I'KOI I hHKlR \| k ÛÎÏ thkpösucw . Puffy’s Fair St/t K lamath C ounty ... ÉmTV.KB AHO PSOCKiKTOK«. T hursday »2 I DECEMBER H, I*»- Attorney-at-Law. r^/'O. S. NICKERSON, Winter Clothing GLOVES, SHOES, Municipal elections were held 1 in a I Monday number of Oregon towns - of last week.__________ Atiorney-at-Law, which • K lamatii F alls , COLLECTIONS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY » O mh . ov • proprietors ------ 4<- W. HUSE & SON, ,r»«wi»-rios » at «»: martin & co. bank I I I JOHN S. ORR, ALEX K limaiii I .ui», P11bU-h^ev..n Tb»r«!«y»’y OMjmli* ».«'»me) •lx mouth*.......... Three montili t \ ' ikioon . 11 IK AM r. Ml'RDOCII. Attorncy-at-Law. <»f!ìt v tu ar 1‘uah'fli« v KI accounts solicited • irti F ai i». ih.riios. pRID II. MILLS, Attorney-at-Law. Hotel railroad towns am Ki » matii F ai 11 , ! G Linkville •• <>n RUTE NIC, Lawyer, Under Hew Management KLAMATH I ALIA IJ IE IIARUUS, M. J. .11. KIERNAN, Proprietor.* • • . ... ca|i your attention to^ur line of We „epeOMb MACINTOSHES ( Alls |*r*>iti|>th Altrtl !« «I A < ♦» *• Bru« Hluro MEN BEST ACCOMMODATIONS ’ n II We can and will sen ' ttrnwfi^-'ps were prised and U The bar-room in renne. •!»» «Kb th- habil, rr-.bt-.l -«er be court«.... and Li?'lmd.G .»d ...ay .»■ tm«.t i.r.n.t.ot t .H...... ...a o«»-•’» .»t.|-«-d m L-—----- - --------------- | QUARLES Store Fronti, IVocxl Carving, St.iir Knili», Bniuwlrm «nil I «»•iw, iirntMci*. Scroll and Tumid Work, S.i.di. Poor, and Him !.. Comer and Haw Blok». K««vd and Turned Baluster., Ibair and Window Frame». l’iilpil» and i’vw l.iui». Sliinglea Builder.’ Hardw are. I’amt. and < til. M< mlding and < il.,««. Met attori» and Ih’.i^n.. Emborsed, Ground and Cut Gia»». Wall Paper, Furniture, cte,, etc. Beat work and material, and in the late.t and moat approved »!)!<•». - - ORIiGttX, UMHACtl. J. B. MOORE, Proprietor of freight Wagons. EXC H A X(IE S PA BEES ------ and orncE- - - - G Klamath Falls-Merrill Stage Line, !.. I'trrlth, Notary Puhìic, Atstrarter. Conveyancer and Searcher of Records. orn* r i\ < *>■ ar n,n ■*» W. W. HAZEN, Proprietor, FALLS, Osi> >x. L. LEAVITT, KLAMATH l Al.l>, KLAMATH * Attorney-ut-Law, Plans and Specifications Furnished on All Kinds of Buildings and Contracting and Building on the Installment Plan. END, : ORl’GiiX. : A. WRHIHT, .M. If. K iimitii F« iir , J. F. GOELLER. Proprietor. EAST i Ini«oe4 Fomirrl» rr»'*li’t>t ri’i«'r'«iniu1 - 'llr>>b (• I hr HatuaHlaii l*uril»n«l Klamath Falls Planing Mills, ¡fl OlT.i. Physician and Surgeon. ______ lover the Imr defeated in a recent engagement Wr4_ the Hoers. The latter are trying hard to tlx the English about as American troops did a hundred and »„me vears ago. and up to date they States Senator Hayward, have United made effetive headway in that of Nebraska, died at his home in Ne direction. , braska.City on the 5th inst. Th TWipVin.n H. AVAwrts. who has been vacancv will be filled temporarily by sent from Utah to become a an appointee of the governor, member or until of the the legislature U. S. Congress, likely his never meets is to elect suc­ to cessor. occupy The an official seat being in that dis­ governor a pop., tinguished body. a By pop. a vote of 302 to G. he will appoint senator. 