Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 17, 1899, Image 3

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Town Itoaril l’roveedlng».
Xt a «i«« ml meeting of tho town lioarl
last night three hula for theemiatruetmn
were "priir-l. Imt wen- re
jcctcd Nr» bi'la are callml lor to In-
opened Kept. 4.
tlrdcn»! that all Intcrcat cou|«ui» du«
on light
•'*’ l'“bl-
.moiintiiig to I24U0.1M). lor lour year*’
Judge I'rlm Dead.
Judge I'. I'. I'rim. «•< Oregon piom-er,
didst Oakland, <ah, Aug. 7. 11« «««
an «I I resident "I Jackwinvlllc, liavl'ig
Incited there ill l*M. For th« p»«t
three vaar» he ha» been living III Oak-
land.Cal. Mr. I'rim
77 year», 3
months and A day» old The reñíalo»
wore brought limn < l»kland nnd Interred
in tlm Jacksonville cemetery Aug. Hint
J p. tn.
A sucker i» l»>rn every minute; give
tin- bable» a chance.
J m . M<»>re strived Kuinlay from A«li
land with a wagon load ol l«-< r lor (’. D
Willem sn>! a load *4 Ume to Im used in
the conatiuction "I the K laruatli count v
lank bull ling.
Tacoma i» milcrlaining AHO army jack-
M«a who are mi their way Io th« I’litl-
ipplno. Ritli tho Taciinisitc» and the
mule« look upon th« event a» a sort of a
family reunion arid are happy.
E. 11. Itaniaby an-l a lie, ul liar low , Or.,
jar rut« ot t'arev Rnmaby and Mr». K.
E. Martin, <4 thia place, arrivo«l in the
Falla Monday, alter alsiut a month'»
traveling by team frmn the northern
]>art ot Oregon to the southern ]*arl.
Mr. Rainaby intend« ioeating in tills
part of tlm stale, Alter a look nt Klam-
»Hi In- will g i to loike county and com-
jiarc the two l-efurn investing in any
Last week 240 Indian hornea were de-
liveri«l »1 tin- »tuck yards al The Dalle»
for ahipnii'iit to the l.innlon cann«ry,
where they «ill Im converted intocsnncd
burse. Tin y wen- delivered by Yakima
Inillina, who have contract««! to lurut»li
tlie cannery with 2.<*M> lioraca at »2 A0
jwr In a I. Tin- anímala were not in first■
daxcondition, but «ill no doubt maki-
pretty lair canned mi nt.— Izmg Creek
An exchange «ays that an old clinrcli
mcials-r div I, of w I iom * g'««lm**s there
«a*aonir doubt, but «ho «aa regarded
asa pillar by th« pastor, «lio posted mi
the church .« tiotiee in llieso words:
Brother Johnson di*i*artvi (or heaven
at 4:30 tin« a. in.” and announced (lie
funeral. I'tide rural Ii thia •cjnieoiM*
tacked a telegraph blank with tln-n-
«ords; “lleavcn, tl:4t> p. m. Johuaoii
not yet amwl. Great anxiety."
John Bonner, ot Iz-at river, returned
last irid-iy from California, «lieri^ hr
went with sixty head of bore» nnd
nuiles, Mr. Ronner left here tlie 27th
"f June, having eleven head of muir»
and forty nine head of horse», lie dio
not »«Il the whole bunch at mi«' timrlmt
Imdille.i them along th« road receiving
lor Io« hnr-e« jiricen ranging frmn »-« to
an-l I«- rei'cived, mi an average, |7<’i
a head (or the mule*. Mr. Bonner sold
all but («nr hcud of hoi sea which hi-
brought hmne with him.
The Examiner ia making arrange-
menta to offer a handaotnc and valu­
able prix«- for the most pojmlar lady
reli'a»! (earlier in the three countii-s ot
l-aki-, Klamath and Modoc. The win-
Mr «ill I») decided by popular Vote.
hs name* of all th« Indy teacher* in
the Hire« cmintiim will Im |iubll»lied In
h" Examiner in its issue of August
17th,and the voting coirpnn* will al»o
published at that time. The prise
"ill I h - a handamne bicycle of superior
”'»kc, to coat »too. Dll August 17tll
• arratigenients will have lieen made
to ojien the contest, anil n complete
Mpl*natlon of thn said contest and
°w it will l«< conducted w ill Im given.
