KLAMATH VOI». IV. KLAMATH LAIEH FALKS, REPUBLICAN KLAMATH NEWS. THE ’ irrlw < Alunkit, now has ■ popil- I m II oii of bm 19o, COUNTY, OKEGON, SEPTEM BEK 21, 189» TARIAR CLEARED. Hu,*« Ku»« 4 Mlli.rlu,* «uaiv«d adlapalrdr today con­ the World from Ithaca, N. Y., says: taining the information that < learanc« Wardner Says Cape Nome Your corre»|Mirident is able tn say on Bloody Riot at Brush Mines, I I k . Nt'vn ii««' Iowan and ______ paper« have liven allowed th« tran»)»>rl authority that t're Hchurman peace Deposit Extends There. will noon Int on ihnii way hoion Carterville, 111. Tartar at Hong Kong. It is «X|*eti»l commission offered every indu• HOOT OVERRULES GEN. .SHAFTEF blut»» at once. Aguirraldo ami his follownrs. Agui- l«ivill«, III. Di» information cam« troni Colonel EXAMINATION PROVES THEORY naldo was promised as the price for the OPENED FIRE ON THE WHITES Metoalf, oommanding th» 'Twentieth restoration of peace in the Tagal tribo ‘ A Pllkhury, th« •mil king of Minnanota, u Kansas and troops aboard the trans­ a bonus of more than (5,000 a year port. Il is sup|>os»d clearance pa[>etl I khiiu in Minni'M|tolia wbil* the Tagals remained peaceful. were allowed upon th« suggestion of He was told that be could choose men ’I’I im llrrvfun tiii’«*(lng h«'ld in London thn Brill«), foreign olili*« to tlie British from hie own tribe for the minor mu­ n npinth’M affair. Inteinnl in the» governor at Houg Kong that it would nicipal offices. The commission went Washington, Hxpt. I fl —Secretai , be unwise to interfere with American Rrrant in* rmlui v limi in Parli ara ntihjout nr«nin to I mi lugging Seattle, Sept. 18.—J. F Wardner, so far aa to promise Aguinaldo th» Carterville, III., Sept. lfl.—Carter­ Risii emphatii ally overrulnd General •tlr>bnle*l l«> MHMic hiatw I hr plant of th« Aumiii nn Finharirn transports, lhe well-known mining man, who has moral support of the United States gov­ ville was the s.-ene of a bloody riot be­ i'ltnii Ir.»* I I. tn I. L I . wun Hliufter today, III dcteruiliiing tliat thè The revolution in Vrueinola under Another dispatch from Colonel Met­ Just returuei! from Ca|>e Nome, ad­ ernment, if such were needed, to make tween white and negro miners today. linily-tifili should uinburk for Manila calf, in reply to on« »ent yesterday, vances the novel theory that the gold 'Iwtruyiul hr lire. |OM| f600,000. Cawifu la gailili’g atrcngtli. his lemlerabip of the Tagals thoroughly Six negroes were killed, and one other st Portland, uni»»» tliere wa» unsur- Hat«« that th« Tarlut was not over- dspoalts extend mile« out to »»a. In secure. mortally wounded. Company C, 1 Im llritikh admiralty han pruparad ihieuioi Mi rriiim, of thè renana, ad mourrlable ohetaclee. The«» li» ooul I uruwded, and that the finid was ss good support of the theory, h« says that two With all these inducements, tempt­ Fourth regiment. Illinois National • war map of Ht John'«. N F . an a tiare riiUU*»'iat»»il lo do kuiiim Studylng not fimi in thè repur*.» Irom ribatter «ir i ss on other transport« leaving Manila. miner« placed a eaisaon 120 feet from ing as they must have been, Aguinal- Guard, ariived here late this evening, tir» quart«rina«lers. Curnellua Vaiidrihllt *li««d wmldenl) ptahininarv to fortifying tht> town. Hr said tl>« trouble arose among the low tide. The dirt which was taken do, as the recognized head of tlie insur­ and will endeavor to preservo order, An ndobo I ioiinm , Ovn inilvn from It lue hoinr in Nrw V*»rli »1 p.iialywia The pl»as abolii Inngth of tirile anù , discharged regular Soldier« who were out ran 15 to 60 cents pet shovelful. gent movement, declined to yield. He Forty miners from the Herrin mines Mota, N XI , < 1111 y of »•■nrlttig eh.ps wer» returning horn« on lutarti tlx* ship. liliali livgrova of Jamaica liavr re Similar experiments were triad at a insisted ri|xin immediate «»If-govern- left that place for this city this even­ lupwcd mio nadgc'iy and g"i»r Uj»*>ii Ilo u»d Ciirdova, hi« wilo and ail children. considered by thè socretary a» Iliade further