THE KFTCS ANT THK TTFRATJV KI.AMATH FAX.XS. OREGON SERIAL STORY THREE TO BYW.H. PEARS YaWTKHDAYt Paate fall. KCfcria M ff JalL aaa wm ta.t J.ake la raalaa the frtrlt mm fa attack I ciim atartaa. aa ra.ara t nr. I. .4 far aria. Tar la.ra. Ur. M. LCD MEETS DEFEAT CHAPTER XIII fVL LCD'S ancient but shiny coup wai parked in the driveway. The two men reached It, Paula at their heels. Tony said. Taulie, when are fw going?" "With Dr. Lud!" she flunf at Mm. "And dont try to stop me." "No time to argue," Lud com anded, "Let her come." Backing Into the street, Lud aid, "If wa only knew where to tart. We haven't one chance in a hundred driving around blindly." Tony said, "Gosh, if I'd only kept my mouth shut! I knew the bays were up to something and I blew off to Hal about it. So, of course, ha shut up." Lud was driving aimlessly about' the campus. Tony glanced at his wrist watch. "Seven-thirty," he announce. "If we don't set a lead soon . . ." Paula said suddenly, "Why not1 try the old bam. Dr. Lud?" tie snook his head. "It s doubt ful If they'd meet there again." ! "No, wait. Dr. Lud," Tony broke I In. The League might figure that ; nobody would look in the most obvious place." "All right, Tony, maybe It's worth a try." Paula told him how to reach the old bam. In a few minutes they were on the road which she and Jenks had taken. "Car coming," Lud grunted. Headlights flared behind them. . An open roadster, traveling at high speed, swished past. j Tony gripped Lud's arm. "That was Hal Bascomb i car! We're on the right track. Feed it the soup, Dr. Lud." a pAULA, her body tense, peered into the darkness. They were suH about a hall mile from the road where she and Jenks had turned. Dr. Lud stop!" Paula ex claimed. "I I thought I saw cars parked behind that old school- Lud Jammed the coupe to a stop, backed slowly. "She's right!" Tony shouted. "Naturally the fellows wouldn't meet on the campus. They'd prob ably get together somewhere and go to the League meeting." Lud turned the car into a rutty lane. "Well soon see." A figure darted from behind the ehoolhouse and ran to meet the tear. "Hey, Jenks, we thought you weren't coming." At that moment the student recognized Dr. Lud, A whistle of astonishment broke from his lips. He disappeared. Calmly Lud drove behind the scboolhouse and parked beside a half dozen other cars loaded with students. Then they heard the voice of Hal Bascomb: "You're a great guy, Tony! What's the faculty going to give yoa for squealing a magna cum laude?" Tony said, "Look, Hal, will you listen to what Dr. Lud has to say before you get sore?" Slowly, grumbling under their breath, the students piled out of their cars and stood in a sullen (reap before Lud. "Shoot it. Professor Hal said. "Well listen until Jenks comes, but we won't change our minds." , With the utmost composure, Lud Ignored the remark. Deliberately fce took a cigar from his pocket land, cupping his hands against the Ibreeze, lighted it , "Relax, gentlemen," he said as ra tally as if he were addressing b class. "I'll make it brief. First,, row many of you feel that Dr. Van Horn Is a good president?" ' "He's okay, but he lets the Kague run the campus." I "Sure," Bascomb said, "it's all right for guys like Tony to turn he other cheek. He's not coming pack to Cardman. But I am, and Bo's my kid brother. Think I want turn to get slugged because Van Horn hasn't nerve enough to buck the League?" "I can see your point of view, Bascomb," Lud said. "But if you'll turn around and go home I promise the League will give jou no trouble next year." . From the rear of the group cemeone jeered, "Yah! Another statement from the president's pace, ru betl" Lud went on: "Tell mc, Bas leomb, do you think you fellows are more capable of