THE KEWS AND THE HER ALP. K I. A MATH FA.US. OREGON My Wt PAGESIT Ethel Fenwick Is Bride in Ceremony Service Read at Nine o'Clcck Tuesday Morning ln'Sacred Heart Church Eefore Many Friends .. . N In a simple nd beautiful service read at nine o'clock Tuesday morning in Sacred Heart church. Miss Ethel Rebec rFew1ek became the bride of Mr. Charlcj Fairall with the ReV. Father Timothy Casey officiating. The altar was banked ' with white lilies and lilacs with tail white lighted candles. Server were Dean Abbott and Earl Wisccarvcr, nephews of ' th bride. Just before the ceremony Mrs. Elbert Wattenburg. (Mary App), sang. "O Promise Me." accompanied by Miss Sybil Bowne at the organ. The bride wore a dusty rose costume suit with a brief jacket and a large navy blue picture hat Her accessories were of navy blue and a cor safe of gardenias and bou vardfa was worn at the shoulder. Mrs. Aidan Fenwick of Dor ris, sister-in-law of the bride, was her only attendant. She wqre a light blue costume suit with bolero Jacket and warm sand accessories. Her cor sage was of yellow rosebuds and gardenias. Mr. Aidan Fenwick was best man, For something "borrowed, something blue," as well as "something old." the bride car ried a lovely old handkerchief of. rare lace which is the prop erty of Mrs. Franklin L. Weav er. Following the wedding a breakfast was served in the blue room of the Willard ho tel where the bride cut a beau tifully decorated cake which was later served by her sis ter. Mrs. James Parks. Covers at the breakfast were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Fairall, the Rev. Father Timothy- Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Aidan Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Abbott, Miss Elaine Abbott and Dean Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. James Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Slate of Bend, Mr. Hugh Fenwick, Earl Wise carver, Mr. Richard Fenwick. and Mr. Carl Christiansen. Mi. and Mrs. Fairall are spending a fortnight in the north. They will return here the first of June and will be at home at 1876 Auburn street. Mrs. Fairall has been a teacher- in Altamont elementary school lor the past few years and is a member of a pioneer Klamath family, daughter of the lata Mr. and Mrs. James ' Fenwick. r- SQUARE- DANCE ENJOYED BY. WIDNESDAY CLUB One, of the gayest parties of. .the week was that given Wednesday night at St. Paul's Episcopal church when mem ber! . of Wednesday club en tertained with a supper and square dance. Appreciation was expressed to Mrs. Van Evans, pianist, Mr. Carl Cook, (who called with perfection;, and "Pappy" Gordon, who provided fiddle music. It is hoped to plan another of " the square dance parties iri the fail. The next meeting of Wednesday club will be held June the fourth at which time members of the nomi nating committee made up of Mrs. Vernon Kuykendall, Mrs. Frank Tarr, and Mrs. Percy Webb, will make their report. The final meeting of the year Is scheduled for June the eighteenth. fcEAMES CLUB WOMEN START .GOLF MATCH j Hostesses at Reames Golf and Country club Friday afternoon were Mrs. Herbert Hauger, Mrs. John Martin nd Miss Ada Christopherson. Bridge followed luncheon after a morning of golf as the women started qualifying for the Weatherly cup. i It was announced there would be no tournament play Friday, May the thirtieth, in observance of Memorial day; however, women have until Wednesday, June the fourth, to qualify. . Honors In cards last week went to Mrs. E. P. Broster hous and Mrs. John W. Kirby, north and south, and Mrs. Roy Rakestraw and Mrs. Ted Shoop, east and west. i MRS. CONNOLLY HONORED WITH iLUNCHEON i Honoring Mrs. William Con nolly, who left for her home In Wooster; Ohio, this week, Mrs. Charles I. Roberts enter tained for her niece at her home on Pacific Terrace Sat urday of. last week with a prettily appointed luncheon. I Guests Included Mrs. Con nolly, Mrs. George H. Merry rhan Jr., Mrs. Dick Reeder, Mrs. T. S.