km CO CET XM Klamath gal keglers take the local sports rostrum this week end when they roll Saturday and Sunday in the big Women's International Bowling congress tourney now underway m Los Angeles. Comparative scores would in dicate the ten girls rank well up with the country's maple women. But they'll have to bowl over their average heads to win at U A. The best individual game spun to date is a 277 scored by Mar ian Gorman of the Schmidt's Beer team of Detroit in the team event She rolled ten straight strikes but left a split on the eleventh ball which wouldn't fall with the twelfth. It was the highest score ever rolled in W1BC competition. The present singles leader is Agnes Campbell of the Steeb's Pattern quintette of Moline. 111. The chances are she'll hold it for it's six pins better than the winner last year. Stella Hartrick of Detroit's Olympic recreation five is pacing the all-events with a 1749. THEY'LL EAT NAILS The Tourist Greeter's guide, soaring in its blue-green fashion from the Bend chamber of com merce, says fishing is downright good in that part of the country. You can pick your own me thod fly. bait, or troll and nearly always get results. One lad. a Leonard Standifer. caught a 31 -pound brown out of the Deschutes above Bend that had a one-ounce rock in its stom ach. They're hungry. THREE MORE Another weexend has flitted past and no one, including Dave Sanderson's typewriter, has yet - leaped over seven feet without the aid of a pole. Maybe an aspirin would help, Dave. Pelicans Beat Dorris Lumberjacks, 6 to 5 1 Hits EH 1 Brooks Get Top Spot As Cards Lose i With a .383 batting average. Ted Williams. 22. is pacing the Boston Red Sox attack. He hit .344 in the 1940 season and up to May 24 had 36 hits for 34 times at bat. BASEBALL STANDINGS COAST LEAGUE Silverton Joins State Ball League Red Tolbert's Dorris Lumber jacks almost knocked over the Klamath Falls Pelicans i practice Ult between the two basin rivals last night at Recrea tion field where a scanty audi ence saw the lead change four times with the Pelicans finally emerging victors by a 6-3 count. Eignt errors marred an other wise well-played contest tnat witnessed live pitchers. Bob Williams and Burt Swope tor the Dorris nine and Onn Davis, Clyde Carlstrom and Babe Scnwab lor the locals, parade to the mound for workouts. Klamath diamond artists were guilty of five miscues to three errors for the Lumberjacks. Kiamatn big Inning was the j seventh when four markers crossed the platter on lour , singles, two walks and an error. I The Pelicans were trailing at tne j time, 5-i. and four runs were just enough to give Manager Ernie BisnoF's boys a singie-run ' triumph. ; Third Baseman Babe Schwab j turned hurler during the last t two innings to set six Dorris I players down in order. One ! Lumberjack, Hi Hatfield, man-: : aged to get a hit off Schwab, a triple, but he was out at home ' attempting to stretch his blow j into a home run. Babe struck I out two men and walked one but got the latter on a double 1 ; play that he himself started. The Pelicans opened the scor-! ing in the initial frame as Man-1 ager Bishop singled and came I Seattle Shuts Out ;:Sacs. 2-0 Portland Pounds 6-4 Win Over Padres; L. A. tears Oaks; Stars Take Seals SACRAMENTO. Calif, June 4 iUP Hal Turpin. Seattle right-hander, tonight gave Sac ramento its first shutout of the season when he blanked the Solon.