REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH VOL. ----------- V IV KLAMATH V • a * M k T m FALLH, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 12, 1899. NO. 26 X hai LAIEK NEWS CONDEMNED TO DEATH. CANNIBALISM IN SOUTH SEAS. EXPOSITION A SUCCESS luaurgenl OfH- »»• ot Nlaaragua < <>urt- Admiral Ih-woy win receives (1,000 Natlvaa of lbs X»w llsbrlils. R.m.ts ■ Martlaled. »Hi- li from lb- inutii<-1 pi.11tv <>l Boston. Hawaiian. Managua, Nicaragua, <>--t. 7.—Th-- 1spemi ( i j .'. oo giung Vancouver, B. C., Oct. 9.—A re- which wax in a——ion here ,pitóme of the Telegraphic ilu- Hdmirul « wekum,,. Planned to Burn Public Guild- court-martial rnarkald« story of cannibalism was Great Britain Is Massing for several month» trying, in the ab- Ilu- vt-iripii it.- Club, of Chicago, an- brought to Hydney, Australia, a few Portland an Interesting City N cwk of the World. Ings at Manila. ««ilice of most of them, the chief* of th* li-rtaim'-l i'ii»idi-nt McKinley at a Her Troops. -lays Is-for»- th» »ailing of the steamer to Visit. revolutionary movement which laigau bnnqunl in tbi- luditorlum Saturday Aorangi to this port, by the French in February at Bluefield», has pro ­ night thirty live immlro-l gui-»l* were iteamer Jeanette. The victim of the TEKSK TH KS FROM THE VAIIIEN l-ri-M-nt. TUB AIKTIIIINIKH* WAHNS OTIS claim—I Its decision. General Pablo PARLIAMENT WILL REASSEMBLE display of savagery wm a native of Reyes and two or three other insurgent Hawaii, named Amaru, who acted as HAS Mt'MEROL'S SIGHTS TO SEE Aicoriliiig tu tin- Heliaiitopol corra- ■ifficers who wcape-1 from Nicaragua, orderly to the immigration d»|-artmeut ■ pundi-nl of thn llally Graphic, Illi’ I* m rlIt'lllurs of Ilin 1C ■ p«-«IlI Ion to (Irmi* are condemned to suffer the extreme at Noumea, in the New Hebrides. 1 :t I- I 1*00 MSOBBta penalty of the law, which i* death. The Government Actively «'reparto* to: — Iniui(«'lita Ordered by AgiiliialUw About six months ago Amaru mar­ The Great Fair Opened September SS, * Great struggle in Moutb to tin- nruoinoua tolul of 87,500,000 Only one of the prominent leaders wa» Kud Will Run Afternoon and to llesuma Farming. ried a native woman of Aoba, in the Africa. » rubles captured. He I* now in the peniten­ Kvt nlng to October 2H. New Hebrides group, and in pusaing tiary. No public accusation wa* ma-lc I he I'uri» i'orri<»|»-nilimt of the llally that is Ian-1 on the second day of the Munita, OrL 7.—The an hbishop ol in tiiese caaea nor is any reason offered Ft I'siil plumber» arc nil a strike. Mall *ay» I l-«rn tluit iiermaliy is Ixmdon, Oct. 9.— Whatever may t>e voyage of th« Jeanette to one of the The Oregon Industrial Exposition, Em)-ror Francis J-«e-«-|»li has *p- ul.-iit to hand over do- umi-nlx whli h Manila notiti—I General Otta tliat a for the amwta. The sensation is all the result of Great Britain’s cont ro- outlyinz islands, he decided to visit hi« which is now in full blast at. Portland, plot »»« ou ft lo borii thè resi-leu--»- the greater la«»use there have i»---n m versy with the South African republic, wife’s trtb». Accordingly the couple will li-rtil u, th» quashing of the Drey­ proved tin- m-w Austrian cabinet is the most successful enterprise of its <>f thè governor generai ami Ih« ari li indication* of an uprising agimu-t Presi­ everj -lei-artmi-nt fus verdict of the g-ivernmunt were put off in a small l-oat, an-1 it was kind ever held in the Northwest, William Wal-lorf Astor |-ai-l lib blahop, togethi-r with seierul goveril- dent Zelaya »Ince last February. today is a» busy a» though actual ho»- only a few weeks ago that the steamer II»- I ii i it ««-nt h Minm-aotn regiment, liieUt building» and Imnk». but the plot la»«* ill 'v«w York, amounting louvarl) Everything alxiut it is on a grand Huch lawless act» a» the government tilities ha-1 began, The electric fta«h made a second call and learned their returning honu- from the Philippine*, liti lisi to materialise, p-msibly las so*- wale, as well it may lie, for no ex- half a niilli-u. to committing in this regard, acta that announced the mobilization of the »a* royally > nti-rtalned in Portland. of display of force. fate. By mistake they had landed on penae has !