Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 19, 1899, Image 1

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Epitome of the Telegraphic
New» of the World.
Boston gave llnwey a watch during
the naval h«-ro'» riitertainmeiit there
I.-ii lampi« |»-rl»hn<l by th« burning
uf Hi« «ti-aim-r Nutmeg State at Icing
talami «numi
Montana «ml Karma« trraips were
i-iitcrtalmsl at a rousing rocejittoli at
Oakland, l'al
< hicago is nuikliig arraiigemi-iits for
the . .................... it of Admiral D«w«y
during m-n month
Aa Isl.r.sll..« OellerUea ef
|ha Tw» H«»»s»«|»l»«r«« freseeto^
I m •
The executive commltt.«- of the jaw>
pin's party ha» lii'iorscl th« platform
«,|..|.l.sl at th« recent dcniocralle state
.-.allenitoli tn Massachusetts.
When tb” cruiser New Orleans
reached th« New York navy-yard. It
o, found that she was ■> dilapidated
0i«t it will require several month»'
«ork to put her lit a «««worthy condi­
It |s learned that Vnited stat«» Min­
ister bs'inis lias been officially In­
formed tliat the negotiations for |«-ac«
III Ven«*u«la ate jirogroaaing, ami tliat
th« government troojai have been or-
rlered backward.
At th« lamnox Athletic Club. New
York. Elidi« Santry, of Chicago,
knocked out Be« Jordan. Icatiierwelght
champion uf J ngland. after a little less
tliali !«<• minutes Iu the 10th round of
a very brisk light.
Awlstant Secretary of the Treasury
Vsn.icrtlp has issue.l an order alitici
listing th« November Interest without
th« discount .d two tenth» of 1 |«-r cent
jw-r month If this offer I» taken it will
release «Is'Ut <30.IMX>,0(W.
Ex t'ltr Treasurer C L Funk. . I
Pnehlri Col . wa« "hot ami killed l.y a
highwayman while going to the dcjs.t
to take « train lor Cri|q,l« Creek
BM-kett»«>k was taken, but contaiiieit
only a »mall amount of money.
Die Canadian guveruineut !>«• »ur-
vrynrs In th« field re-surveying th« old
Russian-American telegraph Illi« Iron
iw-ar Ashcroft, H <’., to th« Yukon
country, with a view of eetabllsliing
t»lrgra|ihlc cuiniiiunlealion with Daw-
Il I» re|»,rted that at the Cuming se«-
Bl.-n <>f |«r llament th« formal announce­
ment will 1« m«.lc of the cWMioll of
Delagoa lay «ml surrounding territory
In Portuguese Last Africa to Great
Britain. The prl<c I» «aid to I» Ito,-
Th« Standard Shoe Machinery Coin-
jany, has tllerl articles ol Imorjsiratlon
st Trenton N. J. It I» Irving organ­
ised lor th« jrarjais” <>l cousulidating
|>raet|callv all of t!.c luijarrtanl makers
of six*, manufacturing machinery tn
the country
It« object I» to control
the shoe traile rvf the world.
Captain Hugh McGrath, Fourth cav­
alry, who I» rr-|«>rte<l to liavo been seri­
ously woumlrxl Ii. the fiutilo of Nove-
tela. I* I , was slatloiicd at Vail.ouvcr
js*t for sonic mritiths. In command of
trvsqi E, Fourth cavalry, and ac.x.ni-
jenlcil it to Kan Itun. la.-o when the
regiment w»> ordered to Manila.
There Is a big »tam|w><l« of ^ntnerx
from Dawson to Cajre Nome.
Th« First Washington volunteers
have arrived ut s*n Franuiaco.
The medical department of the army
icnairler» Vanc.iuv«r a dewirablc place
lor « sanitary hospital.
’Hie Vniterl stati-» transjs.rt N«wj»rrt
has arrived at San Fran isco, 33 days
from Manila She lias 465 memlrers
nl ths volunteer signal ior|w alsaird
and 13 civilians.
