My 1941 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN ! STUDENTS HEAR BAXTER T GRADUATION Two hundred and fifty-three rapped and gowntd Klamath union high Khool graduates heard dynamic Flrure Baxter, president of Willamette univer sity, tell them In a commence ment address Friday Ihst many things are still right In the world and In the end bad cannot triumph over good. It waa the largest graduating class In the local high school's history, and a large crowd of parents and friends gathered to see the seniors receive their di plomas from the hand of Percy fiirray. school board chairman, arid to hrar Dr. Baxtrr'a address. A feature, also, waa the pre sentation of numerous special a wards to members of the grad uating class. The AAUW ISO scholarship was presented to June Van hy Mrs. Godfrey ninlim. Mrs. CJ. L. Black of the Daughters of the American Revolution presented the home-maker's pin to Helen Miller. Klmer Balsiger presented the Shrine club award to Helen Cox and James Cuhill, each receiv ing 123. President Fred South well of the Kiwmiis club pri'sctil ed the Klwanls award for charac ter and leadership among ath letea to Donald Hut. Other awards and scholar ships were presented by Mrs. Sam Mushen and Hny Coopey, members of the faculty, as fol- w Faculty cup Jerry Anne Denehia and Ben Kerns. Drama award Janice Bubb. English award Virginia El len Smith K rater award John Foster. El Rodeo award Helen Cox. Social science award Patricia Hackett Mathematics award Jack Cleek. Music award Bob Frederick son. Physical science award James Cahlll. Commercial award Dorothy Laurenson. Biological science award Margaret Lewis. Industrial arts award Jack Shults. Home Economics award June Van. Oregon Sate college scholar Alp Virginia Ellen Smith. Southern Oregon College of Education scholarship Martha Eastman. Four-year honor scholarship at Pacific university Helen Cox. Valedictorian for this year's class was Helen Cox, whose sub ject was "When We Have For gotten," and salutatorian was Virginia Ellen Smith, who spoke on "The Creter Cleverness." Dr. Baxter, In talking about "what la right In the world," said that so much was being said on the opposite subject that he felt it was time to speak out. He discussed education, ad vancements in health, Improve ments in social situations, res ponse to the appeals for human need, and advancements In the field of religion as evidences of the forward march of human endeavor. Whendolf Hitler was attack- ing democracy In his screaming speeenca year or so ago, the speaker recalled, he referred frequently to lynching! In Ameri ca as if they were a daily oc currence. "How many of you can re member how long it has been since you read about a lynch ing?" asked Dr. Baxter, who went on to say that last year only five lynchlngs occurred and the victims of one of them was a white man. Percy Murray, before mak ing the diploma presentation, called attention to the forth coming program of school ad ministration consolidation and said that this plan had resulted in the decision of Principal Lloyd B. Emery to return to the teaching field at the high school, lie then paid high tribute to Emery and the audience applaud ed enthusiastically. Emery, in turn, paid tribute to Virginia West, senior class ad visor, for her work In the past year. Charles Stanfleld directed the a cappella chorus and the girls triple trio In musical numbers. After the exercises, the par ents club of the high school gave an informal reception on the lawn. Flowers and palms for the baccalaureate and commence ment exercises at the high school were provided by Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Matthews in memory of their son. Jack, who would have been a member of this graduat ing class. Jack Matthews was the victim of an automobile ac cident a few yean ago. NEWS OF THE THEATRES ft ' sga. an atiT . Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier enact a stirring love story in Alexander Korda's "That Hamilton Womanl" Opening Sunday at the Esquire theatre. tm 'VI- ' .r'afi,' W ' r w v Dorothy LaMour. Bin9 Crosby and Bob Hope lend their laugh-provoking talents in "Road to Zanxibar" currently playing to Pelican theatre audiences. CROSSING STREET C. M. Carr of Wenatchee. Wash., guest at the Willard : hotel, was struck by a car and knocked unconscious as he was crossing the street near the Wil lard about 10 o'clock Friday night 11c was taken to Hill side hospital for treatment, where it was learned his in juries were not serious. Driver of the car, James Dnvld Allen. 53. Paso Robles. Calif., failed to stop Immediate ly, according to police, but drove around the block, park ed, and mingled with the crowd. When police questioned persons in the crowd as to who owned the car with the suspici ously bent headlight, Allen stepped forward and identified 'himself. Allen was held at the I county jail for failure to stop at the scene of an accident. FLEET OF HUGE 72-TON PLANES READY IN YEAR KANSAS CITY, May 24 (API A fleet of 80 huge 72 ton planes. An air armada cap able of carrying 10,000.000 pounds of cargo from the Unit ed States to the Canal Zone in 48 hours, will be ready by next summer, Fack Frye, presi dent of Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc., said today. Each plane, Frye said, would be powered by four engines of 2,900 horse power with a top speed of 350 miles per hour and a capacity for 164 passen gers or more than 100 soldiers. The plane waa conceived by Frye and Howard Hughes, mil lionaire sportsman-pilot, and de signed with their aid at the Lockheed company. TWA and Pan-American Airways each has ordered 40 of the air leviath ans, the first of which la sched uled for trial early next April. The plans, described as the largest and fastest transport of a landplane type in the world, will be able to span the con tinent In 84 hours, the Atlan tic ocean in 12 to 14 hours. The government approved pro duction of the huge ships, Frye said, because of their potential usefulness aa troop transports. 'To give you an Idea what a fleet of 800 of these ships can do," Frye said, "listen to this: They can fly 10,000,000 pounds of cargo from the U. S. mainland to the Canal Zone In 48 hours, can transport three modern divisions of troops to Alaska in 36 hours, 24,000 troops to the Canal Zone in 36 hours, or 15,000 troops to Hawaii in 48." Frye estimated that each would cost $500,000 and said the cabins would be super charged to allow passenger comfort up to an altitude of 30,000 feet. More than one-half the gold mined in South Africa is pro duced in the Transvaal. A veteran fireman is called a "harquebus." Labor day was set aside as a day of "rest." Long's peak, Colo., Is 14,255 feet above sea level. Normandy is a district of France. John Parker Funeral To Be Held At Elks Temple Tuesday At 2 P. M. The passing of John Jehu Parker on Friday