>een spared to make every |lrigadier-Gcn«r»l l agan has - lei-1-1— I usually at the expense of member* oi army reserves and the summoning of I) k - regiment remained over uight and The tirsi re|.ot. regarding tip- utfa,r th« (a«rtv not in power, tend to check jiarliament, set every wheel of the gov­ an unfriendly shore and were taken thing connected with it first-' lass in to a|i|a-al hl* < aae to txiUgrcM all-1 att«-nd«d the ex|Mi*lt|on. every respect. To accomplish this re­ at l'uruiiaqiie lavi night appear to bav the reviving activity and again to im­ ernment machinery in motion. An prisoners. ho|»-s to secure v indication The man was tie-1 to a stake and hie mit it was n— esaary to invest (12,000 I hn »|iuni«b government ha* slid beell lunch exaggeratel 'Ilo- fasta ar pair credit. Except for »uch arrests, hour after the Gazette appeared, exe­ The British govcrnmr-iit lias ¡ila-'<-»l in- at ami tliim-d to a »1 n-li- at« iif \ era Crus merchants ing the bay road, poiiri-d a volley ini. however, and th-- impressment into hei cutive order» were 1-eing dispatched allowing vicious jungle snakes from quickly forthcoming. The enterprising army, matter* ase fairly quiet. from the war office to every section of w hich the ]-oison fangs had been re­ business men of Portland went down fruit with "lie -I Chicago's |>a< klug Kevernl New York firms have lieen the village, and later vliother luto Lzr the kingdom, and the 10.UO0 bulletins moved to attack the man’s legs. into their pockets and produce'1 th.- DaitK«-rB uf IV liMls-liiiii! I ng. roll-erns. a»ki-d fur term* l«-r conveying the dock l’ino», with the rosoli tliat two o Kan Fram-iia-o, Oct. 7.—The officer) which appeared (Misted throughout the Then a fire was made at his feet and cash, for they recognize the fact that A I»irty of American Mildlxr» were to Vera < 'rus III reo I mium » w--re boriosi The crack ofthe whaler Belagu tell ol the terrifile country today ar-- aaid to have been his legs were horribly burned, though the fair to a great object-lesson, an ambush—I by Flliplw* A signal ser­ Admiral Ih-wny iuui choM>n J. W, ling of Ilo- Istmi»»* l’aiiMsl il to la- rx fate of Oscar Hus- henla-tt. u sailoi, in identical with the proclamation pre­ the injury was snj-erficial no that the educator, and instructor—an enterprise geant as» kill—I ami two oilier Amcrl- < raw l--r 1 a» in» otflcial secretary. Mr. porte! in Manila thul there tuoi laro.i the Arctic. On August 20, 1898, the pared for u»e ha-1 the Fasho-la incident victim would not die under the treat­ that lien- fits the entire Northwest. ian» acre wounded. inu-'h shiaiting, < rawb-r-l 1» mi «inpluyu In the office required such a step. ment. Then he was made the target The products of every section of the The Unitei State» tran»|a>rt Warreu Ixiat* were lower—1 for an enorinoui Joseph Kirk, th-- town marshal of ol th-- judge a,11 ih alu gem-ral of the At the name time laird Salisbury and for the spears of the tribesmen, who whale. Just after a har|»x>n ha-l been In--». Ky., as» allot l-y a rle»|»-ra>uutalus af­ tenant In tiie navy. start«-! off at tremendous »|*»xl, Hua- orders for the reax»embling of parlia­ pieces and placed over a firo with two farms, fie!