Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 07, 1899, Image 1

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Epitome of the Telegraphic
N cwn of the World.
Righiseli rase« and one «isath is III*
fsllow foyer sltuutiori at Kwy West.
¡Ita prenulent'a cenane procl.uiiat••••«
lo««» noi Impresa thè Culians favorably.
l'ulto Domingo City, the impuni,
ha» <l«olare«l lui Jiliilliea, I lie ruvolu-
l tonisi.
A Knnluckv d«»P«ra<lo cur rmrl out
li I* tlireut aii«l killed an officer aunt Io
arresi hlm.
Wnllrr Wclhiiat», Ilio l«M«lur t»f tht
|M>lar ri|»editI«»»». ha« artlt^l Iti Eng
Itiiid. Ilo I n piiOiubly v'tlppled tur lifn
gq u rraiill ut hit lllp
A talliij'4iiy uilh a <*.tpiluliz itlnn of
fJO.Q00.0UU H fotuiiiig in >. iii Fiat»
ti nc <» (or llm puri«»««’ ut cNi.tbliihiiig
big miei |»f iti’N III < liliiit
At toftllng t<» n Ntat•’torlil jiiol IftNiind
bv ihn ( *alifoi III.» «tNl« bnilb toililiii«-
• tonar, (he Hioruawu in «■*< te and li«
billlir« I n thè largoal tio'i «liown
The (Jnit ( m I HlutrN hoNpiluI »hip l'u-
lirf, m hit li iiM'riitly urrivril hi Hun
Erunciw«o iruio M mo II m . bua I mmui culi-
«lutn limi.
ìli« K aiinun rogiiiiriH In»" loft .M.inila
f«»r homo
The lo*a uih I T« hhi «*» bh
rtgiinrnti miu now tliu only oliai Irli
in tho tilainlN.
Most Trying Day the Pris
oner lias Gone Through.
Rennes, Kept. 2. — Dreyfus bad th
most trying «lay I«« lias y«t tf'Hlil
tlirougli. Tlie struin proved too great
tor iilin ami lor th« sa-coml litu« in tin«
course of llie'lrnil in« guv« way to his
feelings and sought relief In |’-.«i>.
Tin« genetals have liramled him »«■ a
traitor Iwfore tlm c«mrt, th«lr sulionl-
inates have |M>irit>«l the linger of seoru
at Iilin. But he only once film-lied—
when tlie ofllcial r«|>o«t of his treat­
ment on Devil’s islau-l was read l>«lore
him and th« | Ictuies of his sufferings,
luenlnl and physical, waa th-own vivid­
ly on tlm *cr«eu <>l his memory. Tln ii
he hid his features and ae| t.
11« passed througli another such
oriais (««lay, when, a(t«r Captain L«--
biun-Renault anil witness after witness
had brought before him that cohl Jan­
uary morning whiib ushered In tlm
scene of hi« degradation. Major For-
senelti, a loan of heart, t«dd in aiinplo
Words »lid iinaffei-t«- I manner tlm story
of Dreyfus’ struggle witii tlie madden­
ing temptation to Ink« his life and tlm
intervention of ln> wife, as an angel,
pointing out the imol of duty. Tlmn
again tlm prisoiiei
prisonei ’s breast Imavrxl
witii emotion ami tear drops trickled
down Iris i-heoks. II« ros«, ami after
a forced effort to ri-umili calm as hu
• [Hike a few words coin ■ ruing Ills «lenlal
to Colonel Patty deClam that he wrote
III«« bordereau, Im turned to Foraenetti.
with a l«K>k of thanks for lua consola­
tion so neeiled. Dretviis then ultereil
lliese «onia <4 heartfelt gratit
Ills wife for the cuunigu with
■lie Inspired him:
"It is due to her,* he crie«l, “that
I am alive today. "
The prisoner oould articulate no
more but sat down abruptly to conceal
Ills dislresa.
Tim pi<K-ec<lings con-
riu«le«i a few minute* Inter au I Im »as
taken back to Ina prison, where iiis
wife visited him, and ill the pre-encs
jf Mme. Dreyfus an-l the gendarmerie
|uard Im broke down completely. Tlm
tension had been too much for him.
lie sobbed convulsively and tlm partner
of hie sorrows joined him ill a Bulina
ol tears
I*me It liig Plant It timed.
Kansas City, Mo., Sept 4 —Firo
broke out at 1 o'« lock this morning in
the tug plant of the Jacob Dold Pack­
ing Company, which covets several
acres of ground on ths west river bot­
toms between Ninth street snd the
Missouri river. The fire started in the
fertilising department, burne«l througli
the engineroom and was burning fierce­
ly be (me any flic apparatus arriveil.
The water pressure in the vicinity of
the tire was very low, and tbe firemen
were hamlicapped in their work. The
fertilizing department, the
room, the ice plant, tho sausage de­
partment and tbe lar«l room were de­
stroy««!, with much costly machinery,
ami other parts of the plant were mor*
or less damaged.
