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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1941)
THE WITTS A VP THE HERAT.T). KLAMATH TAIX8. ORECOV Snnt 141 PAGE TE ManJzeti and fyUtoitcial T RALLY NEW YORK. June S Jt The itock market generally ignored the war news and other bearish factors today and whip ped up rally that lifted in dustrial leaders fractions to 2 or more points. Transfers of around 400.000 hares compared with about 255,000 yesterday. Brokers attributed the come back partly to a few inflation ary tremors among speculative forces and to the reinstatement of some commitments on the theory there was a good chance for a worthwhile recovery in view of the fact depressing de velopments abroad lately had brought out only a mere dribble of offerings. Stocks tacking on 2 points or so in the early upward trend Included American Telephone, Du Pont and Westinghouse. Among lesser gainers were Bethlehem Steel. Chrysler, Gen eral Motors, Cerro de Pasco, Great Northern, Western Union, Kennecott, American Can, Air Reduction. J. I. Case. General Electric, Dow Chemical, Mont gomery Ward and Eastman Kodak. International Paper pre ferred posted a new 1941 high. Today's quotations: 401 Air Reduction . Alaska Juneau . Al Chem & Dye American Can , Allis-Chalmers 31 Am Car & Fdy Am Rad Sta San Am Roll Mills Am Smelt & Ref Am Tel & Tel Am Tob "B" Am Water Works Am Zinc L & S Anaconda ... Armour HI Atchison Aviation Corp Bald Loco Bendix A via Beth Steel Boeing Airp Borden Borge-Warner Callahan Z L Calumet Hee Canada Dry Canadian Pacific mi 154J ! 631 41 51 261 4k 27S 31 13J 341 70 151 191 .. 161 13'16 6 101 3 1 Cat Tractor 431 Celanese Ches & Ohio Chrysler 21 361 561 731 91 - I 301 171 61 321 451 12 81 68J -.1451 ..124i 291 36 371 Col Gas & El . Com'l Solvents Comm'nwlth & Sou , Consol Aircraft Consol Edison Consol Oil Cont'l Can Corn Products Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright -.Doug Aircraft . iDupont De N Eastman Kodak General Electric . General Foods General Motors Goodrich .. Goodyear Tire 121 161 25J 101 8 111 50 2U 70 i 2 571 36 271 231 281 21 341 41 15S 131 19 151 121 131 131 6i Gt Nor Ry pfd , Greyhound Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap & P pfd Int Tel Sc Tel Johns Hanville Kennecott Lib O Ford .Lockheed Loew's . '' LongBell "A" Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit Nat'l Dairy Prod ... Nat'l Dist National Lead - N Y Central No Am Aviation . North Amer Co Northern Pacific . rOhio Oil ' Otis Steel . Pac Gas & El 71 23 Pac Tel & Tel 117 Packard Motor 2i Pan Amer Airways 111 Paramount Pic 13J Penney (J C) 80 Penna R R 241 Phelps Dodge 285 Phillips Pet n Proctor & Gamble 501 Pub Svc N J 23 Pullman 28 , Radio .. 31 Rayonier 12 i Republic Steel ISif Richfield Oil 8i Safeway Stores 38 . Sears Roebuck 702 Shell Union 141 Socony Vacuum . 9 ' Sou Cal Edison 23 -Southern Pacific 111 "Sparry Corp 34 - Standard Brands 51 -Stand Oil Calif 20J -Stand Oil Ind 281 , Stone & Webster 6 i Studebaker 4! ' Sunshine Mining 81 MARKE H i3i 79 101 3Si 2H 2i 61 21 a 34s 241 Si 231 901 271 POTATOES CHICAGO, June 3 (J) (US I Dept. Agrd Potatoes, arrivals 1 124: on track 268: total US ship ments 827: new stock, supplies moderate; demand for California Long White moderate, market firm; for southern Triumphs de- I mand very good, market shchtly I stronger: California Long Whites I US No. 1, $2.45-50: Alabama I Bliss Triumphs US No. 1. 51.90- t $2.10; Louisiana Bliss Triumphs US Mo. 1. $1.85-95; old stock, supplies light; demand for Idaho Russets good, market stronger; northern stock all varieties de mand fair, market steady; Idaho Russet Burbanks US No. 1, $2.00-25. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore., June 3 OP) (US Dept. AgrJ Hogs: salable 400; total 450; market active; strong; instances 10c higher; good-choice 170-213 lb. drive-ins $9.60-70; few lots to $9.75; 230 270 lb. butchers $8.75-9.00; light lights largely $8.75: packing sows $7.75-8.25; choice light I feeder pigs quotable to $10.50 or above. Cattle: Salable and total 100;, Texas Corp Union Carbide Union Oil Calif Union Pacific United Airlines . United Aircraft ....... United Corporation . United Drug United Fruit U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd U S Steel Vanadium Warner Pictures Western Union . , . Westinghouse Woolworth 1471 i caives saiaoie ou, loiai du; mar 271 1 ket active, steady; bulls slow, 79 I medium grades under pressure; 271 few good steers $10.25; medium gj 'grades down to $9.00; good fed 23 heifers $10.25; common-medium . graces; cuus aown to 46.50; canner-cutter cows $5.50 $6.50; shelly kinds down to $5.00; fat dairy cows around ' S7.00; grass-fat beef cows $7.25-1 50: good fed cows to $8.25; med ium bulls $8.00-50; good heavy bulls to $9.15; good-choice veal ers at $11.00-12.00; common 1 grades down to $7.00. I SHEEP: Salable 400, total 500; market slow, steady with Monday's close or weak to 25c below early Monday; good-choice spring lambs $9.75 to mostly $10.00; medium grades $9.25; fat lambs salable S8.50-75: sizeable lot good 120 lb. yearlings S6.50; older wethers down to $4.00, 1 few medium-good ewes $2.75- $3.25. S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, June 3 iP) (Federaltate Mar ket News) Hogs, salable 550; around 5c higher; most 185-235 lb. Californias $9.90, few heavies S9.40, late one load California butchers $10.00, top; packing sows $7.90 down. Cattle, salable 100; steers a bout steady; load medium 1,093 lb grass steers $8.75; Monday: 4 cars good to choice fed steers $10.50, light steers scarce, 8 cars fat grass 970-1,305 lb. steers $9.00; young grass cows and heif ers $7.50-8.00; today: 2 loads range canners and cutters $4.75-5 50, few dairy cows $8.00, bulk $4.00-5.75; bulls $8.00-50. Calves: salable 5P; steady; good vealers under 250 lbs. $11.00; medium slaughter calves $8.50. Sheep, salable 700; steady; 2 decks good to choice 79 lb. spring lambs $10.25; odd pack ages medium $8.75-9.00, few $9.75-10.00; medium to choice shorn ewes quoted $2.50-3.50. WOOL MARKET BOSTON, June 3 (AP-USDA) Domestic wools were rather quiet while scattered sales were being closed on spot Australian and South American wools. Prices were steady compared with last week on foreign wools. Bright fleece wools of three eighths and quarter blood grades were being offered from the country more freely than last week at prices around 46 cents, in the grease, delivered to users. Mills are showing little interest in these offerings. Territory and Texas wools were mostly very quiet but quotations were un changed. NEGOTIATIONS PORTLAND, June 3 MP) , ail warenousemen conunuea negotiations with the Portland Produce association for a con tract affecting eight warehouses here today. The union demands a 40-hour week in place of the current 43 1-3 hours and a 10 per cent wage increase. NEW PRESIDENT FOREST GROVE, June 3 VP) Pacific university installed Dr. Walter C. Giersbach as the tenth president in its 92-year history yesterday. BODY FOUND ASTORIA, June 3 W) Iden tification was sought today of a man found floating in the ocean outside the Columbia river mouth. Coroner Forrest Ginn said his clothing was that of a seaman. War Helps Oregon Seed Industry I . . . ULAHHAtti, June a u rne European war. cutting off im ports, enabled the infant Pacific coast seed industry to expand rapidly, A. E. Engbretson, As toria, said here yesterday. The president of the Pacific States Seedmen's association told delegates at the annual con vention that as a result the west coast has been enriched by a new income. R. A. Miksrhe, Medford, pres ident of the Tri-State Seedsmen's association, reported on that newly-formed organization to day. Soort Briefs By EDDIE BRIETZ NEW YORK. June 3 (The Special News Service! Arthur Donovan was all set to referee Lou Nova-Jim Robinson