—'■al(«viuw Examiner.
•u-orgr Batchelder informs the Lake-
G'w Examiner Hint the grii«»lio|>|H-is
lnvi-almost completely destroyed the
<»y and grain crops in Barnes vnllcy,
Iover th« lin« hi Klamath. These
I* "ta »re in «m h number* and so raven-
u’ 1 ' it they have also turned their nt
'''li'ui to the wild bunch grasa, eating
(.l l ,"“
l,Hr',"l»lk. <»n tho Bnteli-
, l,r ihiis. ranch, where 325 tons of
l„"r "*** *1,1 I*1* .v,'«r la-foro the "hop-
their appearance, about
,in» "ill lie harvested ; last year 85
was the yield. It i* the aame nil
1 Harnu» valley, Nobody <■*•
ruinous pest*. Mr. Butch-
off' 11"11'"
eal ’h" I ohvch and grain
«nd clean ns a
b<)f i ' f
'C*V*»K nothing
Keep your «v« mi Duffy,
Hold. Hunsaker moved tn town with
hl» family yu»ti tdny from IlmiaiiM.
Jm- l.d»mi, prnptieloy ,,( ||(l,
| nt
I'" -wi. It a* hi tin Fa
yesterda) on
Walter Little, of | t Klamath, was
tomi |lM*N(||t) 4JM| \\ » 'Im isiliiy
By Hundreds oí Loving and
(¡ratifying Friends.
O|| |>IO»i
Harry Galarncaii i» putihig tin- gin»«
trout in It. I Huminond'» »tme thia
Wanted \ ........ . „t »«itI <>r Monnin
Moss Sutton nnd Moray Applegate
to do gviii-nil Imus, work. Apply to
Two liruve Boy* Who Have Done
Mis. J. \ . 11 < it ia I, hi .
Fruit jai» ul Duffy'».
Dreyfua' Counsel Shot,
Freali ice cream mid ire cream soda ut
(TiilwiMal's drug «lore every day.
II ksvkb , Aug. 11.—Maitre Labori,
Those saddles <d tV.illuco Biildwiu'» counsel for Dreyfus, was waylaid nnd
»re bargains. There »re only n few left. shot this morning nt 6 o’clock w bile on
tlm way to tlm trial.
Hat» and Ko» at Duffy'».
After the slmoting the wonld l«' rnur
Van Valkeiibiirg'» for watch«» nnd
jewelry. Prices th« lowi»t. (jiialily den r ran across tlm held until he
reached a railroad , lie dashed across the
John llloomingcamp pu-w d tlirxiigli track in front of a train ju«t arriving
lliu l ulls Moii'luy i i.roulo liomn from mid disappeared in tlm deiise woods.
I'oh.nel Puquart and his brother.in law,
Kprague river.
G.i-t, who accompanied f.als.ri, pursued
»2.00 in advance will pay for a year's
the murderer for some distance, but as
»ulwcription to Ih'i Weekly ffregoniaii
Isith were heavy men, they were unable
and the K i . amatii Rm m.n am .
to continue tlm purmit, and returned
M. A. L«H>»ley went to Ft. Klamath to the wounded man, leaving tlm cba-e
Monday, where lie will remain for alsmt to a numlx r of pheasant* and lalmrer*.
a week, attending to some biuin««».
Madame l.abori, w ife of the lawyer,
bii kle<irinder», price |
Luther's who is an American loijy, was notified
Kucci'sa Kb kin Grimier d>»'» |M.>rfect and rushed to her husband's side, doing
everything |s - -ible to e i-e his agony. Il
work. Baldwin's Hardware More.
is reported that the famous lawyer said
Envelop-», bill heads, letter beads,
as lie lay wounded on the ground:
statement», bilsim-N» and calling cards,
“I may die from this, but Dreyfus is
etc., ut tli.s oilice. Try iih (<>r job work. saved.”
