KLAMATH REPUBLICAN FALLS, KLAMATH COUN> Text oí President s An loi kï ix mi: riiii.HTi.xi-s thtcoimld of y<»ur d«’lito’ti»tIon* t*n. I to mourn with your vuun- •aih «»f Vice* I’rag dent II«»- »«rd (turn this life on thu «ki-tnl>er II last III* great In tlnliul peace, Ilia ptl- pure and elvvuled, while lais r «listlogui»hu<| by • Intvgr.iy anti o>- II«« has b»®n removed from i which l«u honored and dig> i lofty character, hia d»v*»» hl« h'»n««iy ut purpoM* uml r< iii.i.n with us as a ptkv- > 1«gu« > s< ’i «»sample. « 4>Xl«l I l<»X |*ro*i»«* f 11 > «»i i in < oi * I li V, mmi I l**Mr* al til «*••» rrniwml» XX I II« igrrss convenes In Its fltet n with the country In a unu«u«l prw»|»rr|iy. of uni- versal go *1 will among the (M-uple al hums and rvlatlotMl of peace and f«lrnd* lt»e W'>rl*l. with eV« >ry government foreign cummerve has shown g««*at «•« In v •lum** and value. Th« c*>m- b.hrd UnpOt18 al»d ri|»*4rUl for the year are the large*! ever •hewn by a «Ingle yrai Ih all <>ur hiato ry <>ur riporla f.»r une ri ri««r i«*| by m««r capita ar» >» p«»< c«'ht Iras than I In B«'u, while the oi|M»rls prr capita are ¿1 per cent more than m 1**0, showing lh< ir rtiiuigr*! capacity uf lb«' frilled Btaira I» w «allaiy the wants « f its own ln«r»a«ing population, «■ well a* to «unir(buie to those o L»f thr |K-oplr* of other hMllutui E i por ta of «gt Ir oil ««tai pr«Mlu*ta ine 771,112 of matiuf art ur«*d piol- lets w« rap. ri»«! in value jsj.||6. Im- ng l«rgrt than any previous year It la notew or thy fact that th« «mty years in II <»ur history when tt< * products of «»or ntnufnciutr* sold abr<»,i4 14'«’«*d**d II >«JOO bought abroad were lv*v and law. upon the dsput**d questions Involved In the subject of comblnalluna In re- altullil of trade and «• mp«tltlun They hiikc nut y« t complete«! the Investigation of this sirbj«'« t. ami the connlualutis and tocomincieltiltoiis at whh h they may ar­ rive ar«’ un«l* i« r mlr»*>«1 The subject Is («tie giving ria« to many divergent xlews as tu tl»«t tialuiu and variety or cause ai.«1 el- tent of the Injuries t«» the public whit h may ails«» fioni largo combinations cun* • ««nitalhig more or I**» numerous enter­ prises and owlabll.ilitnvht«. which previous t ** the forniatlutt of the combination worn «art «'«I on sepa»gte|y It Is unlvurs illy « «n • r control th«' market of any particular kind of hi * r« haiidlse or cornrnunrnon law. but also to the public welfare There must l»e a r»m- rdy for the evils Involve«! In such oraan* lialluns If th«« present law ran be cl- t««nded more certainly l<> control or check th««**' iimiiepoll«» or trusts. It shoukl b*« «lone without delay Whatever power the roi*gr«-ss | m > ss « mj »« s over thie most Import­ ant subject should t*e prumptiy ascer­ tained and asr* rt«-d. I OltElt.N 114.1,A I IOM, Au IH*p««le «,f Merlo««* < baraeler With A««> bn» rrniiirnt, A rrvlrw of our relations with foreign Stair* I* pr« •■riled. with such re« orn- m. mkitlon* a* ar«- dr«mc lit« claim of the Auatrolluiig.tr.an gov• r tiiri' tit for Indemnity for the killing of «rítalo Austrian ai>«l Hungarian sub j« « t* by the authorltl«-* of the state of I’vitnsy I vunla. at laittlrncr. wbll« uup- l«r< salng an unlawful tumult of tnlnsts, BeptrmbWf to. 1*9.’ In View of the Verd el of a< quittai r«-fi<1vrr«! I»y the court It for« whi« h tl»e aheriff and bls deputies wrr« lrl«al fi>r murder, and following the «»tab- ll*lir<| d«M triti* that th* government may not be held s< • ..ontnblr fur Injuries suf- fere«! by ImllvhluMla at the hands of Iti* utili, authority* whits acting in ths Uns of duty In suppressing dislut bam •• uf th« publl« p«a<*. this government. aft«r du« « <»i,*l«|rralien of th* claim advance«! by III« Ausi r>>- llungar an government, was « onalratmd |«i <1v« .Ins liability to Ind« m- nlfy ’.hr suffersrs. It I* grn Ifylng In be sbls to announce that the 11« ! g i « n government h«* mitigai»«! th« rcetrh tmns <>n th« importation <»f rallia fr -m ihr