morning fol lowing a brief Illness, brought to a close an active and Interest ing life, 33 years of which were spent in Klamath Falls. Funer al services will be held Tuesday at 2 p. m. from the Elks temple. Mr. Parker was born on Feb ruary 17, 1869, in LaFayette, Indiana, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Parker. At an early age he moved with his family to Kansas. At the age of 18 he en tered the employ of Wells Fargo company as driver of an express wagon at Independence, Kansas. In his early 20 s he waa transfer red to Portland and for a period of years worked for the company as train messenger, going as far south as Dunsmuir, Calif. Early in March, 1908, Mr. Parker was promoted to the posi tion as express agent and as signed to the Klamath Falls of fice. He came here by the old Pokegama route, finding a small village of a few hundred per sons, ar.d the business section lo cated from the banks of Link river to Third street. For a number of years the ex press business was handled with horses and wagons. During Mr. Parker's years as agent the com pany's business grew to require a number of modern trucks. Among Mr. Parker's treasured souvenirs are many pictures of the early day transportation fa cilities of the company, as well as the first express offices in Klamath Falls. One interesting picture is that of a carload of elk which was handled by Wells Fargo express about 1912. They were brought from Enterprise, Ore, and" un loaded at Chiloquin, hauled on sleds to Linsy Sisemore's ranch and later liberated in the Seven Mile territory. Mr. Parker found keen enjoyment in relat ing such incidents and exhibit ing mementoes collected during his many years of service as the express agent of Klamath Falls. After 45 years oi active serv ice, 29 of which were spent in Klamath Falls, Mr. Parker was retired to the American Express company's honor roll and since that time has enjoyed the plea sures oi his home at 803 Lincoln street. On May 30, 1910, he was mar ried in Portland, Ore, to Marie M. Smith. They immediately purchased the corner property at Eighth and Lincoln streets and have always resided at that location. Mr. Parker's son, Cleo, was an express company employe under his father in Klamath Falls and was later appointed agent at Coalings, Calif. He passed away a PHI ( L Jx i He ''I I I in April, 1937, in Sacramento. Mr. Parker waa a charter member of Klamath Falls lodge. No. 1247. BPOE. and served as the lodge's exalted ruler during the period of April 1, 1914 to Ap ril 1, 1915. The Elks will have charge of the funeral services Tuesday. VITAL STATISTICS RIDDLE Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore, May 23, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Riddle. 922 Fulton street, a boy. Weight: 6 pounds 14 ounces. LEE Born at Hillside hospi tal, Klamath Falls. Ore., May 24, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Lee, 240 East Main street, a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 10 ounces. LAURENT Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore, May 23, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A. Laurent, 1435 John son street, a girl. Weight. 3 pounds 11 ounces. CLARK Born a t Klamath Valley hospital. Klamath Falls. Ore, May 24, 1941. to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clark. Harlan drive, a girl. Weight: S pounds Hi FULLER Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Falls. Ore, May 24. 