distance from tide mark. witF rnent, and as his insistance was so firm ing, aimed with Krag-Jorgensen rifles PEARY'S WOHK. I I k * iiKnnory .if th« mnrtyr««l pr«*ni quale. Two trarrsport «lupa cau b» better results. as to make an agreement impossible, determined to assist tbe white miners, warpitli. seni up lire Columbia, ami he «aw re: the American commisaioners ceased r should their services lie require*!. The grral « nuiivil of linprovrd < ir lm «lent, Juiiirw A (iariioltl, ffui honored rr-asotr why tlx-y should noi »»il Irmi. it. I.. Bridgeman Hellavee 11« Will Deadly E«*ar, wan mar* Manila, thè delay, ev»i> il it was all expedition of 1889, arrived in Brooklyn 87 survivors of the Edmontou trail. tribes the largest possible measure of the negro miners to come into town. nv«rs of tlie expedi ­ means. They will be shipped to Fnget fulve». thought the »»veral tribes could admin­ town and opened Are on a crowd of 1*110 IO«« I Ii«« piibllahml liia farewell The transports wtll Ir» fitteli out et tion into northern seas, reached Syd­ sound at the expense of the United ister their local affairs, elect their whites. The whites returned the fire The yacht S.irno Iota arrlvcwl et to hia frirmla of tin* Aral Maine dia* Hau Fr alici», ir wllli vvrrrtliing ei »pi ney, C. It., Tuesday. Members of the Mates government. About 50 of them Ihmcdiilti on a trip armimi thè wurld. municipal officers, eetabllsh courts and promptly, and a running tight ensued. triot II«* a.ivN public offtce la inan’a wlrat III» regrment carri»« Win ri tlu Princeton scientific party remained in will go to Seattle tomorrow on the penal institutions, etc., but did not Hl.e Irli Srw York four ye.era ego and Tiie negroes, closely followed by the Hydney to sii|a>r intend tlie shipping ot steamer Al-Ki. Many aro suffering <>P|M>rtunity, nut a ribbon to atick in troops come lo Portland, tliey will Ir» hiK Iliade liraily id.UUtJ lilih'l. Their believe ii possible to allow tbs natives wihtes, scattered, some tunning up the the coat allowed lo parade in tire city befora tlieir collection« made during Die two from the effects of scurvy. Oakland, (’al . Ime a* <,«,|>t'*«l thè <»ff«r stories of hardship and suffering en­ to pai ticipate in the genera) govern­ main street, the remainder starting The reply of tlie Tranavnal la very thi-y embnik. ibi» urli Ite determiri» months' cinise. Of Peary's work, Mr. down the railroad track. Here the of Andirw t’arnrgir I » gite |5U.OO0 Bi idgeman says: dured in their 18 months on the trail ment. by III» commanding nffiirr, “How could they govern tho islands, worst execution was done. After the for a l'iildio library building, and will unanilafnctory to the Biitieh, and Mr. "Peary's results in the first year ot aie in a similar strain to those which The »»cr»lary full tirai all Pnrtlan I gurantro the nt>cr*WHi y fl.UUU a year <'bainbri lain declare»« it will comped and < iregirn Irad don» lor thn ooiinlry, the four alloted to his greatest Arctic bare preceded them. No new fatali­ in view of the hetrog/nity and multi­ fight was over, four dead bodies were lhr iiii|M*fial government to oonaider plicity of the tribe»?’'he added. picked up, and another man was fouud fur ita anpi*c>rt. entilled tlx-m to favolatile considera work fully reward el|>ectations and ties are reported. It is thought that the aklnation afr«*h. mortally wounded. They were taken justify confidence. What he has al ­ at least 75 prospectors are »till on tbe The Portland rhamlwr of cmninrrr* Iloti ot Ih» requaast for Ih» emliarkaliou MUST RECKON WITH SIBERIA. to tbe city hall, where the wounded A Manila diapntrh aaya the cniiaet of troupi al thè Oregon nrellorsilis. trail. They will have to come dowz ready achieved removes his undertak ­ will armi hunalor hlmoii tu YY’ailling man was given medical treatment, and < barIraion bumarded the fort al Suing Reprnsentativi* Turigli» ha» tal«- ing from tho realm of doubt to reason­ the Htickeen in email boats, as th» Amarlcan W hwatgrower« to Have Coin­ an inquest was held over