!• |<«»rUMHK»N AI. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. Publlxhed every Thurml»» by THE REITBLICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. CHAS. I. nOBBRTS, M»wr. SVMCBIPTION RAT»*: One of the features planned for the Oregon Industrial Exposition is a re­ union of all the Oregon soldiers who took part in the late war. It will bring together all the young men who saw ser­ vice for their country, and give thous­ ands of people a chance to greet and mingle with them. For 90 Days Only BANK ALE* MARTIN 4. CO Attorney -at-Law. K lamath F ail ». • A Grand Offer For $2.00 Address all Orders to the Klamath Republican. BILLIARD HALL Bargains In Dress Goods Notice is hereby given that there are funds in the County Treasury for the redemption of Klamath County Warrant No. 4097 protested January 12 1891. Interest on same will cease from this date. H. II. V an V aikenbur «, County Treasurer. I Dated at Klamath Falls, Or., this 13th day of July, 1899. Staple and Fancy The Oregon boys found at every sta­ Notice to Stockholders tion on their progress through the state of the Klamath Falls Light & Water the esee"1 “('<« welcome that San Fran­ Co. cisco, with all her generosity and loy­ The annual meeting of the Klamath alty, could not furnish—the subtle es­ Falls Light and Water Co., will be held sence generated by kindred blood and x-y- S. INDIAN SERVICE, Klamath Agency, I at the office of the company at Klamath Augnxt 15th, 1S99. Sealed pro­ I distilled by parental and fraternal love posals. • Oregon, Indorsed: "Proposals for Net Beet Falls, Oregon, on Monday the 4th day Country Produce Bought and Flour, " etc., as the ma»- be, and addressed and pride. The boys are something to the undersigned, case at Klamath Agency, Ore­ of September, 1899, at 10 o’clock a. m. more to the home folks than soldiers gon, will be received at the agency until two Said meeting is for the purpose of elect­ Sold. ’clock p. m. of Saturday, September 2nd. 1S99. who have discharged every duty and o for furnishing and delivering at this agency ing Directors to serve for the ensuing and schools connected therewith, as required trust for which they enlisted; they are during the fiscal year end ng June 30. 1899, a year or until their successors are elected sons and brothers, husbands and quantity of net beef, flour, oats, wheat, rve, and qualified. barley, bran, timothy seed, and blacksmith's fathers, who have come back to those coal, a full ¡1st of the articles, together with Dated at Klamath Falls, Or., Aug. 3, and instructions to bidders may who loved them before they were sol­ speciflations G eo . T. B aldwin , C. R. De Lap, Prop’r. be had b»- making application to the under­ 1899. diers, and to whom the glory they have signed. For an»- additional information,apply Sec. Klamath Falls Light & Water Co. toO. C. ArrLZGATZ, V. 8. Indian Agent. i won in the service of the nation is sub­ ordinate to the love to which they were Notice to Contractors. I SUMMONS born. A brave man belongs to bis coun­ K lamath F alls , O r ., Aug. 17, 1899. try in a wide sense, that insures him In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, | Sealed bids will be received by the un­ a demonstrative welcome on his return for the County of Klamath. J. W. Lindsay, Plaintiff. \ Action at dersigned, until Sept. 4, 1899, at 12 Largest and Most Tfom arduous military duty, but he be­ vs. > Law to recover o’clock p. m. for the construction of a Frank W.Morgan Defendant ) money. longs to bis home in the deeper sense To Frank W. Morgan, the above named town ball in Klamath Falls, Oregon, Centrally Located. khat findsexpression of welcome in tears defendant In the name of the State of Oregon: you are contractor to furnish all material and , of joy, tender embraces and fervent ex­ hereby required to appear and answer the labor. filed against you in the above en­ pressions of thankfullness for his safe complaint titled action on or before Thursday the seventh Successful bidder will be required to ‘ return. California's welcome to the Ore­ day of September, 1899, being the last da> of time prescribed in the order for publica­ give a good and sufficient bond for the | gon troops was all that could be desired the tion of this summons, the first publication fullfillment of contract. . . Furnished with