unmet THE NEWS ANT) TTTB HERALD, KLAMATH FALLg, OREGON FACT THIRTEEN ' FINE and ISPLANADI Bring your ads to The Herald nd Newi office, and gel the low Paid In Advance Rates. Peld-ln-Advesjce One day , p word So Three daya . p" word Be Week p" word Te Month ... . , per word 20 e GUllijjied ASefiUiHJCp Section TILEPHONI 3124 Phone la jour "want ada" for Caaraa Retea fad) day pa Minimum charge U U convenience ... by 12:00 ; for regular claudication. Automotive Automotive 84 Automotive 84 Automotive 84 Automotive Automotive 4 Aatsaastlss $4 AetsoasdM THINK You're family's safety comes first, and a better and safer car is always a wise investment. '40 Plymouth Deluxe 5-Pau. Coupe, low mileage, very clean, heater and defroster $725 '40 Uulck Huiier Serlei S-Pau. Coupe, radio, heater and spotlight, very amart, general appearance like new J 1025 '40 Uulck Sport Coupe (S-Pass.). new motor replacing one frown, radio, heater, fogllghta and spotlights, very amart $875 '40 Uulck lluslness Coupe, apodal aerlea, heater and defroiter 78S '40 Uulck Special Sedan, formerly owned by local busi- neaa executive and la like new $950 '40 Ford Deluxe Sedan, very low mileage, generally like new, 60-day guarantee ..... 5785 '80 Chrysler Imperial Sedan, original black flnlih and upholttery spotless, overdrive, radio and heater, muit be aeen to appreciate 5775 '30 Packard Deluxe Six Touring Sedan, driven only 16,000 mllea by local tUjre owner and la In tip top shape 8745 'SO Plymouth Deluxe Sedan, clean aa new 8820 '37 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan, radio and heater 5440 '38 Oldsmoblle Touring Sedan, radio and heater . $593 '37 Pontlac Six Touring Sedan, very clean $450 '37 Uulck Special Sedan, radio and heater 8530 '38 Bulck Special Sedan, new rlnga - - 8430 38 Pontlac 6-Cyl. Sedan, radio and heater . $370 '39 Ford Tudor, motor reconditioned, new paint $295 '38 Dodge Touring Sedan, very clean $370 33 Dodge Touring Sedan, new paint, good motor $295 '35 Bulck Century Sedan, radio and heater .- - $330 Several Units at $10 Down CLOSED FRIDAY ALL DAY H .E. HAUGER Seventeen Yeara The Rouae of Bulck BUICK CENTER Phone 5151 1330 MAIN 18 Hsuaee For Rent TOR RENT Five-room house. Phone 3204. 8 2 FOR RENT Unfurnlahed three, mm hmiM an Mt. Whitney ill SO. Phone 7888 evenings. 631 FOR RENT Unfurnished three ranm hniiu. fio. 428 Rich mond. Inquire Link River Auto Camp. 5-30 TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE, com pletely furnished. Adults only. 202T Oregon. 5-31 THREE BEDROOM house In re stricted district. Phone 8238. 530 13 Miscellaneous For Rent FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT New store building. Shelving and living quarters. Parking apace allowed on right-hand aide of street. Heavy traffic. New homes going up. Hap David, 2311-17 So. 8th St 5-31 AUTO DEALERS For Rent Storage space suit able for automobiles. T. B. WAITERS 815 Main St Phone 4193 5-31 kin nKNT Riiildina 40x50 suitable for storage or shop. Phone 3702. oua bo. ow. 566tf TRUCKS FOR RENT Move yourself, save 4. Stiles' Bea con Service. 1201 East Main Phone 8031. 6-7mtf CAFE Equipped. Hagcr, 6-3 80 Real Estate lor Sale LAKE O' THE WOODS CABIN for sale. News-Herald, Box 1398. -l for HALE 21 acres, four-room modern house, garage, barn. chicken house, root cellar, izsu down. Phone 8468. 2164U 610 ACRE, small well-built fur nished house, cement founda tion, plumbing, garden and ti.rrlM On. hlnck from bus. four blocks from grade and Junior high school. 334 cu be street 6-3 3-BEDROOM. completely fur nlshed house. Adults only. 2027 Oregon. 5-30 FOR SALE OR TRADE 100 ft, tot on Market street. Suitablo " tor warehouse. W. J. Horbelt, Tlonesta, Calif. 6-3 STOCK RANCH 150 HEAD cattle, 1000 acres - land, horses, machinery. f 12, 000. Terms. IRRIGATED FARM 310 ACRE farm. 120 acres un . der Irrigation, 100 acres alslke -; clover. $8000. M. A. Bow ' man, Merrill, 5-30 FOR SALE Four rooms, mod- ern, Eldorado and East Main. Close In. Ideal for railroad. ' Phone 4933. 