I nl'rd Htale*. to which 1 1« (• « l‘ l Io m> antiual m< asagS. combatants This hi«* h«-«’n nn easy task, III vt w of tli»* puxlllve «b « lai atlona of iHith llrlllsh ami lt<>«*r authorm*-* that th«« personal ami properly tights of our «lil- a«na should I mi ol«s«'rve withdrawal of th# agent from Pretoria, th«« 1 .’nlt«*«l < «maul Was author li« «1. upon r - th« of i ho Itrllish government, and wl.h tbo asseui of th«* Booth Afri« an ar.d Orang« Eruw Blate Blai«* governments, goviunmcnts, to i'irrcU» «'irrclae U •• customary go««! offices of a neutral fur th«’ « arc uf British llitsrcsts In It»«» dis charge of thia function I am happy to that abumlMnl o|»p<»rtunlly ha* been Ifordra! t<* show th«' Impartiality of this government to l*uth the combatants f >r the fourth time In (hr present d * OREfiON, Olillg m H«»n* to < ul»a Must lie 14« pf Tills nation has assumed Infor« I world a gravs rt'"P,*n*lb¡l|ty for I the fu tur» m «>« m 1 government of Cuba l. Wr hav a< « epi« «! a truirt. ths fulfillment uf * ilici calls fur th« Sternest Integrity <,f arpóse and lli«> egerrisu of the highest w is*lom. The m»w ('uba yst to arise ftotn the Mslitui of th« poet must n»e«ls la» bound to us by ties of singular intimacy an«! d strength. If Its enduring Welfare welfare Is to ta* ns*ur«d. Whether these ties shall I»«« organic < vehllonal. th«' desi Intra of <’ul»a some rightful form nm! manner Vocably linked with our own, but how am! how far Is for the futur» to determln«* In th« ripen«*«* of «-venta W hat«*ver I*« th«» OUlrum«, We must see to It that free 1‘ o I m I m * a reality, not a nam«-, a perfo'l entity, J not n hasty «• __ i . ¡>«-i Irrient Iwarlng within > 11»«’If th« element* f fg ■Ion, to accomplish whl«h up th«’ gag« of bufile. Io I»«» fuinil«”! by turning I wisely fiamcd commonwealth to Car's the Vicissitudes will« h loo often attend weak­ er states, u iio*v natural wealth nnd shun* dent resouri rs are uffM i !«y the |r.< « grul- ll«s of their point -i«l organisation and th recurring occasions f*»r internal rlvalrfaa t *tp their strength and dissipate their en rrgles Th«’ gr« «f»-»t I»'«-Bring u i • h th of Inst August un order Wns made for the taking of ll»e census In the Island, to be completed on th* 10th of NoVemt-cr, iiii : 1*1111. ii * i * i \ i : rcrmb. r. 1**. ths treatyl of prscs brtwr«-n th® United States andj waa signed It pt vlde4 ■ o.h«r things, that Hpaln *h<»uld cede t«»| th* United Blates th«’ archipelago known dlalaa uf Ike Arn«»tla(luMo for flir a* th* i'hlllpplns Islands, that ths United! Btalra should pay to Hpwln the »urn of >2'.- I Mir r-Orr*n %%alrr««a>. The rontracf ut th« Maritime (’anal <•• •■• and that lb» Ivll r gb»s and jm ».Id­ eal status of ths natlv«’ inhabitants of <'«iiip«n>, uf Nicaragua, waa *l«M'lar«'«l f rf«-il«v« rnm« nt the terrlturhs thus cl*l»ur*« mmta l«»r I hr Which has tnw n engaged Upon the Work l*hlllpplnrs camo Io the Unit' d States. The I n*t Fiara i tear. of riamlnat on and survey of a ship canal Islands were reded l»y the government of (lav« rnrn« »4 r«•* «upts fr> Hpaln, which ha«1 been in undisputed |»rs- ■«-**!■ >n <>« tlirm for crnturl,. Th*r hr R m al y* ar « n led Juti«’ >>. Ik&U. Includ­ Its lab ra an«! ma !« It* report woj » di* ing lit .**• 14, part payment of th« Cen­ r«»lv ?» • new cummiaaton, known a* the Isthmian P2. i * h *> (*f th * sum. customs ro*e|pi* «anal c*>mmla*i<»n, waa organised under of the executive, but by the cooaUtatlonal were |.»«l 17* 1*1 »t»d thus«* fr*'t*i Inter- Ih« t«rma of tlm act appr ved March ■rut well-eonebtered »cilon of the rapre- nal revenu« |J>F<37.I41 M Kur the Hs-'al 2. I»y». for the purpfMMi of «sammlng the ■ealatlvea of the people of the United year the • ip«n ■ «* ■ w< r« I ul, «M »d. Am*rl an Isthmus with a View to ¿«ter­ Htntre In truth hnuee. ot congrc»» I find every rva.on to trelteve. »nd I .tl’l tn ning the m< at practicable and fvaMble leaving a den. t < f po Bl.if» 47. Tin- secretary of ttie treaaury retimatis rout«* f r a ail Ip anal across that lath- believe. th«t IM» tr»n»f<-r uf aoverelanty >rd«n<-e with tlu wwhea »nil liiMt the r* • ;>la for the current be* al mu*. with Ita prot>a!mentl ir r the pr«**ldem y of lie.