the dead ones. tuli to puah rrcognition in tbr matlni bay l.ittl" or no injury waa done, grapli»! Hecretarv Risii »aylng ih» <)r» ably certain success. ” petition From a New Qaarter. low stage of water will pievent the of unii aikatioti ul tr<»ope lor lite Pilli* Later, near the Brush mines, in anoth­ flic Montriry nn*l Concord were arnt Mr. Bridgeman liwliev»» that Peary Strathcona from making another trip New York, Sept. 18. — A special to goti, i hartsred liy ili» goveriituent Ippinea Iroiu tliat |»ort. er part of the city, two other dead bod­ to I'untinut’ tlie iMiinnrdiiirnt. will accomplish bis pur)»>se and reach this year. On her last tup »be wai the Herald from Washington says: ies were found. coulrl Ir» ueed for tir» trarn*|sirtalion of Al Tm kalioe. N. Y , Terry MoGuf hung up on a sand bar tivo days, 8( American farmers are to have competi­ A Washington divpatrh aayt the Tar* troupe. The di-partment says thè Ore­ tlie pole before his four years are up. The killed are: Rev. O. T. J. Floyd, erti, in American |'iigili«l whip|»en», of company B, Sixteenth infan­ manent improvements in Spokan« in­ dedicated with nn|u»aing erremoniea by Spnerintendent Donnelly, of th« •olution t f Ih«* l.il*»r pmblriii ihrte la productive places. It is particularly IMtY WANT PROTECTION. try, have tH-»n sentenced to death by volving an expenditure of from (600,- the prom in« nt ('atholic c lergy of thia Brush mines, where tbe negioee reside, the rtnph t meni of frrr white labor. well adapted to the growing of wheat court-martial, and that private Mo- 000 to (1,000,000. He also stated that repoits that the negioee are worked up countiy al Washington. Native« I’raylug f«»r the Arrival of th« and other ceteals, and since the build­ Eilciiwive riti ulation haa brrn girci ' Bennett has lH*en condemned to 30 he will return here Tuesday and dis­ into a fienzy, and. while he is doing I»r4f the yartoiii Uriel. If lucceoe- gion are undeveloped, and must remain island of Samar ar» praying for ths line frulli (ìii«*ago to thè Pac-lflo cuaat Th« papers assert also that General British Columbia on the north. Tlio be looked for. ful in thia line other departinrnti will speedy arrival of th« Americans and so for some years, as the population is ('hairiuan Vati llurn, of thè <'mediati I Otis has recommended that President party will leave in the morning for Trouble has existed here, off and on, le taken up. as yet great I v scattered, being less than »III arlrotne the hoisting of til* PaciRt', fl.-tyfi thè (*ana«han Poetilo la McKinley approve the «»nfence, and Puget sound. for over a year, but no fatalities oc­ one inhaurtant to each square mile. American flag It is »aid that, aa a Admiral Howell will aur<'«H»d Far* ■ iiBimie to retahliah a girai alramehlp that he desires a pulbio execution ol curred until June 30. when a passen­ Immigration from Eu-upe to Russia is Philippine (<>in nt I g «I uri e re t<* Keturn. line Imtwrrn Liferpoul ami llahlai lo quhar aa comiuamlanl al «Suffolk navy i»anil of the tori ibis collection of tax«» th» men sentenced to death, as a warn­ ger train on the Illinois Central rail­ I by tlx* rmievariee ot the iriaurgenta. ing ugainst a repetition of the crime. Manila, Sept. 16.—Colonel Charles setting in however, and 4,000 pereous road was fire*] into and one negro wo­ take belinoci away (foni New York yard. entered tbe region last year. who take all they have got, the native» Denby and Profersot Dan Worcester, litica, and riporta to ircene a auhai«ly man killed. These negroes were on A new cabinet hne been formed in GUNBOAT ATTACKED. members of the Philippine commission, Hawaiian Capitalist Out and Injured. their wav to the mines, having come lioui the <‘attediali govrrnmenl. Venriurla, with Senor ('alrnno at the are in m atateof eerui-starvatinn. They have no faith in the Tagals, and they have received instructions from Presi­ Ali tiiit enworrd dlspatrh troni Manila head, with the foreign |u>rtfolk>. San Francisco, Sept. 18. —R. B, from Pana. A short time afterward a Adittlral Wnlaoti Brpnrta a Hharp K m earnestly desire American protection dent McKinley asking them to return Banning, a Hawaiian captialist, ar­ pitched battle ensued between the via Hong Kong «a«a Ihat Otte trird to gagamemt in Maebat». John King ami hie wile, an aged An insurgent trader. General Lua- as soon as potsibla. They will em ­ ahwlv« Joe \\ hrrley, tho ycleran fighi- couple, w»re killed by their drink* Washington, Sept. 16.