Plan for Smuggling Chinamen.
Hong Kong, Sept. 4. — Reliable in­
formation is at han«! that some 40C
Chinese are to lie sliippe«l from lieie
via San Francisco, purporting ta be
airobats, juggleis, etc., (or the Phils-
delpiiia exhibition, and that ceitain
wen here have received certain sums of
money to cause them to be Linded in
America, ami the Chinese lielieve that
they will be allowml to remain there.
The fiist batch of 100 have gone for-
war«l >u the Nippon Maru. There II
no doubt that these Chinamen are
simply heiug smuggle«! into America
to remain tiiere.
Fl*» Mrn Killed.
Pitteburg, Sept. 4. — A boiler explo­
sion at the Republic Iron Works on
South Twenty-fourth street shortly be­
fore daylight today killed five men and
-• liouidy injured seven. The mill war
partly wrecked and the entire plant
a.in compelled to close down.
The explosion occurred just as the
night force was leaving and the day
force was coming on duty, so there
were only a few men in the mill at the
time. If it had happened half an hour
Inter, the list of dead and llijuied
would have been appalling.
Herveil Forty Days.
Work is soon to begin in Chicago
on a permanent agricultural exposition
building, locateil at the main entrance
to the Union stockyards and to oust
Daring Feat Accomplished by
Americans in Negros.
Manila, Kept. 5. — Argogula, the most
irnpiegnable .liongbold of tlm liamls
which bar« been destroying planta­
tions ami levying tilbiit« on the ;>eople
of Negros, was taken Thursday by the
'-Kill infantry, under Lieutenant-Col-
uml Bryn«
The only means of reach­
ing tlm town ua* up a pei|«mdicular
hill, coveioil with dense shiulrery and
I.UUU f««l liigli. Tlm Americans ac-
-<>iii(di«h> I th'» under tire, although an
ifli'-er ami several men were hit and
<H-ks weie tulle«! down upon them,
i>< native strength was estimated at
■it). Many of the rebels weie wouml-
ed and captured, and 21 were kill**.!.
the Aineruan forces «apturel a quan-
lily of stores and destroyed the foititi-
Tlie shipping commissioner of Ma­
nila. a Filipino, hitherto in high stand­
ing, has l>«eii arreat«sl, cliargw! witii
appropriating ball of the Hr at month's
»ala y and levying monthly thereafter
an assessment on all the native sailors
»hip|>ed from thl» port. fl is repre­
sented that he lielii a commission In
ibe insurgent urmy, and was raising !
funds for the insurrection; but it is
thought that his operations were mere­
ly private blackmail. The informa­
tion resulting in the arrest of the ship­
ping commissioner reachwl tlm port
captain ami chief of police thorough a
sailor who ia not In sympathy with
the insurrection.
Tim Official Gazette, published at
Tarlao, which has l>een received ,iere,
contains an Older by Aguinaldo as­
sembling tlm Spanish civil prisonets
«nd ru k sohliers at the ports of San
Fernando, Union and Dagupan for re
patriation. The order stipulates thai
vessels calling must fly the Spanish
or Red Oros, flags. Jameciila, tlm
Spanish commissioner, intends to ask
Major-General Otis fur (lertuiasiun to
«eml sli i t-s.
Fssis.l Supply
Manila. Sept. 5. — Many Spanish
prisoners are escaping tioui tbe Fili­
pinos and b.inging into the Aureiiean
hues stories ol haid treameut. They
agree that tbe Filipinos are excee«lingly
short of rations, and that a large sec­
tion of their troops is leduceil to the
use of homo-made black powder. Tha
natives are trying every schaine to get :
food and munitions from Manila, i
Daily arrests are made for attempts to |
smuggle contraband of war through the
American liims
In one case a cascoe
with a cargo of bamboo (Kilos was over-
liatiled md <! the poles nere found full
of rice.
The insurgents have a wholesome
respect fur the British on account of
«everaI threats of Bntish wsiships to
'ouibard their towns unless the rights
■ f British subjects are respected.
<>»»• < harg«*«i With 1’rrjnry.
Chicago, 8ept. ft.—The Times-Heral«!
"Chargee of perjury and suborns-
In'ti of peijury have lieen tiled against
General E. 8. Olis, com mender of tbs
American army in the Philippines,
witii President McKinley, by Frank P.
Blair, one of the oounsel for Captain
O. M. Carter, late government engineer
at Savannah. Counsel Blair declares
that at an eaily date he will also tile
charges of peijury an«i subornation ol
perjury against Judge Advocate Col­
onel Thomas 11. Barr aud President
McKinley. Colonel Barr appeare«! in
tlm famous trial of Carter for tbe gov­
ernment. General Otis was president
of the Cat ter court-mat tial."
Drwey't Clilitree Fighters.