A cablcgriiin to the war d«|.artmcllt
from General tilts states that the trans
fort lihlnmn sailed Iron. Maritin with
4.1 officers niol Ulti men of th« Tenne«-
see regiment. Tin- regiment left no
Thu st.HiiiPr Cottage City, from the
North, ha» among tin pna«etigcrw Sena­
tor Shoup, who has sja-nt several weeks
in Alaska, visiting various jxiluts for
th« pur|os.- of obtaining information
relative to future legislation for Alaska
, I'rrwi.lant Calloway, of tho New Yoik
Central railway waaMbrn th.-indus­
trial i-oniniiasion to give testimony’ re­
lativo to th« question of railroad trans-
jxirtation. lie favored a |»s>ling law,
and advocated tho prohibition of the
j.rnseut brokorngo system.
A riot prevailed in the barrack« of
rotnpaay L, of th« Eighth infantry, nt
rort Snelling Witli only a doxeii ox-
■ I'ptions, the company was locked ill
•*"’ guardhous«.
li.« trouble riiosi.
from a charge of n.l.berv jiroforrod by
Gorjsiral Fourier against Privates Stout,
Kelly ami Brasili«. They hud Imen in
Rt. Paul on a sjrreo.
' iiptain Cojxi, of tho steamer Amori-
•'a Marti, which left Yokohama, Sop-
b'mber 27, rojxirta tho trnnsjxii t Tatar,
*’>th the Kaiuua boy» nboard, sailed'
»wo days „head of him, and should
roach here tomorrow. Ho thinks ho
parir-ml tho Tartar Siiturihiy night in
he fog, but ho is not auro.
Dm Maxim-Nontenfoldt liuti & Am­
tnunitfon Company, Ltd , ...
ili London,
<«» shipixul two six-gun batteries of
'""Untnin gone to Manilri. They wore
»spei ted hero j.rior to ahijnneut by
■aptain (ioorgo W Vaiuluson. First
United Stiites artillery, who will follow
"' guns Thuradny. Tho ordnanco is
of the latest pattern.
loti thousand ciirjmnterx liavo struck
In Now York.
While a typhoon was raging a train
'•» blown from it bridge into th« river
’•"if Utxuinomyn, Jajian. Six jmraons
sra killmi nn.j many injured. Groat
»mago was dono to projxirty and crojm.
< hiof of Police Conrad«, of Alameda,
■ -. »hot and killixj «ne of three burg-
ar" wlio worn attempting to rob the
01 A- °- ’*»«• < hlB<
> ra. « WMR ghot through tho neck,
but imt noxiously.
llu- mivy <ic|Miitmi-nt has substituted
th« Ranger for the Ba<lg<-r an one uf the
reiiifori-ing tic. t <,f th« Philippine.
\ iaitorx to th« Yellowstone Park for
the M-asr-n just cl<w<-<l nuntlrerod tl, Iftll.
Many foreigners wore among th« tour­
The steamer W P Ketohan ran
down tile little ach.nilier Tyja-e 111 latke
Huron ||„. lygae wan instantly suuk,
ami four of her crew were drowned.
A «in-, t car 11 I |«d with III jrasaeligers
colliile.1 Mith « pasM-ngi-r train on th«
Santa 1« road at Dallas, Texas. Half
of tho laaM-ngi-rx were hurt, three
l*ie atr.k« of the maclilnlatn em­
ployed |.y th« t anadlan I’ar'ill« lias
curled, the official« ol the road having
conaeiit.-.l to ine.it a committee ol the
machinist» and arbitrate.
I he l 'nv«r»ity of Pennsylvania foot-
ball eleven Ma. defeated by the <'arlinln
Indian» by a M ore of 16 to 5, on Frank­
lin field in 25-mlnute halve* Th« In­
dians wort >a-c«ii«c they playral tho la-t-
ter f.M.tliall
Die sultan ol Turkey wasrlrownvxl in
th« Boaphoru», ami th« drowning I»
lichcved not to havu Ireen accidental.
