PAGE FOUR THE-NFWS AXD THE HERALD. KI.AMATH FAM5. OREGON May 1fl4i; i I The Klamath News KLAMATH NEWS PUBLISHING CO, Publisher! FRANK JENKINS Editor MALCOLM EPLEY Managing Editor Published every morning except Monday by The Klamath News Publishing Company at Esplanade and Pine streets, Klam ath Falls, Oregon Represented nationally by WEST-HOLUDAY CO, Inc, Sao Francisco, New York. Detroit Seattle, Los Angeles. St. Louis, Portland. Chicago, Vancouver. B C Copies of The News and Herald together with complete information about the Klamath Falls market may be obtained for the asking at any of these offices Entered as second class matter at the post office at Klamath Falls, Oregon, November 13. 1932. under act of March 3. 18T9 Member Audit Bureau Circulation Telephone 3124 SUBSCRIPTION IUTKS Offlctaj Papar f City of KlamaU lalla and klaniUt Couatv. ntttTtnd by eaiflar. pef noatll lllwd h HftW MM MAT PrllTrrrd by ntil. per yu. Is Klamath. Uaa. alado ud sitktjou Counts lVMrrmf by nail. nonlha Dallfarad by Bail, a MoauiB . SBhtrrtptiooa PataMa la Atlranc Economy Shams THE nation's taxpayers and that means the nation's population will be lucky if the current and forth coming economy talk in Washington is anything more than idle babble and sham. There is a considerable movement to reduce expendi tures for non-defense activities. It is absurdity to continue huge outlays for agencies set up in depression times, when there is no longer a depression and employment is steadily rising. That absurdity is heightened when there is ter rific pressure for expenditure for defense. But congressmen are congressmen, and the sternest advocate of economy always wants the other fellow to do the economizing. The same goes for people back home, who put the pressure on their congressmen for allocations. Another factor in the national capital which lessens the chances for economy is the grasping attitude of all government bureaus. Rather than quitting when their use fulness is no longer evident, the bureaucrats always try to get more power and more spending authority. Right now .they are all busy trying to show where their activity has something to do with defense, in order to justify their getting slices of the big defense spending pie. President Roosevelt, an extravagant spender of the public money, likes to taunt congress on the economy ques tion. The president sicks his bureaus into the spending field, spreads government largess over large areas, and then asks congress to make suggestions for the cuts. He has recently indicated it was the responsibility of the peo ple in the house and senate to make spending reductions. But the president has never shown any disposition to let the people in the house and senate take the lead in other fields of government endeavor. A display of leader ship on his part in the matter of reducing non-defense spending would make a most profound impression and would do the country a lot of good. Brother Rat News Behi carried the American (lag within own tax bill has now boon ight of Dakar. j clarified by the latest testimony I before the house ways and NAZI THREAT 'means committee, both on and By PaulMallon WASHINGTON. May :i and other officials who have been consulted by Mr. Roosevelt the past ten days, have apparently all come away- with the impres- Whale of a Sensation SCIENCE, proclaims a breathless newspaper article, has at last affirmed that a whale really could have swal lowed Jonah. It seems that a Dr. Eugene Maximilian Karl Gefling. professor of pharmacology, having little to do one dull day, crawled through the gullet of a (dead) whale. He found it slimy, but definitely roomy. If this unpalatable feat had been performed by Joe Doakes, fisherman, it would have proved just as "much about the Jonah-capacity of whales. But it wouldn't have justified that delectable headline, "Science says " Anyway, it's nice to think that in these days, which are grim and eettinsr srrimmer bv the clock, snmphndv ha the time and inclination to go crawling into whales' Bullets. blockade to P""acy. His state Z