TTTK NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FAUX. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN m REPORTS SEND 01 NEW YOHK, May 22 (PI limristi wnr nrwi rccoivcd the prlnclpnl blnme In Willi street tudiiy for reversing the stork mnrkft rally Intf trend. The llt. hesitant from the nlart as Home customer cashed In on the two-day rally, weak ened after mld-duy when Lon don liulletlna told of British Wilting planes withdrawing Vjam Crete. Transfer were around 430, noi) shart-s. Aslile from the slightly more ilepreMlim foreign dispatches, broken thought lightening of commitments waa clue partly to a shnrp drop In mujor commodl tie, npprehension over spread ing government rontrola, taxra and price "ceilings." and doubta regarding any prolonged labor pence. North American, Celanese and American Tobacco "B" were among issues touching new 1941 bottom. In the falling division ware t'S Steel. Itethlehem. General Mnton. US Kubber. Seara Roe buck, International Harvester, Santa Fe. NY Central, Standard Oil (N. J ), Texas Corp., and Phillips Petroleum. Today's quotations: Air Reduction 391 AJ,nka Juneau 4 VasChem rV Dye 152 s American Can 281 AlllsChalmera 80 Am Cor & Fdy . 25 Am Had Sta San 81 Am Roll Mills 13! Am Smelt A Rcf 391 Am Tel tc Tel 1501 Am Tob "B" 6.1 1 Am Water Works 41 Am Zinc LAS 51 Anaconda 251 Armour III . 41 Atchison 281 Aviation Corp 2i Bald Loco . 13 Bendlx Avla 331 Beth Steel 70 Joeing Alrp 121 Used Car Sales Are Zooming! And Why Shouldn't They Be When Such Drastic Action Is Taken? Fide Wide Selection of Good Used Cars to Be Sold Below Book Value. Fords, Chevrolet's, Plymouth, Dodges, Pontiacs and Many Others. We Chal lenge Comparison. Bottom Cut Right Out From Under Prices. Stock No. 126 '38 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan Has not bten recondition d. but ! mechanically OK tlrai good paint lair. EE?.-... $489 Stock No. 2S8A '38 Ford Pickup la mechanically fair, tires poor, fender and body poor. A real car for mechanic to repair $249 Stock No. 383 '36 Plymouth Tudor Mechanically only fair, tire good, paint fair, up holstery good. Priced for ST. $229 Stock Ho. 2076A '34 Plymouth Coupe New paint, motor good, tlraa 75, drastically re duced to new f 4A low level Stock Mo. 383A '36 Ford Tudor Mechanically good, tire 73, paint good, uphol stery fair. Priced to sell Tl $269 alsigec MAIN and ESPLANADE Carload Potato Shipments Mt'h( Season of 1040-41 Season of 1030-40 ej-3SSSE9gf w ww w "f1 "aa w a May to Seasor7 May to Season May Dally Data to Data Dally Data) to Data l- 9 9 0305 IF" 1 B0i 2 26" 35 0331 18 34 7000 3 14 49 0345 13 47 7022 4 3 82 0348 18 .65 7040 i 23 75 0371 4 69 7044 T" IB 94 0390 i9 sT" 7083 7 18 110 0408 19 106 7081 8 12 122 9418 TT 117 7092 9 23 1 49 ' " 044 1 U 128 7103 10 ffl 163 0499 U 130 7114 fl 0 19 0450 9 148 7123 IF" 12 175 0471 3 151 7128 13 20 195 9491 8 156 7131 TT" 12 207 9503 0 162" 7137 li 8 213 0511 3 185 7140 IT" 1 216 9312 4 189 7144 iT IT" 228 9524 2 171 7148 IB 0 228 9324 3 174 7149 Tf 4 232 0328 0 174 7140 20 9 241 0337 1 173 71S0 21 8 247 0343 i 176 7151 22 ' 1 177 7152 23 2 179 7154 24 2 iil 7158 23 2 183 7138 26 1 184 7139 2T 1 185 7180 29 2 187 7182 ' 20 H 1 Tis 7163 30 U 1 189 7164 SI- I 0 189 7164 Shipment by Truck Grand Totala Borden . Borge-Warner Calif Packing .... Callahan Z L .... 191 1 16 19 I Si Calumet Hec Canada Dry Canadian Pacific .. Ill .... 