KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. ¿7.’.' :7 ?/£•$. I M AH.lNIf v I , *i * 111 I ■ ' • ■1 A uru»> * ’ ‘>r I'* »' ....................... ..............11...... I Mu -I I* w *1 I !.. »* II l. »* ' ' ■ •>*• > I 1 ill A ¡J I V M V I II ! • 1 ’ I A I I» U I ! MIIII'I h V IWltlllH III carry • r to vi-»t «fiber to • r pl‘-iiMHV, l»Ut u I m ' i Io blilig id li tt « I Ii «v I* ivo not, y ll'itl « I m -I i « h bave, to it IlHlI krtM. i: II. I .• i • arrive*.I itufLiy (or u in I’ » II, ' ll ■ "'.‘ '.I' n" . ¡uü‘ »I *oL-*l»i I" “ " M ' IT1 14 K . I A l< • “ I • v, ml i » a » , Mt- J. •• • ">i II” I « our bent licit grat ■ \\ » « j|||.|<* to til.*.’ * I' ’ ' I kimlly a«s|»led it * «latitili our lato liual uml'» .imi fälbel'» Blue»«. Mit« Fu ill \\ ornati tHrtlty of Arson. «tiwmnna (’aride , who was inilieted J.-htt < 'at ‘ L.inily «uh ber hb, f'*r tHinihiK Ihc L u <’<4 lai 1 »aL rr, A. J H»in»hn» “U V»gu«l II, 1 • •, ¡»kadrd gi'illy U-l Hilurday. in il»«’ t i AV I A mt K A l> i i.l •* M h I • t* il •piti <4 I 0 Md ’FHj | . .HI, ' H t | f <■ '. | . -4 ( ir’ || The »in c< HÌnl *•,.Irr« • I t;• « . «t i. r ni• p'i«J are foimd t*> I »• L< ¿¡ Lip!» I t » * \ .tuii» <4 thv rugar I < » t 1 '.«• I nd iii.r « 1.« «ili accommiati' m.i Lm» ry i «r J. J S *the prrwnt cu lat ity, «l;i» h «d! I «’ puf hiiiMHii a» thv Mipply <4 I n * u d *nmnd»it. • thè vx|N i.!iit nt.tl ►!;!. •, and «bile p - ducer» |o»t |.i-t yr.ir ìf ik «ai.t «l p i *ical kit«»« IriI,.* in pri*| arati >n «I * J aud caro of tl»e c >p, tbv r. -u'it «ili '•»» difTvrvnt tl»i» m i-on. bnn<|nn»« m all limi i» r« ti ; i | {<, t ; ■ .r.* . (Li yenr. ainax Echoes. Kn. Ilri't HI n IX : The r« h -ol wn« twated to » very ...V inter* -ting program tost Fiindiiv evening. ............ The principal h'-itnr. . o| X .1. I, V , , ( a R,,| , I , Mr*. Dean, and an initrm iivc ad ii. • Grillili, a veteran of l|>e .ini I Illi ty in .unir; V * a r * * .un** over frnm A*di- tv w ith a I a I of ft mt y .li-1 *o. | ..f. I i 4 Monterey county, !l< I M* inlay night. I < W III ar »■ ii . r Mr. i h v. an I V. »Ja y Iriii Ihr W.» 3 Jil.t th*’ III.* I1 »’ I.A ;tl nn,| ^,4^ (’bar* bl* I . Sad n turn«-'! Hatur* * « al ihr Luke of I .nt \ .in Vftlktni • I «ut» bri», rimili» und « mi !•!»•»« ii in KLini* r Alb e Joh'i I» The Orrgnn Higar <’”it»panj 1 f mi F a I. 1-i.t alicing Ix’rla We»hi*-day. Tbe*r«’ 1« n «tcarvily <4 brlp, (»••ni (»» > meli b ‘ing ured» 1 in ¿1 l>ht» n io III«-o in 1 t V al Ibi« date. 1 Hi pi- H inri.l « ¡11 I h * nt* t ! lor aloui tuo rnoiitli Ari i h a «4 the Vork to !•»’ ib-iiv mn I »* gaim* 1 (n»in W I <»f ili«’ ii-.f. t . i, J. «-p |. it • T («li. Thrrv nre *•'■*•* a*‘i »• - ili !<<(•’ tl year, «ith a pr.J ..’ a* \ n ! 1 »4 • ni t ' ihan al*1e. of a tilll inlier li. ad w ill i ay f *r a year'» t!