Flatbush Baseball Fans Already Howling "For Seats at Next Fall's World Series - Ebbets Field, Packed, Holds 34,000 People Br HAIMY ORATION NEA Berilee Sport! Editor NEW YORK, Juno 4 Brook lyn'! Inimitable lans already or itewlns about world aeries a eommodallom. You hrar thorn lamenting ovor tvory Flatbush br ond hot do( lUnd with ears clomped to lourt rpeakers aa tlio holoved Dodii or, continue tholr sustained march In tha hinterland. "Why, tho )rrnt Isn't one third big enough," they moan. "Larry MacPhall can't cram mora than 34,000 Into Ebbeta field with a ahoo horn. "Thoro'll bo that many from aroonpornl alone, and a hunnert ouaand arala won't bo enouih when our burnt uut the aluf on Bob Feller and them Indiana." They might not bo far wrong at that. With tha Dodgcri' gomee played at Yankee Stadium, the Brooklyn and Cleveland cluba easily might art an attendance record after a 21-year famine, e There waa much talk of circu lating pelltlona when It waa learned that all reaerved aeata for tho Memorial Day double-header with tho Glanla at tha Polo ground!, where 60,000 can ba equeeted In, had been sold out by mall order and there would bo no public aalea. "That will bo a Brooklyn crowd." declare the Flatbuih ail. dicta. "New York now caret leu about Bill Terry and them Cianta ; than we do. What tho Oowanua Gang want la tho Brooklyn end of tho world Svrlea played at Yankee Stadium, V. hero 00,000 can bo Jammrd In. "We never heard anybody con nected with Notre Dame or Army equawklng about their football team! playing at Yankee Stadium Inatoad of at South Bend or Wert Point," la the Brooklyn argu ment. "Tha way them Yankee! are going, they haven't much uao for the etadlum anyway." REGULARS ARE CROWDED OUT Or EBBETS FIELD There la a precedent for play ing world aerlea gamea In the park of a club In a rival league. Tho 1014 Bravea played their homa world aerlea gamea at Fen way park and tha following year the Rod Sox played at Bravea field. The St Loula cluba ahare Sporteman'a park, tha Philadel phia team! Connie Mack Sta dium. A There would be about 30.000 reaerved aeata for the world se riea at Ebbeta field. The Ucket prlorltlea of Commlejioncr Lan dli and tha major league! would require almost half of that num ber. The Brooklyn Truat Co., mortgagor of the Dodgera, un doubtedly would aak large block! of tlcketa for client!. A normal advance eala for a world aerlea la 30,000, and any more than that In Ebbeta field aland or hang on rafteri. Tha Dodgera play their firat homa night game June 6, and thouaanda of addicta some time back found they were ahut out of that ona. A pre-aeaaon group purchaae plan accounted for the choicer paiteboardi early In Jan uary. BROOKLYN FAN DOES SOMETHING ABOUT IT Cleveland haa 80,000 aeats In Wlta municipal atadlum, and there are that many within a quick iud- way ride of the Brooklyn cui tomcra ... at Yankee atadlum. And Brooklyn fanutica, the Ilka of whom there are nowhere elae, do not Intend to liiten to tholr buma' homa world aeries gamei on the radio. Not after frequently getting up at 8 o'clock In the morning to stand In line at Ebbeta field during the regu- 111 Mm.AH In nrrA 1 1 mail nrt bad. They threaten to take tha ticket lame to Judge Landla. When a Brooklyn fan want! aomethlng or accka to win an ar gument, he usually doea aome thlng about It. Ridden bit too hard about the Dodgen a couple of yeara ago, one of then? went home, got gun and returned to ihoot up tavern. He killed a fthloke whom he thought was too -vuB, v,i van milium wuiiv u, some other Brooklyn bum. Bum ' la a terra of endearment In Brooklyn. And If you luspect tha Brook lyn bumi aren't going to win thli year, don't say anything about It In Flatbuih. Someone la liable to go home and get a gun. Originally, butter was spread with the thumb, with Charles II of Sweden setting the fashion. Head the Claislfled Pago. Sunday - June 15 PERSON Broadway Hall Malin 5 r P tl Brooktm fan In btrmm lamrnt lake world arrira ml luuc to Judfo By WALTON IZAAK A raincoat or at least a water proof Jacket will have to be part of the fishermen's atandard equipment, if the weather con tinue aa moiat aa it haa been. An umbrella would be ideal, but these Inventive geniuses haven't devised a harness for one. After all, I have aeen a time when a spare pair of hands would come In handy tn help land some of these fish. Tha holi day and this weekend was not one of the times, however, for moat of us. Fishermen from this area scattered to all parts of the country In search ol the illusive trout and his kin, but very few could produce very much in the way of evidence to the contrary that a nice quiet weekend wasn t spent at homa mowing the lawn or fixing the back fence. With fingers crossed, a good number decided to try DIA MOND LAKE, Just In case they might be wrong. There were to my knowledge about one half dozen limits and the fish caught averaged about two per fisher man. Most of the fish caught wore on bait, either single or cluster eggs. Trolling Just didn't work in any of the many variet ies. Tha opening of the UMPQUA RIVER found a goodly number of fishermen and all kinds of conflicting stories as to the type of lure used. Some of the best fish I saw were caught on flies. In the same party a limit was caught on Tandem spinner and files with an occasional switch to eggs. Some steelheada were r !i ii I