31 1 I said "Don't Coll In the Wholesalers Just Give Me 10 Days. You car owners have proved that you appre ciate the chance at real honest to goodness I values In used cars, but It's going to be nip-and- tuck yet to move the rest of this tremendous stock of can. So come on folk, we're offering still more wholesale values. If you can beat the wholesalers to 'em they're yours at prices far below tho retail market. I leave It to you, Just compare our prices with any you can find in this part of the state. We're under them all. We can positively save you money. But come quickly, there's not many day left. Stock Mo. 347 '37 Ford 60 Tudor Mechanically a x c 1 lent, tires almost new, paint and upholstery very ?QQ aood r STOP and SHOP at the 108 297 7272 Cat Tractor . Celanese iChes & Ohio ... 'Chrysler Col Gas & El Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'lth & Sou J Vern Moor Sales Manager, Balsiger's Stock No. 344A '36 Chevrolet 2-Door Motor excellent tires 50, upholstery good, paint fair. Reduced to the A sal price of 7 421 10s 341 561 21 0! 519 if -i-lA 1 SIGN of the SCOTTIE IMw Consol Aircraft 241 Consol Edison 171 Consol Oil 61 Confl Can 321 Corn Product . 451 Crown Zellarbach 12 Curtis Wright . 8 Doug Aircraft 66 Dupont De N 1431 Kustman Kodak 123 El Pow & Lt II General Electric ....... 281 General Food .. ...... 351 General Motor ... .. 371 Goodrich 121 Goodyear Tire ... 181 Gt Nor Ry pfd 25 Greyhound 101 Illinois Central 71 Insp Copper . . . 101 Int Harvester 461 Int Nick Can 24 Int Pap A P pfd 67 Int Tel & Tel - 2 John Manvill 38i Kennecott 361 Lib O Ford 291 Lockheed 21 Loew s ... 28 I-ong Bell "A" 3 Montgomery Ward 33 Nash-Kelv 3! NatT Biscuit 15s Nat l Dairy Prod 131 Natl Ditt . 101 National Lead 15 N Y Central 12 No Am Aviation ... .12l North Amor Co 12 Northern Pacific 61 Ohio Oil 01 Otl Steel 7 Pac Amer Fish 81 Pac Gaa & El 241 Packard Motor 21 Pan Amer Airway lot Paramount Pic , 11 Penney (J C) 82 i Penna R R 231 Phelp Dodge 281 Phillip Pet 41 Proctor & Gamble .... 301 Pub Svc N J 221 Pullman : 271 Radio 31 Rayonier 12 Republic Steel 18 Richfield Oil 81 Safeway Stores , 381 Seara Roebuck 701 Shell Union 141 Socony Vacuum 01 Sou Cal Edison 24 Southern Pacific 11 Sperry Corp 321 Standard Brand 51 Stand Oil Calif 221 Standard Oil Ind 291 Stand Oil N J 37 Stone & Webster 51 Studebaker 41 Sunshine Mining ,,, 81 Texas Corp 391 Trans-America ... 41 Union Carbide 681 Union Oil Calif 131 Union Pacific 801 Stock No. 353 '38 Ford Panel Just traded la on a new 1941 Ford. Mechanically fair, paint good, tires good. Priced to sell ulek 999W Stock No. 3(1 '34 Terraplane Sedan Motor fair, tire fair, body good. Priced to CAO aell quick W7 Stock No. 314 '35 Ford Tudor Hadlo and heater. Body, fenders and upholstery fair, motor good. Priced to quick $219 Stock No. (2B '36 Ford Pickup Motor good, tire good, body good. In fact a good pickup throughout. Priced ru,:;11......., $199 Stock No. 237A '37 Plymouth In excellent condition, mo tor overhauled, paint good, tire good. Re duced to 7 Stock No. 35A '35 Ford Tudor Motor fair, tiro good, paint fair, upholstery fair. $139 (0 PHONE 3121 United Airllnea 10 United Aircraft 381 United Corporation I United Drug 61 United Trult 63 U S Rubber 211 U S Rubber pfd 901 U S Steel S21 Warner Pictures 81 Western Union 23 Westinghouse 871 Woolworth 27 POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO, May 22 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 3 Cali fornia, 1 Oregon arrived, S un broken, 5 broken cars on track; no brokers' sales reported. LOS ANGELES, May 22 (AP USDA) Potatoes: No car ar rival, 7 car on track; by truck, 27 arrived; market (lightly stronger, no sales reported. CHICAGO. May 22 (AP-USDA)- Potatoes, arrivals 143; on track 346; total US shipments 796; new stock, supplies moder ate; demand very light; for Cali fornia Long Whites, market about steady on best stock; for Southern Triumphs, market weaker; California Long White. US No. 1. 