PAGE TWELVE NFLUENGES IN NOTED HERE (Continued from Page One) ye may consume it upon your lusts. ' It la case of "everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost," which brings on war. Look at the price we paid for the World war in 1918: Mobilisation 4,272,521 Dead 126.000 Taes, 1913 102.12 Taxes, 1919 335.56 228 permanent increase. Dollars $53,000,000 Oregon's mobilization was 26, 000 to service. For 1941 defense we are pay ing $19,855.00 per minute per day and night for the next 18 months. (Time, January 1941). It is a high price to pay for war. How can we stop war, you again ask? By turning to God and righteousness, by ceasing our sinning. From time immemorial national crises have arisen when prophets have cried against na tional sins. As the drunkard up sets his equilibrium and vision by violating nature's law, so too does civilization by violating God's law produce out of its own heart international disturbances we call war. As we sow, we reap. We have been too materialistic not giving sufficient time to worship and meditation. When the material has disappeared we go to pieces not so with the Spiritual values, we then prove their real worth. How can we expect nations to keep pledges if we cannot expect fidelity man to man or man to wife? If divorces are proper, broken treaties are in order. . If a single murder is unchal lenged slaughter of millions is expected. There was darkness when Christ was crucified and there is always darkness in a Christless world. Universal moral standards can not afford to be dropped. In times past men admitted their wrong and turned to a forgiving God. The sinner today is called the patient or anti social. If Junior loses his temper it is his ductless glands. Paradoxical as it may seem the closer mankind is drawn mechanically, it grows farther apart spiritually. There is no fusing bond in the mechanical. The chemist can as semble all the substances of a human body, but cannot make a man. Without a spiritual soul no people can have unity or remain a nation. These are dark mo ments for those across the water who so courageously are defend ing the principles we uphold. "God for some great purpose steels the hearts of men." I be lieve the American and British heart has been steeled to sur pass paganism. Shakespeare said, "England never did nor never Bona Fide I TALK ON USED CARS kolsiger's is (MAIN and ESPLANADE Carload Potato Shipments Season of 1940-41 ft Season of 1931M0 ' " May to Season May to Season May Dally Date to Date Daily Date to Date 1 9 9 9305 TT 1 8991 2 26 35 9331 18 34 7009 S 14 49 9343 13 47 7022 4 3 52 9348 li 65 7040 5 23 75 9371 4 69 7044 6 19 94 9390 lsT" 88 7063 7 16 110 9406 18 106 7081 8 12 122 9418 a U 117 7092 9 23 145 9441 I 11 128 7103 10 18 163 9459 U- 139 7114 U 0 163 9459 9 148 7123 12 12 175 9471 3 151 7126 U 20 195 9491 5 136 7131 Ti 12 207 9503 T 162 7137 IF" 8 215 9511 3 165 7140 16 1 216 9512 4 169 7144 17 12 228 9524 2 171 7146 1B 0 228 9524 8 3 174 7149 19 4 232 9528 1 0 174 7149 20 9 241 9537 1 175 7130 21 6 247 9543 I 176 7151 22 10 757 9553 1 177 7132 23 2 259 9535 2 179 7154 24 9 268 9564 2 181 7156 2S T 268 9364 2 183 7158 2S 4 272 9568 i 184 7159 W 6 278 9574 I i 185 7160 23 9 287 9583 2 li7 7162 29 1 lii 7163 30 1 189 7164 31 0 189 7164 Shipments by Truck Grand Totals shall, lie at the proud foot of a conqueror." To a large measure Great Brit ain has not become "soft" with self indulgence, self security or Godlessness. More bibles were printed in Britain in 1938 than at anytime in history, greater sums than ever before were be ing spent for world evangelism. Revivals were everywhere no ticeable. God will honor right eousness. Some say why does not God stop war? If he did, it would be a severe penalty man would pay loss of freedom and power of will. God wills not the death of the sinner, but that he should be converted from his ways and live. Skeptically the question is often asked on whose side is God. Such a question is provoked by two false assumptions. 1. That God's interests are na tional not spiritual. That He takes sides that man takes. It's a geographical view not a mor ality view. That He Judges them by group action instead of in dividually. 