PAGE FOURTEEN PINE ond ESPLANADE Bring your ads to The Herald and Newt office, and get the low Paid In Advance Rate. 12 Educational WELDERS earn $10.00 or more a day. Shipyards in serious need of thousands of welders. Ask about our complete weld ing course. Part payment af ter employment in shipyards. California Aircraft Institute qualifies you for the job. For interview, write Box 4993. News-Herald. 5-22 SHEET METAL AIRCRAFT Men trained in 4 weeks. Small fee for materials. Balance af ter you become employed. California Aircraft Institute, Inc.. Los Angeles. For person al interview with bonded rep resentative write Box 4992. Herald-News, giving age, exact address and phone. 8-22 Health DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED Usually 1 to 3 hours. Dr. Gordon Ledingham. S-31mtf 14 n.lp Wanted. Female WANTED Woman for house work. Room, board and wage. 349 Alameda. 1309tf STRONG, experienced woman to take care of paralytic. Refer ences. P. O. Box 266, Dorris. 5-24 WANTED Experienced woman for slip cover work. Apply at 2313 So. 6th. 5 26 WANTED Reliable woman to help with housework and care of 3 children. Mrs. L. Free man. Yamsay. Ore. 5-23 IB Help Wanted. Male WANTED Experienced shoe salesman for part-time work. LaPointe's. 5-22 SALESMAN! We have a money making deal for a live wire. Season Just beginning and this is a Nash year. See Mr. Me Curdy at Wisener Nash Mo tors, 11th and Main. 5-23 WANTED Office man who can handle good-sized sawmill pay roll and general office work. Give age, references, exper ience. Box 997, News-Herald. WANTED Operating mill wright who can take full charge of sawmill. Salary based on experience and abil ity. Out-of-town. Give age. experience and references. Box 996. News-Herald. 5-22 18 Situations Wanted SHJPMAN NURSERY Chil dren cared for. Day, week, month. Phone 7365. 1913 Wantland. 6-21mtf GIRL wants light housework or care of children. Dial 4768. 5 24 WANTED To contact employer j desiring well qualified steno grapher, not afraid of work. Phone 8331. 5-23 BAR TENDER or restaurant work. 14 years experience. 213 Prescott Phone 6S06. 5-22 TRAINED NURSE Phone 5555. 6-1 OFFICE MAN wants permanent position with pine box or lum ber company. Twelve years' experience and good reference furnished. Box 4995, News Herald. 5-30 HOUSEKEEPER, 30, wishes work, room, board, $3.00 to $7.00 week. Answer fully. P. O. Box 334, Klamath Falls. 5-23 WOMAN WANTS hour work. Phone 5848. 3-23 20 Room and Board ROOMS Board if desired. 1018 Washington. 2012tf BOARD AND ROOM in modern home. Good beds, good food. 1204 Crescent. 5-9 ROOM, BOARD 514 Walnut. 6-26mtf BOARD, ROOM 1545 Sargent. 5-24 VACANCY 1034 High. 6-5mtf ROOM AND BOARD Private, comfortable home. Excellent table. Close in. 1028 Jeffer son. Phone 4765. 6-4 BOARD, ROOM, LAUNDRY. BOARD, ROOM Private home. house. 436 Adams. 5-26 332 No. 9th. 524 MUST SACRIFICE new two- ROOM, BOARD Gentleman. !?f!.dr.oom,. h " m c' Venct'an Phone 6897. 939 Lincoln. m6s: f"?Pla. a" condi- 4o,l( tioned, oil furnace, lawn, 3" shrubbery, built-in dressing BOARD, ROOM, LAUNDRY ,aul! and sports wardrobe. Ladles or gentlemen. 626 No. Scc to appreciate. 4661 Board- 9th. 5-22 man street., St. Francis Park. FHA terms. 