> Weekly Oregonian nt iti.ri-iii.ii AX. t I a (traode Sugar ! actory tufi» <«f I • wlf, ini AH ir* Ì I In a I *, letter lien*!», in I I'ul.ing can!». Fry ii » for job w ork. Repalr thè Bridge (ii t counties in Oregon, I!i*>n giant trees wuit N to Le •iced iut'j lli.ro nr ci-.’W here. I. an I the to be sent a railroad j I*4itable <■( iniinite fount y. ORLtiDN INDL51 WAI. I. APOSICION. AV.IIbc Heldin l’ortkind September 3.H to October sS. I 1: . uh.l % t Il K- Tl • < tf»,;.tl 'Its to I rt a I« » f i ) r. - I .i 1 I . I,ni** f> XU«, who has l«’en t Ii 'It It ii t. 11 un-id.i r f*u * > month« returned to her .B.* \ " w this morning. J»». AA . Miitliena an I wife wlio have I»*cn hi tin -. - w eeks loll lor tin .1 h* 11 <- in Portland Sunday. Mi. Matin 1 iepi.--.-iit« ilio Penn Mu- tual Life i I uranc.’ Co. '.* I l.xp '.lÌ011 ! i«t Fi¡4 »v 'l’hA !' »I ti kets to a Pittaliurg man sold It w.1« a I »iirnii»>*l 1 it t. ■ pur.'ha-er will lire tiring pur|H>aeS. »horn for a Iv, I Mr. ami Mrs. D. F. Dii-eoll <>( Bonan­ za arrived in ti e Falls Monday ami me stopping at the li-m nd. Their ¡itilo child i ■ ei 1 n«iy sick ami they Brought it her** f. i e. • I*. .4 tieiitnicnt. They-at >'x|«i«ition building in Port­ land, i*t::-li is oil«* **f the large-1 on tlx.’ coast, i» under womh-rful transformation now, un I will I»* a dauling scino of splendor 1 during Ibis y* ar» fair, which begtli» t1 epteml * r 2*1 h and last* a monili, The building wid lai illumina- tvd l*y 3M Oelectrie lights. Just imagine (*>r a ni. nient what a brilliant scene they w*ìl lli.lkt' ’ All Ilio pr* «tin ts of the N *i tliWi-st w ill I aj 011 ex li iLitioti, nmi the best lull mili- tarv I ml on tin* I'ac i’e c i-t will give i*<>necrlA day ami evening. The Florent 'troi^M • und il.e Fi-ter» Macarte bave is’en eli t.gt l, nml they aie wonder* in aerini ami acr. l it 1 .'!*’■«<«. Maj-r Gants, thè smalleat mali i n the World, w ili la* on cxbil-ilion, ami their will I»* many u'.tracti.-n» uf grt al intere*! The price .ialini -ionwill Le *>nly 25 cent». A |*eifect reprislticlion uf Muluiomah fall­ ila» be* n built in thebuiibng, with reni water spia liing ami dasliing. m i vi it­ er» who atti mi are tare lo l*e plcased and interi -ted. Drcyfus Case. S|»':iking of the ii cent tiial an I «.-n- vlction <*f D h i in», the New Yoik Coni- im-rciiil Aiiverliser savr : tine fact which stiuii!.« out m *-t con­ spicuously in tin* allt-ge I **trial" of Drey­ fus is that with the plain issuo In-fore "AVas 1'iryfus guilty of treason l*y de­ livering tlio <1 . tinu iits mentioned in I he iMir.lvrenn’,”'—the court-martial de­ clined to hear or liee-i the evidence of a single one of the witness*» who can testify p<>-¡lively Io the sole fact env* lv< *1 — the deiivetv. Dreyfus lumself, of course, the court could not nvoid hear­ ing; but hi« denial went for nothing, i’heonly other persons who know the fact an* Estcrliazv,Schwnitzkoppen ami I'uniszardi. Probably do PatydoChim is fully cognizant of it, but only at sec­ ond hand; yet even he might have been made to reveal tin truth if lm had been forced to attend the trial ami submit to cross examination. A.« to Esterhazy, the real traitor, by bis own eonie.