2. It assumes all good is on one side and all evil on the other side. God is on neither side to the Saturday Last lay ! Wholesale Prices! helped us reduce uu, nditioned . . uuv! the p-o- 108 297 7272 exclusion of the other. He is with the just on both sides and against the evil of both sides with eternal victory for the just and everlasting punishment for the wicked. In memory of our heroic dead and in unity with our faithful living, let us pledge the destruction of evil and pres ervation of peace by righteous ness. "Righteousness exalteth a na tion.' Mourn not friends as without hope "Because I live ye shall live also. Fret not regarding dis mal events for God "has sounded forth his trumpet - that shall never call retreat He is sifting out the hearts of men before his judgment seat Be swift, my soul, to answer Him; be jubilant, my feet For God is marching on." AGED When brought to the surface bottles of carbonized water were found to be still palatable after 33 years on the bottom of the sea. Salvaged from the steam ship Islander in 1934, sunk in Alaskan waters in 1901, the water was in bottles with her-hetically-sealed syphons. w oUt vern . Sale, Manager. Balers STOP and SHOP or the SIGN of the SCOTTIE Motor .-Co. THE VFWS AVD THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON POTATO CROP NEARLY GONE AT TULELAKE TULELAKE Potato ship ments from Tulclake via the Southern Pacific have dwindled to only one car daily and the 1940 crop is almost cleaned up. according to H. Bond. SP agent, who stated this week that a total of 1976 care were shipped from Tulclake and Stronghold. Prob ably an additional 20 per cent of that total wore shipped out by truck with 99 per cent of the crop going to southern markets. While no figures on the 1S14I acreage have been released, it Is unofficially estimated that this year's planting is slightly under last season s this side of the state line. Acreage in the Malin dis trict is materially increased, ac cording to O. A. Shultz, presi dent of the Tulclake Potato Growers' association. Vancouver Noses Out Tacoma 10-8 By The Associated Press Hits were at a premium in two thirds of the Western Inter national Baseball league games last night, but Tacoma and Van couver got 21 between them to even up the evening's batting average. Wenatchee shut out Yakima. 1 to 0. in a game in which each team got just five hits. Alex Weldon of Wenatchee fanned 13 men and walked two. Hunk Anderson of Spokane shook the drops of a drizzle off his business arm and held Salem to four hits and a 5 0 shutout. Ten blows, however, were on the thin side of the hitting at Tacoma. Vancouver got that many and won the game. 10 to 8 but Tacoma got 11 hits. USC's Hurdlers May Decide Outcome BERKELEY. Calif.. May 29 itP) One event may win the Pacific Coast conference track and field championship for the University of Southern Califor nia. The Trojans can establish a lead no other team can over come by taking the first three places in the high hurdles Sat urday, in the opinion of Coach Brutus Hamilton of the Univer sity of California. Hamilton's fine California squad is rated on a par with USC, but he be lieves the Bears won't be able to make up the 12 points Troy will probably receive from the barrier race. LONDON'S PORT The London port authority has more than 4000 acres of land and some 45 miles of quay under its jurisdiction. It has managed this vast publicly-owned dock system since it was purchased, in 1909, from private concerns. . klnnre PHQNE 3121 12 Students to Take Ground Exam June 13 has been set aside by the Aeronautical Inspector, E. 8 Leach of Portland, for the ground school examinations in Klam ath Falls. The hour of the ex amination has not yet been de rided upon but in all problblllt- ies It will be at 8:00. There are 12 students of the Kliimuth area who will receive the examination and there Is one auditor who wishes to be exam ined. T Recommendations of a Culin ary alliance negotiating commit tee on employer rejections to a wage scale agreement were pass ed unanimously at two special meetings of alliance members Thursday, Alliance Secretary G. C. Tatman announced Friday. Demands for a 50-cent-per-day wage boost for all union dish washers, waitresses, cooks and bartenders were presented to) Klamath Falls employers sev eral