News and Herald Farm Page Tun) 1941 PAGE FOURTEEN Farmers Hope for Better Year Based On Definite Facts Br C A. HENDERSON iWith the voting of wheat quotas Klamath County Agent o' wheat growers, some improve With the completion of shin-1 ment the Se"al grain ments of major crops, such as potatoes, produced in 1940, farm ers of the Klamath basin are looking forward hopefully to a better year in 1941. Several events of recent date Indicate that this hope might be founded on considerable fact. In the first place, several import ant agricultural products have been designated by the sec re tary of agriculture as products greatly needed by England and an urgent request has come for- ward asking farmers to produce these in ever-increasing quanti- ties. Prices of these crops have hun aiinnnl-tawl find 11-1 1 1 cun. J "T " " iraiiiu iiu..B, u" nunem diuuiub DiitKiHui. - Among products so designated are: dairy products, poultry products, pork, and recently to matoes and beans have been added. A price of 31 cents per pound on Duller, u cents perand clovers & seeded per acre dozen for eggs. 9 cents per pound for pork based on Chi- cago, nave oeen esmousnea as hav. shown wonderful promise minimum prices. It is the inten-! Some of these sn0wing the most tion of the government to step , growth t0 date under various in and purchase these commodi-1 conditions are: crested wheat ties in volume at or about these grass th fairway and standard figures. strains: smooth bromegrass: Pork producers are asked to . moUntain brome grass; perennial make hogs a little heavier, ! wheat grass Nevada bluegrass. poultrymen to feed for heavier i bjg blue grass ljule bluegras. production, and dairymen to in-; and m some cases Asian rye. A crease the dairy ration. There total of approximately 75 to 100 is plenty of grain available and tvpe of dry iand grasses and dairy cattle, poultry and hogs:ci0vers were tried out in 18 can account for considerable of 1 nurseries the grain surplus. These three ,n general, conditions the past livestock products combined vear have been quite favorable with tomatoes and beans now I 'or mean food animals such as on the list, are rich in food value . cattle and sheep, as to both and high in vitamins and will j market and feed available. Pres o far toward relieving any food ent demand for meat products shortage that may develop medicates continuation of these England. In the case of these conditions. Timely May rains products, the farm program is have greatly improved range used to increase rather than de- i conditions throughout all of crease production. This is the Eastern Oregon and assured a first time the farm program has : plentiful supply of hav. Low been used this way, showing that ; price of feed grains hive made it works both ways, either to in-, increased feeding profitable, crease or decrease production. With nnle government support. The matter of new crops is'm0re than likely other animal occupying considerable grower : products such as pork, turkeys, attention Just now. The heavy try and dairy products, will potato crop of last year withjjoin the select meat products relatively low prices, has caused jfamily this season, many growers to look for new Some lncrease in livestock crops to grow. Interest is very production is anticipated in the keen in new seed crops, vege- ( Klamath district for 1941, with table seed crops being added to early marketing of all livestock both grass and clover crops now j ing the rule rather than the prouuteu m w'"" ,ul ume. New additions to the small aeed family of vegetable crops in jusuum county ate oc.tjai kinds of peas, different types of horse beans, different types of mustard, radish, spinach, and several others. Unquestionably, this development will lead to new fields of agricultural