-, 20. in a Pacific Coast league baseball game. Norbert Kleinkc. Sacramento pitcher working his first game ui six weeks, allowed the Ram lers only four hits but lost the game while his teammates were getting 10 scattered blows off Turpin. Turpin won his own game in the eighth when he singled through second base to score the only runs of the game. Sacra mento left nine men on base. Seattle two. Most Major Games Rained Out; Senators Drop Tilt l To St. Louis Browns, 7-4 j By United Press Rain, wet around and cold j weather postponed all but two! last sad sentences were recited New York Pays Last Tribute To Gehrig at Bronx Funeral Babe Ruth Breaks Down At Altar By GAYLE TALBOT NEW YORK. June 4 !. The PAGE EIGHT J ,ui 6, 104 1 of the major leagues daylight baseball games Wednesday. ; Nevertheless there was one im portant change in the National 1 league standings. The idle Brooklyn Dodgers backed uito the league lead when the seventh-place Boston Braves scored a 4 1 victory over the St. Louis Cardinals to knock them out of their first-place tie Rookie Art Johnson held over Lou Gehrig early today in a little vine-covered church around the corner from his home in the Bronx. The wasted body of the great Yankee first baseman who died Monday night after a brave two year fight against an unsolved disease rested in a handsome mahogany coffin banked by thousands of blooms as the Rev. the j Gerald Barry sixike the burial Cards to nine hits (or his third ! office of the Episcopal church, major league triumph as t h e I There was no music and the Braves banged out 11 hits off ' ritual was at a minimum, con Harry Gumbert to hand him his j forming with the request of Mrs. second loss in seven starts. The 1 Gehrig. Only those with invita Braves announced that they lions were admitted to the final mrre playing the game under rites. The public had expressed protest after the Cards were ' its sorrow last night in a line awarded one of their two runs : of men. women and children in the sixth for Interference, but that wound past Lou s coffin be- , withdrew the complaint after : the game. I Carvell Rowell. with a triple ' and two singles, paced the Braves while Creepy Crespi fore the altar for two hours. Babe Reaches Church Later today the ' ody was to be cremated. Mrs. Gehrig had made no plans for disposal of hammered out two doubles for " "-'" but there was to be the cards. nothing morbidly spectacular, i The St. Louis Browns equal-' ,uch strewing them over the ! led their longest winning streak , Vankee stadium. Mrs. Gehrig ' of the year two straight by , nQ Lou 'und Prcnta. long pre i beating the Washington Senat iot nu d-lh- wanted an ; tors. 7-4. The Browns highlight-; cnd to ,he sorrowing 1 ed their attack with a four-run ' . L5 th -T ,ood ' Looking for Bargains'' Turn to the Classified page W. Sacramento 39 Seattle 30 San Diego 29 San Francisco 29 Hollywood 27 Portland 25 Los Angeles 25 Oakland - 24 L. 18 26 30 30 28 30 33 33 Pet. .684 ! .5361 .492 : .492 .491 .455 .431 .421 1". , -"' NATIONAL LEAGUE I I -y !" !! w. l. Pet. f; -oIYU ? Brooklyn 32 13 .711' V , New York 22 19 .537 V .' Cincinnati 21 25 .457 I " Chicago 19 23 .452 SifcA I Pittsburgh , 15 22 .405 ! Bolton 15 25 .375 '; M ' " Philadelphia 14 29 .326 ' Jr ' - ! AMERICAN LEAGUE i ' . : ' w. l. E ' Cleveland 30 19 f - ' Chicago 27 18 r '. ' .. New York 25 21 sTWl Boston 22 19 .537 ; - ' ft-jT Philadelphia 23 22 .511 "'.' P it Detroit 24 23 .511 "'' M S' St. Louis 15 29 Ml ' ' PSSn Washington 16 31 .340 : ifiw ; : i OXINQ 36- ' f Thm Auoctattd rrtw : KEW YORK rnaikT Wrunt. It1;. rSj " trM Anri. outpoint"! Guillertijo Pomtri. I LOS ANOKLEs RiHiaM Pom. 141. i K'tt Ortn. H.tjKiiMi the Vuta Kid. V 1 142. Miami. Fit.. iSt. Sai,,V'"iu tt jKf home on Outfielder Carl Read s ; Loast league cellar while t h e booming three-base hit to left j aks tcU ln- centerfield. Read scored on an infield out to put bis team up, LOS ANGELES. June 4 (UP) 2-0. (Bill Sweeney's Hollywood Stars Dorris tallied three runs in tonight bunched four hits and SAN D1EGC, Calii., June 4 il'Di ttn.l I tJ vv"' r"'""u "C"Y seventh inning featured by pounded out runs in five innings ; Joh's double with tonight for their second con-1 tne baseJ loadnl secutive victory over the San Thornton L. won ni, KvrnXh Diego Padres. The score was 6 vjctorv and vllchtiS n j , mntn complete game of the seavjn to-' .. v.