PAGE TEN Mabketl and fyinanclal STOCKS DRIFT LOWER DURING SLOW SESSION NEW YORK. May 2 M"v Buying inspiration generally was lacking In today's stock market and. while there was lit tle selling pressure at any time, leaders finished a drifting ses sion down fractions to a point or so. Transfers were under 300,000 shares. There was a notable scarcity of reassuring dispatches from abroad and bearish implications were read in the nazi destruction of Britain's biggest warship, the Hood, and German claims of further smashes at the royal navy in the Mediterranean. Today's quotations: Air Reduction 39 Alaska Juneau 3i Al Chem & Dye 1481 American Can .. Allis-Chalmers Am Car & Fdy Am Rad Sta San Am Roll Mills .... Am Smelt & Ret Am Tel & Tel .... Am Tob "B" Am Water Works Am Zinc L & S 231 791 241 8 131 39 ...1501 65 - 41 51 Anaconda - 251 Armour 111 Atchison . Aviation Corp Bald Loco Bendix A via Beth Steel Borden 4 27 3 - 13 331 . 891 - 19 161 18! i 6 11 - 31 411 - 18i 35 551 73 .. 91 .516 Borge-Warner Calif Packing Callahan Z L Calumet Hec Canada Dry Candaian Pacific Cat Tractor Celanese Ches & Ohio Chrysler Col Gas & El . Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'lth & Sou Consol Aircraft 261 171 61 321 451 111 71 Consol Edison Consol Oil Cont'l Can Corn Products Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Doug Aircraft Dupont De N Eastman Kodak El Pow & Lt General Electric . General Foods General Motors - 651 ..1411 ..121 . 11 281 . 35i . 37 . 121 . 161 - 251 Goodrich Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry pfd . Greyhound 101 Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap & P pfd Int Tel & Tel 71 101 48 241 671 2 58 351 30 201 29 331 41 151 Johns Manville Kennecott Lib O Ford Lockheed Loew s Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit Nat'l Dairy Prod Nat'l Dist National Lead N Y Central No Am Aviation 13 20 15 12 121 SIM TASTE TEST IS THE PAY-0FF1 Blind taste tests prove that Barclay's Red Label Whiskey stands up with higher-priced blends. Satisfy your taste with Red Label, at a popular price. Make the taste test yourself. 1 SU Mvtral popular Spirit Btnai nflardku of prk O 0v Mdi tarlna alsu m mimbor n bottom, to corrotpond with oodi brand. O Atk thro, to tn friondi to mImI firtt, Mcaad and third diolu, Hh. out knowing wtildi brand It whkh. A You b.op Kor. and M for your " Mlf RodLab.l'thigh boning avorogo. North Amer Co ... Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otis Steel Pac Gas & El Packard Motor Pan Amer Airways . Paramount Pic Penney (J C) Penna R R Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet Proctor & Gamble Pub Svc N J Pullman ... Radio Rayonier pfd Republic Steel Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Shell Union Cocony Vacuum Sou Cal Edison Southern Pacific S perry Corp Standard Brands Stand Oil Calif Standard Oil Ind Stand Oil N J Stone & Webster Studebaker Sunshine Mining ... Texas Corp Trans-America Union Carbide ...... Union Oil Calif Union Pacific . United Airlines ... United Aircraft United Corporation ... United Drug United Fruit U S Rubber U S Steel Vanadium Warner Pictures Western Union Westinghouse Woolworth .... PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., May 26 (AP-USDA) HOGS: Salable 1900, total 3000; market 10-15c higher; good-choice 175-215 lb. drive-ins, $9.60-75: carlc-ds S9.75 to $9.85; 230-280 lb. weights, $9.00-25; light lights $8.75-9.00; few 160 lb. weights to $9.50: packing sows $8.00-50: choice light feeder pigs quotable to $10.50; one specialty lot $11.25. CATTLE: Salable 2600, total 2650; calves salable and total. 