5-23 BOARD, ROOM, LAUNDRY rr 340 No. 10th. 5 22 "tw two bedroom unfurnished house to responsible party. No I 22 Rooms For Rent children or dogs. Call at 2510 p Eberlcin, May 23 and 24, bo- NEWLY decorated rooms. 516 tween 9 and 12 a. m. 5-23 Pine. 5-23 - SMALL HOUSE, nicely fur- ROOM in modern home for gen- nished, fireplace, hardwood tleman. Phone 4667. 5-23 floors, furnace. Adults only ROOM FOR RENT 314 Wash- 1545 Sargent. 5-23 fagton. 4648tf FOR RENT 5 room modern. CLAREMONT - 228 No. 4th. &arl0VUrniShCd hoUSe- J?. All outside, newly decorated. ""' 891tf modern rooms. Free parking. BACHELORS' CABINS 425 6-6mtf Willow. 6-5 Paid-in-Advance One day per word Three daya per word Week per word Mouth per word 22 Rooms For Rent SLEEPING ROOM 421 Oak. 5-24 CLEAN ROOM 134 N. Third. 4T99tf LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING Util ities furnished. Inquire 1405 Main. 5-22 24 Apartments For Rent THREE-ROOM APARTMENT Light, modern, nicely furnish ed. Inquire 2119 Applcgate. 524 FURNISHED court apartment for rent. Two rooms, private bath. Wood, water, garage. Summer rates. Inquire Meek er Dairy. 2000 So. 6th. 5-24 NICELY FURNISHED three and four-room apartments. Newly decorated. 825 Grant. 5-24 RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS Everything furnished. S3 and $4 week. 2 Main. 5-24 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Low rates. Utilities. No pets. 419 N. 10th. 6-21 THREE-ROOM unfurnished du plex. Call 6501 or 6579. 5-24 4-ROOM APT. 525 No. 8th. Vacant June 1. 5-23 NEW 2-ROOM APARTMENT Electric stove and refrigerator. Water furnished. 736 Doty. 5-23 VACANCY Alpha Apartments. 6-3 VACANCY Esplanade Courts. Furnished. 5-31mtf COZY 3-ROOM APARTMENT $35. 413 Alameda. 5-23 FOUR-ROOM modern apartment. Two bedrooms. Furnished or partly furnished. Adults. In quire 2119 Applegate. 519tf FURNISHED 2-room apartment Refrigeration, cool, reason able. Woman only. Phone 3775. 5-23 1 3-BEDROOM APT., partly fur nished, near Ewauna Box Co. Phone 3025. 821tf TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment, 125 N. 6th. Phone 6393. 413tf VACANCY 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Marion Apartment. 425tf CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con 'enient hotel service. Day, week or month. 5-31mtf FURNISHED APARTMENT Wash room. 501 Market. 5-22 GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Furnished 2 and 3-rooms with garage. Garden plot available. Phone 5084. 6 1 VACANCY Rex Arms. 6-2 FOUR ROOMS furnished. Elec tric range, refrigerator. Gar age. Phone 5817. 1254tf FURNISHED APARTMENT 221 Spring. Phone 5448. 5-24 FOR RENT Newly furnished two bedroom apartment. 2300 Biehn. Call 4527 or 7266. 987tf 26 Houses For Rent FURNISHED CABINS $16.50. 3543 Summers lane, Richfield Service Station. 5-28 3-ROOM unfurnished house. In quire 3235 Hilyard. 5-22 THREE-ROOM HOUSE Partly furnished. Shower. $18. 1714 Portland. 5-24 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE for rent, $25. Inquire 1304 Worden. 5-24 FOR RENT New 3-room house. Electric range and water heat er. Couple preferred. 4106 Altamont Drive. 5-23 NICELY rURNISHED HOUSE Inquire 707 Washington. 