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fuller, 2026 Apple gate street, a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 2 ounces. BIELER Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore, May 24, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bieler, Bonanza, Ore, a boy. Weight: 7 pounds 1 ounce. HOME DEFENSE PLAN RELATED BY LAGUARDIA WASHINGTON. May 24 (At Mayor Florello La Guardia, di rector of civilian defense, out . lined a sweeping nation-wide program Thursday for enlist ment of men, women and chil dren over the age of 14 years for volunteer home defense duty. The New York mayor said the hundreds of thousands of etU sens expected to register for emergency tasks must be pre pared to submit to "strict and rigid discipline." "The civilian forces will com into action only in times of emergency, and in such time every individual must know ex actly what his task is, and must be able not only to give orders, but to obey orders," the civil defense chief declared at his first press conference here. La Guardia said four divi sions of the new office would be created as rapidly as pos sible, but pointed out It would take considerable time to get his organization into action, and that the cost would be great He said the work would pro ceed in this order: A public safety division, to provide for protection against fire and bomb damage to Ufa and property; this division would include the civilian aircraft warning service being estab lished by the office of emer gency management. A health and medical train ing division, to set up hospital ization facilities in event of at tack. An engineering division, U train units for street and high way clearance, maintenance of water supplies, gas and electric al service. A division of shelter and food supplies, to cover housing, wel fare and evacuation of cities. He said women and children would be used in first aid, sal vage, nutrition and other works. Mi poison had Josephine but alasl No Wieland'a Bwl a l BATES, M LIVELY m PEARSON ki Insurance General Aaents and Underwriters rmltm M. Wmnm Insurance General Aaents Brl T. Lrraly ley year Insurance and Surety Bonds through your own local agent from companies listed below and keep mora of the Premium Dollars in Oregon rail O. Bate BE 7381 Yton Bldg., Portland, Of. Ata Casualty and Surety Company f ifKrtfftrt. In ! mat of rVsnnH ktrt . mi thai ihirty-firM tir nf Iwrnrxr. 1W. mil ta I ho tntmrmnr rimmiMlor of Uit Mai m Oratjoo, pariniauit u Uw; Cavpltal asf satLOltaU arfnrk faaM ....ff tran,vtwj ux iim rr UT.MT.m It Mortal. aiTWioesflg ana mi feAnm from ethar wHircaj r at unM um mr si TJ) gMaM fJ.t.T.ST.M St. In Sam, tat. Id ntirtnc ih- ynt I ft r lu all a atdltiatmant ar- tneaa ll5.trM.04 Tt aunns lb rr U.1SS.MT.M Tur.M. n sa fN paid dttrtas tha mr S.OU.ttl ttvidtndt- paid on empllAl stock diirtng im rcsr . LtM.OOA.OO Amount x all etbar upandl- luro U Total axpajfsdltarw SU.0M.e24.7f AdnrttW AsatMa Tahia at? rani aetata awnad book vaJua. $ L0tC.tU.fM Uamn oo mortfavcw aad aol lataraj. ate SSfl.MT M VsUtja r bonda md ...... 4fl,fK3.m VaJua r -trwka owntd J ft, 437,1 77. (W Caah in banki and on hand t,0fta.BT.43 rrrmiumi id aouraa nr collar ttm wriitan alnca Baptarabar So. i4fl fcOM.m.W ntorrat and rata dot tad aa- rtnad tftS,W Otfcar aavata (nat) I71.