-sion ami by the almost unanimous testimony of the experts, lie took go* I care to keep out of the way, ami was ably sec­ onded in absentinghini.-eif l>y the court ami the general staff. Th** eout t deliber­ ately refused to allow SehwartzkopjM’r ami I’anizz iiili to lx* examined in the only Hvuil,;! le mod»,,by commission; ami moreover, .lisregatiled Gernmn.v’H otln-inl denial of all relations with Drey- lus. The actual reKull of their verdict is that, after seeking to cloreeveay po ••• i blc nvenuo of light upon the real and only point at issue, they have deliberate- 1« *li-i* ii 1,4 what, few rays Ical.ed t lil ough in spite of I hem, Duffy I i . i , just r* coivo.) a large line of miti'* 111 I boy's suits which will lie i*oi*| ,*t M*-4i 1 I ] lices. ' '»mm a living v.a ¡|11|l.,|,1Vt Ri im iul . r Hull (2.00 w ill pav for 11 M'-<• K. Egbert, Fupetiiilemlcnl o' Veal 's sul.■etipl|.*n to the AVcckly < >1« »IMurn« i M< nd«) i un Klam gonion ami the R kitiii . ican . 1 ' '' ■ « i - 1. * 11. ■i r¡ . i H.irn-l 11' ->p> 1 a liou.se last week re- "V.'i'i .’ing tlx. sawing of a large Ceived tl new coat of paint, bolli inside 1 Dimlwr for tiw nvu burn that i and .mt, wl.i.’li mid« greutly to its up being built on th** school fatui. peaiame. Air. Hou-Ion has Is’eii innk- Mr». Ek.|„.,t u|H,hl (iurt |(( |a ( Wi.(,u |U ing unpi.’V. i . k ills on this edifico until ,lle Agency nml the hltekleberry patch. it is mie *4 the linest, mid Ims tiic best (al't- o. Afiplegxtc vihiu*.! thi* cqiiipp I stagi* in S'lHtliern Oregon. -, lad ..... 1 rhu' ’In. We aw An agent .4 Ilio British government •""Wtlm chief, is m e diating "ith a firm in Louisville, J L'•"luiBon, wlio Im > 1,,-, n n ¡. ting Ky., (or the pureha-*’of 1000 pack inule, ■ 'im nwiiy in hi« practice nt. the (or use in South Africa. The deal re­ ,.K 111J ■ r,'turue*l to Aaitinx Monday. mains opt 11 because of tho question of Johnson i« .un visaing (r¡c„d* m delivery. The Englishmiin demand» agency. immediate shipment mid th 1 firm asks AV «' VIHl"' Mondny. six week». n[ .. ■ • i,-ker.-on is painting tho I***-is A-hlaml pe.u hes ami Ashland water, t,.i. ' '"T " ' ■ Cottage* and other continue the In igliest amt most attract- ’M,‘ ,|inR»iii th.* »el,,,,,!. ivo star« in tl. ’galaxy of A lilamls per­ Hx <" * ' *'• 1 imllcy, om* <,( ||1(> t* aci. fection«. The peaehes mo tho best in wx,„ 'n '" “ T‘Nil l"'r httsl.iind the state and the water is good for tin* •ofth. l,7H,r*.».ing the wedern liait hctillh. But such water is not ns good ^«continent onawhet-i. as it i it Kl.imalh Fall*, which is not ■111*1 a f'. '■'•'nil. "» the hi.lies, only good for health but al-o good to «foqint" ' "" ,Ul' i'll joying drink. The (t'Malh \ < omedy eompttny show *;"lingli'|''i" I'la"1"11' Ageiicv ns at tl...... . limisi. Inst evening was the hiinlx'i* for most snti l.ictm) show (lint lias Ireen in I’ll I I!. the Falls for the past two yearn, A Hept 10,18'111. huge m: lii 11 "• w.t * in atlcmhim e. The ’^''•,Xl'a^li,,ll',....... pinguini con -I. I of fancy dmieing Ili. n,,i n la’1 "<’<-’urie,| for yenrs. song* un i in iiumeiitiil music. Aftei ,h*Kro«ii" 'T"1’ »'I"'« Hfrst¡..n, hut of the performance the chairs were rcniov «- • ' "f ami the surround• cd hiu I .Lineile.: indulge*! in until 12 .I.