900tf FOR RENT Six-room unfur nished house, $30. 3440 Board man. 5-23 ROOMY AND CLEAN 3 rooms in duplex at 2135 Eberlcin. $25 month. Phone 4195 or 6894. 5-22 2c Sc 7c 20c 28 Miscellaneous For Rent FOR RENT Building 40x50, suitable for storage or shop. Phone 3762. 603 So. 6th. S66tf TRUCKS FOR RENT Move voursclf, save i. Stiles Bea con Service, 1201 East Main Phone 9031 6-7mtf 30 Real Estate tor Sale L i. y, n'i - -- - -'' A BARGAIN We have half an acre of splen- ii il-11 located on Arthur street, formerly Portland Drive. for $500.00. Will take jjau.uu down and payments of $10.00 nlus interest monthly. CHILCOTE and SMITH Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 FOR SALE Three rooms and porch, Lennox addition, $1500. $200 down. FOUR ROOMS, completely reno vated, $1500. $150 down. 333 Roosevelt. NEW four-room house on White St., $3200. $300 down. LLOYD W. RUSK Austin St. off Shasta Way 524 LIGHTS and BRAKES adjusted. Open evenings. Mclhase Gar age. 621 FOR SALE New, modern four room house, garage. Inquire 2418 Kane. Phone 3084. 5-26 FOR SALE Modern 5-room home. Close in. Full base ment, piped furnace, garage, shade trees, lawn, shrubs. Call 725 N. 11th. 5-23 TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE Full basement, furnace, nice yard. Two blocks from Roosevelt school. Phone 3575 between 6 and 9 p. m. 5-26 FOR SALE Modern four-room house. 436 Adams. Owner leaving town, must sell at once. 5-26 FOR SALE Equity in new home cheap. Inquire Stude baker Garage office. 5-26 FOR SALE: Equity in new four room modern home and I acre of land with new furniture at a bargain. 4316 Bartlett. off Summers lane. 5-26 MUST SACRIFICE new two-bedroom home. Venetian blinds, fireplace, air conditioned, oil furnace, lawn, shrubbery, built-in dressing table and sports wardrode. Sec to ap preciate. 4661 Boardman St., St. Francis Park. FHA terms. 5-24 THINKING OF BUYING A HOME? See Gerhard Klink hammer, Superior Home Building Co. Houses now un der construction, one com pleted every few weeks Eli gible for FHA. First Federal loans. Phone 3004. 5-26 FOR SALE 4 acres, 5-room modern house and good out buildings. 3322 Homedale road. Phone 5043. 5-24 FOR SALE Four rooms, mod ern. Eldorado and East Main. Close in. Ideal for railroad. Phone 4533. 4106U ACRE with small house, good soil and roads, city lights and water. $1200 for quick sale. Terms. Christ Huck, 406 Main. 5-22 FOR SALE OR RENT Modern home on Lakeshore Drive. Phone 4082 or see Mrs. Myers, Lakeshore Gardens Nursery. 5-22 FOR SALE OR TRADE 50 acres irrigated land 5 miles from Klamath Falls. Phone 4997. 5-27 FOR SALE BY OWNER No. 2535, 2545, 2555 Shasta way. The first six months are the hardest. I'll make them the easiest. 5-23 FOR SALE-Modern 8-roomed '"d ior ulck salt- -7'4 suburban home on 1 i acres ir- Uerl""'s- L I rigated soil. Call 3291. 5-27 FQR SALE Small sawmill with FOR SALE - Three-bedroom 54 in- Mcrphon sa"' A" house, newly decorated. Phone "m power. S 900 cash. V. I 6511 or 3668. 5-26 Held, 1504 Oregon. 5-27 I 34 Automottr. FOR SALE-Two barber chairs. o,...wv . . - . Koch pole, gas water heater. FOR SALE 1939 Packard Reasonable. Phono 3356. 