or without being on the 27th day of July, 1899; And —more than could have been expected— thereof drivers. Traveler»conveyed if you fail to answer, for want thereof the , Board reserves the rignt to reject any | but that of Oregon exceeded it, in that it plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief' to all points at reasonable and all bids. in the complaint herein, to wit: was a welcome to our own. The one 1 demanded rates. For a judgment against the defendant for the , For specifications call on undersigned. was a greeting of grace—the other of sum of Two Hundred and Eighty-Four and 2 «5 j 100 dollars, together with tne plaintiff’s costa AGER AND By order of board of trustees. nature and grace combined. and disbursements of said action. And for an KLAMATH FALLS C. L. P arrish , Recorder. order of the court that any property taken | under attachment herein, be sold to satisfy the Free Sample Rooms The town of Glen City, Pa., was the judgment obtained by plaintiff in said action. I . This summons is served by publication there- for accommodation of commcrcia\ scene of wild excitement on the 2d in­ 1 of in the K lamath R epublican , by order of traveiein. Hon. ILL. Benson, one of the Judges of said stant, caused by a mob which attacked court, which said order was made in said act­ the house of James Paige, who wished ion on the 25th day of July 1899, and required R. W. MARPLE. Prop’r. that summons therein be published once a to honor the memory of Robert G. In­ week for a period of six consecutive and suc­ Contractor and Builder. cessive weeks from the 27th dav of July. 1899. .Vain Street, • Klamath Fall», Oregon gersoll by displaying a flag at half- JOHN 8. ORR. Attorney for Plaintiff mast from the village flagpole. The peo­ ple were roused to mob violence by the Plans and Estimates Furnish­ Rev. Theodore Banks, who on the pre­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE vious Sunday denounced agnostics and ed Free of Cost. atheists in general, and Paige in partic­ By virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court ular, who, he said, was possessed of the of the County of Klamath. State of Oregon, KLAMATH FALLS, - - OREGON. the 8th day of August 1899, in a certain I devil. He said it was a sacrilege to use dated action in the Circuit Court for said County and State wherein J.. If. Amsburv as Plaintiff IN THE TOWN YOU EARN IT the American flag to symbolize un­ recovered Judgment against Frank T. Nelson Christian notions, and expressed his in­ and Nellie A. Nelson for the sum of Four Four Hundred Seventy-two and 0 Is a pretty good motto provirl-i j tention to tear the flag down or float it Thousand 66-100 dollars and costs and disbursements tax­ 0 ed you can get the same 3 vaimi ____ at Fifteen dollars, on the 20th day of June. from the top of the pole. When he at­ ed 0 that you can get elsewhere.! 1899. tempted to do so, Paige met him with a Notice is hereby given that I will on Satur­ We claim that our gomte ari'( the 9th dav of September. 1899, at the front If so, we have the Best in A 0 the Irest and our ¡dices the( gun. The parson spent the next two day door of the Court House in Klamath Falls in a lowest. County, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of the market. days in organizing a mob, which visited said said day. sell at public auction to the highest • , Paige’s house, broke down the flagpole, bidder for cash, the following described proo- to-wit: ‘ Albany Beer by the keg or ^Clothing, Gents' Furnishings i broke in the doors and windows, and erty, The undivided one-half interest in and to the 8'^ of NK'L BEU of NW NE 1 . of SEU of bottle. S Hats of Every Style. ' would have handled Paige roughly had Section 17, N W'4 of SW«4 of Bee. 7. NE' . nt SE not some persons taken him away. A U of See 1R, Lots 2 and 3 of Bee. 8, NU of NW . x Shirts that Fit, and 1 Ml'« of Bee 17, WU of swuand Loti 1(), 11 parson that does not know that an of 12 and 13 of Sec. 5, sk*4 of SEiJand Lots«, 9, ]o 11 of Sec. 6, lx»ts 4, 5, 6, of Bee. 7, WU of 0 Neckties that are < American citizen is as free to place a and NWU, KE'4 of NW<4, 8W«4 of NEU, NEU of, flag at half-mast for Ingersoll as he has SW4. NWU of 8EU ami Lots 4. 