<>. Hamakar and I'. II. Rin mans of ■?’“ «'’■mtn I, * la t I *1. hi* evi ning. ■war. il ml W. Wm. !.i M* 11 i.l t urn Í * I« ii'fmilly , hungry th it 11 '-y in.iy I’tiilify their desire for lii.e < lutin s. were in i till! i-it to their friend, ••* * g in the district ( ♦ *♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * . « » . . » ♦ * ?*r*F¿* 0. T It. < hu. V.’* - * I i r < I, th* F * i ) w n '• n ii;'.!. er was in ilm i ..11» y." t* r lay < n Busi- IK'»», trull Klamath a load of for nonio oí *r •?*?*? 4’4*4* 4* 1 4* 4* ♦ ’ • •* ♦ ' ♦, ♦ z ♦ ♦ ' "ft is now 1 tii" liose- 4 south to Lix.G. V. ;dit of Duby, left on l.-o-t Thursday’» stag.’fur Dayton wlx-r.’ I >■ w ill teal'll rchmil lin» winter. Hats, $ Shoes. ■F ♦. ♦. > ♦ I r* iglit l>y tin. ton i» «'ill being I. i'll- * I to tho I-it's everyweek by the freighter* tcaniing between l.ere und Ager. New • z /♦ ». ■ ♦ •» /• . Z ♦ e. "I m lx Billy" It*,I» ri» and wife, oí Daily w* ro in tlx> ni.’tr.qx.li» I ri*lay iirnl Fati'i.lay interviewing the mer­ chant». 8 .t; F Clothing, F’ *;* I Ixp* tf « of i*oal from the t'nited Flati ■ have inerì a-* *1 from 226,VIH ton«, in IS70, toov. r l**"ii " 'i tons during the ¡ .-t year. Mi » Nell Boyd I. ft last Tbun < v* :,.i g for Eugene, where »bu will U nd the state uni r-ity iir • are Ve a1 Olli line hundred • i :. h t• e I all» ye»ter th.* railroad. 'I * . ' • r lie i. -.ii up fl liixl F i t'hiy i n buxine*». Granit ware at Duffy*«. bit b * ami f**.n, Spratt, re­ nd Thurwduy and left n* t day, cuKt'Mly» One <4 tl»<’ bra* «'« on Ilio U|T‘ r ir *0»« «ork ol Ilio bri4gv acr re juM broki ii. Ictthig il h an » v* r nlin< M « tool. Thie iltould U’ r» | tin I nt < •* • «d Ilio oi b» »4 thal ai« contihuallv ’inj; tL<- Lr: I/o n».»!.»* it Il ibi» matter ancgleetcd ntuelt h'iigt’i*. • nt»' larve Lii’e h <4 cattiv “t a iiraiy L a b I irrighi 1« airi « ili break it »down, rau*iiu a grratvr r 1 »• iL.it» f >»*|*airvd ti’»« * leverai ^ ìuiim ìi /»» Ih» bridge w. « ih >1»’’’.| I r a !• ’.4 hi.- , «ixl after J Mit* I • il tind» ri ì. 1 'cr«MM» il «ith •» :n«’ 1« < I rattlv nhd Li k'- « rrctioii <4 il do«n» Il «at all repair«-I «tfid n<*M | '«t in «bei»? n«« l'd. bill liner (ben ti'dbin^ !•»« Iteli * » •» in thv way ‘4 frpairw. nilkriit h.r h « ould, it to give J a I f<»r u r 4i da my ria t A Lin. I h >> It:tuber • • .1'1 failing V. it. r I r it ut Great I'u fn>-t, u*•< to . wh> In.» I m .-a visiting . I t llie paid two wet'La I *1« city Sunday. H* lex'l sui'» nt Dulfy'». Thu late »untmer laiirn have mud<* g.«sl pisturo and range feed, 'I be farm- er» and rtockrai». r» ought to have more ► tuck to ima it. 1: Ltx-i i M't.i. < Hoik. <>r vs<'in¡tn Apply to h Varila of I hank *. » . U r t »I gill < z ir- i»,-. -*.**i*l»r l" *'•*■ S .**•■**'** ,..