Several ladies <4 the bareni are suajiect-
«dot complicity with incmliers of Hi«
young Turk jmrty.
The lloers captured an armort-d tram
from Khnl*r)cy to Vryburg, killing
three British soldiers and wounding a
captain All the othe-s on the train,
«tcej.t the engineer, were taken prlisiU-
«rs The engineer aecajieti.
Di« tranajairt officials at '«an Fran-
ciaoo, ripe, t that five vcasels will sail
(or Manila within a week or 10 days
Tlie Tartar ami th« Manurnse will la­
the first trsiuijwrta n-ady. The oli m­
pia and I'rnnsylvanla mar go to Port­
land t<> take on tn»>|M there.
A decision of great lrn|s>rtaneo In
lankrupt- y cases has been handed down
bv Judge Jenkins In th« United State«
circuit court of apja-als. at Milwaukee,
WIs The court ruled that a Judgment
«e. urei against an insolvent jx-rw.n
within four months preceding the tiling
of Imnkrupt- y is void
Diplomatic relations l«-tw.-en Great
Britain ami the Trauxvaal government
have t««-n broken.
Die first steamship of the Portland-
Manila line will leave the latter port
about Decemla-r 1st.
Peace negotiations in Vencxuela have
A decisive battle la-twia-n the
government tns.ps ami insurgents 1«
ei|«M-te<l this week.
The Twentieth Kansas regiment has
arrived at Sari Francisco. The occa­
sion was celebrated in Toja-ka, Kan ,
by a big demonstration.
Prv|-arations for receiving tho First
Washington voluntei-rs at Seattle have
la-en comph-lc'l
An entertainment
fund of <12,18)0 hae been |.rovideil.
With a detonation that was felt in
tow ns many milea distant, two of the
jx.w-ler Hillis ol the Aetna com|«»liy’x
works near Millers, Ind., blew up.
Two employee are rnisaing.
One of th« most serious car famines
ever recorded exists among the l.ig
mil roe-1 terminals in Chicago. Several
of the roads rejiort that the congestion
of busincs« iias assumed the jiroportions
of a blockade.
The forest fire which has raged for
two days <>n Mount Tamaljxis, Cal.,
threatening the towns of Millvalley
and larkspur, and many coetly coun­
try reaidencea, has been extinguished
by a timely rain.
The Transvaal Official Gaiette con­
tains a proclamation calling ujxm all
burghers domiciled outside tho repub­
lic to present themselves forthwith for
service, failing which they will be
fined, Imprisoned, and their property
In the event of war between Groat
Britain and the Transvaal, as a result
of tho Boer ultimatum, orders have
been cablixl to the cruiser Montgomery,
which was last rejxirted at Pernam­
buco, ilirectiug her to proceed to Dels-
goa laty »U,I co-ojierate with the consul
at. Pretoria in the protection of Ameri­
can Inforcata.
Disjiatchea from Manila announce
that Captain Wixalridge Geary, of the
Thirteenth infantry, was killed in ac­
tion. Captain Geary was an Oregon
bov, and went to West Point from Cur­
vai li». He served throughout the Puer­
to Rican campaign, mid last ajrring was
transferred to the Thirteenth and rent
to Manila.
Major George O. Webster, II. 8. A.,
retired, is dead at Fort Sheridan, from
the effects of a fever contracted in tho
Philippines a few months ago, while
commanding one battalion of the
Fourth infantry. Major Webster wax
an old Indimi fighter, mid saw active
»arvico with the Fourth infantry in
Culia and Luzon.
A Large Force lias Crossed
Into Bechuanaland.
Mrhwan'a LipedlMun
pllahra Ita Objael.
Munita, Ort. IB. G**n«id
having amor»pit h* >'
)x5t, the troop« are al! r**tun
their former poafth >riR ii ' iDtloRih * l)¡|
town* tab*”'
f > .
4 uthorlt Ira •• • Mufrliliij Ki pre I »n Out
Invade < ape < olony.