\( . E. Conner, proprietor *4 tin- Hotel
f’olom-l Jouaust called after the cl< »*•
Oregon, and brother, <4 Ashland, are of the session « I the court-martial and
sp-nding their vacation on Hpnng cri-ek was allow< I tu co I-abori. Hcexpressed
this week.
the deejiest regret at the occurrence.
Mr. Howard, mcmlM*r of tin- firm <4 General Mercier followed, but the doc­
Wolters A Howard, grocers, <4 Medford, tors declared l.alziri could not liearsuch
wifi- and hi» mother are camped on an interview in his present state, and
Kpring ereek this week.
Mercier waa obliged to go away without
Frol Houston, Guy Hamakar and Ji.<- seeing the injured man.
King»ley went to l-t. Klamath r»atur«hiy
morning on their wheel» and returmsl
Nlon<lav via Kpring creek.
M. Word Mail:)
<’. N. Merry and party have been
Dr. (’.
Pletcher came over from Ft.
camping oil Kpring creek for two Wl'l'U« Klamath last week. The doctor re­
but left Tuesday for Crater lake, » here turned to the l'ort Tuesday where hi*
family will probably reside. lie has
they will remain several days.
There Ims l>ceri an unusually large purchuK il an eighty acre tract of meadow
ntimbi r of po p!« camped on Kpring land from .Mr. McComb, formerly of
creek this summer and us u consequence Tolo. thia county—that is, he han pur-
ch.v" 1 Mr. McComb's improvements,
the fish are not biting go-.-l now.
tin- land I «ing hay reserve and belonging
Everything at Duffy's.
a« vet to the government. Mr. Pletcher,
Judge If. L. Benson left Saturday for how, ver, will return to Medford about
Lakeview, where he will hold a sp-cial ."eptetnla-r first and continue, for a time
term of court. The caw up before him al leant, his dental profession in this
1» the Chewauean water right.
city. Mr. McComb expects to go to
Jn«t received at Van Valki nl urg's northern Diegon.
the finest line of watches, chains and
A. If. Engle, head sawyer at the
»■•lid gold jewelry ever shown in Klam­
Klamath Agency saw mill, accompanied
ath county.
Geo. 8. Nii krrson is at Eiki view, hav­ by his family and C. Barker, came in
ing returned from Warner valley Satur­ We In,.- lay. They have rented a house
day, w here he completed the lake sur­ on North B street, where they will stop
vey s to I«' used ill the Warner land ■ ase. fur a time.
Honor to Ihcmaelvc» and I heir
Dun llyan and Doi .'-mart came down
Country, Receive a Glorious Wel-
Iroiii It. Klamath Tu< ..lay, to attend
the A.O. I'. W |.»|g,.,
comc--Were fltrnbcr* of the Second
Oregon Regiment.
N.'Wt l'ialt, of K>uio, was in town ye»-
t<•<.lav, so; h ‘ i ini, n.htig the loading <»l
hl» hay on the st.-amvr.
Mil.-» bhaiki v, Agency shoemaker,
The great event, w hich tlm js-ople of
niriv.-d in th.' I .,11» Katurday to »|>ciid u Klamath Fulls were looking forward I N
month*» viu ati.m.
last work, is a thing of tl,<> past. I.i .U»t
8. t , I'.,'in I, an.| son, of Portland, I ridaf afternoon, as was ex|a-cted, lto«a
passed thruiigli Ihu I .,11» Kunduy, en­ Hutton mid Morey Applegate, the two
route to l.ukvvicw
returning hcros <>( inuny buttles mid
.Nino I'niidi lah-s Wire initiated into skirmishes in the Philippines, arrived
an I Is. aiiie iiiemlu is ■>( the Workmuli in the lulls with ('apt. I. D. Applegate.
When they first put in ap|ieurmico on
lodge I u< «day ( veiling.
lop of the lull leading into town, the
bruit jars pint, U0c per dog.; quart, large whistle on the planing mill an­
»1 i»i per d z half gallon, |1.3A |,er dux. nounced their coming. They were met
IlnldwiiFa Hardware More.
in West Klalnatli I alls by the brass
It I*. M'nlah, a traveling salesman, band and u large number of ja-ople who
and wit.*, of him | mm iseo, were regia crowded around the wagon to get u
tered at the l.inkville vcsterd*y.
glimpse of nnd to shake bunds with the
lor »lie, on,, | ini'll blildebaki>r boy» in the yellow khakis. The air was
wagon, I in. Ii me, comparatively new. rent with many hearty cheers and lints
<'. L. I*AKIII»II.
nnd hands were waved by the crowd to
Miss Aliev \jq legate returned home express their gladiu s» in the safe re­
Inst I ii lav (i .in Valdand where »he lias turn of the volunteers.