5-26 I sedan. Only 17,000 miles. New - ..,,. r, 7. . U. S. Royal white sidewall 50 SACKS Gem Seed Potatoes tires, lifeguard inner tubes. fr alc- ,Ja,s' "olard' m''" many accessories. $895. Will northwest of Malm. 5-26 take smaller car in trade. roR SALE Good, clean Netted T. C. Griggs, Safeway Store, Gcm smgc drop seed pota- South 6th. 5-24 tcs q. II. Booth, Bonanza. AUTO REPAIRING Mclhase re' 5 26 Garage. 6-21 Dry PINE MILL BLOCKS HOUSE TRAILER complete with cu; ": 3.0 dci"cd- spacious built-ins. .tova. bed, 2'30 at m'"' Pnonc f folding chairs, clothes closet, and in good shape throughout. pQH SALE At Crescent City. Good tires painted and ready Calif., the complete milling, to roll. Price $165. 5-28 Jogging and camp equipment FOR SALE-'34 Chevrolet 14- f'nen "ob' " oTv ton truck. Long wheelbase. M'lL as whole, or piece by dual wheels. 5249 Miller Ave. plece- Call evenings. 5-22 SHINGLES Red cedar No. 1. 36 Mlsc.llan.ou. Fo. S.I. avin8' 2161 rchar5d;24 SERVICE STATION equipment ,-,., , . for sale. Phone 5713? 5-24 BABGAINS Ir, new and used furniture. Visit Upstairs Furni- Some species of kangaroos are ture Store, 0th and Main, expert t'ee climbers. 5-22mlf THE KFWS AN'D THE HER AT.TV KLAMATH FAT.T5, OREGON 34 Automotive Head The headline tonic in Wa.-hinston. D. C. lodnv Is the Tax Bill Predictions of from a to 10' tax on curs are under consideration It's smart to buy now. '40 Buick Roadmaster Sedan Only driven 10 months by local rancher, looks like a new one, radio, heater and five new rayon heavy duty tires, a real bargain at $1093 '40 Ford Deluxe Sedan A classy unit, low mileage, many extras $"63 '40 Buick Special Sedan This unit is Immaculate from bumper to bumper, drive it, then you be the Judge $950 '39 LaSalle Sport Coupe A quality car, excellent mechanically, S-passcngcr typo, radio, heater and sport light $830 '39 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan Very clean, low mileage, no excuses here $620 '39 Ford Tudor Sedan Deluxe equipment, radio and heater, priced to move quickly $365 '38 Buick Special Sedan Motor thoroughly recondi tioned with genuine Uuu-k parts $630 '37 Chevrolet Town Sedan Former ownership an asset, deluxe equipped $443 '37 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan Rndio and heater $440 '37 Pontiac Town Sedan iti cyl I radio and heater . $430 '38 Pontiac 6 cyl. Sport Coupe ory clean $S23 '38 Pontiac ti-cyl. Cabriolet Radio, heater, very smart 5SH5 '36 Pontiac 6-cyl. Sedan Excellent motor $370 '36 Buick Special Sedan Reconditioned motor $430 '33 Buick Fifty Sedan Reconditioned motor $230 '35 Oldsmobilc Six Sedan A bargain $330 H .E. HAUGER 'Seventeen Years The House of Buick BUICK CENTER Phone 5151 1330 MAIN 36 Miscellaneous For Sal. FOR SALE Logging trailer. Single and dual axle. Geo. Sterner, Macdoel, Calif. 3 24 FOR SALE 1940 Sea King 3 h p. twin outboard motor, used W than 30 hours, can't be told I from new. Cheap for cash, j Phone 7192 after 6. 5 24 9-TUBE RADIO $3. 2 Main. 524 1 FOR SALE Fruit jars. Phone 4494. 5 24 WASHED SAND and GRAVEL for concrete; also pit run. O. A. McCord. Dial 5435. 6 21 FOR SALE Used lumber, 2ti. 2x4, 1000 ft. sheeting, some 6x8. windows and doors. 2121 Garden. 5 24 FOR SALE Seed potatoes. 100 sacks clean drop Gems. J. Micka Jr., Malm. Phone i::l Malin. 