You'll like our easy pay way of buying Famous U. S. TIRES We believe this is the fairest, most convenient easy pay plan ever of fered in Klamath Falls you pay no interest or hidden carrying charges TED SHOOP&SCHULZE 'THE TIRE MEN" BLACK ond WHITE SERVICE STATION Main and Spring Dial 3671 la caught down around steamboat, but moat of the fish I under stand, are spawners on their way out. BIB MARSH and MARSH CREEK have improved a lot and should be good from now on. The best catches were made on spinners and spinners with a worm as bait. Some fish were ta ken on files with bucktails most effective. Some hardy pioneer! wound up at COLD LAKE. The beat and almost only fishing was the very early fly fishing, with grey pattern flics doing the most dam age. The last report t had on LAKE HARRIETT was the lake still had ice on It, but even off shore some fish were caught on eggi. THE CHEWAUCAN RIVER was really hot. Moat of those that made the trip caught fish. Flies were mostly used and grey hackle yellow body, grey spiders and buck coachman us ed mostly. The fish ran around 8 Inches for the most part. THE NORTH FORK OF THE SPRAGUE RIVER, even though a little high and roilly, had the holiday spirit and the visitors were rewarded with some nice fish, mostly on cluster eggs. THE KLAMATH RIVER wound up its spring opening, on Sunday In a blaze of glory. Some of the nicest fish of the year were caught and mostly on flies. Don t forget to keep the KLAMATH RIVER on your calendar for Its two months of fall fishing, from September 1 to the end of October. This should be some good late fly fishing ODELL LAKE'S best fishing was for those that trolled. This lake has been very consistent for most. Some of the boyi who aro catching the big one use featuring thm . . . Itlla toroush bartoodor Land Is. 1 USROYALS o GrroterproteetlonagalnatbloirouUl o Greater protection agalnat oUdat o Greater protection against wear! Ao much aa S8 more non-skid mileage! JACK a acertaia laafruto Uut he'U strips of white fish six Inches long about two feet behind their trolls with 4 ounces of lead. PAULINA LAKE was fair on trolling with some fly fishing in the late afternoon. Red ant. small bucktail red ants, and buck coachman flics worked best. The most popular flasher is the ford fender with worms. EAST LAKE fishing was good, with fish running around 10 to 11 Inches. Worms aa bait produced most of the casualties. ROCKY POINT reported another 10 pounder on wobbler with almost everyone catching fish. Some nice fish are being caught on cluster eggs in the deeper holes. Two-bladed flash ers, of various kinds, are becom ing popular. v m HARRIMAN LODGE report ed quite a few fish of from 5 to 8 pounds caught on wobblers for the most part. The out of town visitors at the lodge are amazed at the size of tho fish JJJa,wyT To work your best upTVjc?0f ...pause and fVL:' f' " YOU TASTE ITS QUALITY srrr-n.ro COCA-COLA Turf A semi-weekly aerlea ex plaining In brief history. lAttninAlAa and varloua phases of horse Starring the Bangtails A piece of news welcome to race followers who Ilka to watch tha bangtaili run but don't care too much about tha usual start ing trouble was announced this week. It's the disclosure that the Parker automatic starting gate will be used this year at the coming meeting of the Klamath Jockey club which begins next Wednesday night. . Parker himself, the Inventor, Is bringing the gadget from Dem- ing, N. M. Longacres In Seat tle Installed his device last sum mer for the first time and oper ated it successfully. The geegees. Instead of being hand-held before the getaway. are steered Into the starts and released simultaneously by the upward flip of a gate. Inman Signed Lee Inman, veteran and ab'.s race announcer, is slated for the post at the local eight-day meet ing. Calling the bangtails readily and Immediately as they hit the quarter pole, the half, etc., is easy work all that's necessary is to know the names, the col ors, be able to spot a length dis caught and usually catch at least one good sized one to write home to the folks about and brag on Klamath Fails fine fish ing. GERBER DAM. if you like plenty of perch and crapple. The bass Just aren't working. Some kind of a wage hour difference I imagine, my friends. It will soon be straightened out and you will all have all the bass you want, if you can catch them. We will really have to con tinue this to Friday when we will have a lot better idea of the conditions and bait on some of the smaller lakes and streams. Our fifth columnist are work ing night and day to get this info, and we will pass it on to you. In the meantime give some thought to "TAKE A BOY FISHING" and be careful of lighted mater ial in the woods. Michigan Normal Doused by Cal 26-9 YPSILANTI. Mich, June 4 (UP! The University of Cali fornia baseball team Tuesday opened Its seven-game invasion of Michigan with a 28-9 victory over Michigan Normal college. When you're hard at work en the Job, ease up a mement and give yourself a break. Enjoy the pause that makes for better work, a re freshing pause for ice-cold Coca-Cola. Hs clean taste pleases.. and a refreshed feeling fol lows. So when you pause throughout the day, make it the pause mat refreshes with ice-cold Coca-Cola. riNDtJt authorjtt or m coca -com company bt BOTTLING COMPANY OF KLAMATH FALLS Tales 1 J racing. tance from nearly a half-mile