Johannesburg, Oct. 14. — War *a
formally declared at DI o’clock thi
Tlo Heers' Plan«.
Ixmdon. Oct. II.—When the cabins
meet« at las.n V«lay, it is evident th-
Boor advance will lie in full swing
Judging from present ap|s-aran<««, th
B-a-ra are pre]mring for a aimultatieou
Invasion at live separate js.iuta-
1 al I ng'a Nek, Kimberley, Vryhur,
Mafvklng ali i laibatai. Therefore It I
alnnait ini|sMi»ll>l« to guess the plau <
A dispatch from Durtian, dated Thun
day morning at 8 o'clock, announce
that tiie Boers si-lied Allarrtina static
•n-l deinan-le-l the keys, which wer
delivered to thi-m by the station-mas
t<-r, who reached Ladysmith on a tnil
ley car. 'lite i-x< lt.-iuent at laidysiultl
la increasing, an l the ir-aqe are read;
to act at a moment's notice.
Coming Cansos Will Hhow ■ Large
rrsn.s Mspe. tally In ths South,
The rejxirt sent forth by the stat«
officials of Virginia that their records
of aanesament ami taxation show a Beached on St. George Island
large increase in ownership of land
in Behring Sea.
amongst the colored people, present»
gratifying conditions which the census
1H1F.N URiTi.SII MERE KILLED officials know to tar common to all the
Southern states,
'Die Virginia report mentions that
the records do not show the full, and
’• rt»p-»rf»d i. II.»« sr n.r.e «...ral
js-rhape not half of the increase in
tt«|»«ls»s at Mafeblng Fire
land ownership among-t the colored
«lai. Sets«« u Train.
Jieople for the reason that great num­
bers of them, having meager capital,
¡s.i.dun, Oct. 16.—An Edinburg pa are compelled to buy farms ou land
Seattle, Oct. 17.—By the Un'ted
r tho Srotoli un, aiwerti that a hat­ contracts. These contracts call for
revenue cutter Corwin, which
ha s taken place I sit «een General deeds when the payment of jrurchase
.' ■r
Stewart White, commanding money, which is imule in installments, arrived here tonight, survivors are
brought of the steamship favnra-la,
the forres in Naul, and the Boers, shall have been completed.
who entererl Natal by way of Van the installments are jiending, the title which lies a wreck in Zaparline bay,
St. George island.
P.. .« General White, the I is held in the vendor as a ja»rt of his
The Laurada, Caj.tain Frank White,
s<-otaniai «ay«, i very -anguine of the security for the deferred ¡«ayments.
left Seattle September 12, for Cape
tucceas >t tho Bntiah mo-erneut.
Thus the rea1 possession is not repre­ Nome, with a crew of 48 officers and
A disjmtch to the Daily Telegrapt sented in the records, though the case
men and 20 jiassengers. She carried a
is practically like that of proja-rty full cargo of general merchandise, hay,
which is mortgaged.
lumlarr, 36 head of cattle and 130
Chief Statistician Powers, of the di­ sheep. She encountered rough weather
vision of agriculture in the census, from the start, and just before 6 o’clock
who has made a thorough study of the on the morning of September 80 was
question of tenure, has jm-pared a driven by wind and current into shoal
s- hedule for the twelfth census which water in Active pass, but after a brief
is intended U> cover the cases men­ detention she resumed her voyage. Be­
tioned. The enumerator will be in­ ing loaded deep, the heavy seas broke
structed to report as owners all home­ over bow again and again and by tho
steaders who have not ‘‘proved up” or time the open sea was reached it had
whose final jrroofs have not been re- become so serious that she was force. 1
‘ erded—in fact all actual occujiants of to turn back and take the inside pas­
public lands—and [>ereons who have sage to New Metlakahtla, where 80
Isji.ght land on contracts for deeds; and tons of lumls-r and 50 tons of coal were
those who have l>een foreclosed but sre jxit ashore. Thus lightened, she pro­
holding over for redemption.
ceeded to Dutch Harbor, which was
if the enumerators shall carry out reached Septeml>er 25.