81.85; old stock, sup piles moderate, demand moder ate, Idaho Russets steady on best stock, alightly weaker for fair quality, for northern stock, market firm; Idaho Russet Bur bank. US No. 1, 11.371-55. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., May 22 (AP-USDA) HOGS, salable 900, total 530; market steady to strong: top 10c higher; good choice 170-213 lb. drive-ins large ly 89.50-60; several outstanding lots up to $9.70; off grades down to $9.35; 225-290 lb. weights $8.75-9.00; light lights mostly $8.75; packing sows $8.00-25; choica 120 feeder pigs $10.00; 85 lb. weight $10.50. CATTLE, salable 200, total 250; calves salable 30, total 55; market fairly active, fully steady; medium-good steer $9 80-10.35, including grasa fat steers at $9.50-10.00; common grades down to $8 00; common-medium heir ers $7.00-8.50; odd head $9.00; canner and cutter cow mostly $5.50-6.30; fat dairy cow $7.00- 7.50; good beef cows up to $8.25; medium-good bull $7.75-8.90; vealers steady with Wednesday's 50- advance; good-choice grades $11.00-12.00; common down to $7.00. SHEEP, salable 300, total 330; market steady; good-choice spring lambs $10.30-65; few to $10.75; medium -good $9.50- 10.25; common down to $9.00; medium-good (horn old crop lamb $6.73-7.25; few fat ewe $3.00-23. S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, May 22 (AP) (Fed. State Mkt. News) HOGS: Salable 750. Ac tive, mostly 15c higher; package 230 lb. $10.10; numerous loads, 200-215 lb. butchers $10.00; few overweights, $9.50; odd packing sows, $7.50-8.00. CATTLE: Salable 50. Steers nominal, grassers quoted $9.50 10.00; fed sters scarce; medium to good heifers absent, quoted $8.50; grass cows steady to weak, load 1130 lb. rangers $8.00, cut ters $6.00-50, canner $5.00-50; odd bulls $7.50-8.00. Calves: Salable 15. Steady; good to choice vealers absent, quoted $11.00-12.00: package 196 4b. calves $10.00. few 320 lb. $9.00. SHEEP: Salable SO. Spring lambs nominal, good to choice, 70-80 lb. quoted, $10.00-50; me dium to choice shorn ewes quoted $3.50-4.35. WOOL MARKET BOSTON, May 22 (AP-USDA) Combing I blood territory wools continued to receive quite an ac tive inquiry today but the vol ume of business was rather dull. Buyers were quite willing to pay 90 cents scoured basis. They were hesitant to pay 93 cents scoured basis although this price was paid in a few in stances. Combing quarter blood territory wools have been sold at 84-87 cents, scoured basis. Combings I and 1 blood bright fleece wools were moving in moderate volume at 46-47 cents, mostly 47 cents, in the grease for average wools and up to 48 49 cents in the grease for light shrinking bright fleeces. PANAMA CANAL TRAFFIC During 1938, the Panama canal carried 26,227,268 tons of traffic, as compared to 34,418, 000 tons of cargo carried by the Suez canal during the same year. The Detroit river, at the same time, carried 66,760.000 tons, and the Sault Ste. Marie canal 40,042.739 tons. HOW WOULD LOSE 15 UM Mn, kvlslii Ms. (n itwiwtht Ht rNr nit. N. Rrrt't th Flu tht tl tppttllo t. urn srttt numbers of flrlt sn4 Mira II over th world to Mfflj rHun tcw tit w that Uia m4tra ntv .III fit nor becomingly Welsh rnunelf today. 