer sayas: "A party of 25 young the house today was taine and prosaio. , Iliahop I' ■ Henry IUJ I Potter, of New York. that the packers' combine will operate Org noised ICewlNtnnrr Kspertrd consideration. 2“»rriv<<| in Munii« earthquake was first felt.” Irish-Americana have left this city to The attendance, both in the galleries brief visit only three of Its canneries next season. No Morr Io l.us«»o Inaurgrnt« Kotitod* Senator McBride today reintroduced •» **ly th.. I'hilippmea. join the Boers in their fight against and on the floor, was light, and none Cashman Made « lilt. Britishers acknowledge that they Washington, Dec. 14.—Tho war do- his bill to appropriate $650,000 to en­ A!?" u‘ri,l"h "'■“»•■’•y »rm In South Great Britain. At New York the of the speeches made attracted special Washington, Dec. 15. — Representa­ young men. who are mostly veteran» of attention. Sibley, Democrat, of Penn­ lost over 700 men at Ntonnterg, and |Mrtinent has «’ccivcd tho following large the Portland public building. __ i'« has be» n materially ........... »•»••tiuiiy sirengin- strength* Boer nqorts apparently agree with from Otis, »fated today: He says it will be impracticable now tive Cushman, of Washington, created •«"•I by th. arriva) <»f .1, big g„„«. the Spanish-American war, will join sylvania, who ha- session. Northern Paclflo Freight Wreck. original illustrations ami pointed epi­ for the entire regiment of 1,000 to country. The O. R. <& N. is said to tu red. Kalama, Wash., Deo. 18.—At 6:30 Senator McBride also «'introduced grams, creating such an effect as to reach the scene of the fighting. *l th« ’"in«'!» are <>n n strikn bo in tho deal. o’clock this morning a south-bound "Our troops are now in tho moun­ his bill fixing the salaries of letter ear­ give him g»x>d rank in the house as a '«•'ause 7*jr’"1 i'alifornla, War In Guatemala. freight train ran into a calxxvee and Jones of Washington has introduced tains in pursuit of tho insurgents, who ners in all largo cities. new memlier. He poked a good deal W“h, th" ""P»'1“- in the house a bill for a cnldo to tluv coal train standing on the main line, of fun at William Jennings Bryan, New York, Dec. 16. — Gau tern alar have boon driven from Subig tey, ami witge schedule. ■landIts of I.llion. Philippines, to cost not to exceed $H,- murines now occupy tho naval station whom, ho said, he knew "as well as if advices to the lieraid are that the gov­ in the Northern Pacific yards at thia fiteth1.rn7*'iutUr*1 of 000,000, and tho creution of a cable Manila, Dec. 14.—Colonel Smith, he had liwn through him with a lan­ ernment’s bulletin, just published, place, demolishing the caboose and sev­ there. Our column moving west from "•hiXr., ,,rnU ’I-- to '"»*’>• commission. • Tarla»’ is now on the west const- of Lu­ with a detachment of the Seventh in­ tern.” He closed his remarks in a gives details of a revolutionary attempt er« cam, and damaging the incoming '*>> at»>» k h" Ul" infnctod nur- Terrific gnlos wore reported from zon, where it has been supplied. It fantry, surrounded and captured in a storm of applause by replying to tho in the eastern departments of Gaute- engine quite severely. No person was tri»». mP"rte«l from loralgn eoun> ports on the Great laikes Tuesday, and encountenxi «»xistaiico. Tho oolumn village near Malasqui a pirty of guer­ taunts which the Democrats had made mala. Troops are now pursuing the injured. The calxxiM was piled up on fears wero felt for the safety of a fleet is now moving west ami south from rillas, who had made their headquar­ of the change of front on the financial revolutionists over the frontier into top of a coal car, and was soon a mass k*ll«»l li?'» h i'ri'’ rt<’1 WM of steamers which had left the Straits Dagnpan along the coast, There is no ters there. The party included the question by saying "that the Demo­ Salvador and Honduras. The govern­ of roaring Hames. The volunteer fire inlsntry ? ' , th" Thirty-third of Mackinac. concentrated insurgent force of import­ band which had assassinated seven crats a«» so crooked that if they started ment has received f«nn the bank a loan department was called out, and soon officials at Malasqui for friendliness to to go around the block they would meet of $500,000 to meet the expenses of the extinguished the fire. Responsibility ance in Luzon north of Manila. »•Utes Th of Uer- Crocker denies that h»v has given np for the accident has not yet been fixed. expedition. "South,>rn Luzon will not offer any the Americans. It is expected they themselves on the other side.” 1,*t 70 his Southern Pacific job. Ho willtxm- will be «i>eodily tried, and either shot Word conies from Colon that the serious resistance. Tho troops a«' - Will Protect Germans. tinuo ax a director in tho company Flmt Night Scanlon. Venezuelan consul there has received l'tker Cjt.'"