*.1*111*» ii' ( ( i, w i I I I .. i**r Mti it w i LOCALS. || two werk'* MH..'!? m:',’“ A Pallroa f, '('lie I-iitLimi n. W"|ii|-> i« my I > Duify. "everybody i* going to attend the Mollili U;|H ||| th«. fuir tills « ' rr." I ryl» *ly would with- I I I mil doubt I.l. • to ntt’-nd lite Ftutu fuir i be ntt admirable "I I. il ,* wu» III tho tliin ) * «r f *r it will y (*ii I'ii» |iw, res* uree» un.I display ni tL<* unii ' ! . < d I ’.* 1 I V I < lt'»lt pr* dncll'.li ‘ M ' 'n i" ii. Tlx .'tilerpi is- ilig lull, no '-I I. I a i .i n 111 i ‘.lut y would r. like to go many <>l |l>< m will but the gu ai innjority, tinn ii u« tin y would vn joy an outing, will remain nt home, i '1 lx* cilriil'iiig * 4 I lx* i n i *.. of interven- Illg Hi'.iinliiins oyer wliicli tli<* road pa.- se», I» tlx* great oli.tit* Iv to g'»il»Z L> tlx, • ' I* in Ibi< county iv hw fair, .imi vivi llv rugg "’ m that ¡I wu bad •' *' I '• I « 11 1 4 a » lit. J II’- ii riillroml, the g ung t i tho fair «ould I». un luisy ami agre • ablw pa Mt inn' in which all. men, won ivii nu l children. Lines F Dry Goods. ♦zi -» « Real • / ♦ ♦ « ♦ * s y. Transfers. /b n inj/ar 12 tp I >It. 10 cast <•< nta iuing l'!0 t rh *’• 4* Just Received an on Display at I . • Ip fl '«e! J T. F. Spal.ling and Alice F'pahling to ; .-late Ti* 1 mer M '*'<• ha» just irsu.d lx under < In.at, tho HE*4 of »ec 24, «P a it.itemi’iit which 1• hows a balance of S It. ■> 5 i .-t. Containing 160 acre*. ■ land v, . V. Milla to F. - *1.72 ;i*<*.v r* ti ..tilling m Oregon’s i ’ • ! elite A. Nelson, 118l*N treasury. F* ver J large pert ii » fr tn Poe valley acres in tp 40 S It. 8 east. pa ■ 4 through tin3 1 *»il« Monday vn ’ J.H. Bailey and Iknrit'.i Bailey to route to tlx* hucklu berry patch at the Ix-andcr ( boat, E' . : ’■ R . an 1 li'; of sAV1., of sec 8, tp I S R. 5 east. Con- Lak** **( the A\ c»-J*. taining ICO aircj, J» *• AValk.-r ami wife who bare been Ftate of i ir.’C* n to F. P. Groh» the in A-blan4 I r the pa t two weeks p-t- f AV'^ of .-V, of ”-c !•>, tp 11 8 I!. 15 ling fruit, passed through town I am I • at. (’ ntaining 40 a res. 1 1 lay <-:i route to Bonanza. of Cha»..**’. Moore, a»ignee H- i.ry Ja* ; n, Indian capitalist wan Oregon' E'.vf Hee 16, tp 10 1 the Fall« the first of the week and east. Containing 320 acrei ■*ght Dr. AVorden'» furniture, amount- State of Oregon to G. I.. Bulan-i and ig to severa! burnire ! dollars, F. .A. Tarr, the N'j of sec 36, tp 40, 8 R. Dr. II. . AVr.gbt returned from <’»n- 7 ea-t. ( ontaining 32J acre». It. G. < all.reath to Famuel Dixon tral I* .lit Fatui lay, where he Went the w■ 1 k Ixd ire with a th iroiighbre-l racer, Lot 1 <*( -ec. 15. and lot C of rec Li, tp 3'J Coni 5 acres. to t- * ii |« te ¡11 the race» al tliu Fair. G ,. *• N. kers'-n an 1 wife to J. AV. Croquet set» nt Duff) 's, Lindrey and F. AV. M* rgan, beginning AV. H. McIntyre and family moved to at a p nt 5 25 chains AV of corner rec. Ashland la«t week where they will lo­ 2 ami :;3, tp 38 S R. 0 east, cate. Mr. M. Inty re having traded for thence F ’■'•s 46' on see line 6.84 chains an or, bar I in that place, last spring. tithe E I 'lr.dary of 11th street in If. AV. Orth return* ! I la*t Thursday Klamath Fa.Is, t... ..