—Th« follow­ bark on the steamer India, which sails rived from Honolulu on the steamship union and nonunion forces during ban, has bolted to Japan, taking w'li* •F, by sending hitn lo an uba« urr poti eric** <1 won at South hr hlge, Maae. ing di»|iatch lias been received al the from Hong Kong Septemlrer 2fl. It Australia last Tuesday and registered which time the dwellings occupied by him (2,600 collected by him for ths at tbe Occidental. Among hie effects the union negroes were burned. Sev­ in thè aouthein lelamli (triterai navy department: is not known whether the clerical force was a valiee containing between (30,- eral hi rests were made, and the parties The null eituation at Fall River, insurgents. Uharlef now «I« h hir«*« Ihat he w ili ap­ “Manila. Sept. lfl. — Secretary of ths will return with them or remain here. The agents of the insurgents endeav­ I hmoi greatly simplified, aa a 000 and (50,000 in bank notes, bonds are in Jail at Marion on the charge of pi? lor permiwanm to return Ibis Maae , or to foice the native« to Join thru Nvity. Washington: Davidson, com­ Tbe commissioners had just removed and sugar stocks, together with a num- murder, awaiting trial. oountiy uuh il rie ia mone change tu oourbinatiun of alock is likely toon to manding the Parsgna, repoits a sharp force«, which they will not do. The into new offices and expected to spend l>et of other valuable documents. A the management of affaiis hi thè Pilli- be* effected. condition of the island, it is asserted, engagement at Malemao. The vessel some mouths working on tbe establish­ few hours after his arrival he missed ON THE BRINK OF WAR ippitioi. Iloiirke (’o' hrnn haa advised Preei- is rapidly appimiching riot and an- was struck many times by rifle shot», ment of municipal governments. the valise. Noilhern railroa lw are involtod in a «hnt McKinley to tender hit good aichy. as the heavy and continued drag but there were no casualties. The Para- The Nevada cavalry was unable to An investigation has been made and Reply »r Transvaal Very Unsatisfactory ufftree in the acttleinnnl of the Tram* iste waf. ii|>on the natives In the form of tribute gua silenced the insurgents' tire in 20 sail on tbe Newport. They will take it is thought it is on its way back to — Boers Mean to Fight. vaal muddle. minutes. The range was 400 to 900 exasperates them, and they, us the let­ the oext available tran»|iorL Tha trsnsport Hmator, with 10 nfft- Honolulu. London, Sept. 19.—The reply of the Hairy Meiller, 13 yean old, win ter »avs. threaten despeiale distuibance yards. The occasion was the capture cate ami (irto trc ruita hai ninted wafedy Transvaal to Mr. Chamberlain’s latest of a Filipiuo schooner, which Davidson wawlied from a iaft bra pawing steam« Can Not Tell W ho He I«. if it continues. The l*r»»lectcrs that have re­ taries Gage and Root, Postmaster-Gen­ eminently of the “negative and incon­ clusive” character, which Mr. Cham­ Naii Franciwu from Cape Nomo with San Francisco, Sept. 18. — A special south of Luxou, and north ol lhe Vi- turned from Alaska this »».