'»'M K lamath C ounty .. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. Publiahed every Thursday by W. MUSE & SON, ■vMciirrioN katm : One year (in advance)...................... Six montas Th rae months...................................... 8 i UK le copies Advertising at reasonable rates. | 2 O0 1 uu .*> 10 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1899 A Kansas paper remarks that ‘•General Prosperity” is a Republi­ can, consequently he is never seen about the Demo-pop camp. bank •SKsri E ditors and P kopbiitokb . OttN S. ORR, ALEX MARTIN & CO Attorney-at-Law, Kt AMA I II I U I ». i:o. S. NICKERSON, Attvrney-at-Law. I We respectfully call your attention to our line of OVERCOATS. MACKINTOSHES, Winter Clothing GLOVES, SHOES, UNDERWEAR, etc., etc., which Ki am . oil F ai i ». COLLECTIONS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY Attorney-at-Law, I sold at in railroad towns. Office neat l,«««l< ffi« <• CONTEST NOTICE KLAMATH FALLS PL'BLIC SCHOOL. Following is the report for month ending November 24. 1899: Number of days taught. 20. Number of holidays, 0. Days attendance- Boys. 1250: girls, 1550: total. 2804. Days absence—Boys, 57; girls, 73; total. 130. Cases of tardiness—Boys, 19; girls. 38; total. 57. Number enrolled on register—Boys, 69; girls. 81; total. 150. Average daily attendance, 140. Per cent of attendance, 96. Number of visitors. 29. Report for term ending November 24, 1899: Number of days taught. 59. Number of holidays. 1. Days of attendance, 7641. Days of absence, 438. Cases of tardiness, 194. Average daily attendance, 130. Per eent of attendance, 95. Number of visitors, 63. E. E. W ashburn . Principal. Mus. E. E. W ashburn . Assistant. Miss K ate W ight , Intermediate. M rs . H. F. M urdoch , Primary. ber of depositors in 1899, 13.153,874; THE RISE IN SILVER. deposits, $7,513.954,371. This is one (S am Francisco Bulletin.) of the many evidences of general im­ of the interesting develop- One For Sale. provement. As a matter of truth, One 20 IL P. Boiler, One 10 H. P. facts and figures show an increasing ments recently has been the pro- growth of prosperity with every suc­ nounced advance in the price of silver Engine, One 5 H. P. Engine. All in bullion. As the United States is good running order. It would make ceeding year since the spring of '97. now the principal shipper of the an A-l pumping plant for dry ranch The war between Great Britain white metal, the advance will help or good creamery outfit. and the Boers has, up to the present, the total value of exports from this J. F. G oeller . not been very encouraging for the country. According to statistics, An elegant assortment of Christ­ English. The English army now in 1 the exports of silver during the pres- South Africa 1» about 80.000 strong, . ent year to date from London to mas toys just received at E. E. but has thus far gained little head­ India lias increased $2,900,000 and to Huse’s millinery. way in its efforts, and it begins to china $2,700.000 over the same period Masquerade Ball Supper look as if the Boers, though fewer in jast year. France has also appeared Will be given by Mrs. L. Biehn numbers, might, after all. be able to ln ^e market as a purchaser, taking Thanksgiving evening at 12 o'clock. maintain their independence. Their upward of $2,000,000 worth for coin­ Children 's and ladies’ mittens at ability as fighters and their stubborn age purposes. The natural result of bravery have aroused the respect of tjjjs increased demand for silver for E. E. Iluse’s Millinery. even those whose hopes and sympa- usc as money an(j the larger require- Clothing at Dufy’s. thies are with the other side. ments of manufacturers, who are now Dr. W. Kingston Vance, of Lon­ making their holiday goods, has been Despite the fat t that the last state don. Eng., will be at the Hotel Link­ the rise in commercial bar silver. legislature refused to encourage the i------------------------ vilie, Klamath Falls, December 2d culture of sugar beets by turning TWENTY-FIVE.CENT WOOL. and 3d. Nerve and blood diseases down