Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 14, 1899, Image 1

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Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
¡••I m « 1« «tiffvflng from drotight.
A'liHirnl !>rwt«r ho aailud from <4lt>-
otlUr lor New York.
Iii*ligiiMtl«ni or»»r the reconvict!« R of
IhityfiiN in m nifueled || nh I| In New York
lit«« burning In elllgj of Generel
Il in Ni$ii| by prominent rollron«! m«»n
tliel th»« llerriiiiMH NyiolirntM I n quietly
| working fur m miu to n » u railroad ar»
¡’•♦an end hie arctic $«i¡»edition have
• '•uii *n if.| from,
liiuy mim coming
li'finn uft. r gelling much geugiaplilcai
Infor tn Mt ion.
Agttlnnldo Appoints From
Conservative Element.
14, 1899.
Nuoibor »i « asee
K»r West.
Washinton, Kept. 0.—Telegrams to
tha surgeon general of the marine hos­
pital aervi-n Irani Knrg—m-Ganeral
Carter, at Key West, state that up to
last night the American physi-ians te-
|M>rted H4 cases of yellow fever at tl-at
point. He aatimatnd that (’uban phy­
sicians were in ntten-lan-e u|am from
one-third to one-half aa many more
- uses, but no re|-orta had been made of
then, ami it would be impossible to
give accurate tigures. Carter expressed
the opinion that Dr. McLanahan, of
ll-e navy department, who is ill with
the fever, will recover.
NO. 22.
A rvange ineatN Completed for Another
L in » on th« < omni
That Was the Verdict of the
Chicago, Hept.
11. — Special corre­
spondence to tl-e Tribune from Manila,
’ Fair Will Be
under -late of August 4, »ays:
Agents for a company of Spanish
capitalists, some of whom live in Ma­
nila, announce that arrangements have
l>een completed for the bull-ling of a
modern railroad line in Luzon tl-at will WILL ECLIPSE FORMER FAIRS
connect Manila with all tiie important
towns along the west coast of the
Kegln» S»pt»inb»r ZS and Close» Osle»
island as far north ss Laoag. The*
S»r ITS. aliti Will He Open Ira»
route is kept secret, but it is under­
aud Kvenlng.
stood that it will be the «am« as pro-
jxxe-l iu 18*6, when the scheme for
government railroads in the Philip­
A very excellent feature of the Ore­
pines was officially projected.
gon Industrial Exposition, which is
Three lines were planned at that time, held at Portland, is that it represents
only one of which was completed, the the entire Pacific Northwest, and the
present tailroad, which rune from Ma­ products of thia whole region are freely
nila to Dagupan. a distance of 151 given space there and attractively ex­
miles. The company is keeping its hibited.
movements secret to prevent the two
It is truly a great fair, and it is
or three companies that are said to lie made interesting to all. Everything
organizing in the United States for connected with it is on a properly large
tiie purpose of building railroads in scale such as befits the great region
Luzon hum anticipating it in securing represented.
tiie same route. The Americans who
Portland has the capital necessary to
have talked railroads here generally be­ carry on such a gieat fair, and her en­
lieve that a new town and port »ill be terprising business men freely furnish
established either on the north coast of the money to pay the heavy expenses
Luzon or the northern part of the west incurred. They know that in doing
coast of the island, as a terminal of the so they are aiding in the general devel­
opment of the entire Northwest.
This would eave 250 miles sailing to
People wno visit the exposition at
Manila for ships from the Unite! Portland this autumn will make no
States or from Hong Kong, and with mistake, for they will find there many
Manila splendid attractions to interest them.
through the richest provinces of the A full military band, one of the best
island, would be reasonably oertalo to in America, will give concerts every
grow rapidly.
i afternoon and evening, and there will
be amusement features such as will
INCREASED NAVAL ESTIMATES please all, and such as can only be
found in the very best theaters. The
Repairs and New Hhlpt Cott a Heap of
great exposition building will be a
blaze of glory and a bower of beauty,
New York, SepL 11.—A special »0
and it will be well worth going many
the Herahi from Wasl-irigt-rn says:
miles to see the splendid exhibit of
The naval estimates for the fiscal year
the products of field, farm, orchard,
ending June 80, 1901, will aggregate
forest, fishery, factory and dairy.
about $50,000,000. This considerable
increase In the cost of the navy is due
May Move to Spokane.
in great part to the expenditures nhich
Another new Industry will probably
will have to be made doling the pres­ be established soon at Spokane. The
ent and coming fiscal yea- for the con­ latest move In this direction is one
struction of the 54 vessels building, that may result in bringing the laige
and that three battleships ami three plant of the Ealge Woolen Mills Com­
armored cruisers, which wilt be con­ pany to Spokane, from Brownsville.
tracted for a. soon as congress takes ac­ Or. The chamber of commerce is mak­
tion enabling the department to 11
ing a movement in that direction and
contracts for armor.
its efforts bid fair to be successful.