." 1,1 Kr””P mine* tiuar until tho Crocker stock just Ixiught by operating in that section, and organized er hanged an an example, if convicted. New York, Dec. 16.—A dispatch to The cunvncy bill in the house lasted official notice of the blockade of the rebellion no longer exists, an»l out Th«Proi»'rty f"r ♦1 »<«>'>.<>00. tho Speyer syndicate is jMiid for. A gang of alleged tx»y burglars war from] 11 o’clock this morning until port of Maracaibo, recently captured the Herald from Port of Spain, Trini­ troops aro actively pursuing tho rolibei dad, says: The German cruiser Rtotsch by th.. », 1 '”“*"«»»«'lyd.'v*l- arrested in Chicago in as lavishly fur­ 10:30 tonight, with a «»cess of three Otis report* that 2,000 additional 11,11 <:<>liiiii|,ia"*-".W'.",r"‘ W,"‘ *PB ,,rlt‘ Spanish prisoners have been xociire»l in tends. All important and threatened nished apartments as a millionaire h« nrs for dinner. The pressure for by the revolutionists under Hernandez. has left here for Puerto Cabella, Ven­ centers of |«»p.ilatiou in tho north have tepitalists. would occupy. Five boys composed time to speak continues, ns most of the The aggregate capital of the compan­ ezuela, upon the urgent request of th. Northern Luzon, making over 8,000 , <,8ni»l Urnnt'a t1"“"’ <>r.mi expedition in Luzon released within a month. Seven hull- been captured.” the gang and their ages range from 11 meniliers desire to make contribution» ies represented at the Cleveland con­ German consul in Caracas. The cruiser will protect the interests of German and several western l(ib/,l,I,',.l"‘,,’''r "f woniMi over IH Austin, T.X-, Dec. 14.—Information Peruvian Congress. practically secured control of the Min­ Now York, Dec. 15.—Directors of Philadelphia, Dec. 14.—A disastroni Washington, Doc. 14.—Tho cabinet Wo,ll"hi>iiH 1,1 l,l‘’ factorles and neapolis St. Louis lino, giving it an reaching lu re today is to the effect that freight wreck, «'suiting in tho death the Northern Pacific railway decl an,<1 meeting today was devoted almost Lima, Peru, Deo. 16.—Congress has Sodili)') ‘Brl‘ish Islanda la Independent lino to St. Paul. December fi the Yiiqui Indians and the Moaed its session, after sanctioning th* a dividend of one per cent and an extra Mexican forces, under General Torres, of two men, the serious injury of ii dividend of one ¡x»r cent on the com­ wholly to a discussion of the political budget, which calls for a deficit of Patrick Furey, who died in Philadel­ third and tho destruction of alx>ut 80 and financial conditions in Puerto ^’*»¿1 an»lilly/K/,f1, l’r"''1'>"’>t of thè hail a pitched battle, near Rio Chico, phia at the age of 10(1, had as his am­ cars, occurred early today on the New mon »took, making a total of three per Rico. The matter was brought up by |500,000. Congress failed to provide V„ ""'Vi'ite inslitiite ut bition tho desir»» to live in three cen­ on the Yaqui river. The engagement York division of the Pennsylvania rail- cent for the year. Secretary Root, who stated that a’ com­ for covering this deficit. It is gener- was with the main body of Indians, turies inn I nearly accomplished it. Eew'"'1 munication had been received from the illy believed that President Romans, Spain Wants a Navy. tho Mexican forces numbering somo nmd, between Plainaboro and l’rince- sow that he is free from any inconven­ Madrid, Dec. 13.—The chamber of governor-general of tne island, enclos­ Tho queen of Portugal, who is said 4,000 mon. According to reports the 1 ton, N. J. Engineer Sheigler and ient interference on the part of oon- F0« Panimi e'r V'"'r" ,,nn '<• *»>• Fireman llonieer wore killed and ing petitions describing the situation, deputies today, by a vote of 131 against to have taken up medicine ns a fad, te- ‘•"eh, i„ „ti,. ,l ,lK"r<’s on fhedistrlct oamo so interest««I in it that she com­ fighting was moot severe and lasted for Brakeman Zagbnuin was dangerously 63, rejected a motion by Senor Ro­ and asking for action by cougreea whicn ¡rees, will form a capable ministry to n day and night, when the Indians th-"kh » v '»>"* *" W'^'ingbm, pleted tho course and took tho degree withdrew, Inning sustained consider, hurt. Three trains wore damaged in manes, demanding that the govern­ would determine their political status jarry out the excellent programme he napped out on assuming *' "'ns o| teaith f U” Y”,lr" old, i» in and relation to the United States. I the accident. ment withdraw the navy estimates. of M. D able lost'. veruni ent. ______ < burg«« <>| our |awM.saii>iis in Hamoa. Amrricans have destroyed Agilill- S|llo‘. |,H|y W|i| Ul|) rt,Uil Trying to Light His Pipe He Exploded the Mine. British IK et With Another Dis­ aster at Modder River. it the treaty negotiated