New York, Sept. 5.—George H
Holden, who has been in the Philip­
pines attending to the prixe and bounty
claims of the sailors who look part in
the battles of the late war, is in tbe
city, in an interview he said:
“I received the utmost courtesy from
Admiral Dewey. When I was leaving
ami called to pay my respects to the
admiral, he said, among other things:
'Mr. Holden, when you get back I wish
you would see our congressman and get
him to pass a law which will allow th«
Chinese boys whom I have had with
me to come to America. If they ar*
gooil enough to tight with ns and tc
wear the medals of our government,
they are good enough to become oili-
zens.’ "
New York, Sept. 4.—A special to the
Herald from Washington says that
although lliiarn Cronk, of Ava, N. Y..
aged 9U. is still carried on the pension
rolls, press dispatches recently an­
i’Mtrlrtl Out III» Thi»aL
il, uuoed his death. Ho was not only
Sept. 6. — A report Is cur­
ilio lust survivor of the wnr of 1812,
hut also the oldest pensioner. He rent that Deputy Sheriff Lewis, of
served 40 ditvs in the fall of 1814 in Manchester, was killed yesterday In
Clay county. Several weeks ago in
the New York mililia.
Manchester, Deputy Stubblefiel«! was
Rnm|**on tn He Believed.
shut bv Matt Smith. Smith escaped
Washington, Sept. 4. — At the con­ capture, and, going to his home, sent
clusion of tire Dewey celebration, it is word to the conn tv officials that ho
announced. Admiral Sampson will be would never atteml court alive, there­
relieved of command of the Noith At­ fore it woulil be fatal for persons to at­
lantic squadron. This action is tv ken tempt to take him. Yesterday Lewis
nt the request of Sampson, who has al­ went to »erve papers on him ami lie
ready had much more than his portion was sliol dead as he passed Smith's
id sea service in his grade. Admirals house. If the report is true, this
Faiquhar and Reiney are prominently makes tlie third killing tn Clay county
mentioned ns Sampson’s successors.
the past week.
I.la Vaar t«r..d. by <l,„
»00-1. th« A.ravala.
Vancouver, B. C., Sept. 4.—The
iDirigo arriveil from Alaska trxlay with
200 («arrangers and gold dust estimated
at »260,000. Tlie biggest winner is
Barclay, of North Dakota, with »101.-
000. Among tlie pusnengers was C. 8.
Coastwoith, who went in over tlie Ed­
monton rout«. He reports tliat Dr.
Mason, of Chicago, ami others who
were sick witii »curvy at Wind City,
got though safely.
Since tlie opening of navigation, ac­
cording to passenger lists, 9 147 people
have left Dawson and 2,899 have ar­
rived thorn. This aggregate does not
include 1,600 rr.en who floated down
the river to Cape Nome. Departures
this year exceeil arrivals by 8.048. It
is estimated that there are 3,000 men
broke in the Klondike who must get
out of the country or becxrme obiects of
charity next winter.
Thu telegraph line has reached a
point on tlie Yukon river 160 miles
south of Dawson. The work is being
punhe«! ahead at the rate of five miles
a day. The government is building a
wagon trail frm Caribou crossing to a
point below White Horse rapids,
through Watson valley and around
Tliirty-Mile river. This will lessen
the distance ou the winter trail fully
100 miles.
Krok*> * Piston K«»<l as Nha Was Kat*r-
lng Mau Francisco Hay.
San Francitco, Sept. 4.—The cruiter
Newark met with a mishap as she was
3omieg into port Tuesday, the news of
which has just leaked out. When off
Angel island one of the piston rods of
the port engine broke in two and the
piston smashed through the cylinder­
head. The enigne was stopped as soon
as possible, and the cruiser proceeded
up the bay on her other engine. The
repairs will probably be made at Mare
Captain Goodrich, of the Newark,
has been detached from that command,
and today assumed command of the
battleehip Iowa, relieving Captain
Terry, who is ordered home on waiting
at den. The command of the Newark
will devolve u|>on Captain B. H. Mc­
Calla. It is expected that Captain
Terry will soon be promoted to the
rank of rear-admiral.
Twllow Fever at Key West.
4. — General
Frank, commanding tlm department of
the Gulf, has telegraphed tlie war de­
partment that four c.wes of yellow
fever have appeared at Kov West and
asked for Instructions. In reply Gen­
eral Miles sent telegraphic instruction,
directing the removal of the garrison
at Key West to such a point ns Frank
mav deem best, but suggesting Fort
The garrison at Key West is com­
posed of batteries B and N. First artil­
lery. There are no cases among the
Fever In the South.
New Orleans, Sept. -1.—An autopsy
neld today on tlie body of young
Uilolph, who dieil yesterday, revealed
the fact that death was caused by yel­
low fever. The case was reported to
tbe authorities four day» ago, but Dr.
Murphy, of tlm marine hospital serv­
ice, diil not know that the case was one
of yellow fever.