Hichborn an-1 Melville Hugh Field, president of the Eagle
have estimated that $18,000,009 will Woolen Mills Company, has written
be required to meet bills of shipbuild­ that If sufficient encouragement is
ers. In addition to this sum. Admiral given him he will move bis plant to
Hichborn estimates that $5,000,090 Spokane. Should the plant be moved
Instead of $3,000.000 will be required to Spokane. Mr. Field says he will
for repair ships. There is reason to enlarge hie mill and have a four-set
1-elieve that Admiral Crowinshield. woolen mill. This will give employ­
chief of tiie bureau of navigation, will ment to 150 hands
recommend in liis forthcoming rejarrt
Municipal Lighting Plant«
that the enlisted force be increased to
report of Engineer Byrne, ol
20,000 men and will make estimates
therefor. He will also make ample Pomeroy. Wash., has been received.
provision for target practice for the He estimates the cost of constructing a
flume and erecting a power-house and
Admiral O'Neill’s estimate for the plant at $22,000. This does not in-
armor for the vessels ander constrnc- elude the electrical machinery or the
tion and proposed ate very high, Hie poles and wire, which it is estimateti
estimates for the present fiscal year will cost about as much more. It is
amounted to $4.000,000. which was ap­ not likely that the city will feel justi-
propriated. The estimates for the com­ tied in attempting so large an under­
taking al present.
ing year will exceed this amount
Portland s
to Date.
Manila. Hept. II —A Filipino who
Rennes, Kept. 12.—The expected lias
11«•» government will a<M>n have Ita ha« arrived here fioru Tarlao «ay« an
1. happened.
Dreyfus lias been con-
Key West, Fla., Hept. 9.—Seventy­
I'liinl fo$ th*» mannfaaliire of amokelret extraordinary auaftiun of the revolution*
All inin*r*s»-irv noi»*« uro to lie l’<»w«l» i in operation. Tiie locatiou ia arv con g r on ► took plaoe at Tarlao, Au­ seven ciiu of yellow fever have been iemne-i. The court found him guilty
«ml sentenced him to 10 yeeis* deten­
•toppeil l-v lite hi-altli ami polira otti- on thu Potomac nutti Indian Head.
gust 24.
Agumaldu presided, uiil rspirte<i up to la»t night, with a total tion. ,‘
As lie has already »ottered tire
-lai» of < 'hi- ago
chose »Mablnl mn i«reNidenl of the nu * of seven deaths to date. Prospects for years’
solitary imprisonment, wblc(
An ►«Nt I mhiih I Southern I' mc III<' train
preiiie court and tionxega mn attorney* • tamping out the fever are not very counts as double oidinary deleutiou,
Tha piago* i» re|s>r«e-l lo
wmn I iu I<| up mid lobhml near Wilcol,
général. They both represent the most encon r aging.
log 111 India und taurine
be will be released at the and of a tort­
Arm . I»y tom men who hire«l oill aa hay
conservative and tern pei ate element.
lli-iu In ll-e face.
night, ili the meantinme, uiileas tbs
«'utiwiN near there foi aeverai daya.
Kvldencff I* All fri.
»Mablnl. who recently resigned the for
Tha alale ilepartinenl l-a» l-r-n in-
Rennwi, Hept. 9.— T iv I mj camo tho president of the republic pardons him,
Two hundred fe«t of a treatlo over elgn suctetarvship. is the alduNt man
fi>rin**l tl-at a i-volullori ha» l-n-keii flroa«l river, near t’olumbiia, H. <?.,
beginning of the eml of the Dreyfus Dreyfus will have to be degraded bore
conns« ted with the revolution
uni 111 Veiiranelu.
gate way un lei a tralnload of granite saga was president of the last peace trisL With tl.e »peecli of the govern­ again within eight days.