-!a, factories, forests and fish­ 'l ’ ila United Statua guidami Whia I- ter th-' murderer. Near Chicago llvn (a-ram* were in- ing, from Vancouver, Mar- h 3, vi-. ehenl-ett xtep|»s| carelessly into th* ment, au-1 the admiralty was concen­ «heep. In fact, according to the story eries all make a grand showing, and As the result of a severe electri-al jured in a i*olh*ion la-wti-i-ii a Haw- Honolulu, while jaassing St A in-eut. Bqie'a flight. A loop caught his leg trating its tram-ports. So complete he wax eaten w ith the she--p. there are grains and gras«--* that any storm on North I-ea-h. Wn Ihurne rail- tra< k train mi tlm Illinois in Northern l.uzoii, shot down a Fili an-l he wax drawn into the water. In were the pre|-aration» that 25,000 re- In the meantime Amaru’s wife had part of the world may lie well proud of. Central, ami a freight engine which piuo (lag The Filipiuos lire-i a volle) pax»1 ng out of the Ixiat the laxly of th* nerve» individualy receive-1 been provided with another husliand. Colonel H.C. Dosch, Col. R. C. Judson the h-'U»« of th« life Mviug •t«M>d U|»*I| a siding, the switch of at th« Whceling'a meli, who «eri man hurl—I itself against Third Mate coiqion ticket* which contain instruc­ The matter was rejorU-d to a British ind Louis M. Spiegl have collected to­ damsg—I l-v a thun>lcrl»ill. tion» w here ea- h man shall report for Two masked men stopped the filml­ which ha-1 la-etl left rtation to the place man-of-war, but it is thought no action gether and have on exhibition thou- has lieen taken. l»ith overltoaM. The mate scramble«) vands of specimens of grains and grasses b l» »tag-- near tiuray. Colo., and ks>k I*>ii Emanuel Aspires, Mexican am- lamiIrarded the s< lllemcnl. up and slaxlied the rope into with hi* designatod, «nd a money order for three ind fruits and vegetable* raised in the lit« mall, but overl-x-k—I a lets eon- l-asaador to the United States, and the DROVE THE REBELS BACK. The expedition rent to til« Oran knife. Then l«g*n a chase for th* »hillings for proivisions en route. Northwest, all of which make a aplen- tainiug (12,(MM) in gold tlr-t ot tiie n<- prisoner AVaahington, Oct. 7.—The Thirty­ i* busily engaged in completing the Fourteenth infantry "and a band of frotn and its value is shown, having granted to Cai tain Parker, found guilty lock, which I--ok place Saturday, There were no casualties. ninth »uro, and ptwaibly the Forty-fifth soouta attach«» 1 to the fomer regiment, l-een collected by J. P. Marshall, and of misappropriating fun-l». and ahn prove«! a failure, the wind giving out Aguinaldo, according to a re|xir; volunteer*, will »ail from Portland. improvementii at Weatmiuster. advanced from Imus this morning, there 1* a reproduction of a quarts when the yacht* were Uve mil«* from th« The imgortant news frotn South lia-l lorn senU-n- — I Ur Impriaoiiiiieiit mine, with its big timliers, shafts and brought to Manila today by a D-unin finish. When the rat-e was alaut-loned lean friar from the north, lia» issued or­ Onlera were tosu—1 t-xiav to (’«done) Africa comes from Mafeking. where driving the insurgents from the entire tunnels, built by J. F. Batchelder, of The Vrtlctueia Isiuudary asar-l Isa the Columbia wa» »lightly in the lead. Bullard, commanding the two lattal- twice on Saturday the British camp west bank of the Imus river. Three ders to the Filipino sol-liers in th« ionx of the Thirty-ninth, at Fort Cook, roiu|>roml»e K«>mc of Great Britain's Americans were wounded. It is esti­ the Portland Railway Co., who is a A petition to President McKinley, northern proviti-«» to return to their Neii., to go to A'ancouver barracks foi wa» aroUHe-1, the men stood to their mated that 10 Filipinoe were killed. practical mining engineer. i-lalms are dl»all»a— I Her frontier arms, gun* were limbered and patroli In a large illuminated cave i* a com­ will start al the Wain! river. The iirglii.