pro duction throughout the Klamath basin. Seed Crops There is also interest in flower seeds and medicinal plants. These have not reached the stage, however, beyond trial plots this season. There is, how ever, considerable increase in such vegetable seeds as cabbage, turnips, rutabagos, and onions. Potato shipments were prac tically completed on June 1, the season's total being in the neigh- borhood of 9600 cars. In addi tion, another 600 cars of No. 2 grade or better were diverted for livestock feeding purposes. There are several indications at the present time that acreage planted this year will be some what less than for thc past three years. Some of the acreage taken out of potatoes will be planted to other crops listed above as well as to an increased acreage of sugar beets. Incidentally, thc sugar beet crop shows increased acreage, both for sugar and seed purposes. In general, small seeds win show some increase particularly as to amereni ciovers, ul.i wmte uuicn. lunusu white, and strawberry clover. Ai.iir. rw hnlri remain w. . bout the same as last year or perhaps slightly less. Prospects; are that good crops of all grains j Will be narvestea, wnn acreage about the same as that of 1940. KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help IS Mile of Kidney Tubes Flush Out Poisonous Waste If ytm bav An nrma of aHH I n yoor blood ; yon? lo tnila of kidorjr tubes my bo over worked. Tbese tlnr filter, ud tubea sro work InC dy and night to belp Nature nd your Ay ofeiww arids tnd poisonous want. W ben duotder of kidney 7uoctjoD nemutj poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it jnay causa nagginx backaebe, r heumal in paina, leg paias, loea of pep and eoerev. gettinjt up riilbts. amllini, punlneai under tbe eyea, eadaebea and dluinees. uent or seanr Paaaatea wiUj emartitut and buntina: some, times ahon there ia something wrong witb your kjdoeys or Madder. Kidneys may n-e.1 help the tame as boweh; "V"n""irdniff '""or ' used mo- fmalully by millions for over 40 yean. Tbey e happy relief and will help the IS miles of wuy ,-ubes flush out poisonous waste trout soul blood, (ist rjoaAViW market should result. Also, in creased feeding of grain to live stock should have an effect on the grain market. The consider able carryover of alfalfa hay would indicate some decrease in acreage of this crop, with some corresponding increase in im proved pastures of grass and clover. Mixtures of improved grasses and clovers for irrigated lands have received considerable attcntion on thc of growers ,his and fur. j ,her encouraged bv inclusion of tun, under the AAA nrrlffram The nsstnre, are a mixUlre ot tej fcscue. chewing s . . j fescue, meadow tcscue. smootnipic are hungry, some often are, bromegrass. orchard grass, tall meadow oat grass, English rye or western rygrass, straw berry clover, ladino clover, white clover and alsike clover. A total of around 20 pounds of combinations of these grasses ,n addition, . number of j grasl!es uscd in dry land areas exception. All in all, the year ; 1941 lookj much more hopeful jthan its predecessor. SALEM, June 5, state department (AP The. distributed $44,839 Wednesday to the coun ties for maintaining county fairs, each county receiving 1-20 of 1 per cent of its assessed valuation. The apportionment includes: Baker $827, Benton $701, Clackamas $2151, Clatsop $737, Columbia $587, Coos $1035, schutes s584' Douglas sl272, Gil liam $355, Grant $338. Harney $311, Hood River $414, Jackson $1427, Jefferson $199, Josephine $382. Klamath $1823, Lake $440, Lane $2193, Lincoln $413, Linn $1461, Malheur $604, Marion $2345. Morrow $360, Multnomah $15,- 366, Polk $818. Sherman $357 Tillamook $561," Umatilla $1908,'! Union $796, Wallowa $411. Was co $730, Washington $1324, Wheeler $157, Yamhill $1010. LABOR CAMP SOUGHT ALBANY, Ore. With har- 1 I VPstintr nt n million 1.11-,,. ... crop and worth of small I frults dcpcnding argcly on tran- i slent labor, Linn county farmers LYONS Or. ru iare making annlication to the', ljYONS- Chewmgs . 