Though a majority of those in the
ment rollinii>«ary, Major Carriere, the
Mra. natali A Baker, wlio ha» ju>
and four of Um train crew were killr«l. cam mission.
ouitroom this afternoun fully expect­
-llr-l al Forcai Home, Fa., wa» Ih- old
'¡he prociM'dingR of the oongrr*« dis­
Meridian, MI nn , haa quarantinr«l
plea-lings, and the verdict will be tie- ed the verdict, they were completely
rat American aelrvas.
agmiiNl all pla< vn infoct«*«! with yellow prove«! the report that Atfllinaldu had
• tupefied when it was given, and the
Al Key Weal and Ja<'kaonville do« lane! himself dictator.
A l-aml ol Macal-c» «i-nuts nninber- fi’VMr
Colonel Jouanste thia morning took ulence which pievaile-l in the room
i-.g 100 bua l-a-eu orgSIilSed al Mal-ila th«’ Niluation in re|»«)itvd to be giowing
and the Way men turned pale and
plnos com|M*lhng the registration ol all the most ini|s>rtant decision yet taken, caoght their breath was more iwpres-
ir-riil forme» Spumali v-rlullteer».
foreigners in Filipino territory. The
live than any other manifestation could
f lit fin \ hm verdict baa aronam)
All Amcri-uii Interivcso-l nt Atlan­
t-hineso, who are a large fraction u sponaibility, although he is undoubted­ Lave been.
ta, (ia.. kio-aa mucli ii I hiu I thè Drr-y- * *•!•’* i*r«*a«l
indignation outaide ol
ly only the mouthpiece of the whole
the |Mjpillation( ar«« coiiNld«*ied foreign
Maine Lleniange sank back io his
fua case, ami aaya E-tvtlrazy la Ihe Fran« «* and there I n much talk Ibiougli*
body of judges. His decision to es­
sis, in« Imling those born in the Phil
chair anJ the tears trickier! dowu bis
out * iirupv « f boyouitlng Ibe Pana vi
g-llliy mie.
ippine Islands. Application must l>e
che-ks, and Maitre La bon turned
put it Ion.
The Thirly-lhil-l legiment of voluti
made on slam ¡»rd paper, which figures Kch warzkoppeti ami Famzzardi was white us a sheet, while all round the
Non« of the priaonera In the Ward largely in all the buaineas of the mini* most significant, as it meant that the
Irei» ha» alarle.) frolli ||ou»l<m, Tes ,
coutt men looked at each other in si­
(ol Han Fiam laco, fu» oml'ai kaliou tu m r bull |G«n are to I m « <rio«l al the pre« rectionary government. This seems to oourt Lad already reached a conclusion,
lence. The only sound to be heaid was
ent term of (xjurl in that oounty. bv largely a scheme to tai Chinamen ami that tiie pleadings of counsel were
ll.ti l’Iillippiliea.
tiie lustling of paper from tire report­
An Ammman company sili eatab- f l.rir « bnun a ill gu over until the Janu
(stsvarsi 1st» >it for Filipino»
di»|*nsed with if they were not a ne­ ers' bench, at each press representative
Itali a giganti*
lo-omolivr Imll-llng ary term.
tiie-l to be first to send tiie newe.
W»«hington, hept. II. — The cabinet cessity.
Although tiie atpecl of affaire ii
Ha lls*>land,
As tiie audience left the courtroom,
The court has made up its mind, but
meeting today aaa <l$*v<>tv«i nlni<»*l en*
morn | ««a« «-abb«, the N|x<<aial diapatollM
Aiuetiian mcth-ala.
Iirely to a <11«< iibnkhi «»( th«* local gov
which wav’ This is the view i-oint fully 10 oi 15 men were crying openly,
Tha »siali bnalneaa of thè country la from .l<>liMiin«*Rburg report tha gr«<at«*ai eminent which will h« f M ii * I ib I h - I *n and forms the sole topic of discussion. ami the luajoilty of those present
noe leing dono largely mi a caali ba«ia, MiiiH’ty thrr«’, and people are atill Ivav th« Philippine« on the rr««Mti<>n of hne* Both aides are equally con fl-1 ent that walked quietly down the stieet for
ami banka aro »coking tiew laediume mg the town by hundre«la.
hecrrtaiv Boot Itaa given the the court will decide in accordano« more thau a block without S|«akmg a
word. It was like a funeral proces­
Jraloue of Ilin United Statea, Euto mutter milch thought. mid B in view«. with tbeh views.
foi Invoalmont.
mii hifliiencra am working in Boiitl
Fiosldenl K-h-irinan, «f «*<>rnell um-
No Canal »lepori.
