The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 06, 1941, Page 7, Image 7

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    Jmt , nut
Midland Zmpine, NeuPi
the best known and most color
ful Indian women of Hi Spruituc
River district Is gone. The com
mntlty wui shuikril to learn
Monday inornlnu thut Mamie
Crunie had pukicd awuy after
a short lllnru In the Klumuth
Aucncy hoipitul. tor 17 yrurs
Mra. L'rumu hud brrn nprviully
prominent in Ihr vunuus uctivt
tKa of the school anil communi
ty. Kuril murium! lie lirouiilit
hrr carload of children to
school, often droppiim In to
have a friendly chat with the
teaeliem. At school functions,
athletic events of community
ventures Mil' He and her family
cams curly and supported the
affairs with generosity and en
thusiasm. Iter lust public ap
pearance wa at the school pic
nic lute In Muy. Although her
liralth had been failing for the
last year (ho did not let this
impair hrr usual activity.
tour of the Crume children
attended Ihr Sprugue Hiver
cIiikiI. They were prominent
In athletics and tmiMc. Mrs.
Crume was very anxious that
the children gel a good educa
tion and come out of school
prepared to help the people of
her race.
The people of Spmcue Hiver
will greatly miss Mamie Cruinc
and tha syututhy of the entire
community Is extended to her
husband. Sylvan Crump, and
the children, Wilfred, Itumnnu,
Patsey and Irwin.
Damascus, fnmnus city of the
Holy Land, Is shoped like a tennis
TWfVa quirk u(t riirla wny to
l1p toll kp your htii frm
!ha mil T iirntkli ltt MAI H
arrof th'tr Inula an-l In crtv-k ami
HI llArM-f-r mr rt yr-U
n of lh bt vrotiH-Imn aKainat
th niatf nttiiim !!.
In MmmIj Killer an 1 mt mi lraf,
m t- J hi isaul khnt
Homer llcaton has under way
Improvements on his service
station that include a new
pump islund, canopy and pav
ing. The station handles Union
Oil products.
Mis. Florence Wood, Chlco,
mother of Homer lleuton, ac
companied by Mrs. Kthel l'osey,
is expected to lirrlvo the latter
part of tho week for u visit at
Ihe llcaton home. The guests
are en route homo alter an ex
tended trip through the cast
and middle west thut took them
to Detroit where they purchased
u new cur, to t.'uuudu and Hills
dale, Mich., Inlo the Dukotus
and west viu Yellowstone purk
and Portland.
llulph W. Martin, Kugene, has
been a recent house guest of Mr,
and Mrs. Willard L. Smith.
Mis. William A. Haskins and
two childr Pinolu, Calif., ure
gocts at the homo of Mrs. Ilas
kins' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Taylor.
Merrill grangers ure asked to
note that there will be only one
grange meeting each month dur
ing the mouths of June, July
and AuguM, with the June
meeting falling on June 23.
Four-H club summer school
delegates, Carroll Kundra and
Hetty Turner, who will attend
on scholarships offered by the
grunge, are leuvuig for Cor
vullis for two weeks.
K. W. Hill wus called to Eu
gene Monday night by the criti
cal Illness of his futher, A. E.
Hill, HuM-burg, who is a patient
in a hospital at Kugene. Word
leuclung Mrs. Hill here Wed
nesday regarding his condition
was not favorable. The 71-ycur-eld
pulieut is well known In
the Klamath basin, having visit
ed here several times a year on
business Other children in the
family. Mrs. C. V. Cook, Klam
ath Falls, Mrs. Edith Montellus.
Itrno. anil Mrs. Ruth Jensen,
Wutsoiiville. Culif., have also
been callct to the bedside.
Airs. Ann Donnelly, accom-
' pained by her two
i mother, Mrs. l.uura
MERRILL The Service club
has accepted an Invitation ex
tended by the Tulclake cham
ber of commerce to play a
round of donkey polo and donkey
baseball at Tulclake Friday eve
ning of this week, with Uel Dil
lurdaclcctcd captain of the Mer
rill players and William Clen
dencn as captain of the Tulclake
A report on the dump clean
up program here was made to
the effect thut the city dump
ing ground has been cleaned and
old refuso thrown Into a ditch.