5 "?..I.PP".C! M fescue and highland bent grass irtiiiii oecurny aominisiraiion ;or a mobi,c ,abor c rcDorts ' County Aecnt F. C. Mullen If the camp is approved, between 200 and 300 families will bejtrials in Llnn COunty reported brought in for harvesting sea sonal crops. Among other coun ties interested in obtaining one of these mobile camps is Wasco, which will need additional help for the cherry harvest. Stop! Looking for Good Time? Come to Keno Dance EVERY SAT. NIGHT Music By OREGON HILLBILLIES Air Conditioned for Your Comfort. HOTE PROGRAM FOR NEW YEAR VOTED AT MEET At the annual nromm nlan. ning dav of the county home ex- tension groups held last week at the Altamont iunior hich school. it was brought out that nutrition ! more than 2000, says Seymour, j amj Kluinatli Falls districts lire is a national problem. Housing plans have been com-1 expected to produce a grand ar- Azalea Sager, state home dem-; pletcd. with the engagement ofiniy f blossoms for the annual onstration leader from Oregon all of the halls and 30 sororities flower exhibit to be presented State college, was present to dis- a"d fraternities to house the to ,,0 public on Sunday, June cuss some of the national pro-1 boys and girls. Thc boys willitj witH the flower pageant to grams which are being promoted I've in the big men s dor-, emphasize also clever arrange by the national defense commit-1 mitory and in 10 of the fra- mcnts. tee. The nation's goal is that everyone shall have an adequate diet in every respect for good nutrition. Studies have shown that millions of people in this - country are living on diets that are below the safety line. Thi does not mean that all these pco- r nor do all that subsist on poor diets, show symptoms of pel lagra, banberi, scurvey, anemia, or other well defined diseases. For every case of actual illness traceable to poor diets, there arc probably hundreds of border line cases. The nation's families need good diets to safeguard there own health and to strength en the defense of the country With these things in mind, thc women present representing dif-j fruit in which there's no waste, stems essential. Removal of side ferent parts of the county voted Thc tree grew from a seed Mrs. buds and branches from Individ on the home extension program j Wilcox planted. It's 10 years old , ual blooms required, for the following year. Some of . and always has borne corelcss. I Class 1. Columbine (one the subjects which will he riem-: c.Hlec fruit hr niH Thn urv. SOrnv). onstrated and discussed arc as follows: Adequate diets for all families; buffet meals; safe home dry cleaning; being a good citi- zen; financial planning; newer j sewing finishes; meeting health; emergencies: and household aids. 1 Included in the recreational pro-j gram for the following vear was 1 a skit festival and training meet-i inffs for leader on snuari rianr. ing. patriotic programs, and ap-! until this spring s blooms were w,th foliage), a. single, b. dou plying make-up for skits and available but received several b,p , , . Pla.vs. choice ones a few days ago. Ex-1 Pyrethrum (three) The familv relation, rficen . k ,.i,. Class 8. Iris (1 stalk with sion groups decided to meet in me lau to organize and to dis-! cuss the series of meetings which they would like to study. inree new members were: elected to the Klamath county , home extension committee. They . are Mrs. Mildred Schultz. Fair- haven, for three years; Mrs. C, F. Stump, Bly, for thr- and Mrs. Ida Grimes, Olcne, one year. The members terms expired this year are Mrs. j Lee Holliday, Fairhaven; Mrs. Fred Fletcher. Klamath Falls;1 and Mrs. Jesse Drew, Hildcbrand. ! Representatives of different j communities who nttnriri ihi meeting were as follows: Poe- Valley-OIene, Mrs. Lucile Barnes, 1 Mn F n EV,,o.