Meanwhile, a tragedy was being en­
veiaily, sili a-1 aa Governor Rrs-ao- Ainrrna hi opixiving a pan Ainrti<*ar received with approval hy all th« mem
Kept 8. — Kmoiy
R. acted ill the little rootn off the couit-
v-lt'a rrpreaenlatlio al Ihe Chi-ago uniiy. ’¡‘hey Nay the great lepublh her« present. lie pointed out that j Johnson, a memebr of the Nicaragua
room, where Dreyfus listener! to the
•«rka to «loiiiinale nil America.
tyttern of government which would lie
lru»t ronlormco.
canal oomiuisslon. says that no formai
-■ading of the verdict. He had been
A Washington corrrapondrnt vayi
report can be presented for at least
-obi the result by liis lawyers, and l-ad
At «Johnson Springe, Va.e a mob a«
thrtl fr<’r» ¡H>rta in Alawka are given 1« hardly do for some of the other island«, year. Thia will mean no action by th-
wept bitterly, but when in the piesence
■aultad Mormon Ehler J»»«« Woffin,
< auada by trnfathe bouudaty eg ire where the inhabitants were far le«w al* next ormgres«, which was evidently the
ami thru threatened lynching H h« at*
of the officials of the court-martial,
iix’iit, mii «I in return the United HlaU’t
intention of those who prevented any lie listened impassively to the sen­
templed priMFCUlion,
will gain additional privilege for New ■ peakir g of the matter, «aid that Seo* definite legislation at thn last session.
retary Hoot displayed broad ►tateMinan*
Thia vraia’ n»ui crop brvakN tit« if «-
England liahermun.
Il is said that tiie a-lministration is
His wife, who was waiting in tor-
nr«!. The Cnltrsl statra will prmluce
siilp «nd a knowledge of the economic
A force of 4’»0 rel»ela, with one can
not concerning itself very much about tine ami sus|-ense at bet house, bore
2,0» '».000,(100 biiNhelN, with Kanaat in
sud Social condition« on the mluii'ia.
non, attacked Senia ICila and aimul
the lapse of right» and concessions of the news bravely, aud when visitin|
the lead and Nnmaiika «ec<>n«l.
¡ lanrouNly («uagua and Hun Antoni«
the United States government, because her husband this afteruoon showed the
Chicago will Itavrt a hotel for Die were attacke«! by Lodiea of rvbrh
congress lisa ha-i opi-ortunity to act onloukeis who were in the streets no
P<>< i.
F iin I c I mnn rooms including a numbering m I miu I 600 men.
V I 0191 Ih-
All th< To oil liar
wet<ie< <>r n»i ami failed, and the responsibility, if signs of lier sufferings as she walked
»'’•y itialra
■ alb can lx* ha I for 20 to 3<> cents a limuigeiita wrre repulaed without loai
there should he no further oum-esaion fiom her carriage to tiie prison.
htght. The building will be 10 storlcw to llm Americana.
Kendrick, Idaho, Hept. IL — News obtained, will not l-e upon the admin­
Mathieu Dteyfus was not present in
According to the
josi received from Stuart, a new settlement istration. Meanwhile, where favolatile court this afternoon, hut visited bis
at-ove Kamiah, on the N*z Percesreter- negotiations can tie forwaided, our biothei after the verdict had been
The Atiirrhnn Bahkria* A« n » h lotion made public by the
vation. save the whole country Is in stat« department will give the canal rendeied.
He found him [rerfectly
nt tlirir annual convention in < I« vf our «'olonial tra<lu for
arms looking lor a cougar that ap­ favorable attention.
calm and without any manifestation of
I mid I. <»., took step* to have the num
monlha of 1NU9 I m « i
proached the home of I a - wis Johnson
surprise at the finding of tiie court.
iiiurclal |>nj«’«r I m W n Um Name the world Trade inovuinvnta uffi
I.lpton M*y Buy lakes of Klllnrney.
last Sun-lay and took from Ins door-
The prisoner simply shrugged
Matra were never i
New York, Sept. 9. — A dispatch to
yard Ins 4-year-old -laughter. With
an expressive
Eiig!i«h n«'WNpa| era seem Io regard natural aa tliia year.