- tiie Irlsndly service» of the Uni- towns and to resume farming. Thi- the |iurf»M < ive-l the »ignaturi-« ot more than ductive a» ¡sissible by using his men in tions that this regiment will also ren- Mafeking, in force, estimated at least firing volleys, but retiring. Twenty grown Royal Chinook salmon always ed 111 this time l i- ursli-n Ixiat» in­ 4'io r> pre.eiitatlv« men, including 80 alternate shifts on the farms or ulider -leBvous at Vancouver and sail from 6,000, comprising five commanders. Filipinos were discovered in trenches on exhibition. <»i I jire-ti-lciit» of collrg«**, 50 church amia. There are a great many sights to see Portland. The determination of Kec- at the Binacayan church, al*out mid­ terfered lia-lly allh (lie racer* lignatariea, governors of stat«-», may­ Itagiqain and San Fernando and Dell- retary R-»>t to give Portland a fail The garrisoning and fortifying of the way between Bacoor and Cavite Viejo. at the exposition. The realistic re­ Tire sword award—I l-y -'oiigro»» was or. of --ill««, justice» of the Uuitt-d production of Multnomah falls is worth ciiieet, w hi. h an- under the guns of ths allow of th<< liusin-'-ix to which it is en- town are practicaJly com plet*» 1. The These were routed, six tx-ing killed. Ir**eiit«-«l t«> A-liulral liewey by Fraai- Mat«-» an-l state court», »eiiat-irs, con- going miles to enjoy, and it is a great Unib-d States wsi»lll|e, arc siip;a>scl tit 1—1 l>y ita l-s ati-ui s«»-ms to have per­ streets are barricaded, and a (-erfect Riley ’ s battery of the Fifth artillery dent McKinley Tile address was gn-aamen, editor» au-1 other* ixuispicu- success. The real water, with the to la- evacuatisi. It is alleged that the meate! the San Francisco authorities, system of mines has l-een laid. made an effective sortie aliout a mile mail« l-y retary Is-ug lh<- admiral oua III public matter», tile pro(e»»ionn evacuation order calls upon the male Two armored trains have arrived at whole of Bull Run river behind it, falls wiuth of Bacoor and shelled the west and even General Shafter has now re ­ r- ■ |»li-l- -I l-v saying that he now had an-l commerce Inhabitants to be orderly m cam- of thi commend—I tliat the Thirty-ninth sail Mafeking, consisting of three bullet- bank of the river at close range. That 80 feet; and the rustic bridge to there pr<»>f Hist republics are m-t ungrateful. pnsif cars, the first of which carries for the people to cb - sh , and the sylvan The Thirty fifth infantry has aaihxl arrival of the American troop«, and ex­ from I’orltund, and *o strongly that it a searchlight, while the n—t of the cars bank is now held by the Americans. The Warren liner Bay State, from pools, and ferns and mosses and big, prese the ho)»- that the Americans will to lielieved he will include the Forty­ from Port lull'I direct (or Munila. an- loop-holed. Each train is com­ Heavy Lot« of Mule«. Liwr|a»i| (<>r lUaiion. !• a»liorc near live fir trees. The falls are attracting prot.-ct the towns. fifth a* wall. plete in itself an-l carries its own pro­ A < hieago rat-catcher is reput«Mi to tape Race, N. F .an-l »HI likely prove Washington, Oct. 9.—A cable mes­ great crowds and will run all the time Vrlircurla Not Suliallt'd. make (il.OOO a year at tiie business. visions. SECOND RACE FAILED. • total wreck Hi-r -raw an-l a num- sage from General Otto to the war de- to the closing, Octolier 28. Paris, Oct. 7.—Senor Rojas, th* her of pa»x-ngers arc «drift ill l»«ata [-artment brings word of the loss of So Way to Avert War. Portland is a very attractive city ta Admiral Dewey at hi* own re«|uvHt wlin h an- l-a-t (n the fog One l»>at ha. been formally d<-»ta- hi»l from the It W a « h Drifting Match From Ntart <«* A'enexuelan agent hero, in the course ol Southampton. Oct. 9.—Sir St. John «everal hnn-fred horses and mules on visit, an-l it has such a splendid street Finish. au interview, said: rea-h—I ('a|»> Fuller. Olympia. Christopher Willouhby. who accompan­ iht- trans(xirt Siam. The message fol­ car system that the stranger can see “The award wax not what I hoped, New York, Oet. 7.—Again t-xlay the lows: Pasteur methods uro aul-luing the the business section, the attractive Ho- United State» revenue cutter M-a n-fu»—I th-- Kiuimr-» k and the Co­ but we must make the best of it. ied Dr. Jameson into the Transvaal in “Manila, Oct. 9.