& ITO.ttt.tTt.U feVoaa alaJmi for loaa-. unpaM I ne tad lac adjuattntbt aa- tMnaaa unpaid SM.ScTT.I Am mint sf unarnr1 premium on an ml at and l nR rHka ... lt.Ul.M ztaa for commiajlori and twt ataraca 1.1J0 M T7 An trtivr RmnfmtM S.70.IM7 M ....... tit ran art ai Qsapttatl patd ap .j .i,om.nno,on Purpkia awar an BaMTIUaa ... ia.33V.607.ST ..fT0.ttt.5Tt.SSi VM aratnnuaa raoairad durtJoc tt raar f ltt.THl.TS Pt toaaa paM ttarlar ih rr so.ia,t ft AtTTOA CAHI'AI.TT AND BfTRETV MOROAN B- BRATKARD. PrS. JAJfSB B. SUMMON, Ban. naasaarr tnnMaat aitoraay for aarrrtra, fM a BkUaa. Taon BulMInf, Porttaad, Or.: "oeata mat tn dafanlt ara earrlad at am-; Uaad ramaa; bnnda to dafanlt and atorka1 W ckfarrlad at tnarkH tiIdn, ncv atrvk i aa arrniatatl rmpanjr, vtuoh la aunad The Automobile Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. on th Ihlrtr-flrtt dar of rvromhor. 1t(f, mfl trt tha Inauranra CnmmtaKlnnar of lb tata oi urafcm. ptirauani to utw, rwptlal AiRAunt at aannaJ ataek faaM Up 1,000.000.00 Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection ond Insurance Co. nf IfaHfnrd. tn I ha fit ara nf Connect 'rut on tha tMriy-fimt dav ct Drfrmlw, 1M0. mart in I he inauranr-o t'ommif ionr of tna etata oi orgon, puriuant to law; Capital Amnunt of ea ratal itock uahf up S, 000,000. 00 Nrl prrtntunu ntcalvad at tartar tha year fll.SST.31t S4 tniarvit. dinimda and raau tw'lv4 durtna tha year ... tSt.fttS.OS: Ineom from MMr amirraa ra- I caivtd during tha jaar IST.ltt SO Total l1i S1S.134.U1. 49 gaa paM dtirlnir tha yar - inriuaiaa aaiuairnaoi ax- r"a f S.SS3.STS.SJ ComniMlAaa and aalarlaa paid dunna tha yaar 4 SM.l4a.t4 Tajira. llcanaaa and faaa paid during; tb yor SSt.TTi.S4 Dlrldnd paid on eapital atock diirina tha raar ... TOO. 000. 00 Amonnt of All othar axpandl- luraa 1.SU.M0.S3 Total axpantttturaa SlS.SST.Ooe.03, AdaMta4 Aaaaaa Vahia af real aatata aauad (tnajiiat valiiat f n.Tt.4 Loans, on mortsaaTaa and aot- latrral. air lS,tS4.0t vania ot ponaa ownaa tarnor ltM, lM4S.10t.S3 Vaina of atocka own ad ma hot raliMH l1.1S1.3rtaon naah In bank and on hand .. S,S4t,02S.37 rrrmiuma in oouraa or mtiae (Inn writ lan ainca Bf nttrmrMrr SO. 1W0 aLaan.S4T.tA Int wai and ranta doa and no rruad tj0.T1S.TT Othar aaaata tntt) , , , 10l.4M.S3 Total admit lad aaaata ...... S3S.tSl.lTt.07 Uga4Jfttaa Omaa elaima tor loaaaa urnatd S S.S3&.B41.S0 Amount ot iinanmaa pramiuni on all eutatandlnf riaka ... lASlS.t05.4t Duo. for coauniaaioa and bra- kra tt.SM BO All hr nahtllfiat ....... .. 1.075.272. M ConUnianey raaarra TOO 000,00 Tnlal BaMnuaa. ascaet aanl. tal S14.T33.tftH M Capital paid op R.rwxt.onn.nn urplaa ovar ail nabtntlaa t,3AS.aoa.T9 ..St4.SM.S0.Tt Dtal 1 3ft. Ml. 374.07 Ba-rtaaaa ai Oraaaa far tka Tear Nat prnntuma racairad durlnr ttsa war S 1M.TM.SS Nat loaaaa paid dUTta Um rar 00,3 7 4. is TO AFTOMATtnje TNBritArfCfB CHX OP RABTFOBD. CONN. j SfOROAN 9. BTtATNARP, Praa. i 3AUF.H It. SUMMON and HARRY N. Smith, Bwratarlaa. tatotoiT faatdani attoroar tor aanrlc. Paul a Bataa. i Mrt pramlutna racatvod chirlng the year f Tnitrraf, dlvidandi and ranta rffld during; th year ... Inrom from other otircaa ra crlvad dunng Uta yaar ..... Total Incona .. S.1DS.483.T4 TST.OOO.ST STS.tAlM I T,Slt.4t.U Nrt nna paid dtir-tntr the yaar inciudlni adjustment as panaea S Commualooi and aalarlaa paid durtDf tha raar Tax. li-na and faaa paid during thr year Dlvidrnde paid on capital atoek during the year Amount of all othar axpandl. turaa ..................... l.ltl.008.44 l.SOa.4H.4T aOS.ST4.T8 tO0.0O0.00 3.341.144.80 Total aKpandttaraa S6.S44.1S3.44 Adaninod Aaaata Valna of taal artata oernad (markftrahjol t94.44S.St Loam on mortgagaa and eoL lateral, etc Valua of booda own ad (amor i tlifd) .. .301.lt3.St; Valua of atocka owned (market valua) R.341.441 Rfll Canh in hanka and on hand .. L3tft.4tS.7Si rremmma in roiirie or coiiao tion writtan alnca Bautembar SO. lftiO . Ma.HM.tT Internal and ranta dua and ao- fruM TA.11T.1S Other aurti (net) ........... 