the Journal aud Advertiser fioru Lon­
two little sisters, the girI was playing
’’Bahl’’ adding, us he embiaoed bis
I Im uutbreek of hoNlllitira with (hi-
A Hrallle ditpahh aaya
Aftei In front of the house, when a cougar don save:
brother, as the latter was preparing to
Ihwra mn a mere matter of time
The Njwinling auveral hun«lre«l doilaia ii
Aunouoncemeot was made here to­
»•nitialN, however, deny the «iluall-iu HRNiNiiug destitute Klondikura to thrii came out from the lunt-er. and, i-efore day that Sir Thomas Lipton has offered leave, "Console my wife.’’
th« children bad lime to make a cry of
The general belief is that Dreyfus
I n S o Nerioua.
$250,000 for the lakes of Killarney. If
Eaatorn hoiDrN, the county comtnieaioii
alarm, seised the little girl by the back
will be pardone-1; hut this will not
his offer is accepted lie intends to make
A Wa«hington
of her neck ami started for the hills at
-atlefy hie friends, who vehemently de-
a present of the beautiful estate to the
■ f coininarce haa taken a similar a*
Britain and the
once. Her playmates by their screams
•are that they will refuse to accept
Tracklayittg in Idaho.
rictlcallv agr$»F«|
brought the mother to th* d-air, wild
* verdict, and will oontinue the bat-
vest the title of the property in th-
Work on the Kootenai Valley rail­
I’ugrt a«»und guna will bo tatted I
^Hindarv line ami preaent negotiation
arrived in tune to see the cougar drag­
hands of trustees who will forever
r» late only to minor questions.
thu government a<a»n.
ging the cluId away iu its mouth. She
The verdict, they say. is directed more Keepers Neglect to Search Inline Man way has commenced in earnest. Tl-e
maintain ami preserve it as Irish na
necessary machinery for the work ar­
and He Kills Three.
tiie Jews tlisn against Dreyfus,
All | m - iu - h negotiations with the in
Chicago haa juat paNted through tht
t ion a I proj-erty.
and if allowed to stand will make their
El Paeo, Tex., Sept. 11. — Newe lias rived last week and ie now in readiness
surgnnls have lawn ausfiemled. Tim longeel «Iry aprll aii.ee the time of tht which caused the cougar to drop Ins
Sir Thomas Lipton was asked last
prey about 101) feet from the house
reached here from Chihuahua. Mexico, for operations. Superintendent Rob­
existence in Fiance iiu)-oeeible.
comtniMlon lias lawn divaolvml ami great lire In 1871.
night, on la-ard Ins steam yacht Erin,
the terrible dee-1 of a lunatio there erts expects to lav two miles per day.
military men of the scrv ica have been
The Porto Kican relief committer her ne- k having been broken. The now anchored Inside Sandv Hook,
days since. Last Tuesday a crazy If no accident occurs the rails will
given full away in the Philippines.
will appeal for aid to all tlm churcbei news spread over the settlement, ami whether the report from 1-ondon was
They drove to the station in a closed man created a disturbance among the reach Poit Hill by the mid-lie of the
Xirrect, and he confirmed tho report.
< opira of General <>tis* order grant and banka in th in country.
about 100 armed men were stain scout­
carriage, escorted by four mounted people iu the plaza. He attacked an month. The head of the lake will be
o»g home tub« to tha Inhabitants of
The Tennreaee Coal »1* lion Company ing the hills
gendarmes. The roaJ win practically American with a heavy billet of wood, reached by October 1.-
Anntmllon Fleaara llawwll.
the ir I nih I ol Nrgnai have kxmn rrct»lv$»<| ia balieve»! Io have a corner un the
For some time the settlers in tine
Jererte-I, and r.o demonstration oc­ but the American kuocked down hie
Walla Walla Bonds Bold.
Seattle, Sept. 9. — Prince David Wa-
I'V th«« wat <b«partnif’tnt, togi’tlmr with coal pioduct of Tennvaare.
vicinity have been losing cattle by four
curred en route or at the station. assailant with a walking cane. The
The city of Walla Walla, Wash., has
wanakoa. of Honolulu, who is on his
* constitution pro|a>ee<l by the people,
different cougars that have l-een seen,
Maitre Demange and Maitie Labori police arrived quickly and soon over­ sold $350,000 bonds, of which $133,-
Walker Hill, of Kt. !x»uia, liaa l»een
way to Washington to visit hie aunt,
’»¡•on who h they seek lo have aetab«
ami declare now that they will not teat
will tomorrow sign an application for powered the lunatic and took bitu off 000 were sewer and water bonds.
t-x Queen Liliuokalani, says:
lulled for thi niNvIvos a republican form choNen aa the nrit prcaidenl of tht until they are caught.
a revision of the rase, although there to jail.