America«» In Tran.vaal-
London, Sept. 4. —A dispatch from
Shanghai reports that serious trouble
oocuried in Kiao Chou, Hinterland,
between the Germane and Chinese in
which six of the latter were shot. The
German minister to Chinn has handed
mi ultimatum to the Chinese govern­
ment declaring that unlrss there is se­
curity of life and property and order is
maintained iri Hinterland, Germany
will taka steps to proteot her own intar
Oregon Industrial Exposition
Will Show It All.
I'rndurta or Field, Farm. Forest, Fish
• ry. Min* >*n<j Orchard Will All He
There, With Splendid Movie«
The Pacific Northwest is a region of
rich resources ami it pro«iu<-ea final ma­
terial. clothing material ami bivlding
material that any section of thia great
country may well be prowl of
pualucing capacity is as yet in in in­
fancy. an«l there is great developnnu.t
to come.
In order that the products of the Pa-
eifio Northwest may tie seen an«! ex­
amined t»y the general public, a oom
rn it tee of Portland's enterprising busi-
nesa men get together every y«ar an«l
organize the Oregon Industrial Expoai
tion. These men meet every week for
months pievious to the ex>>osition and
peiform an immense amount of work
in the way of preliminary arrange­
ments. They appoint subcommittees
to atterul to all the «letails. They raise
by the voluntary subscription of Port­
land business men a guarantee fund of
about »12,000 to pay the expenses of
the exposition.
The committee collects a largo
amount of specimens ol the prodiioU
of the Northwest ami arranges them
into an attractive exhibition at the
great exposition buiding. There aro
graine and grasses in tbe sheaf, grain
ready for milling, grain roiiucod to
flour. There is wool as it comes from
the sheep’s back; scoure«!, and in tbe
I gools. Tiiere is gold an«! silver in its
native rock and ready for tiie mint.
There is timber ftesb from the forest
and polish««! ready for interior decorat­
ing. There are fish, full-grown sal­
mon, and salmon eggs from which
young salmon are being hatched out,
in plain sight of the public. Fruit
and vegetables and tbe dairy interests
are all represented, and manufacturing
enterprises show what they are doing
in tbe Northwest, many of them hav­
ing actual working plants in the great
machinery hall of the ei|>oeition build­
It takes brains, executive ability and
much money to organize ami succesa-
fully conduct a great exposition such
as Portland presents to the people.
an«l among the enterprising business
men who are the active spirits in the
affair an«l compose the exposition gen­
eral committee are: H. C. Breeden,
president; 1. N. Fleischner, vice preei-
dent; R. J. Holmes, treasurer; A. B.
Steinbach, Dan McAllen, J. E. Thiel-
sen, D. M. Dunne, H. L. Pittock, R.
C. Judson, H. D. Ramsdell, Sig.
Sichel, L. M. Spiegl, D. Solis Cohen,
C. B. Williams, Ben Selling, J. P.
Marshall, E. S. Eilwards, B. S. Pague;
W. 8. Struble, secretary; E. C. Mas-
ten, assistant secretary; H. E. Doscli,
auditor; George L. Baker, superintend­
The Oregon Industrial Exposition
will be bel«i at Portland for a full
month, from September 28 to October
28. and while it will embrace all the
best features of a state fair, it will
have special attractions in classic oon-
ceits by a full military band of 33
pieces, and acrobatic and aerial per*
iormances by some of the most re-
■owned performers in the world.
People who attend the Portland fair
not only see all tlie products of the
Northwest, but also meet thousands of
people an«l pass pleasant afternoons
ami evenings in which instruction ia
mingle«! with healthful amusement.
New York, Sept. 4.—A special to the
Ileralii from Washington save: Ac­
tion has been tak .‘n by tho state de­
partment for the protection of Ameri­
cans ami their iuteiests in the Trans­
vaal tn case of war between Great Brit­
ain ami the lloer republic. Instruc­
tions were sent by Secretary Hay today
to Consul Macrutn, at Pretoiia, di­
recting him to watch vigilantly devel-
opraents in the situation and their
New Kwilway Company.
effect upon Amerii^in citizens and their
The Salem & Pacific Coast Railway
Company tileil articles of incorpora­
They Nailed on the Pnra.
tion, with a capital stock of »125,000,
Washington, Sept. 4.—The following divided into shares of »10 each. Tbe
cablegram lias been received at tbe company will engage in the construc­
war departmetn:
tion, ««(uipment, operation and man­
"Manila, Sept. 4.—Adjutant-Gener­ agement of a main line of railway and
al, Washington: Nine hundred and telegiapb and telephono lines and of
twenty-lou: discharged soldiers eaile«i steam and elect! io lines. The line
on the Para yesterday. Find statement which this company proposes to oon
in possession of Lieutenant Gordan, struct will pass through one of the
signal officer, who will identify men to richest agricultural districts of th«
paymasters, San Francisco. Advisable Willamette valley and will open U-i
to make full preparations for prompt tracts of virgin forest to the lumber
payment on artival of Para.
men, bringing a wealth of lumber
_______________ "OTIS."
within easy reach of the market. The
place of business of the corporation is
Fighting In Congo Freq State.