- i-j . k i death. OAKLAND, Calif., June 4 i White Sox to a 6-1 triumph over (UP) Los Angeles tonight took the Philadelphia Athletics, another game from Oakland, b-1. ! Dario Lodigiani. obtained from and moved out of the Pacific : the A s in a trade tor Jack of hundreds of persons promin ent in baseball and public life, including Lou s closest assoc iates, who hurried here by plane and train upon learning of his Knott, led the Sox' 10-hit attack on his old mates. He doubled in the second and scored the first Sox run. He singled in the sixth and in the seventh, came through with an the fourth when the Klamath walk in the third inning of their ' J'"jL, , ' . ll A .,l . cam, with Kan r,..L , J..,1"811"1 ' " TUflS. Taft defense fell apart and posted an-1 game with San Francisco to de other pair of runs in the first of I feat the Soaks, S to 3. for thcir the seventh to send the Jacks ' second consecutive victory. out front, 5-2. The Pelican nine then burst forth with its game-1 clinching four-run rally in the : last of the seventh. Last night's victory was the . fifth in seven games for the Pelicans during 1941 action. Only two losses of the year to date have been to the Albany MCIPIC COIST LIACUI Wright haa been purposely passcd to get at Lodigiani. NATIONAL LIACUK Babe Ruth, who preceded Geh rig in those famous Yanhee bat ling orders, reached the little i church last night just before dark. With him was Bill Klem. ' v?t ran National league umpire i Babe stood for a minute look j ing at his former teammate, whose handsome face showed 'only slight evidence of the dis ease that had paralyzed and wasted the rest of his body. Tears welled into Ruths eyes and ran down his fat cheeks He stumbled over into a comer and buried his face in his arms Conn Drills for Louis Go did v , x v -t; : . , j I'lefO Lik, i Bo. i 0imrrt and Man-uo; J-'hno and Annuruki; Malmaa. Vatl T'iriiu and tainjjrU; kit ink and Pimh'irt-h at ri. nlcrit, ro4tpori-i ram. Otlcago at RrYioilin. p"lrwnifr. r)n. I I ( t(itnmtl at Phils Jrfj.h la. nijtit. fnttyni. SalvcMiD. Aoaolrx A I cos, northwest semi pro1 , champs. The Alcos defeated the i ? b. Klamath aggregation here two ;,',n i urulr. afA Ifl k alkqnv1 Jin ten irrf ( tr nuk.araki llian and fian. Pet- I ... C...-jL Lu at A ! P- ..,-iaai mwuv iutim in. , 600 I Next Saturday flight the Peli .543 1 cans wil1 tan'c with the Ku- gene Aimeucs unaer ine arcs 01 Recreation field in an exhibition contest. A regularly scheduled Oregon State league encounter i to fa to between these two clubs will be played Sundav afternoon at 2 Manager Ernie Bishop punch-1 p. m., also on the local diamond. out four singles in eight tries ; Another team th. J.lvprtnn against Albany Red Sox. has been added to the AMI ft. CAM LCAGUC X-w Tcrk at IVtrutt. pttp.ninl. rata. tttoft at Clrrtdd, aifht, tttpoM. rain. It. H. t MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS . r Tw wata avtM NATIONAL LCACUC S 1 IINi. - i ...-.:.. Ml. Wa-ii- (f. t. ViU. Ml. KL.V-. - Mwr, l. b-Ola. . Hark. With T ad fut ceckd for hi tight In Now York Juna II with HNTyvmyht Champion Jo Loult. Billy Conn gos through Uatnino ptctt. Hr th Pituhtirgh slugger's mutcUt ara itralntd and tat u hm skip rop. S7. Mi'jfhtf. tt. tmilt, 81, Browa. ! Anut iltalt;.) . H-.n-ttt at and KMinnni MM- HO ML Kl 4 riiiHiu - l-Ula. i-U AMCftlCAN LIACUI B TTIN W ilUaiua. Cfrttiin. J-ntr.n. -5Ti. Kl N4 J. 1iM Nr Vork, b I'iMlffto, h...n. ). HI If Diat'ini. iTitU4lrriia CI... -it art J-x fITt HG - Wkrf. Limi, I Katacri. t. Klamath Kail thin week. The t".a Ukr. 1000 fr-t higher than Fifth " ' lake, now open a nrw water to l.touthprn Oritfon fihrrmcn who havf rrpnrtrd exi'llrnt cutt'tuv AnKlrrs are adviM-ri h JB$k 'worms urr Wintt ud rffrr!iaW Iv behind fln-hrni to lure the Boats have been taken 1o Four Four Mile Minnow, and cluster Mile lake, situated on the east .eggs have been successful with side of Mt. McLaughlin, accord