I mth for the |at»t month.
With the band in tlm lead, followed
Itrtnemls'r tti.it »2.<10 will pay for u by the two volunteers, then a muss of
yeat’a sub», tipttou to th« Weekly <>rc citixens, the procession started across
the budge and down Main street, w likli
g. tiin ii nnd the Itrci in u is,
lor i ill n f r mowing machine», was gaily decorated w ith flags nnd bunt­
rake» nn I gi nerul farm machinery cull ing, us they passed the Hotel l.inkville,
where a large crowd had assenibled, the
oil th.. I »»t I i.d bl.«, ksmith simp.
la»y« were greeted with cheers so Imid as
Till» otli.'e h»» jl - ’ n « < i vvl a iivM rii p’
to almost drown the noise of the band.
ply >4 »inti, •tier y an I in pit-pnrcl to <|u
Such was the case all along the street,
nil kind» uf job Moik nt rranonabb*
until th" home of the boy* was reached,
where n still larger crowd bail gathered
Rome good Moik « n« done Tucaday <m to welcomu them. While the band
the street by h iving tin* I< m « c roek nnd played s< veral piece* the bov* were wel
trash hauled ■ f! and then thoroughly corned l>y relative» und friend» that left
Clothing at Dufy’s.
Ih'cring Mowers, Deering Reapers.
no doubt in their mind», if there bil l
lb memls'r KLiinMh I tlh Im»* n fir«?» ever Imd been any, that Klamath lulls Ih'enng and Thomas Rakes. Four and
J. hn K nr.ot Merrill, »rrtved In the Fall»
rias» repair shop All U hi 'I n of hnthi-r welcomed them with heart* overflowing one-half f »4 mower »*»», other sizes yesterday.
Full stock of having Thon rstlerwon. of Swan lake, was doing
repair work done, la<lica' litre alio«*» a w ith love an l gratitude, and pride for cqiialy as low
UullieA» in tl.e metropolis Friday.
s|M*ci»lly at the <>. K.
the honor their regiment had liestoWed tools. Baldwin’s Hardware Store.
Th"- IHxon and «on. of Merrill, were in the
Frank Light, Henry Hereford, Mi«« Fulls the first of (he week.
A .* Fu ns, ai and Geo. II Smith left on the state of Oregon nnd to the whole
Hwturdav morning for Spring creek and country as these he rue» lnd<>ng to the Here ford and Mi»» Cannon, of Ijrkeview. Garrltt Fish and wife, of Merrill, were In the
who have lawn camping on Spring creek Falls Fr.day and Saturday.
return.«I Tn. ».lav. They rctHirl cold I lilted Mates us w ell ■» to < >reg Hl.
In the evening at 8 p. ill. exercise* f. r several days left Tues'lay for Crater clarenee stcvcn-cn of Merritt, was In town
and w. t weather there und |«.or fishing.
Norman Nu*hi>l» cnnic dowrti from were livid at tlm opera house where lake and the huckle berry patch.
ft M <' Brown and wifec-tne in from Round
If*.llama y.-t.-r lisv evening, arriving
lake Friday to attend the reception.
he catsuit'1 1 < o'cl'sk, after ■ physician
Protect your family ai.d yourself by Cha- K'—. of It » burg. p«-»e-l through town
to attend Mi- \ndrew Nichols, who is to see and welcome home again Kinm­ taking out an accident i«>hev. »10 to Monday enroute home from Lakeview.
ath*» two Volunteer*. Following is the »26 per annum pavs lor »1000 with
seriously ill.
Geo Baldwin returned from San Francisco
Wei kly idemnity ot |5 to $12..l>i».
program of the exercise»:
Monday evening
II. m . n h it yesterday aftennwin < fverture
Bv Bati'I.
< h»« Brand-a »nd sister. Mi-» Maud, were
Agent fur Aetna Insurance Co.