5 24 PIANO AND STOOL S45 quick sale. People's Warehouse. 5 28 COMBINATION boat and box trailer. Room 6, Colonial Inn. 5 23 FOR SALE Bicycle, electric range, incinerator and miscel laneous furniture: also daven port and chair, good condition, reasonable. ItilO Division. FOR SALE Two squares No. 1 cedar shingles. Majestic radio. White sewing machine, fruit Jars. Call 5034. 5-23 FERTILIZER $2.00 YARD Sandy loam $1 50 2-yard load; sandy fill dirt 60c per yard. Roy Schmeck. Phono 6817. 6 20 FOR SALE 4-piece wicker set, rocking chair, chiropractor's adjustment table. Hap David. 2311 So. 6th St. 5-24 FOR SALE Four-wheel trailer, electric paint machine, 40 ft. of hose, rowboat. 1103 Cali fornia. 5-23 FOR SALE Electric Spanish Automotive Lines 36 Miscellaneous tot Sale ROLLER SKATES with shoes. New $9.35. Learn to skate with Hammond Electric Organ. Poole's Rollerdrome. So. 6th. 6 12 PLANTS Cabbage, tomatoes, peppers. Crystals. 5 24 SANDY LOAM TOP DIRT 3-yard truck load $2 50 deliv ered. Also real sandy fill dirt Phone 5509. 6 11 CEDAR POSTS 1 5c. Dial 4429.) 1019 Tunnel St. 5-22 FOR SALE Alsike elovcr seed, j test HI1.75. 12c lb. R. J. llanul- j ton. Tulelakc. 5 28 RED OR GREY CINDERS fol driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 3041tf MOVING? Call Klamath Falls-. Transfer and Storage, 101 Klamath Ave. Phone 5672. 6-4mtf FIX THAT RADIO Our busi- i.ess is sound Conner Service Co.. 2007 So. 0th. Phone 6H78. Jll-t south of viaduct. 6 8tf f L-P DlllltV 1....I.I .-n..,. lrt,' rt It'll be a BIRD. Robin-Built is best built. Webfoot Con struction Co., 1430 Klamath Ave. I'honc 6613. Low, low monthly payments. 6-7 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 5-31mtf FOR SALE, KENT OR TRADE Restaurant and store fix tures. Have 60 stools. 3 cash registers. 2 safes on hand now. Also will buy cash register, stools, safes, etc. Hap David. 231 1 So. fith. 6-8 38 For Sale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE Cafe equity in equipment on one year's lease. Will trade on good house trailer. 200 East Main. 5-22 WILL SELL or trade for weaned calf, '20 Pontiac coupe with license. Inquire Roy Beck, near Pelican school. 5 22 GENTLE SADDLE MARE for children. Trade for what have ymr 4220 Shasta way. 5-22 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO RENT Unfur nished house. References. Phone 4494. 5-24 WANTED TO RENT Three or four-room house with fenced in yard. P. O. Box 301. 5 22 KAY'S Used and New Store buys used household goods, stoves, etc. 012 Main. Phone 6309. 5-31mtf 44 Livestock unci poultry NEW LOW PRICES on Jcnks Superior Chicks and Poults. White Leghorns $7.05. Pullets $18. Cockerels $2. New I lamp shires, Barred Rocks, Reds. Brown Leghorns $8.95. Buff Orpingtons $9.95. Bronze or Narragansctt turkey poults $30-$35. 100 pullorum tested. Live delivery guaranteed Free catalog. JENKS HATCH ERY. Tangent, Oregon. 5 28 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef. veal. hog3 and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 5361. Midland road. 5-31mtf 34 - Automotive Nobody Knows You've Seen The Remarkable Values Now Being Offered at E arl Smith Pontiac Used Car Removal Sale 9th & Klamath 44 Livestock and Poultry FIRST $50 takes well. bred 4-vear ld madt horse. Gentle, broke ,r woman or child. See him ilt National Stoek Yards. 