0t . bottto of Knuchfn Salts ( famous English formuU). Then ever morning baforo breakfast take una half teaanoonrul tn s slass of water eat wliely cut out fatty meats, buttrr. Flying Pivot Man .'I r ICii . . "H ii i "T X 3 When Lonnie Frey hasn't time to step around baserunner attempt ing to break up double play, Cincinnati second baseman simply leaps clear and throws while in air. Cookie Lavagetto of Brooklyn is in dirt Gene Tunney, in one of former ehampion'a rare public appearance on his back, demonstrates for navy officers exerciser he designed to eliminate excess weight abqut midriff. CHICAGO, May 22 VP) Grain prices broke sharply today, wheat falling almost 5 cents a bushel, corn more than 2 cents and soybeans as much a 8 cents at one stag?. Brokers said an outburst of selling followed receipt of word that British air forces were be ing withdrawn from Crete but the explanation that this was for defense purposes resulted in a partial rally of prices. Weak ness of securities and hedging sales associated with the heavy wheat movement in producing areas were depressing factors. The 8-cent break in soybeans was the maximum permitted in one session. After showing losses of as much as 41 to 41 cents, wheat rallied sharply and closed 2 k 31c lower than yesterday, May 97i-981c, July 971-Ic. Corn finished 1-1 ic down, May 721c, July 731c: oats l-2ic off; soy beans 61-7IC down and rye 2- 31c lowr. Earthworms Are Beneficial There may be as many as 50,- 000 earthworms per acre in rich garden soil. Annually, they bring about 10 tons of fertile subsoil to the surface, according to estimates. I deny that the defense of the United States is dependent upon any other nation. Herbert Hoo ver, former president. YOU LIKE TO "S FAT? cream and rich paitrles go light on white bread and potatoes. After 4 weeka weigh yourarlf again and UP ea If you haven't loll pounda of ugly fat and gained that "Kruerhen Feel tng" of greater TlTaclty, more energy and Improved health that to often accompany fat rerinrtton. MFUSI IMITATION Demand and gat only the genuine Krntchen (tha famoue Xnglbb formula) plain or new effervescent, pleasant, sparkling. Bottle lasta 4 weeks and costa hut a trifle. Any druggist. CastUbarry Oru Stare 4 y ' ' . ' LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR BIDS Sealed bid will be received by Ida Momyer Odell, School Clerk, at her office at 116 North 8th Street, Klamath Falls, Ore gon, until the hour of 5 o'clock P. M., May 28, 1941, for furnish ing materials and labor for re pairing roofs of the Pelican City School and the Fairview School, according to specifica tions which can be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Contractors to include alternate bids on the Fairview job ac cording to specifications of the Pelican City job. Contractors to carry their own state industrial accident insur ance. The School Board reserves the right to reject any andall bids. Certified Check or Cashier's Check for 5 of the amount bid to be enclosed as evidence of good faith. All bids to be considered must be accompanied by certi fied check or cashier's check for 5 of the amount of the bid. Ida Momyer Odell, School Clerk 116 North 8th St. Klamath Falls, Ore. M 22-24-26. No. 84. CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartments For Rent 24 Automotive ..34 Business Opportunities .4S Educational 12 Financial .46 For Sale or Trad ,,. 38 General Notices , 4 Health 13 Help Wanted, Female14 Help Wanted. Mai 16 Houses For Rent 26 Livestock and Poultry .44 Lost and Found 2 Miscellaneous For Rent ..28 Miscellaneous For Sal .36 Miscellaneous Wanted -.42 Personals , 6 Real Estate For Sal ..30 Real Estate Wanted 33 Room and Board 20 Rooms For Rent .22 Services .10 Situation Wanted ..18 To Exchange 4n Transportation 8 4 General Notice RAW VEGETABLE JUICES Extracted fresh daily. Also health foods. 