4106tf THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE In .' restricted district. Phone 8238. 6-2 30 Real Estate for Bale NEW TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE and garage. Inlaid linoleum, Insulated and screened. $3200. $300 down. 2427 White. See Lloyd W. Rusk, on Austin street off Shasta way. 6-2 THE CLEANEST, best-located suburban subdivision In Klsm ath Falls El Dorado Heights tract. Just north of Hot Springs addition on El Dorado Blvd. ' 3 30 FOR SALE Three-room house, I acre, $800. 3221 Delaware. 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE with two-room apartment built on. Gas furnace. Two blocks from normal. Lot 100x150. Nice lawn, sprinkler system, fruit and berries. $2400. Six-room modern house, hardwood floors, basement, furnace. fruit, berries. See W. W. Robi. son, 23 East Main St., Ashland, Ore. 5-30 A BARGAIN! Plastered, all modern 4-room house with bath, nice lawn, Stewart ad' dltlon. Call 3846. 5-31 FOR SALE Modem 4-room house, 436 Adams. Owner leaving town. Must sell once. 6-4 FOR SALE 5 acres, three-room cabin, outbuildings, $475.00. Three-fourth mile west of Lost River bridge this side of Mer rill. Donald Godsey. 5-31 FOR SALE Large lot with two houses on Radcllffe near E Main. Also one new 3-room on Summers lane. Priced to sell. J. C. McKlm. Phone S019 after 6 p. m. 6-4 OWNER WILL SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE 116 acres In southern Oregon. Seven-room house, 60 acres under cultiva tion, level land, all year creek, springs for Irrigation, large garden spot. Good fencing. Ideal for cattle, hogs, sheep, or turkeys. On Federal high way 99. Total price $2850, It must be sold. Write owner. 11 NE 39th Ave., Portland, Ore. 5-31 34 Automotive DUE TO an order placed four months ago we have on hand one new KR8 International truck designed for logging: also one Page Ic Page special dual axle trailer with Timp- kln axles. See this equipment at Pruitt's Garage, Dorrls, Calif., or Phone 163. 5-30 AUTO REPAIRING Melhase Garage. 6-21 LIGHTS and BRAKES adjusted. Open evenings. Melhase Gar age. 6-21 36 Miscellaneous tot Sale FOR SALE Furniture, garden tools, dishes, baby furniture. 2015 Blsbee. 6-30 STOVES REPAIRED All parte stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 8671. 5-31mtf Safety Tested CARS You Need a NOW is the '40 Olds Trg. Tudor $795 '40 Olds "70" Trg. Sedon 865 '39 Olds 5-Pass. Coupe .... 660 '38 Chev. Dlx. Tudor 475 '38 Olds Coupe 525 '38 Hudson Dlx. Sedan .... 465 '38 G. M. C. Pickup 365 '38 Ford Dlx. Coupe ... 460 '38 Chev. Coupe 485 '38 Plymouth Sedan 525 '38 Stude Comm. Sed 585 '37 Dodge Coupe 425 '37 Stude Sedon 525 '37 Dodge Pickup 295 You SAVE on Purchase Price! You SAVE on Finance Cost! You Are SURE of QUALITY! Insurance Plus 6 NEW LOCATION-Olds Tower to the Post Office Marshall Cornett Co. 36 Miscellaneous For Sale USED LUMBER For sale. Com. plete for building 16x43 feet Bargain. 2081 Martin. DUPONT Dulux Marine Paints. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market Phone 7221. 6-22 FOR SALE seed potatoes, very free from disease, also cull potatoes. Mary E, Dixon. Box 824, Rt 1. 5-30. BARGAINS In new and used furniture. Visit Upstairs Fur niture Store, 0th and Main. 6-22mtf FOR SALE 4-cycle Indian mo torcycle, $143. Good condi tion. 410 So. 5th. 5-31 SCOTTIES Pet show or breed ing stock. Write your wants. We ship on approval. Royal Rogue Kennels, Medford, Ore. 5-31 SPECIAL BARGAINS on new and used furniture. Dressers $3 and up; beautiful birds-eye maple bedroom set, exception- ' al bargain; sewing machines, Get our prices on linoleum rugs, new davanos, inner- spring mattresses, stoves and ranges, rubber-tired lawn mow ers, water hose. We can save you money on paint Free de