—The steamer plague tn Portugal McCulloch, lormetly di»|-atch boat of lumbia a field of conflict; again t-xlay AVhat can you expect in a contest be- 1X98, and who, for |-articii-ating in the Siam, which left San Francisco August homes and the splendid suburb« all on a single 5 cent fare, while comfortably New York 1» jamm—I with strangers liewev'* H«-«-t has arrived tn Portland, the multitude which went over to tw —-u an elephant and an ant? < )ne raid, was sentenced to It* month*' im­ prisonment, but was subsequently re­ 18 with 45 horses and 328 mules, en­ seated in open electric cars. Two car to »«e Hie International yacht race». I iregoti. vvat- h the contestanta (or the yachting thing will result from it. America leased, wax a (xissenger by the steamer countered a typhoon September 21 off lines pass the door of the great exposi­ There 1« talk lu Ja|mu of * triple ai- President Andrade is aaid to havi champiutiahip of the world returned will accept no more arbitrations with Mexican, which saihxi for the Cajie on Northern Luzon, in which all but 16 tion building, in which the great fair Italic«- la-tween Ja|iaii, China an-l Corea. given tip the struggle in Venezuela au­ di-uv|>|>uiit-»l an-l not a little dlsguated. Europe. You will see America laid Saturday. Mr. Wessels, member of mules were lost. The animals were of the Northwest to held—the City & 'Die question of supremacy of the two down a frexh international code, which the <'*|x-assembly for Vryburgh, was killed by the pitching of the vessel an-l Suburban line and the Washington Sir Ihini-a» l.lptoti lias l-een invitad to lave engaged p-is-agi- ou a ateamei great yachta is still ax much au >>peu she w ill apply to th-- - lid World wheth--r «Iso a |>asM*nger by the Mexican. In the lack of air from the necessary clos- street line—and all the stranger has to to att»-ii«l th«> t 'hlcago corner atoue lay­ •ailing for New York. ing. Agent* of the Britl»h government ar* question ax la-fore they first met. ax the the latter like* it or not. The South the course of an interview, Mr. Wessels I ing of the hatches. There were no do is to take a car which is plainly contest t-xlav wa» ill a--me n-s|asta American states, including Brazil, declared that he saw no way to avert ! casualties among the passengers. marked, “Direct to the Exposition.” I In-i-mpn -lowagrr of China, it to now in this country picking up horse» more of a Huke than that of Tueai lay. will rally around the United States for It to stated at the quartermater’s de- The war museum, which to under an-l mule» by tiie hundred, anti arrang ­ war l-etween Great Britain and the 1 »»id. Im» determined to deprvac the em­ the pur|x»rrea>- of five knots, and monetary union on the l»ixis of the gold I terribly seven-. He believed it would mules, which were considered the most Edwards, Colonel D. M. Dunne and 1 ilt-i-n men, with knives, revolverr General O. Summers, to a grand sight lx- im|»>ssible to restrain the younger in-l - lull» engag— I in u street l-rawl befallen the Cyru» Wakefield, a month the wind never blew more than six standard. These proje-1* ne—1 not im­ Dutch n-sidents of Caj-e Colony, with valuable sent to the Philippines. to see. It was the carrying out of a overdue at Kan Francisco. Five pet ply a hostile attitu-le toward Europe, knots, moat of the time less than three, ui < Im-age an-l one ma.i wa» killed. brilliant idea suggested by Dan Mc­ Horne in Washington for Dewey. c« nt rvitwurance ha» been |a«id on her. ami (¡art of the time not a breath of air but it must be borne in mind that whom bl«xxl would prove thicker than Allen, one of Portland’s most patriotic ■I»|««n«—• toqilcr» have lieen found by water. The I’-oers, said Mr. Wessels, AV ashington, Oct. 9. — Admiral General Otis r«|»>rta progress of th* was stirring. After sailing tout hour* Europe stands in much greater nee-1 ot wen- hemme-l in, and would fight des- ' and enterprising business men, and it i German clienttet to l-e th« most effec­ Dewey has elected to accept a house in A robber and 42 minutes, tin- yachta having cov- u* tlian we of her." tive protectors of iron and steel from war in Ih« Philippines. perately, and trouble might be ex­ Washington already constucted, in­ will be the means of adding many dol­ laoi'l o|»-rattng in the western |»irtion er—i only 12 miles of the course to the To K«*|»rrarnt P mc III c State«. rust. pected with the natives. stead of having one built for his occu­ lars to the fund being raised to the of tin- inland of Negro» han been exter­ outer mark, the regatta committee de­ San Francisco, Oct. 7.