Those taking debris to the
grounds in the future are also
asked to place It in the ditch.
A tclcgrum from Rufus Hoi
man, U. S. senator, advised the
club that $200,000 in additional
funds has been allocated for
continuance of work on the rec
tarnation drainago tunnel.
Visitor Feted at
Langell Volley
Mary Dearborn entertained at
her home on Thursday with a
1 o'clock luncheon in honor of
Mrs. Mary Smith of Yreka City.
Calif., who has been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Harry Frailer.
Following the luncheon a social
afternoon was enjoyed by the
following guests: Mrs. Smith,
Mrs. Frailer, Mrs. Frank Dear
born, Mrs. Nellie Dean, Mrs.
Elliott House and Mrs. Lester
i Leavitt.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Roper and
children returned this week from
a few days vacation spent at
Crescent City where they found
the weather cold and disagree-
sous and note ano mc town snowing
Hill, arc : activity In a business way.
WESTSIDE Shearing Is well
started In Goose Lake valley.
The Ward brothers and their
crew sheared Ed Bosbyshell'a
sheep Monday, and the Hall crew
sheared Dave Sullivan's band.
The Wards plan to shear George
Stock burger'i sheep Wednesday
of this week and Bill Batman's
and A. L. Travis' bands Thurs
day. Wards have been shearing
up on the high desert and will
go from Goose Lake valley on
toward the coast. Richard Buck
has almost completed shearing
his own sheep, and Simon Che
valier will shear his own. Much
wool was contracted for at 32
cents earlier in the season, but
wool contracted last week
brought 34 cents a pound.
West Side
WESTSIDE Bill Batman
would have given quite a bit
for a good sheep dog a couple of
times Monday afternoon. He
was moving his sheep from the
Swift place to his father's,
Charles Batman, and had diffi
culty keeping them out of fields
and in the road, since he was do
ing the job alone)
Roy Peterson hos been elect
ed by the Wcstside district to
the board of directors of the
REA which serves the district.
Stanley Hansen held the posi
tion last year.
A. L. Travis has purchased
from Boyd and Brown in Lake-
view a John Deere tractor with
complete haying equipment.
A team of CCC boys from up
the canyon lost to the Westside
softball team 16 to 31 last Sun
day afternoon on the Wcstside
diamond. Steve Kadrmas and
Roy Morris pitched and Loins
Ripley caught for Westside. Joe
Martin and Steve Kadrmas made
several home runs for the win
ning side.
MALIN Rev. Donald Dod
has been appointed city park
commissioner by the city council
to work with delegates of all
civic and social organizations in
the community on a program
for park improvement.
A number of popular trees are
to be removed, the lawn it to
be renovated, shrubs are to be
planted and a ground work for
home of Mr, and Mrs. Ira Bol
Alee Noble Is building a fence
for Henry Albertson in Yocum
valley, I
Mrs. Charlei Batman returned
Sunday from Kansas, only to
learn that her father, 90 years
old, whom she had been visit
ing, had died eight hour after
he had left him.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Buck and
family spent Memorial day in
Bonanza with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Davis.
Cecil Webster of Lakeview has
bought the Prough place In the
Vernon district.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Colahan
and family spent last weekend I playground improvement
In Hlldebrand at the home or children ia to be laid.
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Pat
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Greene and
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Padget of the
Vernon district have recently
had their houses wired for elec
tricity. Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Calk
ins, who are the present owners
of the Rand place, are the par
ents of a baby girl, born Mon
day in Lakeview.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest White of
Portland were weekend visitors
at the home of his uncle, Charles
Mr and Mrs. Melvin Clavton
and family, former residents of!Mr'
Wcstside, are back here again.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Blum
mer McCrary and Mrs. Eva
McCrary of Pine Creek visited
at the P. C. Woods home in
The common trantula is capa
ble of going six weeks without
The quills of the porcupine
help to keep the animal afloat la
the water.
The Falkland Islands are l
cated In the South Atlantic.