secretary, Mr. Hull, followed State Secretary Hull's general ized picture of trade disruption to be expected from a nan vie-1 tory has been focusscd down in grim detail by his assistant Adolf Berle in a local extempor- j ancous speech which was sparse-! ly reported. j From Mr. Berle's speech it Is ; evident be expects first a nazi repudiation of our gold and its off the record mostly off. It was Mr. Roosevelt himself who led the opposition to his own treasury bill, at the instance of Messrs. Henderson and Eccles. This opposition led to the new dealers getting together with the treasury on a halfway com promise as represented In the new excess profits proposal by j Treasury Assistant John L. Sulti- new valllA hill ha AA nr. Ihinlr 4l.i. ! I J " 3V.p nc vouiu j, hn. .,,.,j ,l, - 1 mittce to indulge itself along the same lines. The bill may not be whipped into final shape for The compromise will hit the large established corporations hardest. Jim Farley's coca cola, for instance, if it earned 15 per cent the last 4 years, would be exempt only on 10 per cent. PAY BOOST ASKED A fifty-cent per day wage In crease for all Culinary alliance members has been asked of ap proximately 80 Klamath Falls restaurant and bar establish ments and negotiations are now going forward, it was an nounced Tuesday by G. C. Tat man, secretary of the AFL alli ance. Along with the request went a time limit of June 1 for an answer, Tatman said. Waitresses are now getting S3 per day, dishwashers S3, bar tenders S5, and cooks $5 to $6.50. The executive board of the al liance met Tuesday after noon and it was believed that preparations for a strike vote were being made in the event that no agreement is reached by June 1. VITAL STATISTICS I directed toward ruKKtsi Horn at Klamath the seas. v aney hospital, Klamath Falls. Ore., May 20. 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forrest, .1932 Ivory street, a girl. Weight: 5 pounds 9 ounces. Th. U.t .. Ik. 1J L. . . .. - , . I 3VH WVtWKKi, WIC ym w uic vvuim. t- vuuiu discard gold without danger. If you read at the breakfast table that all the gold at Fort Knox sion he has. been working that had been swallowed up, you long on a substitute plan for would be surprised but would convoying" fo go much further probably continue your break than cofivoyhTg. A fairly well- last. rounded- .tip " consensus of their j More serious would be Gcr opinion has suggested he. wanted many's challenge to our prices. to sweep the seas clear of sub- He thought heavy taxes would ! Everything It made above 10 per marines and raiders. j be necessary to subsidize cotton 'cent would be taxed 60 to 70 The recent new trend of XlCi-, exports, for example. Wc would ' pcr cent cial remarks substantiates these be required to take manufactur-1 3 or 4 weeks, deductions. Mr. , Roosevelt had ed goods from the German dom- ' broadly , likened the German inated world as payment for NAZI FUNDS any of the goods they wanted, i Commerce Secretary Jesse and the resultant unemDlovment .Tnn hi, ikH with a speech emphasizing the in our factories would also have dence that a nazi agent tried to next German threat would be to be financed by the govern- hi iv iho Rritih nntrr.i i ih domination of ment, he thought. Brown and Williamson Tobacco I' Hitler promised in Mein I mmnanv whan th Rritish n-ori. Details of. how this sea de-' Kampf he could throw this coun- j getting ready to sell. This evi fense line is to be built up in the try into revolution by these I dence largely inspired the gov new Roosevelt plan' arc sup- manipulating trade processes ' ernment policy of lending the twKu w HiYuiTc. luimu vaiuii- pms propagajiaa, according to sion ox air ana sunace pairois Berle. ' i based on experiments Conducted ; Ring Lost Rose Reed, 235 by the head of the Atlantic fleet, i TAX DICKERING Michigan avenue, notified city j These experiments have already j The strange backing and fill police she had lost her wedding, ; ing of the administration on its ring in a local theatre while at- Julius Caesar, poor eld geeierl ,..uw.s 1C ,.,UwC iuesadv. , Hsd o "Wieland'i in his freeier. British money on their invest ments here instead of letting them liquidate. The nazis apparently have large sums of money in this country accumulating from their invest- Haxbins The Haibins of the Eagles auxiliary will meet at the home of Mary Lewis on the Lakeviev.