—The Sau pation. The admiral was officially in­ Oregon volunteers who lost their live* • aptain Alla-rt Barker, who t-»ik minated. TRIED SELF-DESTRUCTION. dans! tiie race off, ax it wax manifestly Francim-o la-ard of trade rent the fol- formed today of the pur|»vse of the j>eo- during the Tecent wars. th-- liattlesliip < >r**gon from New York The immense exposition building at Western rixv-ls arc cmis-lenng a prop- ilii|»<«aible, with the breeze then blow­ loing telegram to President McKinley ple of the United States to present him 9> Manila, will take command of the The Itarbarlr Act of a rollnh Woman o-dti<>u t>> discontinue the practice of ing. tor tiie Isvatx to round the »take tonight: with a home in Washington, lie Portland has lieen vastly Improved in at Bucoda. Norfolk navy-yard. •very part of ita interior, and is gay “The Ixiard of trade of San Francisco granting re«luced rates to otfioers of lie (ore the time limit expired, much Seattle. Oct. 9.—A special from Bu­ frankly expressed his gratification at with flags and bunting, and at night In the «vent of war the British ex volunteer regiments returning from the leas to get back home again. earnestly asks your consideration for the tender, which he immediately ac- l»ct early n-verM-a in Kouth Africa Philippines. the large and important interest« west coda says: A most deliberate and l-ar- cepted. He said had the projosed presents a scene of splendor rarely Knlsrr'i Raring Skipper. Ih.- government l* blamed for having of the R-x-ky mountains by appointing baric attempt at sucide occurred at this equalled, It has 3,500 electric light«. The Pacific Biscuit Company, other­ New York, Oct. 7.—The World says: a representative from California for place yesterday. Mrs. lxx> Prabuski, a home l>een the gift a few wealthy men l-'hivi»l »en.ling reinforcements to 111* and presents a picture to be long re­ he should have felt indis|xaed to ac ­ wise known n» the cracker trust, ha» Captain lien Parker, the German em­ • 'ape. Polish woman, became angered at the Pacific coast, to till the vacancy ex ­ membered. cept it. but he noted that the fund had Ina-n fully organized and is now doing peror** racing skipper, who has I h - i - ii some little domestic occurrence and <-en. Otto savs the Insurgent* are the tmlk of tiie cracker anil candy busi­ x|s>keii of in the ca|mcity of an addi­ isting in the interstate commerce com­ determined to do away with her life. over 43,000 snlx-cribers. indicating that EMthnatrn for the mission. ” miiii—ivi-rlng solely to gain recognition. ness of this coast. Washington, Oct. •.--Ycttnp .<- » tional captain on the Shamrock, was She procured an ordinary hatpin six it was to lie really a gift of the Ameri­ He bus told Aguinnl-lo'a envoy* that Gift of the Crorkrr K«t*t*a e»*r n--le«» as he of estimates whii h *c hunter Wednesday. Ilin advice to ............. it of industry and commerce to consider is a white flag. had the sword bestowed upxin him by congress for th-« - Oz U>* Im represented in tin* cabinet. It is Captain Wrings, who held the tiller of Estate Company, which is composed of hard against the pin, she drove it until congress. naval establishment foi h-- u. .t S» , A paddin steamer en route from ln-ing urged by the Business Men’s the yacht nearly all day Tuesday assist­ the heirs of the late Charles Cnx-ker, it could go no farther, as it had lodged Wanhlngton Soldier« Decorated. year. These amount to ('.. .