- Durment, Mrs. Ted Young, Mrs. Henry Gerber, Mrs. Charles G. Hovey, and Miss Grace Brown. --- AAUW Tea Saturday High School Senior Girls Honored at An nual Party Senior girls of Klamath Union high school were hon or guests at the annual tea ' given Saturday of last week at the home of Mrs. George Ulrich on Conger avenue when members of the Ameri- ' can Association of University Women entertained. Tea was serv ed indoors due to stormy weatner, and the table was cleveriy centered , with an old fasmoned spring bonnet of blue with trim of . violas and hiac and long, streamers of lilac ribbon. Low burning candies and lace mats completed the appoint ments. Lovely arrangements of iris, lilacs, and violas were used about the dining room. Mrs. John H. Harris Jr., was responsible for the tea table. In charge of the affair was Mrs. Robert Hart and members of her committee. Hostesses wore formal afternoon frocks -. and assisted about the oin ing room and received at too door. Pouring during tea hours for the guests numbering more than one hundred and fifty, were Mrs. George VI-' rich, Mrs. Godfrey C. Blohm, Mrs. James Kerns Jr, Mrs. Dean Miller. Mrs. Victor O'Neill, Miss Marycarol Jones, and Miss Virginia Fiek. RICHARD HOSLEY HONORED ON ANNIVERSARY Monday, May nineteenth, Richard Hosley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ermel Hosley of Chiloquin, observed his first birthday anniversary. 'The lit tle guests were served birth-' day cake and given favors and' movies were taken during the " afternoon. Present were Judith Leir.en, Keith Kaler, and Suzanne--Listoe. all of Kiarcath Falls, : Donnie Brookman, Lana. Jea ; ry and N'ancy Lambo, William -Priaulx, Robert Luce, Jr.. ,: Robert Keilison. Michael and ; Susan Ravizza, and Gail Ner- -seth of Chiloquin, and Linda and Stephen Pope of ForV Klamath. Ee:n? preeed by many of her is Mrs. Howard Pruitt 'Gertrude Hilyardi and her two cauzr.r-rs. ar.d Roberta, of Cottonwood. Cahf for the past ten days during, ornia who are spendir.2 about ten days as guests of Mrs. Pruitt s parents. Mr ar.d Mrs. G. J. Kilyard. at their home on the Lakeview roule. , , !' i '" ' V ' I s- " .. , ;v . . . "v t'- '.r ' ' ' J 't ' ',' I A lfi : . I III' '. ... ' '. A ::: j?. - i 't, I SALUTATORIAN Attracnve Joyce Evelyn McLaughlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. McLauKhlih, is salutatorian of the eighth grade graduating class of Wincma school, Tulclake. Kennell-Ellis. tv. s V: . Recital Of Interest Mrs. Johnson Presents Pupils in Two Pro grams'' . Young piano, students of Mrs.- E. D. Joliison were pre sented in- a delightful recital Wednesday afternoon and evening at the Johnson home orf Pacific Terrace. Spring blosscnis were used through ouj the. rooms ar.d in the din ir.g loiisa whtre punch was . served. l.lias Mury Lou Johnson, daughter of the hostess and student of Mrs. B. B. Blom-q..L-4., gave an interesting read ing, "The Gypsy i iower Girl." Miss Joixijoa, Miss Marianne Lion and Aius joy Kent pre s.atd at toe puncn bowl fol lowu.g tr.e recita.s. Mrs. Johnson's pupils, who pli-yca. lor rr.otners ana irienas in tr.e " ailcrnoon, and for the fathers' in the evening, includ ed Diar.e Oidenburg, Frances Stearns, Mary' Jane Howard, Barton Adams, Rosemary Mur ray, Jean Oldenburg, Marcel la .Murray, Entta Lion, Bar bara Turner, Andrew Hamlin, Harlan BoswortK Jr., Geral d:ne McKendree, Madelon Ad- w('S!issa's$,iW'3?t0fa-SG8aw , V r: . JM--X ' - '-'-: BRIDE IN CHURCH RITES Ethel Rebecca Fenwick became the bride of Mr. Charles Fairall in a ceremony read at nine o'clock Tuesday morning in Sacred Heart church with the Rev. Father Timothy Casey officiating. Following a wedding breakfast served at the Willard the young couple left for the north on a wedding trip. Kcnnell-EUis. ler. Charlotte Carter, Mari