5, 6, I, 8, 9, 10, J Beauties. ' 12 or Sec.8;BW » of SW4 and Lots Gand for Talmage is a disgrace to his profes­ 7 11 of an<. «tR ’ fi judgment in favor of L. H. "j ‘ -r down th" National c< I rs Anrhiny, again-» -aid Prank J Nelm aud It • • • than to place tliein at half-mast tor an; Nellie '.. Nt-ison with interest thereon, •ogetber with all costs and disbursements that citizen and this Banks is not worthy of ha.- mJ may s . t A. KERSHNER. Sheriff. I the protection afforded an American By C. L. Parrish, I)<-pntv. I Klamttlh fatti, Or. I ated at Klamatn Fall«, Or., Aug. 9,1899. citizen. GROCERIES MODEL CASH STORE Attorney-at-Law. K lamath F allu . • O hkion . COLLECTIONS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY []IRAM F. MURDOCH. Attorney-at-Law. office tirar ronloff'*»’ ACCOUNTS SOLICITED K lamath F aliji , • O mbhom . pRED H. MILLS, Hotel Linkville Attorney-at-Law. K i . amatii F ai . i ■, ■ C. RUTENIC, Under New Management W. B. GRIFFITH * Spend Your Money \ Do You Drink ........ WINE? SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN BEST ACCOMMODATIONS IN THE CITY GOOD VIANDS. , — 5 : <>Rlrii|C Store The bar-room In eonnec’lon with th» hotel I. protldnl over by courteous »ad «entl.nt.nl» mixologist., and only the Une.t br.ud. of Wine., Liquor, .nd < !««. .re dt.pen.ed to p.truu. V : : y y B. HARGUS, M. lì. JjWS- E. W- GOWEN, County tnenager for A I AV I rvimsltee. Office, Conger Avenue. Klamath Fall», Oregon. Livery and Feed Stables v Having purchased Mr. Farrar’s interest in the Ex­ change Stables and having had everything overhauled, we are now prepared to turn out only tirst—class rigs. Call and see us. W. W. Hazen, Prop’r. < >rCLi<) Klamath FnllN L. LEA Y ITT. (Kt County Clerk ) Abstracter. Searcher of Records and Conveyancer. Oficr, .Vain stmt, t'uurt Huutf, K liiiiKith )•<•//«, DrfffoH, ng « complete atMlrael <»! It»«» lands of Klainafh couhl) I am j r-part-«! to hirnUh reliable Information on land matterà ami llllaft. l auti tlllnx* matlr in utrlrt • t>iu|« I edge of Klamath rralljr I ihr on I yr l*rc «cut iig m-rah.i, • r* • «»r«1 in Klamath min­ ty Anriit f<»c ihe London A Lancashire Hr« Insurance t’ompany. Do You Know the News ? Yuu l PorllaM. Ori-zon It I. II,,, larnrat mnin, tt»w. |>a|H-r |>ll"hrd in l>rv«nn: It rnntaln. all the nrwl of the »lair and of the na­ tion. Try It lor a month. A sample copy «III he mailed to you Ire«. Ad­ il r«M 7 he Telegram, Portland, Or HILL'S MANUEL of Social and IltiainuN Forma is one . The Klamath Falls Hardware Dealer Has on Hand the Most COMPLETE Slock in Southern Ore­ Fine Livery Turnouts... gon Consisting in Part of Stage Line. NICKERSON, (jEO. The Mammoth Weekly J. M. KIERNAN, Proprietor.» • • Oregonian and the Klamath Republican in Advance. <»■«••«»»•. PROPRIETORS ------------------------- »2 (XI t (XI AO 10 JOHN S. ORR, K lamath C ounty ... It is a dull day down south when the people do not get together and lynch a few negros. It is a sign of enterprise to see business men of a community pull together. This is what the southern THURSDAY. AUGUST 17, 189» colonels do soon after throwing their rope on a darkey. It may be said of the IN BRYAN’S STATE. victim», also, that they have a habit of hanging together for the good of the A dispatch from Omaha says: “The industrial situation through this community.—McMinnville Reporter. part of the Missouri valley is indicative A Converted Agnostic. of the general prosperity that appears to A special to the Chicago Chronicle prevail throughout the entire West. from Toledo, O., says: On the evening Ordinarily July witnesses very little of August 15, in the middle of the street business in the commercial world among in front of the Memorial United Breth-1 Missouri River jobbers, but this month ren church, this city, the elegantly is an exception. Wholesalers generally bound volumes which compose the lib­ have scarely had time to invoice their rary of Marshall O. Waggoner, formerly ’ stocks and ascertain the extent of busi­ one of the most pronounced agnostics in 1 ness for the first six months of the year.” This is the situation in Mr. Bryan’s the world, will be burned. He was recently converted to Chris-1 own State, and in the other States near tianitv. and made a public declaration of ■ by. It makes an effective contrast to faith a few weeks ago and became a the situation which existed in that re­ member of the United Brethren church. gion