>34,0b , uig Kong t»> Mauila founder—I and la'iigiic, of Chi-ago. ed materially in keeping the challenger one of the builders of the Central Pa­ in the spine. Then, with the intention cific railroad, has niado n gift to the of forcing the pin out at the back, she which is an increase over the appropria­ -»'-■li of tin- i-rvw were drowned. Tin San Francisco, Oet. 9. — Governor well up with the Columbia. Tiie big ship Edward Sewell, with a employe« of the Southern Pacific rail­ procured a rusty darning needle and Rogers and several members of his tion for the current year of (24,537,181. «aster Is aai-l to have l»-«n due to t*i carrying i-iijaicity of 11!,000 tons has To WelciHiir Wa«hhigton«. road of the Cnx-ker homestead at Sac­ drove this into what she thought was staff, besides a number of ladies, visited tivagesnf the white rat. Included in the increase for next Ix-eii launched at Bath, Mo. She will San Francisco, Oct. 7.—Governor I ri-Hident McKinley has -leti-rmin—I engage in the grain trade lietween San Rogers, of Washington, arrived here ramento to be used as a hospital for the hole made by the hat pin. Not the general hospital today in search of year are appropriations of (12,268,47 > Southern Pacific employes. until 12 o’clock last night did she tell any Washington men that might lie for public works and navy-yard* an-i o urg,. lignin ii)xui congri-»» the an- Francisco an-l Livcrjaxd. today to welcome the Washington vol­ there, so they might decorate the suf­ stations. There is also an estimate i thorixation of u trim» I'ucifio cable, Very mxin a general schedule for the any one what she had done. A Pretoria dis|iatch quotes "Oom unteers now en route home from Manila Today Mrs. Prabuski repented of her ferers with the state tnedal to lie pre­ (2,021,000 for the new naval academy when that laxly meets will be able Paul" Kruger as saying: “Bullets on the trauH|»irt I'ennsyhania. Gov­ enumeration of live stock will I* put D’Arco« I’raise« Dewey. v' "how the practicablity of such a came by th■1" offered to reveal the hiding (.luce killed on the other side, showing that tile state tuglsiat Governor Markham years old and has 19 children, five of H. Hovey, of company H; Robert E. gard to the reception being given Ad­ I ’I"' timepiece stolen from ex I’resi- the 1-ord diroct«-l our bullet«. The over to the visitors for their use in go­ 1900, in order to permit harmonious whom are living. Bucklin, of com|-anv K, and Je«se Ar­ miral Dewey: comparison* with the count of live Lord rule» the world." ing to meet the Pennsylvania outside ' • nt lliirrison some time ng<>. It is nold au-1 Rolx-rt T. Golden, of com[>auy “It does not surprise me in the least stock in 1890, which is recorded ns of Blxae.t <’ urn Crop in Hl«tory. The patent iwmed to James E. low the heads when she has been sighted. ,U •'ll111 (Imid wm pre- C. Golden was so ill with typhoid Admiral Dewey is a brave and noble Chicago, Oct. 9.—"This years’ corn that no one but the governor was al­ man, and for the extraordinary service rihon by tlm senators for a certain kin-1 of crown and bridge The governor is aeeopmanied by a jiarty June 1. Burned at Her Hock. work in dentistry ha« been held valid consisting of Senator George Turner crop will be one of the largest in our lowed to see him, but the others were he has rendered his country no honor olli co. by the United States circuit court for and wife, Senator A. G. Foster, Mayor New York, Oet. 7.