V( 1 . i < k to meet < bus. .’-ollara, Invocation
Ri v. C. A. MiH'kwell.
up from Merrill the first of the week.
<4 >u ran. ml ■ whois coining here to
We will pay Fifty Dollars for evi­
ill. L. Bciiaon,
I mitt Amltii »nd Ills n-.otlier. of Merrill,
rev. ivi" some horse» that he bought a A<Mrc*M*n <>( V.. ; ii..- Il I . M unit «b, dence that will convict any person, Seri* in the Fall» the first of the week.
il.- "t r.
couple of weeks ago.
persons or other brute of tearing
Altwrt Walker, of Sprague river. w»j in the
Mis. G. II. Smith. dow n our road-signs. I. A. DU FI Y Falls Monday and Tuesday- on business.
Mi»« I i.z ■ M. re land, of Ashland, who Vural «Silo
camo hero last week to take tlie I iilnwlurt i<»n of volunteer» by
Chester Hatton came up from Steele's H I* Galarm au came down from the Agency
J. W. Ilaumkar. swamp Thursday to attend the recep­ Tuc »day.
i hairinaii
teacher«' einuunatioii, received a third
(Morey!.. Applegate, tion und dunce Ft ¡.lay. He lift Monday W w Newman was In from I.<-t river Mon­
grade <.•rtificate. She will teach the Itvn|»onses
(Kos» B. .-utti-n.
day on business.
Kwan lake »■ bool thia winter.
By B.u.•!. for Oakland, Cal., via Tule lake, where S fl. King and Ja- Emery, of Ft Klamath,
Mr Md'oiniiu k came up from Kono Presentation of Flowers
I- lower Girls. lie w ill take a position in the Oakland w i re in tlie Falls Tuesday. They caine down to
Monday with the steamer “May Flower” Congratulations.
Meat C i's salesroom, a.» assistant »alcs- ride the goal ltl the A O. I’- W. lodge.
Mr and Mr- E 1. Applegate, ot Swan lake,
niter fifteen Ion» of buy which Newt
Alter the congratulatory speeches, man.
In tlie Falis Friday. They came to attend
I'ratt had purchased from fas. Lindsay. Capt.tt. C. Applegate wus culled for­
Mrs. M. W. Gavitt announces to the were
The I- at returned yesterday afternoon. ward and made a short address after public through circulars that »lie is sell the reception of the volunteers.
Fred and Mi»s B. --"- Applegate.of Swan lake.
Vistcrd.iy. I red Houston, while tuck which lie introduced Merrill E. Gale*, ing all her stock of millinery go<»ls,nuta - ame over Friday to attend the reception. I
mg signa on Mcl'ormnck'a steamer at secretary id the Indian commission nt and candy at cost. Those desiring any­ Ml-» !' -
■ k can • i v. r from
the wharf, took a high .live from n I m . u I Washington, and 11. II. Pratt. *U]ieriii- thing in her line should call early as the slew »unday for a few wee ks* visit with friends
and relatives ill the Fall.«.
| i i I ol bay into tlie lake. I're.l says tendcnt of the Indian school at Carlisle, goods are selling fast.
J i Crulekshank. ol Hungry Hollow . was in
the walci is wet and the water thirty Pa. These two gentlemen delivered
Croquet sets at Duffy's.
tow n the first of the we< k.
ter t d< ep.
able »|M*eclies which nero appreciate«!
O. C. Applegate came dow n from the
y, a ho in 1» Agency Friday to attend the reception
Mr and Mi« s .E. Marlin, Mis* l.irxic by tlie audience. Xi
that i ofjhe volunteers. He was nccoiiij-aniel
and Johnnie Martin and t’nrey Ranisby inenilwr i i lire
<vÄo go
returned f> m spring creek Sunday, the regular ■jjjg'
rrill E. Gates and Col. !‘t.itt. win I»IKRI>ORFE At Klamath Fails. Or., Aug. 11,
Ihv vwlnn-
where they had Irecn for the |>a»t week to the front and take
i their w ay cast, I"?*»; tu Mr and Mrs W 11. IMerdorff, a son.
