The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 05, 1941, Page 7, Image 7

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    June ' 1941
Visiting Horn H. L, Yeafer1
of Merrill Is horn en leave from
the US navy. Y eager wss grant
ed 10 day Imvi nd lour days
trsvellng lime after ha com
pleted liia couraa In Uia aviation
ordnance achnol. Yragrr en
ll.lrd In the navy at the local
navy rocrultlng station In Do
rrmlicr, 11)40. Ho leaves (or Kan
Ulrgo Juno 10, whore lie will
take up hie duty ae an aviation
ordnance man. Yeager's lather
It alio an ex-navy man.
Return Home Mr. and Mri.
Darrell Miller returned to Klam
ath Falli the early part of the
week following wedding trip
In the eouth. They will make
llirlr home In tlili city Mrs.
Aliller 1 the former Patricia
Tuonan of Salem, daughter of
Mra. Fred Stacey of that city.
Their marriage look place May
21 In 81 Joseph's Catholic
church In Salem. Miller ii the
on of Mr. and Mn. Dick Miller
of Klamath Falla.
"CoffM parkad by AlpinVi new,
prrial pronrm itayi frh ong
r,"uyi C. F. Pay, Imlrpemirnt
rttftf iprt, kflar eompnng
o(Tm "parked in ft cloud" with
enfTtM packed by otiW mtfthoda.
Alpina Cnffaa ia pr ur packed.
This procaa ffoaa ft tp furthar
than other parks and bnnjr you
eoffaa that la not only fwhar, but
. that retain, lta full-bodiad Haror
' tager. All tha eoffea roodneu la
"elad" Into mrwy parUcla by
dry, Inrinthla, pro tar u re Tanor.
Whan you bay Alpina Coffee you
sat not only iuperb, mountain
grown cotTaa, but valuable Alpina
gift eoupona, too. Each eoffea
cwipon equals 8 Ull Alpina Milk
coupon. lolTe coupons and milk
eoupona ara interrhangrjihla.
Mlt GIFT BOOrt-wriU Alpina
Premium 8 tore, 1069 Minion Su,
Pan Franrlseo, for free catalog
showing hundred! of pre mi urn a.
A Stilt Mud
fc.gWM wj'in ilf
-rlifrt:'J;-A',l ' I '
NO new cars introduced In veers ever
offered so much for the money in out
ehesd styling, colorful body finishes snd
i : i these distinc
tively different new Seudcbaker Skyway
Series models.
Studcbsker s designers went straight to
the sky Isnes and took ihe litest model
transport plsne lor tneir inspir.ii"".
everyone who drives these new crestions
agrees that they're ss thrilling in perform
ance as they're advanced in appearance.
Mcculloch motor
822 Booth Sixth Street
Van Trip The county li
brary haa announced the flr.t
book van trip of tha season for
me rort Klamath and Klamath
Agency dlitrlcti. The van will
be at Fort Klamath between 2:30
p. m. and 3 p. m. and at Klamath
Agency between 3:30 p. m. and
4 p. m. each tint and third Frl-
daya of the aummer. The van
will aerve tills area during June,
July and August, It win an
nounced. EnlUta Robert Latvia Tntl.n
of 3:3 Fulton itreet wu ivor.l.
ed for the US navy. Tottrn
lived with hli aunt and uncle.
Mr. and Mri. Sampson Walland
Of thll cltV. Totten WM 17 vmmrm
old March S of this year and
will aerve until hli 2Ut birth
day. He Ii a former Klamath
Union high achool student.
Jolna Navy Jamee Wesley
Alexander of thll city was ac
cepted fur enlistment In the US
navy thll weak. Jon Alexander,
father of James Wealey, Juit
moved here from Texas and ex
pect to locate here in business.
Alexander enlisted from the lo
cal navy recruiting station In
the poitofflce building.
Vlalte Here Mrs. B. F. Du
Fresne, fornerly Margaret
Dyche. la In the city vliltlng her
mother and father, Mr. and Mra.
W. K. Dyche, and her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mra. F.
D. McCormack, for a short while
before Joining her husband In
Loa Angeles where he has been
To Eugene Mr. and Mn. H.
E. Hauger and daughter!, Bonnie
and June, will leave Saturday
morning for Eugene to attend
the graduation of another daugh
ter, Jean, from the University
of Oregon. They will be accom
panied on their return by Jean
and Kay Dunbar, also a univer
sity student.