—The Mallory history,” said Secrotary of Agriculture all ready and anxious to see the dele­ that can lie shown him in return is tel toker, a tiie southern diidrH't <>f New York. Thomas J. Humes, of Seattle; A. E. steamer I,eona was burned and sunk at Wilson today. "The total yield as gation, and in each ward where there great. He has aroused the admiration This patent ha« been the cause of an Job, of Tacoma; Levi and Mrs. An- her wharf in East river tonight, The estimated will lie lietween 2,300,000,- wax a AV ashington man quite a levee of the whole world by the gallantry of ns,- amount of litigtaion, and it keney, of Walla Walla; Fred AV. Piper, cargo, consisting of tobacco and 8,000 000 and 2,500,000,000 bushels. The wax held. Governor Rogers himsef his conduct, and he would be a small ..... iinj^ tlia,t nearly every dentist in the George U. Piper and Mrs. F. AV. Dan­ bales of cotton, and valuta! at (250,000 high prices offered for meats will in­ decorated each man, at the same time man, indeed, who could not recognise Inani of __ useil the crown and bridge iels, of Seattle, and M. Mathison, of to (300,000 is a total loss, and the cline the farmers to use their crop fol acknowledging his service in the name his merit and give free expression to bl" betrothwl, MI»"* ts>at is little better than a wreck. Tacoma. feeding purposes.” of the state. «»•cago, HimultHi.-xmsiy'. his admiration for Dewey’s valor.” ’•«» «* .3 The American Jewish year laxik, just I. J1,?1 on" ,,WP Intoxicatlng liquor 11 "Wed to |ll( Ml|,| ut any (lf the mil- issued, estimates the Jewish (xqiulu- tioii of the United States at 1,043,8(10. “«7 camp» Of Cannila. A Toledo (().) wheel manufactory is tli?,i?,lZ,'l'r" -•u'lg« Jackson, of nite-l Htiites distrlct court for filling an order for five bicycles for the !»> > ) 71"1“’ l" Htl11 «M» ••>« children of the king of Siam. The University of California will 0 ■ Ile wus npixiintod by Lincoln. erect a monument on the college camp­ Yorv' t(> »he Isiokx of tlm New us to the collegians who died nt the th« ? . ” rtrl’,‘r»'"clit tlm receipt» of front in the late war after having citv u,,|l •'•idiwiiyiiien of thnt alsindonod their studies there to enlist a r hnve beeD us volunteers. “ Httle H»ing of (3,500,(»00. ..... _ k •’>it noi ««rioiialr. To Protect Our Porta. Brltl.h Steamer Wrecked. Washington, Oct. 7.—The order is issued by Secretary Root, in relation to the visit« of persons to fortifications, Bays: “It having come to the notice of th« secretary of war that the provisions of general orders No. 52, August 24, 1897, from this ofllce, are frequently disre­ garded, ho directs that attention lai in- vited to the same and a more rigid ob­ servance and enforcement of its pro­ visions are hereafter enjoiued.” Santa Monica, Ual., Oct. 7.—Cap­ tain Bowen, of the ship Arctic Stream, from Hamburg, reports that on Au­ gust 11, while off Staten Island, neat tiie Straits of Magellan, he saw the British ship Gifford take meu from an open l>oat. By signaling he learned from the Gifford that she hud rescued five niemliers of the crow of the Brit­ ish steamer Tekoa, which had been wrecked ou $taten island several days before. Two Through Train«. Portland, Oct. 9.—Commencing Sun­ day, Octolier 15, the Southern Pacific Company will put on another through train lietween Portland and San Fran­ cisco. The new train will leave here at 8:30 A. M. and arrive in San Fran­ cisco, 8:15 P. M. Northlamnd trains will leave San Francisco at 7 A. M. There will be no change in the running time of the present through train leav­ ing Portland at 7 P. M. Murdered lli« Former Wife. Tacoma, Oct. 9.—Albert Macho-1 whs convicted today of murder in the first degree, the jury being out but 10 minutes. His crime was the murder of his former wife, and was a most brutal one. ' Hehl Vp a Saloon. Phoenix, Aris., Oct. 9.—Twomssked men held up the I’alace salixm eiirly this morning and secured (245. They have uot yet lieen captunxl. They left |2,000 in sight. Big Liners Chartered. New York, Oct. ».—The Tribuna says : Surprise and interest have l>een excited in stopping circles by the newt that within the last three days some 85 vessels engagedin the trans-Atlantia trade have been chartered by the Brit­ ish government for periods of three months and upwards. Among the ships charteyed are a Bumlier belonging I to _______ _ ¡«sretiger and freight _ ___ the big lines, I though the complete list is not known I *t the offices of the lines in thia city,