anne Lion and Joy Kent. During the evening, little Jean Adams, accompanied by Miss Wilson, gave a clever lit tle tap dance which was great ly enjoyed. ALOHA TO. MEET TUESDAY EVENING Aloha chapter. No. 61, Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet in regular session Tues day evening. May the twenty seventh, at the Masonic hail, at eight o'clock. Mrs. George Casper will supervise the pro gram.. This will be the last meet ing before grand chapter which convenes in Portland, June the tenth, eleventh and twelfth. Mrs. Oliver W. Spik er, worthy matron, and Mrs. Charlotte Martin, associate matron, will be among the representatives from Aloha chapter who will attend the state session. Mrs. Spiker and Mr. Arlet Edsall. worthy patron, extend a cordial invitation to all members and visiting mem bers to attend the Tuesday evening meeting. LUNCHEON GIVEN FOR SORORITY Miss Marie Collier enter tained at one o'clock luncheon Saturday for members of Gamma Phi Beta sorority at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Collier in the Pine Grove district. Miss Dorothy Collier of Eu gene, and Miss Carolyn Col lier, student at the University of Oregon, were guests here for the weekend, and others Included Mrs. Percy Murray, Mrs. John H. Harris Jr., Mrs, Lawrence Slater, Mrs. J. Tru man Runyan, Mrs. Charles A. Henderson, Mrs. Raymond Coopey, Miss Virginia West, Miss Karen Nelson, and Miss Collier. MRS. BALSIGER HONORED BY , CLUB MEMBERS Mrs. E. H. Balsiger was hon ored with a handkerchief shower when she entertained members of her bridge club at her home on Melrose street last Friday afternoon. Awards for play went to Mrs. Ed Os tondorf for high and Mrs. Glen Hout, consolation. Guests of the club for the afternoon were Mrs. Lillian Hagman, Mrs. Glen Hout and Mrs. Walter Beane. Members present were Mrs. Walter Wiesendanger, Mrs. Ed Osten dorf, Mrs. M. S. West, Mrs. O. D. Matthews, Mrs. R. P. Ellingson, Mrs. J. I. Beard, Mrs. Glenn Kent, Mrs. Leo N. Huls and the hostess. Mrs. W. J. Dlnsmore has re turned to her home here after a visit with relatives in Seattle for the past two months. Authority To Visit Mrs. McCullough To Address Club On Tuesday Plans are complete for the afternoon program scheduled for Tuesday, May the twenty, seventh, at which time Mrs. Charles McCullough of Alta dena, California, authority on flower arrangement and horti culture, will be the guest of the garden study group of Library club. The meeting Is scheduled for half past twelve o'clock in the small library club rooms and a paper sack and thermos lunch will be served at that time. A small charge will be made those attending the afternoon'! program. At two o'clock Mrs. McCullough will speak. She will also analyze any arrangements which women would like to make during the early part of the day. Flower lovers are anticipat ing Mrs. McCullough's vist and those who met her in Grants Pass at the annual meeting of the Oregon Fed eration of Garden clubs are particularly enthusiastic over her coming. All interested women are invited to attend, including other garden clubs of the basin area. NO-HOST PARTY AT CAL-ORE FOR VISITORS A no-host dinner party was given at Cal-Ore tavern Wed nesday evening honoring Cap tain and Mrs. J. Martin Adams, who were here en route south to Kings City, California. Guests included Capt. and Mrs. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ramsby, Lt. and Mrs. Ralph Goodwin of Emmett, Idaho, Lt. Max Hemingway, Mrs. Ruth Turner, Mrs. Clara Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Dale West of Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. El bert Stiles, and Mr, and Mrs. Walter Waggoner. SALEM GIRL NAMES JULY WEDDING DATE Of Interest to members of the younger group in Klam ath Falls is announcement of the wedding date of Miss Pa tricia Noonan of Salem, daughter of Mrs. Freida Stacey of that city, and Mr. Darrell Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Miller Sr., of Klam ath Falls. The ceremony will take place in Salem in St. Joseph's Catholic church on Monday, July the seventh. The young couple will reside In this city. Wedding Solemnized Mary Whiteline Brido of William Waggoner May the Seventeenth Mis Mary Nicholas White line, daughter of Mrs. Henry Whiteline and the late Mr. Whiteline. became the bride of Mr, Frank Waggoner, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Waggoner of Rising Star, Texas, in a beautiful ceremony read at four o'clock Saturday after noon. May the seventeenth, at the home of the bride's mother in Lindley Heights. The Rev. A. Theodore Smith read the service. The bride, given In mar riage by her eldest brother, Mr. Henry Douglas White line, was lovely in a gown of pale pink marquisette and lace. She carried a shower bouquet of pink rosebuds and bouvardla. Miss Mabel Humble waa the bride's only attendant and wore a frock of aqua lace and marquisette with which aha carried a bouquet of Talis man rosebuds. Mr. John G. Whiteline, brother of the bride, was best man. Vows ware exchanged at an improvised altar arranged before the fireplace with a background of gladioli and while phlox. Lilacs, tulips and peonies were used about the rooms. Just before the ceremony Miss Dorothea Whiteline, niece of the bride, and Miss Esther Robinson sang, "The God of Bethel." The proces sional, Lohengrin s wedding march, was placed by Miss Whiteline also. A reception followed tlie ceremony and the bride s ta ble was centered with a beau tifully decorated cake which she cut. The cake was served by Miss Humble. For going away the bride chose a dusty pink suit of sheer wool with a matching felt hat. The young couple will spend one week on the southern coast and in San Diego, returning to Klamath Falls this weekend to reside in Riverview. Mrs. Waggon er has taught at Altamont school for the past three years, and has been In the county school system for sev eral years. Mr. Waggoner is affiliated with the Long Bell Lumber company. Guests at the wedding In cluded Mr. and Mrs. Boxley, Mrs. Vance Ilutchins, Rev. and Mrs. A. Theodore Smith, Miss Mabel Waldrip, Miss Mabel Humble, Mrs. Henry E. Whiteline. Mr. Henry Douglas Whiteline. Mr. John G. Whiteline. Mr. James W. Whiteline, Miss Dorothea Rob inson, Miss Alette Hornby, Miss Mary Whiteline, and Miss Dorothy O'Keefe. BARBEQUE PARTY EVENT OF WEDNESDAY Misa Rose Gallagher was hostess at a barbecue Wednes day evening at the home of Mrs. George Britt. The buf fet table was arranged on the lawn by the out-of-door fireplace. Games and dancing were enjoyed following sup per. Guests included Misa Mavis Patterson, Miss Jean Silll man. Miss Jewell Eaton, Misa Frances Ellen Krueger, Miss Ellis Young, Misa Mary Cor rigan, Miss Joyce Borgerson, Misa Mary Rose Deneault, Miss Elaine Wilson, Dick Nord, Amos Burnett, Rich ard Cardoza, Tim Houston, Billy Kreuger, Louis Corri gan, James Derrah, Pat Smith, Hugh Crawford, and Carl Johnson. SORORITY MEETS AT YARNES HOME Mrs. Raymond Yamee en tertained the Alpha Chi Ome ga alumnae group at her home on the Keno highway Monday evening. At the close of the business meeting Miss Grace Brown was presented with a gift from the club. The re mainder of the evening was spent playing bridge. On June the ninth at the home of Miss Gayle Bratton, 900 Eldorado, the group will again be entertained with ac tive girls as special guests. VENTURE CLUB ENTERTAINED AT GARDEN PARTY An Interesting affair of this week was the garden party Riven Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Rose Poole on Conger avenue for mem bers of the Venture club and their guests. Mrs. Poole, Mrs. W. E. Lamm, and Mrs. Ruth Ray, advisors of the group, were In charge of the party. A silver tea between the hour of two o'clock and six o'clock. took place in the garden. June First