131 N. 4th. Phone 4707. 6-9 sT i ill V ;.i :t O.n.ral Notteea LEARN modern or elaaaleal piano the easiest way. Special low summer rate. Fredrick Studio, 727 Roseway. Phon 3302. 6-3 CLARINE'S LETTER SHOP (01 ale inventory now taken. I can aell out now by spllttint up atock, letting card, book club, stationery and gift go M dealer in town, but om wide awake stenographer SHOULD be able to see the possibilities in this shop. This is my last advertisement to sell the shop as Is. 8-24 Personal GLASS Duplate Safety Glass, window glass, plate and mirror, reail vering. Kimball' Glass Shop, 527 Walnut Phone 7371. 6-6mtl CURTAINS homo laundered and stretched. Reasonable Mrs. Shaier. Phon 5647. 6-3mtf WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner part for all make. Merit , Washing Machine Service, 709 South Sixth. -31mtf GRADUATES' SPECIAL dil permanent, 2 for $3.96. Com plete and guaranteed. Dorothy ' Stinson and Beryl Durant Room 501, Medical-Dental Bldg. Phone 6482. 5-22 LAWNMOWERS REPAIRED Always the best for less. Bo denhamer Saw Filing. 331-3 East Main street Phon 4672. . 6-10 SEE MRS. HARNEY for altar ationa, Remodeling. Whytal's. Phone 8222. 6-3mtf I Transportation Go By Motor Coach Shortest Route Lowest Fare to Northern Point One Round Way Trip Spokane $ 1 1 .00 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 9.95 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 1 4.65 Mt. Hood Stages, Inc Busses Leave 1:00 p. m. Greyhound Depot - Phone 8821 6-20mtf 10 Service PAINTING, KALSO MINING Colors made to suit 3534. Leo Bureker. 8-26 HOUSE MOVING, railing, ce ment work. W. McDanlel, 206 Michigan. Phone 7429. t-19 PAINTING, KALSOMINING n. u. riruwn. rnone 220. o-inna HOUSE MOVING, raising, ce ment work. R. B. Hadley, 201 Michigan Ave. Phon 7231. KALSOMINING Painting, Paperhanging. Mac McGarr. Phone 488S. 6-16 YES, we clean and spray sued shoes. Will not rub off oa your hose. Stuart's Shoe Shop. 1000 Main. 6-1 WINDOW CLEANING W also clean paper, kalsomin and painted walls. A. M. Rhoads. Dial 4768. 5-24mtf DOREMUS Rug and Furniture Cleaners. Quick service. Rea sonable prices. Dial 5875. 2012 Orchard. 6-18 NELSON Battery and Welding, 2219 So. 6th. Fenders welded 50c and up. 6-8 FLOOR SANDING and refinish ing. Clifford Golden. Phon 3922. 5-31mtf CALL SHASTA CLEANERS for quality cleaning at lowest prices. Phon 7036. 8441 So. 6th. 5-24 HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene diet. 6848. 6-4 FLOOR SANDING Old floor refinlshed. Norman Fraley. Phone 4001. 8-24mtf BRING YOUR REMODELING problem to Mike Robin. Web foot Construction Co. Phon 6613 for appointment. 1430 Klamath. Loans approved same day. 6-7 PAPERHANGING. Painting, Kalsomining. Dial 6848. Mel vin E. Frost. 6-13mtf DRESSMAKING, hemstitching, buttons, buckles covered. Al terations on new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allen, der, 731 Main, room 216. Phone 7263. 6-lSmtf WM, F. B. CHASE, attomey-at-law. 203 Oddfellows Bldg. Phone 4773. General practice. 921 PAINTING, paper hanging, kal somining. C. A. Konsella. Phone 5066. 6-13 PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, 519 Main. 9-24mtt FLOOR SANDING. FINISHING We generate our own power. C. DuFour. Phon 3996. 8-27mtf SLIP COVERS DONE at Econ omy Mattress and Upholster ing Co. Free estimates. Mat tresses rebuilt $2. Dial 6568. 2313 So. 6th. 5-24