Hai Operation Norma Red
field, 11, Clendale, Ore., resi
dent, submitted to an emergency
operation at Klamath Valley hos
pital Tuesday for the removal of
hrr appendix. Norma was visit
ing relatives here with her
mother. Mrs. Margaret Redfield
of Glendale, when aha became
Return Heme Mrs. Char
lotte Martin, past president of
the Association of Ladies Auxil
iary of the Patriarch Militant of
Oregon, IOOF, has returned from
Baker where she attended the
Rcbekah assembly and IOOF
Grand Lodge. Mrs. Martin visit
ed In the north, arriving home
Rests Easily Joseph Stemp
huber, about 80, who suffered
serious head injuries when he
was attacked by two thugs at his
home, 1631 Johnson street, Mon
day night, was reported to have
spent a "fair night" at Klamath
Valley hospital.
Visiting in South Mrs. Allen
Sloan of Payne street is spend
ing several weeks In Berkeley,
Calif., visiting friends and rela
tives. She expects to return
June B. Rosemary Sloan, daugh
ter of the Sloans, Is expected
home from Oregon State college
June 11.
It's the year's smartest styling
Oarden Visit All members
of the garden study group of tha
Klamath Falls Woman's Library
club, and prospective members,
are Invited to visit tha Iris gar
den at tha horn of Mra. G. A.
Krause, 220 High street, Thurs
day afternoon of this week. If
any of the women have Interest
ing Iris of named or unnamed
variety, they are aaked to bring
the stalk to Mrs. Krause on
Thursday for study and compari
son. The garden Is at Its loveliest
at this time of the season and
number are expected to attend.
Weekend Quests Among
guests entertained in tha city
over the past weekend were Mr.
and Mrs. T. H. Pascoe and Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Thomas of Sac
ramento, Calif., who visited at
the F. H. Color home on High
street. The Cofera accompanied
their visitors as far as the Modoc
lava beds on their way home.
Mrs. Pascoe is sister of Mrs.
Drive North Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Chllcote plan to leave
Sunday morning for Eugene to
attend graduation exercises at
the University of Oregon. Their
son. Robert Burnett Chllcote, la
a member of tha senior class and
was named outstanding student
In accounting by the state board
which presented the young man
with a 825 check as his award.
To Corvellls Stephen Stew
art was to leave Wednesday for
Corvallla where he was to Join
his sister, Letty, student at Ore
gon State college, and return
to Klamath Falls with her the
latter part of the week. They
are son and daughter of Mrs.
Myra Cain Stewart.
Expeeted Home Bob Jester,
son of Mrs. C. Jester, Is expect
ed home the middle of the week
from the University of Oregon
where he has completed his first
On Trip Mrs. Dick Dale and
son left Sunday, June 1, on a
trip to North Dakota to visit
friends and relatives. While on
her trip she will visit many of
the other northern and western
Over Weekend Verda Pope,
daughter of G. B. Cozad, visited
her father here over the week
end. Accompanying her was a
friend, Audrey Anderson. They
returned to their homes at San
Mateo, Calif., Sunday.
Neighbors To Meet The
Royal Neighbors will meet In
tho IOOF hall at 8 p. m. on June
4. It will be a business meeting
and they will hold an Initiation
of new members.
Returns Horn Mrs. Bruce
T, I 1 I I M . I.J. VI
uifiri biiu num. mja iu luwn
ath Valley hospital Tuesday
afternoon for their home in Bon
anza. Card Party A card party
will be held by the Royal Neigh
bors of America at 2 p. m. In the
IOOF hall Wednesday.
Leaving for East Mr. and
Mra. A. A. Myers and son BUI
left the city Tuesday for an ex
tended trip through the east.
Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Rex
Glllnsky of Ashland were busi
ness visitors in Klamath Falls
last week.
Visits Here Charles Weeks
of Ashland was a weekend visit
or in Klamath Falls.
Come in now and take out one of these
high-style stars of all the 1941 cars for
convincing trill drive. They're built with
traditions! Studebsker soundness priced
with traditional Stodebsker moderation.
You may use your present car as part
payment CI.T. budget plan terms.
Phone 4148
Naval Reserve John Thomas
Watts and Sidney Burtrand Kan
gaa are the first two local boys
to take advantage of the four
year enlistment In the US Naval
reserve. They applied at the
local navy reoruillng station and
were accepted April 29. They
passed through this city en route
to the naval training station in
San Diego where tliey will un
dergo their recruit training. The
naval reserves have tha same
opportunity to enter tha naval
trades schools as the regular
navy applicants and can transfer
over to the regular .. navy any
time after four months in the
naval reserve at the rating held.