175; steers, heifers and beef cows steady to 25c lower; many steers at decline; some bids off more; dairy cows, bulls and veal- ers steady; bulk fed steers, $9.25 to $10.25; few loads to $10.50; common steers $7.50-8.50; com mon-medium heifers, $7.00-8.25 few good fed heifers $9.50-10.00 part olad $10.50; canner-cutter cows, $5.25-6.50; fat dairy cows, $7.00-50; grass beef cows $7.50 to sa.oo; dry lot cows, $8.00-50: medium-good bulls $8.00-9.00; few $9.15; veal ers steady: good choice grades, $11.00-12.00; com mon downward to $7.00. SHEEP: Salable 1400. total 2000; market fairly active; spring Iambs 25c higher; other classes steady; good- choice springers, $10.75-11.00; medium grades down to $10.00; medium good shorn old-crop lambs $7.00- 50; fat ewes up to $3.50: com mon down to $1.50. S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. May 26 (AP) (Federal-State Market News) HOGS, salable 500; around 1015c higher than Friday; package choice $10.10, bulk 185-235 lb. Californias, $9.75-10.00; packing sows, $7.50 to $8.00. CATTLE, salable 500, steers slow, steady; about 3 loads fed Oregon steers, $10.50-75; many loads grass cows weak, about 2 n 95c FULL PINT MS. BARCLAY A CO, LTD., DrTIOTr, MICHIOAN) NOKIA, ILLINOIS 7i Neutr Orn Spirits N ROOF THE CHICAGO, May 26 W Wheat prices showed net gains of about I cent immediately af ter President Roosevelt signed the 85 per cent of parity loan rate bill today but then tumbled more than a cent. Corn, which rose one to almost two cents at one stage to new highs since 1937, held most of the gain, how ever. Although the high loan rate for wheat is not assured until producers approve a marketing quota for the new crop by two thirds vote Saturday, grain men expressed belief that 8S per cent of parity loans on corn will be offered unless the govern ment alters present plans not to call for a quota referendum af fecting corn. War news, weak ness of securities, heavy receipts at terminals and the prospective new crop movement were de pressing factors in the wheat pit. Wheat closed 1-ic lower than Saturday, July 97-97c, Septem ber 98i-ic; corn l-llc higher, July 74Jc. September 76c; oats unchanged. loads 1100-1175 lb. aged, $7.35 50: grass bulls $7.75-8 50. Calves: Salable 15: steady; few good to choice vealers, $11.00-12.00; slaughter calves. $8.50-9 50. SHEEP, salable 1500: slow, about steady; largely medium to choice north coast spring lambs, quoted S9.50-10.50; medium to choice shorn ewes quoted $3 50 4.35. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Of , Mt M (AP-PrTTFI print. A grtde. XV lb. is r..-r -wt wrippr. He a cartons . B sr-r. c ia Ir,--n.t :-;.!'. m: in r.-t--t IU I rtKFAl First jaiit. o ...muss of . of 1 p-r crct ucifJitT. uiirrr.i in .'.--;.(!. H'--40c it).: prrraiira q.niitjf (-ra-ra of .34 pT fwi ri.i:.). ;-., -4 : v ; Tavliet- fi;:- .r-l C"':!rT ; tau, Jc Im, kcoM T:iiT. e ur.-Ur tint. rHEEr'-S-llir.f pn- t- PortltinJ rt t-ilrf: Tili-no.. tnplt. V It.; :.e trip!?. to rr-t-tfr. Sit lb.; kf, Sc. r. n. B. T:!:m.k. ,4c ; B l.trs. 3c : A tv ; H milium. r. Joi. ReI to r'tll'r, 4c hisT'.r t r cirton. higher. HAY SHling pNp nr. trick : lflf, V. 1. 5U.75 ton; cntTMch, $ tn; W ills met t talley do.-r. fiO.Oti too: timth. rutrm Orpf.n, Si 7.10. LIVE Pill LTRV Bujint pn-i: N. 1 ra It-ffHTB bmilen. 