Friday night in Minneapolis. But the papers put on the old blast and 1'romoter Tommy O'Loughlin changed his mind quicker than it takes to say so here . . . Billy Conn won't get far with his pe tition to have a Pittsburgh made glove used in his Yankee stadium title fight with Joe Louis . . . Hard to believe, but Buck Newsom has failed to last nine innings in 10 of his 11 starts this year. OVERHEARD A guy walked into a Brook lyn hotel where several of the Dodgers stop and inquired of the clerk. "What did them bums do today?' Kirby Higbe. playing a juke box nearby, replied. "We won." ANYWAY, IT WAS DELAYED This info came trickling yes terday over the baseball ticker . . . "Chicago at Philadelphia delayed, umpires late" . . . Then this correction, "Chicago at Philadelphia now delayed ac count rain . . . (Umpires ar rived)". SPORTS COCKTAIL San Jose State college has found a way to get some good out of the soon-to-leave foot ballers. Seven weeks of spring drills came to a close with a regulation game between the "home guards" (those players sure to return) and the "draf tees," who are not at all sure about it . . . B u e k y Harris slapped a $25 fine on Buddy Lewis the other day for not running out a bunt. TODAY'S GUEST STAR John Kieran. New York Coast Conference Picks Best Trackmen for Big Ten Clash EERKELEY, Calif., June 3 (UP) The best track and field athletes of the Pacific coast con ference were selected Saturday to compete with a Big Ten all star team in an intersectional, inter-conference night meet at the Los Angeles Coliseum June 17. The Pacific coast team was se lected by conference coaches at a meeting immediately after the conference championship track meet won by the University of Southern California. Bill Hayward of University of Oregon was chosen coach of the Ail-Star team. In nine events, the top three men in the confer ence meet automatically were selected for the team. In six other events the athletes were chosen by the coaches. 4 & 4TV.'W , i.i' ' $ hr - ir IU Vi f NT ' 1 "7 "7gX' r ' pin '-. IfP'fi Here are firemen around the familiar pile of rubble, but the fecne is Long Island, N. testing ground, not bomb-ravished London. William McKeon, left, demonstrates to bearded British Fireman Rudolph Haybrook one of 900 asbestos suits to be shipped to British civilian firefighters. CHICAGO, June 3 V-Purchases by flour mills imparted strength to a lagging wheat mar ket today and prices advanced as much as 2 cents a bushel. Millers were reported buying in Kansas City and the bri.-k runup in prices there was a fac tor in the Chicago advance. Other grains were fractionally higher in sympathy with wheat. The higher prices were scored after the trade had digested priv ate crop estimates indicating a 1941 wheal crop far in excess of previous estimates. Wheat closed near the day's peak levels and 11-2 cents higher than yesterday's finish, July 98 971c, September 991c. Corn i-ic up, July 73-74c, September 751-lc, Oats were mixed and It lower to c higher. Soybeans ! cent off to 1c up. Rye 1c down to :1c higher, and Lard unchang ed to 2c up. FIDUCHIA FALLS TO MITTS OF BLACKSHEAR SAN FRANCISCO. June 3 (UP) Harold Blackshear, San Francisco heavyweight scored a technical knockout against Fred dy Fiduchia. Newark, N. J., in the seventh round of a scheduled ten-round fight here Monday. The fight was stopped when, after coming out of a clinch, Fiduchia's left eye was badly cut. A boxing commission phy sician who stepped into the ring to examine the injured fighter ordered the bout halted. U. S. Rifle Matches Not to Be Held COLUMBUS. O.. June 3 (.TV- One of the country's top-flight ; sports events the National Rule ' matches dropped from the 1941 ; calendar today witli announce- j mcnt that Camp Perry would , not be available for the three week carnival beside Lake Erie, j The National Rifle associa- i tion announced that the army's 30-caliber division of the