Brussels, Sept. 4.—News has been to be at Falls City, Or.
receive«! of sharp lighting between the
To Manufacture Weeders.
Congo Free State troops and Batetla
The Summer Fallow Machine Coin
natives beyond Songola. The rebels
panv, which has been incorporated into
were driven hack with a love of 100
(hares of »30 each, proposes to enage
men. Tbe troops lost 2ft native sol­
in thu manufacture of a Weeder re« Bt
diers. The rebels were not followed
ly patented by M. J. Anderson, ft if
bocauso tlmy retreatdl over famine and
a contrivance intended to clear sum
smallpox devastated tracts. The coun­ trier fallow of weeds and other trouble­
try is now reported to be quiet.
some growths. It is kn«wn as th*
The 1’ublic Debt.
Anderson Wee«l Destroyer anil the ms
Washington, Sept. 4.—The monthly chines are giving excellent satisfaction.
statement of the public debt shows the The principal place of business is Da-
debt, less cash in the treasury, amounts fur. The company has erected a build­
»1,167,336.655, a deci ease of ing and «ecured machinery with which
14 ,281,116 as compared with the last to manufacture several thousand*
month. This decrease is accounted for the machines annually.
by a con es)>ondi ng inctease in cash on
A New Corporation.
E. H. Winthip and other capita’iit®
of Napa, Cal., aie forming a corpora­
Hundrftli «»f Lives Lost.
Yokohama. Sept. 4.—Hundreds of tion to establish an automobile fao-
lives have been lost by the flixxliug of tory. Several large capitalists have
a copper mine at Boshi, island of Shi­ agreed to put f 10,000 each into the en~
terpriso and f 100,000 is now in sight.
Great Northern lirxiirh«*v.
<! h , h China an Ultimatum.
Chicago. Kept. 4. — A aper-isl t«< the
Tiines-llerulft fiom Washington says:
i General Fitslmgh la w has made an
I olat-oiate report on pievailing «olid I-
| lions in the territory in Cuba under
hie jurisdiction, and takes strong
ground for an ln<!epen«lent Cuban gov­
ernment under an American protector­
ate. The war depaitirmnt in March
<iir«cti-«l tl.e coininalidern of depart­
ments in Cuba to inak« a report oi> the
oonililions In their several sections,
an«) to accompany it with recommen­
dations as to the treatment of the na­
tives. General la-« is the only com -
in ««oiler who has so far responded.
General lx«« begins hi* r«|a>rt by
stating < onditions ir. Havana and Pinar
■lei Rio provinces are making rapid
progress toward a slate of peace, good
older and prosperity. He goes into
tills in great detail, taking up the sub­
ject town by town, and showing a gen­
eral improvement throughout the west­
ern end of the island. His leport in
this respect is very gratifying, indicat­
ing as it does that there is not so much
suffering from want of («Hal as is often
asserteil in unofficial repot Is.
Turning to reeoiiimendatioris. Gen­
eral lae urge» the taking of self-gov­
ernment. Geneial la-« thinks that the
next steps shouhl be the careful con­
sideration of the question of suffrages
for th«« Unbans. Hu takes it for grant­
ed that there will be elections by the
natives, and he (mints out the in>|>ott-
ame of wise action in «leterruimng the
qualifications of voteis.
11« reoommernla an ind«-p«-ndent re­
publican government, with a president,
vice-piesnlenl ami «-ongresw. He would
have this establish««] stain, ami ad-
Vises the holding of a general election
for the selection of those officeis. He
says nothing about a constitution, leav­
ing it to be Inferred that he either over­
looked that *tep or would have it left
to th.- t’uhan congress to provide after
Its installation ill office.
General Lru evidently foresees that
while the United States might provide
Cuba with a model system oi govern-
n«< nt, the natives would he likely to
»(«oil It in tli« administration, awl lie
i.ii« submitted suggestions for keeping
th« government machinery running
along lines that commend themselves
to the American mind.
Even after relieving the Cobans in
part of American protection, ha would
have United States troops maintained
in lire islantl to protect Americans and
other aliens in the enjoyment of their
personal and pro(«ertv lights.
rh«li«<l Illa ttrolh.r to »rath.
Charles Propilene», of Milburn, N
Oalkand, Gal., Sept. 2.—As tho to-
Rn*l-klsslng league has boon In-
" 'k'>r«t«,|
|(|(, R(,(.|etT „iri.of I., says he has solved the problem of suit of a quarrel about family affairs
thia morning, Oliver Holmes, an elilet-
" ‘''Hst nicln of Cincinnntl.
Preparation for the erection of the ly resident of Livermore, was choke«!