the bounty proposition urged and all kinds of deformities, also (Yreka Journal.) by the growers of the Grande Ronde diseases of women, scientifically Theo. Davis, the one-million- valley, and the further fact that treated. there is a considerable decrease in pound-in-onc-lot wool buyer, has pre­ Duffv has just received a large line of acreage this year as compared with dicted 20-cent wool for 1900. ‘-Just men's and boy’s suits which will be to illustrate how confident. I am, ’ \ last, the sugar output of the Grande sold at Medford prices. Ronde factory will this year exceed said Davis to a Salt Lake Tribune New supply of all kinds of nuts—- t hat of last by at least 50 per cent, man last week, ‘-that wool is going to raise, I will tell you what I told a 1899 crop—at Duffy's. from The acreage has been reduced 3600 to 2300. The yield per acre, sheepman who came to me the other Footing, insertion, lace and linen however, has nearly doubled since day to ask my advice about buying lawn for handkerchiefs, at E. E. last year. The factory is still run- 5000 more sheep. ‘Why. my dear fel-' Huse’s millinery. ning full blast, employing about 150 low,’ I said, ‘buy ’em and 5000 more, 1 Hats and Sox at Duffy’s. men and converting about 400 tons of and if you can't get 20 cents a pound for the clip in 1900, I’ll buy your' New and second-hand books for beets into sugar daily. The total tonnage in beets this year will ap­ wool at that figure.’ Now, what sale at E. E. Iluse’s millinery. proximate 14,000 and the sugar out­ leads me to believe in my prediction A first-class optician accompanies put 3,500,000 pounds.—Jacksonville is the rush of every wool-cloth pro­ Dr. Vance, and you may have your ducer in the country and the general Times. reign of prosperity in all other lines. eyes tested anti examined free. Mr. Bryan’s defense of Goebel and The factories are running day and Glasses fitted and guaranteed. As­ his scheme to steal the election in night in many instances, and the tigmatism, Myopia, Asthenopia a Kentucky brings the popular estimate drummers I meet tell me their sales specialty. Strabismus, or cross eyes, of his moral sense down to the level are 100 per cent greater than last straightened without cutting tlie Lenses exchanged free of of the judgment which the public has year and that rush orders .with the cord. At the Hotel Linkvilie, placed on his financial judgment. factories are out of the question. ¡charge. Bryan says outright: “Goebel may When I look upon our present wave Klamath Falls, December 2d and 3d, represent the vicious element of mj; of commercial prosperity, I can’t Saturday and Sunday. party, but he is for free silver and help but remember that I sat in my Keep your eye on Duffy. Aguinaldo; hence It is our duty to ojfiCe for three months in 1896 with- A first-class optician accompanies support him in ail he does for the out selling a pound of wool, because Dr. Vance, and you may have your success of our cause and to prevent (,ash buyers could not be found and ¡eyes tcstefl and examinetl free. interference with Aguinaldo’» right wc werc afrald t0 take paper> Glasses fitted and guaranteed. As­ to be dictator of Luzon.” There is with the fear of free trade being tigmatism, Myopia, Asthenopia a no reasonable man, whatever his par- f0|ste(i upon us. In contrast witli specialty. Strabismus, or cross eyes, tisan predilections may be, who will that gloomy condition, take the sales straightened without cutting the not think that it is strange logic that of wool on the eastern markets last cord. Lenses exchanged free of upholds piracy on the ballot at home, [ week—11,000,000 pounds, at prices charge. At the Hotel Linkvilie, depriving Americans of the right to yielding a profit to everybody con- Klamath Falls, December 2d and 3d, Bpeak at the polls, for the purpose of' CCrned in the delivery of ’the ’ goods. Saturday and Sunday. preventing American soldiers from My trade motto from now on is School Suits $2.50 to $6.ooat Duffys disarming semi-barbarians who seek ‘Twenty-cent wool in 1900.' ” to kill them.