classic would be cancelled, due to the , national defense program, de finitely limiting the 1941 com-j petition to the small bore and pistol classifications. Times: "The noted pitching staff j of the Indians took a hammer- j ing over a recent stretch, but ! Manager Peckinpaugh still has, a Feller when he needs a j friend WHAT GOES ON? Just take a look at those American league ciuo oaiiing averages . . . Yep. the Athletics are roosting up there on top (and the Yankees are wallowing ;on the bottom . . . Verily, the old order changeth. The Pacific coa?t conference team; Mil TtKowlti Msho WrH (fSC), Pfr rrtiir-rniit. illL-m W (Stanford), lf-nl pi F.i ir flank ( . nr ,nn f. I11" Vaiff Ii)i - oi'iii.! tv.h.). Sinclair (1.CM). Hil-v iWm'i. H4t H'r.ll-. - II i- evi-1 (TV). Blow- KTl'T (IX I, U.-7-fT"! (I"') Shot r1" M-r-if l -i. , tj (Stan fortt, (i'tl'fV.rr;iii. n vM - - l'i! (W-C), Lang (W ), inv,n t,r HM ,-Mr,iv,r,ti. Hicti J'-Tif' -"m ttt H'Ki). Wilton (."; i. Smitti f 'a li f "f ti in, Jax-llft - Pi.- .1 -t M. Fii fCalt fcrniil, B. flik iCAlif.irtiCi). hfii J'imi. I.W,.r ltn, Wr-n r" , Fifi'lfiv utfu-n Mi'M. Yar.1 D.i-ii - -:ti,if i ref. A), (W,..h.), MrF-Tl-tri.t i -t infor.l). H..r.j Ihn-w . ! -i!if..iina;, J1IW St'inffiMi. rUvin ( M' lit iti ). Wilt Si-,i-i, nil S'UiU frail ffirnni). rhd'fr M I l-M-Mii- ti'lir;n ov-rv Dyrgall (Mtmi. VHlin'.,Jrf ion.-" r-iw H'irril' Hal' v U -I t. .lohnaoo fl -if), n.ikfl (ITM). ..r hxrrt el -O. Mil K-lV '111- P-.i.fK, ..-ki-t,.,! the f-;i!tf'riitn nn-l th I rnwofv 'I ffc.uth. -m l alifufriiJi nut r 'i . Inturt, K'th 'ill fin In ih- H'7 T-n m-'t Id aa tMn(il for nw 'rlii'i nTl. Oregon Sports Notes Br FRED HAMPSON Associated Press Staff Writer Whatever the University of Oregon backfield may lack next autumn. It apparently will not lie speed. At this Juncture the Ducks promise to be of the winged species, no waddle. There is a lad named Jack Leicht who comes Into varsity maturity. He is a transfer from Pasadena Junior college and, from all reports, has passed the Atherton scrutiny. He ran the 100-yard dash in the OSC'Ore gon track meet In 9.8 seconds and the 220 in 22 seconds. He is credited with 9 8 and 21.2 in the two dashes but cither sets of times will do. Leicht has yet to prove that he can use his speed on the gridiron, of course. Track and football require different kinds of velocity and most cinder spcedballs have been too fragile for football. But there are enough exceptions to make ! Leicht an Interesting person to speculate upon. Tex Oliver can start tutoring him with the comfortable knowledge that no body will tackle him from be hind. Curt Mecham. Ken Oliphant. Tom Roblin. Frank Boyd and Roy Dyer are other Oregon backs whose tempo is not and ante. They can't break 10 flat in the 100 but they all can get about. Then there Is much-advertised Jimmy Newquist. the flash, the thunderbolt, the greased gazelle '. (and any other superlatives you j can think of) from Camas. From I the Washington neighborhood of ! his origin, they vow Newquist : combines the best features of j Grange, Wilson. Winged Mer- cury and Twenty-Grand. In at few unfurlings as an Oregon freshman he shone brilliantly. He has been okehed by Ather ton. he has added heft (current figure 193 pounds) without los ing speed, and has picked up ! confidence. Gone with the draft will be at least half a dozen southern California footballers next aut umn. Bob Berryman. Mickey Anderson and Bob Robertson have been called. All were con sidered Grade A barks for 1941. Five Trojan sophomores have joined the air corps to boat con scription. Don Means and .Tack Stack pool probably will be lost by the Washington varsity. Two Texans Favored in National Open FORT WORTH. Tex.. June 3 j (VP) Texans today bolieved a native son was a shoo-in for Die national open golf champion ship. The tournament start Thurs day over the Colonial Club course and the bettinu commis sioners, who never let their hearts rule their heads while turning a few dollars,- are in agreement with the Texans. The two home town boys Byron Nelson and Ben HoRnn are being held at the extremely yhort ndris of S to 1 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersiKned has been appointed Executrix of the estate of Edward Bisbee, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Klamath County, Probate Department. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as by law required to the undersigned at the office of A. W. Schaupp, 613J Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon within six months from the date of first publication hereof. Pearl Bisbee Executrix of the Estate of Edward Bisbee, Deceased. Dated and First PnhlishnH May 20, Last Publication June 17th. M 20-27; J 3-10-17. No. 82. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE IN THIS CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOH KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF EDWARD A. MER UIT, Deceased. STATE OF OREGON, Plaintiff, vs. JOE ROADS, Defendant. This matter coming on before the couifc. to be heard upon the Information filed by the Dis trict Attorney of Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, and it appearing to the court that Edward A. Mcr rit died intestate on the 3rd day of December, 1940, in the Coun ty of Klamath, State of Oregon; said deceased at the. time of his death was an inhabitant of Klamath County, Oregon, and left assets in said County and State consisting of the follow ing: $118.00 in cash; S'iSE'A of Section 8, Town ship 38, South Range 10 E.W.M., Klamath County, Oregon. That said deceased left no known heirs: that one Joe I Roads has been appointed Ad 'mlnlstrator of said estate and ! is In possession of said property as such administrator, and the court being fully advised in the premises; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED. That the said Joe Roads and D. E. Lee and all persons inter ested In snld estate shall apiiear and show cause, if any they have, on or before the 15th day of July. 1941, said dale being more than six (Ml weeks from the date hereof why title to said property should not vest in the State of Oregon. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED. That this Order shall be pub lished at leat once each week for six consecutive weeks from the date hereof In The Evening Herald, a dally newspaper pub lished In Klamath County. Ore gon. Dated this Ind day of .Tune, 1941. DAVID R. VANPENBFRO. Circuit Judue. J 3-10-17 :4: Jy 1 8 15 No. !. CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartments For Rent .. Automotive Business Opportunities . Educational Financial . 24 34 48 12 46 38 4 13 14 18 For Sale or Trade General Notices Health Help Wanted, Female Help Wanted. Male Houses For Rent Livestock and r-oultry Lost and Found Miscellaneous For Rent Miscellaneous For Sale Miscellaneous Wanted Personals Real Estate For Sale Real Estate Wanted Room and Board - Rooms For Rent Services Situations Wanted To Exchange Trwnsportat, nn 2 Lost and Found .26 .44 3 . 28 1 . 38 ! ..42 - 8 .30 .32 . 20 22 i ..10 . 18 I . 40 8 ; LOST Child's purse, tan straw, cherry trim. Reward. Phone 3257. 6 3 ! LOST Small black Cocker span iel. Name Skippy. Reward., 2525 Orchard way. Dial 4333. 1 ft 4 LOST Keys In black leather rase. Return News-Herald of-, fice. 6 4 1 4 General Notices ; WE NOW HAVE modern accom modations for trailer houses.. Altamnnt Trailer Park 8-3 RAW VEGETABLE JUICES Extracted f renh dily. Also , health foods. 131 N. 4th. Phone 4707. LEAHN modern or clnwical ; piano the easiest way. Special ) low summer rates. Fredrick ; Studio, 727 Roseway. Thone 1 1 Persona it GLASS Duplate Safety Glass, window glass, plnle and mirrors, resil venng. Kimball's Glass Shop. 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 66mtf CURTAINS home laundered and stretched. Reasonable. Mrs. Shafcx. Phone 5647. 