Double Stork
Shower Held for.
Merrill Women
MERRILL Mrs. Lou Drager
and Mrs. Homer Fields were
honored May 27 with a double
stork shower. Merrill Women
of the Moose chapter was the
hostess group. On May 29 the
membership galloped to the
home of Mrs. Ray Van Meter,
Mann, for an afternoon of pi
nochle with high score held by
Henry Vacknitz, Malin,
and low by Mrs. Mabel Cun
ningham, Merrill.
On the previous evening the
Loyal Order of Moose was host
at a public card party at the
Ray Van Meter home with high
. 1 .. , X T D Chrlo-
Mi&s Margaret Ann Dallaire!"-"'" ""
of Medford is a house guct of"f a"d w . mL!
Bernice Buck at the Ch a r 1 e , Mr, Marie Vacknitz and Marion
Buck home in Westside. Can V.Tm
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. prize to Ray Van Meter.
Hardisty of Eugene are here
this week visiting friends and
H. R. Christenson, Jr.,
Morris Christenson made a
to LaGrande last week.
Les Pardue, who had his leg
burned with steam while he was
washing a caterpillar about two
weeks ago in Lakeview, reports
that the burn is healing.
'Ladies Only' Program
l.. ,M iai. l mm ....T.T I
Pictured above are Lucille Fairbanks, Jane Gilbert. Jar Clark
and Claire Windsor. Jar Clarke. Internationally famous mentallst,
is now appearina in person at the Esquire Theatre, Clark is the
confidential advisor to scores of motion picture players. He will
conduct a special ladies' matinee tomorrow afternoon starting
at 2:00.
You can trust some people to
The Wcstside team will play i the ends of the earth and
either a team from the East 'others after they get there.
Sido grange or the CCC boys I
eK-eted to arrive this week for Edward K. Hussey, city en
a visit with Mrs. Donnelly s ginecr who compiled blueprints
brothers north of town. Mrs.
Hill has taken care of her two
small grandsons while Mrs. Don-
again next Sunday in Westside.
Installation of bathroom fix
tures is nearly complete in the
The best opinion you can have
is that your opinions are merely
your opinions.
A dollar doesn't have to go
very far to forget the way back.
Tender. Aching.
Burning Feet
Tnur 1rt mnj be so woMen sad laflun)
that you think jnq cmo'l tm another itp.
Your ho rtur VI a If they are frjUmi
risTtit Into tri flh. Visa frel -fc all over
wttn tii pain aM torture; you'd cue
thine to ft relief.
Two or thrre applWtkrni of Moone'i
Rmcrald Oil and in firtren minute the
pin and rrne-f diapr'iir.
No mitter how rliMxnirajtH Ton hare ben.
If ym hav not tried KniTald Oil then J
have ftomethliic to learn. Ut a bolt la today
si:i:i stoiu:
421 Main Phone 44SS
nelly attended classes at the
University of Oregon this term.
High curbing in the main
business block that have har
rassed drivers of automobiles in
past years will scrape no more
humiMTs, since property owners
and the city have removed
There Is about a pound of salt
in every gallon of sea water.
on the city's sewer system which
is ready for the final testing,
will be in Tulclake Saturday
for a final check up and resi
dents will be permitted to make
connections from residences and
business establishments early
next week.
Teachers are soldiers of civil
ization Joy Elmer Morgan, Na
tional Education association.
The swastika was used In de
signs at least S000 years ago.
Northwest Progress Days
Final Day Tomorrow!
aWWi mi m i . -i -
I i i j 1 1 1 'i I j
I i J I l-ii-'H
S. I j I Y43 INCHES-1
UJjH- 411 jf WIDE O
M lncha
rwi. S-ft. lns.
win. aSBS-lw
nit. 7BC
buff. W
in-hri. N Irk el
pin ted Flcxlbl
a atari rod.
SingiA rod with
curl a In ihrend
r. Extend 27
48". iTory,
fHnsfe rod. Ex
trnda from 38 9M
to 4N Inch. tVF
I t or y .