—Kansas City Star (Ind.). A nice, new line of stationery in the School emts at Duffy'». postoflice block. R. I. Hammond. The trouble between the English Rupture (or hernia) and piles Consultation free, No incurable and Boers—Dutch word for farmers— | treated by our latest, most improved cases taken. A talk with Dr. W. dates back to 1793, when war was de­ method. Cure guaranteed. Call at Kingston Vance, of London, Eng., clared between Great Britain and Hotel Linkvilie, December 2d and 3d. our surgeon-in-chief, will cost you Holland, the latter country having furnished the settlers of Cape Colony, Blankets at De Lapp's from $1.00 nothing. Call at tile Hotel Link- Southern Africa, in 1652. The set­ to $5.00—cheaper than they can be ville, Saturday and Sunday, Decem­ tlers were farmers, and hence have bought at Medford, not considering ber 2d and 3d. been known as Boers. When war the freight. Twenty bars of soap for $1.00 at broke out, England took possession of Rubbers at Puffy’s. De Lapp’s. South Africa and retained it until Remember the date of the German 1802, when peace was restored and Four pounds of Schilling’s coffee the colony ceded back to Holland. In staff of physicians who will be at for $1.00 at C. II. De Lapp's. 1805, however, war was renewed be­ Hotel Linkvilie. Klamath Falls, Sat­ ---------• ♦ -------- . tween England and Holland and urday and Sunday, December 2d and Stationery at Dufy’s. 3d. ’____________ ____ again Cape Colony fell into the hands Shoesand Gloves at Duffy’s No need to travel to distant large of the English. This time England appointed a governor over the conn- cities. Ail operations performed at Catarrh, in certain stages, is cur- try, and he was so tyrannical in his your home by the surgeon-in-chief, able. If not well treated or checked treatment of the Boers that the latter Dr. W. Kingston Vance, of London, in time it terminates in asthma or became very bitter against the Eng­ Eng. consumption. Call on the German lish. Accordingly, in 1836. several Fine line ot up to «late gent»’ furnish­ specialists at the Hotel Linkvilie, thousand Boers, In order to escape ing good» «I R. I. Hammond». Klamath Falls. December 2d and 3d. l\iAM\tn F ai in, <> hr < h » w . • pRLD It. mills . Attorney-at-Law. Hotel tTW’ On • F. VIRDOCH, we can and will sell at same prices these goods are ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Congress will begin its session next Monday. Disposition of matters per- ■ taining to the Philippines are the English oppression, abandoned their questions of paramount importance- farms and emigrated to the northern Oregon will be the first state to limit of Cape Colony, and there, a hold an election next year, and being few years later, organized what is the year of the presidential campaign, called the Transvaal Republic. . In men of national reputation will be I 1877 the British governor of Cape sent here by both political parties to Colony declared the Transvaal a de­ help shape the results, which will be pendency of England, ostensibly to a criterion of what will happen in defend the little republic against the this state in the fall and will be savages. This action resulted In a war besween England and the Trans­ awaited with universal interest. vaal in 1880. and the outcome was the The latest reports concerning the restoration of the latter's independ­ Philippines is that most of the Phil­ ence. Diamonds were discovered in ippine troops are scattered and many 1869 and gold was discovered a few of their prominent officers have sur­ years later in the Transvaal. This rendered. Aguinaldo, nearly alone, brought to South Africa an influx of has escaped to the mountains ai d is English prospectors, and the Dutch being vigorously pursued and. without accordingly became fearful of an at­ doubt, will soon be captured, It tempt on the part of England to an­ thus appears that the Philippine war nex the country. So the Transvaal is rapidly nearing the end. authorities imposed heavy taxes on miners and exports of gold, and to and The number of depositors amounts deposited in banks of the this the English miners objected vig­ United States are now more than orously. calling on their government double what they were a year ago. for relief. This trouble is said to be Number of depositors in 1898, 6,708,- the original instigator of the present 971; deposits, $3,776,410.402. Num­ ' war. • I" • proprietors K i . amatii F. u . i . i , O hkiiiim . -• I j C. RUTENIC, DEPARTMENT Of THE INTERIOR. Lawyer, UNITED ST \TES I AND OFF1< F. ( I.ARKVU W. UKH.