Morris & Whitehead, of Portland, weie
ol government.
They locked him in a large cel), the successful bidders. They bid for
is no hope that the verdict will be re­
llarvral II and» Wanted.
Of course from a sentimental view, the
Kailway rurveyora are al work ir
verse,I. Both are much upset, though where 15 other prisoners were confined, general municipal bonds 4^ per cent
A Rilk ribbon trust Ims been organ-
Dallas, Or., Sept. IL — Hoppicking native Hawaiian feels like a man with­
Eastern Oregon ami it ia rumored thal
it can bar-ily be said that they aie sur­ and neglected to search him for wea­ interest and 5 per cent for sewer and
they are in the employ of thn Burling­
pons. It soon developed tiiat the luna­ water bonds. The total bonds sold at
Fear of
about Dallas. There is a great eearoity
had a long knife ooncealed on his a premium of $2,100.
Eligían I.
of hands. hii -I many yar-ls in the coun­ president to npi-uint our governor ami
person, and drawing it he began slash­
At Ilio Empire City Trotting park, ty ure seriously embarrassed, and Iris cabinet and let the people elect
Lewliton Buudi Sold.
Toronto bricklayers earn 87 % c«nt a New York city. Jo* Patchen defeated
ing right and left at his unaimed cell­
threshing is impeded for want of help. their legislature. When thia is done, «■is Blown Open at-d Contnnt» T-k«»
l'<'r liotir
The board of trustees ot Lewiston,
mates, Two of them were killed and
Hlar Pointer, Joint R. Gentry ami The rain lias brought both the grain there will be no cause for complaint.
Mr» Kami«»«.
a third fatally wounded before the Idaho, state normal school, has nego­
Um \\ «»liiiigton VoliintMr, Imvr Hrarchlight.
and hop harvests log-tl-ei. and prunes Annexation has -lone great things for
Cochlae, Aris., Sep». 12. — Express guards rushed in and disarmed the tiated the sale of bonds amounting to
‘*HI h «| foy lioiiiti.
Samuel B. Bmliop and lleniy Haa’ are coming on before the others are out the Hawaiian islands. The country train No. 10, on the Southern Pacific,
$7,500 at a premium of 10 per cent,
11»« Ooiiilainned sllip Relief is In bo were blown to pircra by an accident)
of the way, which will make the situa­ never was so prosperous before.’’
was robbed near her« last night bv
It is reported that the insane man thus providing an aggregate sum of
'•Rt’ll mn a floatiiiy* hospital at Manila
riplotlon of giant powdei in the .May tion worse. It is believed now that, if
foil* masked men, who blew ths safe will be shot for his crime.
$8,200 to construct two dormitories and
To Obviate Dmiiege Nulta.
the weather shall continue good, l,00C
open and took eveiything in sight.
Olia will aond tho Ohio after the flower mine at Nevada. Cal.
purchase physical and chemical ap­
Chicago, Hept. 9.—The Rock Island The amount of their booty is said to bs
Merritt Slated for the Philippines.
Khtiitiilad »Morbilli City troops at Nag
paratus for the scientific department.
An open awitoli on tha Erie road more people could obtain employment
Railway Company has Issued instruc­ small.
near Meadville, Pa., cairned a colllaion
Woolen .Mills Hushed.
Teams and wagons are in unprecedent­
The train was stopped, tho engine, patch lo the Journal and Advertiser
Yoratsn In-linn.
Iretween a freight and paaeenger train.
ter no person is to be put off a trian on mail ami expiess can weie cutoff from says:
The big woolen mills ot Thomas
tiizi-« m M-si,.,^ M
Three were killed and Biieu injured.
grain. The whole country, in fact, it account of defective transportation or the lest of the train and run a mile
After 48 hours of almost constant Kay, in Salem, is now kept running
Tula*. Chicago and New York cap! working under high pressure lor fear I for other reasons where there is the faitlior up the road, where the bandits discussion among the president, Secre­ night and day in response to orders
BritiNh Ruminai have dm I a rod a gen­ taliata have bought 8,000,000 aciea oi of rain.
slightest doubt in favor of the passen­ stopped to complete their work. The tary Root, Professor Schurman, Sena­ from all parts of tho country. Blankets
"r»l strillo and tile movement will timber anti range land in .Mexico, and
ger, or until tho train man has received express niesaonger was forced to open tor Beveridge, General Miles and Ad­ and flannels are now being turned out
Arrival of th« Nli«rl«ian.
ejectment orders from the executive his car and the robbers attacked tbs jutant-General Cotbin, It may be state-1 almost exclusively to All these orders.
will huihl up an industrial and com­
all Hi itisi,
Han Francisco, Sept. 9.—The United
officers in charge at Chicago.