30, M. his destiny as the a calamity congressman has of Hitchcock, editor been to the of a a the consigned World-Herald, seems hands to stand special Investigating good chanc e for the commi place. ttee. Governor of California, President Gage, ’ McKinley ’s annual has mes­ been em­ sage, urging which the was importance given to of congress ploying a lady physician in every in­ and the public last week, is rather sane asylum of the state, having pre ­ ­ voluminous, as such documents in pared a resolution to that effect, variably are, though it is very com­ which lias and been handles adopted public by ques the ­ prehensive authorized commission. Such wise tions throughout with the ability action should be judgment followed by every ­ and discerning character state istic in of the the Union. man. ______ The president's re view of the affairs of the government show them to have greatly improved within the last two years, and in fact reflect an upward and prosperous ten­ dency in all lines. lie believes Cuba should be given into the hands of the inhabitants of the island as soon as they are capable of controling and maintaining a government there. As to the Philippines, he thinks ulti­ mate disposition of the islands should rest with congress, it being his duty in the meantime to subdue the insur­ rection and restore order and peace. In regard to finance, he favors the gold standard unequivocally. In In short, ,, the message is regarded an able, statesman-like paper and has given general satisfaction. The following^is”a dispatch from Hornbrook to the San Francisco Ex­ aminer, in which it was published on the 3d inst.: “A new corporation has been formed by a number of prom­ inent business men of Northern Cali­ fornia and Southern Oregon called the Oregon Midland Railroad Com­ pany, to construct a standard guage railroad sixty-five miles long fr. ■ n Klamath Fails, Oregon, to conn with the Oregon and California Hornbrook. One of the prime movers in this enterprise is David Horn, after whom the town of Horn­ brook is named, a substantial bus­ iness man whose well-known energj and push bespeak success for this new road, which will tap one of the larg­ est belts of yellow pine, sugar pine, cedar and fir on the coast, besides opening to the market thousands of acres of agricultural and grazing land. The road will follow the Klamath river all the way, making a route of easy grades and free from snow. Chief Engineer Eugene Schil­ ler’s party, numb ‘ring fifteen men, outfitted here today and will start on the preliminary survey immediately In order to be prepared for grading early next spring.” __ _ KLAMATH I ALIA IN THE CITY GOOD VIANDS. same prices I). Physician and Surgeon. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL UNDERWEAR, etcyetc : OREGON. I ¡\rz2xf<’r Horses btianleil by ’t o|»U»l«*n fr»«» •• In»r«it!<>»1 1« pr.>hM>»r l»«Ir•»<•!»•«. < ” r »’ ’*• tH.fi« *f rIrtir r .tin*)««’■ tini II»*«!!•«>« fc <’•« » •»•il fro» (>l’«T«t «tfrury f->r *r««>ritig DHim««. |*«tnn(a tabim tht'HU h Muli«» A • •■- »«*•!»• •prrui/ «iMur, «t'hotil < barin*. In Ih» Sdtntinc Jfmcricdit. A h*»nd»<>wirlf llln«1r«t im 1 wr»klv 1 «r» r,r* riilati<'ti «>f a«»y •* »«•udii«' )<• ¡rn.kl. T»»r« • • rr’ir; f**ur IL bold all nr»••’«*■•*< I MUNN & Co.30’0™*—» Msw York Brandi Ofhvn. eli >' Ht.« Waalilug(■**>■ m »C. CONTEST NOTICE. 4 i T. F. MINER, “GOLD FRONT,” OI« KIvÆAï/VriI f i Notke lo Crcditor». RATES, $1.00 PER DAT. ¡*¿*7 • GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS. Ashland House, !ter;.i ..