« r - Admiral John th* I»4S1* of present api'roprlaiions the cl- lo«t of »»»urtn« the I |M*ndltute« will n;•■* »• •>). Panama canal, an! In Parlen from the to tdvnnee their 4n«ere»ta In my order of rut: toil I> IIIMI ««■>. Atlantic Il • ■.< t . |g hb « hood Of the ArtrP* th.- l»lh of M«y. J*«, the commander of river to the bay of Panama, on th« I’a- tlu- military eiprd tlon dl«p«tched to the A Fitting rime to Mnkr Pro* talon for dffc aid«' Good progiea« ha* been made, I’hElptrlnr . wr . Instructed to declare th«t It* I uNflMUNNrr. but under the law a comprehensive ami we ,»me not to nrnko wnr on the people ’nor upon nny p«rt or I urgently re« ommmd that, to support coinplet«' Investigation Is called for. which of th........... ths 'k.allng gold • andard and to main- will require much lab»r nn« too often or too strongly press«’«! must lie no Joint occupation with the In­ ilia duty to sell Unitsd Ktatra born!« «ml upon the attention of the congrua», In my ■uraenta": that th. United states must to employ such a Other rffrctlv* me alia as meeaage of a year *g«> 1 elprrSíle»! my prrwu rve the pence nml protect per»ol>’ msy I* nreevsary Io these ends. The au- Views of the n«Meeally of a canal w hlch and property within the territory oecu- thorlt > "».••ii ’l h !ll«!e ...i»- the i nr j I *«» m ’UWrr to sell would link th«* tw «» great Ot-rana, to w hlch p ed by their military nnd naval force*, b<>nne then presented fur « arly action re oKoi.e the military occupation and au­ for s rate of Interest lower than that i arc even atrungt r now. thority of the United state.. A» early u. fli»*! by the art of January 14. IN7& While I I»ec. ml>er 4. before the cenalon and In en- thsrs Is now no commercial fright which «.Ill » T Ulti I VI’ AMI < <5 Alli. 111 Ipatlon of that event, th. commander In •slthtlrMW* X"'“1 from the government. |l Manila waa uraed to reatore peace and but. on the tranquility, and to undertake the eatab- Alaska lt«»tin«lary Cantrstlon and rontrary. such widespread conAdsnc • that go'd aerka the traaaury. ll.hnient of a lienrflcl. nt «"vernment.l Other t its«*ttlr«l <|Mratl«*ns. Iniurr the continúan« • of the lly means of an riwutlve agreement, a waa alaned. the commander of the force. ■ Xo'.d standard an»! of public « onf1«|en e In joint high «-«»mmlsa on ha«l been created of occupation wan Inatructed ”1» announce ■ ths sblllty and ptirpat public manner. Sr mmt to rnr«t ail Ite obligations In the questions b«tw«-en th«» Unite«! Htater nml that we come, not aa Invadcra and con- ■ ""'"•t which ih,. ■ . H I. x 4 w u 14 f • > Canada, embracing 12 subjects, among querora. but na frlentla Io protect the na- “'*■• •• Ih. |„ ,, ■will« h Were th« «|U Br.e io the < xl«*n*lon of our cummer«’ al ing naval vessels hi the Great Lakes, a tin (lie fliat day of January. IS», «eneralj trod«* nnd the strvnitihsnlnK of our |»«»wur mor«« coinplet«' marking of parts of the order» re teral. d that the kindly lnten-j upon th«* ar.» Invites il»«* Immediate net Ion boumlnry, provision for the conveyance of Ilona of thia government ahould In everyB of rungresa. Our national r Jacob Gould S. hurman, preeld. nt ot govern- nu'iit and nine«*, *h«iw* results for th«' past settlement. This being «IrtSlm-d by th«' corn. II unlverMiy; the Hon. Charles l>en- British commissioners, an adjournment by for many yeara mlnla'er to t hlnn. y«'iir uii<-n eonalderatlnn in Um aenate. theae commiaj rv ur trade of the world. I.a*t y(.Nr American vessels transported about th«* hoa»l of Lynn «'anal has been . . ,1 oul on th< Ir mlai on of g >oq * *mall«*r shar«* of our exp i ts and Imporia agn*e«l upon, ami It Is hop« «I that the will nnd lllH-rntlon Th.