6-3mtf LAWNMOWERS REPAIRED Always the best for less. Bo denhamer Saw Filing 351-3 East Main street. Phono 4B72 6-10 SEE MRS. HARNEY for alter aliens. Remodeling. Whytal's. Phone 8222. fl-Smtf Transportation Go By Motor Coach Shortest Route Lowest Fares to Northern Points One Round Way Trip Spokane ..$1 1.00 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 9.95 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Mt. Hood Stages, Inc Busses Leave 1:00 p. m. Greyhound Depot - Phone 5521 8-20mtf WANTED Ride to San Fran cisco. Phone 8418. fi-3 WANTED Ride to or near St. Joseph, Missouri. 2318 Cali fornia. 6-3 10 Service FLOOR SANDING and refinlsh ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3922. 6-30mtf WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing Ma chine Service, 700 South Sixth. H-3('mlf KALSOMINING Painting, Papcrhanging. Mac McGarr. Phono 4886. 8-16 HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict. 6848. 6-4 FLOOR SANDING Old floors refinished. Norman Fraley. Phone 4001. 6-24mtf PAINTING, KALSOMINING. H. L. Brown. Phono 4228. 8-lUmtf HOUSE MOVING, raising, ce ment work. W. Mi'Danicl, 208 Michigan. Phone 7420. 8-19 Service DOUEMUS Hug and Furniture Cleaners. Quick servlre. Rea sonable prlres. Dial 8878. 2012 Orchard. 9 1' KI.KCTROLUX CLEANERS Sales and service. Phone 61117. V. O. Box 814. 6 22 PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gilt Shop, 519 Main. 8-24mtf NELSON riattcry and Welding. 2219 So. 8th. Fenders welded 50c and up. 0-8 BRING YOUR REMODELING problem to Mike Robin. Web foot Construction Co. Phone 81113 for appointment. 1430 Klamath. Loans approved samo day, 0-7 HOUSE MOVING, raising, ce ment work. R. 11. Hartley. 203 Michigan Ave. Phone 7251. 8-18 WINDOW CLEANING We also clean pc -cr, knlsonilne and painted walls. A. M. Rhoads. Dial 4788.' 6 24mtf PA PER HANG ING. Painting, Kiilsonunlng. Dial 6848. Mel vln E. Frost. 8-13mtf DRESSMAKING, hemstitching, buttons, buckles covered. Al terations on new and old clothing Mrs II M Allen der, 7.11 Main, room 216 rimno 72(13 8-lflmtf PAINTING, paper hanging, kal sonuning. C. A Kousella. Phono 5068. 8 13 FLOOR SANDING. FINISHING We generate our own power. C. DuFour. Phone 3998. 6-27mtf 13 Health DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED Usually 1 to 3 hours. Dr. Gordon I.edinuham. 6-30mtf 14 Help Wanted. Female WOMAN WANTS hour work. Phone 4761. 6-3 EXPERIENCED woman for cook ing and housework. Modern ranch home. Phone 1301, Mer rill. 63 WANTED Housekeeper, take full charge. Must stay nights. $35. 204 N. 3rd after 12 p. m. 6 6 WANTED Girls to sell season biiM-ball tickets. See Mr. Sny der between 10 and 11 Wed nesday, at 231 South 11th. 8 3 WANTED Kunch rook. $3500 prr tnnnth, room, board. Fhone :(i4. 64 WANTED Elderly woman for homework, Nice home unci Mlary. Hnx B2. Illy. Ore. 6 3 WANTED Hnunrkeeper for family of four. Must be nent find clean, and good cook. Good wanes. Refrenrei re quired. Phone 3623. 6 3 WANTED Experienced woman for housework. Must be ca pable Inking full charge. Ref erences. News Herald. Box 21!)i. 5 WANTED Experienced Beauty nnerntnr Call 41 5 16 Help Wantaa. Mai WANTED Someone with equip ment to cut and bale hay. Grain and clover hay. Phone 4'i43. R. C. Prudlionime, 5H2 So. Kth St. 8 5 RELIABLE sales . deliveryman with car who ran get along on $:in 50 a week. News Herald. Box 1102. 84 WANTED Two first-class auto- mobile mechanics. Marshall Cornell Co. 6-3 PAPER ROUTES open. Phone 7471. Boys over 14 years. 6-3. MERIT SYSTEM TESTS June 21 for positions with Unem ployment Compensation Coin mision. Applications accept ed until June 7 with Board of Examiners, Spaiding Build ing. Portland. Employment Officers, $1500 to $2100; Stat ticians $1440 to $2840. Infor mation at any Slate Employ ment Office and Board of Ex aminers. 