handling this problem than the faculty?" fTHE question was shrewd. An embarrassed silence followed. Lud quickly pursued his advan tage: "Did It ever occur to you fel lows that the League is being de liberately used to make trouble at Cardman? If you go to their kneeting tonight you're playing fright into the enemy's hands." : "That's old stuff. Dr. Lud!" lAgaln the voice came from the rear where, obviously, several hot heads were keeping out of sight "Bill Jenks says the League's losing that story to protect itself." "Jenks seems to know every Ithtng," Lud said dryly. j "We know our duty to Card, nan," Bascomb said stubbornly. ("We're going to run the League rit or school." Lud's cigar glowed. "Gentle men, suppose 1 tell you that If (you pursue this foolish course, I'll tee that every last one of you is (expelled?" I "Y-you cant do that," Bascomb protested. "Nevertheless, I will," Lud re ported .Tfc -$ifted uneasily. MAKE READY Then, from the darkness, ha rah voice spoke: "Fellows, that's pure hokum." Bill Jenks had parked on the road and walked back. He strode over to Bascomb and linked hts arm in the student's, Lud's words snapped out at the reporter: "You're pretty confident, Jenks, because you've nothing at stake." "Look. Bascomb, Jenks said, "Dr. Lud here talks about avoid ing a scandal at Cardman. What do you think'd happen if all of you were expelled?" Jenks laughed. -It's a swell bluff. Doc, but it wont work.'' A NT) in that instant Paula knew Dr. Lud had failed. Jenks' arrival had stirred the boys to new excitement. Nothing, she felt, could stop them now. Lud pulled Paula and Tony to one side. "I'm going to delay them as Ion as possible," he whispered. You two get to the League meeting and warn them to disperse." Tony slid into the driver's seat and Paula followed. Recklessly he backed the coupe along the snaky ruts. Once on the open road, he sent the old car shud dering through the night at top speed. Whin they reached the mud road Paula directed him to turn. They hit a deep rut that almost jammed her head into the top. "Stop here." she ordered a few moments later. "We'll cut through the field." Tony obeyed. Then he turned and grasped Paula's arms. He spoke slowly, as if the precious minutes weren't slipping away: "Look, Paula, I know you hate THIS CURIOUS WORLD - mmr I,L'5iiJt,,iIil?,?,i t'-rlfJS Itl-yWWvi orbillsi.agcm dont i. hello, fi "l out there? bring HIT erhpllo. , annie ' t proud of it, or i , AlrfK,s:vi-h' ;(5;.'A , 2JS-.' -WWk get jt-th-way h annk-J Ky.-?f her n i want am mr. la husta! look cm f s beporf long! Y!?S'tVtA f'4 BtSJP- )l J i'V -M TO SEE HER SW t-I'M GLAD NOT PPTER EH? ASFOR YOU. ANNIE. stSI IS) PiAA- 'I'- SfL A-7T Hi'W 4? TDURE rSELIN' ! LA PLATA ANY CR- rVE GOT AN rtWFUL LOT CTmSB l SV-'A ?2!2rr.J.tiES 1H L V-.i,. BETTER" MORE THAT HOW ,'. OF 60UARINQ to do iSe ure .rJ J.?ILL?yL?'H,s Sli fr.'vy.rv'vy-: .. K rr f,fJ y done (see? , dvoo butTm on my ww " -' I X ' ncfu Li l ilc" y , ' , V ' ; I .L'-N. J. MEAN ' I TO DOING IT HJST ',.-.....,. fa TU 2 A Vr A rT V.' V'J- )) ... (- .f-r - J WAIT AfHO SEE- J iBCStegii UKr (J) C . VSy BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By MartijC I -A.v I V I f 3t- ,kc-& uwta .t.v vyo nwwis - omv t.x.p w it fcc oy I MUa f .'