- J ! t. Holzhouser: Merrill, Mrs. Bill Rogers, Mrs. Alonzo Hodges, Mrs. R. Cannell, Mrs. Vena M. i Click; Dairy, Mrs. Maxine Aker-l son, Mrs. Cleora Arant; Henley, Mrs. t red Mueller, Mrs. Al Birk; Bly, Mrs. C. F. StumD. Mrs. James Dixon, Mrs. David Camp-, bell, Mrs, M. A. Mullins; Alta-i mont, Mrs. M. C. Thurman, Mrs.! B. V. Yaden : Bonanza. Mrs. Fred Rueck, Mrs. C. H. Sewald, Mrs. N. B. Carl; Modoc Point, Mrs. G. C. Langley, Mrs. A. R. Stump; Malin, Mrs. J. P. Haley, Mrs. Ivan Ottoman; Algoma, Mrs. Nels Hanson; Fairhaven, Mrs. Lee Holliday, Mrs. C. V. Schultz, Mrs. L. L. Smith, Mrs. O. B. Thurman; Weyerhaeuser eamn f0. 4, Mrs. Olive Frasicr, Mrs. L. 1 Ior psychiatrists in San francisco Z. Harbin; Shasta - Homedalc, June 20 and 21. Those who will Mrs. C. E. McClclIan; Chiioquin, 1 attend the meeting, sponsored by Mrs. Andy Sullivan, Mrs. Gordon national selective service head Canady. Farm security admin. i quarters, are Dr. D. C. Evans, istration was represented by j superintendent of thc state hos Mary Belle Bcswick, home man-' P'tal; Dr. Horace G. Miller, su. agement supervisor, and the i Perintcndent of the Fairvicw county school system, by Mrs. Isabelle Brixner The home extension mcetines : for this year will begin in Sep- Eastern Oregon State hospital, tember for local organizations! A,so attending will be Licu and demonstrations on safe home ' 'tnanl Colonel Elmer V. Wooton, dry cleaning, according to Win- nifred K. Gillcn, home stration agent. demon- GRASS CONTROLS FERNS t .jj , . . ... , "fV 5 e. ,n. ,m! spring on burned-over fern land may be a solution to thc fern nrnhlnm or-pnp.llnn t. ........ t by County Agent F. C. Mullen. Pastures grazed heavily by sheep have made good growth and practically no fern is showing up because the sheep keep thc young fern shoots broken off. Another year of pasturing will indicate definitely the feasibility of spring seeding of grasses on burned-over fern land in this region, says Mullen. Sunday - June 15 PERSON Broadway Hall Malin 4-H News More 4 11 club members than ever before are planning to at tend this year's two-week club summer session at the college, according to preliminary lists received from the various coun ties by II. C. Seymour, state club leader. The session opens thus year on Monday, June 9, and closes Friday, June 20. while the preliminary lists -'how close to 230O signed up ow- ' USUB' reduction will ! mean actual attendance of tcrnities and sororities. 1 he gins will occupy both vtnioo ami Sncll halls and 20 of the houses. SEEDLESS APPLES HUNTINGTON PARK. Calif. June 5. lAP Mrs. Libbic Wil cox, who likes to monkey with trees and flowers, has discovered a corcless. seedless apple. The U. S. department of gri- culture says it's the first of its kind and is experimenting with blossoms seeking the secret of thc pic is red and exceptionally large. averaging more than a quarter- pound. Mrs. Wilcox sent specimens to the agriculture department last year. Horticulture experts wrote that thev had seen corcless. seed- less pears but never such a rar- itv in anniM ! Th.v u- anvinnc in :mini ih kWcnm, Th, hid ir, u-ait at a government station in Mary- land. Mrs. Wilcox said she preferred not to say what variety of seed she Dlanted. She said further details must await results of thc government experiments, OREGON FLAX MAN NEEDED By PERU SALEM. June A. 