•*» LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE CITY, Notice. N. BOURGEOIS, notice I. hereby siven that a certain note, dated at Klamath Fall«. Oregon, »»vember *. Inis, (or lioo oo. « from lh. date thereof, ill tavor of M. lfeyman and again.t Matt Haines, i" without consideration and void. Notice 1« further given to the owner», »»signees, transferrees, holders or person» hav­ ing the same for collection that the maker thereof, the undersigned, w ill contest the pay­ ment of said note for the above reasons and lor the further reason that the eMccub‘'n note was obtained through misrepresentation by the payee thereof and further because said payee Is not a duly 'tee.ue.l ’’hy^»"!»'•"- Treasurer's Notice. C ■ ii > <1 Noil<*t* 1« lirri'by glvrn ht tlw iiiulrr’*'«”*’"* rx<*<*uh»r <»f tliv «’Mah» ol .Incoi» ”f’ coi < '•' hrr 1 wlfhlii m | x monili* after fin* tirai pii t>llc* ”ofl llilM tiotlcp, tn fili* «ahi < xecnf or al li fa rcnd.-nc» rr* non. Ifateil Novcinbcr 10, 1RW. AlNTuni’iirra Ihi’Ki**. Exerutor <»i flie ri’ai» '»’ Jacob IImlkIn*. dc<*Med’ Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of mi execution duly Ixxnrd by *'’* Cleric (»f the Circuit Court »»I ihc Headquarters for ranchers and mininir nun ti , . , K iKmaili. HI ate of On xmi. dated the I7lh Noverntwr. INN), In n certain xctlon In ■g reasonable rates. Free ’bus toand fr< hl aH ’° ' of Circuit ( ourl for Maid cuunt v and Mate. " *,r' ‘ In Alexander Marl n. T. (i IteanieA, Ch«*- J'- Moore mid Alexander Mnrtln, Jr., l’Mrl,;r_r under the firm name of R chiik h , Marlin A < 0 • I Jr., an idNintiff«. recover« <1 judgment "•C’1’!’ NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Llnkvllh lh»t«’l Company (a corrKnntloi»)» ’ In Ile l'iHiniy Court of Klamath ('«unir, Ore- fcmlniiiM, for i he sum of One TliouMtid ’ * llundied and Nine and 72 lot» ¡»ollarw (|1^y gon. nnd com I m and «IlNbtirHcmenlH taxed at I Ili ll'" insll. r of thè K»talo o( Jamo» K.lwaril bollara, on tIn- fltli «lav of November 1TZ' notice in loTcbv glv« n that I will, on M' 1’ "J MrfJUiKhlIn, I m < i » m .1|. BAY. Tllh x-.ltb |»,\Y OF I»K< h.MBEIt, ,M-'9 lor i", ' "!of Admlnl»tr»tor and the front door of the court house In K|an},J2 ■or pr< Mmimioii of cianai. I’al lx, In «aid county, nt 2 (»•clock In the noon of Hal«l day, sell al public auction ,o ’•* nnd'.o ,""y ,’”nr,'rn. t»k« notlre. flou hlghext bidder for cash the following ‘ ubi. i, ! l’ """ 1,1 •" "r,,,'r 1,1 llonor- M*rlbed properly, Nltnat(*«l In K lamath <’“"n' ' A.hl»ml, Orinoli, Hlatcof Oregon, to wit : Block 2M of th» ,l11' ,ww’ dul7 «ppolnteil a. of Linkvllle, now Klamath Falla,excepting *n , r>7’ri'"''1 ’»Inner and Tea Sets, re- '•n iiltor. "’ t ”/ Ml "1 ’■’'"‘"b An,«bl ('«tate follie nnderalgned or ao much thereof mm mav hr neceaaary t" J Blankets at De Lapp’» from »1.00 lafy the said judgment In lavor of the *• «lenei* <,f .’i” ' ( °L‘n,y* Oregon, or at fha rral- plaintiffs and against said drfendanta, with ’ to 85.00—cheaper than they can Iw im.i.ti.. f. ’.,n,1«*rAlgfH(| on or bvfnre nix tereat thereon, together with all coala ttnl ‘,l’' bought at Medford, not considering Nn-.n".'?":" ii:;".............. bnraementx that have <»r mav ar roe. A. K KRt IINKR. MlirrlfC he freight. K. I). B hkjcjr , Admlnlatrator. hated at Klamath Falh, Or-gon, Novcii*0*’ Axhland, Oregon. 21, IfM. J. n. nooRE, G EN ERA I, EI {EK HIT Ell,