these instructions, the twelfth census
At Dutch Harbor 80 »he«-p were
will presenta fuller exhibit of small landed. The Laurada left Dutch Har­
ownership and of land ownership bor September 26, encountering con­
amongst the colored jieople than has tinued stormy weather. On Septem­
hitherto been available.
ber 27 it was discovered that a leak
Tenure is to be taken in the cenus had been started forward by the pound­
in a manner to show not simply the ing of the seas. This increased rapid­
number of j>er«ons who own farms, ly, and soon it became evident that the
work farms on shares, or lease farms jiumps would not much lnq,-er keep
for a cash or other fixed rental, but to the vessel aflwvr she I my an gradually
show all the conditions of ownership t> settle. The only hoj>e of safety lay
i and tenure according to race and cola. in reaching the Pribyloff or Seal is­
<><»«4» rtf
*-- «««I«* Hn (X»>- lands. the northernmost of which,
n St. George, is barely 225 miles from
Dutch Ilartor.
At J:30 P. M., September 28, Cap­
tain White, after having skirted the
eastern shore of St. George island, and
finding it impossible to make a safe
landing, ran the now sinking Laurada
ashore in the shallow waters of Zajxi-
dine bay. The tire in the lower grate
had been by this time extinguished by
the rising sea waters, and the stokers
were wading in the fire room up to
their knees.
On this side of the island are two
small frame salt houses used for the
storage and curing of sealskins by the
North American Commercial Company,
which has a lease of the island from
the government. The smaller of these
was vacant, and the crew and poaaen-
ger« of the Laurada moved in. Pro­
vision.« and other necessaries were
taken from the ship. Al) the livestock
was successfully landed.
It was on October 8 that the cutter
Corwin, Captain Herring, which had
left St. Michael for Seattle and San
Francisco on September 80, sighted
the signal of distress flying from tho
mast of the Laurada. Captain Herring
consented to receive the passengers and
crew and convey them liack to Dutch
Harbor. The third mate of the Lna-
rada was left on the island to protec^
r the ship and cargo from being taken
1 pos-ession of as a derelict, and six pas­
f sengers remained to care for outfits
e they were unwilling to abandon. The
h Corwin’s store of provisions was re­
» plenished from the abandoned vessel,
and the cutter made sail for Dutch
Harbor, with a total of 135 persons on
J board, arriving in the afternoon of
October 4. Here the Laurada’» passen­
gers were provided with blankets and
made as comfortable as jxvssible. The
mail carried by the Laurada was also
brought back by the Corwin, and will
be forwarded by the next available
steamer north bound, It is probable
a relief expedition will be sent from
here as soon as possible.
Among those left at Dutch Harbor
I are the wife of Captain Brown, of the
■’ Yukon river steumlxvat Oil
__ ___
,, now
at St. Michael, and the wife and child
of Minor Bruce. An entire printing
oftttit for a newspaper at Nomo is in the
cargo of the wreck.
The Laurada was built in Great Brit­
ain and became famous shortly before
the outbreak of the late Sj>anish-Amer-
lcan war as a filibuster and successful
K. C............... Contains Alum blockade ranuei.
Borr» Fired Into R With
<'roanr«l Int«» <
ismdon Oct 14 —The Free Stat
burgher», according to a private me»
Mgi- just rncaivod, haw croaaad Orang
river into Caja- Colony ami haveocci
|>li-d I'hiDjwtown. Their object, it
supJMMied, is to cut the railway at 18«
Junction, which 1« considered au in
jxrtant »trat.-gic jaiint. According I
a di»|Mt<'h from t'aja- Town, it is ai
M-rt<«l there that the Boers have a:
range-1 with Chief Llnchwe, a prom
iieut chief of the northwestern laird«-
to take uj> arms against Groat Britan
F.ngllah Mnvril T«»«> I.at».