I* 1» proposed to set up n modern
to death by bis brother, George, in a
"uri«an saw mill in China, where » I ft,000,000 steel plant which Is to be room adjoining that in which their
located nt Stony Point, near Buffalo,
n•“wed In tlie primitive
latioir bauds were eating breakfast
N. Y., are In active progress.
of „ (.e|||nry ag(>
Captain I'avla Dalton, the swimming
expert who was drowned i.ear Far
«Iiir holds in his
" real estate valued at »7,01)0,000 Rockaway, was known as the champion
life saver of the world, having rescued
**'* Roman Catholic 278 people from drownine
I.ee K«••!<»»»> mi •>»»(I n I • m I«* pMnrlrnre Witte a
Whtlo nirritullv nnliulmiit-<w|, llrnrv
l imla, n Chicago « urpunt«*r. »hot ami
kil < I hiM wifo Mini f.tl.illy woomkul hiu
t» y«ui ol<j daugbtor.
A tnrtmImr of Aduitral K niii paon ’ n
auyN ho duri noi I want to retile
Tlm t'nllrtd Stale* traiiN|M»»| (litui,
Th«t M<lmirul in hi good liealtli end
iHurmg llm l«lali<», Notili lUtol« utili
WyuiiHtig voi tiiiliurr •. Im« «ntvrl in WMiite to ituy w iti» thu MpiN'hun
A» a roNiilt of 4 row Iwlwncn ulrikM*
N mii FiamiNC*».
Ihiiitig Ilio ’«•Jsge
Atri m irpuir gttllg Ml West I’lltNtOII,
lli«r« Wi'lfi fin’ driitli«.
Ì’ m , Jolin l’ullocfc, WNN M|II m 4| and
Il I n rumoie«l Ibi»! Ilio
mi h ti* I «r
righi otborN wrro •nveicly hijnrr<l.
•iNlidltig «• to ilio I miuik L iiv in mere I v
Kfilgrr I iìin buckr<l down from the
to bohl II» check |M»«tiblu duiUuiiatit*
Ilo ha* agre. <1
Ilo»)« «l a piopoalttoll II» trilli < .ItlUrli» 4 poMlion li« liuti tMkrii.
10 ilio p|U)M»<M«<| ■ olitetene«! at Cap
firn p<>rt ut entry in Ala«ka
Town and will ripiani the frenelli*
(«Mirrai Juo \\ Lcwlrr lo nii lutti-
VlVW Witli l» pl«MM» i ori rn|M»||«ls«|il aaVe
he brlirvca »»Ita will »Miti io ike Itpld
piogrrftN. Ho N4VN he llkct Ih» i’hilip- r»u'N thrtt
piuet aii <I Ih.il (Lo tini ii '«« i * hi (hai llm VAlloli of cottoli. Mini tu «botti lo «tufi
n t iuNiul«« in thè bollili tu iprvMtl Ih»»
country in tmlicillhy I n wroog
DOW gO»|H’l.
JainrN I lami Itoli l,<wii, «if Wtahinf
Thr •(•cri’tary ni Ihn Intrrlor bue or-
loti, in aboul lu h'Avo f<»r Knglaii'l to
prr«« upon llm alloiill«»»» «>f thè HritiNh <l«tir«l tbut nbrup ho oxclmh*«l front Ih«
govrri>iiiviil th« <’l »ini« of a largo nniu- Kaiiirt r«««ri\« in Waulilngtoi«. (irun-
l»rr o! Ammortii minura, aggivgating ing in ronnitlrroil tiijnrioiiN (o foirutN
.IMHI.UOii. ami umally m ib« Thli <h< inioii in hot m precutlrtiit, unti
11 in RMhl il w 111 br Imi « «liurt I iimm
Allm «li.lrlcl
and the sup»
natii ohorp uro rKchidml fruiti all tho porters of
the l>rryfus
Tuo wti-i'k» In orm dav w«*r« r«
(tomi renrrvoN of thè uoiinlry. Inchitl-
porte,! oti III«* Ilo« k l.land
I li« r.i«t-
hig thrt greal
ly tlio entire session, their depositions
lxiu-1 tir«, « in mio a fri-iglit tram »1
containing little hut what lias already
K««ats, Ka.
1 he etrglimer ami II rem.in
Ih« tlrmftnd for lumber in unprrve- been state«! Ix-fort» the court of cassa­
ol lite pa..pngnr ti.ilu w< t« srvarely
tion. Captain l.eluun-Reiiault intro-
| l«e Keokuk «apre»» ran «ff tienimi Ihrotighotil thu countiy.
III» truck tirar i.lgiu, III
The tram
Thr» l'Al l Ire 111 p Wi neon «In wlll he duce-i the new assertion that the fact
was I>a«lIy suiasb««l, bui no urie wa. ia- rri'ly tur h«*r ir ih ! wtthtn u fortnlghl. that lie had not relatw«l tl.e incident <>t
tlie uuiifession to President Casimir»
Thw fauiotia prtlrlfleti foreatN of An*
Knglaml ha» «)«'« t«.| Ru»*ian. fr«m sona luar be set aside for M nutluDuI Parier was because he oveiheard him­
self called "canaille." “cur," and
l,»r landa at llankow «n-l trouble la mi­ park.