'API The i Peruvian government asked thc;an old fashioned container. state board of control Wednesday Clas 5- An arr a n g e m e n t tn enrl I . TVinvll nlinl m,,. Suitable for a buffet. ager for the state flax industry,1 to Peru for 60 or 90 days to give i instruction in the marketing and production of flax fiber. Peru would pay Demytt s ex- ; penses, but the board did not act on the request today. Demytt would leave early next fall Tnc board agreed to loan flax: farmers money for the purchase f fertilizer. The state department of gool-iln c,tncr dimension, D. ftoi over ogy and mineral industries was!s,x i"chcs m elthcr d'nsion. given authority to buy a $4050, c' Twln' not ovcr S1X 'nche5 "' snectnoranh t ho iii-h in iHrmliJ either dimension. tying ores. The instrument also WnillH hf llvnH hv ctatn Hanift. ments for testing materials. Thc board authorized for state psychiatrists to attend a meetmttl Home for Feeble-Minded; Dr. J. H. Huddleson of the state hos- pital, and Dr. T. M. Barber of thc state selective service director; and Dr. medical service. Vcrdon Hockett, state director for selective The government will; pay expenses of all six men The state board of control asked the city of Salem to re strict parking in streets adjacent to ihc caP'to1 ABOUT CELERY Celery stalks arc naturally as green as the leaves. Growers pile mounds of earth about the stalks to protect them from sun light. This bleaching makes thc stalks more tender and tasty. "HANDCUFFED MILK" In Memphis, Tenn., a wife uses a pair of handcuffs to guard her morning milk. She fastens one side of thc cuffs to the porch at night and thc milkman slips the bottle in thc other side and snaps it shut. Was Old at 52 NOW PEPPY, FEELS NEW, YOUNGER "I'm only S3 bin Wt OLD: an wees. evhftuMed. Teen otrei lableu save me pep F.el younKT." H. H. Johneon. pn(ldelrhn OR1HKX ronulns toning itlmulanfa often neo-4 slier 40 by boolee Isrhlnf Iron, rslrluro. phoephoriii, livip- vitmnm Bi. For men ana women. A 73-year oM OOCTOR antes: "It nid so mufti for patl-ota, I look It my. self Restilia flne.-flet tScOWTftKX today lor 2e. Start fsellot peppier sno rouoser title very day. iMtlUti ferf.ef "effer 40"efdow Per sals st Whitman Drug and all othar good drug storst. TO FLOWER SHOW JUNE 1 o MERRILL Although south end gardeners have bewailed the cold, windy spring, gardens of the Merrill, Malin, Tulelakc nie blooms will be shown in the grade school gymnasium with Mrs. Dan (.'ashman, Mer rill, general chairman. It is probable that only one spring show will be scheduled in thc southern! this year. I Instructions lor exhibitors fol low: Entries are open to anyone who wishes to exhibit. All exhibits must be staged by 1 1 o'clock. No exhibits may be removed before five o clock. Exhibitors must furnish their iown containers. Section A. Specimen flowers, i To be exhibited for quality only. Arrangement not consul- cred. Exact count of flowers or ! Class 2. Roses, a. Hybrid teas lone wtii iona.i . (spray), c. Hybrid perpetual lone nn ioiwko. Class 3. Pansies (3 blooms ''" foliage). Class 4. Violas (5 blooms with foliage). Class 5. Poppies, Oriental (one), b. Iceland (three). Class 6 Peonies (one bloom lc,cs "am-Td Poss'ble)- Class 9. Shrubs. Class 10. Delphinium (one stalk). Section B. Artistic arrange- mc.n,ls Class 1. a. Over 15 inches in Combination of col 15 inches, c. Shades height, b. ors under of one color under 15 inches. Class 2. Table arrangements, 'a. Dining table under 12 inch es (with or without accessories), b. Special occasions (exhibitors to furnish card tables). I Class 3. An arrangement suit able for an end tabic. Class 4. An arrangement in Class 8. An arrangement with a dtad D"ch or rock predom inating. Class 7 Arrangements by or ganizations (card table size). Class 8. Arrangements suit- ablc for a manlcl- Class 9. Arrangements in a modern manner. Class 10. Miniature arrange ments, a. Not over three inches Section C. Children's exhib its. Cla l- Undcr 10 J" of