*.<* e oo ” 24’ E 4.03 f* :n Ijkeview, where hl e Lad been for chains to the L'ltindary ot Main street, the purpose of opening ; up a butcher 53 - 36’ ! 5.40 chains to place of begin- •hop. He returned •" > iiis home ic, mng. Jackx>nvillo this mot Cha». S. ’.f re ar I wi'c to PLÜip H." 8- H. I.. P- ggs lx-jan tl ** v.o.dwork on Í *e ! V y , the N AV4 of NAV'a of sec 36, Bal lwin'» new »lore building Monday, tp 36, S R. 6 east. J. A. Larraln-c an I w Be to Geo. < Tlie stum.'v.**rk it all completed. Thi* Lu.lding wl.cu filii'l.ed Will L*e one <4 Humphrey, L* Is 5 and 6 in block 13 in Klaniatti falls. th.' fine-t in Klamath Fall*. Cnited States to Wm. Knox NW, of Milk Pans at Duffy's. »* •22. tp28 H II. 5 «ast. Containing AV. If. McClure, the Poe Valiev lx*ef 1 (A) acre* I" ¡hr,;.! rm. uh ti c* lie iia» bought AVi.*i. Kn c to Leander Choat, the a'l th*’ -lo ill I unche» of young bicf Hi a!»>ve named laml. h section ami will delivered meat in J. C. Ball to Pearl B. Bali the E'„ of tl.e I all» e’.* rv Tt: - lay and Friday. NAA \ m '• tp di 8 R. 11 east. Con- A’.in .._’.* licvu en ’e C was issued yester­ taining S) acres. day . vening t ■ E lwar l H. Gardner ami AVorJen and Jane AVorden, Heth M. I. la Bran Imiof Marriil. Tl.e cere- Mery AV.Gavitt t > Ruth E. H um *, I*oU ni 'i.y that will milk*' th. -*> tw > hearts 3, 4, 5 and 6, tu L*'.- ck : .’I it: Klamath beat as one will probably take place Fall», (. Jr. F’-.inlay. Back Prom Alaska. Clothing at Dufy’s. John Van Meter, «ho bau been in Owing to tho taet that the millinery Alaska for the past three years returned 1» ah ch Mi«s E. E. Hus.*ordered at . ■'.*.-•■ (ay. MVan Fan Francisco, have not yet arrived, Meter biw Ixi ii at !hiw«*ui city for the the opening of her millinery store in past eighteen months where he went tliis city lias been unavoidably delayed during th K :...;..* Looui an I located Il few .lay*. a ciaiui, wi. ■ !i lie woiked with good slice* --., ami as lie e.xpiesss.i it, "made 5lioes an I (¡loves at Duffy's enough l *r one man.’’ John says last The Siskiyou New« sav« the Yreka suninnra m.: r c-’ ' I get $16 a day Bra - B.;’.'l m<>iinte*l on the sprinkling w rkitig in 11.e mines, but this summer wagon, was driven through the prinei- - 1 n .inv m-'ii came there that wages ■ al «tree’«, di-coursing sw* <*t music io have dr*, I- I down to $3 and $4 per h* nor of the water t>on back. Fi III is!• Otto If, i Iridi ami AA ill He says that ere-yth ng is plentiful < i.who have l«*en rusticating lor nt Dawson City except g ixl fresh fruit the past w*-.k at huckleberry mountain ami it has to be shipj. 1 in, ami in most return«."