during the years when the policy The library is valued at several thousand i of Free-Trade, so vigorously supported by Mr. Bryan, both in and out of Con­ dollars. gress, was in force, and the Wilson law Pokegama Lumber Mill Suit Decided. was exerting its blighting influence Judge Morrow has finally decided the upon the industries of the country. It suit of the Pokegama Sugar Pine Lum-, is pretty safe to say that the business ber Co. vs. The Klamath River Lumber ' men of Nebraska and other Missouri Co., in favor of the former. The 8. F. t River Valley States will not have any Post says the case has attracted consid-1 use for Mr. Bryan or for any other erable attention in lumber circles owing Free-Trader in 1900. to the extensive plant involved in the j dispute. The suit was the result of the Astor, the multi-millionaire, is not the first distinguished American to renounce efforts of the Klamath River Lumber j his allegiance to Uncle Sam in order Company to secure possession of a lum- j to become a British subject—there was bering plant at Klamathon, Siskiyou county, they claiming that the Pokegama Benedict Arnold. Company had not lived up to the terms ' The corn bins of Nebraska are full to of a lease. overflowing, and the farmers are corres­ On February 24, 1897, the Klamath pondingly happy. Now this must grate River Company entered into a contract 1 on the politicai nerves of that prince of with Hervey Lindley by which the two ‘ parties were to operate a mill at Klam­ demagogues, W. J. Bryan. athon. Later Lindley secured a lease | Binger Hermann,commissioner of the on the entire plant, and transferred it general land office, has secured out of the to the Pokegama Company. The latter congressional appropriation for the sur­ concern built additional railroads and vey of public lands for the coming fiscal milled a large quantity of timber. year, an appropriation of 120,000 for the The Klamath River Company was not state of Oregon. This is a very liberal satisfied with the progress made, and slice of the appropriation for this state, sought to sell the plant to another con­ the apportionment for last year, which cern. In February, 1898, the company was considered very libera), being 120,- sent armed men to the mills, and, ac­ TONSORIAL cording to the Pokegama Company, took 000. PARLORS forcible possession. The latter concern What Mr. Havemeyer would like to was unable to further operate the plant, eee is the free admission of raw sugar and secured an injunction. Later, suit and a good sized duty levied upon re­ was brought to prevent the Klamath ; fined sugar, this giving his refineries ab­ River Company from interfering with Notice to Taxpayers. solute control of the American market. the operation of the plant, and Judge Notice is hereby given that on Mon-' After crushing the domestic production, Morrow has decided that the Pokegama Mr. Havemeyer and his associates would Company is entitled to the property un­ day, the 28th day of August, 1899, the KY TAYLOR. Prop’r. certainly have a good thing. The great der the terms of the lease, which is in County Board of Equalization will at-1 tend at the office of the County Clerk of injustice of the present schedule lies in effect until March, 1904. Klamath county, State of Oregon, and the fact that it enables the Southern cane growers and the Western beet sugar Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers. remain in session one week, during-which time the assessment roll will be exam­ Fruits, Confectionery, Cigars factories to make a profit which really On the first day of September, I will ined and all errors corrected and it shall ought to go into the pockets of the sugar begin levying on property for delinquent be the duty of ali persons interested to trust. Mr. Havemeyer is a sadly abused A. K ershner , the appear at time and place named. man and the beet way to do exact justice taxes. Sheriff and Tax Collector. W m . S. H oagland , County Assessor. will be to carry his Free-Trade ideas a By C. L. Parrish, Deputy step further and admit refined sugar COUNTY TREASURERS NOTICE. -A FULL LINE OF- 1 K lamath F alls , O b ., Aug. 3, 1899. free .—Seattle Post-I ntell igencer. One year (in advance) 81 x months Three months................................... Mingle copies Advertising at reasonable rates.