away, pick out a horse which Is running directly back of an other, etc. And at the same time keep up a running line of chatter. Add to all those the ability to speak over a mike, do the whole thing in little over one minute, and It can be understood why there are only a few good race mlko men In the country. Naming Tough Naming of horses is getting tough. More and more are being named each year, and a name can't be repeated for at least 10 yean. Approximately 15,000 year ling! reach the races each sea son. A name, granted by the Jock, ey Club of America, must be in good taste, not offensive, and not named after a person unless a letter from that person accom panies the application. Naming horses is an art and It's surprising that more persona don't make a living with the big ger breeders and stables sub mitting clever names. It's one field that should pay big money and the profession is not over crowded. Byron Nelson No. 1 Choice In US Open FORT WORTH, Texas, June 4 (VP) Byron Nelson, the likeable PGA champion, is riding a ris ing tide of popular favor that appears ready to make him No. 1 choice for the U. S. open golf championship about the time the first round gets started tomor row morning. Everywhere you go, whether you ask player, sideline expert or pure spectator, the name that almost invariably comes to their lips first is that of the long, lean Toledo pro who came up like a rocket from the caddie pen at Fort Worth's Glen Garden club. The tide has grown so strong that in some quarters they look on Nelson as the hottest favorite since Bobby Jones was bowling them over right and left. Just because you have a nice. soft Job doesn't mean that you should he down on it. The British dirigible R-34 was the first airship to cross the At lantic in both directions. af ; Phone 5S32 June 1941 California Puts 'Do-Pass on Horse Racing 'Breakage Bill By T. M. BRIGHT SACRAMENTO. June 4 (UP) A state horse-racing bill propos ing a $500,000 increase In state revenue from tracks and a bet ter "break" for the bettor was reported out with a "do pass" recommendation Tuesday night by the senate governmental effi ciency committee. The measure was the result of weeks of committee hearings and, in general, followed some of Governor Culbert Olson's recommendations in a message to the legislature Tuesday. Of the greatest interest to horse-players, was the com mittee's suggestion that "break age" the odd cents over multi ples of ten now retained by the Row Raised Over Salinas Coach Firing SALINAS, Calif., June 4 (JF) A citizen's committee, appointed to investigate the ouster of Coach Marlon (Tiny) Hall from his position at Salinas Union high school, said his dismissal was based on "trivial and petty reasons," which, in themselves, "did not Justify" the school board's action. Coach Hall, who won football, basketball and track champion ships for the school this year. lost his position after he was not recommended for reappoint ment by Principal A. M. Davis. The board upheld Davis who said Hall had "failed to cooper ate." For two days after that action students paraded the streets in protest. The citizens' committee report today vindicated Hall "of any offense of consequence.' Hall, who coached here three years, is a graduate of Univer sity of Oregon, where he played on the Webfoot football line for several seasons. Before coming to Salinas he coached at the Springfield, Ore., high school yew and years Get Dodge Quality in a Truck That Fits Your job Prepare for defense program demands and the "long poll' with tracks that are built to work longer hours, more days, more years . . . capable of extra thousands of miles of depend able, low-cost operation! That's what you get when yon invest lit Dodge quality truck construction. Tough, long-life mats rials . . . careful precision workmanship . . . superior, lasting truck design are com- PRICED WITH THE LOWEST Chassis..'50O? Pick-Ups'630. (with cowl) n , ha Chassis. .'595 (W ITH CAS) lege raneis .. fu Stakes ..740? l n,i; invwfc mm m hcn urn l w,i m, i f IICII IUIJICT to CHNOI WITHOUT LOMBARD 424 South Sixth Street PAGE NINB tracks In paying off wagers be to the nickel. By breaking te the nickel, tracks would lose five ninths of the "breakage" retain ed under the present law. The bill proposed the state's license fee should be four per per cent of the first $10,000,000 handled; five per cent of the next $10,000,000 and six per cent of all amounts In excess of $20y 000.000. The tracks would be authoris ed to retain nine per cent of tha first $10,000,000; eight per cent of the second $10,000,000 and seven per cent of amounts in ex cess of $20,000,000. The commit tee estimated this, together with the reduced breakage, would cut track revenue $415,901 annual ly. Conn Quits Title To Fight Lewis NEW YORK. June 4 UP Billy Conn gave up his light heavyweight championship Tues day, and then signed commission contracts with Joe Louis for their heavyweight title fight a the Polo grounds, June 18. Old Oscar Pepper 1ANO now m 7lo PINT BeM Wbh. ktj m BlrmL 06 freV-mgn" frawVtrt Di tiUtrin, Int., LtmiirilU & Biltimn. Also m errs. -atd icy caw bined in trucks that are built to fit the job ... to do the job better and at lower cost. Act today! We'll give you a good "deal" . . . liberal trade In . , . easy budget terms. NOTICt MOTORS Klamath Falls, Ore. : m 665 Spring St.