! home Monday. They report cases it is of a very p rquality. Small ¡tn i;' un Lim e oiberri*’» ami lota of peo­ waterme'.or.s sold for (25 ami apples for ple their gathering them. 50 ct. and (I encli. Hats anJ Sox at Duffy'i. The finest kind of gardens are raised I G* ., Whitmore, an ol*l resi*!ent of in and around Dawson City, ami have llii. c unity, wa» taken to Ashlaml la«t good opportunity to grow as they have Sunday ly Henry Parrish, where he three month’s sunshino w ithout any will go to Portland to live with hi« son. change from night to day. Mr. AVhitni- re Ita-been in poor health E*l. Case! n*r of Bly was in the Falls, for the | .t-i two year.«, ami unable to on business, last Wednesday. ear** for himself. ri* t 4 v. ' i BOUGHT ,4t FOR $ CASH. •r Lowest Prices Guaranteed 1-' i 1 Alerit Is» riio Trade no 1rs Mio AFi*tio Test <>f 7. \ •f* :? Cheapness. <• 'A Ugh Bro O. A. Steel.well, This is Is 1 he ptobablv the best ami mo«t handsome 3 Oregon bible in tow n. The Lodge ha.« also re­ ceived the nutte: i«l for canopies for the New l.uildings, new .ippai'iitus amjfi' turcs. fine .•ampus, healthful !*■■ <’• m'.*; otlie.'r.« stati. im n i.l when these are ar­ delightful climate, excellent influczic* - f-r students. Stationery at Dufy's. ranged they will have a n’cely furnished Course of study the s;'L . ;;s Mother normals of the state. AVhen Murat Halstead was making a speech at Cincinnati the other evening, ledge room. Best ndynntiry a in V’Kiil »:* I Instrumental nm.-i*’ ' -uftd in mtliert a man rose in the audience ami said lie Oregon. MARRHJ). hope.I Aguinahlo would either eapturi Training sei*.. >1 fully cqu'ppe*l and in eh.iig* of a thorough critic teacher. Otis ami the American Army *.; li ne Tuition (<•.: per term ; mu.-it (’> m**i (P’' per term ; hoard at ha«i ,1 ■’*"% and CONRAD MORINE At Ft. Klam­ lodging jOc per week, students iuriii-hing lied clothing; fainily i?oard (2.50 and them into the pen. Thee.* n*;. many ath, Or.. Sept. IT. J C. T. t'onrad others in the tl.. 1. . who hared thi- ami Mi-s Alice l’>. M-rim*, bet-li of this |ILlX>. man's view s. I l..l~**-.i'a * alle.l them all $125 i\y s all exp oses lot one war's schooling, mcltidipg books- * ouni v. 11. .! ('onr.nl pautur t'. I'. tr:;i *>is, a:i.l iie was light. Men, who, . hui.h, oi W .-.¡liurn. Or., otliciuting. The -hortest am! u.*>st thorough route to a »t ’t.u cel ibi.'***. !» the norma! chiiming to In* Amer, anharbor rm h course. Review <1. es for teacbcis throughout (lie year. DILD. vile rentimeiits in th ”r hcnrl.i, tire I’or catajugtie wfolrrtiition, addresa l il t teiin open: Septemlx'i II -pt. 1». 1 ••*►>. traitoi. ami di ,i\. the execraltin of Il.kl-ll li k i.iiuth P«T1* .lit* tin l\ *<■»!.’■: -ii* Mr Hr I Mi k»tt every decent mi I Ln« ag > near Gninle. Grant county, for obstructing the public highway. They had driven tlu ir sheep over the road on the grade 11ml tilled in the highway so that it obstructed trallic. They weie required to repair a l damages dune ami to promise not to repeat theoffcasc. Largest School Southerri W f VA» SCOV. President t ■> cry thing at Duff * ■ 1 * ' allo* *t' r ’ is: in Ini- msntb- " ■ r p in » HL A.Vp 'IPFO