‘traitor,** while watting at the Ely.ee.
mi usili
lbw Union Pacltlo will inciense il» He, however, could not explain why he
An agreement has l«e«'n reaclie I witli capital slock and buy the coniieuU ut: kept this to himself for so long a time
Geimany whereby |>a<-ki«ges wi'lgh'ng line to the Pacific.
insten«! of recounting the Incident be­
il pounda iimy lui seni by post.
1 he Nebraska boys ware given a fore tlie court of cassation. Nor «lid
Kiugwr'a ««in««-».ioti, to Etigland are rousing
te« «pilon
at Omaha ami Ills explanation as to why he destroyed
the page of Ins notebook containing
•<> far roaulnng rh.it il I. llmughl bis throughout Ilia slate.
tlm recoril of Dreyfus’ confession sound
reaignalion will I h « «lemanded
Ths lawyers in »«»aioti ill Buffalo
very convincing.
In Sonili Ainerli-a tlm prtnlurts <8 favor the new bankrupt act, but be-
Greal llrltain are boing i«plai*«nl l-y lieve eiwlitors about«! have lietter pro­
lima« froin thè Utiile,) Mairs and ‘ *er- tection.
rreahlrnt Figlierò, of Manto Donilngn.
Th« taking of the census in Cuba is
A teaicnloN»
’Vidi» Irt m«n wera dasceii ling into .aid to l>e a preliminary step to th«
Sept. 2. — PreaiJent
thè t’oin iiard min« nt ____
11 an tei roll, establishment of a republican toirn of
Figlierò ha» r<wigne«l. The ministers
Fraine, a cable broka auJ all wets govern merit.
will oontinuo at tlie head of their vari­
Tl.e governor nl Vermont wanted ous departments until a provisional
Uoininerclal traveler* will en leavot heavy cannon for the lluwry salute and government has I k - i - ii formed, after
to Ilare unifonn *iyle adopte«l In mila- Ims ordered them shipped from ban which elections for presiilent and vice-
•X* lleksta by ilio ratlways of lillà Francisco.
president will occur.
The city is quiet today, but business
There is active recruiting everywhere
An Italian anarchia! org.mil
in Pern ami the government continues is at a stamlstill. Tlie Dominican
New kork «tntml timi woikm
t<> send lr<ai|>s to the interior. Busi­ gunlHiat Reataurcion is nsliore on the
over Europe aie urgauising for a ness is at a stands!til and mines aro locks at the entianco to Macons liar-
gì «ut nprlsing.
shutting ilown.
Di» reccni wilhdrawal nf troops
An agent of the British government
Porto Plata, Sept. 2. — President Fi-
csu.ed troub'o in Panar ami < ‘ebu who is in Seattle on business says that gnero yiehhal his executive authority
■•landa, bui robber baml» and si IIKHÍ Kinger does not want war, but will to his oouniil of ministers at noon to­
Tagala wera fiuiiialmd.
likely lie forced to it by younger I>I< h >«I day. Official notice of tlie change hi
A witneaa, wlio al thu former trial which now practically oonlrols his cab administration has been received from
tlie capital by General Gilbert, who is
K»vo nipnrt teatiuiony th il DiayfllS i net.
•rotai),, bordereau, has now deularad
It is re|mrte«l In Manila tliat Agui- the provisional governor of tho city bv
tlist Eatethaiv wrola il.
nahlo has ordered the telieI generals in direction of tlie revolutionary commit­
Ihroiigh tbe Irerolc work of ili» sis- the province of Cavite to close in ou tee. Witii tire fall of Ftguero thu revo­
lei» Olllv
«lenii,, |,.>,||t,.,| (rum thè an«l attempt to take the town of Imus, lution ia victorious.
<»rril,|« confi.igiuinin
il,, Oii'lmn and it is adiled tlm tioopa ate conceii-
Cape Haytion, 8ept. 2.—News just
tratmg around the town from the hike
••yluiu si «purklll, N. Y.
reoeviad bere coutilnis thè repoit timi
l'ir» traile prlvilsgea for 10 yauiS
Preaident Figlierò, of thè Dominicali
To combine the combination of republlc, has abdicated, it is sai«), tu
'»»• lioon granted Spam In tlm K'ihi
•land,. Garmany ami Greal Brilaia trusts is the object of an Incorporation, favor of Jimino».
the papers for which have recently
*dl al»o bu granted lik» prlvileges.