13.71S.93 Total admitted aarrta S30.S3t,T30.60 IJaVhIIIIWsJ Oroaa alalma for raaara on- Plt SlT.ttt H Amount of nnearnad nremluma i on all otitatandlnr nk . .TSS.SIT.SS, Dua for commlaaloa and bro I krrara 11.30 3.-V All othar nabfttttaa . Total UablUUaa. axMrd aanl- tal t a am man fanital natd tin l a nno ixin no Snrpiua over ail BaMIItlaa .... S.03a.TOft.Ki lurpm aa raamrda boMct. fioldara . Sll.038.T00 B.T Total S30.S3S, 720.40 ; ItaejfNiaa ka Orrroai far the Veaw Nat prrraluma racelvad during thr vrar S AR.tTS S3 Nat loaara paid during tha rrar 33,4.'2.38 TrTK HA RTIXiHn BTKASf BOIXFR irfRPECTIOrV A Nit INAVKAMCR CO, ' WM. H C. CORSON. Praa. C. KDGAR BLAKK. Sac. fttatulor raalrtt-nt atlornav far aarvlea. Karl V. Urely, Portland, Oregon. City of New York Insuronce Company of New Torfc. In thr fit at of New Tot. the thirty-met day of Pet-ember. 1940. made to the insurant Cnmrnl-tmonar of UM Slate ot Oregon, puriuant to law; Capttal Amount of eaoltal atoek naJd up tl.5M.0O0.00 Net eremluma racelTrxt dorlnar tha yaar . S3.S3S.llt.S4 iniereat. amaenai ana renu ra- relved during tha jrear Inei'me from other aoureaa ra- ctivad during lb rear ..... 144.tll.Sl Total toeotna ...... Dl thai at lines ta Net loaaaa paid during tha year IntludlBl adJualzBanl ax. penaeu Sl.SSS.TtS-TS commiaaiona ana aaianea pata during tha year 1.0O3.T4S.T4 Taxea. llr-enaea and faaa nald dunng the year Dlridendi paid on eapttal atoek during tha year ISO. 000. 00 Amount at all other axpcrjdt turea SOt.44S.TS Total akpaitdltuiaa S3,t40.S3S-40 AdraHSM Aaaaaa Vahia of real aetata ownad .... Long on mortgagaa and ooHaU erat. etc. Valua of bonda ovnad lamotN tired Sl.4T3.lfJ0.S3 Value of atoeka ownad (market . a.eTtt.Tno.on Cash In bank a and on hand Premium! In count a of collec tion written aioca Baptembar 30. 1940 Interest and rrntj doa and aa rniro . ............ Other aaaata (net) ........... BM.S14.S3 Total admitted aaaata .......15,434,067.64 Uabllrttea Orosw clalmi for loaaea unnaM I t0S.STS.00 Amount or uneamea pmniuma on all raitetandlnr Hk . tfion Dua for eommtaalon and brokar aga None All other UabllKlaa . .. 80,000 00 fW.t MiMMIu US . i.-aoirai oaia up i.nnn.mai nti Burplua over all HaMMfe: .... 1.14S,M)7.54 Btrrnhu aa ragarda polleytsoM ara ....S3. 448. SOT. 84 Total SS,S3S,05?.M Rnahtraa ka Orrt-sta far tha Tear Net premtuma rreclvad during the year $ HS.TTI.M Nat loaaea paid during tha yaar. TO.tSO.00 CITY OF JfSTW YORK nfSTJatANCB 4TOKFANT HAROLD V. BafTTR. prat. I WAN K8COTT. Bae. Rtatutorr raaldant atlorner far aarvlAa. K1U) Kbodaa. Philadelphia National Insurance Company of Philadelphia, rn tha Btata of rVrmryl vania. on tha thlrtr-flrat dar of Decern her. 1940. made to tha Inauraxra Comrnluloaar oc ua wata or u re goo. punroani u jaw; Nat nreenhiBaa reatatrrad dartnaT tba yer S T4M0S.4O laterart. dtrtdenda and ranta received durtng the yaar ... Inonma from other aouroaa ra- atvad during tha yaar ......; Total feMotM t SS3. 