weeks ago with a June 1 deadline. Twenty-one establish ments have already signed the arrangement and ten more have indicated they would sign, ac cording to alliance figures. Eleven restaurants, including three of the city's largest, are still holding out. Nature of the negotiating com mittee's recommendations on the rejections was not revealed but it was understood one of them, involving no additional pay for hotel employes working on a split shift, was approved. No strike vote has thus far been taken by alliance members, according to one source, and it was not known Friday what ac tion might follow the Saturday night deadline if the balance of employers fail to approve the union's proposals. Harold Mcrryman Is acting as attorney for the employers and E. E. Driscoll for the union. The United States, during 1939, harvested a record of 87. 000.000 bushels of soybeans. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap pointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate of W. F. Gibbard. also known as Wm. F. Gibbard, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same at the office of said administrator. Room 14, Courthouse, Klamath Falls. Ore gon, within six months from May 0th, 1941. L. ORTH S1SEMORE, Administrator with the will annexed. M 9-16-23 30; J 8. No. 74 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ALSO AFFIDAVIT AND SUPPLEMENTAL FINAL ACCOUNT. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, Probate Division. In the matter of the estate of P. W. PURDIN, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his Final i Account and his Affidavit and Supplemental Final Account of the administration of said estate, and that said Court has set Sat urday. June 14, 1941, at. ten o'clock A. M. as the time, and the Circuit Court Room in the Court House at Klamath Falls, Oregon, as the place, for hearing objections to same and the settle ment thereof. Dated May 16, 1941. BERT C. THOMAS, Adminis trator of the Estate of P. W. Purdln, deceased. M 16-23-30; J 6-13. No. 78. CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartments For Rent Automotive Business Opportunities Educational ...24 34 ..48 12 Financial ..46 For Sale or Trada . General Notices 38 4 .13 14 18 .28 44 Health Help Wanted, Female. Help Wanted. Mala Houses For Rent Livestock and Poultry Lost and Found 2 28 36 Miscellaneous For Rent -Miscellaneous For Sala . Miscellaneous Wanted Personals Real Estate For Sale Real Estate Wanted Room and Board .. . Rooms For Rent ..42 - 8 -.30 32 20 Services Situations Wanted . j To Exchange irtatinn .... Lost and Found LOST Lady's tan purse. May 17. Contains gold watch and money. Keep money and re turn watch and no questions asked. 3618 Cannon Avenue. Phone 7694. . : 8-2 BOAT TICKETS to Rocky Point at Wlllard Hotel. 6-31 LOST Keys in black leather case. Return News-Herald of fice. e-4 22 1H 40 Transportation 8 Lest and round JOE HANSELMAN landed a nine pound thirteen ounce Kalnoow at Rocky Point Resort Sun dv. 30 General Nonces WE NOW HAVE modern accom modations for trailer houses. Allamont Trailer Park 6 8 EVERYBODY Is talking about that Southern Fried Chicken. No backs or necks. Tower Inn, South 6th St. 5-31 NOTICE 1 have purchased the Pacific Radio Service Co. and will not be responsible for any of this company's debts previous to this date. Signed May 28. 1941. Chas. E. Ropp. SPEND the weekend at Rocky Point Resort. 8-30 BOAT TICKETS to Rocky Point at Matt Flnnigan's. 5-31 SPKND MEMORIAL DAY at ROCKY POINT. Go by boat, leaving Municipal Dock at Moore Park at 10 a. m. Round trip fare $1.00, children half fare. Tickets on sale at Matt Flnnigan's, Wlllard Hotel. Elk Hotel. Hershberger's Cafe and Chamber of Commerce. Also each Sunday thereafter. Spe cial charter trips during week davs or evenings. Phone 5693. 8-31 RAW VEGETABLE JUICES Extracted fresh dally. Also health foods. 131 N. 4th. Phone 4707. 6-3 LEARN modern or classical piano the easiest way. Special low summer rates. Fredrick Studio, 727 Roseway. Phone 3S02. 63 Personals HAROLD, you can find me at Rocky Point Resort. Hazel. 5-30 GLASS Duplate Safety Glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resil vering. Kimball's Glass Shop. 527 Walnut Phone 7378. 