-lr character was it than «luring imy f«irtn«*r year In all our mgollatlons now In progress between the history, and the tn« nstirw of our depend- two governments will eml In an agree­ ■uSclent *uat >nty of the benefi IrnJ u"rl poa.- will, which tiny went, even f thevj -an*’ incttsiirw pnce upon foreign shipping <- ment for th»' establishment and delimita­ had not borne th.- positive Instructions an — peupla, t wi»* painfully bisnlfvstod to -*•' our tion of a permanent boundary. thia government which mmle their (‘hole»« of our own, but from Without any Attitude In AilRio-liner War. pre . mln. nlly one "f p. nee andI fl I. ml h I’j d* l»irtini'nts <«( th«* gov«*rnment charge«! necessity, tha Apart from these »luestlnns growing out Bill before their arrival In Manila, ih- Ntatea to the right* Of Hpaln. an<1 hTlr HWX with rnllltitry nnd naval operations *n th«’ of our relationship with our northern a'nf-t. r ambition of a f. w l. arfera of the float« over that territory. On the 10th Lint an.l In Ih.' W. nt bulle« hud «<> «’'• neighbor, the most friendly dlsposlilon Flllplnoa had created a «luatlon full of <»f Alignât. tx'JO. Brigadier-General Rate«. '*lh front tor.'tKti I U 1----- ............. wo- ami rt'idy agreement have marked the ••Mhllnl fur ilio n,iK" uuTchum vi .» h ,.|» ldlng en­ that the Claim of the rebel lender, that triiKiK to control Iho coih IHI >n* <»f ’ Into tangling alliances as to affairs not of our he was promised Independence by any the archipelago will aoon assume Its ordi­ nnionn oui (•Ill7.« n*4, t . w. trade Ila *•»•>egfan to » than i Fa« If!«;, to Manure th«- people of the te .-otrn.„i of n«4i- lt)„ to '«»sure th» Mtllf Of!« of S Inp|<’|. i ind hosll • *r« e*nt intentions of this government, have the utmost »ffofti of our oft hb h 1. « ! thMr legitimate eff« • » In convincing troops were unnlde 1«» disarm «»■•/*,1 U •» g««'At mass of then» that |ws«-s and 1 «r kif»<1n. ». ..nd i .rbaamne» wKr ■ ‘.f«iy and pr’Mp«»rlty pn«1 stabp- govarn- I «n!y he found In “ loyal a«,«-ept- aa a proof of cowardteo. ' un< a of the authority of the United Htates. later From All Parts of the New W«rld and the Old. - — ■ news Ns IT York wants both the big rentiona. The investment of Mafeking is closer i than ever. John H. i nase, the socialist mavof M Haverhill, .Maas., has >•— •lectM), Tea shipwright’ from Seattle t I the places of the striker» at Vallej« Iu»vy yard. Ex-<»overoor Lord, of Oregon, haa d.-parted for Argentina, to take hi» poot as United States minister. Legality nf the war revenue act it involved in the inheritance tax caae be- -----------------.. . >- ih a « ast* be­ fore *.L«; UuiUal Stat*« eojnmus wait). The Hix Chinese Companies, of San Framisco, have subscribed $4,000 to promote commercial relations betweeu China snd the United States. The New York coffee exchange has petitioned the authorities to release the coffee cargo of the plague ship Taj lor. They claim there is no danger: Chaplain Shields, being _ —P» tried >1 at . San rau Francisco by court-martial for drunk- ennees. will try to prove that his brother clergymen are persecuting him. lUvet-augar men are mu<*h disturbed over recent discuiwion. Their ind tut try is ti(>uri" cuvctive I' I than previous rejx.rts have led people I f I to believe. Hundreds were killed and ____ n. »** *« i»U< I I wound«.! —. «> Boer ---- .. * bombardment. woumleri from ** the llapi.l telegraph system will revolu­ tionize all correspon«leuee. Such low rates will l>e made that merchants can afford to use the system instead of the mails. It is to be placed in operation at once. General Andrade, the exiled prt presi .-.sv vAUVl ’Hl- I dent, prophesies a gloomy future for j f | Venezuela. He says there is a revolu- ------ - .... . k , .o n *'-------- tion within a revolution and the coun­ try ii» on the verge of anarchy. He will remain in Puerto Kico. To avoid an injunction a telephone company laid its wires in the streets of New York at midnight. The new company will have a long distance line -P'