040.37 tSS.T8S.St 3tl.T3T.0B setoost 00,000.00 Commiaalona and aalaflaa paid during tha yaar S Taxea. Ucanaea axid faaa paM during tha yaar Dhridenda paid on eapital atoek during tha year . Amount of all othar axpandl turwa ...................... Total Valna ef mark at valua) dB.SO0.00 boana on mongagaa ana ootiAi- eraL ate AO.aTTaV.lS Value of bonda owned (aunor- naeat x.aov.aio.oa Valua of atoeka owned (market mine) i.Jtt,aoo.oo Caah in banka and on band ... 410,341.17 rriminnn in courae or eoitee tion written sane amamnar so. 1940 rate rest and ranta dua and ao- erued t, 117.4.1 Other aaaata (net) iri1TT, t. 430. 30. Total admitted aaaata 33,007,144. 44 Oroaa etalrae tor loaaaa onpaM S 88,844.00 Anouni oi unearnea premiuma on all outstanding risks Dua for commission and broker ago . S.SnO.Ot All other uaMiiuea ... .. 64. 303. is Total UablUUaa. axoant tal a Bin it a ta rapltal paid rrp ......31.000,000.00 surplus over sui namiruea ..... i.3SB,74T.aa Burnma aa rejcarda Dutkjtsutd- are ..S3.S84,T4T.t8 Total ....... 0t7.144.44 Rwabaeaa ta Onwaej for ttaj Tear Net premtume ncarred durtng nti ymr a Nat loaaaa paid durtng Uta rear 3, 344.47 rrrnDEUviA nattonai. cttsTjsLSjrcs CXMaTFANY OTHO VS. LAinL Free. A. ntVTM VOBS, Bee. frtatutorr raaldant attorn er for aemioa. Bath B. Tbompaoo. Jjtaniranoa CommUalonar. Merchants and Manufacturers Insurance Co. of New York of New York. In tha Btata of New York, on tha thirty-first day of December. 1940. made to the Insurance Commissioner, of Uta Btata at uiifua, fiurcueuit 10 iew. Amonnt af aaottal atoek naJd ..fJ.BOO.OOO.W Mat awamftnna neairad dtutnc tha year 41.533,531.37 uiereri, ornaanaa ana renta racelyrd dunng Uta year .... 111. Tnrpma from other arsii n aa aa. earred dunng Uta yaar ..... 84.144.87 Total I Mat inane paid durtng tha yaar icciviiil SMUueiAem ex- Commlaalorja and naual during tha year tT0,14S-3T Taxea( licensee and faaa paM dunnjt the yaar 4t.144.43 Dividends paid on eapttal atoek ounni uia year VAOV.WU Amount of all othar expand!. Urea SS.SeTT TMaS eanaadltBrai ..SI, 801,1 43. 00 at teaHt it Aaaata VahM of real aatau ownad Hone Loans on naortxasraa and ooaaa era), etc. B Used) 1,53.37494 Value of atocka earned (market valua) J. 040. 999. 84 Cash in banka and on hand . . T07.alJk.L3 jrarniums in eourae or eoiieo. uoa wnttaa aiaoe September 30. 1840 m e XBteraat and ranta doe and aa mad 1MM M triner aaaata ttmj - - , , . . , . 38 330 o3 Total admMtad tateets ...... S3, TS9. 943.83 Oroaa elatmj for Voeaaa unpaid S 3M.t8t.41 Amount of on earned premiuma on aQ outstanding risk 1,074.130.10 Due for oommlssioo and bro- kerare 13.000.00 AU outer nabOtUaa ..H.H..H tt.34l.33 Total ttebtiHlee, axoapt eapi tal i ten sui ai Capital paid op Sl.000.0ii0.00 Burplua orer an HabUltlea .... Strrnrue aa twgrarda eolirhoad- era Total S3.7S9.t43.43 a Hi 1 ta Otawaa) far tka Yeear Net prrrnhtma racatead durlnr tha rear . a 90 staa nex wears, paua aurrag toe year. 10.507.97 leTtrasaArfTB ANT MANITFAfTTJaUtBB WBXTsXANPB OOSTPANY OF NW YORJE! JOBEPH If. BYRNE JR., Praa. JOHN P. BREEDEN. Bee. Btatntorr raaldant at torn for awrvtaa. Inauraace Commlee toner, atalein. Or. Capital Fire Insurance Company of California of Sacramento, m the Btata of California, on tha thlrtv-flret dav of December. 1940, made to the Insurance Commissioner Of Uta Btata of Oregon, pursuant to taw: 3tt.t4T.00 80.973.83 30.33413 Amount af aanttaJ atoek paid Nat premtama raeelved durtns the year S Interest, drrtdtnda and ranta re. erlvcd dunng the year . ' Income from othar eoumaa ta eetred dunng Uta year ...... Total Dletm .