»•»oiisands of reterai!« aro in attnnd- mercial center.
safe with dynamite. Ths ationg box positively that Geneial Merritt will go One hundred persons are employed.
States transport Sheridan, which left
When a forged or mutilated ticket or was soon blown o|-en ami th« contents to the Philippines.
A freight train near Williamson, W Manila August 10 with the Minnesota
'"" «1 Ilio natimiHi u A. « enoainp-
Flour for »Hwion.
No statement ia made as to what po­
"""■» m Phlladelphia.
Va., broke In two and the two eeotlom an<l Houtli Dakota soldiers on board, pass is found, the conductor is to take taken by tbs thieves, who hastily ds-
Alpha left Vancouver.
up the same and wire for instructions.
sition General Merritt is to assume, B. C., last week with a cargo of 199
Hi« r-Uall bilicherà propose to iruike came together in a tunnel, resulting in arrived this evening. The Hlieridan Of course the order does not oover paited.
They were last seen going north on but it is probable the movement con­ tons of flour for Dawson, from the Mill
«"■at tight ngainst III« trust Thev the killing of three of the train crew carries 900 memheis of the Minnesots tramps stealing rides not other cases of
foot, ami a posse started out on their templates the division of Otis' present of the Woods Milling Company. At
regiment, 852 of the South Dakota regi­
Ilo.000,00Q „( capitai and nielli­ and four traiupe.
flagrant deception.
’rail. The dynamite used on the safe duties into two departments, Merritt to Dawson flour is selling at $6 per bag
American apple« are in such great ment, 42 members of the Fourth cav­
li,«veiy largo city in thè
blew out the side cf the express cat have chaige of the military end,
Uhited States.
and at this rate the agents of the firm
<>•* of th« Demand* of Kxpnnilnn.
demand in Germany tills year thal alry, and 175 discharged men, besides
and tore up the floor. There Is uo
in the North will be able to realize
Chicago, Sept. 9.—Spanish is to lie
Mllea May Go to Philippines.
I'r"9,,( ha« withdrawn lils cono««- shipinentN have ooriinienced one month
clue to tho identity of the robbers.
something like $28,000 out of tiie
earlisr than usual. Last year 22,NM during the voyage.
taught in three of Chicago’s high
,i... 11 " '•l|lf»1,iid. Tini timo of rosi-
barrels were sent abroad. This yuai
schools. This was decided upon bv tho
'l1.!'.'.'." '" ’’""""cy lo ohlMÚi
Record (rout Washington says: Nel­ whole shipment.
Vnlhiw Futer Altuntlon.
Two A<l tl Itf mi«1 Heg 111« «n ts.
— "-»»«ry lo «Inai,1 ham hisu lina
Helena Hank Won.
New York, dept. 11.—A special te son A. Miles, general commanding tiie
Key West, Hept. II. — Thirty oa sea members of the board of education last
" Hirreasod inatead of deci (UiiMKl aa it ia ni|Micted the shipments will reach
100,000 barrels.
The result of the sale of the city
»'•'' k I iiiii I detnandtMl.
of yellow fever have been reported -lur­ «light. The nuttier came tip in the the Tribtiue from Washington sayit army, will go to the Philippines to di­
As a reward for the Santiago cam­ ing tiie past 24 hours, including two form of a report from the high school Older« will l-e issue.! from tiie wat de­ rect the military operations during the bonds of Helena, Mont., was that the
A‘ th« next «onion of
.. _. emigre«« thn paign Major General Shafter will con cases previously omitted. The total committee recommending that Spanish partment in a day or two nnuouuoing approaching campaign.