( Itd.ii'g the s|«'.'kled la'iiutira which teers have left, saying I
gcncy tor ul ■' II \RKS Near Merrill, Aug. 15.18W: to Mr. and
Mr*. Win. Barks, a 12 pound son.
that str. mi nffords. Mr. Martin caught and business to do this foF*
their return no grand reception would
a twelve |«>under.
Mir« L l.i Brandon, of Merrill, who I« given. He also said, |«unting to the
S "‘^1
loist Saturday, N
had her uiin friictured aliollt four two I hivs in uniform, that these two
un nth» ago l-y Iwing thrown from n young men nre only two of a jot, lot. A a his way to town from Nayb
Mix ItvrtU
i Sail Francisco laat week we understand, these two boys nre good large yellow rattle inakc, wliicli nieosFr At sTIX
K'.smn’h F»r>s. Or.. Ans 15,1
to have it rebroken mid set, as she was representatives of the volunteers, nnd the ured 47 inches long. It was sold to T.
nimble tn u»e it,on account of the ell«.w tincst class of men the United Mates F. Miner, who had the hide taken off. and Mabel Brandon; llcv. VV. It. l>ier.lorft
I m mg stiff. She is ut Dr. laine'a hos­ ever sent ns a “job lol” to meet a foe, which are used for a great many fancy
oniann nts.
Miss Brandon is an accomplished
proved themselves worthy of the name
(Iranit ware at Duffy’s.
young lady, and a sister of F. 8. and G.
Next Sunday, weather permitting.
and the ting they fought for. After the
Eminitt Austin, of Merrill, was in the W. Brandon, the Merrill millers. Mr.
Capt* Kiehmdaon will give an excursion
on In» steamer around the Klmimth exercises the hull W1.S cleared nnd ever- Falls the first of tlie week and informs us Austin, formerly of Oakland, Cal., anil
lake. The I hiii I w ill leave the landing body enjoyed themselves to their hearts that the cable he was going to lay across who with liis father and mother located
content by tripping the light fantastic Tule lake to connect the Klamath Fnlls- at Merrill last October, is an enterpris­
nt 7 :30 ii . in., touching at I tennis* resort,
Meri ill telephone lino with Montague ing young man. Mr. Austin is one of
Pelican bay lodge and the Agency land­ until 3:30 n. m.
At 12 o'clock midnight a sumptuous will not be laid this fall as the cable the promoters in the Merrill-Klamath
ing, arriving home nt 0 p. in. The
round I < ip w ill be 7o lent». Those who banquet was spread nt the Hotel Link- that was to lie used, which is second Falls telephone line. They left for their
ville, and ns the crowd came into the handed, is no giMxl. The company will home at Merrill yesterday.
go should prepare a lunch.
The Rgrt nLti tx joins with many
dining room the orchestra began play­ probably purchase a new one next
A camping party nonaistingof Mr. nnd ing and received them with strains <>(
friends in extending congratulations and
Mis. <’.«».< lopton, Misses Loll Hattoll patriotic music. There were plenty of
best vv ishes.
Milk Pans at Duffy 's.
mid Ihtra l.indsny mid W. 1». Brown left people and plenty to eat mid that they
ForSale—A first class Kimbal Organ.
Tuesday morning for an extended out­ nil enjoyed the treat was evident by the
A large cumping party from Medford,
G xo. T. B aldsix .
ing in the mountains. They will visit way the boiled ham, chicken, sand­ who have liven visiting all the noted
Falls has a first-
Crater lake, Spring creek mid the wiches, pics, cakes, etc., disappeared. places of interest and summer resorts .
O. K.
buckle lierry patch mid return via Peli­ During the banquet toasts were given tor the past two weeks, passed through
At the present rate of paying scalp
can bay. They will lie gone alotut three by several prominent men of the Falls. town yesterday on their way home.
The reception was nil that the most The party consisted ot fifteen people, liounties, it will probably cost the state
Prof. Godfrey, tin1 aeronaut nnd wire- sanguine eolild have wished for, mid the traveling in five wagons, and were i « r $f00,000 in the next ten years.