ag?:. ...... -,a,s z' i" lo years oi age Class 3. Unusual exhibits (up to 15 years of age). Class 4. For children up to 15 years of age who have nev er exhibited. K YOUR EGGS? THEN ALL S WELL Egg producers and handlers in several sections of thc state have been learning more about care of eggs and the state egg law in a series of meetings con ducted jointly by the state de partment of agriculture and the state college. Main purpose has been to coordinate grading so thc Oregon housewife may buy eggs will full protection thai she is getting that for which she pays. Only three grades of eggs may be sold at retail: Grade AA, grade A and grade B. All these must bo clean eggs. Dirty eggs may be sold, but only as grade B, soiled. Many housewives do not realize that A grade eggs arc very fine eggs and that actually the grade AA egg, held under normal conditions for 24 hours, usually develops a larger air cell than thc law allows and so drops to a grade A egg. Retailers must candle and grade eggs, but farmers or poul try raisers who produce eggs on their own premises may sell these eggs on the place where they were produced without candling or grading. TURKEY "FACTORY" McMINN V1LLE, Ore. One of thc most complete and in genious turkey set-ups In the state is on the farm of Hcrschall 'Bell near here, reports Rex War ren, county agent. Hell produces the hatching eggs, has his own home-pcrfcclcd incubator and brooders, and his own killing plant. Original features in the brooding house include a hog fuel burner, which also heats the fann house. It is equipped with homemade electric elevators, an arrangement of pullies to regu late heat, and various alarms which ring In case ot fire, failure of electricity, or dangerous change of temperature. At a cost of about $70 Hell built an In collator similar to one which sells for around $300. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Administrator of the estate ot Joseph Vlctoriii, deceased, has filed his final ac count as such administrator with the County Clerk of Klamath j County, Oregon, and the tunc I for hearing objections and settle I ment of said account has been set for June 301 h. 1941, in the Circuit Court room in Klamath Falls, Oregon, at the hour of 10.00 o'clock a. in. of said date. FIIANK V1CTOHIN, Administrator ot the Estate of Joseph Victorin. De ceased. M 29; J 9 12 19 26. No. 87 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that 1 have filed my final account and report as administrator of the estate of Carl Johnson, deceased, and the judge of the circuit court of the 13th Judicial Dis trict, Klumuth county, Oregon, has fixed ten o'clock in the forenoon of Saturday. July 5. 1941. and the courtroom of said court in Klamath Falls as the time and place when and where 'onv person may present any ob- . Jpc',lon, or exceptions to any- thing therein contained, and at said time and place the court will finally settle said account. L. ORTH SISKMORE. Administrator. J. 5 12 19 28: Jy. 3. No. 90 CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartments For Rent . Automotive Business Opportunities Educational , , -.24 34 48 12 Financial 48 For Sale or Trade . .38 General Notices 4 Health Help Wanted. Female. Help Wanted. Male Houses For Rent Livestock and Poultry Lost and Found Miscellaneous For Rent Miscellaneous For Sale . Miscellaneous Wanted :3 .14 18 28 ...44 2 -. 28 38 42 Lost and Found LOST Wrist watch and ear rings in coin purse on Main street between Fourth and Sixth. Reward. Box 1551. News-Herald. 8-8 General Notice WE NOW HAVE modern accom modations for trailer houses. Altamont Trailer Park 6 3 RAW VEGETABLE JUICES Extracted fresh daily. Also health foods. 131 N. 4th. Phone 4707. 8-5 NOTICE I will not be respon- siblc for any debts contracted ' by anyone other than myself. Signed June 4, 1941. Russell D. Brown. 