«eon is an eral Smith and Attorney-General berlain declared would compel tbe im­ The nnrnuioth new Oceanic, the big- 1100,900 in gol.) d«»L from Tacoma says: Telegraphic ad ­ sayas. old man who cannot tell who he is, or Griggs were present at today’s cabinet perial government to consider the situ­ g«-»t Vrsenl in the world. arrived in Lieutenant l’eory had hia ferì frotrn New York, six days and two hours vices have been received at Shanghai where he came from. There is a clot meeting, The nrcaident announced ation afresh. It practically repudiate« PARDON FOR DREYFUS. announcing that several British uns duiing hts northern trip, bui now from England. of blood in hrs brain which has caused that he id intended to extend ili» suzerainty, reverts to the seven-year Kuinur That the Frmnrh Cabinet II«. nonaries have been driven out of ths wilkt without liinping, a paralysis ol »|>eecb. due to typhoid Chicago ip to Minneapolis and St. franchise, and declines to give equality Agreed Vpun It. New York and Boston capitaliata fever. The only words he can utter Pawl. llirbankw of Guatemala City wlll will form a livestock comhination with city of Paongan, situated 160 miles to the Dutch and English languages in Paris, Sept. lfl.—The Matin th it are an indistinct yes and no. By th» across the border in Audone province. A variety of »object« were dis- •aie thè oiohaqner l»y a loan to ilio gof « u '.,| ital »I (.lo.ttoo.lioit to control the morning asserts that th« cabinet hat aid of a map it was learned that be cussed, but final action was not taken, tbe voiksraad. In shoit, it is politely Thibet. ed by Journeying secretly at fsilien |imt tli«|| live, in un effurl ti> I crew were instantly killed, and their Francisco now number nearly in Han night. vscovs» thè chlhl. Kruger*» Kept». Ha« McKinley Intervened? bodies cremated. number includes 6,000 .Near Ichang and Chun King an anil- Pretoria, Sept. 1(1.—The discnasiot ' «ptain Thomas Plrelsn, a er«ck 11,000. Thia The killed are: Engineer Tom Gil­ The Cape Town correspondent of the letutned from the Islands and awaiting Catholic uprising has lieeii caused by of the that <1 raft of the reply to tin Woailswonlstnsn snf th» Msu.cr rsvo!v»r liv thè lie shows concliisively the wnakness of Venrwneln ICevolutlon Nprandlng. Britain and the Transvaal. war in the Pbilipp nss by Edward Vallejo, Cal., Sept. 18. — Michael Anal reply in it» tinal form tomorrow 8H«'I Miste« itnveinuient, It l» bcinu tlie priMeciition'a case lurfore the eyes New York, Sept. lfl. — News of ths Shields, a recitation Uy Miny 'Helen. Owens and Richard Conroy, marines and submit the same to the volksraad. of the world. by thè Gerntan cevnlry. Condemned to Death. progress of the Veneiuelaii revolution Lamar, and vocirt (elections by Chai les ot the cruiser Philadelphia, have died ' «l'tsin Robert Notile ami Usptnln | I The commissioners of Clallam boun­ has been received by a prominent The teply will bo in term« strongly in­ Washington, Sept. 19.—The secre­ H. Whiting. from the effects of drinking wood fluenced by the Orange Flee State, and ,UI Durstli, nblos on Ilio stnfl ty, Washington, have appealed to the South American, by mail, in this city, among other features the maintenance alcohol. Both men enlisted at Mate tary of war, in response to numerous of the Interior to modify the from the vice-millttry committee in eruusl ShnftiT, liirv» I hm > ii promoleil secretary 1 Bungling Ksncutlon of n Nogro. island. Owens, who was formerly a requests, cabled General Otis regarding of the convention of 1884 will be lariliidflries ot the Olympic reserve. ohurge of the atfaii« of the rebels. »<” breverv >.t s«» JiINII h,u. Mobile. Ala.. Sept. 18. — Henry member of the Sixteenth infantiy, tbe two men of the Sixteenth infantry ■ torngly «»artted. b" peoplo of Cape Nomi* aroto bave Four bundled and fifty thousand acres This committee is located now on one served through the Cuban campaign who, according to the press dispatches, The situation this evening is not of agricultural lurid is included in tho of the West Indian islands, and con­ b>r,' .H,|",l'l,”'l reflui«, wliiolr will be and came here from Samoa on the had been condemned to death in the considered so favorable as it was dur reserve. sists of five generals. 11 whi y 0,1 Tlmnksuivlng i»rtm»nt lins nss.gnorl 1 Williamston, W. Va., Sept. 13.