3 , nl.i,. sollti. 011 Midland road. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. Rt. 2, Box 498, Merrill-Lake-view highway. 5-23 4b F inanciai LOW COST Automobile Loans "Dinty" Moore IWtnitnc prrnt tmntrirt riftunc pTcinal car tulet flMnln mlilltlnnnl moor A rinru'4) w or iifil ear purrhaira A LOCAL COMPANY 12 Years Serving in Klamath Falls MOTOR Investment Co. 114 N 7th Ph 3325 Lie. M 273. 5-3lmtf AUTO LOANS Borrow money on your car or rcfinanco your present balance Easy terms Cash Immediately TRI-STATE ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION M 258 The Landry Co. Refinancing Phone 5612 313 Main 5-31mtf AUTO LOANS Rcfinanco Or Cash , On Your Car 1 to 18 months to repay. Consumers Credit Co. Dlv. of Pacific Finance Corp 724 Pino M-235 Ph. 5600 3-31mtf LOANS ON VOtlR Al'TnSIOIIII.H Cash At Once! Vonr Cur K'M Not !l Fully paid Fir . . . See Us Today Commercial Finance rnitiiuiATinN II S.iulh Dill 61., kUinalh Folia Phoni I'M Llccntr M !tt illmU TELEPHONE 3124 rhone In our "want ails" for convenience . . by 12 00 noon for regular classification. 34 AutomotW UNTIL at OPEN EVENINGS TURNER'S S N. Ill II I -n Uka Used Lars The cleanest stock of used cars in town . . . honestly recondi tioned . . . fairly priced ... 30- ,J day written guarantee . . . low finance rates . . . that's why we never run a distress sale! Turner Chevrolet Co: 3 Locations Tlilelake Main and Esplanade 44 LWwtoek and Poultry WANTED Alive poultry of all kinds. Martin Produce. I'lmne 3372. (ifl WE BUY LIVE POULTRY and rabbits of all kinds. Trulnvc's Market. Phone 4282. 919 East Main. 6-l5mtf 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Completely equip ped beauty shop. Will sell ! equipment. News-Herald, Box! 992. 9.28 : FOR SALE Large lot with modern six-room house. Close In on highway fill, Medford. Front yard suitable for restau rant or other business, when army cantonment is establish ed. No dealer owner living1 In house. Cash only. Box 932.' News-Herald. 5 22 i FOR SALE Beauty shop. Chrome furniture, best equip ment, parking space, apart ment furniture, all new. Low rent. $900. Half down. Box! B5B, Bend, Oregon. ' 5-22 GOOD GALLONAGE, centrally located, downtown servii e sta Hon available. This is a money maker. Phone 3710. 5 22 1t Charge Hotel F.uch day per word 0 Minimum charge - 23. Mull onlera cash 34 AutomotUy 410 S. 8th St. JACOBS-HOWELL Used Care J '41 Hudson A nnlllirn Sitrlnn only 5000 miles $893 '40 Packard 180 Super 8 Sedan, only (1000 miles $1350 '311 Oldsmobilc 6 Sedan ....$895 '38 Oldsmobile 8 Sedan ... $623 '36 Oldsmnhlle A KrHnn io '.'IB Packard 120 Sedan ... $330 ! '37 Hudson 8 Sedan $393 I '30 Buick 40 Sedan .. $393 I '37 Plymouth Sedan . $443 '.'111 Plymouth Sedan ..........$323 '.18 Chevrolet Sedan . ..... $323 '37 Willys Sedan $243 "IB Willys Sedan $123 "15 Dodge Sedan $285 '35 Nash 6 Sedan $193 "15 Pontine Sedan ....$293 "IB Ford Coupe .. $293 '33 Chevrolet Sedan ...$123 '30 Chevrolet Coupe f 33 "10 DcSoto Sedan .. $ 33 '30 Essex Coupe $ 3S o PACKARD-HUDSON 130 Main Aerosa From Willnrd Hotel, OPEN EVENINGS