1 1, t lb$. lc; trytn tnipr S r-t.. IV: iprinffn. I to 4 ih.. lc; matter or 4 1h. ;ic: colir-fJ hnt over 5 hen. 4 li S IM.. o; )f horns ntnir-r 3'j Ihs.. lc lb., ot a1-. Ib.. ire lb.; nM r r.ri. fc IH. PRESEb TCRKKYS Nonlotl. SIilo pri-" : Hn. Sl-Jf lf. ONIONS New C-WcroU wii, SS.T per 50-hir. POTATfr-Vw rilffornli IWii WtiltM. No. I. SI .TV!. CMitr.l; Is prr 5 lb. Mr. fM;t N't. 1. plft ff I'eii'!ts brnH. t.H; KWmth, 41.40 ertM:; fte.tM KUmrith Sl.VU.i. rorXTP.V MKlT-i-S'lln pnt to r. taileri: o.'intrr kiii'l h, ht hutfh-rs. 12 to 140 !.. n-ltr; Ttalm. fn-y. te-IUHf ; lieht. thin, n 'V; h-try. l' . l.: tp-rlini lamb,, lM'-e lb.; mi aprln lambs, l'r lb.; i--c lb.; -! cutt-r j enwi. i'mm in.: cannr cows, ll-l.c lb.; bul'v H--l' lb. WOO r-1341 C'Htrart. Or'fftn ranrh. nominil. lb. ; mn n-tm Or r eon rn. 90-3SC lb. ; cm-hrnji. 3( -S5c lb.; Willamette t!y I month, 3( ,c lb. SAWDUST FIRE PORTLAND, May 26 CP) Damage estimated by Fire In vestigator William Gorcz at $3000 was caused by a fire which spread from a sawdust pile to the boiler room and con veyor of the St. Johns shingle mill Sunday. FULL QUART NEWS AND THE HERALD, POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO. May 26 (41 (VS Dept. Agr.) Potaoes: 4 cars California, 5 Oregon arrived; 10 unbroken, 7 broken cars on track: by truck 3 cars arrived: market slightly stronger; no brokers' sales reported. LOS ANGELES. May 26 jn (US Dept. Agr.) Potatoes: 9 cars Idaho arrived; 8 unbroken, 7 broken cars on track; by truck 31 cars California, 3 Idaho ar rived: market slightly weaker; no brokers' sales reported. CHICAGO. May 26 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: Arrivals 189; on track 349; total US shipments Satur day 637, Sunday 94; new stock, supplies moderate: demand good; for California Bliss Triumphs market steady; on best quality California Long Whites and southern Triumphs market firm with slightly stronger tenden cies: California Long Whites. US No. 1. $1.75-921: Bliss Triumphs, US No. 1, $1.75-2.00; old stock, supplies moderate, demand mod erate, market steady: Idaho Rus set Burbanks, US No. 1, $1.43 1.60. LOWEST INFANT MORTALITY With 35.4 babies out of every 1000 dying during their first year, Minnesota has the lowest infant mortality rate in the Unit ed States. Hardenbrook's Men's Store Opens Wide The Value Gates! D .temcflt. PS" I.D fc.TS an- -tac';,i.iooI" Out Goes Entire Stock MEN'S SUITS at Lowest Prices On Record 0Mh ?-. l,, -" TBkr?.- w? :jtw 8. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON EARL BRADFIELD IT Earl F. Bradfleld. former Chll oquin attorney now with the army, has been promoted to ma jor in the Judge advocate gener al's department of the officers' reserve corps, and is now 'as signed as post Judge advocate at Fort MacArthur, Calif. (San Pedro.) Major Bradfield was first commissioned as a second lieu tenant in infantry in 1924 from the University of Idaho ROTC, transferring to the Judge advo cate general's department in 1933 after being promoted to the grade of captain in the Infantry. His address is 853 West 3!)lli street, San Pedro, Calif. WOOL MARKET BOSTON. May 26 (AP-USDA) Quotations generally were firm on domestic and foreign wools although few sales were being closed in Boston today. Wool houses here were receiving re ports of strong buying in fleece wool states. Their customers, however, were showing little In terest. A number of houses were asking 48 cents. In the grease, delivered for combing average bright Ic and 1c blood fleece wools, but they found no Interest above 46 to 47 cents, in the grease. Conditions Beyond Our Control Compel Us To Take Drastic Action! Entire Stock Priced for Im mediate Buying Action! Time Is Short! With -arr law exceptions this ontlro stock tntors this sola at radically roducod prlc.t. SUITS . . . SHOES HATS and FURNISHINGS sailing now AT COST . . . NEAR COST and BELOW COSTI Emorgcnc- compels this drastic action and right now in the lace o( rising prices this means your sa-ings are doublel Hurry . . . get your shara ol tha BARGAINS! CU1 Store Open Cooperation MPti $4143 Suits New summer fab rics In single and doub 1 breasteds. Limited quantity. vai. to sju.uu Men'c $4 A 43 Suits Wool woritedi In imart ihadet. DL agonal weaves and stripe. Hurryl Vai. lO . MPn $f43 Suits Many of our fin est suits enter this low priced group. Get Yours Nowl l a-llf ly-1. Coats i fThoeS GO1. 