-S 34. MS. 95 Nat loaaea paid during the yaar Including adjustment ex peneaa S Commissions and aalartea paid during the yaar Taxes, licensee and teea paid durtng tha year . Dividends paid on eapttal atoek during the year Amount of ail other expendi tures ...................... Total 131.409 SO 100. 735.84 18.001. SO Hi 00. 305. IS I S 8443.81 3.M Nona tl4.306.S3 Vahsa af real eetal market vaioei g Leans on mortgagee and eortat era, etc Value of bonds owned (am 00 Uzedl 1 Value jt atocka owned (mar ket valuet Cash In banks and on band .... Premiuma In course of eoiletv tion written since September 30. 1940 Interest and rents due and ao- erued Other assets (net) Total admitted aaseta ......43.350.344.51 LiabUIUaa Oroaa etalma for loeaee unpaid. $ 36,490.43 Amount of unearned premiuma on all outsUndlng risks 310,503.84 1 Dua for commission and broker age 3.3T3.M U outer ttabumae it.808.43 Total ttabaruea. except eaD4- tai a sa.1 tan ve 'apuai pajrj up ourpnia over ail naminiea .... 883,200.70 Borproa aa regards pollejTnold ..Sl.SflB.300.T5 Total . ...S3.350.3S0. 51 Net premiuma received durtng the year $ 54.017 M Nat loaaea paid during the year 5.480.84 CAPITAL PlstE DraiJBtANOB CO. OV CALIFORNIA KAY DECKER. Praa. A. C. ORIFFXN, Bee. Btatutorv reatdant attornav for aaatea. Paul C Bates. PorUaxxl. Oragoa. 1 BINUPBU OF ArTNTTAL STAT OP THE tafayete Fire Insui Company of New Orleans, tn the Bute of lVitafatarata on Uta thlrty-flret day of December. 1040. made to tha Insurance Commissioner af ttet State of Oregon, pursuant to law: ABMuat of eapttal stock paM ap ............ ............f ez 000.00 Net prats luma raoalvad duitew the yaar I 3M.t40.3B Interest, drrtdondi and rents re calved dunng the year t SS.S0T.Sf Ineome from other eon rose re calved durtns Uta year ...... 3.083.80 Total ..S ltl.31S.4t Net loaaea paid durtng the yea including adjustment ex- pensee -3 SS.TN.SS Oommiastons and eaUartea paid during the yaar . S4LSTO.0O Taxes, neensea and faaa paid dunng the year A 863. OS Dividends paid on eapttal stock dunng tha year St, 000 .00 Amount of all other expand!- tares S4.0M.SS Total expeadlturre Adnaitte Vahte of real aetai (market value) f as on mortgages and eotlat eral. etc - Value of bondi owned (market or amort lied) Value of atocka owned (market value) Cash in banka and on hand ... tremiume in course or collec tion writtan since September so. lfiso Interest and rests due and ao- erued Other assets (net) Tutsi idmitteil nsseta 147.I4SJS 1.13(.313J Oroaa claims for losses unpaid. $ amouoi 01 ununua premiums on all outstanding risks ISO.ttt.SS Due for exanmisslon and broker age 9.000.00 All other BablUtlea ........ 80, 400.04) Total BabllrUea. except eapt tal a ten aaa vi Capital paid 'op" ".....I 300.0O0.0 Burpsua unr sui ubdiduw ..... eMs.eov.vat ...31.134. 313 JO 1 tar Ctas Tea Net premiuma raoalvad durtng the year S fcS04.Br Net losses paid durtag the yaar 4 96. IS LATA 1L I'll FTJU5 nMJWtAJHM COfttPANT JOHN X. WSXlWANlf, Prsav . OEOROE J. WEQsIANN, Begy ' Btatutarv resident attorney t Insurance Comralsslonar. This Agency Has Rcprcsentcil Bates Lively and Pearson's Companies for 15 Years tWikii Satisfactory Results for Our Customers and Our Office M. L. tJ(D)MM(D)M. Iinisiuiipaimce 412 MAIN STREET 14 YEARS IN ONE BLOCK JL