II a II hii Wnrnlilp« for Chinn.
been taken out in New Joiaey. The
Hi» pope bleaied thè Olyinpla's crew idea is to form one gigantic central
Rome, Sept. 2.—<>wing to the spirit
•"'! seni an autograph lettor to Ad­ company, employing the entire produc­ of opposition and evasion shown by
iri tal Dewey. Il« i» lunch coiiearned tive capacity.
tlie Chinese foreign office in the tiego-
»omit Wllr ,|1() «.ip,,,,,,,,! (!,„ |,o(„, t|,,t
now progressing between
An elirlMiiate plan Ison loot for an tiations
'* will sooii end.
Italy, the Italian squadron
alllainv of the Central American
Their fleets would combine in Chineso waters will be immediately
Di, Santo Donilngan governmant states.
reinforce«! by two torpedo-boat destioy-
»• suriemlsred to ilio revolution lata. and work together and they would con­
'« rebela rnaeliod thè c«i|iitnl «ini
Hour Women Form Itlfle Cliib«.
"" posse.»|on nini llui'ioiiiix' suuce.aor intention to have the agreement ex­
tend for 26 yea is.
’Irrew up ths (ponga.
Johannesbuig, Sept. 2.—The Bland«
Illinois white men killeil two negroes ard and Diggeis News, of Johannes«
s" satlsfuctory bava booti thè resulta
ami the colored people have called up­ buig, describes the Boer women ns
••potiinenta inaila witli tborlte, thè
warlike. They aro forming rifle clubs
>«w ligi, osp|0,j,, «li»« <>v«i«<l bv an on the authorities for prompt action.
The trouble originated in a grading In many districts ami petitioning tlie
regon professor, tlint il will he io <-« hii -
Transvinil government against granting
i'd|l,v tlm |,(„lI(| „( ordiiHimw inni ciimp nt Rockford and 10 black men
the franchise to the (Jitlanders, on tlie
“Hlticatlons fui uso in tlie Philip-
now being fed by the police lu Chicago. basis of a tive-voiir residence.
hlJi’n"*On.." 'nrK’"’1 *«!><! owner is Arch-
Ile ieli«ls nttui'ked Angeles witli ««
lilh-ty, |,«it ««1. diiv«<n otr l«y t’olorml
binlth’s uiun.
rrhk Ih’iil (halli, iuta •»••ivmg iti thè
l'hlhppHlCN, Hill Wrttl 4 lliiailai» plhii'o
New Englan«l «livelli«» aillogiaed
M Ilie» n ut M«*ti< •» ire
Ilio Ag flbuldo unti duiitHiiH.'4*<l ili»» Amuri
• Mll WMr pulir?.
I m I im I hv llm watt Ina V
11>" iiim U hi of
Th«» i’ruNNHiir d»ot li
ton*Billwnf trmty will n < m > u I mi lakrn
action wns labri» with tl
'i|* m iti» EnIgiind.
M in l'htMtlHi IleaiNt li
I ho llorm urr ruthiiig supplies Io
gl«»« kbohlnr lu a u«W
tlm N u I m I t»or<lrr tu liti prrpnrrd to
A lapaiirts«» paper ears Aguinaldo •Iriko llm fliNl blow.
I ì»w trmiN|M»rl MorgNO
W4N killrd l»y General Pio del Pilar
Ìor Muntili witli rrinion «»iimnti» tur
I an I Juiirt.
Thu iiilltlar v «••HiiHiaiidwi <if '-«nl'ri* 1 HI n , tfroiiiid«d ut Nuguiuki. Japan.
Ihryfim* frirmlN uuy thè thh» Ir«
luhal li-la
iiMlrd I»? ||.«t Ngu
t'ini«’t| un<| tlm piiwonrr ruiinut ouw I
iMiiiiiigNi» rebela.
< oinlrnihml. II in luiiuvauuu in uliiiunt
.Illlla Ihml (irrtiil, dailghtrf <•( l*’n»<|
rive Darien lilotsr* Consletsd.
A Hl< Crop This Teer.
St. Paul, Sept. 4. —It is announced
It is estimate«) that between 250,000
Darien, Ga., Sept. 6.—After three that the Great Northern coutcmidates and 800,000 bushels of grain will ba
days’ sitting, five of the rioters on trial immediately extending a branch from harvested on the Yakima Imllan reser­
here have been convicted. Tbe first Fairhaven ami an extension into the vation this fall. Four separators ara
jury retired yesterday afternoon, and Republic mining district.
engaged in threshing, including one
immediately alternar«! the judge called
from Klickitat county, and a new one
Mill Nearlag C'«u>|>l.ll«n.
a eccomi bunch of five and court sat
starte«) up bv Mason A McCloud. The
until a late hour getting evidence and
Toppenish Trailing Company has al«
hearing arguments. The court then Ca, at Chelan Falls is nearing oom- I read* shipped 16 oars of grain to tba
adjourned, and the jury retired. Up
will arrive within a week or two ifnd it Sound. Toppenish Is at present a very
to noon toilay they had not reached a will
not be long befote tho mill will be lively Station as tho shipsnenl of ftult
verdict, and II Is feare«) they will not
I to also large.
ia Operation.
* *• •**’ **ni0-