This state­ Union Bank A Trust Company, of that
*’ 1C|| f r *• »Knaii
— — - KovuriiHHHit
wülopuii ntw
lie taught in the north, soutli and went the field and staff officers of two addi­ ment, while not authorized by any an­ city, led all the Eastern banks in their
l'-'i'itv"" *|'11' ll‘"
HUIrS lol H
tional volunteer regiments, which will nouncement from the president or the premium offer «nd finally s«cured the
known, is 127. Two deaths have been division high schools.
"'O Slllijoct of Ilio-(lilial, iin.l of the Pacific with his present volun
Chicago is the first city to make pro­ be organized after the mannor of the seuetarv of war, is ma-le upon the au­ bonds, amounting to $65,900, giving a
t$»er rank after the time reached for hh ■ sported during th« past 24 hours,
«II other ron-
retirement, which was to have taker milking tiie total number of deaths visions in the public school system for ««•called immune regiments sent to thority of one of tiie ofticeis of tiie de­ premium of $730. This brings tha in-
irsnuMi11 1
**«'° hereioforo been
the teaching of Spanish.
teiest down to 8.9 per cent.
uba last year, their compauy oflloers partment.
place the 14th of September.
Brass Work» Trust.
ml privates being exclusively colored
There is no doubt that General Mil­
A Hundred-Tun Mill.
An A|»|»«nl to Vl$*t«»rln»
New York, Hept. 9. —I’renident Hew­ men, and they will lie ready to sail for desires the assignuieirt, and unless th--
The Mountain Lion Gold Mining
Amsterdam, Sept. II.—The member»
Lack of tranaportation faciliti«« tc
AiiHt,",!«'oiuiril of Western
itt. of th« Brady Metal Company, ol the Philippines early in Noveir.bor.
unexpected happens between now and Company, of Republic, Wash., hat
»(•K wihu ' i 11,11
** »''" enfritiioliis- South American porta is a-linittedly i of tli« Dirteli Transvaal committee havs this oily, «nd the Buffalo Bi»«« Com­
the middle of October, be will start for placed an order for 300.000 feet ol him-
serious hindtance lo tire oxtension ol cabled to l^iiewti Victoria, imploring pany, of Buffalo, N. Y., 1« »«ported to
bei for their new 100-ton mill. The
tritile between thè United States and her “in tho unni« of humanity ami
he intersted in a plan to form the lead­ tho army almost exhausts tho quota of
• nil-n,,1.1,''
^<'»»°*’- wliiuli Ims heim
plant is to be in operation by January
thè non ut rie» south of ili.
God’s kingdom to preserve peace."
ing brass worki hi (ai went ai Chicago, 85,000 volunteers allowed by congress.
»• to b- i"1* r,'F1'for si-vrral iiiontlis,
1 next. It will be a combination mill
San Francisco, Sept. 9.—The steam­ with 20 stamps.
Colutici Ulias. E. Jones, thè Georgi»
Astoria, Or., Sept. II.—U. C. Mas- Into a $5,000.090 trust. Mr. Miller, There will then lie 25 tegimonts of
historian, luta compiled a Hat of tilt ten, the Hvensen logger, has been in of the Galena Oil Company, ii also 1,809 men oaoh, which, with tho Pm to ship Del Norte hss arrived from Alaska
Brewery Burned.
«aid to be in the deal.
Rico naval battalion of 400 men, with 18,812 sealskins, consigned to the
enl1'i’’ui’.L A‘kl"*0"- °» We»t Vlr- aurviving confederate generala, whlch this city forthe past f«w days in search
Henry Riniger’s city brewery, at
Commercial Com­
Option« have been obtained on 15 of leaves n margin of only 1,875 In the North American
show» tliat otri of thè originai 19 lleu of men to work In his logging camp.
Rathdrum, Idaho, was totally destroyed
tonion ii »? 1 ,rtl
leads the
tmiant-generala severi serviva; of tilt He hunted the towu over, but wan com­ the largest plant«, embracing all the authorized atrongtii, or not ouito pany. They were taken under license bv fire last week. The loss ie $26,-
»'"‘‘'"‘“on of oil .ml
enough lor another regiment and a
HI major-generala, Iti are living, and pelled to return home without se.mrlug
_______ ■
*""1 thir-i I I ",l 1 Ir •oc°nd In coke
Bra«« Compauy of Jeraey City.
of 8(15 brigniliei-generals, 92 wurvlve. any.
ln"« In lumbar.
Teli regimerits w ili leavw Hun Fruii-
-la-ofoi Manila la-foie III* Ui’lober I