Cn1ont-Slze ttayon Marquisette
Tailored side, hemmed and
headed. Delunlered all rnyon
marquisette. I.arae vnrlety of
lengths. In two lovely shades;
ecBshell and peachltloom.
Several Lengths
Soft Colors
Regularly 40c
-tn. ripxthl
ntpfll li.t, e!'c.
tro - RnlvnnlxM
h n k e d enamel
ftninh. Ready
to rmnir. Rust
proof hard war.
a Sq. Ft.
Ruffled and sash curtains of dnlnly point
ri'csprlt and dotted mnrqulcllo with rlrk
rsck trim. In hlue, red. green and gold.
All Rayon
Well Tailored
Gayly Colored ft
REMEMBER! Scars now offer you a complete home decorator service. We
make slipcovers, drapes, etc. The cost is very reasonable.
rVjjw R'g ew Shipment
VP Honeysuckle Dresses!
Y?0;, XEW STYLES - - NEW !
(( t Size from 4? Mo I he Yemrt!
kJl't," V5?ay sST'i I I Dainty group of sheers, poplins, broad-
" T I I cloth tub like hankie: several
''fSJ'f Cl5J I I attractive styles. These dresses are
i tyZ!bStL I I made by a nationally-known house .. .
. ' $5?5Y357 II" x!l't'on,l, vhie at this price.
Wr 5
V . 7 "I ',7''jf tl Homegiuekle Long Leg Tmthlona
I 1 'tJawNj M Solid color overalls with striped B-iva
' ; V7asaaC Jackets . . . sailor suits . . . c5 I I
. I S. Jt JiWX slacks with middy Jackets ..." I I
I f W Y MY t double breasted pea Jackets, I I
I l; Fvr y bnii trims . . . overalls with I I
I . VsfOL J bright-colored plaid shirts. I J
m J iUL . 8r4rsucker sutiaului with aunbonnets . . . 7 1 1
' f ifl rufflrd suniiulu . . -. Milotta skirt sun- 1 1
ffT m IBA . suits . . . many gay colors. fjL
link of r M I ' yVWys Classmate
wimcap., II iYirzii?y) fiTTPC
. SHOES AND 11 1 E (-Fb-'ZMs S - M i3
issr ill LWtu &W-
-- j II nalnaook. Non-tip
i f ft ; . -i iams, 6-tor tyl.
j . V jw 4 Built-up ahoulder. ruf
Jui rmiU One V - t4jkrf V VMlV noun,-.. eJUC
Overall aJeJ ' . ,istatf& ty"'
Bib top. Covert, denim. i 4diJw3l
Shir,, aft) Si V
leaves, crw neclta. 3-8. TRUNKS ff-YK
Jmienll kfAc Mane rl.. CUn JfrS
Plannultt F mw Am i0'V"l
On- and two-plecs oot- CI flsf " JWir
ton.. Lena l.(.. al 3rU i? J 1r ' ' '
and cuftles. lutat. Nautical trim., con- V : MM
11 - J U-astlna belts. . "-' '
l3So.Sth Dial Slim
Progress Days
Ends Tomorrow
Special Purchase
1200 Pairs of
Comfort Shoes!
VALUES FROM 1.98 to 2.59
Splendid collection of footiine arch and comfort
shoes. Styles include welt oxfords, gore step-ins, and
gipsy ties. Arch supporting steel shanks, respro
quarter linings, flexible bend leather soles, built-up
heels with rubber top lifts, are but a few of their
many excellent features. Sizes from 4 to 6, B to EEE.
4-Star Nurses' Oxfords
Parforavtod trp ud uat
ters, iMkstltoh eonstrnctkm,
lMthtr bukI cork lnolv
aroh supporting stl hank.
LtMther aoles, 138 hoeia.
rubbw ItfU. Biwtm 4 tel.
Dr. Case Comfort Shoes
arch aufFoaTwa
BUok lethr ipvtra
with aid cutouta. Htuwl
turned eonatraloa,
Ittthtr 4Wle, rmrpro
quarter lining. 138
heels with rubber lift.
ft a.
133 So. 8th
Diol 5188