« N. tk'lobcr L’S. IM'9 t A nufficivnt »'<»ntvM affitlax it having I htii KI.\M \TII FAI L“. : : OREGON filed in this office by State of Oregon eonte“t- ant against T. < « utr\ N«». S7s. ma«!e April .*1». inks , for SE. l-l of SW.t I S\\ I l of SF I I an«! Lots 6 and 7, Sec. IT. I p S . R 9 F . by John H. Il\mH S, W. D. til’.em, eontextee. in which it t“ alleged that the land embrace«! in such entry am! the greater part ot each am! « very smallest legal Physician and Surgeon. subdivision thereof was «»u March 1-*. swamp and overtloved, and thereby rendere«! i a II r l*i l\ AMvuli«! Office, l'IillwtHwf unfit for cultivation. ... SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL Said parties ami unknown heirs of John A <*t» *• Dont Kt««rv Gliem, decease«!, are hereby notified to appear, MEN BEST ACCOMMODATIONS respond hi <1 « ffer evidence touching .«ai«i alle­ Kl.AM M il I AI.IX, : : OKEGON. gation. at 10 o’ehx k a. m. on December 20, IN THE CITY GOOD VIANDS. ----- — 1S*J9, before the Register au«l Receiver, al the United Suites I and Office in l.akeviev , Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper afti J J a wright M. I). davit, filed October 21 set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal The barroom hi renne,-Ion with the . .... I .. i - h - m IM m r bv rourtoon. »n.l «.•nllem.nl) service of this notice cannot be made, it is Physician and Surgeon. hereby ordere«! and directed that such notice mlxoloat.H. »ml vili) lhe hnea l.r.u.l. ul « nuLuimt. »ml « i«»r. »r. dl.|-ei.e.Uu iMUron. be given by du«? and proper publication. over the bar. E. M BR A ri’AlN. :<« gt“ter. K I «M ATH 1'111», • O mm . ov . HARRY DAILY, Receiver. F»,*i’««',h trillili' I '. * •'< iati «itil Mtirgrvn to t|(1 ‘•'m nt linn II tiiial. Port land. Under New Management J. AL K7ERNAN. Proprietor.* • • y y , . Klamath Falls Planing Mills, Treasurer’s Notice. /.. llamit . J. F. GOELLER, Proprietor. from 4123. 4195, 4212. 4234. •HAO, 3987. 4220, 4246, 4279, I. h 7. 4 «13. 4221. 4319, 1'2“. Attorno} -at-Law, Among the infinite varietv of in itcri.il .ri I work ftirni«b«»l l>v this mill are : Falls, Ore., th i» Store Fronts, W«M»1 Carving. St.iir Rails. H.ilmt. rs and Sewel !’<>»ta. Bracket», 1«W). Notice to Creditors- In the matter of the Estate of Jacob II :i Ik! ns, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, executor of the esfate of Jacob Hmlkin“, de­ ceased, to the creditors of, and for all persons having claims against the said decea-ed, to present them with the ««•cessary voucher“, w ithin six months alter the first publication of this notice, to the sai«i executor at his re.“ide opened. Good goods—right prices_ clean store sure to suit the majority careful buyers. GM ACCOMMODATIONS. Ashland House, LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE CITY, N. BOURGEOIS, Notice. P roprietor . Those desiring the services of a dentist should call at once. Hotel Linkvilie. Room 2. Heflilqiiarters for rancher» and mining men. The only hotel in the cilv Im. W m . M artin . ing reasonable nite». Free ’Ini» to and from nil train». Y Big line of men’s Clothing at Duffys. Fresh confectionery arriving everv few days in the jiostoffice building. R. I. Hammond. Golf capes at E. E. Huse’s mil-1 linery. .J----- JOB WORK All Kinds Done At This Office... J. HOM). Resident Dentist, I h , rii I I.UIM-, Lhiuiiith Fall», (Ifgon. Ifflrc J. B. MOORE Proprietor of Freight Wagons. c !.. Porri: fi. Notary Public, Abstracter, Conveyancer and Searcher of Records. My «■«•Hu •t‘- |-n • ; . •U'> " h • '»' • • i t < ■ • tn iiic A - • ••■•«»» ’• offi«** fof ! i ■ . g X • ■ ■• i; ir I hr bv»t b i i ■ w I« ■> « ’ ri j • i I Ihr only • rFca at l.akvAK M a i<«lalltv. W. W. HAZEN, Proprietor, $ I OKEGOX. Attorney. I.AKKVIKW, Klamath Falls-Merrill Stage Line, VCI jf • ||ay and Grain b night ami sold. I’assengi'rs coiiv«‘y«'d to all puts of Southern Oregon ami Northern California at the very lowest rates. Notice i“ herebv given that, by order of the Stat«1 Land Board, sealed tenderw to purchase the Brooks ranch, aitnatod near KI hiiih 'I i Falls, Oregon, containing 11.V i . o 7 acres, will be re­ ceive«! at the office of Hon. W. H. Odell, clerk of the State Lan«! Board, nt Salem. Oregon, the same to be opened on December I. 1WW. Terms of payment Not Jess than one-fifth cash; balance'on time at six per cent per annum. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. STATE LAND BOARD. By JOHN 8. OR«, Agent. - L'MHACH. (JliARl.ES i By virtue of an execution duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Klamath, State <>f Oregon.dated th»1 17th day of November. 1H99, in h certain action in the Circuit Court for said county and state, where­ in Alexander Mart n. T. <«.’ Beanies, Chas. S. Moore Mini Alexander Martin, Jr., partners under the firm name of R'-ante“, Marlin «V Co., Jr , as plaintiff“, recover« «! judgment against Linkvilie Hotel Company (a corporation), de­ fendants, for the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred and Nine and 72-100 Dollars (11209 72), an«! costs and «iisbiirsements taxed at Fifteen Dollars, on the 6th «lav of Novemb«'r. 1*99, notice is herebv given that I will, on SATI'R- HAY. rill- 23 KO DAY OF DECEMBER. 1W9, at t lie front door of (he court house in Klamath Falls, in said rounty. at 2 o’clock in the after­ noon of sai«1« «lay, sell at publi« auction to the highest bidder for cash the following de­ scribed property, situated in Klamath County, State of Oregon,’to wit : Block 2M of the Town of Linkvilie, now Klamath Falls,excepting the westerly 11 feet of Lots 3 an«! 4 of sai«i block, taken and levied upon as the property of the * Mid Linkviib1 Hotel Com] any (a corporation), or so much thereof as may be necessary to sat­ * isfy the said judgn.«?nt in fav«.r of the “ai«l plaintiffs and against said defendants. with In­ terest thereon, together with all costs and dis­ bursements that have or mav accrue. A KERSHNER. Sheriff. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, November 21, lb'J9. NOTICE - KLAMATH FALL“, Plans and Specifications Furnished on All Kinds of Buildings and Contracting and Building on the Installment Plan. J. n. nooRE, GENERAL FREIGHTER, Prompt and careful attention to all orders................ notice of publication . (II the County Court of Klan,«ih County Oro. non, i In th« m.li.r of th« E,ut0 of Jume. Kdu.r.l MUximhlln, fMT<.»««|. Notlcoof.ppolntnmntof AdmlnlHr.tor »ml f«»r preient.tlon of olKima. For Rent. 320 acre» good farm land, 200 acres in cultivntmn »11 fenced, fair .Kelli house fll,d barn. Good water. Cash renter wheat in mill nt thrashing lime Apply to C. I,. P arrish . Felt Isiots at Duffy's. Contractor and Builder. Plans and Estimates Furnish­ ed Free of Cost. KLAMATH I M.l.s. - - OllEGOff. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. «Unii F S. h'l itVKVOK (>R»li»«l I Ponti «'n.< iin <.,,M, «-I, I 'l l l> PltupOKAI..“ WILL HF received nf ||,í» office until H o', !•„ k U,,,.,, o,, Noy.-mlwr 24. IM*, 1« running, me.'oning nml marking in »*- cordame with < fti, i»| riiwling tigni»- tion», limi mi , I, t*|H-riu| in»tiuelion. mav I«- I--D, <• allowed only where the luml® Hi«« iiiouiitHiiu.iiw, I h * hv )I v tiiiilM,r<*«l < <«\« H «I u r|, (|«.|IM. iHidiTtfrowl li. B''n-I, with ;i|«provnl ffiu’iiritiek h»r tl’> ■ aithinl | m * i forHiHiici« tlio «•ontnv’t» Mill U* rv«|tiirvd of the NiicceMNÎul bH* « 1V I M. I !••• ritfhl ÎH rerervotl to reject nnr and «II hida, to wiiiv«« teclmirnl defect»», »»»'’ tojncupl hiiv part,of any bid, or rejicl Ihuolh. r part, if tin, intereftn <>< l,,i Koveriiinvnt r« «pii e it. I »opoHHla muât he Mtibmitted in