livery. STAR TRADING CO. 2013 So. 6th. Phone 7678 6-30 FOR SALE Trailer house. Cheap. Box 521, City. 5-30 FOR SALE Netted Gem seed potatoes. Free of all disease Joe Keller, Hager, Ore. 6-30 PIGS Gilts and barrows. For Sale: 100 eight to 10-weeks-old. Now Is the time to start to make some money on pigs. These pigs sired by $100 Pol and China boar. A. H. Patter . son. Midland, Ore. 6-3 ROLLER SKATES with shoes. New $9.35. Learn to skate with Hammond Electric Organ. Poole's Rollerdrome, So, 6th. 6-12 SANDY LOAM TOP DIRT 3-yard truck load $2.80 deliv ered. Also real sandy fill dirt Phone 5569. 6-11 FERTILIZER 82.00 YARD Sandy loam $1.50 2-yard load; sandy fill dirt 60c per yard. Roy Schmeck. Phone 6817. 6-20 FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness Is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 So. 6th. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct 6-8tf Better Car -Time to Buy! '37 DeSoto Coupe $465 '37 Ford "85" Sedan 395 '37 Stude Coupe 395 '37 Chev Trg. Tudor 425 '37 Ford Club Cpe 395 '37 Olds Trg. Sedan 525 '37 LaSalle Trg. Sedan .... 625 '36 Chev. Trg. Tudor ...... 295 '36 Olds Trg. Sedon 360 '36 Plymouth Coupe 285 '36 Dodge Sedan 325 '36 Ford Coupe 275 '36 Dodge Coupe 325 '36 Chev Coupe 325 OLDSMOBILE - CADILLAC 86 Mlseellaneoas For Bale FOR SALE Weaner pigs. A. J. Orr, Rt 1, Box 996, east Great Northern roundhouse. 5-31 RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 1312tf FLOWERING PLANTS and roses In bloom for Decoration day at cut prices. Tower Inn, South 6th St 5-31 HAVE YOUR Holiday or Sunday dinner at Rocky Point Resort 5-30 9x12 AX MINSTER RUG, bed room set 1940 radio, all new. 1933 Arthur. 6-31 FOR SALE Red fryers. Mer- rlll-Lakevlew Junction, Crys tals. 5J1 FOR SALE Westhope collies. Natural heelers for 20 years. Pups ready for work, $5 each. Poe Valley Kennels, Rt 2, Box 789, past Olene. 6-4 WHITE FRYERS S for $1. Pine Grove Poultry Ranch, Lakevlew Highway. 5-31 BOAT TICKETS to Rocky Point at Chamber of Commerce. 5-31 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 101 Klamath Ave. Phone 6672. -4mtf LET ROBIN build your love nest It'll be BIRD. Robin-Built is best built Webfoot Con struction Co., 1430 Klamath Ave. Phone 6613, Low, low monthly payments. 6-7 DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. ft., $3.50 delivered. $2.50 at mill. Phone 5852. 6-19mtf FOR SALE. RENT OR TRADE Restaurant and store fix tures. Have 60 stools, 3 cash registers, 2 safes on hand now. Also will buy cash register, stools, safes, etc. Hap David, 2311 So. 6th. 6-6 WASHED SAND and GRAVEL for concrete; also pit run. O. A. McCord. Dial 6433. 6-21 38 For Sale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE Horses and milch cows for late model truck. A. E. Wampler, Rocky Point. 6-3 42 Mlscellaneoua Wanted KAY'S Used and New Store buys used household goods, stoves, etc. 012 Main. Phone 6309. 5-31mtf 42 Miscellaneous Wanted HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for hides, pelts, all kinds metal. radiators and batteries. STAR TRADING CO. 2012 So. 6th. Phone 7678 6-27 YOUNG MAN wants quiet room In private home. Write Box 1412. News-Herald. 1412tf 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED Alive poultry of all kinds. Martin Produce. Phone 3372. 64 WE BUY LIVE POULTRY and rabbits of all kinds. Trulove's Market Phone 4282. 010 East Main. 6-lSmtf FOR SALE Registered three- year-old Guernsey bull, I-ang- water strain. F. M. Craig, Beau Lane, Medford, Ore. 540 NEW LOW PRICES on Jenks Superior Chicks and Poults. White Leghorns $7.95. Pullets $18. Cockerels $2. New Hamp shire!, Barred Rocks, Reds, Brown Leghorns $8.95. Buff Orpingtons $9.85. Bronze or Narragansett turkey poults $30-$35. 100 pullorum tested. Live delivery guaranteed. Free catalog. JENKS HATCHERY, Tangent, Oregon. 