Chosen For Wedding Date Miss Grace Brown To Become Bride of Innii Rob erts in Ceremony at Parent' Horn Of Interest to members of the younger set la announce ment of the betrothal of Miss Grace Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheldon brown of Corvallls, and Mr. Innla Roberts, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Roberta of this city. Miss Brown left Saturday morning for her home where her marriage will take place at one o'clock Sunday afternoon. June the first. MAY BRIDE Miss Mary Nicholas White line became the bride of Mr. William Frank Waggoner in a ceremony read at the home of her mother, Mrs. Henry Whiteline on May the sev enteenth. Kennell-EUls. PROGRAM SCHEDULED MAY 28TH Mrs. B. B. Blomqulst and Mrs. Stanley Woodruff an nounce the date of their an nual spring program which will be presented Wednesday evening, May the twenty eighth, at eight o'clock In the main auditorium of the city library. Mrs. Blomqulst will present students of drama, and Mrs. Woodruff, her piano pupils. Parents and interested friends are Invited to attend. Mrs. George Hillis and two children, Sylvia and Bill, will leave June the first for Petersburg, Virginia, where they will Join Lt. George mi lls. They have taken residence In Walnut Hill apartments on Sycamore street In Peters burg, and will remain Indefi nitely. Mrs. Katherine Olson, mother of Mrs. Hillis, arrived Saturday from her home In Woodburn to be with her daughter until her departure. Mm Now' the time lon-rlght figure rightfully yours. In the hands of corsetlere right our selection of is complete. Misa Brown has taught la Klamath Union high school and is a graduate of Oregon State college where she waa affiliated with Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Mr. Roberta also was graduated from Ore gon State college and la member of Sigma Nu fraterni ty. He Is a member of pio neer Klamath county family and la In business with hie father In this city. Misa Brown has asked her sister. Miss Lois Brown, to be her only attendant. Mr. Rob ert Beardsley of Corvallls wilt be best man. Only member of both families will attend the ceremony. On Wednesday evening of this week Mrs. Lawrence K. Phelpa entertained Informal ly for Miss Brown at her home on Auburn street. Gtfta were presented to the brlde rlert and later coffee waa served. Guests Included Mrs. Harold Teale, Mrs. Howard Strode. Miss Dorothy Bailie, Miss Julia Cannon. Miss Gen evieve MrGrce, Miss Eva HurkliuHer, and the honor guest. A group of high school girls honored Miss Brown when Miss Phyllis Aubrey was hostess at hrr home dur ing the past week. A shower of gifts was presented to the honor giint by Miss Patty Croup, Miss June Zirkle, Misa Bettilu Cramer, Miss Betty Zirkle. Miss Faye Zirkle, Mis Bernadlne Meggs, Miss Mar garet Wise, Miss Harriett Porter, Miss Jean Aubrey and the hostess. SLUMBER PARTY EVENT OF WEDNESDAY Miss Barbara Beane enter tained with a slumber party Wednesday evening following the Pep Pepper banquet at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bean of Pacific Terrace. Supper was followed by games, and a sunrise break fast served. Those bidden to the affair Included France Foster, Wllamae Lehto, Bon nie Robin, June Van, Patty Schupp. Virginia Ellen Smith. Jean Wiesendanger, Barbara Adams, Mary Jane Drake. Dorothea Ellingson, Suzanne Mlchelson, June Michelson, Merlon Albrecht, Mary Lon Johnson, Betty Merrill, and Janice Bubb. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Been and daughter. Barbara, left by motor Saturday morning for Flagstaff and Williams, Ariz ona, where they will spend a fortnight, also visiting In southern California before their return north. .. be I to regain the fash loveliness that 1 . Place your figure our understanding now . . . while new Formflt style Softies from $1.00 Girdles from $3,50 Girdleieres ..from $5.00 Brassieres ..from $1.25