6-6mtf CURTAINS home laundered and stretched. Reasonable. Mrs. Shafer. Phone 5647. 0-3mtf WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service. 709 South Sixth. 3 3lmtf LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED Always the best fur less. Bo denhamer Saw Filing 351-3 East Main street. Phone 4672 6 10 SEE MRS. HARNEY for alter atlons, Remodeling. Whytal's. Phone 8222. 6-3mtf Transportation Go By Motor Coach Shortest Route Lowest Fares to Northern Points One Round Wav TriD Spokane .$l 1.00 $20.05 Boise. Ida. 9.95 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Mt. Hood Stages, Inc Busses Leave 1:00 n. m. Greyhound Depot Phone 5521 8-20mtf BOAT TICKETS to Rocky Point at Elk Hotel. 5 31 THE newly furnished dining room opens at Rocky Point Resort Decoration day. 5-30 10 Service WE INSTALL sprinkling sys tems for lawns at reduced prices for a limited time only. ' Tower Inn, South 6th St. 5-31 BOAT TICKETS to Rocky Point at Hershberger s Cafe. B-31 FISHING IS GOOD at Rocky Point Resort. 8-30 HOUSE MOVING, raising, ce ment work. W. McDanlel, 206 Michigan. Phone 7429. 6-19 PAINTING, KALSOMINING H. L. Brown. Phone 4226. 6-19mtf KALSOMINING Painting, Paperhanging. Mac McGarr. Phone 4886. 6-16 HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict. 6848. 6-4 FLOOR SANDING Old floors refinlshed. Norman Fralcy. Phone 4001. 6-24mtf DOREMUS Rug and Furniture Cleaners. Quick service. Rea sonable prices. Dial 5873. 2012 Orchard. 8-13 ELECTROLUX CLEANERS Sales and service. Phone 5917. P. O. Box 814. 6 22 PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, 519 Main. 6-24mtf NELSON Battery and Welding, 2219 So. 8th. Fenders welded 50c and up. 0-8 FLOOR SANDING and refluisb ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3922. B-31mtf BRING YOUR REMODELING problem to Mike Robin. Web- foot Construction Co. Phone 6613 for., appointment. 1430 Klamath. Loans approved same d;iy. 8-7 Service HOUSE MOVING, raising, ce ment work. R. B. Hadley. 203 Michigan Ave. Phone 7251. 6 18 YES, we clean and spray suede shoes. Will not rub off on your hose. StOart'i Shoe Shop. 1000 Main. 0-1 WINDOW CLEANING wTeTsTi clean paper, kalsomlna and painted walls. A. M. Rhnadi. Dial 4768. 0 24mtf BABY LAND Where you may have your baby or small tots cared for while you work, shop or play. Close In, 412 High St.. Phone 8341. 0 5 PAPERHANGING, Painting. Kalsoiuinliig. Dial 684H. Mel vln E. Pros. 013mtf DRESSMAKING, hemstitching. buttons, buckles covered. Al terations on new and old clothing. Mrs. 11. M. Allen drr, 731 Main, room 216 Phone 7263. O-lOintl PAINTING, paper hanging, kal- somlnlng. C A Konsella Phone 5066. 0-13 LANDSCAPE GARDENING New lawns a specialty. 912 Main. Phone 6903. 0-1 FLOOR SANDING, FINISHING We generate our own power. C. DuFour. Phone 3996. 6 27mtf 13 Health DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED Usually 1 to 3 hours. Dr. Gordon Ledlngham. 5 3tmtf 14 Help Wanted, remale WANTED Reliable housekeep er, 23 to 35, to live In home and care for baby. Phone 5662. 31 It Help Wanted. Hale WANTED Man for ranch work. Must be a good milker and of good character. Mountain Dairy. P. O. Box 383. 5-31 WANTED Middle-aged man ex perienced In farming. College or high school education given preference. Should have some knowledge of hogs, fairly good mechanic. Want someone ca pable of advance to foreman. Write full particulars, giving experience and references. Ad dress News Herald. Box 1114. 5-30 It Situations Wanted GIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK 1529 Hope. 5-30 WOMAN WANTS HOUR WORK Phone 5846. 6-4 MECHANIC NEEDS WORK Prefer trucks. Handle cater pillar and shovel. No welding. Phone 9085. Go anywhere. 5 31 EXPERIENCED pine edgerman wants work. R. P. Thompson. Anchor Hotel. 0-4 A 1 CARPENTER Finishing specialty. References. Phone 3374. 5 31 GIRL wishes fountain work or housework. References. Box 1128, News-Herald. 6-30 HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants work. Call 6994. 5 31 SHIPMAN NURSERY Chil dren cared for. Day, week, month. Phone 7365. 1913 Wantland. 02lmtf TRAINED NURSE Phone 5335. 6-1 OFFICE MAN wants permanent position with pine box or lum ber company. Twelve years' experience and good reference furnished. Box 4095, News Herald. 5-30 GIRL WANTS light housework or care of children. Dial 4768. 