-' 2.4 ) loo- . z&- I I " soW.Po..X-. To , tiovt - : vooovo Kvta 00 , JKT J V T V I Cllt ' am '1 vi irtMio k tv fW TVPIBBTVlaW I -Tt 1 v--vrf ---- EXPLANATION: Cut. so lar as is known, no human bring has j- ; " VitSr i "j'""J'Li "1 r J P I been killed by meteorites. I jJjf''--' ' lfjy'r. I " ,?'jt'--;j-'.1Pp VVf I ww j RELIGIOUS LEADER j wLH TIr"'' r 3 htSB UJH WASH TUBBS By Crane HORIZONTAL Answer to Previon, Pule 21 South (ox. we oe CF the FCSEUiM A6EmtS ( sot 11 7 T") I But ccbtaw 6E0i.aAL T OOD " VT TEJ o" Txe bovS,t amOtem op lPlctured A l A K aLTcUb - H 1 NGl A"erie WMO W0NAtrj 6ASy UVES OUTSiCE NtW VCRK J MAiW4 A ' I PECULlABiTiEi LE-xp ME EWOUSM ) THESE DOS WHTlESwe Be SOMAOvea I "J" c w -ju i-t fa zaine countries li'tL rt LVCV" i I VI - I a.t' .. . Tt I - v.. I 14 Ascended. RBa'PR ItMsE tfTKapj hij follower. r.,T 1 ' 211' I I I . L .S' 18 Peruses. B A P I CBO WEgfA P'lAH occupy. (6 H SA X llft Zfll I '' X J J I 1 ' l, 222 IK5IS1WIflHaSEO: resisunce. CTJay .U, & IV 45 ,vr-i I 1XW J II " r A : 23 Norse ' 50 To eat 1 Dull finish. 38 More spirited. L, Eilar JfcJ r J. yKjFl!''" ftZj mythology. sparingly. 2 Device lor 40TorecoU A-5-RWT-rt -i Brg ,.W1 LJ-) mJI Mm W J li-fiw . w, '.... ..VVrj I Merr, alloy. wSreatlake. aSSSuT Finelineof rKCVaKLCj AND Mia rKlcNDS By BloSSCf i 4.i r nun my, 9 1 renaming w i weapons. l f z i , r f Ti X -s . ammwmnmmmmwtBm-m 29 Hence. air. 5 Insane. 45CorrelaUv f 'mow ldmo HAS "X WEVEft kwew 4 oaGeE.WMO 1t TERRIPIC , LAR WEY CUT Cur TMAT U inwiigYmni 35 Exclamation. courtyard. evergreens. 46 On top of. 1 bet rrs 6EEU for. invtwiwg like t tt f 7 Gives it Twe down- concoundeo Son& is . MOW L KNOW ir 36 Indian boat 59 Drama part. 7 Pertaining to 48 Wood plant. J ves and yeabs-' y J , 1 J T BE -rT momt W'r DKivin we WACKYj CAMTMibs 37Tostufl. 60Hewasthe a dower. 49 Stepped on. ' li i n , "v ? TV-S, J- ' "TT- mn 1 ' I n il 39a sr.l. , S- 5?5;!L -wC r.'::. ; i-Uf -n.VU!, , 1 W:J bed l... 41 LaT ,l,r loFr, Uprhait. 1 h" J I 5 H ! " J X iionaraen. 01 tne 11 mured. S3 V reposition. f -.7AtVy JKW. T V ' :. KZ-V A 111 J A " W) i7iiV71 Vr VIi:' measure. Mommedan gggg, gcy lMll Tl 1 f i s Ftp- tFi alley oop bwvth . i r J F n U ' By V. T. Hamlin 1 w" 1 its, i i r Tz ! P I 1 ' I I 1 revSAR,-TWUrr. XKNOW HO"' VOliartu'X WHO SAID AfJVTHINO f VAH , VOU VELLOW-LIVERBOl f .'(''T 1 T 2? a T'lL- y. I J WAA FKL'AU6V'VCoi-TMABOlJT NOT l V.SOPTY.V COULDN'T GO upN AtWNkX Jt 1 I -A AARJV tPiJUST-TH.E EBl-S2r6UMINATIN6y lj V v THBOU&H WITH IT, f 'WAro J VOO 6ST 1 Jl. & fiis I'ltvMn PH squeak anip vou'o A tm glap voo 577 J him? Xbrimg V m,.n V T.TfN V -rZ. r, L . ; T-P I i-1 lr liraay i nil H 1 1 n 1 nrl fl 1 1KI 1 jbjMT Ift lAs&mm pj.feWJl me, fclaybni I don't blame you, but M Furious, Paula tried to twist free. "You're wasting time! she gasped. "Paulie. this Is Important This League bunch may be pretty tough to handle. We've got to work to gether. I'm asking you to forget just for tonicht that you hate me." Paula hesitated only a moment, then she snid quietly, 'All right, Tony. 1 I'll do as you ask." (To' Be Continued ) Since 1930, gasoline tax pay ments by the American public have shown an increase 18 times as great as the nation's gain in population. Rear tires of an automobile wear out faster than those on the front wheels since they have to push the car along. in J 3 II I) I i rz &$rf$r RED RYDER By Fred Harmon .VtS 'AifTo fS26KSi,tsw ;!" ' " .V- 1 ( 3v l ("eLNfoQit now what VTbc .ow sjt ' rtjfo y ) LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By Harold Gra OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major HoopU ( 'cr-f mail. XJ maow v.fs.s.10. W wRv,-Tne-r )OH.L,?iA',5. 1 , Llll , . , kep'a-piuw Y sew ur.-vjicK. Y S?yHrSToJ oof.'; that vwa, Y e&ao,my I'll mans T ouo4,MeEi, ,hf stv ( Fieecvr irw WOOW WHV SUtiAR.-HAVE BALL BUT IT Jh---.i OBSERVS THIS T THAT BiRO ( AvVAVTUAT ) VO' PF-rtFR 1 MlLfiFfcSvtW W MSVEH t WU WEVf ( CLIPPED.' v- FlERN HURL 15 Of WE'LL ) MAMME f TAKE TC TT Bli A-t-rT-TIM' I GIT V HOW WARMING UP ( MAKB HI ( AND I'LL, , t-iAgk T'tov6 Tm&) f Jf0)- MARK OH At TELL AH. ) ? CAMP r LET-TIC; OvTR A LOvP. VTHIUO BUT 1 YV 13 OMB f DESTINED TO ) 1 A-W 6H0LL ,' AV-M r li-V" AKJ ;' OVER.A-USIM-) I?" A COC,KJ V V 6TRACWT lMAK HI Mr-Z- J-t"