- highway, Friday at 7:30 p. m. LAST DAY PRINO PARADE" "MCM ACAINtT THI SKY" TOMORROW JEAN ARTHUR GEORGE BRENT "Mote THAN A SECRETARY' aVii tot il W'Zff Regular W A I c M Matinees J '!rm ff General ..:.30e' 5 ml T)!aaw?r Evenings fjf f?- fV e4'ieT,r General .... 40e 1 Loges S5c fi2r Atl OX THE SCKEES 4$PlleBrn e inside of bigtime politics! vV my -1 axuiua vnnn-iwiinn Bill reilf Uflli -ji. 'V .,i I SHOO last Times tonight rtkjuntt - Tin i:ir THEGnEIIT HniERicfln BnnnDHiST Notice! IN ORDER TO COMPLETE EX TENSIVE RE-MODELING AND RE-DECORATION, THE PINE TREE THEATRE WILL GLie AFTER TONIGHT'S SHOW FOR A LIMITED TIME! WATCH FOR BIG RE-OPENING! 03DDOQT TTDDEDi ONI OP TOUR HOMI CONTROkUD, MOMS OPIRATIO IHIATRIt menta. As they cannot buy pro ducts from us, the money Is be lieved by government officials to be going largely into propa ganda. As a result pressure for freezing German funds In this country Is being exerted upon the stnto department anew by some other government departments. TO OLENE The California-Oregon Tower company began mi Friday. May 16, surveying the line which starts at the trims former yard located near the Richard Hoeller ranch north east of Dairy and will be built to give the following persons modern power and lights: Harlan I'rmigh, Jim Smith. Sherwood llarmim, Michurl Rueck, Rny Hicks, Art llorslry, Cubert Hrnwn, Albert Ilurgdnrf, Joe Hbrsley, Virgil Schmoe, Ed ward Schmoe and the Juck Mor ton ranch, the former Shook ranch south o' Dairy. Tionesta Mr and Mrs. Merle Staub are visiting In southern California. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry HeiMtcr and Mr. and Mrs. Hud Stewart visited In -Redding last week. Several employes of the Tion esta mill are leaving or huve left in the past week to tuke up ; jobs elsewhere. These Include James Hartshorn. Osborne! Fisher, Russell Hibma, Lloyd I Bassey, Wesley Hassett and Ole i K. Ole.ion. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ward and Jim Barrington visited this last week In Eureka, Calif. New cars have been delivered In camp to Mr. and Mrs. C'luir Brownson, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Starr. Mr. and Mrs. Fincy Dickey. SIDE GLANCES 1 r, v or4 ism- ywi iat av m atBMf r a,c t m ai "Wlinl !o yon mrnn, il 1ihUs like n ilirn ropv? Tlial' tlic lull you were wenrinc when yuti came into the store 1" Bov Iniurprl in rooperntlon as dul mrmtx-ri o( " " ,Mlur-u ,lr -uung" I'olu-e iurd a Gang ROCK Fight warning aiiaimt the throwing of rm-ks whu'li could remit In er One boy wbs slightly injured 1m, mjury. In a gang rock fight ut Shelly and Lancaster streets Tuesday evening according to word re ceived by city police. It is difficult to say which may be nusehit-vous to the human heart, the praise or Following an Investigation : tho dispraise of men parents of the boys promised I Mry Baker Eddy LAST DAY "FREE AND EASY" & "SHARK WOMAN' SOLDIERS IN UNIFORM Special KLAMATH THEATRES ADMISSION RATES 's llegutar I' rice PELICAN AND PINE TREE GIN Iff AL lit TAX U - looii m TAX VININO v OINIRAL 1M TAX 4 - fit LOQII III TAX It - IN VOX OCNCRAL TAX f - 1M RAINBOW 10c - NO TAX TOMORROW and SATURDAY! 67, BIG HITS 4 IL 1 "FEDERAL FUGITIVES" NEIL HAMILTON DORRIS DAY LATEST EWS TOMORROW TOMORROW! HERE IT IS, KLAMATH FALLS S WE'RE BRINGING 'EM BACK ALIVE ! AND KICKING! .-';. aux iuia naa tiiip a va if fli uvu numia . a ""V " ivuk nun f.nmvun :X W Y- THROUGH BRIGHTEST IAFRICA . . . .-.t AND IT'S TOUR-IFFlCt 1 don'i g(( (ir r CVVa VJ l 1 1:! UNA MERKEL ERIC BLORE ,t Dirtcfad by Victor Schartzinger . Screen Ploy by Frank Butler and Don Hartman CARTOON - NOVELTY - and LATEST NEWS ' , ' SPECIAL f'! RATES 4 SOLDIERS r,.j urtuofiM oni op ouh homi uoniroi.ho. hums opinrio ihiaihii i SPECIAL l f RATES fe W SOLDIERS IN UNIFORM