6 6 Personals GLASS Duplatc Safety Glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resil vering. Kimball's Glass Shop. 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 6 6mtf LAWNMOWERS REPAIRED Always the best for less Bo denhainer Saw Filing 351-3 East Main street. Phone 4H72 610 SEE MRS. HARNEY for alter ations. Remodeling. Whytal's. Phone R222. fl-Smtf Transportation Go By Motor Coach Shortest Route Lowest Fares to Northern Points One Round Way Trip Spokane 1.00 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 9.95 18.10 Portland .. 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Mt. Hood Stages, Inc Busses Leave 1:00 p. m. Greyhound Depot Phone 5521 8-2flmtf Service FLOOR SANDING and rcflnish Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 31122. 6-30mtf KALSOMINING Painting. Papcrhanging. Mac McGarr. Phone 4888. 6-16 FLOOR SANDING Old floors refinished. Norman Fralcy. Phone 4001. 6 24mtf PAINTING, KALSOMINING II. L. Brown. Phone 4226, 6-19mtf HOUSE MOVING, raising, ce ment work. W. McDaniel, 206 Michigan!7 Phone 7429. 6-19 Service WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing Ma chine Service, 709 South Sixth. 6-30mtf DOREMUS Hug and Furniture Cleaners. Quick service. Rea sonable prices. Dial 8873. 2012 Orchard. 8 13 ELECTROLUX CLEANERS Sales and service. Thone 3917. P. O. Ilnx 814. 8 22 PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, 519 Main. 6 24inlf NELSON Battery and Welding. 2219 So. 8th. Fenders welded 50c and up. 8-8 UHINU YOUR REMODELING problem to Mike Robin. Web foot Construction Co. Phone 8815 for appointment. 1430 Klamath. Loans approved same day. 8 7 HOUSE MOVING, raising, ce ment work. R. II. lladley. 203 Michigan Ave. Phone 72.M. 8 18 WINDOW CLEANING We also clean paper, kntsnmlno and painted walls. A. M. Rhnads. Dial 4788. 8 24mtf PAPERHANG1NG. Painting. Kalsominlng. Dial 8R4R. Mel vin E. Frost. 8 13mtf CURTAINS home laundered and stretched. Reasonable. Mrs. Shafer. Phone 5847. 7 3mtf WM. f7B. CHASE. Attorney at Ijw. 203 Odd Fellows llldg. Phone 4773. General practice. 7-3mtf DRESSMAKING, hemstitching, buttons, buckles covered. Al terations on new and old clothing Mrs. II M Allen der. 731 Main, room 218 Phone 7283 6 16mll PAINTING, paper hanging, kal- snmlning. C. A Konsella Phone 5088. 8 13 FLOOR SANDING. FINISHING We generate our own power. C. DuFour. Phone 3UU8. 8-27mtf 13 Health DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED Usually 1 to 3 hours. Dr. Gordon Ledlngham. 8 30mtf 14 Hatp Wanted. Female WANTED Housekeeper for family of four. Must be neat and clean and good cook. Good wages. References required. Phone 3825. 8 8 EXPERIENCED woman for cook ing and housework. Modern ranch home. Phone 1501, Mer rill. 85 WANTED Housekeeper, take full charge. Must stay nights. $35. 204 N. 3rd after 12 p. m. 66 YiAINTtU Experienced woman for housework. Must be ca pable taking full charge. Ref erences. News-Herald, Box 2193. 83 WANTED Experienced Beauty operator. Call 64S1. 8 3 WOMAN for general housework on ranch. Two adults and two children. Must be neat, good cook. Reference. Phone Mer rill 3412. 8 3 WOMAN for housework. 134 N. 3rd. 2232lf 18 Help Wanted. Male WANTED Someone with equip ment to cut and bale hay. Grain and clover hay. Phone 4943, R. C. Prudhomme, 5102 So. 8th St. 6 5 WANTED Experienced bakery- man. References required. D. Hunting, Merrill. 6 7 MERIT SYSTEM TESTS June 21 for positions with Unem ployment Compensation Com misrlon. Applications accept ed until June 7 with Board of Examiners. Spa. ding Build ing. Portland. Employment Officers. $1300 to $2100; Stat ticians $1440 to $2640. Infor mation at any Stale Employ ment Office and Board of Ex aminers. 3-31; 6-1. 3. 