Ixm-lon. Oct. 14.—A dlsjaitch froi
Mafeking, under today's date, says Co
onrl Ba-lell Powell ha. Jn.t sent
strong British force from Maleking k
want the la>rd«r with field guru an
ambulance«, jiroaumably with a virv
of occupying advantageous drfeusn
high ground. The movement al Mali
king this morning is held to imlicat
that he is not jirejsired for sharp tigh<
ing, but proluibly espei-ta it al ths
|ir<htiMtialian<1 Inradad.
Vryburg, Oct 14 —A l»>dy of Boer
han- cut the bonli-r fence, advanced l<
the railway and ent the telegraph wire«
Two tliousand Ika-m are uow occupyiu»
the rmlroad line.
A rir.orrtl Train I>r«tr«»yrd.
Cape Town, Oct. 14 —A dlspatcfi
from Vryburg says that an annon-
train has been destroyed. It is (eare-
that much lose of life resulted
new» has been unofficially confirmed.
M afrit Ing Kaprrte an Attack.
Mafeking. Oct. 14. — Half a batter
of artillery from Kimlierley has just at
rived. Police at outlying stations has
lawn ordered to concentrate within th
town limits.
Natal Rrarrtea Called Out.
Durban, Oct. 14.—The Imperial re
serves in Natal have Is-en called out
Everylssly has left Charlestown. Th
Fifth dragoons arrived this mornin
I rem India, landed immediately an
at once proceeded to the front.
Ilorri Mined a Bridge».
I.rento Murquet, Oct 14 —Inform«
ti<m has reached here that the Been
have mined three piers of the bridgt
at Komati jxirt, on the Komati river.
Borm Occupy l.alng'a Nrk.
London, Oct. 14. — A special from
Iauiysmith lays: The Boers occupied
Laing's Nek the moment the ultimatum
Ntrramlng •<» the Natal Hordar«
Volksrust, Oct. 14.—President Kru­
ger's son and grandson, as well as half
the members of the Transvaal legisla­
ture, are now at the front. Men arriv­
ing here report that the Boers are still
streaming from the different joints to
the Natal frontier, many who have been
refused l»y the enlisting officers goiug
ou foot.
M.ir.lere.l III. Wife.
Ran Francisco, Oct. 14.—Ellen Rich­
ardson was shot iu the head and in­
stantly killed by her husband, Charles
Henry, in a saloon conducted l>y the
woman on Howard street Ute last night
during n quarrel between the two
The murderer was caught with ’h.
weajxili still in his hand ami taken to
Manf. by Jaques Mfg. Co. Chicago.
CAI.VMET..................... Contains Aulm
Fair-Craven Sult.
San Francisco, Oct. 16.—Charles L.
HOME.......................... Contains Alum Fair has filed an amended answer to
Manf. by Home Baking Powder Co., S. F.
the petition of Mrs. Nettie R. Craven,
WASHINGTON............. Contains Alum who asked for an allowance of <5,000
Manf. by Pacific Chemical Works, Tacoma.
CRESCENT.................... Contains Alum a month out of the late Senator James
G. Fair’s estate, ’rhe answer declare«
Manf. bv Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle.
WHITE LILY...............Contains Alum that the alleged marriage contract on
Manf by b Ferrera A Co., Tacoma.
which Mrs. Craven bases her claim is
BEE-HIVE..................... Contains Alum a forgery, and in the main reiterates
Mani, by Washington Mfg. Co., Han Francisco.
BON BON..................... . .Contains Alum statements formerly made by the de­
Men! by Giant Chemical Co., Chicago.
DEFIANCE..................... Contains Alum
Woman Hangs Herself«
Manf. by Calumet Raking Powder Co.,Chicago.
-. .«•««•*•«
San Franciaeo, (kt. 14 —The trats
port (loiii'iiiiiugh arrived here today, 8.