the silverMde trout which run ing to information received in I in the high mountnin lake. .ui Four Mile Lake PttlUrJs-lphia ORQ n&r. I tKo . I .ooo pes Jictnbb and Haea: ! and Trf.h. POUR IT PROUDLY LW. HARPER Is such superb whislcay becouso. In moking it, coif it no ofcf'ecf. The one, the only guiding principle (hot controls every precious drop ki Mak U at fin as whltkty tan brgordla of coif. Tilt Msdel Whl.kty I. W. HARPER . . "bridal"-Ing hi budget by eating htra regularly! Oregon State league to make it jan eight-club circuit. Bob How ; ard, president of the Pelican ; Baseball club announced early this week. In a letter from Ray j Brooks, secretary-treasurer of I the State loop, it was revealed that the Silverton outfit, a mem ber of the league for several seasons, had finally decided to come in again this year and will make up for lost time by play ing Saturday night games and Sunday doubleheaders. Locals Play Silverton Silverton will be incorporated in the Pelican first half schedule by meeting the Klamath con tingent at Silverton Saturday night. June 21. The Pelicans tackle the Hills Creek Hillbillies the next day, June 22, at Swim mer's Delight just south of Eu gene. During second half action the Red Sox will journey to Klamath Falls Sunday, July 13. to fill in a bye in the Pelican slate. Paul Crapo. slugging first baseman who hits from the left side of the plate, continued to j top the Pelicans in batting with, a neat .524 average. He collect-1 ed four hits, a single, double, triple and home run in eight I times at bat over the last week- j cnd. Meanwhile Third Baseman Babe Schwab, who shared the top spot with Crapo a week ago went hitless in six platter ap- and Toledo to gain 52 points and now rests in second place in individual bat ting with a .409 average. Individual averages follow: Shortscore game: of last R. .' Klamath Falls will be rcpre- sented at the semi-annual mect j ing of the Oregon Association of s City Police Officers in Albany J - Thursday, June 5. by Police t 1 Judge Leigh Ackcrman and Of- -J f icer Frank Blackmcr who left t .'in Thursday for the valley town. J ;JS The conference will stress po o mo lice problems relating to the ! president's recently proclaimed night's ' "unlimited national emergency." 'and the question of handling traf- H E i fic during the movement of 6 S ! troops through the state. The i a 4 I nrnhl.m nf tnkinff rare nf nld. I v . a i Klamath Falls 8 Dorris 5 Davis, Carlstrom, Schwab and ! icrs who violate city ordinances Wanner; Williams. Swope and land state laws will also have a Derrah. Goldbar. I prominent place on the program. NOTICE ATTENTION CULINARY WORKERS LOCAL 424 Important meeting of the entire membership 3 P. M. - 8:30 P. M. Thursday. June 5 LABOR TEMPLE Every Culinary Worker Must Attend One of That Meetings. IMPORTANT! A PERFECT FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC TOBACCOS USEO IN DOMINOS 13 BALANCED FLAVOR. MiO, MELLOW i A NO SATISFYING. " i . 1 mm Vf.' I C v ' , -J-a Wake this test WITH A FIRMLY ROLLED DOMINO AND ANV OTHER CIGARETTE. 0OMIN0S.MORE FIRMLY ROLLZD, FILTER THE SMOKE. . . AHE COOLER.. LONGEK-eURNING. S urfboards are fun AND YOU CAN HAVE ONE WITH THE UP- A T0-36 YOU LL fy BY SMOKING MODERN PRICED DOMINOS. 4 Hal'-'1;- Think of getting Generals Quality at avibe lefc GENERAL $ W U Vll 1 1111 IHITMtMIIK nrmi i I VAWI 0 V THIVtAa J NO CASH DOWN Le 'CI 00 7hi J I krwuk n U TO MY McuiMN umu utmm chum WITH ALL THESE NET, IMPROVED, TYPICAL GENERAL TIRE PEATURESi NEW LONGER MILEAGE NEW SAFETY-GRIP TRACTION NEW SMOOTH-ROLLING TREAD NEW EXTRA STRENGTH NEW EASY RIDING COMFORT NEW SMART STYLING It! the tire you've always wanted the quality you need right now and know you can depend upon for a long time to come! See it for yourself drive in today. TEED & NITSCHELM MONARCH SERVICE Domino AMIRICA't IflOItT CItTT( iuri 301 So. 6th Dial 7071 '2.10 O.rt$t.10B