16 Sport Slax A JVU 9 J V R-ular $2.00 Si 59 & 1 rcn's Sport nd V Sport Shirts '"I 1 DreSS OXrdS S89 Regular Sl.OO rl iSeg 50 3 Sport Shirts V. I -M Si Win- 1 5 rh,w -lt 8-tQ Main St. -Klamath Falls Father of Mrs. Claude McColloch Dies at Portland PORTLAND, May 28 (,V In juries from a fall caused the death Saturday of Morton D. Clifford, circuit Judge for 13 years In eastern Oregon at the turn of the century. Clifford, who died on his 82nd birthday, was born in Iowa, but lived In Oregon for 73 years, first at Canvon City, then at Baker. The past Grand Muster of the Grand Masonic lodge of Oregon had lived with his son, Harold II. Clifford. Portland, for the past eight months. Other survivors Include his widow anil a daughter, Mrs. Claude C. McColloi'h, Portland. Looking for bargains Turn to the Classified page ttn 1 EMtOl.L MOW i .i:ici 727 Rotewsy Drive Until 9:00 P. M. mm of Other Merchants. m t. ..,c'" "".r-; V s I NVh T II Out th T ll rmou 1 Regular $3.50 Straw Hots ! Regular $4.95 Wool Sweaters .... Regular $7.50 Loafer Coats Regular 50c Phoenix Hose Regular S8.50 Gabardine Slacks SPORT li Regular $12.50 $A1Q I Sport Coats.. 8 jl Tweeds and smart solid colors. Only II a few left. Regular $13.50 SPRAOUE RIVER Wilfred Rarkley, Sprague River high school student and athlete, was painfully Injured Thursday af ternoon when a horse ha was riding tripped and fell, throw ing Barkley to the ground In a hard fall. Young Barkley com plained that he thought that his shoulder and leg were broken. He was taken to Carnlnl's rale where he waited until his futher. Sylvan Crume, wns summoned, and he was rushed to the Klam ath Indian Agency hospital. Ex amination showed that the In jury, though painful, was not serious although the Injured shoulder and leg will keep him confined for several weeks. Wilfred Is a very good rider SMM'lnl Low Sumtiipr II n lew III FOR l-MONTHt COUDII I Registration Clout May 31 k studio Phone 3302 Saturday Nights. Nationally Known Reg. 2.00 Shirts Patterns and whlt.s. Your choic. of entire stock reg. $2.00 shirts at this low price. Mark Twain Reg. $1.65 Shirts Famous quality priced for quick buying action. Hurryl COATS $1 S4Q Mny 1041 and participated In the contests during tha recent Kloninlh Uuckaroo days relrbratlon. 11 again hoped to participate hut will probably be on the shelf for most of tho summer. Ilia friends hopo for a speedy recov ery which will enable Wilfred to get back Into the saddle again. Reports now are coming lu about people getting hit by gol balls. They shouldn't thrust themselves Into the fore ground. Here's Vital News For Weakjlred People SUPPLIES iron and Vitamins Hi and O, often lacking in diet. Stimulates appetites; aids digestion. Pro motes Ixtter assimila tion. Sturt your use of Purtin today. A McKesson Product. Lee Hendricks Drugs 2212 Bo. 6th Bt. 1 Due To Lack oS I 59 24 While Quantity Lasts Regular $1.45 OQc Straw Hats Regular $1.00 -Q- Neckwear OV Regular 35c aft mfc Ankle Socks Regular $2.00 Broadcloth Pajamas ' Value to $8.50 ( Famous Brand $ O 69 he f Mats w