A inr rh'ium Burned Alive.
days from Manila. Fifty-seven sol­
Marquette, Mich., Oct. 14. — Willi* diers wh<> deserted from the Newjrort
Magurie, formerly an iittoi Vv at Mar­ came home on the Conemaugh. Among
quette, now of the mining \ istriet of them were 15 men of the Fourteenth
Sonora, Mexico, has written that his infantry, 7 of the Third artillery, 18 of
two mining paitners, Ramsey and Mil­ the Fourth cavalry, 2 of the Twenty-
ler, undertook to work and prospect in second infantry, an.l I each of the
territory overrun by Ynqui Indians, Thirteenth, Twentieth ami Sixteenth
were captured and burned at tile stake. infantry. ____ ___________
Charleston, 111., 14. — Broom corn
has advanced to <100 ton. This is an
advance of <30 in 10 days, and as
three-fourths of thia year's crop is al­
ready out of the farmers’ bauds, the
price is likely to go higher.
break at Any Montrât
Civil Bute for French Colonl««.
(’hicago, Oct. 16.—A s|«>cial to the
Chicago Tribune from Paris says: The
cabinet today voted to place all French
colonies under civil authority ami to
abolish all military ailmiiiistratton.
Manf. by Portland Coffee A Spice Co.. Portland.
PORTLAND................... Contains Alum
Manf. by Beno A Bantu, Portland.
The housekeejxir should bear in mind
that alnnt makes a cheap baking jxvw-
der. It costa but two cents a jxnind
while cream of tartar costa thirty.
The quality of the jxiwder is therefore
usually indicated by the price.
Roseburg, Oct., 16.—Mrs. Rondeau,
aged 20 years, wife of G. W. Roudeau,
cv.oraitted suicide alxvut 2 o’clock thia
morning at a wood camp near Rose­
burg. The coroner’s jury found that
she came to her death by hanging her­
self by the neck to a tree, and no blame
is attached to any one.
Activity at HallfAs-
The greatest dividend payer among
the Cripple Creek mines, is the Port­
land. Its latest dividend is <60,000
for September, and it has paid stock-
holders to date the sum of <2,377,OHO.
Captain Rockwell, at prosout com­
mandant of the Norfolk navy-yard, has
been ordered to command tht> ('hicago,
which will be Admiral Schley’s Hag-
ship on the South Atlantic squadron.
The detail was made al Captain Ruck-
well’s request.
When your cane-seat chairs begin
Halifax, N. 8., Oct. 16.—Tho mili­
London, Oct. 14.—Sir lauris Davies, tary officers here are active on account
to wear out mend the break the best
Canadian minister of fisheries and ma­ of the Transvaal situation. Lord Sey­
you can by weaivng in cords, or, if
rine, will confer again tomorrow re­ mour has issued an order for all the re­
very bad, replace with a piece of can­
garding the Alaskan question with the serve men iu and alxvut Halifax to be
vass securely tacked on; put on a gen­
secretary of state for the colollies. Sir prepared to shoulder guns and go to the
erous layer of cotton batting or curled
Louis today informed a press represen­ Cape if necessary.
hair, and cover with a piece of any
tative that, the temporary line upon
kind of upholstery gisvds, an embroid­
New York, Oct. 16.—The eomniitt««
which it is expected an agreement will
ered pattern, craay jaitchwork or a
of the Dewey vic- I
be reached will la’ a mere tentative for
.... tho
— jierjietuation
large "log-cabin” block. Finish the
has received
...... .
n« ... w)„n wj . j , funiiture gimp, and fringe
- --------
- -
. pledge
— ro...r
measure for the purjs.se of preventing rory an h iii marble
j .1 Jee: The
local friction while tire negotiations on of <100,000 toward carrying out th ¿x>ar
I with a s. ,muh1
<, TUrva Unant he baa «fifeiveil.
the main question are iu progress.
Temporary AI it a lea llnumlury.
General Shafter to be Retired.
New York, Oct. 13.—A special to the
Tribune from Washington says: The
retirement of General Shafter from the
regular army Octol»er 1«, promises to
lead to the promotion and retirement
of at least five colonels ns brigadier­
generals and to open the way for the
president to recogniae the conspicuous
achievement-, of two staff colonels.
Lawton and MacArthur, by making
them general officers of the line.