6-28 46 Financial LOW COST Automobile Loans "Dinty" Moore ItaftiUM pram MtTiet V it FlriAiio pervontl jar m1m Obtain drtUknJ wkt it RrductJ pAymenti it Finance hi or mod tar parehasM A LOCAL COMPANY 12 Years Serving In Klamath Fall MOTOR Investment Co. 114 N. 7th Ph 3323 Lie. M-273 5-3lmtf AUTO LOANS Borrow money on your car or refinance your present balance Easy terms Cash Immediately TRI-STATE ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION M-23S The Landry Co. Refinancing Phone 8612 $13 Main S-31mtf Turner's OK'd Cars Used-but Not Abused! They have been through Turner's reconditioning plant; and carry that treasured OK THAT COUNTS After all, every car in use is a used car. '40 '39 '39 Stude. Sedan $725 COUPES Carrying our OK. Chev. Dl. Sed $675 Fully equipped. Lin-Zep. Sed. $895 Has only run 17,000 miles, actually as good as new, fully equipped, radio and heater, seat covers and new white side wall tires, originally sold for $1700. A real buy. '39 Ply. DF. Sed. . $625 This car is clean, and is a car you will be proud to own. '38 Hudson Sed.. $450 Deluxe Sport. A sweet carrying our OK. '37 '38 Pack. Sedan . $465 A beauty. Ply. Sedan . . $485 Terra. Coach $375 Willys Sedan . $225 Ford Sedan . $345 Olds Spt Sed. $525 Stude.. Sedan $475 Chev. Sedan $375 Pontiac Sedan $345 Ply. Sedan . . $325 BuickSptSed.$395 Ford Sedan . $260 LaFay. Sedan $295 Chry. Sedan . $295 Chev. Coach $ 1 95 '37 '37 '37 '37 '37 '36 '36 '36 '36 '35 '35 '35 '35 Follow the Wise Used Car Buyer and Turn to Turner Where Reconditioning Is a Tradition. Turner Chevrolet Co. Main and Esplanade 48 Financial L O A N S OK TOtJB A0TOU0BIU Cash At Once! Ion Car XV4 Vol B. full M tot ... See Us Today Commercial Finance CORPORATION lit South etk St. (.Iimatk fmlli PImm SMS Ucrara U m 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Registered Here ford bulls. See John Takacs, Merrill, Ore. 6-4 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 5361. Midland road. 5-31mtf 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE OR LEASE Restau rant, Medford, Fully equipped. Fine location. 803 Keeneway Drive, Medford, Ore. 8-31 running car, 4-ton with Just like new 40 Chev. 39 Chev. lU-Ton. 37 Chev. lH-Ton. 36 Chev. ltt-Ton. 36 Chev. 34 Chev. ltt-Ton. And Last But I Locations $ Tulelake 46 Financial AUTO LOANS Refinance Or Cash On Your Car 1 to 18 months to repay. Consumers Credit Co. Dlv. of Pacific Finance Corp 724 Pine M-233 Ph. 5600 5-31mtf 48 Business Opportunities NEW DANCE HALL LEASE FOR SALE 40x70 floor space. fully equipped with living quarters, lights and water fur nished. Rent $35 per month. Two-year lease with option of renewal. On Highway 97, be tween Gilchrist and La Pine, Ore. In center of mill towns. Will sell whole or consider partner. Write Mrs. May Pel land, Star Route, La Pine, Ore. 5-31 FOR SALE Lunch counter. Must sell because of illness. Carman's Lunch, 4534 So. 6th. 541 AND THEY ARE ' BEAUTIES! 39 Nash-La Cpe. $595 37 Ply. Coupe . . $365 36 Ford Coupe . $295 36 Terra. Coupe $295 36 Chev. Coupe $375 36 Ply. Coupe.. $295 35 Terra. Coupe $275 34 Ply. Coupe . . $ 1 75 33 Ply. Coupe . . $135 32 Chev. Rdst. . $125 COMMERCIAL 40 Chev. Pickup . $645 platform and stake body. Pickup. $595 Truck . $645 Truck . $425 Truck . $345 Panel . $295 Truck . $225 34 Chev. Pickup $145 Not Least, On 38 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle In first class condition, equipped with addle bags, and the price la right! 410 S. 6th St Jacobs-Howell USED CARS '39 Olds 6 Sedan $695 '38 Olds 6 Sedon $625 '36 Olds 6 Sedan $345 '37 Plymouth Sedan $445 '37 Hudson Sedon $395 '37 Willys Sedan $245 '36 Willys Sedan $135 '36 Chevrolet Sedan -..$345 '35 Pontiac Sedon $325 '35 Dodge Sedon $295 '36 Nash 6 Sedan $195 '36 Packord 120 Sedan..$395 '36 Buiek 40 Sedan $395 '34 Ford Coup $165 33 Chev. Sedan $135 '30 Chev. Coup $ 45 '30 DeSoto Sedon $ 45 PACKARD-HUDSON 136 Main -Across From Wlllord Hotel " OPEN EVENlfclCS