5 Situations Wanted LADY STENOGRAPHER wishes general office work. Eight years experience. Box 1BI2, News-Herald. 6-7 S A LESMA NTwUh-!!! yenrs rx perience wishes position. Ex cellent references. Box 1813, News-Herald. 67 GIRL will care for children and do light housework. Phone 3788. 6-7 CARPENTER WORK contract ed. Mews-Herald, Box 1183. 68 SCHOOL TEACHER wishes sum mer work. Phone 8426. 8 8 BABY LAND Where you may have your baby or small tots cared for while you work, shop or play. Close In, 412 High St., Phone 8341. 6-5 SHIPMAN NURSERY Chil dren cared for. Db.v, week, month, Phone 7363. 1913 Wantland. 6-21mtf WOMAN wants hour work. Ph. 4761. 68 10 Room end Beard ROOM AND HOARD Private, comfiirtnblo home. F.xcellenl table. Close In. 1028 Jeffer son. Phone 47(15. 7-4 WIDOW LADY wishes boarders. 133 No. 10th after 6:30, Apt. 2. as ROOMS Hoard If desired. 1018 Washington. 2012K ROOM, BOARD SU Walnut. 826mtf VACANCY 1034 High. 6-Bintl HOARD, ROOM Private home. 332 No. Ilth. 6 7 SMALL-FARM 1227 Main. Dooms For Rent CLEAN ROOM 134 N. 3rd. 222811 ROOM FOR RENT 314 Wash ington. 464Hlf COlXlNIAI. INN-121 N. Ill49 All outside, furmhrd rooms. Weekly rates. Free parking. 67 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venirnt hotel service. Day, week or month. 6 30mtf LOW SUMMER RATES All prices reduced. Special weekly rates. Every room modern. It. .11.. atHi.. .a tin. 112 So. 1 1 tli. Free parking. 6-t CLAREMONT 228 No. 4th. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. Free parking. 8 6mlf NICE ROOMS for gentlemen. Phone 3244 823 Hull. 8 27 24 Apartments For Hent VACANCY Everything fu nulled. $3 30 and up wet 1404 Klamath. 6 VACANCIES Two rooms $23. One large room $22. Electric range, refrigerator, washing machine. Electricity, furl, wa ter furnished. 433 N. 10th 6-7 FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT One bedroom, unfurnished, ex cept refrigerator and range. Very nice. Close in. Adults, no pets. Call 9480. 6.7 APARTMENT Phone 3734. 2247tf VAC A N C YE ver y 1 1 1 1 n 7f u rn t sh ed. $3.30 and up. 1404 Klam ath. 67 FlMtN ISh1h aVaRTMEt" Two rooms and liath. Suitable fur one or two women. 1314 Crescent. 6 fa THE ROOSEVELT LeRoy street Just above Pacific Ter race. Klamath's finest resi dence district. Dial 3817. 2221tf RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS Everything furnished. $3 and $4 week. 2 Main. 6-3 THREE ROOM furnished apart ment. Audley Apts., 303 So. 8th. Phone 3243. 6 9 THREE ROOM furnished duplex. Frlgidaire, oil heat, garage, nice lawn. Inquire 220 Pa cific Terrace. 1468lf TWO-ROOM APARTMENT Private bath. Everything fur nished. Adults. No pets. 431 Washington. Dial 58:19. 6 6 HOUSEKEEPINGS O O MS 1304 Wordcn, corner 11th. 8 fJ GLENCOURT APARTMENT Two and 3 rooms, furnished, newly renovated. $27.50 and up. Weyerhaeuser district. 10 minutes from city center. Phone 5084. 7-1 VACANCY Hot Springs Court. Furnished. 6-7 VACANCY -Furnished. Esplanade Courts. 630mtf THREE ROOM furnished apart ment. Alameda apartments, 1800 F.snlntmrie HR7tr 2 ROOM AIT. 813 Pine. 86 UNFURNISHED DUPLEX 3 or 4 room. Electric range and refrigeralor. Call after 8 p. m. 503 N. nih. II3DU FURNISHED APARTMENTS -,e Low rates. Utilities. No pctvi 419 N. 10th. 6-21 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. Close In. 403 N. 3rd. 6-3 LARGE, CLEAN housekeeping rooms. Suitable for two. $4.30 week. 216 Main. 6-5 AIR COOLED housekeeping room. 1)20 Lincoln. 2077tf APARTMENT Phone 3754! 2240U FOR RENT Modern three-room furnished cottage. Fireplace and nice yard. Three mllei north of town. Suitable for young couple. $20. Phone 3916. 6 7 FOR RENT Four rooms and riinetto on Vine St. Phona 0394. 6-6 TWO-ROOM ment. $33. side. furnished apart Adults. 466 Hill eS FURNISHED APARTMENT Cheap. 10 Main. 6-8 10 FURNISHED APARTMENT 421 Oak. 6 14