One of the features of the Oregon In­
walker, w ill give one of his attractivn boys iipprecinte what was done in honor follows: D. T. Lawton, wife and three
exhibitions in Alturas Sntiirdiiv mid on of their return home to Klamath Falls. chi Id ion and nephew, Mort Lawton, dustrial Exposition this sen-on will be a
Mr. and Mrs. Meeker, Mrs. W. II. war museum. It will consist of trophic»,
Kiindny li<‘ " ill make nluilloon nscensioii
To Rev. W. II. Dienlorff is duo the Meeker, Mrs. Medviiski mid daughter, relies ami curios brought back from the
mid parachute drop. Mr. Gmlfrcy will
proluibly come through the Falla this cri'dit for the huntlsomudecoration* that Messrs. Billy Bates, ('ml Sample mid I’hilippines by the Oregon volunteers,
Clarence Meeker and Miss Ruba Kel­ and tlie collection w ill be one such as
year mid it he does lie is sure of it good adorned the opera house.
logg, of Portland.
was never before seen in the northwest.
midience. The balloon ascension mid
Mrs. It. W. Mnrplo nnd Mrs. H. F.
The fair wiil be held from Sept. 23 to
Shoes and Gloves at Duffy's
parachute jump is something the people Schallock furnished the benutiful (lowers
do not see very often here.
Klamath county was visited liv a Oct. 28, and all railroad and steamboat
that were used to decorate the stage nt
Ross Sutton and Morey Applegate nre the opera house Friday evening.
heavy rain storm last Saturday and Sun­ lines will give reduced rates.
■ammam ——
| day w hich delayed harvesting tor several
Last Monday a jiedestrhn from the
the the only whole thing in town now,
Mr. Kiernan Imd the dining room of
since they returned from soldier life in
days. In the fVoial river section the south passed through Alturas on his way
ths Hotel l.inkville decorated in an nr-
the riiilippine«. The rest of uh ordinary
heavy rain caused some damage to the to the state of Washington, his camp­
tistic manner nnd over the door in large
fellows don’t cut much figure, any more.
buy, ns there was a large amount down ing outfit being stone I in a wheelbar­
letters was the word "Welcome," which
Hut tlxn we don’t care for tluit as we
which was not dry, mid the stacks that row which be trundled cheerily along
was tho first thing to catch the eye ot
are not complsted were badly soaked On being questioned, he said that he
are glad to have the boys with uh again.
tlie volunteers, the next was the good
They have ii great many curios which
with water, tin and near the moun­ started out on hi* journey with a pack-
things spread on the table to eat.
tains there was a heavy snow storm all horse, but found it so much trouble to
they nre giving to friends, mid others
The girl w ho can walk along the street day. There Ims been an entire absence pack and unpack the load every day, so
they take delight in show ing, among
them a great ninny photographs giving attached to a hero of the Second is an of warm weather during tlie weak. On he sold the animal and eelecte I a wheel-
a good idea of the country they were in nearly in heaven as she can ever be on Monday night a heavy f>o t di I a great l.in.iw n a ( empanioo in hi wander
deal of damage till over the county.
1 inj.-New Era.
nnd life of the Filipino,
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Dry Goods.
Just Received an on Display at
PH ì
1 *
Lowest Prices
Merit Is tlio Trade
tie is tlie True Test of
L. F WILLITS, Prop'r.
and Jeweler
^ > > > > J*
Next door to Postoffice, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Watches, Clocks and Spectacles repaired. Fine line of Jewelry
kept in stock at lowest prices.
In Order To £
Make Room £
for Our Fall 6
Goods Cheap. \
Call And See US
Is The Largest and Most Progressive School in Southern
New buildings, new apparatus and fixtures, fine campus, healthful location,
delightful climate, excellent Intitience* for students.
I'nurse of study the same ns at other normals of the state.
Best advantages in Vocal and Instrumental music to be found in Kouthem
Training school fully equipped and in charge of n thorough critic teacher.
Tuition ffi.25 per term ; music
and $10 per term ; board at hall $1.75, «nd
lodging 50c per week, student* furnishing bed clothing; family board I2.50 and
$125 pays all expanses for one vear's schooling, including books-
The shortest and most thorough route to a state certificate, is the normal
course. Review classes lor teachers throughout the year.
First terin opens September 11. For catalogue information, address
W. T. »IN SCOT President.