The local naval recruiting sta
tion Is open dally from 8:30 a.
m. to 5 p. m. on week days and
Saturday. F. J. McDonald, chief
gunners mate, USFK, will be
glad to explain to any one the
opportunity the naval reserve
has to offer to men between the
ages of 17 to 80.
Ia rorest C. Otto Llndh, in
charge of fire control in the
northwest region of the US forest
service, and Maurice L. Hedrow,
fire chief of the Rogue River na
tional forest, are spending three
dsys this week in the forest In
specting areas where slashings
may be accumulated. Lindh,
resident of Portland, said they
would make plans for fire con
trol in these areas.
Fishing Trip Mr. and Mrs.
ten rreeman oi Asniana, nor.
and Mra. L. R. Bullis and daugh-1
ter, Betty, of Hood River, Mr.!
and Mrs. Harvey Bullis and Viv
ian Freeman, Ashland, were
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. t
H. Bullis and son, Lester, of this
city. They enjoyed a fishing trip ;
this past weekend to Fish lake, i
Visits la Portland Mis. K. i
W. Hout of this city has returned
from a visit to Portland. Mrs. ,
Hout was accom pained on the ;
trip by her father, George I
Corum, and sister, Mrs. D. B.
Long, both of Medford. i
Premium Qnality
DeLuxe Tire Sale!
Sensational savings on Wards Riverside DeLuxe Pre
mium Quality Tiret Its specifications exceed those of
any first quality original-equipment tire made! A
flatter, thicker tread gives you more wear I Heavier
"breaker" plies give added protection against blowouts,
ruptures and separation I DeLuxe is warranted to give
satisfactory service without limit of time or miles.
4.75-19 S 6.95 S1.35
B.25-18 7.95 1.35
5.50-17 8.45 1.65
fi.50-16 Hli 2.10
Prices above Include your eld tiro.
Riverside Trail Blazer
Tires Also Reduced!
Why pay more elsewhere
for a tire that's not as good?
Wards Trail Blazer is
America's SAFEST low
priced tire I Quiet, long
wearing tread I Double
breaker stripe for greater
safety) Warranted to give
satisfactory service without
limit of time or miles. Get
your Trail Blazers NOW I
Tubes Also en Salel
At Little At 75c Weakly
Buys 2 Tiret and Tubail
Move Friends of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Carlisle Crouch and son,
Jimmy, former residents of this
city, are Interested to learn they
are now domiciled at Crater Lake
national park wnere Crouch
serves as chief ranger. They
made their home In Medford this
past winter.
To Vallev Mra. M. J Rail
of Klamath Falls haa moved to
Ashland and is now domiciled
at 849 East Main street.
Valley Visitors Mr. and Mrs
James Purtle of Klamath Falls
were among the Ashland visit
ors this past weekend.
We've Been Breaking Records
Member Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation
Sixth at Mala Dial 8188
S.00-14 T L70
i i vim's m . . -
6,00-16 Trail Blazer Tube 1.00
From Klamath Moving to
Ashland this week wai Mrs.
Kathertne Stanley who has
taken residence at 478 Palm
avenue in the valley city.
Visits Here Norma E telle
has returned to her home In
Medford after visiting In Klam
ath Falls as the houseguest of
Mrs. J. S. Gurtle.
Returns Home Dave Baker
of this city, who submitted to
a major operation at the Com
munity hospital In Ashland re
cently, has returned to his home.
Ia Tulelake Mr. and Mrs.
mm r 1
95k X? : , J
i inn . " U
' FZ.yn-spuds, 1
1 Woco;tal. " yo" c boy c,
6.00-16 -ftqy S " e'vMw, Go,
with your I ' '
oldrlra I f ' " . '- J
Frank Thompson of Tulelake en
Joyed a visit this past week from
cmest tawsros and family of
Ia Ashland J. C. Ha maker
has returned from Ashland
where he spent several days with
his family.
H ! vfiiy rrugram
f i mm i wm m m m iu mm m h.m- 'VnV t.t'M'"fW-ftg 'U 1111
i '""
1 '
;.. : s'V;.',-
mim ii mi is I in ii I I. in ininei fin- M
Joan Fontaine of "Rebecca" fame chats with Jay Clarke,
mentalist, appearing at the Esquire Theatre. Clark
is tha cai'idential advisor to scores of motion picture)
players. He will conduct special Ladies' Matinee
Friday afternoon starting at 2:00 P. M.
Klamath Valley hospital, Klam
ath Falls, Ore, June 4, 1041. to
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Oath
wright, 4818 Freda street, a
boy. Weight: 8 pounds 8 ouneae.
I. . n