5-31; 6 1, 3, 5 WANTED Man to work on dairy ranch. Ma-hine milker. Phone 2F7, Fort Klamath. Wrile to Dan Savage, Chllo qnin. Ore , Slur Rl 6-3 Situations Wanted CARPENTER WORK contract ed. News-Herald, Box 1183. 64 WANTED By middle-aged Christian woman, care for sick or children by hour, day or night. Mrs. Farra, 528 N. 7th. 84 SCHOOL TEACHER wishes sum. mcr work. Phone 8426. 6-8 BABY LAND Where you may have your baby or small tots cared for while you work, shop or play. Close in, 412 High St.. Phone 8341. 6-5 WOMAN WANTS HOUR WORK Phone 5848. 8-4 EXPERIENCED pine edgerman wants work. R. P. Thompson, Anchor Hotel. 8-4 SIIIPMAN NURSERY Chil dren cared for. Day, week, month. Phone 7365. 1013 Wantland. 6 21mtf 10 20 Roorn and Board 1) WIDOW LADY wishes boarders. 133 No. 10th after A 30, Apt. 7. 6 S ROOMS Board If desired. 1018 Washington. 2012tf ROOM, BOARD 814 Walnut. 82mtf VACANCY 1034 High. 6-Smtf ROOM AND HOARD Prlvata, romfortnhle home. Excellent tanla Closa In. 1028 Jeffer son. Phona 47AS. 8 4 BOARD, ROOM Private home. 333 Nn. Illh. 6 7 Rooms for Rant CLEAN ROOM 134 N. Srd. 2228U FOR HENT Cool sleeping room. Also housekeeping rooms $2 50 week. Phone 7058. 8 4 FOR RENT Nlca room, reason able. Both shower and tub hath, 830 N. 10th. 8 J ROOM-FOR RENT J 14 Was vj Ington. 4648ti COLONIAL INN 121 N. 11th. All outside, furnished rooms. Weekly rates. Free parking. 87 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day, week or month. 6-SOmtr LOW SUMMER RATES All prices reduced. Special weekly rates. Every room modern. Holly Hotel, Main at 11th, 112 So. 11th. Free parking. 6-5 CLAREMONT 228 No. th. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. Free parking. 8-6mtf NICE ROOMS for gentlemen. lhone 5244251ligjTul-j 24 Apartments For Rent THE ROOSEVELT LeRoy street Just above Pacific Ter. race. Klamath's finest resi dence district. Dial 3817. 2221tf RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS Everything furnished. $3 and (4 week. 2 Main. 8.8 THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. Audley Apia., SOS So. 8th. Phone 8243. B THREE ROOM furnished duplex, Frlgldalre, oil heat, garage, nice lawn. Inquire 220 Pa cific Terrace. 1466tf TWO-ROOM APARTMENT Private hath. Everything fur nished. Adults. No peta. 431 Washington. Dial 5839. 6 6 HOUSEKEEPING HOOMS-O 1304 Worden, corner 11th. 6-B tThTee"rOOM APARTMENT Partly furnished. 1110 Mon Claire. 8-4 C.I.ENCOURT APARTMENT Two and 3 rooms, furnished, newly renovated. $27.80 and up. Weyerhaeuser district. 10 minutes from city e e n t a r. Phone 5084. 7-1 FOUR-ROOM furnished apart ment, $27 50 month. Utilities furnished. Phone 4486. 1721 Wall. 8-3 WANTED Young single man to share apartment. Reference required. Inquire Alpha Apt. 312. 8 3 VACANCY Hot Springs Court. Furnished. 6-7, VACANCY -Furnished - Esplanade Court. 6-30mtf THREE BOOM furnished apart ment. Alameda apartments, 18110 Esplanade. 1167tf FURNISHED apartment. 421 Oak. 6-3 2 ROOM APT. 813 Pine. 66 UNFURNISHED DUPLEX 3 or 4 room. Electric range and refrigerator. Call after 5 p. m. 505 N. 0th. 1159tf TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment, $20. 1742 Menloway, Phone 5455. 6-3 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Low rBtes. Utilities. No pets. 419 N. 10th. 6-21 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. Close In. 405 N. 3rd. 8-9 LARGE, CLEAN housekeeping rooms. Suitable for two, $4.50 week. 218 Main. 6-5 VACANCY Alpha Apartments. 6-3 3-BEDROOM APT., partly fur nished, near Ewnuna Box Co. Phone 3025. 821tf TWO-ROOM furnished apart mcnt, 125 N. 6th. Phone 6393. 413tf VACANCY 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Marlon Apartment. 425tf FOUR ROOMS furnished. Elec tric range, refrigerator. Gar age. Phono 5817. 1254tf THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. Wood, water furnished. $35. Nn children, no pets. In- M quire 1421 Wall. 2187U AIR - COOLED housekeeping room. 020 Lincoln. 207711 Looking tor Bargains! Turn to the Classified page.