6-30 20 Room and Board ROOMS Board if desired. 1018 Washington. 2012tf ROOM, BOARD 514 Walnut 6-26mtf VACANCY 1034 High. 8-5mtf ROOM AND BOARD Prlvote, comfortable home. Excellent table. Close in. 1028 Jeffer son. Phone 4765. 6-4 BOARD, ROOM, LAUNDRY Phone 7272. 700 Mitchell. 6-1. ROOM AND BOARD Mill em ploye preferred. 411 N. 9th. 5-31 BOARD-ROOM. 629 Jefferson. 5-30. BOARD, ROOM Private home. 332 No. 9th. 6-7 22 Rooms For Hent LOW SUMMER RATES All prices reduced. Special weekly rates. Every room modern. Holly Hotel, Main at 11th, 112 So. 11th. Free parking. 0.3 LARGE ROOM, suitable for two. 514 No. 10th. . 0-4 ROOM FOR RENT 314 Wash ington. 4648tf CLAREMONT 228 No. 4lh. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms.. Free parking. fl-6mtf NICE ROOMB for gentlemen. Phone 5244. 825 High. 0-27 10 24 Apartments For Rent 2 HOOM rUUNISHED Apt. Pri vate bath, refrigeration, cool, reasonable. Crescent, Phona 3775. 0-1 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Low rates. Utilities. No pets. 419 N. loth. 6 21 24 Apartments For Kent TWO-ROOM APARTMENT, gap age, $20. 1320 Sargent. 6-31 VACANCY 1404 Klamath, 641 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. Close In. 405 N. 3rd. -0-6 LARGE, CLEAN housekeeping rooms. Suitable for two. 1450 week. 210 Main. 6-6 VACANCY Alpha Apartments. 0-3 VACANCY Esplanade Courts. Furnished. 8-31mtf 3 BEDROOM APT., partly fur nished, near Ewaitua Box Co. Phone 3023. 821tf TWO HOOM furnished apart ment. 123 N. 6th. Phone 0393. 413U VACANCY 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Marion Apartment 42Sut CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day, week or month. 5 31mtf VACANCY Rex Arms. 0-3 FOUR ROOMS furnished. Elec tric range, refrigerator. Gar age. Phone 5617. 1264K THREE ROOM furnished apart ment Wood, water furnished. 333. No children, no pets. In quire 1421 Wall. 2167U FURNISHED APARTMENT 421 Oak. 8-30 VACANCIES Two rooms 27; 3 rooms $30. Electric range, refrigerator and washing ma chine. Electricity, fuel and water furnished. 433 N. 10th. 6-4 FOR RENT Four-room apart ment. Electric range, oil stove. Heat and water furnished. Phone 6327. 5-31 THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. Hut and cold water. $23. 830 Prospect. Phone 4650. 2182tf THREE ROOM apartment, part ly furnished. 1110 Mon Claire St. 5-31 MODERN DUPLEX, unfurnlsh. ed. Hot water heat, fireplace, basement and garage. Adults. 256 Hillside. Call 3342. 5-31 TWO-ROOM FURNISHED APT. Electric range, refrigerator. $24 month. 1118 Walnut. 0-4 FURNISHED COURT APT., Two rooms, private bath, wood, water, garage. Summer rates. Inquire Meeker Dairy, 2000 So. 6th. 6-31 GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Furnished 2 and 3-rooms with garage. Garden plot available. Phone 5084. 8-1 3-ROOM furnished apt, in du plex. Inquire 220 Pacific Ter race. 91 Out AIR - COOLED housekeeping room. 920 Lincoln. 2077U TWO ROOM furnished apart ment, utilities paid. $20. 138 Mortimer. 3 30 NICE APARTMENT, furnished. Two bedrooms, electric range, refrigerator, hot and cold wa ter, garage. $32.50. Call 5227 noon or after 6. 206 ltf ONE-ROOM light housekeeping. Everything furnished. 109 Broad St, 1 0-2 VACANCIES One to threa rooms. Electric range and re frigerator. Reduced rates. 433 No. 10th. 6-30 NEW, MODERN duplex apart ment. 1624 Portland St. In quire 920 Lincoln. 6-2 THREE AND 4-ROOM apart ments, nicely furnished. In quire 21)9 Applegate. 1410U THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. Audley Apartments, 303 So. 8th. Phone 4619. 0-2 FURNISHED APT. $14. Zlgler Apts., block south Pelican City scnooi. 62 26 Houses For Rent 4-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE Adults. 501 Market. 8-31 FOR RENT Three-room house. Stove. $17.50 month. Inquire 1 507 Martin after 5 p. m, 8-3 1 RESERVE YOUR COTTAGE at Rocky Point Resort now. Phone 5173. B-30 FURNISHED CABINS $16.50. 3543 Summers Lane, Rich field Station. e-4 THREE-ROOM furnished cot. tage. Wood range. 103 Pine. 6-31 HOUSE Four rooms, furnished, newly decorated, large yard, trees. $20 with water. 1662 , Manzanlta. , g-31 TWO-BEDROOM unfurnished house. Also three-room fur nlshed house. 2424 So. 6th. ' 6-30 BACHELORS' CABINS 42S Willow. M 9 Q