— case, arid that when the court-martial a recent appeal to the powers for recog­ spread to all parts id the re)4tblio. from Tifton, Ga., to the Telegrap '"•r-A.lmir.i E«, I'xriiiiliar to command Sheriff Henderson, of Logan cAiintv, was concluded the papers would be nition. Il further says that tho raoe The letter further states that in Coro, says: A negro was arrested at Tyf ‘•'" North Allenti — de squadorn in place a id a posse of 15 today went to the forwarded to the department. The two prejudice of the Aiuerleans is to blun.e tlie whole state is in arms, and that this morning and positively identified (piling th« «wild time, suce»safully. 01 K"«r Ailruii.*. f«l Sainpauii, who wtll Hatfield fort, in the mountains 80 men sentenced are Corporal Damphoffer General Castro with an army of 8,000 as one of the two negroes who assaulted for lhe hostilities- ........'«ir»! <>l thè .... Ibi ..oeton navy miles from here, and without hlood- and Private Conine. The name of tbe ftrils. Hurricane In Newfoundland. The Civic Federation conference on men, left Valera on August I9,*nnd on Mias Johnson at that place last Tues Two hundred men, heavilv St. John's, N. F., Sept. 18—A violent shed captured “Devil Anse” Hatfield, third soldier involved has not yet been the ns«'" «»'I abuses ot trusts and com­ August 38 annihilated the government day. r«niort^i"W Y",k Wor,‘* P«hlUliee lies a a armed, assembled at Tyty. huri'cane swept this section of New­ Iris son Bob, and John Dingess, a rela­ made public. The sentences will not Lwl. . ' .'"‘"'»'«w with Admiral binations ope n nd In Chicago with forces at Uaroca under Torre». It is People passing on strain at 3 o’clock foundland last night. Four fishing tive of the Hatfields by marriage. The be executed until the war department repre»«ntutivo men from nearly every reported, aueoiding to the wiiter, that with . " !•'"admiral is credited this morning saw a negro suspended boats were driven off the St. John*« prisoners will be taken to Pike county shall have reviewed the oases. The Castro pursued the government troops W,|n iRYHu, ai ... . ..... thè FiU^ "K l*1U* belinve tliat state in tiisv Union in nttendanue. to Barquisimeto ami onpturod that 80 feet in the air from a telegraph pole. Governor Tanner and Mayor Harrison coast, and three men and a woman and tried on charges of murder grow­ papers cannot leach Washington in less Search for the other uegio continues. ing out of th« Hatiield-McCoy feud. than 80 days._____________ each d»llvered sit address i f welcome. town. were drowned. than are Ih. Cuba,,.. Keform In Bttaeball. Through lllsinnl Swamp «•■■»I. For Highway Bobbery. Killed Her Children ««(I Heraelf. Glasgow numbers among its poptila NaMoaal ■sport ■«position. Chicago, Sept. 19.—A new baweball Chicago, Sept. lfl. — A special from ptlnter'*1'1 " wt’ll-known Pulaski, Va., Sept. 18. — Noah Fin ­ Hon a man who is making a msnuaoript Scotia, Neb., Sept. 18.—As a result Philadelphia, Sept. lfl. —With cere­ Hoiml t ”1 <>f tho Interna* copy of tho Bible. Ho expects to tiir- Norfolk. Va., says the torpedo boat ley. a negro, was hanged here today. league, whose circuit will include cities monies unattended by ostentation, the of domestic difficulties, Mrs. Earn« Talbot will shortly be given a spin His crime was highway robbeiy and at­ in both the National and Western WhiUlian’e with a hostile fleet. On this men The dedicatory ceremonies were shipping men and material to Alaska York, Philadelphia and Washington, * he «tri..,, 111 l,r tamburino in trip the Talbot's newly installed petro ­ Pattern capitalists ate to establish a renter taxes. They are quarry em­ held in the immense auditoiium, which Structural a tee I plant at Menominee, for the construction of the second rail­ A. C. Anson was ofleied the tbe presi­ Oll|y .» lui," and epeeoh ployes, who have dug dwellings in the leum fuel furnace will he given a florslnp ' *° **lniu In tlitrir publio was crowded. dency. but refused to accept at present, Mioh., which will «tuploy 6,ODO band«. road in Ural territory. I test. face ot a steep rock. Epitome of the Telegraphic New« of the World. A h|g yh*li| of will'll lh(* W m II h \\ »illii Vitllay. r.-|M.rt«-l In Thirty-fifth Will Leave Fron Oregon Metropoli».